HomeMy WebLinkAbout20171206Advise Letter-17-01 Name Change.pdfRECEIVED 2017 December 6 AM 9:05 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION r,$**December 6,2017 Via Email Ms. Diane Hanian, Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472West Washington Boise,ID 83702 RE: Cincinnati Bell Any Distance,Inc. Notification of Name Change Advice Letter 17-01 Dear Ms. Hanian: This letter is submitted on behalf of Cincinnati Bell Any Distance Inc. ("CBAD" or "Company'') to notiff the Commission of a change in the Company name to CBTS Technology Solutions LLC. CBAD has been providing interexchange telecommunication services in Idaho since 2003 and local telecommunication services pursuant to Order No.32677 issued in Case No. BWT-T-I2-0lNovember 8, 2012. Through a series of Delaware and Idaho Secretary of State transactions, copies enclosed as Exhibit A, effective as of October 4, 2017 , CBTS Technology Solutions LLC filed, and the Idaho Secretary of State accepted, a Foreign Regishation Statement to transact business in the state. Effective October 4, 2017, CBTS Technology Solutions Inc. filed, and the Idaho Secretary of State accepted, a Withdrawal of Foreign Registration Statement to withdraw its foreign corporation registration in the state, which remained under the name Cincinnati Bell Any Distance Inc. As a consequence of these filings, the Idaho Secretary of State issued the company a new file number, W189527, to replace the number under whiclr Cincinnati Bell Any Distance Inc. had been registered, C147470. The name change and change in form will have no customer impact. A customer notice in the form of a bill message is being provided to all customers stating: "Cincinnati Bell Any Distance Inc. has converted to a limited liability company and changed its name to CBTS Technology Solutions LLC. This change has been processed by the appropriate authority(ies) in your state. Effective January l, 201 8, you will see this name change reflected on your bills. This change does not affect your service or rates, including any of your rights or obligations." A copy of the customer notice is enclosed with the filing, Exhibit B. Enclosed is the Company's replacement Idaho P.U.C. Tariff No. 4, Interexchange Services, Exhibit C. The local replacement price list, Iowa Price List No, 3, will be posted on the Company's website: https://www.cincinnatibell.com/about-us/regulatoVtariffs. As mentioned, this name change does not affect the rates, terms or conditions of services currently provided to the Company's Customers in Iowa. No changes have been made to the tariff and price list except to reflect the change in Company name, delete blank pages, sequentially number the pages and correct section numbering as necessary. I 5 I Southhall Lane, Suite 450 - Maitland, FL 327 5l P.O. Drarver 200-WinterPark, FL 32790-0200 -Telepbone:407-740-8575 -Facsimile: 407-740-0613 rvrvw.tminc.com Ms. Diane Hanian, Commission Secretary Idaho Publie Utilities Commission December 6,2017 Page2 Advice Letter 17-01 The Company respectfully requests the Commission to update the Company's CPCN to reflect the name of CBTS Technology Solutions LLC and on all Commission records. Please acknowledge receipt of this filing by date-stamping the extra copy of this cover letter and returning it to me in the self-addressed, stamped envelope provided for that purpose. Any questions you may have regarding this filing should be directed to my attention at 4A7-740-3002 or via email to cwightman@tminc.com. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Sincerely, /s/Connie Wightman Connie Wightman Consultant cc:Kathy Campbell, CBAD IDxlT0ltms: Enclosures CWbc EXHIBITA SECRETARY OF STATE DOCUMENTATION IDSOS CERTIFICATE OF EXISTENCE Page I of 1 State of ldaho CERTIFICATE OF EXISTENCE OF CBTS TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS LLC File Number W-189527 I, LAWERENCE DENNEY, Secretary of State of the State of Idaho, hereby certify that I am the custodian of the limited liability company records of this State. I FURTHER CERTIFY That the records of this office show that the above-named limited Iiability company was organized under the laws of DELAWARE and filed for authorization to transact business in Idaho on 10/04/2017. I FURTHER CERTIFY That the limited liability company's cerlificate of authority has not been canceled. Dated: 10/06/2017 l0:20 AM SECRETARY OF STATE Authentic Access Idaho Document ( http://www.accessidaho.org/public/portal/authenticate.html ) Tag: b5ae5f5ff8d74087fbf8c67ff406c6aad4ca82cda4aZb694276275397266d06f8daf6760530c8243 Office of the Secretary of State https : //www. access idaho. org/secure/sos/corp/cert. htm I t0l6l20t7 State of ldaho CERTIFICATE OF REG TSTRATION OF CBTS TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS LLC File Number W 189527 I, LAWERENCE DENNEY, Secretary of State of the State of ldaho, hereby certify that an application for Foreign Registration Statement, duly executed pursuant to the provisions of the ldaho Uniform Business Organization Code, has been received in this office and is lound to conlorm to law. ACCORDINGLY and by virtue of the authority vested in me by law, I issue this Certificate of Flegistration to transact business in this State and attach hereto a duplicate of the application for such certificate. Dated: October 4,2017 By Office of the Secretarv of State d% SEcRETARY oF **7 i l i l i I II II It I II I I I Ii i I I I I i II I I I I I I I I I i I II I i i ) : : I FOREIGN REGISTRATION STATEMENT Title 30, Chapter 21, ldaho Code Filing tue: $100 typed, $120 not lyped Complete and submlt the form in duplicate. 20,?gf -t Pl, 2! 0g S'sfiiB8rffiWE 1. Tho name of the enllty is:CBTS Technology Solutions LLC 2. The name which it shall use in ldaho is: 3. Select the type of enllty you wish to reglster:(Ento, ir ilililri) lrGrc, uily il you ilrc roqurroc lo adorjl an rillcf,lntr.. 0ilrn?) E Business Corporation E Nonprofit Corporatlon E Limlt6d Liabllity Partnership E Limited Liability Company Elother:(tJse -Othcf only if i,our l,-)rsirn cnli(y lipo ii tj$l l;$k!(t i)tro'ro, sni] (rllor lhe typf' llriri).) 4. Jurisdlctionof formation: Delaware - -(Pro,:idc lhc dottrcstic jrrrisrlicliorr..rirljle llr(! ryrlilrr w,rs [orru.:d)5. The address of its principal office is: 221 East Fourth Street, Cincinnati, OH 45202 (Stru(rl A(lrlrers) 221 East Fourth Street 103-1090, Cincinnati, OH 45202 E General Partnership E General Cooperative Association E Limited Partnership (lncluding a limited liabllity limited partnership E Statutory Trusl, Business Trust, or Common-law Business Trust (hl;riling r\ddrcss, if dilrcrcnl) 6. The address of ils domestic princlpal oflice (if required by the laws of the Jurisdlction of formation) is: (Slrt;el A(ldrulis) i liililiri0 /rdUrrr:rJ, iI dillor(,Il) 7. The mailing address to whlch correspondenco should be addressed, lf different from item 5, is: (n(ldtr.s!r,l 8. Name and streot address of registered agent in ldaho: Seruice 12550 W EXPLORER DR STE 1OO BOISE, lD 83713 (r\rk,rcLis) 9. The name, capacity, and malling address of at least one governor: Leigh R. Fox Manager 221East Fourth Street, Cincinnati, OH 45202 (iJotltc) (rii)P3city) Clndnnali Boll Tectrnology SoluUons lnc. IVlembgf (llanr.r) Typed ie M. Signature: Capacity: iAtldroe:) Cinclnnatl oH45202 ID}.HO SEERETERY OF ST}.TE Lfr lfi4/2frL7 S5; fI0 8K: PREPIJD trT : 22LO28 BH: 16 t159141e 100.00 = 100.00 EOE FEG 5T #?I€ 20 - 00 = 20.0U EXPEDITE C #3 (A(,(lrassl 221East Fourth cooq =o(!o 6bGoooo Rcu OAr2015 Secretary of Member,Bell Tectnology Solutions lnc. wlffi'l1 I i iI I I Ii i I: Delaware Page 1 The First State I, ,IEEEEEY W. BTLZOCKI SECRETaRY OE SrArE OE rrIE SrAW OE DELAWARET DO I{EREBY @RrrEr ',fCGrrS TECIINOLOGT SOIUmO!rS LIEil IS DWy EORMED I'I'DER T'TE T,A,{S OE rHE STArE OE DET.AIIAXE E,!'D TS ZN GOOD STIIIID.IilG EIUD H'I.s A WGAT EXTSrEIICS SO I'AR AS TEE RECORDS OF THIS owrcg sHot{, as otr THE E?UREEENTH DAv OF siEPTEMBtrlR. A.D. 2017. AilrD T DO TIEREBY TUR?IIER CERTT.ET TEAI THE SATD UCATS TECHNOLOCY solEurrors LLc', wAs EoRUED ON THE rHrRD DAv OE DECEABERT A.D, 7987. AN'D T DO HEREBY TURTHER CERTT,T'Y IITAT THE ,ITNAAL 3NTES }IJTVE AEEI' PLXD YO DATE. 2145225 8300 sRs 20175159817 Authenticatlo n : 2O1224118 Date:09-14-17 You may verlry this certlficate online at corp.delaware.gov/authver.shtml State of ldaho STATEM ENT OFFWITH DBAWAL CTNCINNATI BELL ANY DISTANCE INC. File Number C 147470 t, LAWERENCE DENNEY, Secretary of State of the State of ldaho, hereby certify that a Statement of Withdrawal from this State has been received in this office and is found to conform to law. ACCOFIDINGLY and by virtue of the authority vested in me by law, I issue this Statement of Withdrawal and attach hereto a duplicate of the Application for such Certificate. Dated: October 4,2017 By dq SECREIARY OF ST^T7 211 WITHDRAWAL OF FOREIGN REGISTRATION STATEMENT Title 30, Chapter 21, Idaho Code Filing fee: $20 typed, $40 not typed Complete and submlt the application in duplleate. ilffi;;:: 1. The name of the entlty ls: CINCINNATI BELL ANY DISTANCE INC. The name which il used in ldaho is: CINCINNATI BELL ANY DISTANCE INC. 2. Jurisdicton of formation:Delaware 3. The address to whlch sen ice of process may be made against the entity (after the withdrawal): 221East Fourth Street, Cincinnatl, OH 452A2 (lddr0sil By filing this withdrawal of foreign registration, the entity named in ltem I agrees to the following: a. The entily is not transacting business in the Stato of ldaho, and withdraws its registration to do business in this state. b. The entity revokes the authority of