HomeMy WebLinkAbout20030707Application.pdf805 Broadway P.O. Box 9901 Vancover, WA 98668-8701 t~:ECE/VED 1) r- " t:... \:.......- ZO03 JUN - 2 At110: 23 CEN~rELJune 2, 2003 i; , \, :~; fJ ;! c UTILITIES CGt-H'1iSSION Ms Jean Jewell Secretary to the Commission Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Avenue Boise, ID 83720 CEI/.. T:' (j jJtJj Re:CenturyTel of Idaho, Inc Wireless Local Termination Tariff Advice No. 03- Dear Mr. Oxley: Enclosed are an original, three copies of a new tariff for CenturyTel of Idaho, Inc. CenturvTel of Idaho. Inc. C. No. 13 Title Page Original Page Table of Contents Original Page Original Pages 1- CenturyTel's new tariff will apply to intraMTA traffic originated by Commercial Mobile Radio Service (CMRS) providers who do not have interconnection agreements with the Company and who terminate traffic to end-user subscribers of the Company. The tariffdoes not replace existing or future CMRS interconnection agreements and such agreements will supercede any provision of this tariff. CenturyTel of the Gem State Inc. is an Issuing Carrier. Cost support for the new rates is also enclosed. We respectfully request that the filing be made effective on July 2. 2003. If there are any questions, please contact me at the address listed above or at my telephone number, 360905-7918. Sincerely, (j) ()m G\llfYI Pamela Donovan Supervisor, Tariffs I.P.C. No. 13 CENTURYTEL OF IDAHO, INC. Title Page Original Page WIRELESS LOCAL TERMINATION TARIFF Regulations, Rates and Charges applying to the provision of IntraMT A termination service to Wireless providers within the operating territory of CenturyTel of Idaho, Inc. dba CenturyTel ISSUING CARRIER CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. dba CenturyTel Effective July 2, 2003 Tariff Advice No. 03- Issued: June 2, 2003,Issued By CenturyTel of Idaho , Inc. O. Box 9901 , Vancouver, Wa. By Pamela Donovan Title Supervisor, Tariffs I.P.C. No. 13 CENTURYTEL OF IDAHO, INC. WIRELESS LOCAL TERMINATION TARIFF TABLE OF CONTENTS Page No. Application of Tariff General Definitions Liability of Telephone Company Records and Billing Land to Mobile Transiting Verification Reviews Refusal and Discontinuance of Service Rates and Charges Table of Contents Original Page Effective July 2, 2003 Tariff Advice No. 03- Issued: June 2, 2003,Issued By CenturyTel of Idaho, Inc. O. Box 9901 , Vancouver, Wa. By Pamela Donovan Title Supervisor, Tariffs I.P.C. No. 13 CENTURYTEL OF IDAHO, INC. WIRELESS LOCAL TERMINATION TARIFF Original Page Application of tariff This tariff applies to intraMT A traffic originated by a Commercial Mobile Radio Service (CMRS) provider and terminated to end-user subscribers of the Telephone Company (i.e. wireless to wireline traffic) without the direct interconnection of the CMRS provider's and the Telephone Company's networks and where the CMRS provider is physically connected with and delivers traffic to a third party ILEC(s) and/or CLEC(s) which in tum delivers the traffic to the Telephone Company. This tariff applies to Mobile to Land Local Traffic that routes through (transits) a third party tandem provider. General This service is provided to Commercial Mobile Radio Service (CMRS) providers licensed by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). Wireless Termination Service is limited to wireless-to-wireline traffic that originates and terminates within the same Major Trading Area (MTA) (i.e., intraMTA traffic) Wireless Termination Service is not available to wireless-to wireline traffic that originates and terminates in two different MTAs (i.e., interMTA traffic). In those situations where a CMRS provider originates or terminates interMT A traffic to the end-user subscribers of the Telephone Company then the rates, terms and conditions of the appropriate access tariff of the Telephone Company (either intrastate or interstate) will apply. These Regulations and Rates are in addition to the Regulations, Rates and Charges in other tariffs of the Telephone Company. This tariff applies except as otherwise provided in 1) an interconnection agreement between the CMRS provider and the Telephone Company approved by the Commission pursuant to the Act; or 2) a terminating traffic agreement between the CMRS provider and the Telephone Company approved by the Commission. Tariff Advice No. 03- Issued: June 2, 2003Issued By CenturyTel of Idaho, Inc. O. Box 9901 , Vancouver, Wa. By Pamela Donovan Title Supervisor, Tariffs Effective July 2, 2003 I.P.C. No. 13 CENTURYTEL OF IDAHO, INC. WIRELESS LOCAL TERMINATION TARIFF Original Page2 General (Cont' This tariff does not apply to traffic for which the CMRS provider has contracted or