HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210108Application.pdfRonald L. Williams,ISB #3034 Williams Bradbury, P.C. 802 W. Bannock Street Suite LP 100 Boise, lD 83702 (208) 344-6633 ron@williamsbradbury. com ," .:-'-'i',jr;.-I tr LiJ :;,:: l:;ii -S Iiff li: Ia :.-1- i, ::ll .i"1'i .i;,,:,,ri,--il0l, Ch6rie R. Kiser Angela F. Collins Cahill Gordon & Reindel lr-p 1990 K Street, N.W., Suite 950 Washington, D.C. 20006 202-862-8900 (telephone) 212-269 -5 420 (facsimile) ckiser@cahill.com acollins@cahill.com Before the IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION In the Matter of ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Application of Cable One VoIP LLC for Designation as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier in the State of Idaho to Receive Rural Digital Opportunity Fund (Auction 904) Support for Voice and Broadband Services and to Receive Federal Lifeline Support CaseNo.( A8-T- Q ret APPLICATION APPLICATION FOR DESIGNATION AS AI\ ELIGIBLE TELECOMMUNICATIONS CARRIER IN TIIE STATE OF IDAHO TO RECETVE RITRAL DTGTTAL OPPORTUNTTY FUI\D (AUCTION 904) SUPPORT FOR VOICE AI\iD BROADBAND SERVICES A}TD TO RECETVE FEDERAL LIFELINE SUPPORT Cable One VoIP LLC (the "Company"), by its attomeys, and pursuant to Section zla@)Q)t of the federal Communications Act of 1934, as amended (the "federal Act"), the rules I 47 U.S.C. $ 2la(eX2). and regulations of the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC"),2 Idaho statutes,3 and the requirements set forth in Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") Order No. 29841,4 hereby submits this Application for Designation as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier ("ETC"). The Company seeks ETC designation to receive (l) Rural Digital Opportunity Fund 1':RDOF"; support for the provision of voice and broadband services in certain Census Block Groups and (2) federal Lifeline-only support in other geographic areas of Idaho (collectively, the "Designated Service Area" as set forth in EliblLD. The Company's parent, Cable One, Inc. ("Cable One"), was a member of a consortium that was selected as a winning bidder in the FCC's RDOF auction (Auction 904). The Company's receipt of RDOF funding is conditioned upon the Company obtaining designation as an ETC in the RDOF portions of the Designated Service Area, and providing evidence of such designation to the FCC no later than Jvne 7,2021. [n addition to seeking ETC designation for purposes of RDOF funding, entities also may seek Lifeline-only ETC designation in areas not eligible for high-cost support for the limited purpose of becoming eligible to receive Lifeline support (although recognizing the ETC will be obligated to provide Lifeline services throughout the entire designated area).s z 47 C.F.R. $$ 54.201,54.202; see also AU Docket No. 20-34, et al., Rural Digital Opportunity Fund Phase I Auction (Auction 904) Closes; Winning Bidders Announced; FCC Form 683 Due January 29, 202 1; DA 20-1422 (rel. Dec. 7, 2020) ("Public Notice"); Lifeline and Link Up Reform and Modernization; et al., 27 FCC Rcd 6656 (2012) ("Lifeline Reform Ordei'). 3 Idaho Stat. g 62-6loD. a Case No. WST-T-05-1, The Application of WTIC Holding Co., Inc. dba Cellular-One Seeking Designation as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier that may Receive Federal Universal Sewice Support, Order No. 29841 (Aug. 4, 2005) (*ETC Ordei'). s Public Notice at t.72; see also Wireline Competition Bureau Seeks Comment on Petitions for Designation as an Eligible Telecommunications Canierfor the Purpose of Becoming Eligible to Receive Connect Ameica Fund Phase II Auction Support,33 FCC Rcd 9764 (2018) ("Recipients of high-cost support, including recipients of CAF support awarded pursuant to Auction 903, must offer the Lifeline discount on all qualiffing services in areas where an ETC receives high cost suppoft, deploy a network capable of delivering service that meets the Lifeline program's minimum service standards, and commercially offer such service pursuant to its high-cost obligation."). 2 As demonstated herein, the Company meets all the statutory and regulatory requirements for designation as an ETC in the State of Idaho. Accordingly, the Company respectfully requests the Commission grant it ETC status in the Designated Service Area on an expedited basis prior to the June 7, 202lFCC deadline. In support of this Application, the Company states as follows: BACKGROT]I\ID 1. The Company is a Delaware limited liability company with a principal place of business located at2l0 E. Earll Drive, Phoenix, Arizona 85012. The Company is registered with the Idaho Secretary of State to conduct business in the state as shown in Exhibit 2. The Company will operate under the DBA name of "Sparklight" in Idaho, which also has been registered with the Idaho Secretary of State as reflected in Exhibit 2. Attached as p4[![!!] is a current list of the Company's officers, along with relevant biographical information. 2. The Company currently offers interconnected Voice over lnternet Protocol ("VoIP") services in the state of Arizona. The Company has never been denied ETC designation by any state commission or by the FCC. 3. The Company is a wholly owned subsidiary of Cable One, a publicly traded Delaware corporation (NYSE: CABO), and Cable One serves as the sole member of the Company. Cable One and its subsidiaries provide cable/video, lnternet access, broadband, and voice services in 21 states, including Idaho.6 Other subsidiaries of Cable One also hold ETC designation in the states of Illinois, Missouri, and Oklahoma. 