its registered agent in the State of ldaho to accept service of process on its behalf in this state. c. The entity agr€es to notify the ldaho Secretary of State of any change to the address in item 3. Typed Connie M. Vogt EoooI 0lFo o e.G Eod,(tt Signature: IDAHO SECRETARY OP STATE LD/fi*/?.frL7 05:00 trE: PEEF.trID ET:22102S BH: 1605313lG 20-00 = ?0.00 T,{'ITHDR EoE #21g 20-80 = ZB.ED EXPEDITE C #SCapacily: Rov. 0rr2015 Secretary e-lwv70 ii i j ; i I Ii I I I I I Ii t I a Il It ta; I II i i : I IIi I t 1 i i l I i I i I I IDSOS Viewing Business Entity Page 1 of I IDAHO SECRETARY OF STATE Viewing Business Entity Lawerence Denney/ Secretary of State I New Search ] [ Back to Summarv ] I Get a certificate of existence for CBTS TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS LLC ] I Monitor CBTS TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS LLC business filinos ] CBTS TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS LLC 22t E 4TH ST 103-1090 CINCINNATI, OH 45242 Type of Buslness: UMITED LIABILITY COMPANY Status: EXISTING State of Origin: DEI-AWARE Date of 04 Oc"20L7 Orlglnation/Authorization: Current Registered Agent: CORPORATION SERVICE COMPANY 12550 W EXPLORER DR STE 1OO BOISE, ID 83713 File Number: W189527 Date of Last Annual Report: Annual Report Due: Oct 2018 Original Filing: I Help Me Print/View TIFF ] View Image (PDF format) View Imaoe (TIFF format) Filed O4 Oct 2OL7 FOREIGN REGISTRATION STATEMENT Idaho Secretary of State's Main Paqe State of Idaho Home Paoe Comments, questions or suggestions can be emailed to: sosinfo@sos.idaho.gov https ://www.accessidaho.org/publ iclsos/corp/W I 89527.htm1 t0/6/2017 IDSOS Viewing Business Entity Page I of2 IDAHO SECRETARY OF STATE Viewing Business Entity Lawerence Denney, Secretary of State I New Search ] [ Back to Summarv ] I Monltor CINCINNATI BELL ANY DISTANCE INC. business filings ] CINCINNATI BELL ANY DISTANCE INC. 22LE.4TH STREET 103-1090 CINCINNATT, OH 45202 Type of Business: Status: State of Origin: Date of Origination/Authorization: Appoint Reglstered Agent: Organizational fD / Filing Number: Number of Authorized Stock Shares: Date of Last Annual Report: Annual Report Due: Filed 31Jan 2OO3 Amendment Filed 02 Sep 2003 Amendment Filed 02 Sep 2003 Amendment Filed 04 Oct 2f,17 Report for year 2O17 Report for year 2016 Repoft for year 2015 I Helo Me Print/View TIFF ] l Origina! Filing: Amendments: Annual Re rts https ://www. accessidaho. org/public/sos/corp/ Cl 47 47 0 .html t0l6/2017 IDSOS Viewing Business Entity Page2 of 2 Report for year 2O14 Report for year 2O13 Repoft for year 2OI,2 Report for year 2011 Repod for year 2O1O Report for year 2OO9 Report for year 2OO8 Repoft for year 2OO7 Report for year 2006 Report for year 2OO5 Report for year 2OO4 Idaho Secretary of State's Main Paqe State of ldaho Home Page Comments, questlons or suggestions can be emailed to: sosinfo@sos.idaho.gov https ://www.accessidaho.org/public/sos/corp I Cl 47 47 0.html r0l6l2at7 Below is the bill message that will appear on Customer bills affected by this name change. The message began on November 1't and will run on every billcycle through the month of November. Cincinnati Bell Any Distance lnc. has converted to o limited liobility compony ond changed its nome to CBTSTechnology Solutions LLC. This chonge hos been processed bythe oppropriote outhority(ies) in your stote. Effective Jonuory 7, 2078, you will see this nome change reflected on your bills. This chonge does not offect your service or rotes, including ony of your rights or obligations. EXHIBITC INTEREXCHANGE REPLACEMENT TARIFF Idaho P.U.C. TariffNo.4 CBTS Technology Solutions LLC ldaho Tariff No. 4 lssued By: Ted Heckmann, Senior Director OriginalTitle Page Regulatory & Government Affairs 221E- Fourth St., 103-1080 C incinnati, Oltio 45202 Issue Date: December'1,2017 Effective: December 8,2011 INTEREXCHANGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES This Tariff, CBTS Technology Solutions LLC,Idaho Tariff No.4, replaces in its entirety, Cincinnati Bell Any Distance Inc., Idaho P.U.C. Tariff No. 3. CBTS Technology Solutions LLC Toll Free Number - I -888-246-2355 This tariffcontains the description, regulations and rates for telecommunications service and facilities provided by CBTS Technology Solutions LLC with principaloffices at22l East Fourth Street 103-1080, Cincinnati, O1145202. Tariffand regulatory matters should be addressed to CBTS Technology Solutions LLC, Attn: Regulatory Affairs, 221 East Fourth Street 103-1080, Cincinnati, OH 45202. This tariff applies for service furnished within the State of ldaho. This tariff is on file with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, and copies may be inspected, during nomral business hours, at the Cornpany's regulatory office in Cincinnati. Advice Letter l7-01 IDil T0r CBTS Technology Solutions LLC ldaho Tariff No. 4 Issued By: Ted Heckmann, Senior Director Original Page I Regulatory & Covernment Affairs 221E. Fourth St., 103-1080 Cincinnati, Ohio 45202 Issrre Date: December 7 ,2017 Effective: December 8,2017 INTEREXCHANGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES CHECK SHEET Pages of this tarifi as indicated below, are effective as of the date shown at the bottom of the respective pages. Original and revised pages, as named below, comprise all changes from the original tariff and are currently in effect as of the date on the bottorn of this page. PAGE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0ll 12 l3 t4 l5 t6 17 l8 l9 20 2t 22 23 24 25 26 27 PAGE 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 REVISION Title Page :t Original {' Original * Original {' Original * Original * Original * Original * Original * Original * Original * Original * Original '(Original :r Original * Original + Original * Original 'tOriginal 'r' Original * Original * Original * Original {< Original * Original )F Original "Original {' Origirral * REVISION Original * Original {' Original * Original 'ri Original * Original * Original * Original * Original 't PAGE REVISION * - indicates those pages included with this filing Advice Letter I7-01 rDi170r CBTS Technology Solutions LLC Idaho TariffNo. 4 Issued By: Ted Heckmann, Senior Director Original Page2 Regulatory & Government Affairs 221 E. Fourth St., 103-1080 Cincinnati, Ohio 45202 Issue Date: Decernber 7,2017 Effective: December 8,2017 INTEREXCHANGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES TABLE OF CONTENTS Check Sheet Table of Contents 2 A Section l: Technical Terms and Abbreviations 5 Section 3: Long Distance Services 2l Advice Letter l7-01 IDiI TOI CBTS Technology Solutions LLC ldaho TariffNo. 4 Issued By: Ted Heckrnann, Senior Director Original Page 3 Regulatory & Government Affairs 221E. Fourth St., 103-1080 Cincinnati, Oltio 45202 Issue Date: December 7 ,2017 Effective: December 8,2017 TNTEREXCHANCE TELECOMM UN ICATIONS SERVICES EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS Tlre following are the only symbols used for the purposes indicated below: (C) Change in regulation or rate structure. (D) Delete or discontinue (D Increase in rate. (M) Moved from another tarifflocation. (N) New rate or regulation. (R) Reduction in rate. (T) Change in text or regr.rlation but no change in rate or charge Advice Letter l7-01 rDit 701 CBTS Technology Solutions LLC Idaho TariffNo. 4 Issued By: Ted Heckmann, Senior Director Original Page 4 Regulatory & Govemment Affairs 221E. Fourth St., 103-1080 Cincinnati, Ohio 45202 Issue Date: December 7,2017 Effective: December 8,2017 INTEREXCHANGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES TARIFF FORMAT A.Page Numbering - Page numbers appear in the upper right corner of the sheet. Pages are numbered sequentially. However, new pages are occasionally added to the tariff, When a new page is added between existing pages with whole numbers, a decimal is added. For example, a llew page added between pages 34 and 35 would be page 34.1. B.Page Revisions - Revision numbers also appear in the upper right corner of the page. These numbers are used to determine the most current page version ou file with the Comrnission. For example, 4th Revised Page 34 cancels the 3rd Revised Page 34. Consult the check sheet for the page currently in effect. C.Paragraph Numbering Sequence - There are nine levels of paragraph coding. Each level of coding is subservient to its next higher level of coding. 2 2.1 2.1.1 2.1.1.A 2.l.l.A.l 2.1.1 .A.l .(a) 2.1.1.A.1.(a).1 2.1.1.A.1.(a).I.