HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014Annual Report.pdfCAFPT ANNUAL REPORT OF TOTHE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION FORTHE YEAR ENDED 2014 cJ-, C\Z C.) CAMBRIDGE TELEPHONE COMPANY NAME P0 BOX 88,CAMBRIDGE,ID 83610 C--4 -“‘-.5 Cs f-S rr ADDRESS Independent Accountants' Compilation Report To the Board of Directors Cambridge Telephone Company, Inc, Cambridge,ldaho 83610 We have compiled the balance sheets of Cambridge Telephone Company, Inc. as of December 31,2014 and 2013, and the related statement of income for the year ended December 31, 2014 included in the accompanying prescribed form. We have also compiled the supplementary information presented in Company Information, Directors, Managers, Cenral Office Data, Number Calls Completed and Customer Relations Rules Compliance. We have not audited or reviewed the financial statements and the supplementary information presented in Company Information, Directors, Managers, Central Office Data, Number Calls Completed and Customer Relations Rules Compliance and, accordingly, do not express an opinion or provide any assurance about whether the financial statements and supplementary information presented in Company Information, Directors, Managers, Central Office Data, Number Calls Completed and Customer Relations Rules Compliance is in accordance with the form prescribed by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements and the supplementary information presented in Company Information, Directors, Managers, Central Office Data, Number Calls Completed and Customer Relations Rules Compliance in accordance with requirements prescribed by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission and for designing, implementing, and maintaining internal control relevant to the preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements and the supplementary information presented in Company Information, Directors, Managers, Central Office Data, Number Calls Completed and Customer Relations Rules Compliance. Our responsibility is to conduct the compilation in accordance with Statements on Standards for Accounting and Review Services issued by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. The objective of a compilation is to assist management in presenting financial information in the form of financial statements without undertaking to obtain or provide any assurance that there are no material modifications that should be made to the financial statements and the supplementary information presented in Company Information, Directors, Managers, Central Office Data, Number Calls Completed and Customer Relations Rules Compliance. These financial statements and the supplementary information presented in Company Information, Directors, Managers, Central Office Data, Number Calls Completed and Customer Relations Rules Compliance are presented in accordance with the requirements of the ldaho Public Utilities Commission, which differ from accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. This report is intended solely for the information and use of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission and is not intended to be and should not be used by anyone other than this specified parry. a,r-"rt,r*l*, LLf Kiesling Associates LLP Madison, Wisconsin April 8,2015 Kiesling Associates LLP i Kiesling Consulting LLC Kiesling lnvestment Management LLC ANNUAL REPORT OF SMALL TELEPHONE COMPANIES TO THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION FOR THE YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31 ,2014 COMPANY INFORMATION Exact name of utility: Cambridge Telephone Company Address of principal office:P.O. Box 69, Cambridse, lD 83610 Telephone Number Area Code (_208_) 257-3314 Emailaddress: rwiggins@ctctele.com Cities or towns served: Cambridge, Council, lndian Valley, Cuprum, Lowman Name and title of officer having custody of the general corporate books of account: Richard Wiooins. General Manaqer/President Address of office where corporate books are kept and phone number: P.O. Box 88, 130 Superior Street, Cambridge, lD 83610, (208\ 257-3314 Organized under the laws of the State of:ldaho Date of organization:1966 Form of organization (proprietorship, association, corporation): lf a Subchapter S Corporation, please specify: Name and address of controlling company, if any: Corporation Names of affiliated companies. Give address and description of business: CTC Construction, lnc. P.O. Box 88, Cambridqe, lD 83610-Construction Services; CTC Telecom, lnc., P.O. Box 69, Cambridqe, lD 83610-Telecommunications, lnternet and Wireless (CLEC); lnCom Telecom LLC, 130 N. Superior, Cambridge, lD 8361 0, Telecommunications OFFICERS Report below the title, name and office address of each general officer of the utility at the end of the year. lf there were any changes during the year, show the name, title, and address of the previous officer and the date of change. Title President Richard Wiqqins Address P.O. Box 88, Cambridse, lD 83610 Vice President Kermit Wisqins P.O. Box 88, Cambridse, lD 83610 Secretary Kristie Kanadv P.O. Box 353, Cambridqe, lD 83610 Treasurer Joana Wiqqins P.O. Box 88, Cambridqe, lD 83610 Page 1 SEE ACCOUIIIANT'S COMPII-,ATION NTPTIRI Rev 3/02 List the name of each person who was " ,"ro"r?