4. In January 2020, the FCC adopted the framework and rules for Phase I of the RDOF auction (Auction 904) to connect millions of rural homes and small businesses to fxed 6 See, e.g., Case No. GNR-T-ZD-II, Cable One, Inc.'s Application for a 2019 Irwestment Tax Credit for Installing Qualifiing Broadband Equipment, Order No. 347 58 (Aug. 21, 2020). 3 high-speed broadband networks.T The FCC designed Phase I of the auction to award up to $16 billion over 10 years to service providers that commit to offer voice and broadband services to fixed locations in eligible unserved high-cost cexrsus block groups. The framework for the RDOF builds upon the FCC's successful Connect America Fund Phase II (CAF-ID auction that was completed in 2018.8 5. The Company's parent, Cable One, participated in Auction 904 as a member of the Wisper-CABO 904 Consortium (the "Consortium"). On December 7,2020, the FCC issued the Public Notice announcing the results of Auction 904, and the Consortium was the winning bidder in numerous states, including Idaho.e Pursuant to the FCC's process for distributing winning bids among related entities,lo the Consortium assigned Cable One (the parent of the Company) as the entity to receive RDOF support for the winning bids in the state of Idaho. The Company will be designated as the entity to fulfiIIthe public interest obligations associated with receiving RDOF support for Idaho in the long-form application (FCC Form 683) to be filed with the FCC. 6. In addition to announcing the winning bidders, the FCC's Public Notice also established several deadlines in connection with Auction 904. Relevant to this Application, the FCC requires the Company to provide documentation to the FCC no later than 6:00pm Eastern on June 7, 2021 showing the Company has been designated as a high-cost ETC for the census block groups the Company will receive RDOF support.ll An officer of the Company also is 7 Rural Digital Opportunity Fund, et a1.,35 FCC Rcd 686 (2020) (RDOF Ordef'). 8 The Commission conducted at least two ETC designation proceedings in connection with tho CAF-II auction. See, e.g., Case Nos. NEW-T-I 8-0 I and VCS-T-I 8-01. e PublicNotice,Attachment Aat29-30. ro Public Noticeflfl 9-14. tt Public Notice I 17 . 4 required to certiff to the FCC on that date that the ETC designation covers all of the census block groups for which the Company will receive RDOF support. 7. Pleadings, orders, notices and other correspondence filed in this matter should be served upon: Ronald Williams Williams Bradbury, P.C. 802 W. Bannock Street Suite LP 100 Boise, D 83702 (208) 344-6633 ron@williamsbradbury. com Ch6rie R. Kiser Angela F. Collins Cahill Gordon & Reindel llp 1990 K Street, N.W., Suite 950 Washington, D.C. 20006 202 -862-8900 (telephone) 212-269 -5420 (facsimile) ckiser@cahill.com acollins@cahill.com The above-referenced individuals agree to receive all Commission notices and orders regarding this proceeding via electronic mail. INFORMATION REOUIRED UI\DER FCC RT]LES AI\D IDAHO LAW 8. Section zla@)Q) of the federal Act, the FCC's rules, Idaho Code $ 62- 6l0D(3)(a), and the Commission's ETC Order set forth certain requirements for ETC designation in Idaho.12 The Company meets each of these requirements. 9. FCC Rule 54.201(c): FCC Rule 54.202(b): EZC Order. Appendix Section A.4. An ETC applicant must demonstrate the ETC designation is consistent with the public interest, convenience, and necessity, and in the case of an area served by a rural telephone company, t2 47 U.S.C. $ 21a(e)(1);47 C.F.R. $$ 54.201, 54.202; Idaho Code $ 62-610D(3)(a); ETC Order, Appendix. 5 demonstrate the public interest will be met by an additional designation. In evaluating the public interest element, the Commission generally has considered two factors: (l) whether the entity contributes to state assistance programs; and (2) whether the designation is sought for only part of a rural telephone company's study area, thus leaving some (perhaps less profitable) customers without service (i. e., cream skimming). I 3 10. Designation of the Company as an ETC will serve the public interest, convenience, and necessity. ETC designation will permit the Company to use RDOF support to offer voice and broadband services in the Designated Service Area, which consists of unserved, high-cost areas of Idaho, and to provide Lifeline services to low-income consumers in other areas of Idaho. The Company will invest in facilities and equipment in these areas. This planned investment and deployment in the Designated Service Area will further the goals of the Commission and the FCC by expanding the reach of digital connectivity to promote economic growth in rural areas and ensure quality communications services are available at 'Just, reasonable, and affordable rates."l4 As the FCC has observed, "an important goal of the [federal] Act is to open local telecommunications markets to competition. Designation of competitive ETCs promotes competition and benefits consumers in rural and high-cost areas by increasing customer choice, innovative services, and new technologies."ls 11. The Company commits to participate in applicable Idaho assistance programs upon approval and commencement of its business operations in Idaho. The Company's participation in such Idaho programs also advances the public interest. 