(i) D.Check Sheet - When a tariff is filed with the commission, an updated check sheet accompanies the filing. The check sheet lists the tariff pages, with a cross reference to the current revision number. When new sheets are added, the check sheet is changed to reflect the revision. All revisions made in a given filing are designated by an asterisk (*). There will be no other symbols used on this sheet if these are the only changes rnade. The tariff user slrould refer to the latest check sheet to find out if a particular page is the most current on file with the Comnrission. Advice Letter l7-01 IDir 701 CBTS Technology Solutions LLC ldaho Tariff No. 4 Issued By: Ted Heckmann, Senior Director Original Page 5 Regulatory & Government Affairs 221E. Fourth St., 103-1080 Cincinnati, Ohio 45202 Issue Date: December 7,2017 Effective: December 8,2017 INTEREXCHANGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES SECTION 1 - TECHNICAL TERMS AND ABBREVIATIONS I .1 Definitions Application for Service - a standard order fornr which includes all pertinent billing, teclrnical and other descriptive infonnation which will enable the carrier to provide the communication service. ASR (Access Service Request) - Service ordered processed to the underlying local exchange or interexchange carrier. Authorization Code - a numerical code, one or more of wlrich are assigrred to a Customer to enable a reseller to identifo use of service on its account and to bill the Customer accordingly for such service. Multiple authorizatiorr codes rnay be assigned to a Customer to iderrtifu individual users or groups of users on its account. Authorized User - a person, finn, corporation or other entity authorized by the Custorner to receive or send communicatious. Autornatic Dialing Device - an apparatus provided by the carrier which, when affached to Custorner's telephone equipment, dials the carrier's facilities, emits an authorization code, atrd forwards the called number to the carier's facilities. Bandwidth - the total frequency band allocated for a channel. Business Customer - any Customer of the Company who is not a Residential Customer as described herein. Busy Hour - the two consecutive half hours during which the greatest volume of traffic is handled. Cancellation of Order - a Customer-initiated request to discontinue processing a service order, either in part or in its entirety, prior to its cornpletion. Carier - CBTS Technology Solutions LLC, unless specifically stated otherwise. Casual Caller - A caller that has not affirmatively selected the Company as its choice of a long distance service provider in advance of placing a long distance call. Advice Letter l7-01 IDiI TOI CBTS Technology Solutions LLC Idalro Tariff No. 4 Issued By: Ted I{eckmann, Senior Director Original Page 6 Regulatory & Govenrment Affairs 221F.. Fourth St., I03-1080 Cincinnati, Ohio 45202 Issue Date: December 7,2017 Effective: December 8,2017 INTEREXCHANCE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES SECTION I - TECHNICAL TERMS AND ABBREVTATIONS (CONT',D.) I .l Definitions (Cont'd.) Company - CBTS Technology Solutions LLC, sometimes referred to as carrier, Completed Calls - calls answered at the distance end. If a Custorner is charged for an incomplete call, the Company will issue a one-minute credit upon the Customer's request. Custom Account Coding - key, legend or table created by the Customer for a unique project or account nurnbers for its private use. Custorner - the person, firm, corporation or other entity that orders or uses service and is responsible for paynent ofthe rates and charges under a contract or this tariff. Customer Premises Equiprnent - cornurunications equiprnent located at the Customer's pretnises. Such equipment may be provided by the Customer or by The Company. Day Rate Period - unless otherwise specified in this tariff, the Day Rate Period applies during the hours of 8:00 a.m. to, but not including 5:00 p.rn., Monday through Friday. Dedicated Port - a port on rcseller's switch which is dedicated, at extra charge, to Customer's exclusive use, aud which is connected to the Custorner's premises by a private line fumished by the Cuslomer or the Customer's seruiug local exchange company. Delinquent or Delinquency - an account for which a bill or payment agreernent for services or equipment has not been paid in full on or before the due date. Amounts due and unpaid after the due date may be subject to a late payment charge. Disconnect - to render inoperable or to disable circuitry thus preventing outgoing and incorning toll communications service. Dialed Number Information Service (DNIS) - A toll free service option, under which Carrier electronically transmits to Customer, identifiing digits (up to l0 digits) that indicate which number was dialed when multiple numbers terminate on the same trunk group. Advice Letter l7-01 IDil T0t CBTS Technology Solutions LLC Idaho Tariff No. 4 Issued By: Ted Heckmann, Senior Director Original Page 7 Regulatory & Government Affairs 221 E. Fourth St., 103-l 080 Cincinnati, Ohio 45202 Issue Date: December 7,2017 Effective: December 8,201'1 INTEREXCHANCE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES SECTION I - TECHNICAL TERMS AND ABBREVIATION (CONT'D.) l.l Definitions(Cont'd.) Evening Rate Period - uuless otherwise specified in this tariff, the Evening Rate Period applies during the hours of 5:00 p.m. to, but not including I I :00 p.rn., Sunday through Friday. Excessive Call Attempt - a Customer attempt to call over the carrier's network using an invalid authorization code during a measured l5 minute period, within which l0 or more incomplete call attempts are made by the Custonrer fi'om the same Customer line, and where tlrose atternpts do not complete because the Customer has not used a valid authorization code. Expedite - The best effort acceleration of the installation date in advance ofcommitment date provided by the Cornpany. Holidays - forthe purposes of this tariff recognized holidays areNew Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas day. Holiday Rate Period - the evening rate will apply to calls made on the Company recognized holidays, provided, however, that calls urade on holidays during the Night/Weekerrd Rate Period shall be billed at the lower of the Evening Rate and the Night/Weekend Rate. Interexclrange Utility - a utility, resale carrier or other entity that provides intrastate telecommunications services and facilities befween exchanges within the state, without regard to how such traffic is carried. A local exchange utility that provides exchange service may also be considercd an interexchange utility. Local Distribution Area - metropolitan locations served by the Company which have been defined by the local exchange telephone company as a local calling area under its local exchange tariff. Measured Use Service - the provision of long distance measured time cornurunications telephone service to Customers who access the carrier's services at its switching and call processing equiprnent by means of access facilities obtained fronr another carrier by the Customer or otherwise provided at its own expense (the Customer is responsible for arranging for the access line). Message - a completed telephorre call by a Custorner or end user. Nefwork Tenninal - any location where the Company provides sewices described herein. Advice Letter l7-01 lDilT0t CBTS Technology Solutions LLC Idaho Tariff No. 4 Issued By: Ted Heckmann, Senior Director Original Page 8 Regulatory & Government Affairs 221F,. Fourth St., 103-1080 Cincinnati, Ohio 45202 Issue Date: December 7,2017 Effective: December 8,2017 INTEREXCHANGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES SECTION I - TECHNICAL TERMS AND ABBREVIATION (CONT'D.) I .l Definitions (Cont'd.) Night/Weekend Rate Period - unless otherwise specified in this tarifi theNight/Weekend Rate Period applies during the hours of I l:00 p.m. to, but not including 8:00 a.m., Monday through Friday; allday Saturday; and from 8:00 a.m. to, but not including 5:00 p.m. Sunday. Normal Business Hours - the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. Physical Change - the modification of a circuit, dedicated access line, or port at the request of tlre Customer requiring an actual material change. Post-engineering - After provisioning of service elements. Pre-engineering - Prior to provisioning of service elements. Premises - the space occupied by an individual Customer in a building, in adjoining buildings occupied entirely by that Customer, or on contiguous properry occupied by the Customer separated only by a public thoroughfare, a railroad right of way or a natural barrier. Rate - money, charge, fee or other recurring assessrnent billed to Customers for services or equiprnent. Residential Customer - For the purpose of this tariff, a Residential Customer is a Custorner of the Company whose primary use of the Company's service is for personal use in a house, apaftment or other residential dwelling. A Residential Customer is also a Customer who accesses the Company's service using an access line that has not been assigned a business class of service by the localservice provider. Routing Function - terminating number for toll free service may be designated by tirne of day, day of the week, region of originating ANI or percentage of calls. Suspension - temporary disconnection or impairmeut of service which disables either outgoing or incoming toll communications services provided by the Company. Speed Number - a signaling arrangernent by which a Customer nray elect to dial a pre-programrned four-digit number in place of a designated ten-digit number. Advice Letter l7-01 IDil T0l CBTS Technology Solutions LLC Idaho TariffNo. 4 Issued By: Ted Heckmann, Senior Director Original Page 9 Regulatory & Covenrment Affairs 221E. Foufth St., 103-1080 Cincinnati, Ohio 45202 Issue Date: December 7,2017 Effective: December 8,2017 INTEREXCHANGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES SECTTON I - TECHNICAL TERMS AND ABBREVIATION (CONT'D.) L l Definitions (Cont'd.) Terminal Equipment - telephone instruments, including pay telephone equiprnent, the colnmon equipment of large and srnall key arrd PBX systems and other devices and apparatus, and associated wiring, which are intended to be corrnected electrically, acoustically or inductively to the telecommunication system. Toll Free Service - a service that provides long distance calling to a predesignated destination wherc charges are the responsibility of the call tenninated party. 