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HomeMy WebLinkAbout20130823Application.pdfAugust 19,2013
Ms. Jean D. Jewell
Idaho Public Utilities Commission
47 2 W est Washington Street
Boise, Idaho 83702 B RT'T- t3-ol
Dear Ms. Jewell:
Enclosed please find for filing an unbound, unstapled original and three (7) stapled copies
of BIG RIVER TELEPHONE, LLC's Application for a Certificate of Public Convenience and
Necessity. The company has no local exchange customers in the State of Idaho at this time, and
this is a new filing.
I have also enclosed an extra copy of this letter to be date stamped and returned to me in
the enclosed self-addressed, stamped envelope. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate
to contact me. Thank you for your cooperation in this maffer.
Andrew Schwantner
In the Matter of the Application of
Big River Telephone Company, LLC.
For a Certificate of Public Convenience
and Necessity to Provide Local Exchange
and Interexchange services in Idaho
Docket No.
BRT-T- rz-O t
Big River Telephone Company, LLC, (hereafter referred to as "Big River" or
"Applicant"), pursuant to the Idaho Code $$61-526-528,IDAPA and Procedural
Order No. 26665, hereby applies to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") for a
Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to authorize Big River to provide limited
facilities-based competitive local exchange and interexchange services in Idaho.
In support of its application, Big River provides the following:
I. Proposed Services
1. Applicant proposes to provide local exchange, interexchange and switched
exchange access services throughout any exchanges in which it partners with a local cable TV
company with whom it will lease local network to gain access to customers. Big River plans to
market to both residential and business customers to provide basic phone service, custom
calling features, long distance and toll free service. Service will be provided from Applicant's
own network and via the leased local network to the Cable TV company with whom Applicant
partners. Applicant may also lease transport facilities from ILECs statewide and will do so
pursuant to negotiated interconnection agreements.
2. Applicant will use the existing conduits, ducts, rights-of-way, and facilities of
other telecommunications carriers, utilities, and municipalities. Applicant will not construct any
new, or extend any existing, outside plants in Idaho to provide the services for which it seeks
3. Big River's marketing strategy will be developed and will comply with all
Commission rules and regulations in the state of Idaho. Big River will advertise its services
through media of general distribution, using television, radio, and local print media. It will also
communicate the availability of services, service features, and packages by direct mail. Finally,
it will provide details of its offers on its website and advertise its services in the programming
advertisements of its cable partners.
II. Form of Business
Big River is a competitive provider of local and long distance phone services. Big River
not been denied requested certification in any jurisdiction and is currently authorized to
provide telecommunication services in the following states:
North Carolina
New Jersey
New Mexico
South Carolina
5. Big fuver is a Limited Liability Company, LLC, organized under the laws of the
state of Delaware.
6. Applicant's legal name is Big River Telephone Company, LLC, with its principal
place of business located at 24 South Minnesota, Cape Girardeau, MO 63703, (573) 651-3373
(Tel) and (573) 651-3605 (Fax).
7. A copy of Applicant's Articles of Incorporation is attached hereto as EXHIBIT
8. Big River's authority to transact business as a foreign corporation in Idaho is
attached hereto as EXHIBIT B.
9. Big River's registered agent for service in Idaho is CT Corporation System, 111
West Jefferson, Suite 530, Boise,lD 83702.
10. A list of the names and addresses of Big River's ten common stockholders
owning the greatest number of shares of common stock and the number of shares owned by each
is being filed separately as EXHIBIT C in a separately sealed envelope marked "Confidential
and Proprietary".
I l. Big River's officers are:
Name: Gerard Howe
Official Title: Chief Executive Officer
DirectTelephoneNumber: 314-225-2203
FAX Number: 573-651-3605
Name: Kevin Cantwell
Official Title: President
Direct TelephoneNumber: 314-225-2201
FAX Number: 573-651-3605
Name: John F Jennings
Official Title: Chief Financial Officer
Direct Telephone Number:
FAX Number:
Official Title:
Direct Telephone Number:
FAX Number:
jj ennings@bi grivertelephone. com
Kevin Keaveny
Chief Technical Officer
kkeaveny@bi grivertelephone. com
All officers can be reached at Applicant's principal place of business.
12. Big River has no corporation, association or similar organization holding a 5%o or
greater ownership or management interest.
13. Big River has one subsidiary, Big River Broadband,LLC, which does not conduct
business in the state of Idaho.
Correspondence pertaining to this Application should be directed to:
Andrew Schwantner
Director Contract Complianc e 3 I 4.225.2205
aschwantne r @bi griv ertelephone. c om
III. Telecommunication Service
15. Big River intends to begin providing service in ldaho after it obtains authorization
to do so. Initial plans are to enter into the appropriate interconnection and service arrangements
with Frontier to offer such services.
a. Big River will use the existing conduits, ducts, rights-of-way, and facilities of
other telecommunications carriers, utilities, and municipalities. Applicant will not
construct any new, or extend any existing, outside plants in Idaho to provide the
services for which it seeks authority.
b. Any facilities deployed by Big River will be for gateways to interface to the
Public Switched Telephone Network. Additionally, Big River deploys network
aggregation routers in each local service area to concentrate and transport
telephony traffic from line equipment to its core network for eventual termination
to the Public Switched Telephone Network and vice versa. All other networks
required to provide service will be leased from other parties.
16. Big River will partner with cable companies, allowing them the ability to offer
their Digital Phone Services to both business and residential customers in the State of Idaho.
Services will be available to subscribers twenty-four hours per day, seven days per week, at
rates, terms and conditions established by Applicant. Services will be offered and provided in
accordance with applicable Idaho statutes and Commission regulations. Applicant's tariff,
containing the terms, and conditions, applicable to its customers, and a description of the
services offered, will be filed upon a grant of operating authority.
IV. Service Territory
17. Big River initially plans to provide service in the areas served by Frontier.
Applicant's service area will be identical to that of the incumbents, and applicant incorporates
the incumbents' service area maps by reference hereto.
18. Big River proposes to provide local exchange, interexchange and switched
exchange access services throughout any exchanges in which it partners with a local cable TV
company with whom it will lease local network to gain access to customers. Big River,
however, seeks the full range of local and interexchange authority so that it can have flexibility
in provisioning its services in the future. Initially, Big River will compete directly with Frontier,
for the provision of local exchange telecommunication services.
V. Financial Information
19. Financial information demonstrating Big River's financial qualifications is being
filed separately as EXHIBIT D in a separately sealed envelope marked'oConfidential and
Proprietary". As shown in the attached information, Big River is financially qualified to operate
within the State of Idaho.
VI. "Illustrative" Tariff Filings
20. Big River's proposed initial local and interexchange tariffs are attached as
VII. Customer contacts
21. Big River's planned service offerings will meet or exceed any applicable
Commission quality of service requirements. To ensure top quality service, Big River will be
available during regular business hours for customer inquiries. Potential customers can call Big
River's toll free number 1-(800) 455-1608 for general questions or billing inquiries. Customers
can report technical problems via a toll free number at l-(800)455-1608. Big River Telephone
Company will continuously monitor and maintain a high level of control over its network on a
24-hours-a -day, 7 -days-a-week basis.
22. Big River has a toll free number available to all consumers 24 hours per dayl 7
days perweek at 1-(800)-455-1608.
23. Inquiries from Commission Staff for resolving complaints and matters concerning
rates lists and tariffs should be directed to:
Official Title:
Direct Telephone Number:
FAX Number:
Jennifer Rinesmith
j rinesmith@bi grivertelephone. com
VIII. Interconnection Agreements
24. Applicant has initiated negotiations of an interconnection agreement with Frontier
on August 19,2013.
IX. Compliance with Commission Rules
25. Applicant has reviewed the laws and regulations governing local exchange
telecommunications services in Idaho and will provide service in accordance with all laws, rules,
and regulations to the extent they are not preempted by the Federal Act.