12. Finally, the Company is not engaged in "cream skimming." To the Company's See, e. g., Order No. 33002 at 2-3 ; Order No . 33226 at 3. 47 u.S.C. $ 254(bxl). Federal-State Joint Board on Universal Service, 16 FCC Rcd 48,n17 (2000). l3 t4 l5 6 knowledge, there is no rural telephone company offering eligible broadband service in the RDOF portions of the Designated Service Area because only "unserved" Census Block Groups were included in Auction 904. ln addition, because the Company is requesting ETC designation for entire census block groups, no cream skimming analysis is required. 13. FCC Rule 54.201(d): EZC Order. Aooendix Section A.1. An ETC applicant must be a "common carrier" as defined by federal law.l6 The Company will provide broadband Internet access service and voice service in the Designated Service Area. The Company will provide voice service as either telecommunications service or VoIP service. As to customers and locations in which the Company is awarded RDOF support or Lifeline-only customers, the Company will provide its voice service on a common ca:rier basis. 14. FCC Rule 54.201(O(1): FCC Rule 54.201(j): EZC Order. Aooendix Section A.2. An ETC applicant must demonstrate that it is capable of providing and will continuously provide the supported services throughout the service area either by using its own facilities or a combination of its own facilities and the resale of another carrier's services. The Company certifies it will offer the services that are supported by the federal universal service support mechanisms in the Designated Service Area either using its own facilities or a combination of its own facilities and the resale of another carrier's services.lT Under current FCC rules, the two services are supported by the federal universal service support mechanisms: (l) voice telephony services; and (2) broadband Intemet access services.l8 Eligible voice telephony services must provide voice grade access to the public switched telephone network ("PSTN") or its functional equivalent, minutes of use for local service provided at no additional charge, access to 47 U.S.C. $ 153(ll). 47 C.F.R. g 5a.l0l(a); see also ETC Order, Appendix Section A.2 47 C.F.R. $ 5a.l0l(a). l6 t7 18 7 emergency 911 and enhanced 911 service in locations where implemented, and for qualifying low-income consumers, toll limitation service.le Eligible broadband Internet access services must provide the capability to transmit data to and receive data by wire or radio from all or substantially all tnternet endpoints, including any capabilities that are incidental to and enable the operation of the communications service, but excluding dial-up service.2o 15. The Company certifies that it will offer voice and broadband services in the Designated Service Area that comply with the FCC's requirements. The Company's voice offering will provide voice grade access to the PSTN, and will include unlimited local calling. In addition, the Company's voice offering will provide consumers with access to 911 and enhanced 911 to the extent local governments have implemented such services. With respect to toll limitation service, the FCC eliminated the requirement to provide toll limitation services if the Lifeline offering provides a set amount of minutes that do not distinguish between toll and non- toll calls.2r As explained below, the Company plans to offer unlimited voice calling within the United States for a fixed monthly price in the Designated Service Area, and thus the Company is not required to provide toll limitation service in connection with its Lifeline service offering. 16. Similarly, the Company's broadband Internet access service offering will provide consumers with the capability to transmit data to and receive data from all or substantially all Internet endpoints. The Company's broadband Internet access service offering will meet the minimum service standards required by the FCC's rules,22 as well as the service standards 47 C.F.R. $ 54.101(aX1). 47 C.F.R. $ sa.l01(aX2). Lifeline Refonn Order I 49 47 C.F.R. $ s4.408(bxl). l9 20 2l 22 8 applicable for the receipt of RDOF funding.23 17. The Company will use a combination of its own facilities and the facilities of other providers to offer the supported services in the Designated Service Area. Under FCC rules, facilities are the ETC's ooown" if the ETC has exclusive right to use the facilities to provide the supported senrices or when service is provided by any affiliate within the holding company structure.2a Furflrer, pursuant to FCC requirements, the Company will submit detailed information to the FCC regarding the Company's intended technology and system design for the provision of RDOF-funded services in the Designated Service Area, including network diagrams certified by a professional engineer.25 18. FCC Rule 54.201(dX2): FCC Rule 54.405(b)-(d): EZC Order. Appendix Section A.3. An ETC applicant must demonstrate that it will advertise the availability of its offering and the charges therefore using media of general distribution. The Company will publicize the availability of its voice and broadband service offerings throughout the Designated Service Area using media of general distribution.26 The Company will use a combination of digital and traditional media, such as the Internet, outbound email, outdoor advertising, radio advertising, newspaper and magazine advertising, and direct marketing materials. The Company also will rely on the marketing practices and advertising expertise of Cable One to advertise the availability of its service offerings in the Designated Service Area. 19. In addition, with respect to Lifeline services, the Company will publicize the availability of its Lifeline service offerings in the Designated Service Area in a manner 23 RDoF orderflfl 31, 33. 