otherwise arranged with some other carrier (e.g. an IXC) to assume the responsibility for terminating the traffic and paying the applicable charges. This tariff also covers land to mobile traffic that CenturyTel routes through (transits) a third party tandem provider. Definitions Acf' - the Communications Act of 1934 , as amended by the Telecommunications Act of 1996 , and as from time to time interpreted in the duly authorized rules and regulations of the Federal Communication Commission or a state Government Relations commission. CTUSR" - Cellular Terminating Usage Summary Report, provided by Third Party Tandem Company, tracks the minutes for calls originating from CMRS providers and terminating to LECs. CMRS" - Commercial Mobile Radio Service, as defined in the Act. Commission" - Idaho Public Utility Commission FCC" - Federal Communications Commission. ILEC" - Incumbent local exchange telecommunications company, a local exchange telecommunications company authorized to provide basic local telecommunications service in a specific geographic area within the State of Idaho as of December 31, 1995, or a successor in interest to such a company. ITariff Advice No. 03- Issued: June 2, 2003Issued By CenturyTel of Idaho, Inc. O. Box 9901 , Vancouver, Wa. By Pamela Donovan Title Supervisor, Tariffs Effective July 2 , 2003 I.P.C. No. 13 CENTURYTEL OF IDAHO, INC. WIRELESS LOCAL TERMINATION TARIFF Original Page 3 Definitions (Cont' CLEC" - Competitive local exchange telecommunications company, a local exchange telecommunications company certified by the Commission to provide basic or non-basic local telecommunications service or switched exchange access service, or any combination of such services, in a specific geographic area subsequentto December 31 1995. Inter-MTA Traffic" - Wireless traffic originating on the network of a CMRS provider within one MTA and terminating to the Telephone Company's end-user subscribers in another MT lntraMTA Traffic" - Wireless traffic originating on the network of a CMRS provider within a MTA and terminating to the Telephone Company's end-user subscribers in the same MTA. 10.IXC" - Interexchange telecommunications company, any company engaged in the provision of telecommunications service between points in two or more exchanges served by an ILEC and/or CLEC. 11.LEC" - Local exchange carrier, includes any provider of local exchange telecommunications service that holds a certificate of convenience and necessity or certificate of service authority from the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. Tariff Advice No. 03- Issued: June 2, 2003Issued By CenturyTel of Idaho, Inc. O. Box 9901 , Vancouver, Wa. By Pamela Donovan Title Supervisor, Tariffs Effective July 2, 2003 I.P.C. No. 13 CENTURYTEL OF IDAHO, INC. WIRELESS LOCAL TERMINATION TARIFF Original Page 4 Definitions (Cont' 12.Local Traffic" - Telecommunications traffic that originates and terminates within the same major trading area ("MTA") , as defined in 47 C.R. ~24.202(a), and within CenturyTel's local exchange service area. For purposes of determining whether traffic originates and terminates within the same MT A, and therefore whether the traffic is local , the location of the landline end user and the location of the cell site that serves the mobile end user at the beginning of the call shall be used. Local Traffic includes mandatory expanded local calling area plans such as Extended Area Service (EAS") and Extended Community Calling ("ECC"). Local Traffic excludes Information Access Traffic, Information Service Traffic (e., Internet, 900-976, etc. and inter-MT A and Paging Traffic. 13.MTA" - The Major Trading Area as defined in 47 C.R. paragraph 24-102 of the FCC Rules and Regulations. 14.Telephone Company" - CenturyTel of Idaho, Inc. and/or CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. Liability of Telephone Company The Telephone Company s failure to provide or maintain service under this Tariff shall be excused by labor difficulties, government orders, civil commotions, acts of God and other circumstances beyond the Telephone Company's reasonable control. Tariff Advice No. 03- Issued: June 2, 2003,Issued By CenturyTel of Idaho, Inc. O. Box 9901, Vancouver, Wa. By Pamela Donovan Title Supervisor, Tariffs Effective July 2, 2003 I.P.C. No. 13 CENTURYTEL OF IDAHO, INC. WIRELESS LOCAL TERMINATION TARIFF Original Page 5 Liability of Telephone Company (Cont' The Telephone Company s liability, if any, for its gross negligence or willful misconduct is not limited by this Tariff. With respect to any other claim or suit, by a carrier or any other, for damages arising out of mistakes, omissions