X. Escrow Account or Security Bond
26. Big River does not require advance payments or deposits; therefore,
account is being filed.
XI. Conclusion
As demonstrated by the application and pursuant to Idaho Code $$61-526-528,IDAPA, and Procedural Order No. 26665, Big River's expertise in the telecommunications
sector will permit it to select the most economic and efficient services, thereby providing the
customers with an excellent combination of price, quality and customer service. Applicant
asserts that this application will serve the public interest because the Applicant's provision of
local and long distance telecommunications services will increase competition and provide
consumers in Idaho with greater choices. It is in the public interest to create competition in the
provision of local exchange and interexchange markets. Authorizing Applicant to provide local
exchange and interexchange services will result in a greater variety of telecommunications
services and products to business and residential consumers in the telecommunications market.
Consumers benefit from increased choices among facilities-based local and interexchange
providers and competitive, cost based rates. Applicant respectfully requests the Commission
enter an Order granting this Application.
Respectfully submitted,
Chief Executive Officer
Telephone: 314-225-2203
j howe@bigrivertelephone. com
Subscribed and swom before me this /?du1 of August 2013.
Gerard Howe
*snrsrli}xllI'ii; 3TiB, o
Notary Public
My Commission Expires:s/st /ao(4
riLLilP,10llilsUil a [illlili
This CertUicate of Formatiou of BIG RI\IER TELEPIIONE COMPAIiI-Y, Lrc
(tbe "Cooparry") is being cxecuted by tbc ',ndcrsigtred for thc purposc of forming a
limited tiabifity cornpary pursuaot to the Delaware Limilg61 Liability Coupany Act-
1. ffug nrme of the lirn;Ed [ability compaay is;
2. The addrcss of the regisEred office of the Compauy in the Stete of
Delarx,are is L?B Orange Strect, iu tbc City of Witmington, County of New Castle,
Statc of Delawarc 19801. The name of its registered agcnt at such address is The
Corporation Trust Coopany.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, rhe und.ersigned, an authorized. person of the
Coarpany, .bas causcd this Certificatc of Formatioa to bc duly executed as of the 2* My
of May, 20O1-
fi*- < l*o-.
William E. Bucklcy Y
FZLED O3:Ot Pt'/, O5,/O2/2Ool
e\ruoErrExptcclilbrcrltiotiu(Dq-EirRisTdcol,ccil$rwlLc"Doc 010272677 - 3387666
State of ldaho
Office of the Secretary of State
Ffu Nunrber W-91143
I, BEN YSURSA, Secretary of State ofthe State ofldaho, hereby certify that I amthe custodian ofthe
lirnited liability corpany records ofthis State.
I FURTHER CERTIFY That the records ofthis office show that the above-nanred limited liabrlity company
was organired r.urder the hws ofDELAWARE and filed an application for registration offoreign limited lbbility
company in Idaho on3l02l20l0.
I FURTIIER CERT.IFY That the limited liabilfry conpany's registration has not been canceled.
Dated: 8ll9l20l3 12:58 PM
{lr,* lu.^ea/
Authentic Access Idaho Docunrent ( )
Tag: b5ae5f5ft8d740t87203098ea3331 12d89de7a798fe96534d0d83c239998b792d85e99d5f8afaa5c
https :/Artrtrt ur.accessi /secure./sc/cor/cert.htn{1t'l
Big River Telephone Company, LLC Idaho TariffNo. I
Original Page 1
This tariff applies to the resold and facilities-based local exchange telecommunications services furnished by Big
River Telephone Company,LLC ("Big River" or "Company") between one or more points in the State of Idaho.
This tariffapplies to residential and business customers. This tariff is on file with the Idaho Public Utilities
Commission. This tariff complies with Idaho Public Utilities Commission rules and Idaho statutes applicable to
the Company.
24 S. Minnesota Ave.
Cape Girardeau, Missouri 63703
Issued: August 19,2013 Effective:
Issued By:
Kevin B. Cantwell, President
Big River Telephone Company, LLC
Big River Telephone Company, LLC Idaho TariffNo. I
Original Page2
2.1 Undertaking of Big River
2.2 Use of Service
2.3 Limitations
2.4 Liabilities of Big River
2.5 Responsibilities of the Customer2.6 Application for Service2.7 Establishing Credit, Deposits and Advance Payments
2.8 Payment of Charges
2.9 Interruption of Service
2.10 Restoration of Service
2.ll Disconnection of Service by Customer
2.12 Cancellation for Cause
2.13 Notice and Communication2.14 Taxes, Surcharges and Utility Fees
2,15 Customer Bilting Inquiries
3.1 General
3.2 Local Basic Residential Exchange Line Services
3.3 Local Residential Packages
3.4 Local Basic Business Exchange Line Services
3.5 Local Business Packages
3.6 Directory Assistance3.7 Operator Assistance
3.8 Directory Listing
3.9 Emergency Services (Enhanced 911)
3.10 Telecommunications Relay Service (TRS)
3.1f PromotionalOffering
3.12 Individual Case Basis (ICB) Arrangements
SECTION 4 _ RATES AND CHARGES4.1 General4.2 Rates for Local Basic Residential Exchange Line Services4.3 Rates for Local Residential Packages
4.4 Rates for Basic Business Exchange Lines4.5 Rates for Local Business Packages4.6 Rates for Directory Assistance Calls
4.7 Rates for Operator Assistance Calls
4.8 Rates for Directory Listings
4.9 Rates for Dedicated Leased Line Service
lssued: August 19,2013 Effective:
Issued By:
Kevin B. Cantwell, President
Big River Telephone Company, LLC
Big River Telephone Company, LLC Idaho TariffNo. I
Original Page 3
lssued:August 19,2013 Effective:
Issued By:
Kevin B. Cantwell, President
Big River Telephone Company, LLC
Big River Telephone Company, LLC Idaho Tariff No. 1
Original Page 4
l. Pase Numberins. Page numbers appear in the upper-right comer of the page. Pages are numbered
sequentially. New pages may occasionally be added to the tariff. When a new page is added, the page
appears as a decimal. For example, a new page added between pages 34 and 35 would be 34.1.
2. Pase Revisions Numbers. Page Revision Numbers also appear in the upper-right corner of the page.
These numbers are used to determine the most current page revision on file with the Idaho Public Utilities
Commission. For example, the fourth revised Page 34 cancels the third revised Page 34. Because of
deferrals, notice periods, etc.,the most current page number on file with the Idaho Public Utilities
Commission is not always the tariff page in effect. Business Customers should consult with check sheet
for the page cuffently in effect.
3. Parasraoh Numberins Seouence. There are nine levels of paragraph coding. Each level of coding is
subservient to its next higher level of coding.
l.l. l.A. r
4. Check List of Effective Paees. When a tariff filing is made with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission,
an updated Check List of Effective Pages ("Check List") accompanies the tariff filing. The Check List
lists the pages contained in the tariff, with a cross-reference to the current revision number. When new
pages are added, the Check List is changed to reflect the revision. All revisions made in a given filing are
designated by an asterisk (*). There will be no other symbols used on the Check List if these are the only
changes made to it (i.e., the format, e/c.). Customers should refer to the latest Check List to find out if a
particular page is the most current page on file with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission.
5. Svmbols Used in This Tariff.
(AT) To signifo addition to text.
(C) To signiff a correction.(CP) To signiff a change in practice.
(CR) To signiff a change in rate.(CT) To signiff a change in text.(DR) To signifu a discontinued rate.(FC) To signiff a change in format lettering or numbering.(MT) To signiff moved text.(NR) To signifo new rate.(RT) To signifu removal of text.
Issued By:
Kevin B. Cantwell, President
Big River Telephone Company, LLC
Issued: August 19,2013 Effective:
Big River Telephone Company, LLC Idaho TariffNo.