24 See, e.g., WCB Reminds Connect America Fund Phase II Auction Applicants of the Process for Obtaining a Federal Designation as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier,33 FCC Rcd 6696, m.23-24 (2018). 2s Public Noticellll 16-17. 26 47 c.F.R. $ s4.2ol(dx2). 9 reasonably designed to reach those likely to qualifu for the service.2T Using easily understood language, the Company will indicate on all materials describing its Lifeline service that (1) it is a Lifeline service; Lifeline is a government assistance program; (3) the service is non- transferable; (4) only eligible consumers may enroll in the program: and (5) the program is limited to one discount per household.28 The Company also will disclose its name or its DBA name on all materials describing the Lifeline service.2e 20. FCC Rule 54.201ft): FCC Rule 54.202(a)(4). An ETC applicant seeking to provide Lifeline services must demonstrate it is financially and technically capable of providing Lifeline service in compliance with the FCC's rules. The FCC has stated that the oorelevant considerations" for satisfying this requirement would be whether the applicant previously offered services to non-Lifeline consumers, how long the applicant has been in business, whether the applicant intends to rely exclusively on universal service fund disbursements to operate, whether the applicant receives funds from other sources, and whether the applicant has been subject to enforcement action or ETC revocation proceedings in other states.3o 21. The Company is financially and technically capable of offering Lifeline services in the Designated Service Area. As discussed above, the Company's parent and affiliates have been offering services in Idaho and several other states for many years. Cable One also can provide the Company with additional financial and technical support as needed, and the 27 47 c.F.R. $ 54.405(b). 28 47 C.F.R. $ 5a.405(c). For these purposes, the term "materials describing the service" includes all print, audio, video, and web materials used to describe or enroll in the Lifeline service offering, including application and certification forms. See id. 29 47 C.F.R. $ s4.40s(d). Ldeline Reform Order \ 388. 10 30 Company will utilize the same managernent and day-to-day operational personnel.3l The Company currently provides voice services in Aizona, and thus will not rely exclusively on universal service fund disbursements to operate. Finally, the Company has not been subject to enforcement action or ETC revocation proceedings in any state. 22. ETC Order. AppendixSection A.5. The Commission's ETC Order requires an ETC applicant seeking designation for "any part of tribal lands" to provide a copy of its application to the affected tribal government or tribal regulatory authority, as applicable. A portion of one Census Block Group in the RDOF portion of the Designated Service Area (Census Block Group 160059400001 in Bannock County) overlaps with the Fort Hall Reservation on which the Shoshone-Bannock Tribes are located. Thus, some of the locations within that Census Block Group may be located on tribal land. Further, some of the Lifeline- only service areas overlap with the Fort Hall Reservation. Accordingly, the Company certifies that it will provide a copy of this Application to the Shoshone-Bannock Tribal Affomey's Office via certified U.S. Mail and electronic mail within one (l) business day of the Application being filed with the Commission. 23. FCC Rule 54.202(aXlI EZC Order. Aopendix Section B.1. An ETC applicant must demonstrate its commitrnent and ability to provide the supported services. The Company certifies that it will comply with the service requirements applicable to RDOF support and Lifeline support in the Designated Service Area. The Company also certifies that it will: (a) provide service on a timely basis to requesting customers within the Designated Service Area; and (b) provide service within a reasonable period of time if the potential customer is within the Designated Service Area, but outside the Company's existing network coverage if service can be 3r The Company's financial reporting is consolidated with its parent Cable One. Financial information concerning Cable One can be found at: https://ir.cableone.net/corporate-profile/default.aspx. ll provided at a reasonable cost. The Company notes it must meet certain service milestones and buildout requirements in the Designated Service Area as a condition of receiving RDOF support.32 24. An ETC applicant also must submit network improvement plans at designated intervals. A five-year network improvement plan is no longer necessary for entities seeking Lifeline-only designation.33 Further, the FCC has waived the requirement for a winning bidder in Auction 904 to file a five-year network improvement plan as part of the ETC designation process.3a The Commission's ETC Order chose to require ETCs to submit a two-year network improvement p1an.35 