[ffl"tiot" Directors at any given time during the year: (Fees related to meetings only.) Term Expired or Current Term WillExpire Meetings Attended This year Fees Paid During YearName and Address Kermit Wiggins P.O. Box 88, Cambridge, Richard Wiggins P.O. Box 88, Cambridge, Joana Wiggins P.O. Box 88, Cambridge, Karen Wiggins P.O. Box 88, Cambridge, Kristie Kanady P.O. Box 88, Cambridge, lndefinite 15,000 tD 83610 lndefinite 15,000 tD 83610 lndefinite tD 83610 lndefinite lD 83610 lndefinite tD 83610 Name of Chairman of the Board:Kermit Wiggins Name of Secretary (or Clerk) of Board: Number of Meetings of the Board during the year: Kristie Kanady MANAGERS List the name of each person who performed management duties for the Company during the year, and the total wages and bonuses paid to those persons: (Do not include Director fees in these amounts.) Name Title Wages and Bonuses Paid Richard Wiggins Kristie Kanady Jerry Piper Secretaryffreasurer President 150,000 57,850 Assistant Manager 86,000 Rev 3/02 Page2 SEE ACCOUNTAI'II S C0MPlLATl0N REP0RI NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Please provide important information such as changes in accounting or depreciation practices, extensions or additions to the system; disposal of any substantial portion of the property of the utility; reorganization, mergers, or consolidations with other companies; leases executed; other contracts or agreements entered into; changes made in articles of incorporation or amendments; the occurrence of contingency losses or gains. 1 ln 1998. CTC Telecom, lnc. (CTC), a wholly-owned subsidiarv of Cambridoe Telephone Company, was incorporated, with an initial investment of $100,000. CTC operates as a Competitive Local Exchanse Carrier in the state of ldaho. Additional capital investments of $1,900,000 have been made throuqh December 31, 201 4. 2 Cambridqe Telephone Company (Cambridge) is a member of Syringa Networks, LLC, an ldaho Limited Liabilitv Company. Cambridge's investment in borrower as of December 31, 2014 was $2,799.393 (equity method investment). 3 As of December 31,2014, the Company has longterm debt to Rural Utilities Service (RUS) of $5,258,181. These notes will be repaid in 2019. Total advances on all RUS notes were $13,819,304 at December 31,2014 and no funds remain unadvanced. 4 ln 2014 the Company opened a line of credit with a local bank for $600,000. lnitial funds were used to pav subsidiary loan. Subsidiary receivable from CTC increased to account for fund transfer. Repayment from CTC expected to be similar to original loan repayment schedule. 5 As a result of changes in accounting standards for goodwill, Cambridge elected to amortize their remaining goodwillbeginning in2014. This resulted in amortization expense of $169,166 in2014. The accountinq change is to be applied prospectively, resulting in no changes to prior vear statements. SEE ACCOUNTANT'S COMPII.ATION REPORT ' I .,, ,,;1 Rev 3/02 Page 3 BALANCE SHEET Assets and Other Debits Title of Account Current Assets Cash and Equivalents Cash Special Cash Deposits Working Cash Advances Temporary lnvestments Telecommunications Accts. Receivable Accts. Rec. Allow. -Telecommunications Other Accounts Receivable Accounts Receivable Allow. - Other Notes Receivable Notes Receivable Allowance lnterest & Dividends Receivable Materialand Supplies Prepayments Prepaid Rents Prepaid Taxes Prepaid lnsurance Prepaid Directory Expenses Other Prepayments Other Current Assets Noncurrent Assets lnvestment in Affiliated Companies lnvestment in Nonaffiliated Companies Nonregulated lnvestments Unamortized Debt lssuance Expense Sinking Funds Other Noncurrent Assets Deferred Maintenance & Retirements Deferred Charges Other Jurisdiction Assets - Net Property, Plant and Equipment Telecommunications Plants in Service Prop. Held for Future Telecom. Use Telecom. Plant under Constr. - Short Term Telecom. Plant under Constr. - Long Term Telecom. Plant Adjustment Nonoperating Plant Goodwill Depreciation and Amortization Accounts Accumulated Depreciated Accum. Depre. - Held for Future Use Accumulated Depreciation - Nonoperating Accumulated Amortization - Tangible Accum. Amort. - Capitalized Leases Accum. Amort. - Leasehold lmprovements Accumulated Amortization - lntangible Accumulated Amortization - Other TOTAL ASSETS Balance Beginning of Year @ -000- Balance at End of Year lncrease or (Decrease) -Mm 1120 1130 1140 1 150 1 160 1 180 1181 1 190 1191 1200 1201 1210 1220 1280 1290 1 300 1310 1320 1 330 1 350 1401 1402 1406 1407 1408 1410 1 438 1439 1 500 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 3100 3200 3300 3400 3410 3420 3500 3600 232,325 @ @ @ -mre 47,696 221,628 rc -8F50- m -6"8-0- --oFZg @6,051 7,291 1,166,453 1,278,294 111,841 rure 61,594 W -06-8FGr -Fm,@ -ffi19,956,490 20,123,372 166,992 --Tse-I.6-57 13,535,106 14,423,775 888,669 13,643,51 1 13,027,034 (616,477\ Rev 3/02 SEE ACCOUNTANT'S COMPII.ATION REPORT BALANCE SHEET Liabilities & Stockholders' Equity Title of Account Gurrent Liabilities Accounts Payable Notes Payable Advance Billings and Payments Customer Deposits Current Maturities - Long -Term Debt Current Maturities - Capital leases lncome Taxes - Accrued Other Taxes - Accrued Net Current Defer. Oper. lncome Taxes Net Current Defer. Nonoper. lncome Taxes Other Accrued Liabilities Other Current Liabilities Long-Term Debt Funded Debt Premium on Long-Term Debt Discount on Long-Term Debt Reacquired Debt Obligations Under Capital Leases Advances from Affiliated Companies Other Long-Term Debt Other Liabilities & Deferred Credits Other Long-Term Liabilities Unamort. Oper. lnvest. Tax Credits - Net Unamort. Nonoper. lnvest. Tax Credits - Net Net Noncurrent Defer. Oper. lncome Taxes Net Noncur. Defer. Nonoper. lncome Taxes Other Deferred Credits Other Juris. Liab. & Def. Credits - Net Stockholders' Equity CapitalStock Additional Paid-ln Capital Treasury Stock Other Capital Retained Earnings TOTAL LIAB. & OTHER CREDITS 247,729 101,390 97,259 3,840 1 ,185,200 2,940 1,287,300 128,987 23,526 19,869 (65,537)(90,750) 145,257 137,909 5,121,582 4,069,021 860,s48 866,639 115,673 352,733 82,421 32,982 395.760 140,069 30,000 30,000 (12,511),511 401 0 4020 4030 4040 4050 4060 4070 4080 4100 4110 4120 4130 4210 4220 4230 4240 4250 4260 4270 4310 4320 4330 4340 43s0 4360 4370 4510 4520 4530 4540 4550 Balance Beginning of Year 2gg,g00 5,195,515 13,643,511 Balance at End of Year 196,221 5,767,584 13,027,034 lncrease or (Decrease) (102,679) 247,729 (4,131) 900 (102,100) (128,987) (3,6s7) 25,213 ,348 (1,052,561) 6,091 (82,691) 43,027 57,648 (616,477\ Rev 3/02 Page 5 SEE ACCOUNTANT'S COMPIT.ATION REPORI EI*l o(o @- (f) o,lo c.r-t- $l *ll**l$lEl slElBl @@(f)- @loo{ N @No-o6t@ o)o)$- NF-(i)s=t I E=E lr)(oo{ rr) _lrEE EES'E or&b oEartr!,# €si E!.EH CL Eoo h o 9- =E =ig'Ft o No (r) ot oFoZ .J60E(Jo(Je<b_FC. -o J.:/o^ EP S(E(U'^O= lr,L oEoo +oEa2 EaP.9,frEico-:'5>'E= !af,s$.E E'6-E{68 (g---N(ot@$t*(0NNNN o -oo9o€eo.E -oOEL! =afro E s3 ,g gggs ggEEEssggEgEg,$g - (\t CO < lr) (o - N c) Sf F N r{) O F N - F r F C\l F F N - i i - - F N N N N F F - N d) c) F N sf to Q E N (\N&NNN&XIXNNNNNNN&RRRRNNN oo o.n .= so.otro (! .9tr Eo(, -9o o .!2g. Gc t11 lrJo trUIo =z o. U,zo Iz =. =oolrJ IIJ IIo .2oI z el 'r)-lolrolNl (Ololo)lolo- I- (o- @ oo)sf-(orf)o)o o@@- (f) o)1r)(f)- t\ N(o @-t*(f)*l*l*l oo(f)- (o(f) (f)-*lulul*l (f)(ot-- @o(o*l*l (f)sNN$$NN NOco o)@@NN !-Goo-lrJCEz,o 5E =<>(-)(r) F-z. z.=<)C)L) lrllrl(r) Or *;i ooE*:EF"9F!' Foq)o(L (\o (Y) o)t ,go'= g Egg,,gEEEgggggggEg,TgsggTgsi, I SP:PPNNRN:SPRES=N568=ENRNKs=ADE - F - r r - N N N N N N (') 6., c) (V) (Y) $ t t t $ $'t S (o @ @C\| (\I (\I N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N (\I N N N N -.1' tE E6o'EU) o. =o ? eg E* €P Ag tE Ho=ottE e ED!l.E t E E9 E g= o z ooo =Io.o2o Iz =--oo luJ tu IIo .2ot =oo.E oo .E trso.oco (! .9tr =E Eoo -goFrcrECo(E.gt EG= < c.l t-d.<)o-UJE,z,o 5E =<)<-)lnF =. z.=a(Jc) lrlLrJ(r) lot*t* (f)Nst-$ l,l *l'l€N loro o)(9 r\(oN rocf) t1 Nt-\ (o a. l*l t-oLlo-H:$ HGUJLoo i*E qp=* I n-l Nlol o-l s ot-$ sorf)(o *l3l =l*l *l*l soc$l l*lul* soq (f) N$(f) (t,o(r) soq l()N @ F*N(f) zP # ?;fi .gaE no- UJooUJocL'6.9f- f; ,E3E= E Efl,cD E cL8E g tsg 6 =a) rH E g 3H = '! E>fi fi'FbEooo J z o q)(r)o(L sou?(o $o(f) o)o solo(o (oocD- c.) soq (o N(o(o Fr(f) l,l soqoN o)o)rq r(o soqo(\t sou? N (oo lo(f)ro(9 lr)oN F. oO6-6 t-ooq *lul*l iLJoooo !o(U o) Lo oo Eo .a()oLo.o)E6)p p .E .9, aNaDoo>o --' al 6Ji-t c .9 (E'6-.EbGLE(, a -a-o ii.=E o e P,f I*,Egg* ggEEEggggEgEE,$gsgErg B* - $ lo (o s N (f) $ r N l() o F N - - r - N r e N (v) $ (o q rE ; ; - i i N N N N r r r (\ C) Cf) r N sf tO (o r N N N N N c) $E - - F rF i r r - N N N (\ N N (f) (f) (')C) (') $ $ $ sf \t $ $ S{ oI sI N (\I (\I (\I N $I N N (\I N N N N N N N N N N N N (\I N N N N t--G,C>o-LlJE, Z,c) 5E =OC)t,F-z. Fz.=(}CJ() ultJJU> OL firi 9PE. P E EE v ---&,E o)oq)(E(L E =5 f'o 66- =Eq UJFE EPH .Et, q 3 Er=* -G, 6 =o E =- 6 - 6ll .=€llE E aED.(z= o xtr=:fi oo EEg-o< I E'E,E e, ciFz IJJlro L 3r, -lozG TLootooE E:,(,(, lu, EfitstE?uOo5 ..2 >o?str-<C\r E g o EEHELs= E ,Bigu,ggEEEsssgEgEg,rgsggrg E<o F E s (Y) \f tI) (O - C.,l (O S F N l() O r Cr,l - Cr,l r r (\l (Y) $ (O r r- q ; FrFFrFrr(\Ol(\lN(\l(\l(f)(fr(frg)(D$sf$$$t$sl CL qN N (\ (\t N N (\t N 6l (\l N $l m (\l (\1 (\l $l N N N N N (\l N 6l N N -- E INVESTMENTS Report below the investments in Accounts 1401, 1402 and 1406. ldentify each investment as to the account in which included. Minor amounts in Account 1406 may be grouped by classes. Description Book Cost of lnvestments Disposed of This vear CTC Telecom, lnc. Cash value life insurance 176.443 Coins 20.397 Land Various 23.624 Syringa Networks, LLC 2000-2008 799.393 CoBank equiU 1999-2004 14.047 NRTC 2003-2011 34,157 Totals 4,346,355 RECEIVABLES Itemize amounts show in Accounts 1 180, 1 190 and 1200. For notes receivable list each note separately and include the maturity date and interest rate. Minor amounts in Account 1210 may be combined. Amount at End of Year Date Acquired 1 998 Book Cost of lnvestments Held at End of Year 1.278.294 Notes Receivable Accounts ReceivableName of Companv Due from customers 280,021 lnterexchanqe carriers 255,617 CTC Telecom, !nc.407,744 lncom Telecom 71 Other 3,568 R. & B. Crocket. 