HomeMy WebLinkAbout20090430Application.pdfp F r, E ~ \~ ;:'e:CambridgeTelephone lUUS ~PR 29 ~t\ 8: \ 0 P.O. Box 88 Cambridge, ID 83610 CAn--r- oC¡ -ofApril 28, 2009 Idaho Public Utilities Commission P.o. Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 Cambridge Telephone and Spri Nextel, and Cambridge Telephone and AT&T agree on the rates and terms of the enclosed contracts. They are signed and agreed upon. We would like to request a copy of the PUC's final order to forward to the carers, as they have requested copies. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Jerr Piper at 208-257-3314. Sincerely, ~, 6£4t.if Nikii Barett P.O. Box BB . Cambridge, 10 B361 0 . (20B) 257-3314 GAM ::-oC(-6( INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEN CAMBRIDGE TELEPHONE COMPANY, INC. (OCN 2215) AND SPRINT SPECTRUM L.P. FOR THE STATE OF IDAHO ¡~i:c:; r L"qao "pol,(iJ H' '1'9 JIM 8 ''- I1rl.: I a TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 DEFINITIONS. .....................................................................................................................1 2 SCOPE.....................................................................................................................................3 3 TERM AND TERMINATION. .............................................................................................4 4 INTERCONNECTION. ........................................................................................................5 5 COMPENSATION"..............................................................................................................6 6 BIL.LING AND PAYMENT .................................................................................................8 7 IMPAIRMENT OF SERVICE. .............................................................................................9 8 DIALING .PARITY. ...........................................................................................................10 9 OFFICE CODE. TRANSLATIONS................................................................................... .10 10 LOCAL NUMBER PORTABILITy................................................................................... .11 11 AUDITS.. ...............................................................................................................................11 12 LIMITATION OF LIABILITY............................................................................................12 13 NO WARRANTIES. ...............................................................................................................13 14 INDEM.NIFICATION..........................................................................................................13 15 FORCE M.AJEURE .............................................................................................................14. 16 NONDISCLOSURE OF PROPRIETARY INFORMATION .......................................14 17 NOTICES. .............................................................................................................................16 18 DI.SPUTE. .RESOLUTION..................................................................................................17 19 MISCELLANEOUS...............................................................................................................17 20 ENTIRE. AGREEMENT...................................... ............................................................... i 9 1 This Interconnection Agreement ("Agreement") is entered into by and between Cambridge Telephone Company. ("Cambridge") with corporate offces at 130 Nort Superior, Cambridge, Idaho 83610 and Sprint Spectr L.P., a Delaware limited parership, for itself and as agent WirelessCo, L.P. and SprintCOM, Inc. (collectively "Sprit"), with offices at 6200 Sprit Parkway, Overland Park, Kansas 66251 (each referred to as a "Party" and collectively as ¡'Parties"). This Agreement shall be deemed effective as of Februry 20,2009. (the "Effective Date"). Sprit provides commercial mobile radio service under licenses issued by the FCC. Cambridge is a certified Incumbent Local Exchange Carrer in the state ofIdaho. The Paries wish to establish an interconnection agreement pursuant to 47 U.S.C. Section 251. Sections 251 and 252 of the Communcations Act of 1934, as amended, have specific requirements for interconnection and reciprocal compensation and the Partes intend that this Agreement meets these requirements. The Paries are entering into ths Agreement to set forth the respective obligations of the Parties and the terms and conditions under which the Parties wil interconnect their respective networks, exchange traffc, and provide other services pursuant to the Act. In consideration of the mutual obligations set forth below, the Paries agree to the following terms and conditions: 1 DEFINITIONS. Any term used in this Agreement that is not specifically defined herein shall have the definitions assigned to it (if any) in the Act. Any term used in this Agreement that is not defined herein or in the Act shall be interpreted in light of its ordinary meaning and usage, including any special or technical meaning or usage which such term may have within the telecommunications industr. 1.1 "Act" means the Communications Act of 1934 (47 U.S.C. 15 1 et. seq.), as amended and interpreted in the rules and reguations of the FCC. 1.2 "Confidential Information" shall have the meanng ascribed in Section 16. 1.3 "End Offce Switch" or "End Offce" means the telephone company switch to which a telephone subscriber is connected and which actually delivers dial tone to that subscriber and also establishes line to line, line to tr, and tr to line connections. 1 1.4 "FCC" means the Federal Communcations Commssion. 1.5 "Interconnection" means the physical linkng of two networks for the mutual exchange of Traffic. 47 C.F.R. § 51.5. 1.6 ' "Interconnection Facilities" means the facilities or combination of facilities, circuits, service arrangements, trs, and tr groups used to deliver Telecommuncations Traffic between Cambridge's switch and the Sprint MSC. 17 U.S.C. § 20.3. 