HomeMy WebLinkAbout20050107Qwest Motion for Prehearing.pdfMary S. Hobson (ISB #2142) Stoel Rives LLP 101 South Capitol Boulevard - Suite 1900 Boise, ill 83702 Telephone: (208) 389-9000 Facsimile: (208) 389-9040 msho bson~stoe1. com nrl'rnrrf\ r.. !,... r.. ~ V L . r:. II r n ,,- ,-v r::1t2J ~,.J ..' ft;'M _' O)lit), vtU r II f.i 9 . ,.- I 10tU Lit.. UTILiTIES CDr'tt11SS10N Adam L. Sherr (WSBA #25291) Qwest Corporation 1600 ih Avenue Room 3206 Seattle, W A 98191 Telephone: (206) 398-2507 Facsimile: (206) 343-4040 adam.sherr~qwest.com BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION AT&T Corp., a New York corporation, and AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC., a Colorado corporati on CASE NO.: ATT-04- Comp lainants QWEST'S MOTION FOR LEAVE TO PROPOUND ADDITIONAL DISCOVERY AND MOTION REQUESTING A PRE- HEARIN G CO NFEREN CE TO REVISE PROCEDURAL SCHEDULE vs. QWEST CORPORATION, a Colorado corporation Respondent. INTRODUCTION Qwest Corporation ("Qwest"), pursuant to Commission Rules of Procedure 211 and 221, LD.,; 221 , moves the Commission for leave to propound additional discovery to the AT&T Claimants and to schedule a pre-hearing conference in order to discuss revising the schedule in this matter. Qwest asks that the schedule be revised as described herein to allow for the QWEST'S MOTION FOR LEAVE TO PROPOUND ADDITIONAL DISCOVERY AND MOTION REQUESTING A PRE-HEARING CONFERENCE TO REVISE PROCEDURAL SCHEDULE - Page 1 Boise-179858.1 0029164-00106 filing of testimony and the scheduling of a technical hearing. Qwest believes that a hearing is required under several of the statutes relied upon by the AT&T Claimants for the basis of their relief, i., Idaho Code 99 61-502 , 61-503 and 61-514. Qwest submits that either a hearing must be held, or the Complaint must be dismissed. Qwest has discussed this general issue with counsel for the AT&T Claimants. Claimants have not yet responded to that inquiry. In addition, counsel for Staff has previously been advised that Qwest would be filing this motion. Qwest believes a pre-hearing conference should be convened to discuss scheduling. II.DISCUSSION The existing schedule2 calls for the parties to file cross motions for summary judgment followed by answers and oral argument. Qwest agreed to that schedule during informal discussions with the AT&T Claimants. At the time, Qwest believed that the case could reasonably be resolved on cross motions for summary judgment as there would be few, if any, disputed facts. Since that time Qwest has come to believe otherwise, and no longer consents to the matter being resolved without a hearing. This complaint proceeding cannot be resolved without a hearing for at least two reasons, each of which independently supports the need for a hearing. First, the discovery process has disclosed that the parties do, in fact, disagree on material facts, thus making an evidentiary hearing necessary. This point was underscored by responses filed by the AT&T Claimants to additional By reciting the Claimants' contentions as to the basis of the Commission s jurisdiction and authority to grant relief, Qwest does not intend to suggest that it agrees with these contentions or that the Commission could, under any set of facts proven by Claimants, grant the relief requested. The schedule provided that these summary motions would be filed in January "if no Motions to Compel are filed." However, on January 3 2005, Qwest and the AT&T Claimants each filed motions to compel. Hence the deadline for filing such motions has not been established. QWEST'S MOTION FOR LEAVE TO PROPOUND ADDITIONAL DISCOVERY AND MOTION REQUESTING A PRE-HEARING CONFERENCE TO REVISE PROCEDURAL SCHEDULE - Page 2 Boise-179858.l 0029164-00106 discovery in a similar case currently pending before the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission,3 which disclosed numerous factual contentions in dispute. Second, a hearing is required by some of the key statutory provisions under which the complaint has been brought. Motion for Leave to Propound Discclvery. Qwest has learned through discovery that there are material facts in dispute, or potentially in dispute, that can only be resolved through hearing. Disputes relating to substantial issues of fact should be resolved through an evidentiary hearing where issues may be tested with cross-examination. In the Washington docket, Qwest initially propounded discovery requests similar to Qwest's first set of requests in Idaho. On December 2 , 2004, Qwest propounded a second set of discovery requests consisting of three additional questions. A copy of Qwest's second set of requests in Washington is attached as Exhibit A. On December 16, 2004, the AT&T Claimants in Washington responded to two of those requests, a copy of which response is attached as Exhibit B. Qwest also propounded a third set of discovery requests in Washington consisting of five additional questions. copy of Qwest' s third set of discovery requests for the Washington case is attached as Exhibit C. The additional questions propounded in Washington go to the heart of several issues in this case. At the same time, they were limited