HomeMy WebLinkAbout20010213Application.pdfGIVENS PURSLEY LLP ECElVED 1 LAw oFFicEs David B.Lombardi Judson 8.Montgomery 277 North 6th Street.Suite 200 Christopher J.Beeson D.David Lorello,Jr.Angela K.Nelson PO Box 2720,Boise,Idaho 83701 Michael C Creamer Kevin T Maloney W.Hugh O'Riordan Thomas E Dvorak Kimberly D.Maloney Kenneth L Pursley TELEPHONE:208 388 12ÛÛ o te hn M.Marshall Virginia L Stukel FACslMILE:208 388-1300 Jacqueline M.Fearnside Kenneth R.McClure Conley Ward Jeffrey C.Fereday Kelly Greene McConnell Stephanie C.Westermeier Richard W Jankowski Cynthia A.Melillo Robert B.White Amanda L.Keating Christopher H.Meyer Karl T Klein Kendall L.Miller Raymond D.Givens Debora K.Kristensen L Edward Miller James A.McClure Franklin G.Lee Patrick J.Miller or cousse February 13,2001 NEW CASE HAND DELIVERY Commissioners Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W.Washington PO Box 83720 Boise,ID 83720-0074 RE:Case No.U-1017-23,Order 20127 Request for Authorization to Request Fund Advance and for Modification of Order 20127 Dear Commissioners: I am writing on behalf of Cambridge Telephone Company ("Cambridge")concerning the above-referenced order (copy attached),which was issued by the Commission on November 15, 1985.In that order,the Commission authorized Cambridge to borrow up to $931,000from the Rural Electrification Administration (now Rural Utilities Service "RUS")at a rate of 5%(the "RUS Loan"). The RUS Loan funds were used to finance construction of telephone and related facilities in the Cuprum,Indian Valley and Lowman exchanges.A condition of the approval was that "none of the proceeds of this loan may be used to construct or improve facilities without obtaining prior approval of [the]Commission."Order at 4.To date,there remains approximately $653,000 of unadvanced funds which Cambridge wishes to draw on now and in the near future as expenses are incurred for the followingimprovements:(1)replacement of the microwave system that serves the Lowman area (approximately $225,000);and (2)upgrade service to Goodrich area via construction of 2 fiber optic systems to replace existing microwave. Advances would be requested from RUS on an ongoing basis as work orders/invoices are received by Cambridge,with an immediate advance of approximately $225,000 being requested for the costs of the Lowman microwave replacement. February 13,2001 Page 2 Because of the time that has elapsed since Cambridge requested advances under the RUS Loan,RUS is requiring that Cambridge enter into the attached Basis Date Agreement,which confirms the repayment schedule for future advances under the RUS Loan.The Basis Date Agreement does not change any other terms of the RUS Loan.In connection with the Basis Date Agreement,RUS requires a legal opinion that all necessary approvals have been obtained. Cambridge,therefore,is requesting that the Commission authorize Cambridge to obtain further advances under the RUS Loan,and that the condition in the Commission's Order 20127 requiring specific approval of each advance be rescinded.Cambridge also respectfully requests that the Commission take this action on an expedited basis by minute entry or,if necessary,under modified procedure. Thank you in advance for your consideration of this request.Please advise me immediately if the Commission will require additional information in connection with this request. Sincerely, ichael C.Creamer MCC:caw Enclosures cc:Jean Jewel,Commission Secretary (via hand delivery) Rick Wiggins (via U.S.Mail) Terri Carlock (via hand delivery) S:\CLIENTS\l256\27\IPUC Loan Advance Authorization Request.wpd Office of the Secretary Service Date NOV 15 1985 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION BY )CAMBRIDGE TELEPHONE COMPANY SEEK-)CASE NO.U-lOl7-23INGAPPROVALFORANREALOANTO)EXPAND AND UPGRADE TELEPHONE )ORDER NO.20127SERVICE.............) On October 24,1985,Cambridge Telephone Company applied to this Commission for approval to borrow money from the Rural Electrification Administration (REA3 in the amount of $931,000 at a 5%annual interest rate. The application described the purposes to which the pro- ceeds of the loan would be put as construction of 61 miles of new line to serve 218 new subscribers on a one-party basis and to provide related system improvements such as digital switches at Cuprum,Indian Valley and Lowman;construction of a new central office in Indian Valley;and payment of engineering fees.The application further stated: In seeking this petition for approval of thisloan,Petitioner acknowledges the change in envi- ronment,circumstances and uncertainty that pre-sently exists in the telephone industry and spe-cifically consents herein to not expend any of the loan funds herein requested to be approveduntilsuchtimeasthetelephoneindustrystabil-izes and the specific need demands the expendi- ture