The Company respectfully requests the Commission waive its two-year network improvement plan requirement as it has done for other ETC applicants based on similar facts addressing such plan requirements.36 25. FCC Rtle 54.202@)(2\: ETC Order. Aoperdix SectionB.Z. An ETC applicant must demonstrate that it can remain functional in emergency situations. The Company certifies it will have the ability to remain functional in emergency situations in the Designated Service Area. The Company has a reasonable amount of back-up power to ensure functionality without an external power source, is able to re-route taffic around damaged facilities, and is capable of managing traffic spikes resulting from emergency situations. Separate FCC rules also require the 32 RDOF Order I 45. For purposes of meeting the FCC's service milestones, a RDOF recipient will be deemed to be commercially offering voice and/or broadband service to a location if it provides service to the location or could provide service to the location within 10 business days upon request. See id. \ 54. 13 Lifeline Reform Orderl386. 34 Public Notice at n.7l (applying the same waivers previously applied to ETC desigrrations for the CAF-II auction to ETC designations for Auction 904). 35 ETC order at8. 36 See, e.g., Order No. 34254 (*Staffdetermined that . . . a two-year network improvement and progress report is not required due to the FCC's waiver of the five-year plan as part of its ETC designation process. . . . We agree with Staff. Because the FCC waived the requirement for a winning bidder to file a five-year plan as part of the ETC designation process, a network improvement plan is not required under Intermax's Application."); Order No. 34253 (same); Order No. 32723 (waivitgtwo-year network improvement plan requirement for Lifeline-only applicant). t2 Company to implement certain back-up power requirements.3T In addition, as a subsidiary of Cable One, the Company will be able to rely on Cable One's disaster recovery contingency plans such as the use of diverse/alternate routing, electronics redundancy, redundant data centers, geographically separated operations, and environmental controls for data and switching centers to remain functional in an emergency situation. 26. FCC Rule 54.202(aX3): EZC Order. Appendix Section B.3. An ETC applicant must certiff that it will comply with all applicable service quahty standards and consumer protection rules.38 The Company certifies that it will comply with service qualrty standards and consumer protection rules applicable to its provision of service in the Designated Service Area. 27. FCC Rule 54.202(aXfl: FCC Rule 54.202(aX6): EZC Order. Apoendix Section 8.4. The ETC Order requires an ETC applicant to provide a description of its local usage plans and a description of the local usage plans of the incumbent local exchange carrier (*ILEC"). FCC rules also require Lifeline-only ETC applicants to provide information describing the terms and conditions of voice telephony service and broadband Internet access service plans to be offered to Lifeline subscribers. For Lifeline services, the FCC has determined that providers may satisfy the obligation to provide local usage via service offerings that bundle local and long distance minutes.3e 28. At this time, the Company plans to offer service plans that include high-speed Internet access service and unlimited voice calling within the United States for a fixed monthly price in the Designated Service Area. The Company also will offer standalone voice services as 37 47 c.F.R. $ 9.20. 38 The FCC has waived the requirement for a winning bidder in Auction 904 to demonstrate that it will satisft consumer protection and service quality standards as part of the ETC designation process. See Public Notice at n.7l (applying the same waivers previously applied to ETC designations for the CAF-II auction to ETC designations for Auction 904). 3e Lifeline Reform Order\49. l3 required by the FCC.40 The Company is conducting market research in the Designated Service Area to determine what mix of services potential customers prefer. The Company has not yet determined the specific details of its service offerings and associated rates to be offered in the Designated Service Area. The Company will make services available based on customer demand in each market. Further, the Company's pricing will be reasonably comparable to the price of similar services in urban areas pursuant to FCC requirements.al By way of example, the FCC's 2021 urbanaverage monthly rate is $33.73, and the reasonable comparability benchmark for voice services, two standard deviations above the urban average, is $54.75.42 Accordingly, each ETC providing fixed voice service must certiff to the FCC in luJy 2021that the pricing of its basic residential voice services is no more than $54.75. The Company will offer calling plans comparable to those offered by ILECs in the Designated Service Area. 29. ETC Order. Appetdix Section C. All ETCs requesting high-cost support must provide certain information to the Commission on an annual basis. The Company certifies that it will comply with all applicable annual reporting requirements of the Commission, including the requirement to report information concerning: (l) outages; (2) unfulfilled service requests; (3) complaints; (4) consumer protection and service quality standards; and (4) the Company's local usage plans and ILEC local usage plans. As set forth above, the Company seeks waiver of the two-year network improvement plan and progress report consistent with the Commission's rulings for similarly situated applicants. 