in scope and clearly within the discovery standard followed by this Commission. Assuming the Commission grants Qwest's motion for leave to propound additional discovery in this case, Qwest intends to prepare discovery similar to that propounded in sets two and three in Washington and to follow up on some of the topics covered its AT&T Corp. and AT&T Communications o/the Pacific Northwest, Inc. v. Qwest Corp.Docket No. UT-0451394. the Washington docket" QWEST'S MOTION FOR LEAVE TO PROPOUND ADDITIONAL DISCOVERY AND MOTION REQUESTING A PRE-HEARING CONFERENCE TO REVISE PROCEDURAL SCHEDULE - Page 3 Boise-179858.1 0029164-00106 earlier discovery in this Idaho case to clarify some of the positions taken by the AT&T Claimants that relate to the disputed facts issues. The responses in Washington, as well as those already received in Idaho, demonstrate that there are significant issues of material fact in dispute in this case. A few examples of facts that are or may be in dispute include: whether Qwest's predecessor had actual knowledge of the true occupant of the conduit; how the contract rates were developed and agreed upon; and how to perform a proper cost and pricing calculation pursuant to the applicable statutory standards. Based on the responses to the Washington discovery requests, Qwest may also need to ask a few additional questions in Washington and in Idaho to help clarify the issues, if possible. Thus, based on Qwest's review of the Idaho and Washington responses , it is now clear that there are material facts in dispute, or potentially in dispute, that can only be resolved through an evidentiary hearing. Disputes on facts such as these should be tested through the filing of testimony and through cross-examination. A Hearing is Required by Statute. 10.While some cases may be decided by summary judgment whether the parties consent to such a determination or not, there are certain types of cases where the Commission is statutorily obligated to have a hearing before granting relief to the complainant. This is one of those cases. 11.The AT&T Claimants have brought this complaint under Idaho Code 99 61-315 , 61- 501 , 61-502, 61-503 , 61-514, and 61-641.4 Several of these statutes provide that the Commission may grant relief only after hearing. Specifically, Idaho Code 9 61-502 provides in relevant part as follows: Whenever the commission after a hearing had upon its own motion or upon complaint shall find that the rates, fares, tolls, rentals, (or J charges See Complaint, ~ 3. QWEST'S MOTION FOR LEAVE TO PROPOUND ADDITIONAL DISCOVERY AND MOTION REQUESTING A PRE-HEARING CONFERENCE TO REVISE PROCEDURAL SCHEDULE - Page 4 Boise-179858.10029164-001O6 . . . charged or collected by any public utility for any service or product or commodity. . . are unjust, unreasonable, discriminatory or preferential. . . the commission shall determine the just, reasonable or sufficient rates, fares, tolls, rentals, charges. . . and shall fix the same by order. . . (emphasis added). Similarly, Idaho Code 9 61-503 provides in part: The commission shall have the power upon a hearing, had upon its own motion or upon complaint, to investigate a single rate, fare, toll, rental charge, classification, rule, regulation, contract or practice. . . and establish new rates, fares, tolls, rentals, charges, classifications, rules regulations, contracts or practices. . . (emphasis added). Finally, Idaho Code 9 61-514 provides in relevant part: Whenever the commission after a hearing had upon its own motion or upon complaint of a public utility affected shall find that public convenience and necessity require the use by one (1) public utility of the conduits, subways, tracks, wires, poles, pipes or other equipment, or any part thereof, on, over or under any street or highway, and belonging to another public utility. . . and that such public utilities have failed to agree upon such use or the term and conditions or compensation for the same, the commission may by order direct that such use be permitted and prescribe a reasonable compensation and reasonable terms and conditions for the joint use. . . (emphasis added). 12.Thus, if the Commission is to grant relief under any of these statutes, it may do so only after hearing. Of course Qwest believes that the Commission will ultimately find that no such relief is warranted. However, a full and fair determination of the case requires that the AT&T Claimants present their evidence in a manner subj ect to cross examination. In addition, while it may be appropriate to decide a case such as this on cross motions for summary determination if both parties so QWEST'S MOTION FOR LEAVE TO PROPOUND ADDITIONAL DISCOVERY AND MOTION REQUESTING A PRE-HEARING CONFERENCE TO REVISE PROCEDURAL SCHEDULE - Page 5 Boise-179858.1 0029164-00106 consent, it is a violation of the applicable statutes to do so when the respondent does not consent to such a determination. 13.Finally, this schedule change will not prejudice the AT&T Claimants. As the Claimants, the AT&T entities are obligated to prove their case by a preponderance of the evidence at hearing, and cannot escape that burden by the filing of a summary motion. Thus, this schedule change places the AT&T Claimants in the position they chose and accepted when they filed a formal complaint. 