Original Page
Account - Either a Customer's physical location or individual Service represented by a unique account number
within the Billing Hierarchy. Multiple Services each with a unique account number may be part of one physical
Alternative Local Exchange Carrier ("ALEC') or Competitive Local Exchange Carrier (*CLEC") - means any
entity or person providing local exchange services in competition with an ILEC or LEC.
Application for Service - The Big River order process that includes technical, billing and other descriptive
information provided by the Customer that allows Big River to provide requested communications Services for
the Customer and Customer's Authorized Users. Upon acceptance by Big River, the Application for Service
becomes a binding contract between the Customer and Big River for the provision and acceptance of Services.
Authorization Code - A multi-digit code that enables a Customer to access Big River's network and enables Big
River to identifl, the Customer's use for proper billing. Also called a Personal Identification Code or PN.
Authorized User - A person, firm, or corporation, who is authorized by the Customer to be connected to the
Service of the Customer.
Billing Hierarchy - Allows Customers to combine multiple accounts and Services into a single billing structure.
Business Customers can choose whether to have all Services invoiced together, invoiced separately, or in any
combination thereof. In addition, the Business Customer may specifu where the invoices are to be sent and who is
to receive them.
BTN: Billed Telephone Number, may consist of one or more WTNs.
Business Hours - The phrase'obusiness hours" means the time after 8:15 A.M. and before 5:00 P.M., Monday
through Friday excluding holidays.
Business Customer: A Customer whose use of the Services is primarily or substantially for a business,
professional, institutional, or occupational purpose.
Called Station - The terminating point of a call (i.e.,the called number).
Calling Station - The originating point of a call (i.e., the calling number).
Issued By:
Kevin B. Cantwell, President
Big River Telephone Company, LLC
Issued: August 19,2013 Effective:
Big River Telephone Company, LLC Idaho TariffNo. I
Original Page 6
Calling Area - A specific geographic area so designated for the purpose of applying a specified rate structure.
Carrier - The term "Carrier" means Big River Telephone Company, LLC.
Central Office - A Local Exchange Carrier's office where a Customer's lines are terminated for the purpose of
offering local telephone service and to connect with interexchange carriers.
Competitive Local Exchange Carrier ("CLEC") or Alternative Local Exchange Carrier ("ALEC") - means any
entity or person providing local exchange services in competition with an ILEC or LEC.
Company - The term ooCompany" means Big River Telephone Company, LLC.
Customer - The person, firm, company, corporation, or other entity, having a communications requirement of its
own that is responsible for the payment of charges and for compliance with this Tariff. See "End User".
Customer-Provided Equipment - Telecommunications equipment provided by a Customer used to originate calls
using Big River's service located at the originating location.
Day - The term "day" means 8:00 A.M. to, but not including, 5:00 P.M. local time at the originating city, Monday
through Friday, excluding Company specific holidays.
Delinquent or Delinquency - An account for which payment has not been made in full on or before the last day for
timely payment.
Digital Transmission - Information transmitted in the form of digitally encoded signals.
End User - The ultimate user of the telecommunications services and who orders service and is responsible for
payment of charges due in compliance with the Company's price list regulations. See "Customer".
Exchange Area - A geographically defined area wherein the telephone industry through the use of maps or legal
descriptions sets down specified area where individual telephone exchange companies hold themselves out to
provide communications services.
Facilitv (or Facilities) - Any item or items of communications plant or equipment used to provide or connect to
Big River Services.
FCC - Federal Communications Commission.
Issued By:
Kevin B. Cantwell, President
Big River Telephone Company, LLC
lssued: August 19,2013 Effective:
Big River Telephone Company, LLC Idaho TariffNo. I
Original Page 7
Holida), - The term "holiday" means 8:00 A.M. to, but not including, I l:00 P.M. local time at the originating city
on allCompany-specific holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day,Thanksgiving
Day and Christmas Day. When holidays fall on Saturdays or Sundays, the holiday rate applies unless a larger
discount would normally apply.
IPUC - Idaho Public Utilities Commission.
lncumbent Local Exchange Carrier ("ILEC") or Local Exchange Carrier (*LEC") - is any local exchange carrier
that was as of February 8, 1996 deemed to be a member of the Exchange Carrier Association as set forth in 47
C.F.R. 69.601(b) of the FCC's regulations.
Incomplete Call - Any call where voice transmission between the calling party and the called station is not
established (1.e., busy, no answer, etc.).
Interexchange Carrier (XC) - A common carrier that provides long distance domestic and international
communication services to the public.
Local Access Transport Area ("LATA") - The phrase "Local Access Transport Area" means a geographical area
established by the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia in United States v. Western Electric Co., Inc.,
552F. Supp. 131 (D.D.C. 1982), within which a local exchange company provides communication services.
Local Exchange Company ("LEC") - A company that fumishes local exchange telephone services.
Local Exchange Service - is an arrangement which connects the End User's location to the LEC's network
switching center, thereby allowing End User to transmit and receive local calls within the End User's local calling
area, or mandatory expanded area service (EAS) area, as defined by State commissions or, if not defined by State
commission, then defined in the LEC's State Tariffs.
Location - A physical premise to or from which Big River provides Service.
NXX - The designation for the first three digits of a local telephone number where N represents 2-9 and X
represents 0-9.
Night/Weekend - The words "night/weekend" mean I l:00 P.M. to, but not including, 8:00 A.M. local time in the
originating city, all day on Saturday, and all day Sunday, except from 5:00 P.M. to, but not including, I l:00 P.M.
Non-Business Hours - The phrase "non-business hours" means the time period after 5:00 P.M. and before 8:15
A.M., Monday through Friday, all day Saturday, Sunday, and on holidays.
NPA - An area code, otherwise called numbering plan area.
Issued By:
Kevin B. Cantwell, President
Big River Telephone Company, LLC
Issued: August 19,2013 Effective:
Big River Telephone Company, LLC Idaho TariffNo. I
Original Page 8
Other Common Carrier - The term o'other common carrier" denotes a specialized or other type of common carrier
authorized by the Federal Communications Commission to provide domestic or international communications
Premises - A building or buildings on contiguous property (except railroad rights-of-way, etc.).
Primary Interexchange Carrier (PIC) - The interexchange carrier to which a switched access line is presubscribed.
Regular Billing - A standard bill sent in the normal monthly Big River billing cycle. This billing consists of one
bill for each account assigned to the Customer with explanatory detail showing the derivation of the charges.
Residential Service - The phrase "residential seryice" means telecommunication services used primarily as
nonbusiness service by a residential customer.
Residential Customer - A Customer whose use of the Service is primarily or substantially of a social or domestic
nature; and business use, if any, is incidental.
Services - Big River's regulated common carrier communications services provided under this Tariff.
Subscriber - The term "Customer" is synonymous with the term "subscriber".
Switch - The term o'switch" denotes an electronic device that is used to provide circuit sharing, routing, and
Timely Payment - A payment on a Customer's account made on or before the due date.
Underlying Carrier - A provider of interstate and/or intrastate interexchange telecommunications services from
whom Big River acquires services that it resells to Customers.
WTN - Working Telephone Number.
Issued By:
Kevin B. Cantwell, President
Big River Telephone Company, LLC
Issued: August 19,2013 Effective:
Big River Telephone Company, LLC Idaho Tariff No. 1
Original Page 9
Undertakine of Bis River
2.1.1 Big River undertakes to provide local exchange telecommunications services within the
State of Idaho on the terms and conditions and at the rates and charges specified herein.
2.1.2 Big River installs, operates and maintains the communication Services provided
hereunder in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth under this Tariff. It may
act as the Customer's agent for ordering access connection facilities provided by other
carriers or entities when authorizedby the Customer to allow connection of a Customer's
location to the Big River network. The Customer shall be responsible for all charges due
for such service arrangements.