1.7 "Interconnection Point"("IP") means any technically feasible point of demarcation where the exchange of traffic between two carers taes place. 1.8 "Interexchange Carer" or "IXC" is a telephone company that provides, directly or indirectly, intraLATA or interLATA telecommuncations services. 1.9 "Local Exchange Carer" or "LEC" means any person that is engaged in the provision of telephone exchange servce or exchange access. Such term does not include a person insofar as such person is engaged in the provision of a commercial mobile service under Section 332( c), except to the extent that the FCC finds that such service should be included in the definition of such term. 17 U.S.C. § 153 (26). 1.10 "Major Trading Area" or "MTA" means the service areas based on the Rand McNally 1992 Commercial Atlas & Marketing Guide, 123rd edition, at pages 38-39. 47 C.F.R. §24.202(a) 1.11 "Mobile Switching Center" or "MSC" is a switching facility that is an essential element of the wireless network which performs the switching for the routing of calls between and among its mobile subscribers and subscribers in other mobile or landline networks. The MSC is used to interconnect tr circuits between and among End Offce Switches and Tandem Switches, aggregation points, points of termination, or points of presence, also coordinates inter-cell and inter-system call hand-offs, and records all system traffc for analysis and biling. 1.12 "Reciprocal Compensation" means a compensation arangement between two carriers in which each of the two carrers receives compensation from the other carrer for the Transport and Termination on each carer's network facilities of Telecommunications Traffic that originates on the network facilities ofthe other carrer. 47 C.F.R. § 51.701(E). 2 1.13 "State Commission" refers to the state regulatory agency to which the state legislature has delegated authority to regulate LECs in the state in which this Agreement is fied. 1.14 "Tandem switch" or "Tandem Office" is a switching facility that is used to interconnect tr circuits between and among End Office Switches, aggregation points, points of termination, or points of presence. 1.15 "Telecommuncations Traffc" "for the purpose of this agreement is that traffic which originates and terminates within the same MTA. For puroses of determining whether traffc originates and terminates within the same MT A, and therefore whether the traffc is subject to reciprocal compensation, the location of the Interconnection Point between the two carers at the beginning of the call shall be used to determine the location ofthe mobile caller or called par. 1.16 "Termination" means the switching of Telecommuncations Traffic at the terminating Part's End Offce Switch, or equivalent facility, and delivery of such traffc to the called Pary's premises as referenced in 47 C.F.R. § 51.701 (d). 1.17 "Transport" means the transmission and any necessar tandem switching of Telecommunications Traffic subject to Section 251 (b)(5) of the Act from the Interconnection Point between the Paries to the terminating carer's End Office Switch that directly serves the called par, or equivalent facility provided by a carrer other than an incumbent LEC as referenced in 47 C.F.R. § 51.701(c). 2 SCOPE. 2.1 Ths Agreement sets forth the rights and obligations of each Pary to establish Interconnection, to enable the exchange of Telecommuncations Traffc between the networks of both Paries, and any Reciprocal Compensation to be charged for the exchange of such traffic pursuat to Section 251 and 252 of the Act. 2.2 The scope of the traffc subject to ths Agreement shall be limited to that Telecommunications Traffic that originates from a subscriber on the network of one Pary and is delivered to a subscriber on the network of the other Party. 3 3 TERM AND TERMINATION. 3.1 This Agreement is effective upon signatue by both paries and has an initial term of one year and shall continue in force and effect thereafter, on a month to month basis, uness either Party upon (sixty) 60 days' wrtten notice requests to re-negotiate or terminate the Agreement. Upon such notice, the Parties may mutually re-negotiate a successor agreement or terminate the Agreement pursuant to the conditions set forth in Section 3.4 3.2 Notwithstanding Section 3.1, ths Agreement shall be terminated in the event that: 3.2.1 the FCC revokes, cancels, does not renew or otherwise terminates Sprint's authorization to provide mobile services in the area served by Cambridge, or the State Commission revokes, cancels, or otherwise terminates Cambridge certification to provide local servce; or 3.2.2 either Party becomes bankpt or insolvent, makes a general assignent for the benefit of, or enters into any arrangement with creditors, fies a volunta petition under any bankptcy, insolvency or similar laws, or proceedings are instituted under any such laws seeking the appointment of a receiver, trstee or liquidator instituted against it which are not terminated within sixty (60) days of such commencement. 3.3 Either Par shall have the right to terminate this Agreement at any time upon wrtten notice to the other Pary in the event: 3.3.1 a Party is in arears in the payment of any undisputed amount due under this Agreement for more tha ninety (90) days, and the Pary does not pay such sums within ten (10) business days of the other Part's written demand for payment; 3.3.2 a Party is in material breach of the provisions of this Agreement and that breach continues for a period of thrty (30) days after the other Party notifies the breaching Part of such breach, including a reasonably detailed statement of the natu of the breach. 