interruptions, delays, errors or defects in transmission , the Telephone Company liability, if any, shall not exceed an amount equivalent to the proportionate charge to the CMRS provider for the period of service during which such mistakes, omissions, interruptions, delays, errors or defects in transmission or service occurs and continues. Any such mistakes, omissions, interruptions, delays, errors, or defects in transmission of service, which are caused or contributed to by the negligence or willful act of the CMRS provider or which arise from the use of the CMRS provider's facilities or equipment, shall not result in the imposition of any liability whatsoever upon the Telephone Company. The Telephone Company is not liable for any act or omission of other providers. Records and Billing The Telephone Company shall issue a bill to the CMRS provider based on the best information available to the Telephone Company including, but not limited to, records of terminating traffic created by the Telephone Company at its end office or tandem switch or SS7 signaling. If possible, the CMRS provider will provide to the Telephone Company billing records in standard industry formats regarding calls it originates that terminate on the Telephone Company's network. Records will be provided at an individual call detail record, if possible, with sufficient information to identify the specific date and time of the call , the call duration , and the originating and terminating numbers. Tariff Advice No. 03- Issued: June 2, 2003Issued By CenturyTel of Idaho, Inc. O. Box 9901 , Vancouver, Wa. By Pamela Donovan Title Supervisor, Tariffs Effective July 2 , 2003 I.P.C. No. 13 CENTURYTEL OF IDAHO, INC. WIRELESS LOCAL TERMINATION TARIFF Original Page 6 Records and Billing (Cont' If a CMRS provider is unable to provide billing records of the calls that it sends to the Telephone Company for termination, the Telephone Company may use usage reports and/or records (such as a CTUSR) generated by a third party ILEC whose network is used to transit the traffic as the basis for billing the CMRS provider. If the CMRS provider is unable to provide billing records, the CMRS provider will have the responsibility of providing, on a quarterly basis (or as otherwise agreed to by the Telephone Company), a report to the Telephone Company providing the percentage of the CMRS provider's traffic terminated to the Telephone Company that is intraMTA or interMTA traffic. The report will also detail what percentage of the interMT A traffic is intrastate and what percentage is interstate. Such reports shall be based on studies of actual traffic originated by the CMRS provider and terminated to the Telephone Company. Notwithstanding the above, if the Telephone Company has the technical capability to record and jurisdictionalize the CMRS traffic utilizing its own switching and billing systems then the Telephone Company will use such records to bill the CMRS provider for true local and intraLA T A use. In such a case, the CMRS provider will be notified that the quarterly percentage notification is no longer required. Reports regarding the percentages of intraMTA or interMTA traffic (and the intrastate or interstate jurisdiction of interMTA traffic) shall be based on a reasonable traffic study conducted by the CMRS providers and available to the Telephone Company upon request. Such studies shall be conducted no less frequently than once each quarter to ensure that the CMRS provider is using an accurate intraMTAlinterMTA percentage. Tariff Advice No. 03- Issued: June 2, 2003,Issued By CenturyTel of Idaho, Inc. O. Box 9901 , Vancouver, Wa. By Pamela Donovan Title Supervisor, Tariffs Effective July 2 , 2003 I.P.C. No. 13 CENTURYTEL OF IDAHO, INC. WIRELESS LOCAL TERMINATION TARIFF Original Page 7 Records and Billing (Cont' The CMRS provider shall pay the Telephone Company for all charges in accordance with the rates set forth in this tariff. Such payments are to be received within thirty (30) days from the effective date of the billing statement. The CMRS provider shall pay a late charge on any undisputed charges, which are not paid within the thirty (30) day period. The rate of the late charge shall be the lesser of 1.5% per month or the maximum amount allowed by law. The CMRS provider shall pay the Telephone Company the reasonable amount of the Telephone Company's expenses related to collection of overdue bills, such amounts to include reasonable attorney fees. Land to Mobile Transiting Land to Mobile Local Traffic that originates on Telephone Company s network and terminates on CMRS's network transiting a third party tandem will be charged to the CMRS provider at the