HomeMy WebLinkAboutC B Tel.pdf:CiF: C:::F:TUli"Jt2I!.... """"""""""""""""""""""""""'".."""""""""""""""""""'""""""""""""""...'.....-.......................-....-.......!"' !Pi1"'1E: CJF' i ...!TTi...T\"C: "'!J TEi.... """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Idaho Public Utilities Commissiolll Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING DEC 301992 Boise, Idaho ....................: ............ ( . riCCE:F'T (:!i\iC::E~ :::;T(:lr"'iF':: """""""""""""""""""""""" Ci..iCC:f::: :::;;HE.i::::r """""""""""""""""""""""""""""......................."""""""""-""-"""'-"-"-"""-"""""'".......-....................-...................................-......---.................................-......,.""""""""""""-"'" ~3fiEF:'r f.iCJ",? F i / T ~::; T (J ,\i """""""""""""""'...-...........'..,............. e)i? T i:i T :'-ii"!I.... ,c,:;::I!? J. Ci I j\j ('r I.... .... LJ F: T Ci T :--i ;~:: L.. CIF T!:J I !\!(i!.... C)i?Ti3Ii'j(2';i... 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"""""""""""""""".........................................................."............""""""""""'-""'-"""""""""""""--""--"'-'-""""-"""""'".........-..-,............--..--..-..-... NAME OF UTILITY: C/B TEL ACCEPTANCE STAMP) .....",..,..........,............,-........"..............................................."..............................."..."......"""'......."....."............"........""""""-""""""....-.--........--.....".................-.......-.-.......--"'-"""""""""'---""""-"""'.."""""""---'-"""""""" """-""'-""""-"-----""""""""""'-"'" TABLE CJF CONl ENTS ::.. t:.CT'IUr'L "Lontact Info7matlon ~:~EC:T I (;:)!\1 :::" Tracking & Numbering :::;::EC:l I (::11\1 : :;"::::, i,'::'Y""'/1(::;;':0 (:'(c. ::' :::; E C: T I en.'::f"051t F'equlrement~ ~3C:C:TIUr'i ::erm1nat1on ot ~erVlce ~3F~CT I CJi'C",S(.:.~.\iie(.:.::' :::J.(':'~'r" ::, ~3E::::::T:r (Ji'--. / " :i.C:fC~ :~ji"'!"'::'t:.:!t~::. """""""""""""""""""""""""""""...."..""""""""'-""""""""'".............."""" 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'" - """"""""""""""""", "..............."..........-......-....... ......,- T:l tIe,':: Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING DEC 01992 PiUE:Boise, Idaho C)F' Tel hl(: ,:"...,.."....",.,.....,.....:::\:"""""""""--""""""""'-""""""""""""-"""""""""""""'-"""""".'-""""""""""""."'-.....-,.....'"....,......,-......,.,-.............-........-...-......,..,...............,....".-..((:' ::E~.r(\Ij--.,i:", :!:::: ' ::) Tr::',f"'Ir::' Ii T T i.... I T \' :' C: / E: T E~ L.. """""""".""""'"".."......"..,......".."....,"""""""""""""""""""""""""'""..""-""""""""""""""'-"""-""""-"""""""""""""""""""""'-"""""'-""'-""""""""""-""""...........,-,-....""""""""""""--""",,,,""""'..........""""""'-""".."......,..,..,..,..,.....-......................,............-..,..,..,..-,..,.......,..,......,..,.. 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I.J' ::::, i'?!d f C)'the purposes isted below: J...i nF~=~= OR D 1 bCCJNT I NUE I ()i:::Rc(\(~:::t::IN RA fE CJR CHARGE f';!MOVED FRCJM ANUTHER TAR I FF LOCAT I ON !\i i:::.. , u ,ii, '::: i? l::: (\ ~:::' ':::, j N ~ATE OR CHARGE ,.. :HP:i'-lf:iI: ,1.1\, "I:::::/T UI\:I", i CHANGE I N REGULA I ON ..,::::.::::,:", !.C~ dE!: fe: ii :I. :2,,:::u/ .. "'":..""-""""""'..........""...""'......."......................._..........,.......,........"'...."':~-......,....,....................,_..._...........-........,..,...-..