3.4 Prior to expiration or upon a notice to terminate this Agreement either Party may make wrtten request that services continue to be provided pursuant to the terms of this Agreement during the negotiation of a new Agreement. Upon receipt of such notification, the same terms, conditions, and prices set forth in this Agreement wil continue in effect, as were in effect immediately preceding the request until a successor agreement is 4 reached or for 160 days, whichever is shorter, unless mutually agreed otherwise by the Parties. Should either Part fie for mediation or arbitration pursuant to the Act, the Agreement wil remain in effect until replaced by a conforming agreement pursuant to the issuance of a final Order issued by the Commission 4 INTERCONNECTION. This Agreement provides for the following interconnection and arrangements between the networks of Cambridge and Sprint. Routing of Telecommuncations Traffic shall be as described in ths section, except that, alternatives may be employed in the event of emergency or temporary equipment failure. 4.1 Indirect Interconnection. The Parties may establish a default Interconnection Point at any appropriate tandem to which both Partes are connected, including any third-party Tandem Switch. 4.1.1 Each Party shall be responsible for the cost of providing facilities from its network to the Interconnection Point. Either Par may establish a different Interconnection Point for the traffic, provided that the new Interconnection Point does not increase the cost of transporting or terminating traffc for the other Part. 4.1.2 Telecommuncations Traffc exchanged through a third part Tandem Switch is subject to this Agreement. Each Pary is responsible for the costs of delivering its traffic to the other Par. 4.2 Direct Interconnection. Upon mutul agreement of the Parties direct tring may be made available on a two-way basis. The Partes may, on a case by case basis, agree to implement one-way directiona1ized trs, in which case, each Par shall be responsible to individually obtain and pay for such one-way direct interconnection facilities from that Party's network to the other Par's network. 4.2.1 The Paries shall mutually agree to establish the Interconnection Point at techncally feasible and economically advantageous location. 4.2.2 Cambridge shall be responsible for engineering and maintaining its network on its side of the IP. Sprint shall be responsible for engineering and maintaining its network on its side of the IP. 4.2.3 Regardless of the method of direct connection agreed to, each Part shall constrct, equip, maintain and operate its network in accordance with generally accepted engineering practices for telephone systems and in compliance with all applicable rules and 5 regulations, as amended from time-to-time, of any regulatory body empowered to regulate any aspect of the facilities contemplated herein. 4.3 The Parties agree to comport with industr standard and state requirements regarding rating and routing of traffic. An NXX assigned to a Par that is associated with a rate center shall be included in any optional callng scope, or similar program to the same extent as any other NXX in the same rate center. 4.4 Each Part shall constrct, equip, maintain and operate its network in accordance with generally accepted engineering practices for telephone systems and in compliance with all applicable rules and regulations, as amended from time-to-time, of any regulatory body empowered to reguate any aspect of the facilities contemplated herein. 4.5 SS7 Out of Band Signaling (CCS/SS7) wil be the signaling of choice where technically feasible for both Paries. Use of third par SS7 trs for connecting Sprint to Cambridge's SS7 systems is permitted and wil meet generally accepted technical stadards in the industr. 4.6 The Parties agree that they wil work together to deploy number portabilty in accordance with the Act, FCC and State Commission mandates, industr stadards, or any changes in law that occur subsequent to the Effective Date of ths Agreement. 5 COMPENSATION, 5.1 Reciprocal Compensation. The reciprocal compensation for the exchange of Telecommunications Traffic wil be as defined in Attachment 1. 5.2 Where a traffic study is pedormed by the Paries which documents that for three consecutive calendar months of mutual traffc exchange between the Paries after the Effective Date of this Agreement the total terminating to originating traffic for the entire three-month study period was balanced by a ratio of less than 55 percent terminating to 45 percent originating on the Cambridge network charges for Reciprocal Compensation will become bil and keep. Any traffc study shall be based on mutually agreeable measurement criteria and auditing standads, and shall not be pedormed more often than once every six months. 5.3 Interconnection Facilities 5.3.1 Where the Cambridge provides the Interconnection Facilities and has not developed TELRIC-based rates, the charges shall be as 6 specified in Cambridge's applicable tariff for fuctionally equivalent elements reduced by 50%. The applicable recurng charges, if any, shall be furher reduced by 50%, such that the costs of maintaining the facilities are equally shared. Cambridge shall submit a bil which reflects the cost reduction. 5.3.2 Where Interconnection Facilities used for two-way traffc are provisioned through a third pary, the applicable charges for establishing, provisioning and maintaining the two-way tr group shall be equally shared (i.e. each Par is responsible for 50% of the costs.). The orderig Part shall submit a bil to the other Pary for the non-recurrg and recurng charges which indicates the cost reduction. 