2.1.3 Big River's Services and facilities are available twenty-four (24) hours per day, seven (7)
days per week.
Use of Service
2.2.1 Services provided under this Tariff may be used only for the transmission of
communications in a manner consistent with the terms of this Tariff and regulations of
the IPUC.
2.2.2 Services provided under this Tariff shall not be used for unlawful purposes. Service will
not be furnished if any law enforcement agency, acting within its jurisdiction, advises
that such services are being used in violation of the law.
2.3.1 Service is offered subject to the availability of the necessary facilities or equipment, or
both facilities and equipment, and subject to the provisions of this Tariff. The obligation
of Big River to provide Service is dependent upon its ability to procure, construct, and
maintain facilities that are required to meet the Customer's order for Service. Big River
will make all reasonable efforts to secure the necessary facilities.
2.3.2 Big River reserve the right to limit or to allocate the use of existing facilities or to
additional facilities offered by Big River, when necessary because of lack of facilities,
relevant resources, or due to causes beyond Big River's control. In addition, Big River
reserves the right to discontinue Service when the Customer is using the Service in
violation of law or the provisions of this Tariff.
2.3.3 Big River does not undertake to transmit messages, but offers the use of its facilities
when available, and will not be liable for errors in transmission nor for failure to establish
Issued: August 19,2013 Effective:
Issued By:
Kevin B. Cantwell, President
Big River Telephone Company, LLC
2.3.4 Big River reserves the right to refuse service to Customers due to insufficient or invalid
charging information.
2.3.5 Big River may block calls that are made to certain numbers, cities or central office
exchanges, in its sole discretion, deems reasonably necessary to prevent unlawful or
fraudulent use of Service
2.3.6 Big River will use reasonable efforts to maintain the facilities and equipment that it
furnishes to the Customer. Big River may substitute, change, or rearrange any equipment
or facility at any time and from time to time. Big River shall have the right to make
necessary repairs or changes in its facilities at any time and will have the right to suspend
or intemrpt service temporarily for the purpose of making the necessary repairs or
changes in its system. When such suspension or intemrption of service for any
appreciable period is necessary, Big River will give the Customers who may be affected
reasonable notice thereof as circumstances will permit, and will prosecute the work with
reasonable diligence, and if practicable at time that will cause the least inconvenience.
When Big River is repairing or changing its facilities, it shall take appropriate precautions
to avoid unnecessary intemrptions of Customer's service.
Liabilities of Bie River
2.4.1 Big River's liability for damages arising out of mistakes, omissions, interruptions, delays,
errors, or defects in the installation, provision, termination, maintenance, repair, or
restoration occurring in the course offurnishing service, channels, or other facilities, and
not caused by the negligence of the Subscriber, commences upon activation of service. In
no event does Big River's liability exceed an amount equivalent to the proportionate
charge to the Customer for the period of service during which such mistakes, omissions,
intemrptions, delays, erors or defects occur. For the purposes of computing such amount,
a month is considered to have thirty (30) days. Credit will be calculated pursuant to
Section 2.9 of this Tariff.
2.4.2 When the facilities of other carriers are used in establishing connections to points not
reached by Big River's facilities, Big River is not liable for any act or omission of the
other carrier(s). The Customer will indemnifr and save harmless Big River from any
third-parfy claims for such damages referred to in Section 2.4.1.
Big River Telephone Company, LLC Idaho TariffNo. I
Original Page l0
Issued: August 19,2013 Effective:
Issued By:
Kevin B. Cantwell, President
Big River Telephone Company, LLC
Big fuver Telephone Company, LLC Idaho TariffNo. 1
Original Page 11
2.4.3 In no event will Big River be responsible for consequential damages or lost profits
suffered by a Customer as a result of intemrpted or unsatisfactory service. Big River will
not be liable for claims or damages resulting from or caused by: (i) Customer's fault,
negligence or failure to perform Customer's responsibilities; (ii) claims against Customer
by another parfy; (iii) any act or omission of any other party; or (iv) equipment or service
furnished by a third party.
2.4.4 Big River does not guarantee or make any warranty with respect to any equipment
provided by it or leased on the Customer's behalf where such equipment is used in
locations containing an atmosphere which is explosive, prone to fire, dangerous or
otherwise unsuitable for such equipment. The Customer shall indemnif, and hold Big
River harmless from any and all loss, claims, demands, suits or other actions, or any
liabilities whatsoever, whether suffered, made, instituted or asserted by the Customer or
by any other party or persons, for any personal injury or death ofany person or persons,
and for any loss, damage or destruction of any property, whether owned by the Customer
or others, caused or claimed to have been caused directly or indirectly by the installation,
operation, failure to operate, maintenance, removal, presence, condition, location or use
of such equipment so used.
2-4.5 Big River is not liable for any defacement of, or damage to, the premises of a Customer
resulting from the furnishing of services or the attachment of equipment, instruments,
apparatus, and associated wiring furnished by Big River on such Customer's premises or
by the installation or removal thereof when such defacement or damage is not the result
of Big River negligence. No agents or employees of other participating carriers shall be
deemed to be agents or employees of Big River without written authorization. The
Customer will indemnifu and save harmless Big River from any claims of the owner of
the Customer's premises or other third parry claims for such damages.
2.4.6 Big River and Customer shall be excused from performance under this Tariff and under
the application for service for any period, and to the extent that the parly is prevented
from performing any service pursuant hereto, in whole or in part, as a result of delays
caused by the other party or an Act of God, governmental agency, war, civil disturbance,
court order, lockouts or work stoppages or other labor difficulties, third party
nonperformance (including the failure of performance for reasons beyond the control of
common carriers, interexchange carriers, local exchange carriers, suppliers and
subcontractors), or other cause beyond its reasonable control, including failures or
fluctuations in electrical equipment, and such nonperformance shall not be deemed a
violation of this Tariff or of the application for service or grounds for termination of
service. Both parties retain all rights ofrecourse against any third parties for any failures
which may create a force majeure condition for the other party.
Issued: August 19,2013 Effective:
Issued By:
Kevin B. Cantwell, President
Big River Telephone Company, LLC
Big fuver Telephone Company, LLC Idaho TariffNo. I
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2.4.7 Big River is not liable for any damages, including usage charges, the Customer may incur
as a result of the unauthorized use of its telephone facilities. This unauthorized use of the
Customer's facilities includes, but is not limited to, the placement of calls from the
Customer's premises, and the placement of calls through Customer-provided equipment
that are transmitted or carried on the Big River network.
2.4.8 Where there is a connection via Customer-provided terminal equipment or Customer-
provide communications systems, the point of demarcation shall be defined as the Big
River facility that provides interconnection. Big River shall not be held liable for
Customer-provided access media or equipment. Any maintenance service or equipment
arrangements shall be addressed on an individual case basis.
2.4.9 Big River will not be responsible if any changes in its service cause hardware or software
not provided by Big River to become obsolete require modification or alternation, or
otherwise affect the performance of such hardware or software.
2.4.10 The Company shall use reasonable efforts to make services available by the estimated
service date. The Company shall not be liable for any damages whatsoever resulting from
delays in meeting the estimated service date due to delays resulting from normal
installation procedures. Such delays shall include, but not be limited to delays in
obtaining necessary regulatory approvals for construction, delays in obtaining right-of-
way approvals, delays in actual construction work being done by our vendor(s), and any
delays due to any LEC where the Company is relying upon such LEC to meet such
estimated due date which is beyond the Company's control.
2.4.11 With respect to the services, materials and equipment provided hereunder, Big River
makes no promises, agreements, understandings, representations or warranties, expressed
or implied, and hereby expressly disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, not stated
in this Tariff, and in particular disclaims all warranties of merchantability and fitness for
a particular purpose.
