HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180413Notice of Name Change.pdf.;.tlnteserrs crJ$s'JLrlr.J$ r,ll$up REC E IVEi) lfitg &flll l3 frH l0: 25 151 Southhall Lane. St.450 Maitlad. F! 32751 P.O.0rawer 200 lMnter Park FL 3279&0200 vitrw.intessna.com til April5, 2018 Via Email Ms. Diane Hanian, Commission Secretary ldaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Boise, lD 83702 Birch Communications, lnc. Notice of Change in Company Name and lnitial Access Tariff Case No. BIR-T-18-01, Order ttlo. 33995 Dear Ms. Hanian: This letter and initial access services tariff are submitted on behalf of Birch Communications, lnc.("Companf) as follow up to the approval of the Company's Application for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("Certificate") and to notiry the Commission that the Company has changed its name to Birch Communications, LLC. The Company received a Certificate to provide local and long distance telecomrnunications service within ldaho in Case No. BIR-T-18-01, Order No. 33995. Since the Certificate was issued, the Company converted to a limited liability company and will now operate under the name Birch Communications, LLC. lncluded with this filing is a copy of the documentation on file with the ldaho Office of the Secretary of State. The Company offers service to business customers only and has opted to offer its lscal exchange services on a detariffed basis, Pursuant to discussion with Oaniel Klein of the Commission. the Company provides a link to its local exchange price guide, ldaho Price Guide, which is posted on the Company website at http:/lwl{W,birch,com/leealltariff-information-1, Enclosed is the Company's initial access services tariff, ldaho Tariff No. 1. With the exception of re-naming the local exchange document as a price guide and changing the Company name, both documents are identical to those submitted with the Application. The Company respectfully requests the Commission to update its CPCN, change the Compant's name in all Commission records to Birch Communications, LLC and an effective date of April 15, 2018 for the local price guide and initial access tariff. Any questions you may have regarding this filing should be directed to my attentian at 407-740-3006 or via email to croesel@inteserra.com. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Sincerely, /s/ Carev Roesel Carey Roesel Consultant cc: A. Collins - Cahill, Gordon & Reindel LLP {via Email}tms: lDl1802 Enclosures CR/sp | 'i' " r_'-rl.i..' !,. IL 0ru L,ss RE: J \ I L Sfate of I a oI\ , ,-) CERTIFICATE OF REGISTRATION\-oF/r BTRCH CO|UTMUr!CAT|ON$, LLC ( ( :r J97504 r / a I )( ) I I ISECRETARY OF STATE r I 1 ! I I \ Office of the Secretary of State .I By ( I \t / ( \ ) ^t hereby qertify that an pursu6nt to the y'rovisions received in -thi, offlce and is ? L ( I issue this| .s.. Certilicat6 of hereto a f t \ duplicate of the Dated: February 23,2018 t I , I .l FOREIGN REGISTRATION STATEMENT TSUa 30, Chspter 21, ldaho Code Flllng fee $100 typad, S120 not typed Gompbte and gubmlt lho form ln dgdlg3l3. :!:::$n w2.38 "gffiffBrPfi# 1. Tha name of he cnllty ls:Elrrh Communicrtionr, LLC 2. fie nams whlctr it shall uss ln ldaho is: . 3. Selecl lhe type of enlity you wlsh to reglgten j"il,,i ': r :t!'rt rrntl 'rrk it 'ut:'l'd te !nf.,' l" ''jcl 'ur rlit*rtrrl';'u(r.,'r El BuelnEss Corgorsllon E GenerBt PartnoBhlp tr i{onprofit Corporatbn E GanaralCoopentiveAssociat$on O Umitcd Llebillty Partnerehip tr Umlbd Partnenhlp (tncludlng a llmlled llabllty llmlted patuershlp E Llmlt€d Uabillty Company E Slatutory Trusl, Busln6l Trust. or Common.law Buslness Trust E ottrec ll-to 't.,yrlr ' o!:ly :, l..4ri 1)'r dirr f:rory t !a .t .tl} r.;rrrl lt.{.r-. t,.c .r1?( lrir r}[r. fr{t9 i 4. Judadlcilon of formstlon:Gcorgis Fi tr{ri: ,1, dnro':itr ;"lruii,lrtlr .1't.1.: "lr ..l!ilr'?.{$ itlqrJl 5. Tha addtcsE of lB princlpal ofllca lr: 120 latcntale NorO sE. Arl&r& GA 30339 .(;*t*,ul Adrirf:r.,i ilrrlii$Irl, 0. The addresa ot fle domestlc pdnclpal office (lf requlred by the lawa of tha ludsdk tloo of formallon| ts: ,i.rtf.rl ,\,:d,rt5g; Ltniin;,rlg13ri56,g dlrtrrr,II 7. The malllng addraes to whlch conospondenca should be addressed, lf diflarent from ltem 5, ls: .rvJ{lrd$3t 8. The nams of lha regktered agent and elr€61addrcss of roglstered agont in tdaho: Corporation Scrvi& Compsrry tX550 W. Erplorcr Drtve, Sufie l00,8oira ID t3?13-303] rr{Jrilil 'il!rIl',t.lt 9. The nanr€. capacity, and malllng addrese olgt least one govemon Godon P. Wllllsms. Jr. Moarger 120 lntentrte Noilh Porlnuay. SE AtlsnlrB. GA 30339 .,i.\,.a.tu.lr .11{tr?' Signalure: . ni(r,.|'f!.1..1'J! !r'! aI! Iodo EE.sc,E,, IDATIO SBCRETTNY OT TT?E s2,l23l2o18 o5: o0 IE:9BEPAID CT :2?866$ BE: 16286r[6lG 100.00 - 100.00 EOB EEC ST *2 Typed Nrme:Gordon P. Williqgs,Jr. Capaoly:Monlger irY. tuloll DeO. l:lu,:!ll WCrn thrr 0d&r l^, lot10o4 I, Brian P officc that . Kcmp, the Secretrry of SIzTfEOI.GEORGIA Secretary of State Corporatlons Dlvlslon 313lYest Tower 2 Mardn LuthertrfingrJn Dr. Aflante, Gcorgla 30334-1 530 CERTIF'ICATE OF EXISTENCE Connol Numbcr: K616805 certify under the seal of my DocketNumbcr : 15363403 Dstc lnclAutlr/Filcd : 05/!8/1 996Iurisdlgtion r Gcorgir Print Dara : 02I21t2018 Form Numbc'r : 2I I Brian P. Kemp Secretary of State Ir'Y B:lL- issued. It does 8 ststement of pending with fie and is prima-facie state. was formEd in the below date. Said Title 14 0f the This certificate not ceiliry commencement of Secrctary of Starc. This certificate is evidence that said cntity