5.4 Excessive Call Volume The Parties agree that, notwithstading anything contrary in ths Agreement, if the actual usage data indicates that the Telecommuncations Traffic terminated to one Part has experienced a signficant increase (defined as a 60% increase in monthly traffc. volume compared to the monthy traffic volume for the first month following execution of this Agreement) for two (2) consecutive months, the Par experiencing the increased obligation resulting from such increase may provide the other Part a wrtten request to investigate the reasons for the signficant increase and to provide a response to the requesting Pary within thirty (30) days of receipt of the wrtten request. If the reason for the signficant increase is expected to continue, the Par requesting the investigation may provide the other Part a wrtten request to renegotiate Section 5.1 and Attachment I of ths Agreement. Upon arequest from a Part to renegotiate, the reciprocal compensation wil be limited to the average monthly usage for the three successive months prior to the first occurence of the significant increase of traffc on a going forward basis until a successor agreement is reached between the Parties, either though voluntary negotiation or arbitration. Any change in reciprocal compensation rates as a result of such successor agreement may be tred up retroactively to the date of the wrtten request to renegotiate. 5.5 The exchange of traffic between the Parties that is not Telecommuncations Traffic as defined herein shall be accomplished using the existing toll telephone network. 7 6 BILLING AND PAYMENT. 6.1 The Parties shall bil each other as applicable, for compensation due under this Agreement on a monthly basis. All undisputed charges shall be paid within thirt (30) days after the initial bil was received. 6.2 If any portion of an amount due to a Par (the "Biling Part") under this Agreement is subject to a bona fide dispute between the Parties, the Party biled (the "Biled Party") shall, within sixty (60) days of its receipt of the invoice containing such disputed amount, give wrtten notice to the Biling Par of the amounts it disputes ("Disputed Amounts") and include in such notice the specific details and reasons for disputing each item. 6.3 Backbiling for any compensation due under this Agreement shall be limited to 12 months from the time a service was rendered. 6.4 For puroses of this Agreement the Paries wil utilze a net-biling arrangement using the initial Traffic Factor defined in Attchment I as the basis A for calculating the Reciprocal Compensation due. The Traffic Factor reflects the agreed upon balance of Mobile to Land ("M2L") and Land to Mobile ("L2M") Telecommuncations Traffc. The Traffc Factor may be updated periodically upon request based upon the results of a verified traffc study, but no more frequently than once every six months. If the Parties are unable to reach agreement for modification of the Traffc Factor, either Par may request resolution of the dispute pursuant to Section 18 of this Agreement. 6.5 Cambridge will prepare a bil in accordace with the CABS / SECABS biling system and will reflect in its bil the total Sprint M2L minutes of use ("MOU") and net bil arangement. Unless otherwse provided herein, Sprint wil not send a monthy invoice to Cambridge for Reciprocal Compensation. 6.6 Cambridge wil calculate and prepare its net bil by using the following formula: (a) Sprint M2L MOUs terminated by Cambridge (b) Divide the Sprint M2L MOUs in "(a)" by the M2L Traffc Factor to arrve at the Total Telecommunications Traffc exchanged between the Parties; (c) Multiply the Total Telecommunications Traffc arved at in "(b)" by the L2M Factor to obtain the Cambridge L2M MOU (d) Subtract Cambridge L2M MOU arrved at in "(c)" from Sprint M2L MOU in "(a)" above to obtain Net MOUs. 8 (e) Multiply Net MOUs by the Reciprocal Compensation rate in Attachment i. Example: 100,000 MOUs are determined to be mobile-to-Iand. 100,000 is divided by 65% to arrve at 153,846 MOUs total Telecommunications Traffc exchanged; 153,846 is multiplied by .35 to arrve at 53,846 Cambridge MOUs; Subtract 53,846 Cambridge MOU from 100,000 Sprint MOU to obtain 46,154 Net MOUs biled to Sprint. 6.7 Cambridge wil reflect in the monthly biling the deduction of what Cambridge owes to Sprint. Based on the example above, Cambridge would show Sprint termnated 100,000 M2L MOUs. In the same invoice, Cambridge would reflect a credit for 53,846 MOUs and bil Sprint for the Net MOU of 46,154. 6.8 Should Sprint determine that a net biling arangement is no longer desirable, it will provide Cambridge not less than sixty (60) days prior wrtten notice when changing its election to use actual recorded MOU to bil Cambridge. In such event, Sprint wil be then responsible for measurng the monthly Telecommuncations Traffic, measured by actul minutes of use, terminating into its network from Cambridge's network and shall bil Cambridge on a going forward basis using the rate set forth in Attachment I. 7 IMPAIRMENT OF SERVICE. 7.1 The characteristics and methods of operation of any circuits, facilities or equipment of either Part that are connected with the services, facilities or equipment of the other Party pursuant to ths Agreement shall not intedere with or impair the servce provided over any facilities of the other Part, its affliated companies, or its connecting and concurng carers involved in providing its services. Neither shall the characteristics and methods of operation of the same circuits, facilities or equipment cause damage to the other Par's network, violate any applicable law or regulation regarding the invasion of privacy of any communications carred over the Par's facilities, or create hazards to the employees of either Par or to the public (each hereinafter referred to as an "Impairment of Service"). 7.2 If either Pary causes an Impairment of Service, the Par whose network or service is being impaired (the "Impaired Part") shall promptly notify the Part causing the Impairment of Service (the "Impairing Part") of the natue and location of the problem and that, unless promptly rectified, a temporary discontinuance of the use of any circuit, facility or equipment ' may be required. The Impairing Part and the Impaired Party agree to 9 work together to attempt to promptly resolve the Impairment of Service. If the Impairing Party is unable to promptly remedy the Impairment of Service, then the Impaired Part may at its option temporarly discontinue the use of the affected circuit, facility or equipment. 8 DIALING PARTY. 