2.4.12 The included tariff language does not constitute a determination by the
Commission that a limitation of liability imposed by the Company should be
upheld in a court of law. Acceptance for filing by the Commission recognizes that
it is a court's responsibility to adjudicate negligence and consequential damage
claims. It is also the court's responsibility to determine the validity of the
exculpatory clause.
Resnonsibilities of the Customer
2.5.1 The Customer must initiate a service order pursuant to Section 2.6 of this Tariff.
2.5.2 The Customer may not, nor may the Customer permit others to, rearrange, disconnect,
remove, attempt to repair, or otherwise interfere with any of the facilities or equipment
installed by Big River, except upon the written consent of Big River. The equipment Big
Issued: August 19,2013 Effective:
Issued By:
Kevin B. Cantwell, President
Big River Telephone Company, LLC
Big River Telephone Company, LLC Idaho Tariff No. I
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River provides or installs at the Customer premises for use in connection with the service
Big River offers shall not be used for any purpose other than for which it was provided.
2.5.3 The Customer shall ensure that the equipment and/or system is properly interfaced with
Big River's facilities or service. If the Federal Communications Commission or some
other appropriate certi!,ing body certifies terminal equipment as being technically
acceptable for direct electrical connection with interstate communications service, Big
River will permit such equipment to be connected with its channels without the use of
protective interface devices.
2.5.4 The Customer shall be responsible for securing its telephone equipment against being
used to place fraudulent calls using Big River's service. The Customer shall be
responsible for payment of all applicable charges for services provided by Big River and
charged to the Customer's accounts, even where those calls are originated by fraudulent
means either from Customer's premises or from remote locations.
2.5.5 Big River shall be indemnified and held harmless by the Customer against claims of libel,
slander, or the infringement of copyright, or for the unauthorized use of any trademark,
trade name, or service mark, arising from the material transmitted over Big River's
service, against claims for infringement of patents arising from, combining with, or using
in connection with, service, Big River's apparatus and systems of the Customer; against
all other claims arising out of any act or omission of the member in connection with Big
River's service. The Customer shall be liable for:
2.5.5.A Loss due to theft, fire, flood, or other destruction of Big River's equipment or
facilities on Customer's premises. Reimbursing Big River for damages to facilities or equipment caused by the
negligence or willful acts of the Customer's officers, employees, agents or
2.5.5.C Charges incurred with interconnect or localoperating companies for service or
service calls made to the Customer's premises or on the Customer's leased or
owned telephonic equipment unless Big River specifically authorizes said visit or
repairs in advance ofthe occurrence and Big River agrees in advance to accept
the liability for said repairs or visit.
2.5.5.D Payment for all Big River service charges incurred through usage or direct action
on the part of the Customer.
2.5.6 The Customer may be required to verifo in writing that it is duly authorized to order
service at all locations designated by the Customer for service, and assumes financial
responsibility for all locations designated by the Customer to receive Big River's
2.5.7 The Customer shall not use the Big River name, logo or trademark in any promotional
materials, contracts, Tariffs, service bills, etc., without expressed written authorization
from Big River. The Customer shall not use the Big River name, Iogo or trademark in any
pre-sale activities. The Customer is prohibited from using Big River's name or trademark
on any of the Customer's products or services.
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Issued By:
Kevin B. Cantwell, President
Big River Telephone Company, LLC
Big River Telephone Company, LLC Idaho TariffNo. 1
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2.6 Anplication for Service
2.6.1 Customer may not assign or transfer any of its rights or services ordered without the prior
written consent of Big River. Big River may assign any service orders to its parent
company or any affiliate or successor. Big River will notiff Customers of any such
2.6.2 Applicants wishing to obtain service must initiate a service order which may include the
Customer's authorization for Big River to instruct other carriers and vendors to provide
certain services on the Customer's behalf. Big River will obtain the proper authorization
from the Customer where necessary, pursuant to Idaho Public Utilities Commission
2.6.3 An Application for Service may be changed by Customer upon written notice to Big
River, subject to acceptance and confirmation by Big River, provided that a charge shall
apply to any change when the request is received by Big River after notification by Big
River of the acceptance and confirmation. Such charge shall be the sum of the charges
and costs for access facilities and other services and features and the lesser of(i) the
monthly recurring rate for each service component that has been canceled as a result of
the change times the appropriate minimum service period, plus the applicable installation
or non-recurring charges, and (ii) the costs incurred by Big River in accommodating each
change, less net salvage. The costs incurred by Big River will include the direct and
indirect cost of facilities specifically provided or used, the costs of installation, including
design preparation, engineering, supply expense, labor and supervision, general and
administrative, and any other costs resulting from the preparation, installation and
removal effort.
2.6.4 Where the Customer or applicant cancels an Application for Service prior to the start of
installation of service, lease of network elements, or prior to the start of special
construction, no charge applies. Where installation of service has been started prior to the
cancellation, a cancellation charge equal to the costs incurred by Big River shall apply,
but in no case shall such charge exceed the charge for the minimum period of the service
ordered, including applicable installation charges, if any. The costs incurred by Big River
will include the direct and indirect costs of facilities specifically leased, provided or used;
the cost of installation, including design preparation, engineering, supply expense, labor
and supervision, general and administrative, and any other costs resulting from the
preparation, installation and removal effort.
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Issued By:
Kevin B. Cantwell, President
Big River Telephone Company, LLC
Big River Telephone Company, LLC Idaho TariffNo. 1
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2.7 Establishins Credit. Denosits and Advance Pavments
2.7.1 CreditRequirement
2.7 .l.A Big River may require an applicant for service to satisfactorily establish credit,
but such establishment of credit shall not relieve the end-user from complying
with Big River's policy regarding the prompt payment of bills.
2.7 .l.B For the purposes of this rule, "applicant" is to be defined as a person who applies
for service for the first time or reapplies at a new or existing location after a
previous discontinuance of service; "customer" is defined as someone who is
currently receiving service.
2.7.2 Reestablishment of Credit
Any applicant who previously has been an end-user of Big River and whose service has
been discontinued for nonpayment of bills shall be required, before service is rendered, to
pay all amounts due Big River or execute a deferred payment agreement.
2.7.3 Deposits
Big River does not require deposits at this time.
Pavment of Charses
2.8.1 The Customer is responsible for the payment of all charges for facilities and services
furnished by Big River to the Customer, regardless of whether those services are used by
the Customer itself or are resold to or shared with other persons.
2.8.2 For billing of monthly charges, service is considered to be established upon the day in
which Big River notifies the Customer of installation and testing of the Customer's
2.8.3 Usage charges will be billed monthly in arrears. Customer will be billed for all usage
accrued beginning immediately upon access to the service. Customers will be billed for
usage occurring during their specific 30-day billing cycle, which for purposes of
computing charges shall be considered a month. The rates charged to a Customer for a
billing cycle will be the rates in effect on the first day of the Customer's billing cycle.
2.8.4 Monthly charges for all flat rate service components, provided hereunder, are billed in
advance of service and reflect the rates in effect as of the date of the invoice. A
Customer's first invoice may contain charges from previous periods for service provided
from the date of installation through the current invoice period.
Issued: August 19,2013 Effective:
Issued By:
Kevin B. Cantwell, President
Big River Telephone Company, LLC
Big River Telephone Company, LLC Idaho Tariff No. 1
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2.8.5 Bills are due and payable as specified on Bills may be paid by mail or in person
at the business office of Big River or an agency authorized to receive such payment. All
charges for service are payable only in United States currency. Payment may be made by
cash, check, money order, cashier's check, or certain major credit cards. Customer
payments are considered prompt when received by Big River or its agent by the due date
on the bill. Amounts not paid within twenty-one (21) days after the mail date of invoice
will be considered past due. In the event that a postmark on a customer's payment
received after the due date is not discernible, a three day mailing period will be
presumed. [f the last calendar day for remittance falls on a Sunday, legal holiday, or other
day when the offices of Big River are not open to the general public, the final payment
date shall be extended through the next business day. If Big River becomes concerned at
any time about the ability of a Customer to pay its bills, Big River may require that the
Customer pay its bills and make such payments in cash or the equivalent of cash, as
opposed to the use ofchecks or credit card.