1.2 United States - the forty-eight contiguous United States and the District of Columbia. Validated Account Codes - account codes that have restricted access. Abbreviations: CPE - Customer Premises Equiprnent LATA - Local Access and Transport Area LDA - LocalDistribution Area LEC - Local Exchange Carrier MTS - Message Telecornmunications Service NSF - Non-sufficient funds PBX - Private Branch Exchange SAL - Special Access Line V&H - Vertical and Horizontal Coordinates WATS - Wide Area Telephone Service Advice Letter l7-01 IDilT0l CBTS Technology Solutions LLC ldaho Tariff No. 4 Issued By: Ted Heckmann, Senior Director Original Page l0 Regulatory & Governrnent Affairs 221 E. Fourth St., 103-1080 Cincinnati, Ohio 45202 Issue Date: December 7,2017 Effective: December 8,2017 INTEREXCHANGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES SECTION 2. REGULATIONS 2.1 Undertaking of the Cornpany The Company provides long distance message telecommunications service to Customers for their direct transmission of voice, data and other types of telecomlnurrications. Communications originate when the Customer accesses the Company directly orthrough the facilities of another carrier via one or rnore access lines, equal access or on a dial-up basis. The Company may act as the Customer's agent for ordering access connection facilities provided by other carriers or entities when authorized by the Customer, to allow connection of a Customer's location to the Company's network. The Customer shall be responsible for all charges due for such service arrangernents. The Cornpany's services are provided on a monthly basis, unless otherwise stated in this tariff. Services are available twenty-four (24) hours per day, seven (7) days per week. 2.2 Limitations on Service 2.2.1 Service is offered subject to the availability of the necessary facilities and/or equiprnent and subject to the provisions of this tariff. 2.2.2 The Company reserves the right to discontinue furnishing service upon written notice, when necessitated by conditions beyond its control or when the Customer is usiug the service in violation of the provisiorrs of this tariff or in violation of the law. 2.2.3 To the extent that any conflict arises between the terms and conditions of a service agreement or other contract and the terms and conditions of this tarifl the tariff shall prevail. 2.2.4 Title to all equipment provided by the Company under this tariffremains with the Company 2.2.5 The Customer may not transfer or assign the use of service provided under this tariff except with the prior written cousent of the Company. Such transfer or assignment shall only apply where there is no interruption in the use or location of the service, and all regulations and conditions contained in this tariff, as well as all conditions for service, shall apply to all suclt perm itted ass ignees or transferees. 2.2.6 Custorner nray request Carrier to assign one or more sub-accounts for billing purposes, and to direct sub-account invoices to Customer's affiliates or other designated entities for payment. Such requests shall not affbct the liability of the Custorner, who shall remain solely liable to the Company for payrnent of all invoices for service requested and obtained by Customer, whether invoiced by the Company to the Customer, the Customer's affiliates, or other designated entities. Advice Letter l7-01 IDilT0l CBTS Technology Solutions LLC Idaho TariffNo. 4 Issued By: Ted Heckmanrr, Senior Director OriginalPage I I Regulatory & Government Affairs 221E. Fourth St., 103-1080 Cincinnati, Ohio 45202 Issue Date: December 7,2017 Effective: December 8,2017 INTEREXCHANGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES SECTION 2 - REGULATTONS (CONT'D.) 2.3 Use of Service Service may not be used for any unlawfu I purposes or for any purpose for which any payment or other compensation is received by the Customer, except where the Customer is a duly authorized and regulated common carrier. 2.4 Limitation of Liability 2.4.1 ln view of the fact that the Customer has exclusive control of its communications over the facilities furnished by the Company, and other uses for which facilities may be furnislred by the Company, and because ofthe unavoidableness of errors incident to the services and to the use of such facilities of the Company, the services and facilities fumished by the Cornpany are subject to the regulations and lirnitations specified herein. 2.4.2 The Company's failure to provide or maintain facilities under this tariffshall be excused by labor difficulties, governmental orderc, civil commotions, acts of God and other circumstances beyond the Company's reasouable control, subject to the interruption allowance provisions under this tariff. 2.4.3 Defacement of prernises - No liability shall attach to the Company by reason of any defacement or damage to the Custorner's premises resulting from the existence of the Company's equipment or facilities ou such premises, or by the installation or removal thereof; when such defacement or damage is not tlre result of the negligence of the Company or its employees. 2.4.4 Indemnification - The Company's liability, if any, for its gross negligence or willful misconduct is not limited by this tariff. With respect to any other claim or suit by a Customer or by any others, the Customer indemnifies and saves hannless the Company against claims, losses or suits for injury to or death of any person, or damage to any propeffy which arises from the use, placement or presence of the Company's equipment, facilities and associated wiring ofthe Customer's premises and further the Customer indernnifies and saves harmless the Company against claims for libel, slander, invasion of privacy or the infringenrent of copyright arising directly or indirectly from the material transmitted over the facilities of the Cornpany or the use thereof by the Customer; against claims for infringernent of patents arising from combinirrg with or using in connection with, facilities furnished by the Company and apparatus, equipment and systems provided by the Customer; and against all other clairns arising out of any act or omission ofthe Custorner in connection with the services or facilities provided by the Company. No agents or employees of other carriers shall be deemed to be agents or employees of the Cornpany Advice Lefter l7-01 IDil701 CBTS Technology Solutions LLC Idaho TariffNo.4 Issued By: Ted Heckmann, Senior Director Original Page 12 Regulatory & Government Affairs 221E. Fourtlr St., 103-1080 Cincinnati, Ohio 45202 Issue Date: December 7,2017 Effective: December 8,2017 INTEREXCHANGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERV ICES SECTION 2 - REGULATIONS (CONT'D.) 2.4 Lirnitation of Liability (Cont'd.) 2.4.5 The Company's liability, if any, for its gross negligence or willful misconduct is not lirnited by this tariff. With respect to any other claim or suit, by a Custorner or any others, for darnages arising out of mistakes, omissions, interruptions, delays or errors, or defects in transmission occurring in the course of fumishing service hereunder, the Company's liability, if any, shall not exceed an amount equivalent to the propoftionate charge to the Customer for the period of service during whiclr such mistake, omission, interruption, delay, eror, or defect in transmissiou or service occurs and continues. This liability shall be in addition to any amounts that rnay otherwise be due to the Customer under this tariff as an allowance for intenuptions. However, any such mistakes, omission, interruptions, delays, errors, or defects in transmission or service which are caused or contributed to by the negligence or willful act of the Customer, or authorized user, or joint user, or which arise from the use of Customer provided facilities or equipment shall not result in the imposition of any liability whatsoever upon the Company. 2.4.6 The Company shall not be liable for any damages, including usage charges, that the Customer may incur as a result of the unauthorized use of authorization codes or communications equipment. The unauthorized use of communications equipment includes, but is not lirnited to, the placenrent of calls from the Customer's prernises, and the placement of calls through equipment controlled and/or provided by the Customer, that are transmitted over the Company's network without the authorization of the Customer. The Customer shallbe fi.rlly liable for all such usage charges. 2.4.7 The included tariff language does not constitute a determination by the Commission that a limitation of liability imposed by the Company should be upheld in a court of law. Acceptance for filing by the Commission recognizes that it is a court's responsibiliry to adjudicate negligence and consequential damage claims. It is also the court's responsibility to determine the validity of the exculpatory clause. Advice Letter l7-01 IDil T0l CBTS Technology Solutions LLC ldaho TariffNo. 4 Issued By: Ted Heckmann, Senior Director OriginalPage 13 Regulatory & Covernment Affairs 221E. Fourth St., 103-1080 C incinnati, Oltio 45202 lssue Date: December 7,2017 Effective: December 8,201'7 INTEREXCHANGE TELECOMMLTNICATIONS SERVICES SECTION 2 - REGULATIONS (CONT'D.) 2.5 Interruption of Service 2.5.t If a Customer's service is interrupted other than by the negligence or willful act of the Custorner, and it remains out of order for eight normal working hours or longer after access to the premises is made available and after being reported to be out of order, appropriate adjustments or refunds shall be made to the Customer. The arnount of adjustment or refund shall be determined on the basis of the known period of interruption, generally beginning from the tirne the service interruption is first reported. The refund to the Customer shall be a pro rata part of tlre rnonthly recurring charges (but not for per minute or per call charges) for the period of days and that portion of the service facilities rendered useless or inoperative. The refund may be accomplished by a credit on a subsequent bill for the service. 