of the funds and Petitioner seeks specificapprovalforthespecificprojectfromtheCom-mission in order to ensure the necessity of theexpendituresandtheabilitytoincludesuchexpendituresinpetitioner's rate base for calcu- lation of revenue requirements.In this regard the petitioner request[s]the Commission torecognizethatloanapprovalundertheREA fund-ing arrangements has been obtained for the desig- nated projects herein specified and that once ORDER NO.20127 -1- Commission approval is obtained,the documentswillbeexecutedandreturnedtoREA.The fundsdesignatedunderthisloanagreementthereafter are not required to expended for five yearsallowingpetitionersufficienttimetocarefullyanalyzethechangingtelephonecircumstancesand seek prior approval for specific projects from the Commission prior to actual expenditure of any of the funds thereunder.With this understand-ing,Petitioner seeks only general approval for the opportunity to solidify the potential ofborrowingthe$931,000 at 5%at any time within the next five years,subject to specific priorapprovalbytheCommissionfortheexpenditures then anticipated. FINDINGS OF FACT I Cambridge Telephone Company is a telephone corporation of the State of Idaho with its principal office at Cambridge,Idaho. II Cambridge proposes to borrow up to $931,000 from the Rural Electrification Administration (REA)at annual interest rate of 54. III Cambridge proposes to use such proceeds of the loan as it may borrow to improve or expand physical plant or conduct engi- neering studies,but will not use the borrowed funds for new plant investment without receipt of the specific approval of the project by this Commission. IV Cambridge has paid the necessary fees. ORDER NO.20127 -2- CONCLUSIONS OF LAW I Cambridge Telephone Company is a telephone corporation qualified to do business in the State of Idaho and subject to this Commission's regulation. II Cambridge's application for approval to borrow money from the Rural Electrification Administration is within this Commis- sion's jurisdiction by virtue of Idaho Code §61-901 et seq. III The proposed incurrence of debt by Cambridge as author- ized by this Order will be for a lawful purpose in accordance with and permitted by the provisions of the governing statutes under which the application is made.Incurrence of the debt and use of those funds as described in Cambridge's application is consistent with the public interest and necessary or appropriate for or con- sistent with proper performance by Cambridge of its service as a public utility. O R D E R IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED that Cambridge Telephone Company be,and the same hereby is,authorized to borrow money from the Rural Electrification Administration (REA)in the amount of up to $931,000 at an annual interest rate of 54. ORDER NO.20127 -3- IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that none of the proceeds of this loan may be used to construct or improve telephone plant without obtaining the prior approval of this Commission. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that Cambridge must file,as soon as practicable,copies of the final loan transaction entered into between it and the Rural Electrification Administration. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the foregoing authorization is without prejudice to the regulatory authority of this Commission with respect to rates,utility capital structure,service, accounts,evaluation,estimates for determination of cost or any other matter that may come before this Commission pursuant to its jurisdiction and authority as provided by law. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that nothing in this Order and no provisions of Title 61,Chapter 9,Idaho Code,or any other act or deed done or performed in connection therewith shall be con- strued to obligate the State of Idaho to pay or guarantee in any manner whatsoever any security authorized,issued,assumed,or guaranteed under the provisions of Title 61,Chapter 9,Idaho Code. ORDER NO.20127 -4- DONE by Order of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission at Boise,Idaho,this day of November,1985. /PRESIDENT COMMISSIONER é COMM S IONER ATTEST: ASSISTANT SECRETARY mg/vs/354L ORDER NO.20127 -5- Basis Date Agreement I 1/94RUSTelephoneLoan Fixed Interest Rate RUS Project Designation: Idaho 512 -F8 Cambridge AGREEMENT between UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and Cambridge Telephone Company Dated as of August30,2000 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE RURAL UTILITÅ’S SERVICE No. Basis Date Agreement I1/94 RUS Telephone Loan Fixed Interest Rate AGREEMENT,made as of August30,2000,pursuant to the Rural Electrification Act of 1936,as amended (7 U.S.C.901 et sea.),(hereinaftercalled the "Act"),between the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (hereinafter