30. ETC Order. Aooendix SectionD. All ETCs must certify on an annual basis that RDOF Orderl42. RDOF Order\42. 4 4t 42 WC Docket No. 10-90, Wireline Competition Bureau and Ofiice of Econornics and Analytics Announce Results of 2021 (Jrban Rate Survey for Fixed Voice and Broadband Sewices, Posting of Survey Data and Explanatory Notes, and Required Minimum ()sage Allowance for Eligible Telecommunications Carriers, Public Notice, DA 20-1049 (rel. Nov. 30,2020). 1,4 all federal high-cost support provided to the ETC will be used only for the provision, maintenance, and upgrading of facilities and services for which the support was intended. The Company certifies that, in accordance with 47 U.S.C. $ 254(e), it will use the RDOF support it receives for the Designated Service Area only for the provision, maintenance, and upgrading of facilities and services for which the support is intended. 31. FCC Rule 54.405(a). An ETC providing Lifeline services must make Lifeline service available to qualiffing low-income consumers. The Company certifies that its Lifeline service offering will conform to the definition of "Lifeline" in the FCC's rules.a3 32. FCC Rule 54.405(e). An ETC providing Lifeline services must implement certain de-enrollment procedures for Lifeline customers. The Company certifies it will comply with the FCC's de-enrollment procedures and will have general de-enrollment procedures in place for Lifeline services. In accordance with FCC requirements, the Company will de-enroll Lifeline customers for no longer qualifying for Lifeline service, for duplicative support, for non-usage, for failure to re-certify, and when requested by the Lifeline customer. 33. FCC Rule 54.409: FCC Rule 54.410. The Company certifies that it will veriS the eligibility of its Lifeline subscriber base in accordance with FCC rules. The Company also will establish processes for ensuring Lifeline services are provided only to eligible customers, including procedures for confirming consumer eligibility, enrolling eligible customers, re- certifying eligibility at regular intervals, and recordkeeping. 43 47 c.F.R. g Sa.aol(a). l5 CONCLUSION WHEREFORE, for the forgoing reasons, the Company respectfully requests that the Commission expeditiously designate it as an ETC for the provision of voice and broadband services in the Designated Service Area. Dated: January 8,202I Respectfully submitted, CABLE ONE VOIP LLC /s/ e.onald t-. Wtlliaws Ronald L. Williams, ISB #3034 Williams Bradbury, P.C. 802 W. Bannock Street Suite LP 100 Boise, ID 83702 (208)344-6633 ron@williamsbradbury. com Ch6rie R. Kiser Angela F. Collins Cahill Gordon & Reindel l.I.p 1990 K Steet, N.W., Suite 950 Washington, D.C. 20006 202 -862-8900 (telephone) 2 12 -269 5 420 (facsimile) ckiser@cahill.com acollins@cahill.com Its Attorneys 16 VERIFICATION I, Peter N. Witty, hereby state that I am the Vice President & Secretary of Cable One VoIP LLC (the "Company"); that I am authorized to make this Verification on behalf of the Company; tlrat the foregoing Application was prepared under my direction and zupervision; and that the contents of the foregoing Application are true and correct to the best of my knowledge, inforrration, and belief. JI Executed thi.I__ day of January 2021. ,v PeterN. Witty Vice President & Cable One VoIP LLC Exhibit I Exhibit 2 Exhibit 3 EXHIBITS Designated Service Area Authorization to Conduct Business in Idaho and Evidence of DBA Name Officers EXTIIBIT 1 Designated Service Area RDOF Service Areas County Ada Ada Ada Ada Ada Ada Ada Ada Ada Ada Ada Ada Ada Ada Ada Ada Ada Ada Bannock Bannock Bannock Bannock Bannock Bannock Bannock Bannock Bannock Bannock Bannock Bannock Bannock Bannock Bannock Bannock Bannock Census Block Group 160010001002 160010001003 160010002023 160010008051 160010009001 160010009004 r60010010002 160010021001 160010023103 16001010201 l 160010102012 1600101022s1 16001010321 I 16001010331 l 160010103321 160010103351 16001010501 I 160010105031 160050002001 r60050002003 160050003001 160050003003 160050004001 160050005001 160050006002 1600s0007001 1600s0007002 1600s0008001 160050010003 16005001 l02l 16005001 1022 160050014001 160050015001 160050015002 160050015005 1 Countv Bannock Bannock Bannock Bannock Bonneville Bonneville Bonneville Canyon Canyon Jefferson Nez Perce Nez Perce Nez Perce Nez Perce .Nez Perce Payette Payette Payette Payette Twin Falls Valley Valley Census Block Group 16005001601 I r60050016012 r60050016032 r60059400001 160199701002 160199715001 1601997t5002 t60270219032 160270223002 160519604001 160699603002 160699604004 160699608002 160699608003 160699610001 160759601003 160759602003 160759604001 160759604003 160830006001 160859702002 1608s9703001 2 Additional Lifeline-Only Service Areas (the following franchise areas may include the census block groups covered by the RDOF service area listed above, but Lifeline-only service will be offered only in those areas not covered by the RDOF service area) Franchise Area Garden Boise Ada Shelley Firth Bingham Bingham Iona Basalt Blackfoot Bonneville Idaho Falls Ririe Ucon Ammon St. Anthony Fremont Teton Rieby Ririe Sugar City Rexburg Madison Rockford Lewiston Nez Perce Chubbuck Pocatello Inkom Bannock American