2.s.2 A credit allowance for interruptions of service which are not due to the Company's testing or adjusting, to the negligence of the Crrstomer, or to the failure of the channels, equipment, and/or communications systems provided by the Customer, are subject to the general liability provisions set forth hercin. It shall be the obligation of the Customer to notifr the carrier of any interruption in service. Before giving such notice, the Customer shall ascertain that the trouble is not being caused by any action or omission by or within the Customer's control and is not in wiring or equipment connected to the carrier tenninal. 2.6 Restoration of Service The use and restoration of service in emergencies slrall be in accordance with the Part 64, Sub-part D of the Federal Cornmunications Commission's rules and Regulations which specifies the priority system for such activities. Advice Letter l7-01 rDir T0l CBTS Technology Solutions LLC Idaho TariffNo. 4 Issued By: Ted l{eckmann, Senior Director Original Page 14 Regulatory & Government Affairs 221 E. Fourth St., 103-1080 Cincinnati, Ohio 45202 Issue Date: December 7,2017 Effective: December 8,2017 INTEREXCHANGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES SECTION 2 - REGULATIONS (CONT'D.) 2.7 Customer Responsibility 2.7.1 All Customers assume general responsibilities in conrrection with the provisions and use of the Company's service. When facilities, equipment, and/or communication systems provided by others are connected to the Company's facilities, the Customer assumes additional responsibilities. All Customers are responsible for the following: A.The Customer is responsible for placing orders for service, paying all charges for service rendered by the Cornpany and complying with all of the Company's regulations governing the service. The Customer is also responsible for assuring that its users cornply with regulations. B. Wlren placing an order for servica, the Custonrer nrust provide: The names and addresses of the persons responsible for the payment of service charges, and 2 The names, telephone numbers, and addresses of the Customer contact persons. C.The Customer must pay the Company for the replacement or repair ofthe Company's equiprnent when the damage results from: l. The negligence or willful act of the Customer or user; Improper use of service; and Any use of equiprnent or service provided by others. After receipt of paynrent for the darnages, the Company will cooperate with the Customer in prosecuting a claim against any third party causing damage. 2. J. D Advice Letter l7-01 IDilT0t CBTS Technology Solutions LLC ldaho Tariff No. 4 Issued By: Ted Heckmann, Senior Director Original Page 15 Regulatory & Government Affairs 221E. Fourth St., 103-1080 C inc irrnati, Ohio 45202 Issue Date: December 7,2017 Effective: December 8,2017 INTEREXCHANGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES SECTTON 2 - REGULATIONS (CONT'D.) 2.7 CustomerResponsibility(Cont'd.) 2.7.2 Upon reasonable notice, the equiprnent provided by the Company shall be rnade available for such tests and ad.justrnents as may be necessary to rnaintain them in satisfactory condition. No interruption allowance will be granted for the time during which such tests and adjustments are made. 2.7.3 Deposits Applicants or Customers whose financial condition is not acceptable to the Company or is not a rnatter of general knowledge, may be required to make, at any time, a cash deposit up to an amount equaling two times (2x) one (l ) month's actual or estimated charges for the purpose of guaranteeing final payment for service, in accordance with the rules of the Commission. Interest on cash deposits will be payable per the deposit rules and regulations prescribed by the Commission for the period during which the deposit is held. Such deposit will be refunded or crcdited to the Customer upon termination or after one year of prompt payment for service. 2.7.4 Credit Allowance Credit for failure of service or equiprnent will be allowed only when failure is caused by or occurs in equipment owned, provided and billed for, by the Company. A.Credit allowances for failure of service or equipment stafts when the Customer notifies the Comparry of the failure or when the Company becomes aware of the failure and ceases when the operation has been restored and an atten'tpt has been made to notify tlre Custonrer. B.The Customer shall notifl the Company of failures of service or equipment and make reasonable attempts to ascertain that the failure is not caused by the Customer or in wiring or equipment connected to the tenninal. Advice Letter l7-01 IDir T0l CBTS Technology Solutions LLC Idaho Tariff No. 4 Issued By: Ted Heckmann, Senior Director OriginalPage 16 Regulatory & Government Affairs 221 E. Fourth St., 103-1080 Cincinnati, Ohio 45202 Issue Date: December 7,2017 Effective: December 8,2017 INTEREXCHANGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES 2.7 SECTION 2 - REGULATIONS (CONT'D.) Customer Responsibility (Cont'd.) 2J.4 Credit Allowance (Cont'd.) C. Only those portions of the service or equipment operation disabled will be credited. No credit allowances will be made for: Interruptions of service resulting from the Company perforrning routine maintenance; Interruptions of service for implementation of a Customer order for a change in the service; Interruption caused by the negligence of the Customer or an authorized user; Interruptions of service because of the failure of service or equipment due to the Custonrer or authorized user provided facilities. 2.7.5 Cancellation by Customer If a Customer orders services requiring special equipment and/or facilities dedicated to the Customer's use and then cancels its order before the service begins, before a completion of the minimum period mutually agreed upon by the Customer arrd the Company, a charge will be made to the Customer for the non-recoverable portions of expenditures or liabilities incurred expressly on behalf of the Customer by the Company and not fully reimbursed by installation and rnonthly charges. lf, based on such an order, any construction has either begun or been cornpleted, but no such services provided, the non-recoverable cost ofsuch construction shall be borne by the Customer. 2. 3 4 Advice Letter 17-01 IDil 701 CBTS Technology Solutions LLC ldaho Tariff No. 4 Issued By: Ted Heckmann, Senior Director Original Page 17 Regulatory & Governrnent Affairs 221E. Fourth St., 103-1080 Cincinnati, Ohio 45202 Issue Date: December 7 ,2017 Effective: December 8,2017 INTEREXCHANGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES SECTION 2 - RBGULATIONS (CONT'D.) 2.7 CustomerResponsibility(Cont'd.) 2.7.6 Payrnent and Charges for Services Charges for service are applied on a recun ing and nonrecurring basis. Service is provided and billed on a monthly basis. Service continues to be provided until disconnection is requested by the Customer in writing, or until canceled by the Company pursuant to this tariff. A. Payment of Charges Payment will be due upon receipt of the statement. A payment is considered delinquent thirry (30) days after rendition of the bill. A bill is considered rendered when deposited in the U.S. Mail for delivery to Customer's last known address, The Custorner is responsible for payment of all charges for service funtished to the Custorner. Charges based on actual usage during a month will be billed monthly in arrears. All fixed monthly artd nonrecurring charges for sewices ordered will be billed monthly in advance. Service may be denied or discontinued by the Company for rron-payment of past due or delinquent amounts due the Company. Restoration of seruice will be subject to all applicable installation charges. Disconnection may not occur before thirty (30) days from invoice and the Company rnust give five (5) days written notice before any disconnection can occur. 2.7.7 Application of Rates The rates for service are those in effect for the period that service is furnished. 2. Advice Letter l7-01 IDil 70 r t. CBTS Technology Solutions LLC tdaho TariffNo. 4 Issued By: Ted l-leckmann, Senior Director Original Page l8 Regulatory & Government Affairs 221 E. Fourth St., 103-1080 Cincinnati, Ohio 45202 Issue Date: December 7 ,2017 Effective: December 8,2017 INTEREXCHANGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES SECTION 2 - REGULATIONS (CONT'D.) 2.8 Responsibility of the Cornpany 2.8.I Calculation of Credit Allowance Under the limitations of sectiort 2.7.4, when service is irrterrupted the credit allowance will be computed on the following basis. No credit shall be allowed for an interruption of less than two hours. The Customer shall be credited for an interruption of two hours or major fraction thereof tlrat the interruption continues. Where there has been an outage, and a minirnum usage charge applies, and tlre Custorrrer fails to meet the minimum usage, a credit shall be applied against that minimum. The credit shall equal l/360th ofthe rnonthly minimum charges associated with the portion of service disabled for each period of two hours or rnajor fraction tlrereof that the internrption continues. 