8.0o/o. due 2018 49,637 8,550 58,187 lnterest Receivable Totals 947,021 Rev 3/02 Page 10 SEE ACCOU I'ITANT'S COM PII-ATIOi,I REPORT NOTES PAYABLE For Notes Payable, list each note separately and include the maturity date and interest rate. Name of Creditor Zions Bank - Line of Credit Zions Bank - LOC Available Due Date Face Amount 600,000 (352,271) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE Report below all Accounts Payable amounting to more than $100.00 Name of Creditor NECA CTC Construction 59,787 2,744 1.047 Fed Excise Use & Sales Tax Adams County 91 1 286 2,055 996Cable TV Franchise Fees Action Medical lnc.426 130 Adams Countv Record B&WFuelslnc. Rob€rt L. Williams Citv of Cambridoe Cambridoe Metal Works Cascade Refrioemiion 345 120Carol Loux Comouter Technoloov lnc 5,402 587 107 Farmers Suoolv Cooo Citv of Council Delta Dental of ldaho lnc. Hometown Motors lnc, ldaho Business Forms lnc. ldaho Stete Tax Commission 467 1.414ldaho Deoartment of Commerce ldaho Power 6,289 1,464 .1,168 2,250 207 2,195 6,326 248 1,495 226 2,328 145 Jerny's Auto Parts Joumal Communications Jenna McClellan Karen Wiooins Moss Adams LLP National Cable TV Cooo Neustar lnc, Pitnev Bowes Global Finance Paul Shumwav Sinclair Fleet Track ry Guide Network Vallev Reoairs & Seruice 245 300Vantao€ Point V1 Prooane Wells Faroo 10,'t87 1,504 @ Other Miscellaneous Total3 Rev 3/02 lntorestDateofNote Rate Amount 79.535 326 330 1,650 970 397 Pag€ 1 1 STE ACCOUNTANT'S COMPII.ATION REPORI (:)a-LlJd, C)=<i-Jil =()(J cJaF--7- =OC)(J lflLrJU> N q)o)(U(L No (f) o)E, No)F(olo(\l No- o)(oo$ Eo ooNloor- oo 'tr) (E E c E =oooo) o(oo- (Y) Co E oooo U)ft aoal,oJ coNr @(r)N o)o.E o (f)to @-t\oo+ lo(\to) od(\tlo-or o)roN ah o)oz U):)t (oo)o-(o oqro ro(f) o)- @ (f) o)t-(r) @ @ rooo) ooozoft (o F-rr (o5l ., HPIg<r glol El I-ble.icE EIEI oEooo Lo . E fl,tliE EI E c EIEINtrr-taiDd:U.l(oco$AE,E E $ i* EEI frI s EE ;sl9 i pH$ 3E -Er E E EI EEEI * € g; <r H9ss 3,i q, .=l 3 EE fi=tl s Or: =lEO!o>oo.E'F 3E;i o€€ s*9r Ega g o-gl g-o---cEo'trooQ) 'nEg.86(EE _aEE O*g E.El n;€ oll 9*r E€l gf = (JEl t CAPITAL STOCK Report below the particulars called for concerning common and preferred stock at end of year, designating separate series of any general class. Show totals separately for common and preferred. For each class of preferred stock, show the dividend rate and whether dividends are cumulative or noncumulative. Show details in a footnote of capital stock sold during the year. lnclude number of shares, consideration received, premium or discount, and expenses incurred. Class & Series of Stock Common stock Number of Shares Authorized 30,000 Par Value per Share $ 1.00 Outstanding per Balance Sheet Shares Amount 30,000 30,000 Page Item INCOME & RETAINED EARNINGS STATEMENT TotalCompany ldaho Only Total Operating lncome (from page 15) Total Operating Expenses (from page 17) 7100 Other Operating lncome and Expense 7210 Operating lnvestment Tax Credits-Net 7220 Operating Federal lncome Taxes 7230 Operating State and Local lncome Taxes 7240 Operating Other Taxes 7250 Provision for Deferred Operating lncome Taxes-Net 7200 Operating Taxes (Total) 7310 Dividend lncome 7320 lnterest lncome 7330 lncome from Sinking and Other Funds 7340 Allowance for Funds Used During Construction 7350 Gains/Losses from the Disposition of Certain Property 7360 Other Nonoperating lncome 7370 Special Charges7300 Nonoperating lncome and Expense 7410 Nonoperating lnvestment Tax Credits-Net 7420 Nonoperating Federal lncome Taxes 7430 Nonoperating State and Local lncome Taxes 7440 Nonoperating Other Taxes 7450 Provision for Deferred Nonoperating lncome Taxes-Net 7400 Nonoperating Taxes 7510 lnterest on Funded Debt 7520 lnterest Expense-Capital Leases 7530 Amortization of Debt lssuance Expense 7540 Other lnterest Deductions 7500 lnterest and Related ltems 7610 Extraordinary lncome Credits 7620 Extraordinary lncome Charges 7630 Current lncome Tax Effect of Extraordinary ltems-Net 7640 Provision for Deferred lncome Tax Effect of Extraordinary ltems-Net Extraordinary ltems 7910 lncome Effect of Jurisdictional Ratemaking Differences-Net 7990 Nonregulated Net lncome AMOUNT TRANSFERRED TO RETAINED EARNINGS Rev 3/02 3,770,144 3,068,945 77,722 263,752 (33,365) 55,109 (86,218) 277,000 2,078 4,239 (21,3s1) 260.197 (e,28e) 235,874 3,005 33,533 81.112 117,650 256,797 670 257,927 287,573 572,069 Page 14 Same as totalcompany SEE ACCOUNIANT'S COMPII.AIION REPORI Item OPERATING REVENUES TotalCompany ldaho Only Local Network Services Revenues 5001 Basic Area Revenue 5002 Optional Extended Area Revenue 5003 Cellular Mobile Revenue 5004 Other Mobile Services Revenue 50'10 Public Telephone Revenue 5040 Local Private Line Revenue 5050 Customer Premises Revenue 5060 Other Local Exchange Revenue 5069 Other Local Exchange Settlements Network Access