called the "Government"),acting through the Administrator of the Rural Utilities Service,successor to the Administrator of the Rural Electrification Administration (hereinaftercalled the "Administrator"),and Cambridge TelephoneCompany,(hereinafter called the "Corporation"),a corporation existing under the laws of the State of Idaho. WHEREAS,pursuant to Public Law No.103-354,the Rural Utilities Service (hereinafter sometimes called "RUS")is the successor of the Rural Electrification Administration (hereinafer sometimes called "REA")and the Administrator of the Rural Utilities Service is the successor of the Administratorof the Rural Electrification Administration and,for purposes of the loan contract,as amended,and the note,the terms "REA"and "Administrator"shall be deemed to mean respectively "RUS""Administrator of the RUS"; WHEREAS,the Corporation and the Government are parties to a telephone loan contract, as amended (hereinaftercalled the "Loan Contract"),further described in the Note defined in the next recital;and WHEREAS,the Corporationto evidence a loan made by the Government to the Corporation pursuant to the Loan Contract,executed and delivered the followingdescribed mortgage note or bond (hereinafter called the "Note")payable to the order of the Government: DATE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT FINAL MATURITY DATE November 18,1985 $931,000 November 18,2020 and WHEREAS,a portion (hereinafter called the "Principal Balance")of the principal amount of the Note has not been advanced to the Corporation as of the date of this Agreement; and WHEREAS,the Govemment and the Corporationpropose that the Government advance to the Corporation from time to time in accordance with the Act,and the Loan Contract,one or more amounts totaling not more than the Principal Balance (each such advance being herein referred to as an "Advance");and -l- Basis Date Agreement i 1794 RUS Telephone Loan Fixed Interest Rate NOW,THEREFORE,for and in consideration of the mutual agreementsherein contained,the Government and the Corporation agree as follows: SECTION l.Each Advance shall be repaid in full with interest hereon,at the rate of five (5)percent per year,in installments as hereinafter provided,no later than the Final Maturity Date. SECTION 2.The Corporation shall make a payment (a "MonthlyPayment")on each Advance on the last day of each month (hereinafter called the "MonthlyPayment Date") beginning with the last day of the first full month followingthe date of the Advance.Every MonthlyPayment shall be (a)substantially equal to every other MonthlyPayment and (b)in an amount that will pay all principal and interest of such Advance no later than the last Monthly Payment Date before the Final Maturity Date.The first MonthlyPayment Date shall be increased by the amount of interest accruing between the date of the Advance and the first day of the month followingthe month of the Advance.Each MonthlyPayment shall be applied first to the payment of interest on the Principal Balance and then on account of the Principal Balance. On the Final MaturityDate any portion of the Advanceremaining unpaid and all interest thereon shall become due and payable. SECTION 3.This Agreement shall not be effective unless and until the Corporationhas obtained all authorizations required by law in order to permit the Corporation to execute this Agreement. SECTION 4.All of the terms and conditions of the Note,of any mortgage,deed of trust or other instrument securing the Note,and of any other agreement to which the Government and the Corporation are parties,shall stand and remain unchanged and in full force and effect except only as specifically varied or amended by this Agreement. SECTION 5.The invalidity of any one or more phrases,clauses,sentences,paragraphs, or provisions of this Agreement shall not affect any remaining portions thereof. SECTION 6.This Agreement may be simultaneously executed and delivered in two or more counterparts,each of which so executed and delivered shall be deemed to be an original, and all shall constitute but one and the same instrument. Basis Date Agreement 11/94 RUS TelephoneLoan Fixed Interest Rate IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Government has caused this Agreement to be duly executed and the Corporation has caused this Agreementto be signed in its corporate name and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed and attested by its officers thereunto duly authorized,all as of the day and year first written above. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA by Assistant Administrator Telecommunications Program Rural Utilities Service Executed by the Government in the presence of: Witnesses Cambridge Telephone Company by (Seal)President Attest: Secretary Executed by the Corporation in the presence of: Witnesses