8.1 Regardless of the type of interconnection with Cambridge's network, Cambridge shall permit its end users withi a given Rate Center to dial the same number of digits to call a Sprint NPA-NXX in any Rate Center that would be required of the same end user to call a 1andline end user in the same Rate Center as the Sprint NP A-NX. 8.2 Sprint shall permit its end users withi a given Rate Center to dial the same number of digits to call a Cambridge NPA-NXX in any Rate Center that would be required of the same end user to call another end user in the same Rate Center as the Cambridge NPA-NXX. 9 OFFICE CODE TRANSLATIONS. 9.1 It shall be the responsibilty of each Party to program and update its own switches and network systems in accordace with the Local Exchange Routing Guide (nLERGn) in order to recognze and route traffc to the other Part's assigned NXX codes at all times. Neither Pary shall impose any fees or charges on the other Pary for such activities. 9.2 When more than one carrer is involved in completing the call, the N-1 carer has the responsibility to determine if a query is required, to launch the query, and to route the call to the appropriate switch or network in which the telephone number resides. 9.3 If a Part does not fulfill its N-1carer responsibility, the other Part shall perform queries on calls to telephone numbers with portable NXXs received from the N-1 carrer and routethe call to the appropriate switch or network in which the telephone number resides. The N-1 carer shall be responsible for payment of charges to the other Par for any queries, routing, and transport fuctions made on its behalf, including any reciprocal compensation assessed by the terminating carrer or transit charges assessed by a tandem provider. 10 10 LOCAL NUMBER PORTABILITY. 10.1 Local Number Portability (LNP) provides an end user of telecommuncations service the abilty to retain its existing telephone number when changing from one telecommuncations carrer to another. The Parties recognze that some of the traffc to be exchanged under this Agreement may be destined for telephone numbers that have been ported. 10.2 The Parties shall provide LNP query, routing, and transport services in accordance with rules and regulations as prescribed by the FCC and the guidelines set fort by the North American Numbering Council ("NANC"). The applicable charges for LNP query, routing, and transport services shall be biled in accordance with each Part's applicable taff or contract. 10.3 The Paries wil mutually provide LNP servces from properly equipped central offices. LNP applies when a customer with an active account wishes to change carrers while retaining the telephone number or numbers associated with the account. LNP is also used with the provisioning of number pooling which the Paries wil mutually provide in accordance with rules and regulations as prescribed by the appropriate regulatory bodies and using the industr guidelines set fort for number pooling. 10.4 Both Parties wil pedorm testing as specified in industr guidelines and cooperate in conducting any additional testing to ensure interoperability between networks and systems. Each Par shall inform the other Part of any system updates that may affect the other Part's network and each Part shall, at the other Pary's request, perform tests to validate the operation of the network. 10.5 The Pares agree that traffic wil be routed via a Location Routing Number ("LRN") assigned in accordace with industr gudelines. 1.1 AUDITS. 11.1 For good cause, either Part may conduct an audit of the other Par's books and records pertainig to the servces provided under this Agreement no more than once per twelve (12) month period to evaluate the other Party's accuracy of biling, data and invoicing in accordance with this Agreement. Any audit shall be pedormed as follows: (a) following at least thirty (30) business days prior wrtten notice to the audited Par, (b) subject to the reasonable scheduling requirements and limitations of the audited Party, (c) at the auditing Party's sole expense, (d) of a reasonable scope and duration, (e) in a maner so as not to intedere with the audited 11 Part's business operations, and (t) in compliance with the audited Pary's securty rules. The wrtten request for an audit shall set forth the auditing Part's grounds that an audit is necessary; the Part receiving the request for an audit may dispute the request under the dispute resolution process in Section. 11.2 Adjustments, credits or payments shall be made and any corrective action shall commence withi thirty (30) Days from the requesting Part's receipt of the final audit report to compensate for any errors or omissions which are disclosed by such audit and are agreed to by the Parties. 12 LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. 12.1 The Paries agree to limit liability in accordance with ths Section. 12.2 Except for damages resulting from the wilful or intentional misconduct of one or both Pares, the liability of either Pary to the other Pary for damages arising out of (i) failure to comply with a direction to install, restore or terminate facilties, or (ii) failures, mistakes, omissions, interrptions, delays, errors, or defects occurg in the course of fushig any services, arrangements, or facilities hereunder shall be determined in accordance with this section 12. The providing Part's liabilty shall not exceed an amount equal to the pro rata monthy charge for the period in which such failures, mistakes, omissions, interrptions, delays, errors, or defects. Because of the mutual natue of the exchange of Traffc arrangement between the Paries pursuant to ths Agreement, the Paries acknowledge that the amount of liability incured under this Section may be zero. 12.3 Neither Party shall be liable to the other in connection with the provision or use of servces offered under this Agreement for any indirect, incidental, special or consequential damages including but not limited to damages for lost profits or revenues, regardless of the form of action, whether in contract, warranty, strct liability, or tort, including without limitation, negligence of any kind, even if the other Part has been advised of the possibility of such damages; provided that the foregoing shall not limit a Party's 'liability with respect to its indemnification obligations under Section 6 of this Agreement. 