Services Revenues 5081 End User Revenue (SLC) 5082 Switched Access Revenue (lnterstate) 5083 Special Access Revenue 5084 State Access Revenue (lntrastate) Long Distance Network Services Revenues 5100 Long Distance Message Revenue - All Miscellaneous Revenues 5230 Directory Revenue 5240 Rent Revenue 5250 Corporate Operations Revenue 5261 Special Billing Arrangements Revenue 5262 Customer Operations Revenue 5263 Plant Operations Revenue 5264 Other lncidental Regulated Revenue 5269 Other Revenue Settlements 5270 Carrier Billing & Collection Revenue Uncollectible Revenues 5301 Uncollectible Revenue - Telecommunications 5302 Uncollectible Revenue - Other TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES 2,900 3,770,144 Please identify the following revenues: NECA USF $_844,789_. To what account were they booked? State USF $_138,162 . To what account were they booked? 837,972 200,691 1,475,891 347,689 300.536 6.079 115 1,146 5069.1 5084.52 538,999 58,211 Same as totalcompany 15 Rev 3/02 Page 15 SEE ACCOUNTANT'S COI'4PII.ATION REPORT OPERATING REVENUES TotalCompany ldaho Only Plant Specific Operations Expense 6110 Network Support Expenses 6112 Motor Vehicle Expense 61 13 Aircraft Expense 6114 Special Purpose Vehicles Expense 6115 Garage Work Equipment Expense 6116 Other Work Equipment Expense 6120 General Support Expenses 6121 Land and Building Expenses 6122 Furniture and Artworks Expense 6123 Office Equipment Expense 6124 General Purpose Computers Expense 621 0 Central Office Switching Expenses 6211 Analog Electronic Expense 6212 Digital Electronic Expense 621 5 Electro-Mechanical Expense 6220 Operators System Expense 6230 Central Office Transmission Expenses 6231 Radio Systems Expense 6232 Circuit Equipment Expense 6310 lnformation Originationffermination Expense 6311 Station Apparatus Expense 6341 Large Private Branch Exchange Expense 6351 Public Telephone Terminal Equipment Expense 6362 Other Terminal Equipment Expense 6410 Cable and Wire Facilities Expenses 6411 Pole Expense 6421 Aerial Cable Expense 6422 Underground Cable Expense 6423 Buried Cable Expense 6424 Submarine Cable Expense 6425 Deep Sea Cable Expense 6426 lntrabuilding Network Cable Expense 6431 Aerial Wire Expense 6441 Conduit Systems Expense TOTAL PLANT SPECIFIC OPERATIONS EXPENSE Rev 3/02 155,477 795,176 47.082 93.733 366 83,862 133,824 27,0O0 253,832 Same as totalcompany Page 16 SEE ACCOUNTANT'S COI/IPILATION REPORI OPERATING REVENUES TotalCompany ldaho Only Plant Nonspecific Operations Expense 651 0 Other Property/PlanVEquipment Expenses 6511 Property Held for Future Telecomm. Use Expenses 6512 Provisioning Expense 6530 Network Operations Expense 6531 Power Expense 6532 Network Administration Expense 6533 Testing Expense 6534 Plant Operations Administration Expense 6535 Engineering Expense 6540 Access Expense 6560 Depreciation and Amortization Expenses 6561 Depreciation Expense-Telecom. Plant in Service 6562 Depreciation Expense-Property Held for Future Use 6563 Amortization Expense - Tangible 6564 Amortization Expense - lntangible 6565 Amortization Expense - Other Total Plant Nonspecific Operations Expenses Customer Operations Expense 6610 Marketing 661 1 Product Management 6612 Sales 661 3 Product Advertising 6620 Services 6621 Call Completion Services 6622 Number Services 6623 Customer Services Total Customer Operations Expense Gorporate Operations Expense 6710 Executive and Planning 6711 Executive 6712 Planning 6720 General and Administrative 6721 Accounting and Finance 67 22 Exter nal Relations 6723 Human Resources 67 24 lnf ormation Managem ent 6725 Legal 6726 Procurement 6727 Research and Development 6728 Other General and Administrative 6790 Provision for Uncollectible Notes Receivable Total Gorporate Operations Expense TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES Rev 3/02 Same as totalcompany 1 15,879 1,409 101.303 977,802 1,365,559 22,430 13,881 185,454 221,765 333,054 218,106 3,335 4,830 686,445 3,068,945 Page 17 166169 120127 SEE ACC0U NTANT'S C0l\il Fll,ATt0N REP0RI e.oo-LdM,z<) 3E o(J </)F-z Z.=OCJ(J IJtlJU> o q)q) G(L oo,-gHEa 6.Eop eF Edt4 =l=l'lrB3xor e'6a6 E -l=l=l*l o .EJoOE,o.=Oatro o .l> f(E>(L -l-l .t >, =(U =(L I(f)t-N..t!o .9Eoz LoEc)E.9 _oao-coz '= oL..oOc.o:':-9.9,<J;i9ohix_6OEoz Ulil E:lr PBI oE 'ol a EI I (E'CI I oO6l"l; 6 !.,IJ E ?,6g g(DXP o3 gEE PE*!LL9€E FS.8uoo sbE .E,Ee Egd s $EE .iEE E E ul'l-l .EITK J.=^ =J"i EtrE<E2 H$-l'l-l-l ea11 r l5. ,l ;l .l gl l# g g n';l ,.r; I ; 5 gl e€ E € E.SlJ .e Ai (J F pl E* F E EgIEE = H g <lo= (L o o lB"l Iq) -Y -r o) E E f"E<oo< ololF-lFIolflol(ElFI ool.lJIql olol "l ato F aoo.9E .Eo .12<:FO5€UooEE=tI.=o-zJ$<EtrH 2-uJ .,)ob .Gt Eo(,oo ooG oo)r>abBe=o)=xo.=6c-EOEtFEEedlzouJ PE'- O- o9,LEo=!loo9d|.=da ooooo L= Eoo =o oc .9 G(, '6ot!o Eo)o_.gaquEo) Eoc (ol cDl(\rl-l i .g)ooo Gg x E(Lx _tEA 'HI A gor s"lI E.,l gl i.