HomeMy WebLinkAbout20080325Copy Exhibit B.pdf2i- M'\ \'2:\ \.lùßß~,~R :) ATTACHMENT B Supplement Filed November 5, 2007 ßÅJJ)~'t-ò?-o( BINGHAM Boston Hartford Hong Kong London Los Angeles New York Orange County San francisco Santa Monica Silicon Valley Tokyo Walnut Creek Washington Bingham McCutchen LLP 2020 K Street NW Washington. DC 20006-1806 T 202.373.6000 F 202.373.6001 bingham.com Hary Malone Katie B. Besha Direct Phone: 202.373.6000 Direct Fax: 202.373.6001 hary .malone (g bingham.com katie. besha (g bingham.com '..11"'" AMllt~t~. Jean D. Jewell, Secretar Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington Street Boise, ID 83702 C N-\ 5r_ :;::::¡ 9¡:,t: "'vi~:: ig:; (J rC ~...~¡;:. ..3:i-ën'8 '-(/ 0 9. C1...' ,..,..: ~om ::-;"".. ~ November 2, 2007 Via FedEx Re: Bandwidth.com CLEC LLC . Application for a Certficate of Public Convenience and Necesity to Provide Local Exchange Servces. Exhibit B Dear Ms. Jewell: Please find enclosed, on behalf of Bandwidth.com CLEC, LLC ("Bandwidth.com"), an original and seven (7) copies of this supplement to Bandwidth.com's Application for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to Provide Local Exchange Services. Bandwidth fied its original Application on October 27, 2007 and stated that it would supplement the Application with Exhibit B - Certificate of Authority to Transact Business as a Foreign Corporation. Bandwidth's Certificate of Authority to Transact Business as a Foreign Corporation is attached hereto as Exhibit B Please date stamp and return the enclosed extra copy of this fiing in the self-addressed, postage-prepaid envelope provided. Should you have any questions concerning this matter, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned at (202) 373-600. Respectfully submitted,~~ÌI Har Malone Katie B. Besha N72296928. I EXHITB RCCE.I\/f:J "l... l, I v; ',__ Authority to Transact Business as a Foreign Corporation 2DD? NOV - 5 Ml 9: 06 ¡;J;:hOPUßUC UTILITiES COí~:iMISS¡G;, N72284873.1 11 "- ." FilED' EFFECnVE 01 OCT 2 It PM' ,t::l. 253 APPLICATION FOR' REGISTRATION. OF Fa_ISN LlMrrtJ'L.IISlUtv ~PÅN (Itmctlòns:ór' båêid.P~) , 1. 'The name of th limite "abllit company Is:Badw1dtbiCO ÇL, LL . '2. if the name Of the llrltèd libili eopany Is not p~le or Is not &VaDable in Idaho, the name.thë foIgn limited lfabIl company wiD use Ii Idaho Is: 3. The jurisdicton under whose laws the limIted ßa~lIty company is organize Is Delawar and the date of its formaton was: O:i/09/2007 4. The name and address of the reisre agent in lclo is: COrp~t1ODSerce' Co, 1401 Shrelin Drive, Sute 2, Boise, Ida 83102¡ 5. . Thè address of the limit liaiDt company' offce in th Jurdicton under whöse laws. it is organlzed.is: . 2711 cenerille Rd. í Su~te 400, Wilmi, DI9808 6. The address of the IImlted "abilitY coany's prcipal offce, tf ot thn the addre Ih #5 åbove, is: . . d'. . 4001 Weston Parkwy, Suite lOD, Car, NC 27513 7. The address to which correspondence. shoul be' addre Is: 8. 1 II II IDIl SEETARY OF STIITE10/24/2007 05,0a Cli HO eTi 1157 Bib 1U2361 I 188.8 ~ 1882m.! ~ 1 ~1 t! 21.88 - 'hVU ~ se or Slte lI on wfp1õ&:J "'.. 'w Ðefaware PAGE 1 fJ !First State I, HAIET SMITH WINDSOR, SE~ARY OF STATE OF TRE.a-'iA'l.PF :=~: =:w~~:t::'=t;~~tt~.!~æ(. STANING AN HAS A LEGA EXISTECE SO FAR AS THE RECORDS OF 'iIs OFFICE SHOW, AS OF TH TWEN-FOUTH DAY OF OCTOBER, A.D. 2007. AN I DO HEREBY FUTHER CERTIFY THT TH SAID "BAWIDT.COM CLEC, LLC" WAS FORMD ON TH NINT DAY OF JAARY, A.D. 2007. AN I DO HEREBY FURTHER CERTIFY THT TH ANAL TAXES HAVE NOT BEEN ASSESSED TO DATE. 071146922 ..~~91~ Hamel Smith Windsor. Secetary of State 4281536 8300 AUTENICATION: 6099575 DATE: 10-24-07 "' ,", .t.. \ fILED EffECTive 01 ec2t¡ PIt"~:M CERTIFICATE OF ASSUMED BUSINESS NAME Pu~t to ~.e.$Il, hl ç* the~li_lísubft fo fl iÍ ~ el,~Bui NlJé. , P~.:~:~~ij¡~. . N0TE: Søe 'M1lttl.òt r¥~l~ tflhg. .:'.~ , ., : . 1. The assumed buness name which 119 underned us(s) In the trsaeton of business Is: . , Badth. co 2. The'tr name(s) and busInes address(e$) of th ent or IndMual(s) doing business uner the assumed bU8lnes name: .Name Complete Addll Banwidth.com CLC, LLC , LaT r. :7 r" '2 tooi Weston Pary, Suite 100 Ca,. lr27513 3. The generl type of buSlnes trnSctd undr the assume buiness name Is: . D Retal Trade ., D Transportion and ~bDc Utilites D Wholesale Trade 0 Contron (l SerVce D Agculture, o Manufactung 0 Mining o Finance, Insurnce, and Real E,tate 4. The name and address to whlct future corrspondence should be address: Kads Ross,' Director (Regator Aff 4001 Weston Parkwy, SUte 100' Cary, NC 27513 6. Name and addrss fo this acknowledgment copy Is (ff otui #4 abo): Capaoltyrritle:president of membr (se Inctn #1$ OI bade of fonn) Submi certca of Asume BulÌinEI Name and $26.00 fæto: aecrry of Sle 700 West Jeff Baseme Wes PO Box 8310 Bois 10 83720-80 208 332301 Phone number (optonal): 919-945-1230 8aci of S1li .. ,ii II II IDA SEARY OF STATE10/24/2007 05100 CK i NONE CT i 115 Bll: lB8361 I 25.8Ø = 25 øø AS MA I 4 D(/~/t6