HomeMy WebLinkAbout20090507Name Change.pdfe e D r,i:I-,;:.;!l!!..j;...,,, 2609MfH -7 PM I: 03 The Coaw Group HELEIN ~ MARASHLIAN, LLC 1483 Chain Bridge Road Suite 301 McLean, Virginia 22101 Telephone: (703) 714-1300 Facsimile: (703) 714-1330 E-mail: mail(iCommLawGroup.col1 Website: www.CoinmLawGroup.com Writer's Direct Dial Number 703-714-1313 Writer's E-mail Address jsmØCDmmwGroup.com May 6,2009 Jean Jewell, Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street Boise, Idaho 83702 ß ulr- i-Ò~-O( Re: UCN, Inc. Docket No. 04A-594T, Decision No. C04-1491 Request to CJiange Name to inContact, Inc. d//a UCN Dear Ms. Jewell: UCN, Inc. ("UCN" or the "Company"), respectfully submits an original plus three (3) copies of this letter to notify and request approval from the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") of the Company's name change to inContact, Inc. d/b/a UCN ("inContact"). A copy of the Amended Certificate of Authority issued by the Idaho Secretary of State is attached hereto as Exhibit A for your records and reference. UCN was certified to provide interexchange telecommunications services within Idaho on March 21, 2003, under its former corporate name, BUI, Inc. A name change was granted to UCN on September 10, 2004. UCN was certified to provide competitive local exchange services on April 20, 2005 in Docket No. 04A- 594T, Decision No. C04-1491. The aforementioned name change wil not in any way inconvenience or cause harm to the Company's customers, and Idaho customers wil continue to be provided high-quality, affordable telecommunications services by the Company under the e e name inContact, Inc. Customers have been provided at least 30 days' notice of the name change to inContact, Inc. via biling insert. Pursuant to Commission rules and regulations, inC on tact has included as Exhibit B a replacement Tariff No.5, which cancels and replaces, in its entirety, UCN's Tariff No.3, governing the provision of interexchange telecommunications services. inContact has included as Exhibit C a replacement Tariff No.6, which cancels and replaces, in its entirety, UCN's Tariff No. 4, governing the provision of competitive local exchange telecommunications services. Please note that other than the Company name, the only modifications were corrections to typographical errors. Electronic copies of inContacts Idaho Tariff Nos. 5 and 6 are also enclosed herewith on CD-ROM, formatted utilizing Microsoft Word, in accordance with Commission rules. The Company respectfully requests Commission approval of its name change toinContact, Inc. and acceptance of its replacement Idaho Tariff Nos. 5 and 6. An additional copy of this fiing is enclosed, to be date-stamped and returned in the postage prepaid envelope provided. Should any questions arise regarding this matter, kindly contact the undersigned. Respectfully submitted, JSM/sr Enclosures EXHIBIT A Amended Certifcate of Authority State of Idaho i I AMENDED CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITY OF UCN, INC. File Number C 145161 I, BEN YSURSA, Secretary of the State, hereby certify that an Application for Amended Certificate of Authority, has been received in this office and is found to conform to law. ACCORDINGLY and by virtue of the authority vested in me by law, I issue this Amended Certificate of Authority to reflect the name change from UCN, INC. to INCONTACT, INC. and attach hereto a duplicate of the application for such amended certificate. Dated: April 16, 2009 ~~ SECRETARY OF STATE BY~. 21"4 APPLICATION FORAMENDED CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITY (I nstructions on back of application) To the Secretary of State of the State of Idaho: Pursuant to Section 30-1-1504, Idaho Code, the undersigned Corporatii hereby applies for an amended certificate of authority to transact business in the State of Idaho and for that purpose submits the following statement. Complete only applicable items. n~ APR 16 n~ltJ: 21 Pr-~~.0tl:Rr-!\¡~\ ~. ~ - STAì001~.~ Uc-...STATlEt 'Î IDAliO 1. A Certificate of Authority was issued to the corporation by your offce on: 08/20/2002 authorizing it to transact business in the State of Idaho under the name of: UCN, Inc. 2. Its corporate name hasbeen changed to: inContact, Inc. 3. The name which it shall use hereafter in the State of Idaho is: inContact, Inc. 4. It has changed its jurisdiction of incorporation, without a change of corporate identity to: Dated:/I-/?;- oJ'Corporation Name: inContact, Inc. Signature:tf ej;jf Typed Name: Kimm Partridge Capacity: Secretary Customer Acct # : (if using pre-paid account) Secretary of State use only ii l~Ni ~"õ 0 ~8 j e- al jj.lni~¡; ~ti Web Form IDAHO SECRETARY OF STATE04/16/2009 05:00 CK: 225662 CT: 172699 BH: 1166323 1 l JØ.øø = 36.66 AI'EHD CERT II 2 e-¡cfGI0/ Ðefaware PAGE 1 ri ~irst State I, JEFFRY W. BULLOCK, SECRETARY OF STATE OF THE STATE OF DELAWAR, DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE SAID "UCN, INC.", FILED A CERTIFICATE OF AMNDMENT, CHAGING ITS NAM TO "INCON'rACT, INC. ", THE FOURTEENTH DAY OF OCTOBER, A. D. 2008, AT 9: 55 0' CLOCK A.M. AND I DO HEREBY FUTHER CERTIFY THAT THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF THE AFORESAID CERTIFICATE OF AMNDMENT IS THE FIRST DAY OF JAARY, A~D. 2009, AT 12 :01 0 'CLOCK A.M. 090349842 DATE: 04-09-093016691 8320 You may verify this certificate onlineat corp.delaware.gov/authver.shtm 227 CERTIFICATE OF ASSUMED BUSINESS NAME Pursuant to Section 53-504, Idaho Code, the undersigned submits for fiing a certificate of Assumed Business Name. Please type or print legibly. NOTE: See instructions on reverse before filing. FilED EFFECT~\fE 09 APR I 6 ÂHfO:29 SE~trri~~ '~~AI¡; -, '-Ii' .. .,..-~ ,.. -. '..~ .. -1-- 1. The assumed business name which the undersigned use(s) in the transaction of business is: UCN 2. The true name(s) and business address(es) of the entity or individual(s) doing business under the assumed business name: Name inContact, Inc. Complete Address 7730 S. Union Park Avenue, Suite 500 C/~5-/Ç, I Midvale, Utah 84047 3. The general type of business transacted under the assumed business name is: ooo Do Retail Trade 0 Transportation and Public Utilities Wholesale Trade D Construction Services 0 Agriculture Manufacturing 0 Mining Finance, Insurance, and Real Estate Submit Certificate of Assumed Business Name and $25.00 fee to: inContact, Inc. - Attn: Kimm Partridge 7730 S. Union Park Avenue, Suite 500 Midvale, Utah 84047 Idaho Secretary of State 450 N 4th Street PO Box 83720 Boise 10 83720-0080 4. The name and address to which future correspondence should be addressed: (208) 334-2301 5. Name and address for this acknowledgment copy is (if other than # 4 above): Jonathan S. Marashlian, Helein & Marashliaru 1483 Chain Bridge Road, Suite 301 McLean, Virginia 22101 Signature, 11(. eJ~ Secretary of State use only Secretary '" '&¿ ~.. '"E 8 ~ ~. ~ ~ E .~ i oc'" IDAHO SECRETARY OF STATE04/16/2009 05:00 CK: 225662 CT: 172099 BH: 1166323 1 l 25. øe = 25. øø ASSU MAnE l 3 Printed Name: Capacity /Title: Kimm Partridge (see instruction # 8 on back of form) D làa9r¡9