2.8.6 If any portion of the payment is not received by Big River, or if any portion of the
payment is received by Big River in funds that are not immediately available, within
thirty (30) days after the date of rendition, then a late payment penalty may be assessed
on amounts not previously assessed a late charge. The penalty for late payments shall
be a LSYo charge on the amount of the bill past due.
Interruntion of Seruice
2.9.1 Any disputed charge may be brought to Big River's attention by verbal or written
notification. In the case of a billing dispute between the Customer and Big River that
cannot be settled to their mutual satisfaction, the undisputed portion and subsequent bills
must be paid on a timely basis, or the service may be subject to disconnection. The
Customer may request an in-depth investigation into the disputed amount and a review by
a Big River manager. During the period that the disputed amount is under investigation,
Big River shall not pursue any collection procedures or assess late fees with regard to the
disputed amount. The Customer shall be required to pay the undisputed part of the bill,
and if not paid, Big River may discontinue service. [n the event the dispute is not
resolved, Big River shall inform the customer that the customer has the option to pursue
the matter with the IPUC.
2.9.2 The Customer is responsible to pay Big River for all toll calls or other third party charges
resulting from the origination ofcalls to points outside the local exchange and for charges
or calls billed to the Customer's number.
2.9.3 Big River may assess up to a twenty-five dollar ($25) charge for each retumed check or
credit card chargeback.
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lssued By:
Kevin B. Cantwell, President
Big River Telephone Company, LLC
Big River Telephone Company, LLC Idaho TariffNo. 1
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2.9.4 If service is suspended/disconnected by Big River in accordance with the provisions of
the Tariff and later restored, restoration of service will be subject to all applicable
installation charges.
2.9.5 When circumstances prevent customers from paying their invoices in full, Big fuver may
make special accommodations to assist customers by setting up a regular payment plan.
Payment plans are only set up at the request of the customer. Payment plans are intended
to function as a short-term solution and will be reviewed and approved on an individual
case basis.
2.9.6 Credit allowance for the interruption of service that is not due to Big River's testing or
adjusting, negligence of the Customer or to the failure of channels or equipment provided
by the Customer, are subject to the general liability provisions set forth herein. It shall be
the obligation of the Customer to notiff Big River immediately of any interruption in
service for which a credit allowance is desired. Before giving such notice, the Customer
or end-user shall ascertain that the trouble is not being caused by any action or omission
by the Customer within his or her control, or is not in wiring or equipment, if any,
furnished by the Customer and connected to Big River's facilities.
An adjustment or refund shall be made:
l. Automatically, if the service intemrption lasts for more than forty-eight (48) hours
after being reported to the company and the adjustment or refund exceeds $1.00 in
amount; and
2. Upon subscriber oral or written request, if the service interruption lasts twenty-four
(24) to forty-eight (48) hours after being reported to the company and the adjustment
or refund exceeds $1.00 in amount.
2.9.7 For purposes of credit computation, every month shall be considered to have 720 hours.
2.9.8 The Customer shall be credited for an interruption at the rate of 1l720th of the monthly
charge for the facilities affected for each hour or major fraction thereofthat the
intemrption continues.
Credit Formula:
Credit : N720 xB
where "A" - outage time in hours
"B" - total monthly charge for affected facility
2.9.9 If notice of a dispute as to charges is not received by the Company within 90 days of the
date a bill is issued, such charges shall be deemed to be correct and binding on the
Issued: August 19,2013 Effective:
Issued By:
Kevin B. Cantwell, President
Big River Telephone Company, LLC
Big River Telephone Company, LLC Idaho TariffNo. I
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2.10 Restoration of Service
The use and restoration of service shall be in accordance with the rules of the IPUC.
2.ll Disconnection of Service bv Customer
2.11.1 By giving notice, Customer may disconnect service atany time following its minimum
service requirement(s). The recurring monthly service charge, plus associated taxes, shall
be pro-rated for the actual number of days in which service has been provided, with the
non-used portion being refunded to the Customer.
2.12 Cancellation for Cause
2.12.1 The Company may discontinue service or cancel an application for service, pursuant to
applicable Idaho Public Utilities Commission rules, without incurring any liability for
any of the following reasons:
Nonpayment of a delinquent bill for non-disputed regulated telecommunications
services within the period;
Failure to make a required security deposit;
Violation of or noncompliance with any provision of law, or of the tariffs or terms
and conditions of service of the Company filed with and approved by the IPUC.
Refusal to permit the Company reasonable access to its telecommunications
facilities for recovery, maintenance, and inspection thereof.
Interconnection of a device, line, or channel to Company facilities or equipment
contrary to the Company's terms and conditions of service on file with and
approved by the IPUC.
Use of telephone service in such manner as to interfere with reasonable service to
other end users.
2.12.2 Service may be discontinued during normal business hours on or after the date specified
in the notice of discontinuance. Service shall not be discontinued on a day when the
offices of the Company are not available to facilitate reconnection of service or on a day
immediately preceding such a day.
2.12.3 At least 24 hours preceding a discontinuance, the Company shall make reasonable efforts
to contact the Customer to advise it of the proposed discontinuance and what steps must
be taken to avoid it.
2.12.4 Service shall not be disconnected unless written notice by first class mail is sent or
delivered to the Customer at least ten (10) days prior to the date of the proposed
Issued: August 19,2013
Issued By:
Kevin B. Cantwell, President
Big River Telephone Company, LLC
Big River Telephone Company,
2,13 Notice and Communication
2J3.1 The Customer shall designate on the Application for Service an address to which Big
River shall mail or deliver all notices and other communications, except that Big River
may also designate a separate address to which Big River's bills for service shall be
2)3.2 Big River shall designate on the Application for Service an address to which the
Customer shall mail or deliver all notices and other communications, except that Big
River may designate a separate address on each bill for service to which the Customer
shall mail payment on that bill.
2.14 Taxes. Surcharses and Utilitv Fees
Customer is responsible for the payment of all federal, state and local taxes, surcharges, utility
fees, or other similar fees (1.e., gross receipts tax, sales tax, municipal utilities tax,9l1 surcharges
or fees, universal service contributions) that may be levied by a governing body or bodies in
conjunction with or as a result of the service furnished under this Tariff. These charges will
appear as separate line items on the Customer's bill and are not included in the rates contained in
this Tariff. There shall be added to the Customer's bill for service, an additional charge equal to
the pro rata share of any occupation, franchise, business, license, excise privilege or other similar
charge or tax, now or hereafter imposed upon the gross receipts or revenue of Big River by any
municipal taxing body or municipal authority whether by statute, ordinance, law or otherwise,
and whether presently due or to hereafter become due. The charge applicable to each Customer
will appear as a separate line item on the Customer's regular monthly bill and shall be determined
on a basis equal to the tax levied by each municipal taxing body or municipal authority.
2.15 Customer Billins Inquiries
Any customer who has a question regarding his/her telephone bill may contact Big River toll free
at (800) 455-1608.
If Big River cannot resolve your complaint, you may call the Idaho Public Utilities
Commission at (800) 432-0369 to file an informal complaint.
You may file an informal complaint online from the Idaho Public Utilities Commission's
website at http://www.puc.idaho. gov/forms/cons/cons.html .
Idaho TariffNo. 1
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lssued: August 19,2013 Effective:
Issued By:
Kevin B. Cantwell, President
Big River Telephone Company, LLC
Big fuver Telephone Company, LLC Idaho TariffNo. I
Original Page20
3.1 General
The Company's Local Telephone Service provides a Customer with the ability to connect to the
Company's switching network which enables the Customer to:
o place or receive calls to any calling Station in the local calling area, as defined herein,
. access a full set ofadvanced call feafures,
. access basic 9l I Emergency Service,
. access the interexchange carrier selected by the Customer for interLATA, intraLATA,
interstate or international calling;
. access Operator Service,
. access Directory Assistance for the local calling area,
o place or receive calls to 800 telephone numbers,
. access Telephone Relay Service.