Falls Salmon Salmon Burley Burley Burley Countv Ada Ada Ada Bingham Bingham Bingham Bingham Borureville Bingham Bingham Bonneville Bonneville Bonneville Bonneville Bonneville Fremont Fremont Fremont Jefferson Jefferson Madison Madison Madison Bingham Nez Perce Nez Perce Bannock Bannock Bannock Bannock Power Lemhi Salmon Cassia Minidoka Cassia J Franchise Area Hagerman Wendell Wendell Gooding Gooding Jerome Shoshone Jerome Heyburn Minidoka Rupert Paul Kimberly Filer Hansen Twin Falls Buhl Twin Falls Meridian Boise Star Star Kuna Horseshoe Bend Canyon Greenleaf Greenleaf Nampa Notus Notus Parma Canyon Middleton Canyon Purple Sage Wilder Caldwell Cassia Emmett Owyhee Countv Gooding Gooding Gooding Gooding Gooding Jerome Lincoln Jerome Minidoka Minidoka Minidoka Minidoka Twin Falls Twin Falls Twin Falls Twin Falls Twin Falls Twin Falls Ada Ada Ada Ada Ada Boise Canyon Canyon Canyon Canyon Canyon Canyon Canyon Canyon Canyon Canyon Canyon Canyon Canyon Cassia Gem Owyhee 4 New New Cascad€ McCall rfallo,y 5 Map of Desienated Service Area (includes both RDOF census block groups and Lifeline-only areas) Purple shows the current franchise areas served by Cable One, lnc. in Idaho, which will be the geographic areas in which the Company will offer Lifeline-only service. Green shows the boundaries of the census block groups awarded in the RDOF auction (Auction e04). 6 H(HIBIT 2 Idaho Secretary of State Documentation 1 Office of the Secretary of State State of ldaho CERTIFICATE OF REGISTRATION OF CABLE ONE VOIP LLC Filing Number: 4121333 l, LAWERENCE DENNEY, Secretary of State of the State of ldaho, hereby certify that an application for Foreign Registration Statement, duly executed pursuant to the provisions of the ldaho Uniform Business Organization Code, has been received in this office and is found to conform to law. ACCORDINGLY, by virtue of the authority vested in me by law, I issue this Certificate of Registration to transact business in this State and attach hereto a duplicate of the application for such certificate. Dated: 7 January 2021 Lawerence Denney Secretary of State Processed by: Business Division STATE OF IDAHO Lawerence Denney I Secretary of State Business Office 450 North 4th Street PO Box 83720 Boise, lD 83720 Sparklight 210 E EARLL DR PHOENIX, AZ 85012-2626 January 7,2021 Filing Acknowledgment Please review the filing information below and notifo our office immediately of any discrepancies. File #: Filing Type: Filing Date: Status: 4121725 Assumed Business Name 01107120212:57 PM Active-Current Expiration Date: lmage #: Receipt #: B0566-3828 000428900 Congratulations on the successful filing of your Certificate of Assumed Business Name for Sparktight in the State of ldaho on the date shown above. Mailing Address 210 E EARLL DR PHOENIX, AZ 850',t2-2626 When conesponding with this office or submitting documents for filing, please refer to the file number given above Denney ldaho Secretary of State Processed By: Business Division Phone: 208-334-2301 " Email: business@sos.idaho.gov * Website: sosbiz.idaho.gov EXHIBIT 3 Officers of Cable One VoIP LLC As of January I,2021, the following are the officers of Cable One VoIP LLC: Julia M. Laulis. President & Chief Executive Officer Laulis joined Cable One in 1999 as Director of Marketing-NW Division. In 2001, she was named Vice President of Operations for the SW Division. In 2004, she became responsible for starting Cable One's Phoenix Customer Care Center. Laulis was named Chief Operations Officer in 2008, responsible for the company's three operation divisions and two call centers. In 2012, Laulis was named Chief Operating Officer, adding sales, marketing, and technology to her responsibilities. In 2015, Laulis was promoted to President and Chief Operating Officer of Cable One. In 2017, she was named President and Chief Executive Officer and in 2018 she was named Chair of the Board. Prior to joining Cable One, Laulis was with Jones Communications in the Washington,DC area and Denver, where she served in various marketing managernent positions. Laulis began her 35-year career in the cable industry with Hauser Communications. Laulis graduated from Indiana University in Bloomington with a bachelor's degree in Telecommunications. She attended the Woman in Cable Television Betsy Magness Leadership Institute n 199811999 and graduated from the Program for Management Development at the Harvard Business School in 2002. Cable FAX Magazine has named Laulis one of the Most Powerful Women in Cable for the past l0 years mnning. Laulis currently serves on the boards of The AES Corporation, Cablelabs, The Cable Center, and C-SPAN and is a trustee of the C- S PAN Education Foundation. Michael E. Bowker. Vice President Mike Bowker is Chief Operating Officer for Cable One. He is responsible for overseeing Cable One's daily operations, technology, and residential and business channels. Bowker joined Cable One in 1999 as Advertising Regional Sales Manager. He is a member of the team that successfully launched the commercial sales division and the residential inbound sales call center. Bowker has been a Vice President of Cable One since 2005. He was named Vice President of Sales in 2012 and was promoted to Senior Vice President, Chief Sales and Marketing Officer in 2014. Prior to joining Cable One, Bowker was with AT&T Media Services and TCI Cable, where he served in various sales management positions. A native