=v=Ll E ;{:le mlc O=irE olo .tr.!yoo olo ochTx. <l _lo.9crE s :lEo'= i*99uiEEg(JtUtJJO _lo)ol E =Lql Jo foc =oo ooso Ecc)o oo Eoz F (>o-LJe, oFail.; C>(J t/)tr-Z F--;x:)C)(-)c) LdtrJv) oroo,o(L u$fi'l-l-l'l H E 'l"l"l'l E"l"l"l"l .r> f(s>rL I ..tEo .9.coz Lop o)! .9,Eao-Coz '= oL..oOCE'I : 'E 9..9 iiJ;F99Eo+JOEoz I(f)@ IUrfl6gO'rts ..tr 99ILI oE,ol ;8I I o'EI I oOol ',' =- ts13 € B6g tO,-i9 o\gE E E 5E:: PTt E€€ E€T AEE EE= s'0-- f Ea -833 EZP p Eok J-=^>-r+ 9trE< E2 o <')lEP:IoolEp I=ol@& | =olcl5lolol ol;lol(EIEIolstCI .olol(f)l:gl -El €ol 'd€l lt, =,gl gl l; ;' !' :l ,!fil Elcs E g E gEEgEIEgF5E C)Jo o)o- F aoE.9t, .soo <'EFO3E Iluo IoE ItL= Irl= Io-? IJt I<= Igx IF-I2- ILrJo Iob IlllEIololololrtslotolGI I I It(oltoIN Jol (El)l^ EI E El x:IEtoIL.,1 [oo Lo Ecoo oo E(Ez -l-l=l -l=l .! >, fO>(L E=l ol Pelo=tPol,1 oo>9EC,o/ox!=-c o lxVt-atU.=oc-EOSEF6EedlzouJ Orclloxl It-r q) EgE(J0< t eF>J!i ooo(,(, o Eo o =o o tr .9 IE(, '6 oIE6 ol*l .U 8..s Jq uEo:(E E olol(\rl-l H .9)oo)o x ol(ElolGIol olrlJIololololol<l llCLE golo(ElOEar'lE ;5 ,xlE E i orEo -tr190(l)o oa-E oc =oO-oo.=Oa .=o =o k:GC)o-"LLIoa =acr:ic)CJ c./>F*=F =)L)(J LrJUJU> =fE-l-l-l-l H E -l'l'l=l E-l Eokr.EA->rt 9rE< E2 o o-rlEESIootEp I =o Ia& | ,f >t =t(g>(L I$cf) ..tEo .9, Loz goEo)E .9, _o =o-cozt=3oL,,ol,e.cDl '89 -O ;< e99b7i _oOEoz Isf.(o lrEr =l6(o6)'rs ..rI PeI oErol E EI I (E'EI I oOol ''r =- ts13 € 7l1s JO),-i9 o-=gEE EEE:: P€t E€€ E€€ AEE EI= s $EE EEg E orlesl$l oo)i€oo!i:orEtihY E.3E;PEEedJzoUJ 'l'l=l -l-lul -l=lul oc =o)OEo.,0t u)tr o E co oq) G(L li)Itl.E I r -llo- ,l ^lst lr E e El;l ,.t; I ; 5 8I EE E E E.ElJ -q at (J F MIES E E E!l3g F 5 5 _loo.E s :lEo'-- <*99ug#H8 ol Eelo:lP q,loal &,61 Elo(,(, L=9=EIo o o tro o(, '6o -go (olNI "ulol El iioo-.sauuJ E'o e L (o(a rO o. o6o c .9)ooo .-.oIx of xtll-r.eE Hl'= cL ol6 gr 8lI E.,l gliE YE r .Ll? Ei-l*' ;l.!= o9-tY olc OEirE (.)lo .c190(l) (,lo o|u)-t <l oolp L-oEoo oio*o Ecoo oo Eoz ololNIFI c-lllulJIurl\zluJlFIalzl<t ol-l aio- NrON Eo (E .9t, .Eo .!!<EFO<-trci6IIJ O9ElL=r!=o-iJtt<EtrH Z-lll (r)oblt Eo(,oo o o.E .t> f(E =o- id,clloxl I!-l (,) EgEoo< EF l- Oo-LdEz.C)E5E =c>(J? Z.tra?-=<)(-)O tdLrJUA 'l-l-l 'l-l-l -l-l*l sf$N t-o)to)-s6R!! 6.=op U,* Edt4 rsElEP IeE I E.l x(oJYE<E2 o <olEEelootEp I=ola& | E *l-l-l*l oroo)o(L INtr) Ipo .9.coz ocoE .al, -o)o-coz !'= o.. o)OEED= '89o_)5e>o0b7i _oOEoz u =lE:lr 99,.1 ; EI I o'EI I oONl ',' =- tslq I a':'O E a6g 3(DLei E O agEE EEE:: PTtiE"e FEEuOtO r-rOE 6EE EE= s'0-- *EA .833 EiP & Eo!a ;EHE EdE"dPEEEdjzoU.J EF oo-.LCo=Poo9 &a ooo(, C' 9=Eo o =o o tro (E(, 'do(E6 Eo)o-.9fouE0):(Eac ooo Ic .9)ooo x olrElolrEl(JI olEIJIololololol<l .l >, f(5>(L 'E9k J-=^>Jtdf+rE lPl rU)llol-oa'lJOd)l LJJ9,>.96igPE-,,Elobfl gFkbYOcLO-?iEEE5d 6 6 olalrlfl .=l i; 8l trlJJI bU,lE EIEol(oolf<lo uo)!o 6 .(,)crQ a, xlfic o':o'e <--Og EE-EOlUIU Eo G .9t, .E oo <'EFO<ro6 IJJ O9ElL=l!:o-i JI<Etr& Z-uJ s)obtt Eo(,oo oolE o,l'l .! >r f(E>(L ooo Fooo.YoF o)o- F orlLttoxl I-Y -r q,g s-^€ oo< 9E'= cL6 gr 0)Gl.o € or'L-Cl,n =O I IE { E:lcE OE.,Eo -tr1!loo)o oa-t CDrr,N oo x oL(L E(EcL =oJ oo Lo (ELco)o oo E(5z oc =oOEo.=O@tr o 6 Eoo-rdez,c) =5E; =oC)? z.Ez.5c)(J C) LJJL!cJ> (ao)(\tF-(f)lo(a tsE>.=<J $l$l slEl 3l$l -l(\rla $_loolF(ol-l fi81 EilI I -l*&l6(ol(urlE-l alLIol'ElLI(Elol_t (El+lot_t(Ul olFIgol(l)l (ElEI o!'-lolal (Elol_tolFI rO sf -l E Be>.=,,{ - (Elol_t(UlololJl -^o)a-ooEO =oz:- +tEEal Ef Ef;.E96 E{+.!- oJ *l ol*l L(Eozoz Efoot UJ =oFoD(, oo UJFIIJ o- =ooo ol!otlrJo =fz o) 6)o)o(L (o rO(\t oo)c(E -coxul oooJ(Y)roN t(Y)r(\trO-r t\ro$t (Y) rr)(oNFT @ olo(r) otNOro' r() ANNUAL REPORT FOR SMALL TELEPHONE COMPANIES YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31,2014, CUSTOMER RELATIONS RULES COMPLIANCE Rule IDAPA Rule IDAPA Please provide copies of: Summarv of Customer Relations Rules for Teleohone Corporations ldaho Telephone Solicitation Act Notification Method of Notification: Mailed separately to customers Yes X No lncluded in directory Yes_ No_X Date of notification 101112014 Alternate method of notification N/A Rule IDAPA 31.41.O1.4O3.O2 Record of Complaints: Number received by Company 8 Category of complaints (if known): Deposit Disputes Charges on Bill Denialffermination Quality or Availability of Service Carrier Selection/Assignment Miscellaneous Rev 3/02 Page 20 SEE ACCOUNTAI'IT'S COIT PI L}TION REPORT CERTIFICATE State of ldaho County of Washington WE, the undersigned RICHARD WIGGINS of the CAMBRIDGE TELEPHO tility, on our oath do severally say that the foregoing return has been prepared under our direction, from the original books, papers, and records of said utility; that we have carefully examined same, and declare the same to be a correct statement of the business affairs of said utility for the period covered by the return in respect to each and every matter and thing therein set forth, to the best of our knowledge, information and belief. Subscribed and Sworn to Before Me this 15 day of April , (Year) 2015 ) )ss ) MyCommissionexpires 2.' e- , (Year) JDlh . Rev 3/02 gdk/excel/jnelson/anul rpts/telannual rpt Page21 zo U't2 ==sOHOoE Hg$sF-ix@ PE8E..r o llJYooJgH o- o o trot, oo.oot o o E(Ez !J.o U'zo l-^k:T,EnJk E5.tl.oE o=o 9f, 'Fo. -rtU lo ,*b#.E 1 ffEa.J UE o-orr.r Iaot-O!-I e Eoo_o o- -c =Eo o'6 ooa aooEoo-xtrjco.F o .NEo.E 3N@E(')(o !v_(g=o.do!i9i: P.3 E (5tP E= '= A.=€ h?3 ffE:XOG)yurcL-.