-.........................,..,......,....,.........,............,....,..................... ...E!:;:i : 1' ~:"':!, .? Ei'f(':~cti/i'::' c!':':Jt:e::::;::, ""'-:~"~~:;(::;""::, :~:i::::; '" """"""""""""""""'..............-...."""""-"""""""""""-""-"""'"-,-.........--...,..,-,..-......-...-....-...."----""""""-""""-"""--"-",-""-""""""""",,,,,"'-""""-""""""."'-""""".""""'-"""".."....,-,.....".., ,, ':::, u c' c:i \i :, , i, :, F':: Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING DEC 01992 riCi:::: ,::: Boise, Idaho CiFICi:::\:(i!.., (ACCEPT ANCE STAMP) """""""""""""""""-""""",,,""""""""""-'-"""""-"""-.................,.......,....,......,....,..,..,..",,'..........,_.. ,-"...., ..................,..........".._,_......., ! (:1 I"i E: CJ F' LJ T I l.., ::: T \' ~C /' E~ 'I E: L... "",,"""..""""""""""'",....,..........""",.........,..,..'-,..........."'....."""""""'-""""""........""...-..,.....,..,...."........,....""""""""""'-"""'-""""""""..-....,.................................,.."....""""""""""""""""""""""""..-....,.....,....,-..",........................,:::. ::':'::' '( \/ ::. (: ('::,: (' I ' ( ::.-:-:' ':::', ",..." j, L, - TEL is actIvely operating in " '.." ;::1 U t: n c,t: .1,:1. in::. t: ::. n q Idaho service to ~oeur d'Alene and Lewiston.ThE:' reglon between the Northermost border 0~ far South 2= the Salmon Fiver :1, ';::, t aY' g\':2t (C"cj . , :!." :L :::'ifiC:ll"",t:f.':':' ::,::;-I:; clf c:::.:n,n:..I.i"'11':It-C"::::Ii", Tc:i':::r.i"'!c, 1i"', i ""')!"' iicl', ~/b TEL has actIve phones is maintaIned at the husiness office and can be velwed c:iuring regular business hours by caJ J 1n0 (509)068-1931 to make ';"' r"i:~,i"'!Cit-:!rnE-:'r'!t:' ::::" osit Requirement: ,:+" ::., , No deposIt requIred" ' . lermInatlon o~ ~erVlce: , , 1,0\1 i,, :! "..,", , ",,' ' ( E:' ,:':", U , ::' ' : L' I ,......' :1. 1 1 :omp1y with the conditions set l' c, ';" t,: i"', ' .!, !,,' : ci c~ 'IOAPR 31. D ar tic 1 es 3" I tt,Y'..I.gt: :" ::":1. ! 1,1:::,,,:1 ::;, c.i. I,:'S";,,-,:,:'lc,:,:"('I::::'C:: t:() 1 "", 1:1,11 '(E,'iri.li" : !:::,!"' fi1(:::' c :",' i:,: C:"'i.':, II:::, and may be viewed during regular business hours at the business office located at N 17704 Hilltop Fd.C::c:.lb0:'::';"-!:.: ~'..,IPI ,.. '" .. .. ..... ::i'j()U::::!.(~S()3;1 ,::,,::":..,8.....1. ' :);:: ~::i.(509) 457-3945 lax. .. .. ~erVlce Utter::.ng: .. , ;::r.'r" "" 1. ,::,:,:, ( : i'::::i':f-:,ci...;l inc:' ::::, c:.' , .... I:,: i"'iE:' i"'ic!( t: I';i,...,il,,::,' :::, 'i,', 1 For rate information calculations , formulas ::~r"; c:i completion rate oercentages ,:::' .1, ,;, , ........ '.., - ..... :i.""'dU()""'i::,,:.::'/""'::.:I() . :.::: Operator Serv1.ce Providoy ( CJ ~~) !~:, ) : Internat ional Pac i fi 1 Foy rate information ca1cuTations , formulas ':::ii"' compl et ion rate percentages call: l-800-877-3285 I NTEFNAT IONAL PAC I FIe ......""" ..,.. .........,.... ".... ...... ......'........ ......."...........".........................-.."... ......,..-.. ....,..,...................-..........-........,-.."...... ..,..'.. '"""""""""""","""""""'-""'...."""'- ..'_..... "....,.....-....................""""""""""-"""""""""""""""" ......,..,......... ," ..,.............,..,-...........-.......,:,:, '::::, !...!, t-C' di:':'r.t:;,:,:,:,:: , .., ,..,.. .... ,.. 1:.::' / :/U / '::!:,:: \i.;:..!, :),y' ~ :i. ':~:)2 Ef feet ive date;:L2 /30 /92 ................,..,......, "",..,..,...............-..,..-..,............,......,..,........................,..........,-...........,..............