of Boise, Idaho, Bowker holds a bachelor's degree in Communication from Boise State University and is a graduate of the Stanford Executive Program at the Graduate School of Business at Stanford University. Bowker currently serves as Vice Chairman of ACA - America's Communications Association. Steven S. Cochran. Vice President Steven Cochran is Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer at Cable One. He is responsible for the areas of accounting, reporting, finance, and investor relations. A veteran of the cable industry, Cochran spent 15 years at Wide Open West (WOW), a Denver-based cable operator. During his tenure at WOW, Cochran held positions of increasing responsibility, including Chief Financial Officer, Chief Operating Officer, and President and Chief Executive Officer. Prior to WOW, Cochran was Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer at Millennium Digital Media. Cochran holds a master's degree in accounting science and a bachelor's degree in economics from the University of Illinois-Urbana Champaign 1 Jarrod L. Head. Vice President Jarrod Head is Vice President of Engineering and Construction for Cable One. He is responsible for outside plant engineering, design and construction. Before joining Cable One, Head served as Vice President of Engineering & Technical Operations for Fidelity Communications and its subsidiaries. Prior to that position, he served as Engineering Director for Fidelity, overseeing Engineering and Network Operation teams to design, implement and support Fidelity's advanced technology services. Head holds a bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering from Missouri University of Science and Technology. Kenneth E. Johnson. Vice President Ken Johnson is Senior Vice President of Technology Services at Cable One. He is responsible for the strategic evolution of technology roadmaps related to products, as well as Information Technology, and Network & Engineering. Before joining Cable One, Johnson served as Chief Operating Officer and Chief Technology Officer for NewWave Communications. Prior to NewWave, Johnson was Chief Technology Officer for SureWest Communications and Everest Connections. Originally from Lenexa, Kansas, Johnson holds a bachelor's degree in Computer and lnformation Sciences from Friends University. Johnson currently serves on the board of the National Cable Television Cooperative. Eric M. Lardv. Vice President & Assistant Secretarv Eric Lardy is Senior Vice President of Operations and Integration for Cable One. He is responsible for overseeing the company's day-to-day operations, acquisition integration and long-term strategic operating plans. A more than 20-year veteran in the cable industry, Lardy joined Cable One as a Pay-Per-View Manager in the Fargo, North Dakota cable system. He was later promoted to Internet Business Manager, launching dial-up and high-speed broadband services. Lardy relocated several times and held a variety of positions in Marketing, Operations, and system General Management before being promoted to Director of New Products and Service Projects in 2012. Ir 2014, he was named Vice President of Strategy and Finance. In 2017, he was promoted to Senior Vice President, adding oversight of human resources and business intelligence to his responsibilities. Lardy holds bachelor's degrees in Marketing and International Business from Minnesota State University and an MBA from Arizona State University. Ravmond L. Storck Jr.. Vice President & Treasurer Ray Storck is Vice President of Finance and Treasurer for Cable One. He is responsible for all of the company's accounting functions. Before joining Cable One, Storck served as Controller at Kona Grill. Prior to that, Storck was Vice President/Controller and then Chief Financial Officer for MicroAge. Following MicroAge, Storck spent 4 years at PetSmart where he served as Vice President/Controller and then Vice President of Finance and Chief Accounting Officer. A native of Iowa, Storck holds a bachelor's degree in Accounting from the University ofNorthem Iowa. 2 Peter N. Wittv. Vice President & Secretarv Peter N. Witty is Senior Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary for Cable One. He is responsible for overseeing the company's legal, regulatory and compliance functions. Witty has more than 20 years of legal experience. Before joining Cable One, he served as General Counsel and Secretary for Gas Technology Institute (GTI), a leading energy research, development and training organization. Prior to GTI, Witty spent 10 years with Abbott Laboratories, serving in various positions, including as Senior Counsel and Division Counsel. Witty also previously practiced law as an associate at Latham & Watkins LLP and Ross & Hardies (now McGuireWoods LLP). Witty holds a Juris Doctor from Notre Dame Law School and a bachelor's degree in aerospace engineering from the University of Notre Dame. He is also a graduate of the Stanford Executive Program at the Graduate School of Business at Stanford University. Prior to attending law school, Witty was an officer and helicopter pilot in the 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault), where he served during Operations Desert Shield/Desert Storm. Additional information on the officers and directors of the Company's parent, Cable One, Inc., can be found at: https://ir.cableone.net/corporate-information/officers-directors/default.aspx. 3