-J-E EEo ==YLo=q) IIrLP#.uo O ll=E O!2 '= >PuEouJ 9c)I [3I (Lc) or=4-gi 15 (OtL fv-L(rr-or,rJ d :e 86F <I N@ IcOoEci E=E=t 5 E eEF o (U =dd € (E E; En '= 3 a6..j i E .ii;!E o E * [ =E * .f E U E F-#.E$ 5 P E * $-.iEe 6 E E 6.ff +,ro'c 6 I E rf,.g bEtus B E E EaE e;EEH E E E ?$; EE+Es E a n E,EE EP3c,a o6Eoid ii n E g#fl ;EBp- I H E sti p HY=IE E fi E EEp EPJfg E ; E €iE g3EE;E En ?;;+Eefrf;f; E t;f E EsE $ gtfig E EEEE t gE.E i EE:g n Efge E 3H; E'aaP e p ;EFE = o-eE ?6885 = E TgE.X 6 PEE€ 1 ;Eg E.e :*:A $ g=g1E E' EEr HE ug*q s g=Eeg -; u'-o'l-c Ex a-,re, o =EEEI e EEsi€ !u o ii{r.E q '=EE=5 : OF.9ii 6 E l;EE ; *BEEE t f;a;E *E Eqi= e 6 4 ESEE E= fEEEE E BHEE g H EfffiE gE EIIIH E 5*It E SrNrr$rrt@Ioc)o-z -o:o9E.E ! Eo)o -9 luFy o.r-iTo(U:r(U -oE=5r b E EeP sN:6E 6-<rO-= o- O E(U(lIC! -o. -9 -^ E s E - 9 €'E 5 99 E E EsEE cEEbEE b@-L#LL-vtts-o = ; p.=EA: o=s.EcF .E66s gt! gfry s ooE o ogb o s irr e eiE g 8 E?E E1 €€H fitL r-pp E F,^9X 'trR u, =6 9 ;bb I6 E3€ 8. Eei 8. E EE,E 3 ESg 3E EEx= E EE* EO-(/,E.--O'/,--EO fi Ei} E i;i EP H;E- E HEA 9b s*e e HEr e* gig E esg Eb =.E E E =t tu- Efi #[; E #HE E-o E o 3 b r_ Err i9 6gq F LdE Fi lfl* ? rtE Eo) r = i5 6 Q-,, 6ol o) h t o.=F tccE=lcx=f = f =6- O f S* o:p9:P oPa(E-cEooaEAya --c, gPo=He Ee 68L u. (5 = 6'-gg, EE E'E.od' EE oPd5 *8 FEdfr E€ EE('? u fij n xrEH :E E:rb EE *E,{uJ 3: E,Br i' tci = ob'1 Ie 8eP+ .o q rlF.m: $ 3u =,!!,E E Hg EE8E' E .=E E&tIJ =;f fi E# Efips H E', ig8€ : EE EE cH: E Es EE i; i E =6 g.U pgE i E; .e9 €f,E i gE Eg E06a9Ea F E! iE EEEX E PE X-r X.otH I ;q a? =Edtr : iE yE E* rHF H *E 3fr g€ :ilH E EE ;E ,t gE.q * *E Es eE $HI I gH fii H E f;IBEfiEEE Hx ErE € E: EH€ xu $3.E fi i* s+g e 9A o) o N owJoolPEo'aOCE,q'- zY €Eoaf oao5 E e c EogtsE aoU'cooxooEa6o - ,-1.EPi.=orarG',,aie p So [*I E ]5 Es. o E Hf =c?E f; E F3 {Ee E : o-(fJ r.rEI e s _ 6 HE Pfl= 6 E E ; Eo- orgfl - 9 se ; =. to .{s2tt q E E P H 3P :/;tr E 3 fl fl E -tE s3g F n 8 H tHg? :,'; 3 5 t * *ee* fi5E f? I '9 .E tguo s,s, E .r ! ; E gpEg ngg='=:) ? pi o, o- F o,R,q EddI 3 E* E q E3;; 6tt E t g; * E tggE f;EEE s [B e E EEFF r,FEr [J oo F ] oddo @ (s-0 (r)ttlJ)(of-@O,NNNNNNN .goo : o.L!F.EoE9l- o-.:I U, Ffr,E I;E E to.lj EEAL.e,'a eEg rLB.r ho-9 E9'= .ea I 9.6 a c)siJ,; =EE E 9ov!E;i-U'XoEE o Eo-E 5 o Exf6EE E 8.Ea.(EtuO- E g tr o- r"logS, g Prodp = T.E'i E Eoct6+ A Lge-E fr ErEE F. 6 ac>.ra Eb a P.eE-u I9, ? ."(s=E (Eo : (f)o(UE.rr-L)te .oEg 6E, E flLL::U,LU'o !P.o o- Ai'= N Of EE= E' E Ho* 5:? :ff E SI g. U'ts L o (L 'E eE,E bre 8 BE H$fr #A 5 =e HgE e9 E 5f L (E o -e , EB ;ei EE ; F5 €tE ?e E P* [Eq gE E EH s-EE dE B fi3€' P R N N of, @EocZO22 s o).Yotr oF I(,)C,F C =ooo o)Eo G)t (f)N(o@ Cfooo I EI-i39o (5Y6' Ut-x o NaY)oro,d= o, q6i: HP eEa? ;to :8E SE FoE 3r :2 PdI E8 U.9 -O Elr tLE 4q HE g O-r0)EOr9 E3 Tg e; i) -'- o) ' Hs .Erx E; E ho a o x 7e 6.t.t EU P = >f f = 6 rE =EE oe Yn g-- - ty c O)E tr o)o) -'6 OECCPUT=o o== E g FE =iEiE o-s .e)I iSdd 6d i5EB I E $of-co'Eoc6.qZY ts o ooo0- 6 o D) .j)o o c! @I N@ m \@ @q c(o(o No ,, No @o @tsN6Fc oNno co\ I No i@ C'@ a !I Eo o goo3or! o E E ooo) ,5 9 o 9@1o o Noi!n F.o @ q a po ,- do!N\ N \ o@0qNN Iix q o ! a ia ! q In FI N N 0qoN aq 2 o6 ooeoo o;o ri Noq @ @Nq Fc!oo o{oDo.t oo.,1 tsN oEEo Eooo It lJ ? Gooo,A q D N {o4N {N66n-I N oNol NN @o ry €Na oFq D D. oa {NI fc ,!q(o 2 It 2 E Eo o =n NN!o N ! d6 ots\i JcT Fo o o N oD ! tsq c;+ ! a nI {{ o oNJ oo Eoooo co sooo @( os ro@- @o Nq @ fq o- Dlo oN-F6q OFoo orodt c t o NA6 f,,{ @ Do4 I oqt tsoo 6 d elIl = ,gaoo6 6ooou{ 5 D-i D!o (g, & o< o-co(5 6\6t @ E 0,q o{ ao a; q N rt-ts F FNo€ N o NF o!Eul 6o oEF o oF =.1,oF = oo t o6o oa Foq o ( qotr: d i(n O- ooOFN ooq € 6N6 \ Do d, N N ocod6 o€@tso E II o 6E 6oF 96ooc 9 uo a G G oo oo\ o@ oo N o @oo \6 E:,, o.o@aF-aoto@Nts-h c N @o @ oo,,II{ @N@_F@ EI\ ,x IttolcN@c@oN. o J ciz @ ;@ o a N g o @ o oN N \N a I N dN oN 6o o o2 z \N oi8 !o odQ(Ca Ga oo &,lllFo EFfo. ==doLN o o(,, o o q -9oFogE q 6o di =z z o- =o E G E ooo u I oI I E =: o o oI E E E Ego 6o J xxo EI !,(! co Eo on h JJ cI , ooo !f a F-z+nF ooEo;n I o N EEo,,hE l:x = o =oo (L 6 E -q oa .qoo od oc in d =xxN ot c Eooo .! =oc o J;ou .9p g6o l @ oJ xo @ Eo oI d 9 qoo o IJ c..9oiGo3orO HEdY(/)E -a6o-z IErI6>ixxx c,9o.!Eo E oa .9 @'6 Eooo xo cc soo o Eo ! x @ Ec so co s Ec xx c;C oc c ooo o ! E o o G E E G oo o! Eo o {\ co o oF ds Eo Jo Ea o N cg =o oFo E o =Eo?ou NN o 6;Eo _coo ool o o\ --oo oF oE o 5 oz o N 10 i6iIldto l- Eo ;c Gooo oz ( o 0qNo9N o0qrqo @q o { Na N@@-ool{ aN! .i No@oFoq o 6N @ d; +t o! r;+i ooq o o@oq +o? o goooo (E og EooJ @qoNcN F o @ d no aa E oNc? Fo 0!1+: o d( o!4 o !Nq ar:ti{ E\!t {aq N ot!o @@-o o9c ILJJ 2 gIoo,, tF o o rioo co otsC? Fo o$c?o oNo tsgq co F-o@q oop 2{ a 2 E oo ott ae\c s C4 Fn o, d, No @ s a o0 ry Ea q p 4D 0 a, ! N\@o 6Nqn ot, t o Eo0oo6 eo G c ! N ts€o qo{ t ,lI o c,o N a\aNo CD\o !r!o !,o? ',, ooo nJL JJ) EoooU' ctt( n )r ! b,oq N NFFlo D II o 0oaa oq { ai {t? No E!,o ENa{ '! 2( 6 2 E o o;o oct{ N! N! ts q ooa { @Nq !!Nqo o!t?0Dt , ! c?o E io)o€ oFc o ,oNrt o 1 !