same rates that the third-party tandem provider charges CenturyTel. Verification Reviews The CMRS provider will be responsible for the accuracy and quality of its data as submitted to the Telephone Company. Upon reasonable written notice, the Telephone Company or its authorized representative shall have the right to conduct a review and verification of the CMRS provider to give assurances of compliance with the provisions of this tariff. This includes on-site verification reviews at the CMRS provider's or vendor locations. The review may consist of an examination and verification of data involving records, systems procedures and other information related to the traffic originated by the CMRS provider and terminated to the Telephone Company. The CMRS provider will provide the Telephone Company with reasonable access to such information as is necessary to determine amounts payable under this tariff. Tariff Advice No. 03- Issued: June 2, 2003,Issued By CenturyTel of Idaho, Inc. O. Box 9901, Vancouver, Wa. By Pamela Donovan Title Supervisor, Tariffs Effective July 2, 2003 I.P.C. No. 13 CENTURYTEL OF IDAHO, INC. WIRELESS LOCAL TERMINATION TARIFF Original Page 8 Refusal and Discontinuance of Service If the CMRS provider fails to comply with any of the terms and conditions of this tariff, including any payments to be made by it on the dates and times herein specified, the Telephone Company, may on thirty (30) day s written notice by Certified U.S. Mail to the CMRS provider, refuse additional applications for service and/or refuse to complete any pending orders for service by the non-complying CMRS provider at any time thereafter, or may discontinue the provision of the services to the non-complying CMRS provider at any time thereafter. In the case of such discontinuance, all applicable tariff charges shall become due. Discontinuance of service or the refusal to provide additional services is not appropriate where the CMRS provider has failed to pay for traffic terminated to the Company prior to the effective date of this tariff. If the Telephone Company does not refuse additional applications for service or discontinue the provision of the services involved on the date specified in the thirty (30) day's notice, and the CMRS provider's noncompliance continues, nothing contained herein shall preclude the Telephone Company's right to refuse additional applications for service or to discontinue the provision of the services to the non- complying CMRS provider without further notice. If the Telephone Company is unable to effectuate discontinuance of service at its own office it may request the assistance of other ILECs with whom the Telephone Company's network is connected. The Telephone Company may request such other ILEC(s) to take the necessary steps within its/their office(s) to disconnect service to the non-complying CMRS provider or to take such other actions as are necessary and appropriate to effectuate discontinuance of service as authorized by this tariff. This tariff specifically gives authority to such other ILEC's to respond to and honor a request to effect discontinuance of service from the CMRS provider to the Telephone Company without further Government Relations authorization. Tariff Advice No. 03- Issued: June 2, 2003,Issued By CenturyTel of Idaho, Inc. O. Box 9901, Vancouver, Wa. By Pamela Donovan Title Supervisor, Tariffs Effective July 2 , 2003 I.P.C. No. 13 CENTURYTEL OF IDAHO, INC. WIRELESS LOCAL TERMINATION TARIFF Original Page 9 Refusal and Discontinuance of Service (Cont' In the event a CMRS provider for whom the Telephone Company has effectuated discontinuance of service requests reconnection or restoration of service, such service will not be reconnected or restored unless and until such CMRS provider has paid to the Telephone Company the actual costs assessed to the Telephone Company by any other ILEC for such ILEC's assistance in effectuating such discontinuance of service. Rates and Charges The rates and rate elements applicable to Inter-MT A Traffic are set forth in the Telephone Company s Switched Access Tariff. The rates for Termination of IntraMTA Traffic are shown in the Rates section below. RATES Wireless Terminating Access Rate Per Minute of Use $0.02447 Service Establishment Charge Per Occurrence $136. Tariff Advice No. 03- Issued: June 2, 2003Issued By CenturyTel of Idaho, Inc. O. Box 9901 , Vancouver, Wa. By Pamela Donovan Title Supervisor, Tariffs Effective July 2, 2003 RATE SUPPORT WIRELESS LOCAL TERMINATION RATE CENTURYTEL OF IDAHO, INC. CENTURYTEL OF THE GEM STATE, INC. Total Direct Cost $0.00719 Contribution to Joint and Common Overhead $0.01728 Proposed Rate $0.02447