2.8.2 Cancellation of Credit Where the Cornpany cancels a service or the provision of equiprnent and the final service period is less than the monthly billing period, a credit will be issued for any arnounts billed in advance, prorated at l/30th of the monthly recurring charge foreach daythe service was rendered or the equipment was provided. This credit will be issued to the Customer or applied against the balance remaining on the Customer's acconnt. A. B. C. Advice Letter l7-01 IDiI TO I CBTS Technology Solutions LLC Idaho Tariff No.4 Issued By: Ted Heckmann, Senior Director OriginalPage 19 Regulatory & Government Affairs 221E. Fourth St., 103-1080 Cincinrrati, Ohio 45202 lssue Date: December 7,2017 Effective: December 8,2017 INTEREXCHANGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES SECTION 2 - REGULATTONS (CONT'D.) 2.8 Responsibility of the Company (Cont'd.) 2.8.3 Disconnectiorr of Service by the Company Uporr five (5) days written notice, the Company may discontinue service or cancel an application for service without incuning any liability for any of the following reasons: Non-payment of any sunr due to the Company for service for more than thirty days beyond the date ofrendition ofthe bill for such service; Violation of any regulation governing the service under this tariff; Violation of any law, rule, or regulation ofa govemment authority havingjurisdiction over the service; or Tlre Company is prohibited from furnishing services by order of a court or other government authorifl having jurisdiction. Customer uses equipment is such a rnanner as to adversely affect the Company's equipment or service to others. 2.8-4 FractionalCharges Charges for a fractional part of a month (which follows a full month) are calculated by counting the number of days remaining in the billing period after service is furnished or has been discontirrued. The nurnber of days rcrnaining in the billing period are counted starting with the day after the service was furnished or discorrtinued. Divide that figure by thirty days. The resultant fiaction is then multiplied by the rnonthly charge to arrive at the fractional rnonthly charge. 2.8.5 Insufficient Fund Checks Customers will be charged $20.00 on all checks issued to the Company which are returned due to insufficient funds. At tlre discretion of the Company, the insufficient funds check charge may be waived under appropriate circumstances (e.g. a bank error). A B. C. D. E. Advice Letter l7-01 rDitT0r CBTS Technology Solutions LLC Idaho Tariff No. 4 Issued By: Ted I-Ieckmann, Senior Director OriginalPage 20 Regulatory & Covernment Affairs 221E. Foufth St., 103-1080 Cincinnati, Ohio 45202 lssue Date: December 7,2017 Effective: December 8,2017 INTEREXCIIANCE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES SECTION 2 - REGULATIONS (CONT'D.) 2.9 Taxes and Fees 2.9.1 All state and local taxes (e.g., gross receipts tax, sales tax, rnunicipal utilities tax) are not included in the rates under this tariff but shall be listed as separate line iterns on tlre Customer's bill. 2.9.2 To the extent that a rnunicipality, other political subdivision or local agency ofgovemment, or commission imposes and collects from the Company a gross receipts tax, occupation tax, license tax, permit fee, franchise fee, or regulatory fee, such taxes and fees shall, as allowed by law, be billed pro rata to the Customer receiving service from the Company within the territorial limits of such municipality, other political subdivision or local agency of govemment. 2.9.3 Service shall not be subject to taxes for a given taxingjurisdiction if the Customer provides the Company with written verification, acceptable to the Company and to the relevant taxing jurisdiction, that the Customer has been granted a tax exemption. 2.9.4 The Compalry may adjust its rates or impose additional rates ot1 its Customer to rccover amounts it is required by governrnental or quasi-governmental authorities to collect from or pay to others, The Company may also adjust its rates or impose additional rates to cover the adnrinistrative cost of collectillg such clrarges or paying conrpensation to other entities. 2.9.5 Universal Service Fund A monthly Universal Service Fund charge will be added to each bill based upon the total intrastate billed revenues. This charge slrall in no event exceed tlre amount of the Idaho Public Utilities Comrnission assessment levied upon the Company. Advice Letter l7-01 IDil T0l CBTS Technology Solutions LLC Idaho Tariff No. 4 Issued By: Ted Heckmann, Senior Director Original Page2l Regulatory & Govemment Affairs 221E. Fourth St., 103-1080 Cincinnati, Ohio 45202 Issue Date: December 7,2017 Effective: December 8,2017 INTEREXCHANGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES SECTION 3. LONG DISTANCE SERVICES 3.1 Timing of Calls 3.1. r The Customer's monthly usage charges for the Cornpany service are based upon the total nunrber of minutes the Customer uses and the seryice options to which the Customer subscribes. Chargeable time begins when the connection is established between the calling station and tlte called station or PBX. Chargeable time ends when the either party hangs up. If the called station hangs up but the calling station does not, chargeable time ends when tlre connection is released by automatic timing equipment witliin the telecomrnunications network. 3.1.2 No charges apply if a call is not completed. 3.2 Start of Billing For billing purposes, the start of service is the day following acceptance by the Customer of the Company's service or equipment. The end of service date is tlre last day of the minimum notification of cancellation or any portion of the last day, after receipt by the Company of notification of cancellation as described in Section 2 of this tariff. 3.3 Interconnection Service furnished by the Company may be interconnected with services or facilities of other autlrorized communications common carriers and with private systems, subject to the technical limitations established by the Company. Service technical limitations established by the Company. Service furnished by the Company is not part of a joint undertaking with such other carriers. Any special interface equiprnent of the Company and other participating carriers shall be provided at the Customer's expense. Interconnection with the facilities or services of other carriers shall be under the applicable tenns and conditions of other carriers' tariffs. The Custorner is responsible for taking all necessary legal steps for inter connecting its Customer-provided temrinal equipment or cornmunications systems with the Company's. The Customer shall secure all licenses, pennits, righlof-ways, ard other arrangements necessary for such interconnection. Advice Letter l7-01 IDil 701 CBTS Technology Solutions LLC Idaho Tariff No. 4 Issued By: Ted Heckmann, Senior Director Original PageZZ Regulatory & Government Affairs 221E. Fourth St., 103-1080 Cincinnati, Ohio 45202 Issue Date: December 7,2017 Effective: December 8,2017 INTEREXCHANGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES SECTION 3 - LONG DTSTANCE SERVICES (CONT',D.) 3.4 TenninalEquipment The Company's seruice may be used with or tenninated in Customer provided tenninal equipment or Customer provided communication systems, such as teleprinter, handsets, or data sets. Such tenninal equipment shall be furnished and maintained at the expense of the Customer, except as otherwise provided. The Customer is responsible for all costs at its premises, including Customer personnel, wiring, electrical power, and tlre like incurred in its use of the Company's service. The Customer shall ensure that its tenninal facilities are ofthe proper mode, band-width, power, data, speed, and signal level for the intended use of the Customer, and that the signals do not damage the Company's equipntent, injure personnel or degrade service to other Customers. If the Custonrer fails to rnaintain and operate its terrninal equiprnent properly, resulting in the occurrence or possibility of harm to the Cornpany's equipment or personnel, or irnpairment to the quality of service to other Customers, the Company may, r.rporr wriften notice, require the use of protective equipment at the Customer's expense. If this fails to produce satisfactory quality and safety of service, the Company rnay, upon written notice, terminate the Customer's service. 3.5 Calculation of Distance Usage charges for all mileage sensitive products are based on the airline distance between rate centers associated with the originating and terminating points of the call. The airline mileage between rate centers is deterrnined by applying the formula below to the ve(ical and horizontal coordinates associated with the rate centers involved. The Company uses the rate centers and associated vertical and horizontal coordinates that are currently being used within the industry. Formula: (v,-v,)'+(Ht-H,)' 10 Advice Letter l7-01 IDir 701 CBTS Technology Solutions LLC Idaho Tariff No. 4 Issued By: Ted Heckmann, Senior Director OriginalPage23 Regulatory & Govemment Affairs 221F,. Fourth St., 103-1080 Cincinnati, Ohio 45202 Issue Date: December 7,2017 Effective: December 8,2017 INTEREXCHANGE TELECOMMUNICATION S SERVICES SECTTON3 - LONG DTSTANCE SERVICES (CONT'D.) 3.6 Minirnum CallCompletion Rate The Ctrstomer can expect a call completion rate of 99o/o per 100 calls atternpted during peak use periods for all Feature Croup D (l+) services. The Conrpany will engineer its switching systems on the basis that ninety-nine percent (99%) of the Customers accessing their system will be served during the busy hour. 3.7 Special Service Arrangements Special Service Arrangemerrt charges will be based on the estimated cost of fumishing such services including the cost of operating and maintaining such a service, the cost of equipment and materials used in providing such a service, the cost of installation including engineering, labor supervision, transportation, and the cost of any other specific item associated with the particular Special Service Arrangement request. 