HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210709Amended Application.pdfCynthia A. Melillo PLLC 8385 W. Ernerald Street Boise, ldaho 83704 (208)-577-5747 cam@camlawidaho.com July 9,2021 WA Electrcnlc Mail Jan Noriyuki, Commission Secretary ldaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. Chinden Blvd. Building 8, Suite 201-A Boise, lD 83714 P.O. Box 83720 Boise, !D 83720-0074 Re Cambridge Telephone Company, lnc.'s Amended Application for Brcadband Tax Credit Certification for 2019 Case No: CAM-T-21-03 Dear Ms. Noriyuki: Enclosed fur filing, please find a copy of Cambridge Telephone Company, lnc.'s Amended Application in the above referenced case. I have not sent a hard copy so please let me know if you will require that priorto opening the case. lf you have any questions or need any additional information, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely Cynthia A. CAM/ EnclosureGc: Bachchi Samahon-Oumar (via electronic mait) Daniel Klein (via electonic mail) Cynthia A. Melillo [ISB No. 5819] CYNTI{IA A. MELILLO PLLC 8385 W. Emerald Street Boise,ID 83704 Telephone: Q08) 577 -5747 cam(gcamlawidaho.com Attomeys for Cambridge Telephone Company, Inc. BEFORE TIIE IDAHO PT]BLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CaseNo. CAM-T-21-03 IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF CAMBRIDGE TELEPHONE COMPANY, FOR BROADBAND TAX CREDIT CERTIFICATION CAMBRIDGE TELBPHOI\TE coMPAltY, INC.'S AMENDED APPLICATION Cambridge Telephone Company, Inc. ('CTC" or "Applicanf'), by and through its attorneys, Cynthia A. Melillo PLLC, files this Amendd Application for an Idatro Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") order certifuing that certain telecommunications equipment is eligible for the broadband infrastnrcture tax credit authorized by Section 63-3029l,Idaho Code. In support of its Application, CTC states as follows: 1. CTC is a provider of basic local exchange service, broadband telecommunications service and other telecommunications services in Idaho. 2. In the original filing by CTC in this matter, the list of qualified broadband equipment was not correct. In this Arnended ApplicatiorU CTC corrects that error. 3. Attached hereto as Exhibit A, is the corrected list of qualified broadband equipment within the meaning of Section 63-3029(I)(3Xb), Idaho Code, in which CTC invested during the cale,ndar year 2019. Exhibit A, contains the information and representations required by this Commission's Order No. 28784 in Case No. GNR-T-01-10. CAMBRIDGE TELEPHONE COMPANY,INC.'S AMENDED APPLICATION - I 4. following: Communications regsding this Amendod Application should be addressed to the Cpthia A. Melillo Cfmthia A. Melillo PLLC 8385 W. Emerald Stneet Boisg ID 837M Q08) s77-5747 cam(rDcarnlawidaho. com Bachchi Samahon-Oumar, Chief Financial Officer Cambridge Telephone Company, Inc. 130 N. Superior Street Cambridge,ID 83610 (208) 22e-8178 Boumar@ctctele.com 5. Applicant does not believe that the public interest requires a hearing on this matter and, therefore, requests that the Commission approve the Amended Application by Minute Order or rmder Modified Procedure. In the event the Cornmission detennioes that firtlrer proceedings are neoessary, Applicant stands ready for immediate hearings. WHEREFORE, CTC requests that the Commission iszue its order determining that the installed