HomeMy WebLinkAbout19991101Application.pdf• Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary RECEIVED NOV 1 -1999 STATE OF IDAHO Boise, Idaho BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILIT\COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION ) OF CLEARCORE COMMUNICATIONS ) LLC FOR A CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC ) CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY TO ) PROVIDE LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES ) WITHIN THE STATE OF IDAHO ) Application No. 0-CC. 99 / Application for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to Provide Basic Local Exchange Service in the State of Idaho CLEARCORE COMMUNICATIONS LLC ("Applicant"), pursuant to the Idaho Code 61-526 through 528 and IDAPA (Rule 111), hereby requests a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to provide basic local exchange telecommunications services in the State of Idaho. In support of its application, ClearCore Communications LLC provides the following information: Form of Business ClearCore Communications LLC 3890 East Sunnyside Road Idaho Falls, Idaho 83406 (208) 523-4565 ClearCore is an Idaho Limited Liability Company. The above address is ClearCore Communications principal business address and its principal business address in Idaho. The company may engage in providing telecommunication services or any other lawful business. 1 Ll S The company was organized in Idaho on December 21, 1998. A certified copy of the Certificate of Existence for the company is attached as Exhibit A. The name and address of the registered agent for service in Idaho is: Emil N. Hahn 3890 East Sunnyside Road Idaho Falls, Idaho 83406-7922 The names of the members of the LLC are attached as Exhibit B. The company neither owns nor controls any subsidiaries. The officers and directors of the LLC are as follows: Joseph D. George, Manager Emil N. Hahn, Member Alice George, Member Telecommunication Service ClearCore Communications proposes that it will begin to provide service as soon as a Certificate to provide basic local exchange service is received and an interconnection agreement with U S West is executed. The company proposes to offer various services to residential customers, small business customers, and business customers. Services the company proposes to offer include: • Residential and business basic local dial-tone and features • PBX trunks and features • Custom network services similar to Centrex • Unregulated Internet services ClearCore Communications will initially offer resold services and will add certain facilities based services as it becomes possible based on the development of equipment by the company. 2 . . Service Territory ClearCore Communications proposed service area is the following exchanges in the Eastern Idaho expanded calling area: • American Falls • McCammon • Bancroft • Montpelier • Blackfoot • Pocatello • Dayton • Preston • Downey • Rexburg • Firth • Rigby • Franklin • Ririe • Grace • Riverside • Idaho Falls • Roberts • Inkom • Shelley • Lava Hot Springs • Soda Springs • Lewisville-Menan • Thatcher The only Incumbent Local Exchange Company ClearCore Communications will compete with is U S West. The company leases a 3000 square foot office building at 3890 E. Sunnyside Road, Idaho Falls, Idaho. Financial Information Since ClearCore Communications is a start-up company, historical financial statements are not available. The company believes it has sufficient resources to begin service on a resale and limited facilities based basis. The company believes it will be able to raise sufficient capital to expand services when necessary. The company has no annual report. 3 C . ClearCore Communications service area is identical to U S West's existing service area referred to as the Idaho Falls and Vicinity Local Calling Region. Tariff Filings Tariff filings and price sheets setting forth rates, rules, terms, and regulations applicable to the contemplated service for ClearCore Communications are included as Exhibit C. Contact Information The contact for tariff questions is Joe George at the following address and telephone number: ClearCore Communications LLC 3890 East Sunnyside Road Idaho Falls, Idaho 83406-7922 (208) 523-4565 Customers may contact their customer service representative at the above number, which is toll-free for customers in ClearCore Communications proposed service area. Interconnection Agreements ClearCore Communications has not initiated interconnection negotiations at this time. 4 . . Compliance with Commission Rules ClearCore Communications has obtained and reviewed all of the Commission rules and agrees to comply with them. Escrow Account for Advance Deposits ClearCore Communications does not anticipate requiring advance deposits from its customers; however, should that be required, the company will establish an escrow account in accordance with Idaho PUC rules. Conclusion ClearCore Communications LLC respectfully requests that the Commission grant a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity in accordance with this Application. DATED the 28th day of October, 1999 Respectfully submitted, ClearCore Communications LLC By: Joseph D. George President ClearCore Communications LLC 3890 E. Sunnyside Road Idaho Falls, ID 83406 (208) 523-4565 A certified copy of the Certificate of Existence for the company is attached as Exhibit A on the following page. 61 . . State of Idaho CERTIFICATE OF EXISTENCE OF CLEARCORE COMMUNICATIONS, LLC I, PETE T. CENARRUSA, Secretary of State of the State of Idaho, hereby certify that I am the custodian of the limited liability company records of this State. I FURTHER CERTIFY That the records of this office show that the above-named limited liability company was organized under the laws of Idaho and was issued a certificate of organization in Idaho on December 21, 1998 under the file number W 7582. I FURTHER CERTIFY That the limited liability company's articles of organization have not been cancelled. Dated: January 4, 1999 By SECRETARY OF STATE . . Exhibit B - Members Name and Address Percentage of all Percentage of Interest Owned Votin2 Control Emil N. Hahn 33.3% 33.3% 50 Ranch Drive Idaho Falls, Idaho 83404 JCG, LLC 33.3% 33.3% 3890 East Sunnyside Road Idaho Falls, Idaho 83406-7922 CHAD Limited Partnership 33.3% 33.3% 3890 East Sunnyside Road Idaho Falls, Idaho 83406-7922 7 . S Exhibit C - Tariff filing The Tariff filing and price sheets setting forth rates, rules, terms, and regulations applicable to the contemplated service for ClearCore Communications LLC are given in Exhibit C which accompanies this document. 8