12.4 Except in the instance of harm resulting from an intentional action or wilful misconduct, the Parties agree that neither Part shall be liable to the end user of the other Party in connection with its provision of services to the other Party under this Agreement. In the event of a dispute involving both Pares with a customer of one Par, both Parties shall assert the applicability of any limitations on liability to end users that may 12 be contained in either Part's applicable tariff(s) or applicable end user contracts. 13 NO WARRNTIES. EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY SET FORTH IN THIS AGREEMENT, NEITHER PARTY MAKS, AND EACH PARTY HEREBY SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS, ANY REPRESENTATIONS OR WARNTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, REGARING ANY MATTER SUBJECT TO THIS AGREEMENT, INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARNTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR IMPLIED WARRNTIES ARISING FROM COURSE OF DEALING OR COURSE OF PERFORMANCE. 14 INDEMNIFICATION 14.1 Each Part (the "Indemnfyng Par") shall release, indemnfy, defend and hold harmless the other Pary ("Indemnfied Par") from and against all losses, claims, demands, daages, expenses (including reasonable attorney's fees), suits or other actions, or any liability whatsoever related to the subject matter of this Agreement, (i) whether suffered, made, instituted, or asserted by any other part or person, relating to personal injur to or death of any person, or for loss, daage to, or destrction of real and/or personal propert, whether or not owned by others, incured durng the term of this Agreement and to the extent proximately caused by the act(s) or omission(s) of the Indemnifyng Part, regardless of the form of action, or (ii) whether suffered, made, instituted, or asserted by its own customer(s) against the other Pary arising out of the other Pary's provisioning of services to the Indemnfyng Part under this Agreement, except to the extent caused by the gross negligence or willful misconduct of the Indemnfied Party, or (iii) arising out of the libel, slander, invasion of privacy, misappropriation of a name or likeness. Notwithstadig the foregoing, nothng contained herein shall affect or limit any claims, remedies, or other actions the Indemnifyng Part may have against the Indemnified Par under this Agreement, any other contract, or any applicable tariff( s), regulation or laws for the Indemnfied Par's provisioning of said services. 14.2 The Indemnified Party shall (i) notify the Indemnifyng Pary promptly in wrting of any wrtten claims, lawsuits, or demand by third paries for which the Indemnified Pary alleges that the Indemnfyg Par is responsible under this Section and (ii) tender the defense of such claim, lawsuit or demand to the Indemnifyng Party, (iii) assert any and all provisions in its tariff that limit liability to thrd parties as a bar to any recovery by the third-party claimant in excess of such limitation. The 13 Indemnfied Party also shall cooperate in every reasonable maner with the defense or settlement of such claim, demand, or lawsuit. The Indemnifying Party shall keep the Indemnfied Part reasonably and timely apprised of the status of the claim, demand or lawsuit. In no event shall the Indemnifying Part settle or consent to any judgment pertainig to any such action without the prior wrtten consent of the Indemnfied Part, which consent shall not be uneasonably withheld, delayed or conditioned. The Indemnfied Pary shall have the right to retain its own counsel, at its expense, and participate in but not direct the defense, except that if the Indemnifyng Par does not promptly assume or diligently pursue the tendered action, then the Indemnfied Part may proceed to defend or settle said action at the expense of the Indemnifyng Par. 14.3 The Indemnfyng Part shall not be liable under this Section for settlements or compromises by the Indemnfied Party of any claim, demand, or lawsuit unless the Indemnifyng Par has approved the settlement or compromise in advance, and such approval by the Indemnifyng Party shall not be unreasonably witheld, or uness the defense of the claim, demand, or lawsuit has been tendered to the Indemnifyng Party in wrting and the Indemnfying Par has failed to promptly undertake the defense. 15 FORCE MAJEUR. 15.1 Neither Par shall be liable for any delay or failure in performance of any part of this Agreement from any cause beyond its control and without its fault or negligence, regardless of whether such delays or failures in performance were foreseen or foreseeable as of the date of ths Agreement, including, without limitation, acts of God, acts of civil or milita authority, embargoes, epidemics, war, terrorist acts, riots, insurections, fires, explosions, earthquaes, nuclear accidents, floods, power failure or blackouts. Ifperformance of either Pary's obligations is delayed under ths Section, the due date for the performance of the original obligation(s) shall be extended by a term equal to the time lost by reason of the delay. In the event of such delay, the delaying Party wil perform its obligations at a performance level no less than that which it uses for its own operations. 16 NONDISCLOSURE OF PROPRIETARY INFORMATION. 