HomeMy WebLinkAbout20071105Exhibit B to Application.pdfBINGHAM Boston Ha rtford Hong Kong London Los Angeles New York Orange County San Francisco Santa Monica Silicon Valley Tokyo Walnut Creek Washington Bingham McCutchen LLP 2020 K Street NW Washington, DC 20006-1806 T 202.373.6000 F 202.373.6001 bingham.com RECE1 laU1 HDV - 5 Mi 9: 06 Harry Malone Katie B. Besha Direct Phone: 202.373.6000 Direct Fax: 202.373.6001 harry .malone (g) bingham.com katie. besha (g) bingham.com . I ' ' "..) ,;-,, \O/:,r--; ) r'Ui)J.. \..1 I-' UTIU\'\ES COlv OSS,U;., November 2, 2007 Via FedEx Jean D. Jewell, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington Street Boise, ID 83702 DN..D oiJ - Re: Bandwidth.com CLEC LLC - Application for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to Provide Local ExchangeServices - Exhibit B Dear Ms. Jewell: Please find enclosed, on behalf of Bandwidth.com CLEC, LLC ("Bandwidth.com ), an original and seven (7) copies of this supplement to Bandwidth.com s Application for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to Provide Local Exchange Services. Bandwidth filed its original Application on October 27, 2007 and stated that it would supplement the Application with Exhibit B - Certificate of Authority to Transact Business as a Foreign Corporation. Bandwidth's Certificate of Authority to Transact Business as a Foreign Corporation is attached hereto as Exhibit B Please date stamp and return the enclosed extra copy of this filing in the self-addressed postage-prepaid envelope provided. Should you have any questions concerning this matter, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned at (202) 373-6000. Respectfully submitted ~~~ Harry Malone Katie B. Besha A/72296928. A/72284873, t." r: C'. C ! \l \C. ""\-: -, .- EXHIBIT B 7fjill NOY -M'1 9: Authonty to Transact Busmess as a ForeIgn CorporatIOn - "\' Ie' pi1BL\Cl\l!' - - , "A CC'\r' UllUilES Cur"dYiv;), ES f) FilED' EFFECTIVE 01 OCT 2 it PM ,t~t8 253 APPLICA TfON FOR" REGISTRATION, OF FORIi/c;N LIMITeD L.IA;$/~!tY C~1iIPANY (InstrUotlons' 6n bacK6hPPlioatton) 1. The name of the limited /iabliity company is: Bandwidth. com CLEC. LLC 2. If the name of thellr11ited liability eompany Is not permlssl~le or Is not available in Idaho the name,the foreign limited Ifabllity company will use in Idaho is: 3, The jurisdiction under whose laws the limited liability company Is organized 15: Delaware and the date of its formation was: 2007 4. The name and address of the registered agent in I~aho is: corpora~ioD Servica' CompaDY, 1401 Shoreline Drive, Suite 2, Boise, Idaho 83702 5. . The adcjress of the limited liability company s office in the jurisdiction under whose laws it is 9rganized,ls: 2711 Centerville Rd.; Suite 400, Wilmington. DE19808 6, The address of the limited liability company s principal office, if other than the addressIn #5 above, is: ' , 4001 Weston Parkway. Suite 100. Cary, NC 27513 7. The address to which correspondence should be' addressed Is: 8, Signature of a manage I If if there are no manag rs. Signature f I ~ ~ i ~ SecretaJy or State use only IDAHO SECRETARY OF STATE18/24/2007 85:00 CK' HONE CT: 1157 00: 1082136 1 , i00.00 = 1118.80 REGFORGlLC I 2 l' 28.00 = 20.09 EXPEDITE C I 3 wc' 1o~3 'lJe(aware PAGE rIfie. !First State , HARRIET SMITH WINDSOR, SECRETARY OF STATE OF TRE, STATE of .. ,.. .. " .., DELAWAAE, DO HEREBY CERT1!?Y ~'t31\.NbW:i:DTfL COM C:r..E;c,tIJC'C~SJ:itrt~ ' ,.. "" FORMED UNDER THE r.;AWS OF THE STATE OF DELA.WAA.EAND I$tNd66IJ ,.. STANDING AND HAS A LEGAL EXISTENCE SO FAR AS THE RECORDS OF THIS OFFICE SHOW, AS OF THE TWENTY-FOURTH DAY OF OCTOBER, A.D. 2007. AND I DO HEREBY FURTHER CERTIFY THAT THE SAID "BANDWIDTH. COM CLEC, LLC" WAS FORMED ON THE NINTH DAY OF JANUARY, A.D. 2007. AND I DO HEREBY FURTHER CERTIFY THAT THE ANNUAL TAXES HAVE NOT BEEN ASSESSED TO DATE. 4281536 8300 ..:1; 91- Harriet Smith Windsor, Secretary of State AUTHENTICATION: 6099576 071146922 DATE; 10-24- .",., '\", ~ ' fiLED EfFECTIVE 01 OCT 2 4 p.Mpte CERTIFICATE OF ASSUMED BUSINESS NAME Pursu;;int to section *~Q4. h!!iho C04e, U1~ IIndElr$!gned submits for flnfitj a ceihtieate afAi~~d' BuSitJess Name. s:e-h~..nio 1""1Joffi-,it ,".1'8"'"', ,J-..~,!,,~i NOTE: S~e '11\$ttuctidns'on Tl;!viJriit&fbre filing. 1. The assumed business name which 'the undersigned use(s) in the transaction of business is: Bandwidth. com 2. The true name(s) and business address(es) of the entity or Indivldual(s) doing business under the assumed business name:Name Complete Address Bandwidth.com CLEC, LLC i1rr O",.~ 4001 Weston Parkway, Suite 100 Cary, - NC 27513 3. The general type of buSiness transacted under the assumed business name is: ' Retail Trade ' 0 Transportation and ~bllc Utilities Wholesale Trade Construction SerVices 0 Agriculture Manufacturing Mining Finance, Insurance, and Real Estate 4. The name and address to which future correspondence should be addressed: Submit Certificate of Assumed Business Name and $25.00 fee to: Kade Ross, Director/Requlatory Aff 4001 Weston Parkway, Suite 100 ' Cary, NC 27513 ~ecretary of Slate 700 West Jefferson Basement West PO Box 83720 Boise ID 83720-0080 208 334-2301 5. Name and addre$s for this acknowledgment copy is (lfotnertl1an # 4 above): Phone number (optIonal): 91.9-945-1230 Secretary of State USe ,only Capacitymtle: President of member (sea InsInJctlon# 8 011 back offonn) ~ IIii o!! .II IDAHO SECRETARY OF STATE10/24/2007 05:00 CK: NONE CT: 1157 BH: 1882136 1 ~ 25.00 = 25.09 ASSUM NAI1E II 4 1)(/0/6