3.8 General The Company offers Message Telecommunications Service or MTS, Inbound 800 Service, Calling Card Service and Alternative Operator Assisted calling programs. The Customer's total monthly use of Carrier's service is charged at the applicable rates per minute set forth herein. 3.8.1 Message Telecommurrications Service (MTS) MTS or l+ dialing is achieved by when the LEC programs the Customer's telephone lines to automatically route I + calls to the Cornpany's network. Service is billed in six (6) second iucrements, with a minimum billing of(30) seconds for business Customers and a minimum billing of (60) sixty seconds for rcsidential Customers. Advice Letter l7-01 rDil T0r CBTS Technology Solutions LLC Idaho TariffNo.4 Issued By: Ted Heckmann, Senior Director Original Page24 Regulatory & Government Affairs 221 E. Foufth St., I 03- I 080 Cincinnati, Ohio 45202 Issue Date: December 7,2017 Effective: December 8,2017 INTEREXCHANGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES SECTION 3 - LONG DISTANCE SERVICES (CONT'D.) 3.8 Ceneral (Cont'd.) 3.8.2 Toll Free (i.e., 800/888) Service Toll Free Service is inbound telecommunications seryice which permits calls to be completed to the Custorner's location without charge to the calling party. Access to the service is gained by dialing a ten-digit telephone number which terminates at the Customer's location. Toll Free Services originate via nonnal slrared use facilities and are terminated via the Customers' local exchange service access line. Tlre Company will accept a prospective Toll-Free Service at Customer's request for up to ten (10) toll free telephone numbers and will reserve such numbers on a first-come first-served basis. AII request for Toll Free Service number reseryations must be written, dated and signed by the Customer. The Company does not guarantee the availability of numbers until assigned. The requested Toll-Free Service telephone nurnbers, if available, will be reserved for and ftrrnished to the Customer. If a Custorner who has received a Toll-Free Service nurnber does not subscribe to Toll Free Service within thifly (30) days, the Company resenr'es the right to re-assign the number to another Customer. 3.8.3 Calling Card Service Calling Card Service allows subscribers who are away from home or office to place calls by gaining access to the Company's network via an 800 number. Calling Card Service is provided upon request to presubscribed Custorner and is not a stand-alone product. 3.8.4 DirectoryAssistance Listed telephone numbers will be provided to requesting Customers at a per call charge. Advice Letter l7-01 IDil T0r CBTS Technology Solutions LLC Idaho Tariff No.4 Issued By: Ted Heckmann, Senior Director Original Page 25 Regulatory & Government Affairs 221E. Fourth St., 103-1080 Cincinnati, Ohio 45202 Issue Date: December 7,2017 Effective: December 8,2017 INTEREXCHANGE TELECOMMLINICATIONS SERVICES 3.9 SECTTON 3 - LONG DISTANCE SERVICES (CONT'D.) Usage Charges and Billing Increments 3.9.1 Usage Charges Usage charges are detennined by the time ofday rate periods and minutes ofuse within each rate period. The rate period is detennined by the time and day of call origination at the Custolner's Iocation. 3.9.2 Billinglncrements Unless specifically stated in the product description, usage is billed in sixry (60) second increments. 3.9.3 Casual Calling Plan Per Minute Rate: 3.l0 Pay Telephone (Payphone) Surcharge s0.20 A surcharge shall be assessed for each call nrade frorn a pay telephone to a Company-provided toll- freenurnberorplacedbyusingatravelcardanddialingtheCompany'sprefixinthefonn l0lXXXX. This charge is to compensate the Cornpany for the Federal Communications Cornmission assessment which is paid by the Company to pay telephone service providers for the use of their pay telephone instruments. The following charges are applicable on the first day ofthe billing month followirrg the eflective date of FCC Order 99-7 in CC Docket No. 96-128. Per Call Charge:$0.60 Advice Letter l7-01 IDil T0 r CBTS Technology Solutions LLC Idaho TariffNo. 4 Issued By: Ted Heckmann, Senior Director Original Page26 Regulatory & Government Affairs 221E. Fourth St., 103-1080 Cincinnati, Ohio 45202 Issue Date: December 7,2017 Effective: December 8,2017 INTEREXCHANGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES SECTION 3 - LONG DISTANCE SERVICES (CONT',D.) 3.1 I Calling Card Services Per Minute Rates (unless stated otherwise in toll plan rates) Residence Business Surcharge Domestic 3.12 Toll Free (i.e., 800/888) Service Rates Monthly Service Charge Tirne of Day Routing Seryice: Area Code blocking: 800 Directory Service: J.IJ Directory Assistance Charge Per Call Charge $0.25lminute $0.23lrninute $0.69 per call $7.50 $ I 00.00 per setup, change or removal $1 00.00 per setup, change or removal Monthly Service Charge $13.69InitialCharge $15.00 $0.99 Advice Letter l7-01 IDilT0l CBTS Technology Solutions LLC Idaho TariffNo. 4 Issued By: Ted Heckmann, Senior Director Original Page27 Regulatory & Government Affairs 221E. Fourth St., 103-1080 Cincinnati, Ohio 45202 Issue Date: Decernber 7,2017 Effective: December 8,2017 INTEREXCIIANGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES SECTION 3 - LONG DISTANCE SERVICES (CONT'D.) 3.14 Operator Services Operator services are available to Consumers from any Customer location. Operator Services allows the Consumer to place a call from a Customer location and arrange for billing other tharr to the originating telephone number. Calls are rounded up to the next whole minute for billing purposes and are billed to the Consumer through the monthly bill of the Consumer's local exchange carier. The following billing arrangements are available to Consumers through the Company's Operator Services: a. Customer Dialed Calling/Credit Card This is a service whereby the end user dials all of the digits necessary to route and bill the call without any operator assistance. Such calls rnay be billed either to a telephone company issued calling card or a colnrnercial credit card. b. Operator Station This is a service whereby the caller places a non-person-to-person call with the assistance of an operator (live or automated). When placing an operator station call, the caller is connected to a non-specified individual at the tenninating end. Such calls rnay be billed to a calling card, credit card, the called number (collect) or a valid third-party telephone number. c. Percon-to-Person This is a service whereby the person origirrating the call specifies to CBTS Technology Solutions LLC's operator a particular person to be reached, or a particular person, station, room number, depaftment, or office to be reached through a PBX attendant. Person-to-person calls rnay be billed to a calling card, credit card, the called number (collect) or a valid third-party telephone number. Advice Letter l7-01 rDir T0l CBTS Technology Solutions LLC Idaho TariffNo. 4 Issued By: Ted Heckmanu, Senior Director Original Page 28 Regulatory & Government Affairs 221F,. Fourth St., 103-1080 Cincinnati, Ohio 45202 Issue Date: December 7,2017 Effective: December 8,2017 INTEREXCHANGE TELECOMMLINICATIONS SERVICES 3.14 SECTION 3 - LONG DISTANCE SERVICBS (CONT'D.) Operator Services (Cont'd.) 3.14.1 Rates $ I .l 5 per minute Operator Assisted Surcharges: Customer Dialed Calling Card Station Operator Dialed Calling Card Operator Station Billed to Third Pany Person to Person $4.99 $5.s0 $6.s0 $9.99 s9.99 Advice Letter l7-01 tDil 701 CBTS Technology Solutions LLC Idaho Tariff No. 4 Issued By: Ted Hecknrann, Senior Director Original Page 29 Regulatory & Government Affairs 221 E. Fourtlr St., 103-1080 Cincinnati, Ohio 45202 Issue Date: December 7,2017 Effective: December 8,2017 INTEREXCHANCE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES SECTION 3 - LONG DTSTANCE SERVICES (CONT',D.) 3.16 ResidentialTollPlans 3.16.1 Service Descriptions l. An)'Time 500 (Product 64) For a monthly service fee, Customers subscribing to this plan will receive 500 minutes of outbound domestic long distance each month. A per minute rate will apply after the initial 500 minutes. Plan includes a calling card. 8XX service is available for a monthly fee. Call detail will be provided on monthly bills only when plan minutes are exceeded or upon Customer's request. 2. AnyTime 750 (Product 189) For a monthly service fee, Customers subscribing to this plan will receive 750 minutes of outbound domestic long distance each month. A per minute rate will apply after the initial 750 minutes. Plan includes a calling card. 8XX seruice is available for a rnonthly fee. Call detail will be provided on monthly bills only when plan minutes are exceeded or upon Customer's request. 3. AnyTirne 1000 (Product 198) For a monthly service fee, Customers subscribing to this plan will receive 1000 minutes of outbound domestic long distarrce each month. A per minute rate will apply afterthe initial 1000 rninutes. Plan includes acallingcard. 