16.1 It may be necessary for the Paries to exchange with each other certain confidential information durng the term of this Agreement including, without limitation, technical and business plans, techncal information, proposals, specifications, drawings, procedures, orders for services, usage 14 information in any form, customer account data, call detail records, Customer Proprietary Network Information ("CPNI") and Carrer Proprietary Information ("CPI") as those terms are defined by the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, and the rules and reguations of the FCC and similar information (collectively, "Confidential Information"). Confidential Information includes (i) all information delivered in wrtten form and marked "confidential" or "proprietary" or bearing mark of similar import; (ii) oral information, if identified as confidential or proprietary at the time of disclosure and confirmed by wrtten notification within ten (10) days of disclosure; (iii) information derived by the Recipient (as hereinafter defined) from a Disclosing Party's (as hereinafter defined) usage of the Recipient's network; and (iv) or information that the circumstances surounding disclosure or the natue of the information suggests that such information is proprietary or should be treated as confidential or proprietary. The Confidential Information will remain the propert of the Disclosing Part and is proprietar to the Disclosing Par. Recipient wil protect Confidential Information as the Recipient would protect its own proprieta information, includig but not limited to protecting the Confidential Information from distrbution, disclosure, or dissemination to anyone except employees or duly authorized agents of the Paries with a need to know such information and which the affected employees and agents agree to be bound by the terms of this Section. Confidential Information wil not be disclosed or used for any purpose other than to provide service as specified in this Agreement or upon such other terms as may be agreed to by the Partes in wrting. For puroses of this Section, the Disclosing Pary means the owner of the Confidential Information, and the Recipient means the par to whom Confidential Information is disclosed. 16.2 Recipient has no obligation to safeguard Confidential Information (i) which was in the Recipient's possession free of restrction prior to its receipt from Disclosing Part, (ii) after it becomes publicly known or available through no breach of this Agreement by Recipient, (iii) after it is rightfully acquired by Recipient free of restrctions on the Disclosing Part, or (iv) after it is independently developed by personnel of Recipient to whom the Disclosing Part's Confidential information had not been previously disclosed. Recipient may disclose Confidential Information if required by law, a court, or governental agency, provided that Disclosing Part has been notified of the requirement promptly after Recipient becomes aware of the requirement, and provided that Recipient undertakes all reasonable lawful measures to avoid disclosing such information until Disclosing Party has had reasonable time to obtain a protective order. Recipient wil cooperate with the Disclosing Part to obtain a protective order and to limit the scope of such disclosure. Recipient wil comply with any protective order that covers the Confidential Information to be disclosed. 15 16.3 Each Party agrees that Disclosing Pary would be irreparably injured by a breach of this Agreement by Recipient or its representatives and that the Disclosing Party is entitled to seek equitable relief, including injunctive relief and specific performance, in the event of any breach of this paragraph. These remedies are not exclusive, but are in addition to all other remedies available at law or in equity. 17 NOTICES. 17.1 Notice given by one Party to the other under this Agreement must be in wrting and delivered by hand, overnight courer or pre-paid first class mail certified U.S mail, retu receipt requested, and is effective when received and properly addressed to: SPRINT Notices:Sprint Manager, Carrer Interconnection Management P. O. Box 7954 Shawnee Mission, KS 66207-0954 or Mai1stop: KSOPHA031 0'"3B268 6330 Sprint Parkway Overland Park, KS 66251 (913) 762-~~1?~~yernght mail only) With a Copy to:Legal/Telecom Management Group P. O. Box 7966 Shawnee Mission, KS 66207-0966 or Mailstop: KSOPHN0312-3A318 6450 Sprint Parkway Overland Park, KS 66251 (913) 315-9348 icrht- mail only) Cambridge Notices:Cambridge Telephone Company Attention: Jerr Piper 130 N. Superior Cambridge, Idaho 83610 Fax: 1-208-257-3310 17.2 The address to which notices or communication~may be given to either Party may be changed by wrtten notice given by such Pary to the other pursuant to this Section. 16 18 DISPUTE RESOLUTION. 18.1 If any matter is subject to a dispute between the Partes, the disputing Par wil give wrtten notice to the other Par of the dispute. Each Party to ths Agreement wil appoint a good faith representative to resolve any dispute arising under this Agreement. 18.2 If the Paries are unable to resolve the issues related to the dispute in the normal course of business within thirt (30) days after delivery of notice of the dispute, the dispute shall be escalated to a designated representative who has authority to settle the dispute and who is at a higher level of management than the persons with direct responsibilty for admnistration of ths Agreement. If negotiations do not resolve the dispute, then either Part may proceed with any remedy available to it pursuant to law, equity, or agency mechanisms. Notwithstanding the above provisions, if the dispute arises from a service affecting issue, either Par may immediately seek any available remedy. 19 MISCELLANEOUS. 19.1 Amendments. No amendment of this Agreement is valid uness it is in wrting and signed by both Parties. 19.2 Independent Contractors. The Pares to ths Agreement are independent contractors. Neither Part is an agent, representative, or parter of the other Party. 