HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210709Amended Application.pdfCynthia A. Melillo PLLC 8385 W. Emerald Street Boise, ldaho 83704 (208)-577-5747 cam@camlawidaho.com ::: i -i:\j*l.r -,:" *f fi;-i* !l: 33 'r"'i-lt. ':; j :'.:,'-r!l. .: ._.. \r, - July 9,2021 WA El*tronic Mail Jan Noriyuki, Commission Secretary ldaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. Chinden Blvd. Building 8, Suite 201-A Boise, lD 83714 P.O. Box 83720 Boise, lD 83720-0074 Re:Cambridge Telephone Company, lnc.'s Amended Application for Broadband Tax Credit Certificationtor 2A2O Case No: CAM-T-21-A4 Dear Ms. Noriyuki: Enclosed for filing, please find a oopy of Cambridge Telephone Company, lno.'s Amended Application ln the above referenced Gase. I have not sent a hard copy so please let me know if you will require that prior to opening the case. lf you have any questions or need any additional information, please feel fee to contact me. Sincerely(NlW Cynthia A. Melillo CAlr/l/ EnclosureCc: Bachchi Samahon-Oumar (via electronic mail) Daniel Klein (via electronic matt) Cynthia A. Melillo ISB No. 5819] CYNTHIA A. MELILLO PLLC 8385 W. Emerald Steet Boise,ID 837M Telephone: (208) 577-5747 cam(a)caml awidaho. com Attorneys for Carrbridge Telephone Company, Inc. BEF'ORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Case No. CAM-T-21-04 IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF CAMBRIDGE TELEPHONE COMPANY, FOR BROADBAND TAX CREDTT CERTIFICATION CAMBRIDGE TELEPHONE coMPAM, rNC.'S AMEIIDEn APPLICATTON Cambridge Telephone Company, [nc. ("CTC" or "Applicanf), by and through its attomeys, Cynthia A. Melillo PLLC, files this Amended Application for an Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission') order certifying that certain telecommurications equipment is eligible for the broadband infrastucture tax credit authorized by Section 63-3029I,Idaho Code. ln support of its Application, CTC states as follows: 1. CTC is a provider of basic local exchange service, broadband telecommunications service and other telecommunications services in ldalro. 2. In the original filing by CTC in this matter, the list of qualified broadband equipment was not correct. tn this Amended Application, CTC corrects that error. 3. Attached hereto as Exhibit A, is the corrected list of qualified broadband equipme,nt within the meaning of Section 63-3029(I)(3)0), Idaho Code, in which CTC invested during the calendar year 2020. Exhibit A, contains the information and representations required by this Commission's OrderNo. 28784 in Case No. GNR-T-OI-10. CA},IBRTDGE TELEPHONE COMPANY, INC.'S AMENDED APPLICATION - 1 4. following: Communications regsrding this Amended Application should be addressed to the CpthiaA. Melillo Cpthia A. Melillo PLLC 8385 W. Emerald Stre€t Boise, ID 837M (208) s77-s747 cam@camlawidaho.com Bachchi Samahon-Oumar, Chief Financial Officer Cmbridge Telephone Compann Inc. 130 N. Supaior Sheet Cambridge,ID 83610 (208) 22e-8178 Boumar@ctctele.com 5. Applicant does not believe that the public interest requires a hearing on this matter and, thereforg requests that the Commission approve the Amended Application by Minute Order or under Modifid Prooedure. In the went the Commission determines that firrther proceeding ane n@essaf,y, Applicant stands ready for immediate hearings. WHEREFORE, CTC requests tbat the Commission issue its order dAermining that the installed equipnent identified in Exhibit A constitutes qualified broadband equipment eligible for the investuent tax credit authorized by Section 63-3029l,Idaho Code. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED this 96 day of July 2021. A. Melillo CYNTHIA A. IvIELILLO PLLC Attomeys for Cambridge Telephone Company, Inc. CAI\{BRIDGE TELEPHONE COMPA].IY, INC.'S AI\,IENDED APPLICATION . 2 CERIII.ICATE OF SERVICE I IIEREBY CERTIFY that on this 9ft day of July 2021, I causcd to be serrred a tue and correct copy ofthe foregoing by thc method indicated below, aod addressed to the following: Jan Noriytrki, Commission Secrctary Idaho Pr$lic Utilities Commission 11331 W. CtindenBIvd. Building 8, Suite 201-A Boise ID83714 U.S. ldail Hmd Delivered O\rffnight Mail Facsimile Electronic Mail P.O. Box 83720 Boise,ID 83720-N74 A. Mclillo CAMBRIDGE TELEPHONE COMPAI{Y, INC.'S AI{ENDED APPLICATION. 3 D(HIBIT A Broadband Tax Credit Application Iattached] CAMBRIDGE TELEPHONE COMPANY,INC.'S AMENDED APPLICATION - 4 CAfUIBRIDGE TETEP HONE COMPANY, INC I30 N Supcr{or Sl., ComMdgc. lD tX}6I0 IDAHO BROADBAND EQUIPMENT TAX CREDIT APPTICAIION 2O2O. BROADBAND EQUIPIIIENI UST Compqnv lnformqllon: I. Nome of Compony: 2, Address: 3. Type of Compony: 4. Contocl Person: Telephone: Emoil: Equlpment Descrlptlon: 5. Broodbond Services Offered: 5. Network Description: 7. Tronsmission Role: 8. Number & Percenloge of ldoho Customers Served: 9. Equlpmenl List: Combridge Telephone Compony, lnc., 130 N Superior St., Combridge, lD 83610 Telecommu nicotion provider/conier. Bochchi Somohon-Oumor, CPA 2@-229-8178 Bpumq r@ q tsle_Le. c_oltD DSL, Ethernel, Fiber ond Copper Wireline Services l0 megobils per second to the subscriber; I megobit per second frorn subscriber 4,41 4 Broodbo nd Customers. See otloched Broodbond Equipment List. I hereby certify thot I hove reod the opplicoble slotues for broodbond income lox credil ond believe thot the equip ldoho Code 63-30291. ed herein quolifies for the tqx credit under alnsl+,, Bochchi hon-Oumor, CPA Chief Fino Officer Combridge Telephone Compony, lnc., Epumqr@qlctele.aem Dole: u. =El uffi,U)c[UI w I Eo u DqG' ll Fo az G(,2o ts- U -fA-o-4vt -e:- lltaoEXq;vx;SOL-1a FHEa .qf s6ooZt{oENclo<(\{oGo o - a N c{oGI{N R & or =EIo o-oIU Ufo- FoC\t ='oo UxoF co E Uoo o E oa o0) o-trv, o UFU atll E{o =v,taGuroEov4o =t!o c, ==.a o o t\(\t.(- cn q C\ q CJ(r) o o@- (f) q \o t q v)o\,Q v+ (\Io('l'.t(\I a+ o\o GO- C\ s+ coo\o\.o' q t)(\( c,io(\I tc+ 6to. c.i tr+ \o(f) c,i, t a+ oqg\ q N crtN a+ (\l o{' 1A o.N dt v+ $lo$- Nto e c-,1oo\,ri E 6 oo.$- c{ * $ C',1 e{-$t 4t $o@-oC\I {+ o\ (f) * \oolcq- @ I \o€ +(9 c+ (\lrOa roN rr| o U =o tC\I * (f)oc{t, c+ o\(\Ie a+ o(\t {r+ o Q €oo N' t/+ r{) c.l$t G tnI * t\o6.N e o\*o\ {r+ to tr+ o,oro. e o.trr, 1* @(f)o .a o.14tr) 4 NN ta .o.o 3 1a 6(\t * o\t * o.(f) a+ o*$ a+ oc) a+ {o.o s+ ooo,C o o \oc{ 6 {rn -\O-5 I o(Y) 0q$ q oo re o$l r+ t\oNrilr) * (Y) $,tNct(Y) 4l c.{(lrJ) -. e+ \o\o co- c-,t q (f,\o(r)-to (r+ \o(f)(r)- c{ 6 o C'.1 o'(f) e+ r^.) .dN * tr') a. no * lr) coN.o a* @t')\o a Norr)o{ I Nco(f) -. t+ rf) ri e \oro tar-N * (f,.oq,\o (fl coro * o€ o a p otz {roo- c-.1 t+ |r) =\O.(f)@ t o@o. 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