3.1.1 Service Area: Where facilities are available, service areas are defined by NPAA{XX
designations. The Company provides service in allexchanges served by Qwest, Verizon
CenturyLink, and Frontier.
Local Calling Areas: Customers will be able to place local calls to all telephone
subscribers within the same NPA/NXX as well as subscribers in the local calling area for
the rate center containing such NPA/NXX as defined in the ILEC's Local Exchange
Tariff, including any extended local areas covered under mandatory local calling plans
outlined in the respective ILEC tariff. The Company's exchange areas will match those
filed by the ILEC.
Residential and Business Services: Customers may subscribe to services based on the
type of customer they are. Residential services and features are for the use of Residential
Customers and Business services and features are for the use of Business Customers.
Due to the varying usage and cost characteristics of each type of service, customers are
restricted to subscribing to services specifically for their customer class.
3.2 Local Basic Residential Exchanse Line Services
Basic Residential Line provides the Residential Customer with a single, voice-grade
communications channel. Each Basic Residence Line will include a telephone number.
3.2.1 Optional Features. A Local Basic Residence Exchange Line Customer
may order optional features including, but not limited to the following:
Automatic Call Back
Call Forwarding Busy Line
Call Forwarding No Answer
Call Forwarding Variable
Issued By:
Kevin B. Cantwell, President
Big River Telephone Company, LLC
Issued: August 19,2013 Effective:
Big River Telephone Company, LLC Idaho TariffNo. 1
Original Page2l
Caller ID
Preferred Call Forwarding
Remote Activation Call Forwarding
Remote Call Forwarding
3-Way Calling
Speed Calling
3.2.2 Optional Feature Descriptions
(a) Automatic Call Back: Allows the user to automatically re-originate a call to the last
dialed number regardless of whether the call was answered, unanswered or busy.
(b) CallForwarding Busy Line: Automatically routes incoming calls to a designated
answering point when the called line is busy.
(c) Call Forwarding No Answer: Automatically routes incoming calls to a designated
answering point when the called line does not answer within a pre-specified number of
(d) Call Forwarding Variable: Automatically routes incoming calls to a designated
answering point, regardless of whether the user's Station is idle or busy.
(e) Call Waiting: Provides the User with a burst of tone to indicate that another call is
waiting. The second call can either be answered by flashing the switch hook or hanging
up the phone and being rung back by the caller.
(f) Caller ID with Number: Identifies the l0-digit number of the calling party.
(g) Prefened Call Forwarding: Forwards calls from a list of up to six telephone numbers
designated by the users.
(h) Remote Activation Call Forwarding: Remote access to call forwarding allows the
customer remotely activate or deactivate Call Forwarding from any touch-tone phone.
(i) Remote Call Forwarding: Calls can be remotely forwarded to a to a back- up position
or voice mailbox.
(j) 3-Way Calling: The User can sequentially call up to two other people and add them
together to make up a three-way call.
(k) Speed Call: Provides a User with the option to call up to 8 or 30 selected directory
numbers by dialing a one or two-digit code.
3.2.3 LocalBasic Residential Exchange Line Rates and Charges: A Basic Residence Line
Customer will be charged applicable Non-Recurring Charges and Monthly Recurring
Issued: August 19,2013 Effective:
Issued By:
Kevin B. Cantwell, President
Big River Telephone Company, LLC
Big River Telephone Company, LLC Idaho TariffNo. I
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3.3 Local Residential Packases
Local Residential Packages provides Residential Customers with the ability to buy packages of
services that are specifically designed to provide valuable features along with a basic local
exchange line.
3.3.1 Residential Local Advantage: Big River's Residential Local Advantage package
provides for the following local exchange services along with 60 minutes of
Interexchange service as specified in Big River's Idaho Interexchange Tariff. The local
exchange services included are:
o Basic local exchange line
o Call Waitingo Three Way Calling
o Caller IDo Call Forwarding
3.3.2 Residential Regional Advantage: Big River's Residential Regional Advantage package
provides for the following local exchange services along with unlimited interexchange
regional service as specified in Big River's ldaho Interexchange Tariff. The local
exchange services included are:
o Basic local exchange line
o Call Waitingo Three Way Calling
e Caller IDo CallForwarding
3.3.3 Residential National Advantage: Big River's Residential National Advantage package
provides for the following local exchange services along with unlimited interexchange
service to all points within the continental U.S. as specified in Big River's Idaho
lnterexchange Tariff. The local exchange services included are:
o Basic local exchange lineo CallWaitingo Three Way Callingo Caller IDo CallForwarding
Local Basic Business Exchanse Line Services
The Basic Business Line provides the Customer with a single, voice-grade communications
channel. Each Basic Business Line will include a telephone number.
Issued: August 19,2013 Effective:
Issued By:
Kevin B. Cantwell, President
Big River Telephone Company, LLC
Big River Telephone Company, LLC Idaho TariffNo. I
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3.4.1 Optional Features. A Local Basic Business Exchange Line Customer
may order optional features including, but not limited to the residential features listed in
Section 3.2.1. Additionally, a Local Basic Business Exchange Line may order Hunting
as an additional feature. The Hunting feature will route a call to an idle station line.
With Serial Hunting, calls to a member of a hunt group will search from that point to the
end ofthe group and stop.
3.4.2 LocalBasic Business Exchange Line Rates and Charges: A Basic Business Line
Customer will be charged applicable Non-Recurring Charges and Monthly Recurring
3.5 Local Business Packases
Local Business Packages provides residential customers with the ability to buy packages of
services that are specifically designed to provide valuable features along with a basic local
exchange line.
3.5.1 Business Local Advantage: Big River's Business Local Advantage package provides for
the following local exchange services along with 60 minutes of Interexchange service as
specified in Big River's Idaho Interexchange Tariff. The local exchange services
included are:
o Basic localexchange line
o CallWaitingo Three Way Calling
o Caller IDo CallForwarding
3.5.2 Business Regional Advantage: Big River's Business Regional Advantage package
provides for the following local exchange services along with unlimited interexchange
regional service as specified in Big River's Idaho Interexchange Tariff. The local
exchange services included are:
o Basic local exchange lineo Call Waitingo Three Way Calling
. Caller IDo Call Forwarding
3.5.3 Business National Advantage: Big River's Business National Advantage package
provides for the following local exchange services along with unlimited interexchange
service to all points within the continental U.S. as specified in Big River's Idaho
Interexchange Tariff. The local exchange services included are:
o Basic local exchange line
o Call Waitingo Three Way Calling
Issued: August 19,2013 Effective:
Issued By:
Kevin B. Cantwell, President
Big River Telephone Company, LLC
Big River Telephone Company, LLC Idaho TariffNo. I
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o Caller IDo CallForwarding
3.6 Directorv Assistance
Big River furnishes Directory Assistance Service whereby customers may request assistance in
determining telephone numbers.
3.6.1 General: Customers may obtain Directory Assistance in determining telephone numbers
within its local calling area by calling the Directory Assistance operator. The Customer
may request a maximum of two telephone numbers per call to the Directory Assistance
3.6.2 Credits: A credit will be given for calls to Directory Assistance as follows:
The Customer experiences poor transmission or is cut-off during the call, or
The Customer is given an incorrect telephone number. To obtain such a credit, the
Customer must notifu its Customer Service representative.
3.7 Onerator Assistance
A Customer may obtain the assistance of a local operator to complete local exchange telephone
calls in the following manner:
Person to Person: Calls completed with the assistance of an operator to a particular Station and
person specified by the caller. The call may be billed to the called party.