\ oEoI E oF o o go 9 0o 't o o o(oo,o ,!,!c. t:oo.1 II oFo- FN \oqNo ',tIopq ao F N !e ri @ I t fl '?fD oq o. qts@N o{ FN o ii o@ o o o, { oE5 D @ D o ?o @ ,@ F ooz oz o fooo oor co o oo5 E ss EcU x E E n @ G!o6Ioogo o 2oa (d dI oF 5R E E: E Eo g =o( !! afl o) oo Eo E( Eoq l E!oot I* g oo ool 5 )t t5l gaoo ! G E.Eo G oN ?- qo oEo 5oo o I DoJ Eo oJ oEcc co EE: ! oUo E E! I o 6@o6d eo I ooooox.oo eo( E 9 =I! TJ IIJn : I o ==uE! oo t) E o o, ! o =o!oo Ec g o) x N Eo U) oo F -oo o ='=a Eo oFNF o c ( Eo!3 EoE ! Ni .EEo 'o6oJ c5F o o c c EF ! U N F o f !oo eFio U NrF o l o: da o + ko o l Eoo o =dao U) F o o l .Eo PFx o,l ko o l doo o aIx o.,! ts o ?FooEod I F rc o c u)J d 9 u oE,sJg IJJ EoF I o I o Eo ;xo uJo-opost od. F o tsI oE ) Eo G o !,, o'!l+ tI\I ts o.Fo @ o@ oN o,DoNi n€N6aN E2f\ DoqcD oc,l ts66 o a@ Eo (! o oo (E o6 E NooJ oE o I n6 N o !!o oe6N ts I4 oo0o ( qN(oqo n( IJ ,,No , N0 oi o EI!,o( IN@6N n!I)! E ooA aogc( ts €_ Fa$ a?oN !NIoE &Fcots 4o a co€ 2( 3{ 2 E o o;a aaooud enn.iIq €NF:€oe !o ,jIi tsFc({ ! 1N n ,, €t-o0o- N o G oqoo d o E G o g a C q E ,T c Noo-o@ o )n!!o oN I (cc 6E ! d o d o \! l D2 -tsN @ N AlIll trooo o 9t !. q q,D ,! ! N@o-n I !o o 0o A cFae , nN oFoDo \tts 2{ { 2 E oo o!i,t ooo a, oaq N F6Eoo !,on0q n6ada& FN€d a o o ts( o 6oqoDq N o 6E 6oF aEI G ool o uo 6 oEo G 6oo6 @@-o i D\! N! oF0qNNo ooqoNq foq{, oe4cco 6\ o N {4 rII II N 9-N Dd o J oz @ o f N N t o o D oN D N @ F D o o N o o oz (oo 6 E 6 E ooo oor to o =o of ac =ooto ! I E a coEEo(, otr =o! o ah4 ooo ocJ oo oo-U) ryI F o o 6- E ! N a o f ool E _c ! Ni o f '6 c Fx o f Eoo c =Fx c5 F o ! s o f, I ={) 6o .; oq o o xx@ o ooJ6 6.o tro Eo o -EpoEo ooI .qeocos oot o ) E- o o.ctoat, .E c .Eo- doogoF 6 oE I fi! oE( E I guo oo ( o o o oo o oo G E o .9 =ooIE ooaa Eoco x c Ecctt oo Eco Eo a o Eo xN .9 E EFoo o Ecoo xN .9 =uj troqo.Eo C.9s tros x o GIo 5 aIoo.) t .E oo .9o.N oE !o -g Et o o aoJ '6o o co Eo eo E oo 0 oo !t ]Peo o 3c oE ab- co'.i s oo@ o G Eoc !o -c II EoLo N ooooo(! @0 r @o N oN69oo F@,\, D,; o ao{ i4a{ 6 c?o@ o\r! @Nts-oo aIEI rN GooJ , 11,0 c(( E tsF.! @ INls l'' cD1oIY o.oN i N\o oNI! o q ! o o! ts Nts\No @ho @o i,E !E @a NooD 2IJJ ( I( u qoqo FIts oF\pq oFa? ts t{i N No-o N a )4il oNn: 2( { 2 E EoEc tt aooc( c f.o os.!s l,cq N @.to o@ FN F ots\n 6@o oN N (ool @€ tro d oooo6 g.oc G o oF@_Nts Noo@ 6qN@ 6c , ( ool: N o o@ oio!c N ts_ N ol o oo +F ,Cqc,a oooqh aao o{ 6+q N N4{ a(a, a r? o o.oF 9_ D{4D !,,o N! to ,tC oo u ! oo o{ Nq6o soo_{ E! F€o, @ ,o ts{- a oN, a{I N\F !ec\NI a,4IE o oE E ots C! 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Gooo aooo 6ool E0q {oai G oFo @oqo !{ B{ a E 'h q oqo( ,ItE I:,N !,o@c?oN Nool Eo N CN orlp €6\F 0q o\t o@noo o oE E ots I!oo oF o,go o 9 E EooA NN ri Tc,,f, tsooiN oo 6 c! ooc N ol N ri Cl , .lt ! € o oa,o Iq Dao NoIo n oEJ o N ts o f @ @ o NN I\o g D oN o oz oz o ,oo aa N a E o cIo o o(,L to o o oo EC ;c€c rlnz!I ! ={IIJI o oc-otsG !o o Eoh o sE) ! oE -9 E a =0. aaoo =3 N oo 6 .g:.)o E oar a o:l N o fE uJ ooc oE .geoo o!! o) ! UJ o .96 od o E 60- N@ o oc J,JI-oE E5 pNo !.) oI oo)o9zol) \o uxoc.9 .9Eo od ao Eo0- N@ I a c Ec ! \o c.9 E a Eo c :.) ,No eo o .9F oF jot N@ I I o =6ool a jox No 6o€ i5 o qo jot oNo q ,E i5oJa o jov INo o.ao E.x oo jod N!s ouJJop Gc E o.! 6 N!9 o Eoh oEo - o) Dx Eo eoooo Eoo oo *N .E s .do oo.I xr o s .t2 .E E! 0u Eoco xN|> o coo J co EI ont) fi DN o aa oo ! o;co l o ) o't o- o o E dlu I I sIIo.9iout o,: f I oocG co ooC o os6 =J I o o o oF ooo ooxulo Egooo EoF N o @o0oI G c @Nc@ 6a6qcV \lo F@.'lN i tDriD at o r o 6oooo (E og (qc oE c IF{6 o q o ts!N Noqio D Do a , cN{, aI L t N 't @ N D q AJIJJ 6ooo o ooq ots@ , o tl tso0qtr *l* oE ooo a a a 2( t 2 E c( II o ooo ts@o. @ ot! a( I ,fN F @ a o G oooo G o 6ots @@o.F oot CF!do rc! tsFq ,f9oE m@ @ , a a, aJIJJ ? 6oooD ooo ood Io?o Fc( o !E! t\o f,@ Fo I , 2( { 2 E Eo o'to ooo Nco-N ,t\ 6!to No?Nts oI?!o N\ o o E! d oF oI Eoo 9 ooE:',, s G(cC, Noori Dq I @ o!!:! ,oND 0f Eo 6 s ; o J oz N 0 D o :,l q o @ ooz cz I;I@t-@ Ec6 E,ooo ooE o a g o I IJf 'n!( s I =( Y IJL) o! g o o )I\ eo oI D N o'6oot o o NN ooL lI o*N ooI ot! o EI f{\ oEo o N oxo Eo o0 d o !@ .gJg6o oo dFo EooE xxNN tr oaF6ooo cooEo;oz o o oox! oJ T o Go o h + ooEo o o.0Fo oto Iol.;t+l-a tso l{El6 .lc Etso l,iol'6lEilci)-lo 'l* + !oo E! o oc0FL o- +N ooo dc ooox6 I sNqDN o Fr o otoo .E "go d NN o E LIJ ot a F @ o oE=co o Fr oNNF ts o tsooa0- E o tro E oooo GoE tr oooJ o o n{U n)t fJ Euoo,t oooP{ 2(I{ 2 E oo o ih ooo I( c oo D, oo a o o@o@io o oN N 0ots { o ooF s ( N,i o eoAoo6 2oc ooF E ool ri!{: g oxN o0ry0 ts @ ,Fo11 hJIJJ Eeoo't oqooo oEo 6 ooo oEoI oo =f otEo Gooo'a o Eog: o ooE ( {r DE,{Nlo oN 5N N(Nqo I @a co o {oN ooN oN otqo s E6q D s a@N! @o\oo 2( a 2 E !o o'to ooooo o.! o oo ooo6iio!E UJ 6o o F o o6 o o c { ar oEo{ i oN 5i o!o c?o a aE rE otso-0Na n ,! ! o@o c oo ti:!I oo oo s vl ;s d.!6 {eq o o 6! ooF o oEEoo oF I.9o o oc9 EGoo't) o Eo E o o 9 eooc oF o.9, o 9((ccu o ooooq ccocc !o,oE4o Nt- @ ts- N@q E ol h@ .',i n,!o! oNcFN a,F! , a, N o n4( EE s EcIots $ nt o04o $ o.EJ oz o J oz o D o o !@ ts @ o oN N N 6N c @N oN f o oz dz E6o-o)o o ooo;og a G) ! 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