equipment identified in Exhibit A constitutes qualified broadband equipment eligible for the investnent ta:r credit authorized by Section 63-3029l,Idaho Code. RESPECTFLJLLY SUBMTTED this 9* duy of July 2021. Cfmthia A. Melillo CYNTHIA A. MELILLO PLLC Attorneys for Cambridge Telephone Company, Inc. CAI\{BRIDGE TELEPHONE COMPA}.IY,INC.'S AI,IENDED APPLICATION - 2 CERTII'ICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this 9e day of July 2V2l,I caused to be served a true and correcil copy of the foregoing by the method indicated below, and addresscd to the following: Jan Noriyuki, Commission Secretary Idaho Pr$lic Utilities Commission 11331 W. Chinden Blvd. Building 8, Suite 201-A Boise,ID 83714 P.O. Box 83720 Boise,ID 83720-W74 U.S. Mail Hmd Delivered Ov€ndght Mail Facsimile El gectronic Mail h lllltlL cfrthiaA. Miulo CAI\,IBRIDGE TELEPHONE COMPAI\IY, INC.'S AIVIENDED APPLICATION - 3 EXHIBIT A Broadband Tax Credit Application [attached] CAI\{BRIDGE TELEPHONE COMPANY, INC.,S AMENDED APPLICATION . 4 CAMBRIDGE TELEPHONE COMPANY, INC 130 N Supedor Sl., Cqmbrldge, lD 836t0 IDAHO BROADBAND EQUIPMENT TAX CREDIT APPTICATION 201J. BROADBAND EAUIPMENI LIST Compqnv lnformollon: Nome of Compony: Address: Type of Compony: Contqct Person: Telephone: Emoil: Eoulpment Descripllon: 5. Broodbond Services Offered: 6. Nelwork Description: 7. Tronsmission Rote: 8. Number & Percentoge of ldoho Customen Served: 9. Equipment List: B Chief Combridge Telephone Compony, lnc.. 130 N Superior St., Combridge, lD 83610 Teleco mmu n icolion provider/conier. Bochchi Somohon-Oumor, CPA 2W-229-8178 8_oumor@ctctele.co_m DSL, Ethernet, Fiber ond Copper Wireline Services l0 megobils per second to the subscribec I megobit per second from subscriber 3.?l I Broqdbond Customers. See ottoched Broodbond Equipment List l. 2. 3. 4. I hereby certify lhol I hove reqd the opplicoble stotues for broodbqnd income lox credit ond believe lhol lhe eq ldoho Code 63-30291. nt lisled herein quolifies for the tox credit under 0b01 2'1 Dote:mohon-Oumor, CPA ciolOfficer Co Telephone Compony, lnc., & :: = 6 It lJ') G .o.ort ro rD tot) .o' G illl -a !E PE2S ro =g F U--tGe.4vtFfraats c,EA(J-x= Egfra =E=dqer s6EtUZl{o"!Oe6C'<c{oEo o- e $t NIcN o- ool ou E EuGsU U3a- ao(\ =E0) UxoF c0) E ooo o E oo 1]o) f,rq, o uFU ctllttr =6 v,U'ellJoEovEo =ato e ===v, g o (o6$+\o(t) 4 .o 00.ot(Y) (+ rO 6iOo * \oo.(, r{) r+ cO.te.(o (f, t4 (o6c)oto q (a.co(')'C{ 4 @s r"tcO t+ C.l$I * cxc{1,)d@ r+ \o\oot 6\o * oo\ o'6 tt C-,Irr) \oo * @GIlr)- g) o o(Y) e $lo@dc\l t o CTo'rO et ro(r) @ t+ o+ -.i c+ c1 c1 * oroo\ ..f e \t6\o (Y) 6 iO!lto..l l\ tt ggso (Y){(\i s+ \trr) I (,@ .o G I q F\.+ * CF or q 6t\ I $oo* * o\ e o\6q tf) * o6{o. e? g (f)o\ c (f)6 -. a+ o\o.o 6 .tr\q. e+ {o\o -. s+ \o coro t+ \ororo tr+ r\os Q 6(? r*+ (t,6(\I * c\t $ a oo\t (+ $tot q Eoog o 6 tr)tf).ot\T(9 a+ (r) R6c\I * \o.oro.t q I c+ oco(od s+ $t\o co cO a+ o\o6-$l1.r) .t i o+ (f).o,o- af)\o * aU(t, c,it o \o (f,. o\(f) q c1o.o -.t q $(r)o Fr'ro t+ lr)(Y,(Y) -. 4 \o\o s+ C-,1tq. rfJ 1* s(,\to' Q No.o o.'C{ a+ sco(r) ttt to (\lN 9r u)o(f) o' s+ o\ c'iN tr+ (olr).t rA 6ttr.o (f)' * tr o oE ra I a+ roC{o'$t e @{ r/.) ++ NN\oie,l a+ tq o\e.t 6 o q.c{ o+ N(o,o. rf, e+ ottoq,o b+ t\V,q,\o CO q otro.t co'ot * t\ro oO\o s+ N\oc.tro a+ €.o\e{ * u:(9c{ s+ o\$o.ro & ro\o 00t fr $.oo. 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