Station to Station: Calls completed with the assistance of an operator to a particular Station. The
call may be billed to the called party.
3.8 Directorv Listine
3.8.1 The Company shall provide for a single directory listing, termed the primary listing, in
the telephone directory published by the dominant exchange service provider in the
Customer's exchange area of the Station number which is designated as the Customer's
main billing number. Directory listings of additional Company Station numbers, other
than the Customer's main billing number, associated with a Customer's service will be
provided for a monthly recurring charge per listing.
3 .8.2 The Company reserves the right to limit the length of any listing in the directory by the
use of abbreviations when, in its judgment, the cleamess of the listings ofthe
identifications of the Customer's is not impaired thereby. Where more that one line is
required to properly list the Customer, no additional charge is made.
Issued By:
Kevin B. Cantwell, President
Big River Telephone Company, LLC
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Big River Telephone Company, LLC Idaho TariffNo. I
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3.8.3 The Company may refuse a listing which is known not to constitute a legally authorized
or adopted name, obscenities in the name, or any listing which, in the opinion of the
Company, is likely to mislead or deceive calling persons as to the identity of the listed
party, or is a contrived name used for advertising purposes or to secure a preferential
position in the directory or is more elaborate than is reasonably necessary to identifr the
listed party. The Company, upon notification to the Customer, will withdraw any listing,
which is found to be in violation of rules with respect thereto.
3.8.4 Each listing must be designated Residence, Government or Business to be placed in the
appropriate section of the directory. In order to aid the user of the directory, and to avoid
misleading or deceiving the calling party as to the identity of the listed party, only
business listings may be placed in the Business Section. The Company, upon notification
to the Customer, will withdraw any listing, which is found to be in violation of its rules
with respect thereto.
3.8.5 In order for listings to appear in an upcoming directory, the Customer must furnish the
listing to the Company in time to meet the directory publishing schedule.
3.8.6 Directory listings are provided in connection with each Customer service as specified
Primary Listing: A primary listing contains the name of the Customer, or the name under
which a business is regularly conducted, as well as the address and telephone
number of the Customer. The listing is provided at no additional charge.
Additional Listing: In connection with business service, additional listings are available
only in the names of Authorized Users of the Customer's seryice, as defined herein.
Non-published Listing: Listings that are not printed in directories nor available from
Directory Assistance. A Non-published Telephone Service will be furnished, at the
customers request providing for the omission or deletion of the Customer's telephone
listing from the telephone directory and, in addition, the Customer's telephone listing will
be omitted or deleted from the directory assistance records.
Non-listed Numbers: A Non-listed number will be furnished at the Customers request,
providing for the omission or deletion of the Customer's listing from the telephone
directory. Such listings will be carried in the Company's directory assistance and other
records and will be given to any calling party.
Emersencv Services (Enhanced 911)
Allows customers to reach appropriate emergency services including police, fire and medical
services. Enhanced E91 I provider so that it reaches the correct emergency service located closest
to the caller. In addition, the Customers address and telephone information will be provided to
the primary E91 1 Provider to the primary E91 I provider for display at the Public Utilities
Answering Point (PSAP).
Issued: August 19,2013 Effective:
Issued By:
Kevin B. Cantwell, President
Big River Telephone Company, LLC
Big River Telephone Company, LLC Idaho TariffNo. 1
Original Page26
3.10 Telecommunications Relay Service (TRS)
Enables deaf, hard-of-hearing or speech-impaired persons who use a Text Telephone (TT) or
similar devices to communicate freely with the hearing population not using TT and visa versa.
A Customer will be able to access the state provider to complete such calls.
3.11 PromotionalOffering
The Company may offer existing services on a promotional basis, subject to Idaho Public
Utilities Commission approval, that provides special rates, terms, or conditions of service.
Promotional offerings are limited to a maximum of six months at which time the
promotional offering will be either withdrawn or made available on a pennanent basis.
All promotions, regardless of whether services are given away for free, are subject to
Idaho Public Utilities Commission approval.
3.12 Individual Case Basis flCB) Arransements
The Company may furnish a facility and/or service atarate or charge different from
those specified in this tariff. Charges will be determined on an Individual Case Basis.
Specialized rates or charges will be made available to similarly situated subscribers on a
nondiscriminatory basis and will be provided subject to any applicable Idaho Public
Utilities Commission rules. ICB rates will be specified in a contract between the Company
and the Customer pursuant to Idaho Public Utilities Commission rules.
Monthly recurring charges will be billed in advance. For partial month's service, the Customer
will be charged for the portion of the month in which service was provided based on the number
of days in which the service was installed and operational divided by the 30.
Rates for Local Basic Residential Exchanse Line Services
Basic residential exchange service is $20.00 per month. Installation fee equal to one month's
service applies for activation ofnew service.
Optional features outlined in Section 3.2.1 are $3.00 per feature per month, except for Caller ID
which is $5.00 per month. Installation fee equal to one month's service applies for activation of
new service.
Rates for Local Residential Packases
Issued: August 19,2013 Effective:
Issued By:
Kevin B. Cantwell, President
Big River Telephone Company, LLC
Big River Telephone Company, LLC Idaho TariffNo. I
Original Page27
4.3.1 Residential Local Advantage is $22.00 per line per month. Installation fee equal to one
month's service applies for activation of new service.
4.3.2 Residential Regional Advantage is $22.00 per line per month. Installation fee equal to
one month's service applies for activation of new service.
4.3.3 Residential National Advantage is $22.00 per line per month. Installation fee equal to
one month's service applies for activation of new service.
Rates for Basic Business Exchanse Lines
Basic business exchange service is $28.00 per month. Installation fee equal to one month's
service applies for activation ofnew service.
Optional features outlined in Section 3.2.1 are $4.00 per feature per month, except for Caller ID
which is $6.00 per month. Installation fee equal to one month's service applies for activation of
new service.
Rates for Local Business Packases
4.5.1 Business LocalAdvantage is $28.00 per line per month. lnstallation fee equal to one
month's service applies for activation of new service.
4.5-2 Business Regional Advantage is $28.00 per line per month. Installation fee equal to one
month's service applies for activation of new service.
4.5.3 Business National Advantage is $28.00 per line per month. Installation fee equal to one
month's service applies for activation of new service.
Rates for Directory Assistance Calls
Customers will be charged $.50 per Local Directory Assistance call.
4.7 Rates for Operator Assistance Calls
In addition to any applicable usage charges, the following operator-assisted charges will apply:
Person-to-Person S 4.00 per call
Station-to-Station $ 2.00 per call
4.8 Rates for Directorv Listines
4.8.1 Primary listings are free of charge.
4.8.2 Additional listings are $1.50 for residential lines and $2.50 for business lines.
lssued: August 19,2013 Effective:
Issued By:
Kevin B. Cantwell, President
Big River Telephone Company, LLC
Big River Telephone Company, LLC Idaho TariffNo. I
Original Page 28
4.8.3 Non-published listings are $1.50 per line, residence and business.
4.8.4 Non-listed numbers are $1.50 per line, residence and business.
Rates for Dedicated Leased Line Service
Monthly recurring rates are outlined below. Installation fee equal to one month's service
applies for activation ofnew service.
Monthly Mileage
Fractional DS-l
Monthlv Port Cost
From time to time, Big River may elect to offer special promotions to its customers.
These promotions will generally consist of a reduced price, a waiver of installation
charges, or a free service with a purchase of another service.
Any promotional waiver or discounted rate will apply only one time per customer for
each service in any given wire center prefix during the course of the promotional period,
subject to prior notification and approval by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission.
Big River will provide written notice to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission no less
than ten (10) days prior to the beginning of each promotion period identifuing the
promotion and the exchanges within which the promotion will be offered.
Issued: August 19,2013 Effective:
Issued By:
Kevin B. Cantwell, President
Big River Telephone Company, LLC