8XX service is available for a monthly fee. Call detail will be provided on monthly bills only when plan minutes are exceeded or upon Custorner's request 4. Basic II (Product 368) Customers subscribing to this plan will receive a $.10 per minute rate on lntrastate I * outbound service. There is a monthly, nrinimum usage charge associated with this plan. Calls that will be applied to the minimum usage include inbound and outbound toll calls, calling card calls; collect calls, and operator-assisted calls. Plan includes a calling card. Advice Letter l7-01 rDil T0l CBTS Technology Solutions LLC ldaho Tariff No. 4 Issued By: Ted Heckrnann, Senior Director Original Page 30 Regulatory & Government Affairs 221E. Fourth St., 103-1080 Cincinnati, Ohio 45202 Issue Date: December 7,2017 Efflective: December 8,2017 INTEREXCHANGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES SECTION 3 - LONG DISTANCE SBRVICES (CONT',D.) 3.16 ResidentialTollPlans(Cont'd.) 3.16.1 Service Descriptions (Cont'd.) 5. AnyTime 100 (Product 591) For a montlrly service fee, Customers subscribing to this plan will receive 100 minutes of outbound domestic Iong distance each month. A per rninute rate will applyafterthe initial 100 minutes. Plan includes a calling card. 8XX service is available for a rnonthly fee. Call detail will be provided on rnonthly bills only when plan rninutes are exceeded or upon CustomeCs request. 6. AnvTirne 5000 (Product 597) For a monthly service fee, Customers subscribing to this plarr will receive 5000 minutes of outbound domestic long distance each montlr. A per tninute rate will apply after the initial 5000 minutes. Plan includes a calling card. 8XX service is available for a monthly fee. Call detail will be provided on rnonthly bills only when plan minutes are exceeded or upon Customer's request. 7 . AnvTime 3 75 (Product 95 I ) For a rnonthly service fee, Customers subscribing to this plan will receive 375 minutes of outbound dornestic long distance each month. A per rninute rate will apply after the initial 375 rninutes. Plan includes a calling card. 8XX service is available for a monthly fee. Calldetail will be provided on monthly bills only when plan minutes are exceeded or upon Custonter's request. Advice Letter l7-01 rDit T0l CBTS Technology Solutions LLC Idaho TariffNo. 4 Issued By: Ted Heckmann, Senior Director Original Page 3l Regulatory & Govemment Affairs 221E. Fourth St., 103-1080 Cincinnati, Ohio 45202 Issue Date: December 7,2017 Effective: December 8,2017 INTEREXCHANGE TELECOMMLTNICATIONS SERVICES SECTION 3 - LONG DISTANCE SERVICES (CONT',D.) 3.16 Residential Toll Plans (Cont'd.) 3.16.2 Rates and Charges l AnyTime 500 (Pro4uct 64) Rates Per Minute I + Outbound $0.06 8XX Inbound $0.06 Monthly Seryice Fee: $20.00 Outbound rate applies after the first 500 domestic direct dialed minutes. 2. AnvTime 750 (Product 189) Rates Per Minute 1+ Outbound/8XX Inbound $0.06 8XX Inbound $0.06 Monthly Service Fee: $30.00 Outbound rate applies after the first 750 domestic direct dialed mitrutes 3. AnyTime 1000 (Product 198) Rates Per Minute l+ Outbound $0.06 8XX Inbound $0.06 Monthly Service Fee: $40.00 Outbound rate applies after the first 1000 domestic direct dialed minutes 4. Basic Il (Product 368) Rates Per minute l* Outbound 8XX Inbound Monthly minimum usage charge: $0.r0 $0.1 s $6.9s 5. AnvTime 100 (Product 591) Rates Per minute I + Outbound $0.07 8XX Inbound $0.07 Monthly Service Fee: $10.00 Outbound rate applies after the first 100 domestic direct dialed minutes Advice Letter 17-01 rDil T0l CBTS Technology Solutions LLC Idaho Tariff No. 4 Issued By: Ted Heckmann, Senior Director Original Page 32 Regulatory & Covernnrent Affairs 221 E. Fourlh St., 103-1080 Cincinnati, Ohio 45202 Issue Date: December 7,2017 Effective: December 8,2017 INTEREXCHANGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES SECTION 3 - LONG DTSTANCE SERVICES (CONT'D.) 3,16 Residential Toll Plans(Cont'd.) 3.16.2 Rates and Charges (Cont'd.) 6. An-vTime 5000 (Product 597) Rates Per minute l* Outbound S0.06 8XX Inbound $0.06 Monthly Service Fee: $200.00 Outbound rate applies after the first 5000 domestic direct dialed minutes 7 . AnyTime 375 (Product 951) Rates Per minute l+ Outbound $0.07 8XX Inbound $0.07 Monthly Service Fee: $15.00 Outbound rate applies after the first 375 donrestic direct dialed minutes Advice Lefter l7-01 IDitT0l CBTS Technology Solutions LLC Idaho Tariff No. 4 Issued By: Ted Heckmann, Senior Director Original Page 33 Regulatory & Government Affairs 221E,. Fourth St., 103-1080 Cincinnati, Ohio 45202 Issue Date: December 7,2017 Effective: December 8,2017 INTEREXCHANGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES SECTION 3 - LONG DISTANCE SERVICES (CONT'D.) 3.17 BusinessTollPlans 3.17.1 Service Descriptions 1. AnyTime 500 (Product 391) For a monthly service fee, Customers subscribing to this plan will receive 500 minutes of outbound dornestic long distance each month. A per minute rate will apply after the initial 500 minutes. Plan includes a calling card. 8XX service is available for a rnontlrly fee. Call detail will be provided on monthly bills only when plan minutes are exceeded or upon Custorner's request. 2. AnyTime 750 (Product 393) For a monthly service fee, Customers subscribing to this plan will receive 750 minutes of outbound domestic long distance each month. A per minute rate will apply after the initial 750 nrinutes. Plan includes a calling card. 8XX service is available for a monthly fee, Call detail will be provided on monthly bills only when plan minutes are exceeded or uporl Customer's request. 3. AnyTime 1000 (Product 395) For a monthly service fee, Custonrers subscribing to this plan will receive 1000 minutes of outbound domestic long distance each month. A per minute rate will apply after the initial 1000 minutes. Plan includes a calling card. 8XX service is available for a monthly fee. Call detail will be provided on monthly bills only when plan minutes are exceeded or upon Custorner's request. 4. Business Basic II (Product 358).- Business There is a monthly, minimum usage charge associated with this plan. Calls that will be applied to the minimum usage include inbound and outbound toll calls, calling card calls; collect calls, and operator-assisted calls. Plan includes a calling card. Advice Letter l7-01 lDir i0l CBTS Technology Solutions LLC Idaho Tariff No.4 Issued By: Ted I{eckrnann, Senior Director Original Page 34 Regulatory & Government Affairs 221E. Fourth St., 103-1080 Cincinnati, Ohio 45202 Issue Date: December 7 ,2017 Effective: December 8,2017 INTEREXCHANGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES SECTION 3 - LONG DISTANCE SBRVICES (CONT'D.) 3.17 Business TollPlans (Cont'd.) 3.17 .1 Service Descriptions (Cont'd.) 5. AnyThne 100 (Product 593) For a monthly service fee, Customers subscribing to this plan will receive 100 minutes of outbound dornestic long distance each month. A per minute rate will apply after the initial 100 minutes. Plan irrcludes a calling card. 8XX service is available for a monthly fee. Call detail will be provided on monthly bills only when plan minutes are exceeded or upon Custorner's request. 6. AnyTime 375 (Product 948) For a rnonthly service fee, Customers subscribing to this plan will receive 375 minutes of outbound domestic long distance each month. A per minute rate will apply after the initial 375 minutes. Ptan includes a calling card. 8XX service is available for a rnonthly fee. Call detail will be provided on monthly bills only when plan minutes are exceeded or upon CustomeCs request. 7. AnyTime 4000 (Product 475) For a monthly service fee, Custorners subscribing to this plan will receive 4000 minutes of outbound domestic long distarrce each month. A per minute rate will apply after the initial 4000 rninutes. Plan includes a calling card. SXX service is available for a monthly fee. Advice Letter l7-01 IDitT0l CBTS Technology Solutions LLC Idaho lariff No.4 Issrred By: Ted Heckmann, Senior Director Original Page 35 Regulatory & Government AffaiLs 221F, Fourth St., 103-1080 Cincirrnati, Ohio 45202 Issue Date: December 7,2017 Effective: December 8,2017 INTEREXCHANGE TELECOMM UNICATIONS SERVICES SECTION 3 - LONG DISTANCE SERVICBS (CONT'D.) 3.17 Business Toll Plans (Cont'd.) 3.17 .2 Rates and Charges l. An_vTime 500 (Product 391) Rates Per Minute l+ Outbound $0.06 8XX Inbound $0.06 Monthly Service Fee: $20.00 Outbound rate applies after the first 500 domestic direct dialed minutes 2. AnyTime 750 (Product 393) Rates Per Minute l+ Outbound $0.06 8XX Inbound $0.06 Monthly Service Fee: $30.00 Outbound rate applies after the first 750 domestic direct dialed minutes 3. AnyTime 1000 (Product 395) Rates Per Minute l+ Outbound $0.06 8XX Inbound $0.06 Monthly Seruice Fee: $40.00 Outbound rate applies after the first 1000 dornestic direct dialed minutes 4. Business Basic II (Product 358) Rates Per minute l+ Outbound 8XX Inbound Monthly minimum usage charge: s0.09 $0.1 s $6.9s Advice Letter l7-01 tDir T0l CBTS Tcchnology Solutions LLC Idaho TariffNo. 4 Issued By: Ted Heckmann, Senior Director OriginalPage 36 Regulatory & Government Affairs 221E. Fourth St., 103-1080 Cincinnati, Ohio 45202 Issue Date: December 7,2017 Effective: December 8,2017 INTEREXCHANGE TELECOMMUNICATION S SERVICES SECTION 3 - LONG DISTANCE SERVICES (CONT'D.) 3.17 Business Toll Plans (Cont'd.) 3.17 .2 Rates and Charges (Cont'd.) 5. AnyTime 100 (Product 593) Rates Per minute l+ Outbound 8XX Inbound Monthly Service Fee: Outbound rate applies after the first 5000 domestic direct dialed minutes $0.07 $0.07 $10.00 6. AnyTirne 375 (Product 948) Rates-Per minute l+ Outbound $0.07 8XX Inbound $0.07 Monthly Service Fee: $15.00 Outbound rate applies to calls after the first 375 dornestic direct dialed minutes 7. An.vTirne 4000 (Product 475) Rates Per lninute l* Outbound $0.0375 8XX Inbound $0.0375 Monthly Service Fee: $150.00 Outbound rate applies after tlre first 4000 domestic direct dialed minutes Advice Letter l7-01 IDil T0l