-................,....,........,....".............,..................,....,.........,.......................,........................",......................, I ',:" ,,::, U f':! d h :" / . ..i~::;i'i(i(";i"-, .........,....,........,..,..,...........................,....,-,..........,.....,..,-......",......-...-,.......,..,........"....,..-............",..'......"""",,""---'-""""....................."""................-...",............,........... r :i, t 1. F': ~ !""'iPlhi(::CiL~F' .."......"""""""""'..""""",,"",,"",,,,""""'.."""""'.....'-""""""'"......--....,....................."....,..,....,........,.........,....-...-..,...... Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING DEC 01992 "(:' :C,C' ::. Boise, Idaho ()F" fj I j".,i(\IL, (ACCEPTANCE STAMP) "",.....",._,_......""""""""""""""""""""""""""""..............,........",.........."....",..,..""""""""""'..""""""""'....."""""'.....-................",......"....,......""""""""""""""""..-..".."....,.."...-.........",......,......"........-...........,........",........-..--.............."",...............".."........."...."..",....'.........".....""'....,......-.........,..-..".." '",, Jescription of Services Offered: E..,, :;'::,,:!. ,.., C:' TF:L" ~::E:'":"""/ICC:"::; i.:i, ""';~,! /r:", :!, J "i::::j, 'c;'! ::: ::'::i, hCii .!,;"' .... i::i, Ci.;::\:y \.':.::. :2 C/:U TF.serVIce agreements are in effec~tor a minImum of 30 days ..' ,:::ic::, ' :"".'!:::.".. :ifiE':'U '."I :UE";" C";:::j"' :,,!:, :Y':\I:::t ti::,::.";":,!,!'::: !::;E't:' ,..., )E'E~!": I .., " T!:::,L.., ",:,r":e:! """r" ! .': ii..,l'l:.:!""iC':'":i,z:c,'c:!r epr esent at i ve c f the Loc at lon Owner" ~,,~,,- ReguJar collecticns servic and clean ing ot tel ephone equipment shall be provided ~T no expense to the locatlcn owner" F::'I?IC:C: " ()" , Local Calilng 0reas;0 charge of$.~5 per call wlll De assesseUpayable by quarters dlmeS OY nickels prlor to, orafter e:!laJ Ing the numher. " .. L..:c' !" ,.' ,;' ':::, '.. ,,::! i"'IC (,:,,' (..; '::::,!:::.' " .. ';" .,::It i:::.' c:.. 1,,00 Tcr every three minutes will - - _, ssesseo Tor all long distance coin c~~~~. . ,',,' " , OSP L~no Dlstance:era~cr assisted long distance calls will i:;)(:,::, subject to a surcharge.Hll charge informat ion is availahle at the phone by dial ing 0 ,:)' L,y' ccntacting International Paclfic at 800-877-3285 i c;;.i..L j" !", i",'C':.' . ... ,,:;!. p":,' ic;,:,:.' : .." n::,,-j"':Uc~' ::::, CIS TEL will give at least J.O days not ice of changes in rates to customers and the IPUC" Customer notification wIll he by notIce In the 1";:'(:-:::1.1 r"!;:,~I,...J,,:,Pi:"'-P(::::ir ~.. describing the changes" CIS TEL will remain in compliance with IDAPA regulations and reqUlrements regardIng rate changes. ..............,..........",..,..................",......,""""""""""'" ",..."..," """"....",.. """""""'"""""""""",,,_......,, .....,..,.. -...,.....-....-...", ..,..,...... ..........-"""..'.....-.. """"-"'-"-""""""'-""'-"""'....""" ""'-""'-"'" ........_"_........,-,-_......,,......,...., ....,.............."'-......-..-.......'::::.::::, I::'~ di::'it: (':':' I::I. :? / ' :? () / ;::J:?Ef f(,:i!ct i\ie di:~,tE': 1:? /:::,::0 , .., '..,....""""'-"""""""""""""""""""",.."""""'..'......'-""""""""..""",,_......""""""""""""""'."""..""-"""""""" Issued hy: _JEFF CUSHMAN ...."............_,.... .................. ........ "......,..,...."'..,----.......................--......-.....,......, ......--....-,.................-........ """"" """""'-----,,",,",,"--,,'-,,,"........'...m "....,.........."........ '.."'" T:i,: J (:;::