19.3 Taxes. Each Par shall comply with all federal, state and local ta laws and be responsible for the payment of the taxes applicable to transactions in connection with the performance of this Agreement. Each Par shall provide the other Party with a completed Form W-9 for federal income tax reporting puroses. Some purchases of telecommunications services made by the Parties under this Agreement may be for the purose of resale in the ordinary course of business. In such instances, the Paries shall provide all applicable resale exemptions from taxes, fees, surcharges, and other governent authorized assessments and shall be extended such applicable exemptions upon receipt of the exemption forms. Neither Party shall be responsible for payment of the net income tax, propert tax, or any other taxes, fees, surcharges or assessments that are imposed on the other Par. Any taxes to be paid by either Pary wil be separately stated on the biling invoice. The Parties shall cooperate with one another to minimize any taxes arsing from this Agreement. 17 19.4 SurvivaL. The Parties' obligations under this Agreement which by their nature are intended to continue beyond the termination or expiration of this Agreement surve the termination or expiration of this Agreement. 19.5 Publicity. Neither Part nor its subcontractors or agents will use the other Pary's trademarks, service marks, logos, company name or other proprietary trade dress in any advertising, press releases, publicity matters or other promotional materials without that Part's prior wrtten consent. 19.6 Default. If either Pary believes the other is in breach of this Agreement or otherwise in violation of law, it wil first give thirt (30) days notice of such breach or violation and an opportnity for the allegedly defaulting Party to cure. Thereafter, the Parties will employ the dispute resolution procedures set forth in this Agreement. 19.7 Waiver. Any failure on the par of a Party hereto to comply with any of its obligations, agreements or conditions hereunder may be waived by wrtten documentation by the other Pary to whom such compliance is owed. No waiver of any provision of this Agreement shall be deemed, or shall constitute, a waiver of any other provision, nor shall any waiver constitute a continuing waiver. 19.8 Change of Law. If a federal or state regulatory agency or a cour of competent jurisdiction issues a rule, regulation, law or order which has the effect of canceling, changing, or superseding any material term or provision of this Agreement then the Paries wil negotiate in good faith to modify this Agreement in a maner consistent with the form, intent and purose of this Agreement and as necessar to comply with such change of law. Should the Parties be unable to reach agreement with respect to the applicability of such order or the resulting appropriate modifications to ths Agreement, either Par may invoke the Dispute Resolution provisions of this Agreement, it being the intent of the Paries that traffc wil continue to be exchanged and that this Agreement shall be brought into conformity with the then curent obligations under the Act as determined by the change in law. 19.9 No Third-Par Beneficiares. This Agreement does not provide any third part with any benefit, remedy, claim, right of action or other right. 19.10 Governng Law. To the extent not governed by, and constred in accordance with, the laws and regulations of the United States, this Agreement is governed by, and constred in accordance with, the laws and regulations of the FCC and the state of Kansas, without regard to its conflcts oflaws principles. 18 19.11 Severability. If any par of this Agreement is held to be unenforceable or invalid in any respect under law or regulation, such unenforceabilty or invalidity wil affect only the portion of the Agreement which is unenforceable or invalid. In all other respects ths Agreement will stand as if the invalid provision had not been a part thereof, and the remainder of the Agreement remains in ful force and effect, uness removal of that provision results in a material change to this Agreement. In such a case, the Paries shall negotiate in good faith for to replace the unenforceable language with language that reflects the intent of the Paries as closely as possible. If replacement language canot be agreed upon, either Party may request dispute resolution pursuant to Section 12. 19.12 Assignent. This Agreement wil be binding upon, and inure to the benefit of, the Paries hereto and their respective successors and permitted assigns. Any assignent or transfer (whether by operation of law or otherwise) by either Pary of any right, obligation, or duty, in whole or in part, or of any interest, without the wrtten consent of the other Party will be void ab initio, provided however that consent wil not be uneasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed. Consent is not required if assignent is to a corporate affliate or an entity under common control or an entity acquiring all or substantially all of its assets or equity, whether by sale, merger, consolidation or otherwise or in connection with a financing transaction. 19.13 Multiple Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in counterpars and each of which shall be an original and all of which shall constitute one and the same instrent and such counterpars shall together constitute one and the same instrment. 20 ENTIR AGREEMENT. 20.1 This Agreement, including all attchments and subordinate documents attached hereto or referenced herein, all of which are incorporated by reference, constitute the entire matter, and supersede all prior oral or written agreements, representations, statements, negotiations, understandings, proposals, and undertakings with respect to the subject matter. 19 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Paries agree that the effective date of ths Agreement is the date first wrtten above, and each Party warants that it has caused this Agreement to be signed and delivered by its duly authorized representative. Sprint Spectr L.P.Cambridge Telephone Company, Inc. BY:~AJ ivL'1o BY~G Printed: Michael W. Logan Printed: Jer Piper Title: Director, Access Strategy Title: Operations Manager Date: 4-/1 '/0'Date: ey - 2-r' (J 1 20 SERVICE Attachment I PRICING SCHEDULE RECIPROCAL COMPENSATION RATE TRAFIC FACTOR 21 CHARGE $0.015 Land to Mobile: 35% Mobile to Land: 65%