HomeMy WebLinkAbout20080630_2284.pdfDECISION MEMORANDUM TO:COMMISSIONER REDFORD CO MMISSI 0 NER SMITH COMMISSIONER KEMPTON COMMISSION SECRETARY LEGAL WORKING FILE FROM:GERRY D. GALINA TO DATE:JUNE 26, 2008 RE:CASE NO. A WS-07- COMPLIANCE FILING - INCREASE IN THE ALGOMA WATER COMP ANY'S RATES AND CHARGES FOR WATER SERVICE. As part of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission Order No. 30567 issued on June 11 , 2008 the Commission directed Algoma Water Company to submit tariffs in compliance with the rates identified with this Order. Staff reviewed the tariff submitted by the Company on June 24, 2008, to ensure that the language and rates reflect Commission directives as stated in Order No. 30567. The tariff includes Rate Schedule, Reconnection fee and Late Payment charge (see attachment). Staff confirms that the language and rates comport with Commission Order No. 30567. Staff recommends approval of the tariff. CO MMISSI 0 N D ECISI Does the Commission wish to approve the tariff as submitted on June 24, 2008, with an effective date of July 1 , 2008? i:udmemos/decision memo A WSWO71 compliance filing June 2008.doc DECISION MEMORANDUM JUNE 26, 2008 Jun 24 08 12:47p Joan Brittain 208-265-4391 ALGOMA WATER COMPANY O. BOX 751 SANDPOINT, ID 83864 (208) 263-8946 June 24, 2008 Idaho Public Utilities Commission O. Box 83720 Boise, ill 83720-0074 RE: ORDER AUTHORIZING INCREASES IN THE COMPANY'S R.\TES AND AND CHARGES FOR WATER SERVICE - ORDER NO. 30567 CASE NO. A WS-O7- Dear Commissioners: Enclosed is the original and two copies ofthe Revision of the Rate Schedule for AIgomaWater Company. I faxed a copy of the Revision today so I would be in compliance v,':ithyour 14 day order. Yours tnily, Cl-. &Jk' I fP/0!A# Joan Brittain Bookkeeper Jun 24 08 12:47p Joan Brittain 208-265-4391 p.2 Algoma Water Company Sheet 1 Revision on Replaces All Previous Sheets Rate Schedule- Resjdential customers $27.00. monthly charge Commercial customers $44.50 monthly charge Reconnection fee $25 Late Payment charge 12 percent per annum or 1% monthly. This charge is applicable to the unpaid balance at the time of the next biJlfng. Issued 06/2512008 Effective 07/01/2008 Issued by Algoma Water Company Robert J. Carrier, owner By for Robert J.Carrier Jun 24 08 12:47p Joan Brittain 208-265-4391 Algoma Water Company Sheet 2 Revision ... Replaces All Previous Sheets Non-Recurring Charges Reconnection Charge - $25.00 for reconnection. This charge is applicable to all customers when water service lias been terminated or discontinued and water physically turned off. Late Payment Charge - 12 percent per annum or 1 % monthfy. This charge is applicable to the unpaid balance at the time of the next billing date. Issued 06/25/2008 Effective 07101/2008 Issued by Algoma Water Company Robert J. Carrier, owner By CJ:t2r for Robert J.Carrier