HomeMy WebLinkAbout20080204_2159.pdfDECISION MEMORANDUM TO:COMMISSIONER REDFORD CO MMISSI 0 NER SMITH CO MMISSI 0 NER KEMPTON COMMISSION SECRETARY LEGAL WORKING FILE FROM:GERRY GALINA TO DATE:JANUARY 29, 2008 RE:CASE NO. FLS-07-1; COMPLIANCE FILING - REVISED TARIFFS. BACKGROUND On July 27, 2007, Falls Water Company (FLS; Company) filed a general rate case Application with the Commission for authority to increase its annual revenue by $330 705 and metered rates by approximately 46.2%. The Company serves approximately 3 200 customers near Ammon and Idaho Falls. The Company is in the process of converting its remaining flat-rate customers to metered service so the Company did not request any increase in its flat-rate service under Schedule R-2. Falls Water anticipates that it will finish converting its remaining flat-rate customers to metered service by mid-2008. Commission Order No. 30457 determined that the case be processed via Modified Procedure with a public hearing to be held December 18, 2007, in Idaho Falls. The Commission Staff was the only other party to participate in this case. After performing its audit, Staff filed its comments on November 21 2007. Staff recommended Falls Water s annual revenues be increased by approximately $176 900 or an average increase in its metered rates of24.7%. The Company filed rebuttal comments on December 7 2007, agreeing with some Staff adjustments and disputing others. On rebuttal the Company amended its proposed rate increase to 44.22%. After reviewing the comments of the parties, the testimony at the public hearing and customers' comments , the Commission issued Order No. 30484 on January 2008, authorizing the Company to increase its annual revenues by $200 060 or 27.93%. Falls Water submitted as a Compliance Filing the revised tariffs to the Commission on January 15 2008 , for Staff review before final approval. DECISION MEMORANDUM JANUARY 29, 2008 STAFF REVIEW AND RECOMMENDATION Staff reviewed the revised tariffs to ensure that the new language and rates reflect Commission directives as stated in Order No. 30484. The amended tariffs include Tariff No. 1 Schedule R-l for Residential Metered Service; Tariff No. 3 , Schedule R-3 for Residential Multi- Family; Tariff No. 4; Schedule C-2 for Metered Commercial Service, and Tariff No. 5, Schedule M for Non-Recurring Charges. Staff confirms that the new language and rates comport with Commission Order No. 30484. Staff recommends approval of the revised tariffs. COMMISSION DECISION Does the Commission wish to approve the revised tariffs as submitted on January 15 2008 with an effective date of January 14, 20087 Attachments i:udmemos/falls water-decision memo-compliance filing Jan 2008 DECISION MEMORANDUM JANUARY 29 2008 ~ariffNo. ) C.I. No. Canceling I. No. 'j IfTTIC 0 I Utility Original Sheet No. FAllS WATER COMPANY. INC. SCHEDULE NO. R- RESIDENTIAL METERED SERVICE RATE:$14.00 PER BilLING CYCLE (APPROXIMATELY 30 DAY PERIOD) MINIMUM CHARGE $0.667 PER THOUSAND GAllONS ADDITIONAL FOR ALL WATER USED IN EXCESS OF 12 000 GALLONS PER BilLING CYCLE. AVAILABLE TO ALL RESIDENTIAL CUSTOMERS EXCEPT THOSE QUALIFYING FOR RATE SCHEDULE R- Issued: January 11, 2008 Effective: January 14, 2008 )SSU ~~OMPANY, INC.By Title GENERAL MANAGER K. Scott Bruce ariffNo. C.l, No. Canceling I. ~o. Name 01 Utility Original Sheet No. FALLS WATER COMPANY. INC. SCHEDULE NO. R- RESIDENTIAL FLAT RATE SERVICE RATE:$20.17 PER MONTH AVAILABLE TO ALL RESIDENTIAL CUSTOMERS WITHOUT METERS LOCATED IN THE SW1/4 OF SECTION 14, T. 2 N., R. 38 E.B. BONNEVILLE COUNTY, IDAHO (MOBILE HOME ESTATES SUBDIVISION , MONTE VISTA ESTATES, AND FIRST STREET MOBILE PARK). Planned metering of this area will move customers to the Schedule No. R-1 Residential Metered tariff as meters are installed for the homes. Issued: April 28, 2006 Effective: April 1, 2006 . ~;u COMPANY, I ~~~ GENERAL MANAGER K. Scott Bruce .-- Tariff No. 3 !. No. Canceling C.I. No. 'lame 01 Jtility Original Sheet No. FALLS WATER COMPANY. INC. SCHEDULE NO. R- RESIDENTIAL MULTI-FAMILY RATE:$14.00 PER BilLING CYCLE (APPROXIMATELY 30 DAY PERIOD) MINIMUM CHARGE $0.667 PER THOUSAND GALLONS ADDITIONAL FOR ALL WATER USED IN EXCESS OF 12,000 GALLONS PER BilLING CYCLE. METERS ARE READ YEAR ROUND. AVAILABLE TO RESIDENTIAL DUPLEXES, FOUR-PLEXES. AND APARTMENT BUILDINGS WHERE INDIVIDUAL UNITS IN A BUILDING ARE NOT METERED SEPARATELY OR LIVING UNITS CANNOT BE SOLD SEPARATELY. RATES WILL BE BASED ON A PER BUILDING METERED BASIS. Issued: January 11, 2008 Effective: January 14, 2008 ~;u ,K: ~~~ PANY, I ~~~ GENERAL MANAGER K. Scott Bruce aritfNo. 4 C.I. No. Canceling r. No. ~ame or Jtility Original Sheet No. FALLS WATER COMPANY, INC. SCHEDULE NO. C- METERED COMMERCIAL SERVICE READ YEAR-ROUND RATE:$14.00 PER BILLING CYCLE (APPROXIMATELY 30 DAY PERIOD) MINIMUM CHARGE $0.667 PER THOUSAND GALLONS ADDITIONAL FOR ALL WATER USED IN EXCESS OF 12 000 GALLONS PER BILLING CYCLE. AVAILABLE TO ALL NON-RESIDENTIAL CUSTOMERS. Issued: January 11, 2008 Effective: January 14, 2008 ~;ue ~ ~ MPANY, I ~~~ GENERAL MANAGER K. Scott Bruce ariffNn. 5 C.I. No. Canceling C.I. No. Name ot fJlility Original Sheet No. FALLS WATER COMPANY, INC. SCHEDULE NO. M NON-RECURRING CHARGES: RE-CONNECT FEES: During office hours After office hours $ 20. $ 40. FIELD COLLECTION FEE: Fee assessed when a personal visit is made by a Company representative in order to terminate service for non-payment of the account and the customer at such time makes a partial or full payment on the bill. Field Collection Fee $ 15. HOOKUP CHARGES: %" Meter 1" Meter 1 %" Meter 2" Meter $500. $600. $930. 205. The Company shall follow the "Rules and Regulations of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission Governing Customer Relations of Natural Gas, Electric and Water Public Utilities under the Jurisdiction of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission." Issued: January 11 , 2008 Effective: January 14, 2008 Issued by FALLS WATER COMPANY , INC. By t::. Title GENERAL MANAGER K. Scott Bruce .---