14.Qwest proposes that the details regarding the timing of pre- filed testimony and the dates of the hearings be discussed and decided at a pre-hearing conference and requests that such conference be scheduled as soon as possible. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED this 7th day of January, 2005. Mary S. obson Stoel Rives LLP Adam L. Sherr Qwest Corporation Attorneys for Qwest Corporation QWEST'S MOTION FOR LEAVE TO PROPOUND ADDITIONAL DISCOVERY AND MOTION REQUESTING A PRE-HEARING CONFERENCE TO REVISE PROCEDURAL SCHEDULE - Page 6 Boise-179858.l 0029164-00106 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that on this ih day of January, 2005, I served the foregoing QWEST' MOTION FOR LEAVE TO PROPOUND ADDITIONAL DISCOVERY AND MOTION REQUESTING A PRE-HEARING CONFERENCE TO REVISE PROCEDURAL SCHEDULE upon all parties of record in this matter as follows: Jean D. Jewell Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street O. Box 83720 Boise, ill 83702 Telephone (208) 334-0300 Facsimile: (208) 334-3762 ij ewe1l~puc.state.id. us Weldon Stutzman Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street O. Box 83720 Boise, ill 83720-0074 Telephone (208) 334-0300 Facsimile: (208) 334-3762 wstutzm~puc.state.id. us Meredith R. Harris AT&T Corp. One AT&T Way Bedminster, NJ 07921 Telephone: (908) 532-1850 Robert M. Pomeroy Holland & Hart LLP 8390 East Crescent Parkway - Suite 400 Greenwood Village, CO 80111-2800 Telephone: (303) 290-1600 Facsimile: (303) 290-1606 bpomero y~ho llandhart. com Attorney for AT&T Corp. AT&T Comm. Hand Delivery U. S. Mail Overnight Delivery Facsimile Email Hand Delivery U. S. Mail Overnight Delivery Facsimile Email Hand Delivery U. S. Mail Overnight Delivery Facsimile Email Hand Delivery U. S. Mail Overnight Delivery Facsimile Email QWEST'S MOTION FOR LEAVE TO PROPOUND ADDITIONAL DISCOVERY AND MOTION REQUESTING A PRE-HEARING CONFERENCE TO REVISE PROCEDURAL SCHEDULE - Page 7 Boise-l 79858.1 0029164-00106 T. Scott Thompson Brian M. Josef Rita Tewari Cole, Raywid & Braverman 1919 Pennsylvania Avenue NW - 2nd Floor Washington, DC 20006 Telephone: (202) 659-9750 Attorney for AT&T Corp. AT&T Comm. Mary V. York Holland & Hart LLP 101 South Capitol Boulevard - Suite 1400 O. Box 2527 Boise, ill 83701 Telephone: (208) 342-5000 Facsimile: (208) 343-8869 myork~hollandhart.com Attorney for AT&T Corp. AT&T Comm. Hand Delivery U. S. Mail Overnight Delivery Facsimile Email Hand Delivery U. S. Mail Overnight Delivery Facsimile Email Brandi L. earhart, PLS Legal Assistant to Mary S. Hobson Stoel Rives LLP QWEST'S MOTION FOR LEAVE TO PROPOUND ADDITIONAL DISCOVERY AND MOTION REQUESTING A PRE-HEARING CONFERENCE TO REVISE PROCEDURAL SCHEDULE - Page 8 Boise-179858.l 0029164-00106 EXHIBIT A BEFORE THE WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION AT&T CORP. and AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST, INC. Complainants Docket No. UT-041394 QWEST'S SECOND SET OF DATA REQUESTS TO AT&T CORP. AND AT &T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST, INC. vs. QWEST CORPORATION Respondent. TO: AT&T CORP. and AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST, INC. Pursuant to WAC 480-07-400 Qwest Corporation ("Qwest") requests that AT&T Corp. and AT&T Communications of the Pacific Northwest, Inc. provide responses to the following data requests to the undersigned within ten (10) business days of the date of service of these requests: DEFINITIONS As used herein, the following terms have the meaning as set forth below: The terms "AT&T " " you " and "your" shall include AT&T Corp. and AT&T Communications of the Pacific Northwest, Inc. and their attorneys, employees, servants, agents and representatives, and any person acting on their behalf for any purpose. List " " describe " " detail " " explain " " specify," or "state" shall mean to set forth fully, in detail and unambiguously, each and every fact of which you, your company or QWEST'S SECOND SET OF DATA REQUESTS TO AT&T Page 1 QWEST 1600 7th Ave., Suite 3206 Seattle, WA 98191 Telephone: (206) 398-2500 Facsimile: (206) 343-4040 your agents or representatives have knowledge which is relevant to the answer called for by the data request. The terms "document " " documents " or "documentation" as used herein shall include, without limitation, any writings and documentary material of any kind whatsoever both originals and copies (regardless of origin and whether or not including additional writing thereon or attached thereto), and any and all drafts, preliminary versions, alterations modifications, revisions, changes and written comments of and concerning such material including, but not limited to: correspondence, letters, memoranda, internal communications notes, reports, directions, studies, investigations, questionnaires and surveys, inspections permits, citizen complaints, studies, papers, files, books, manuals, instructions, records pamphlets, forms, contracts, contract amendments or supplements, contract offers, tenders acceptances, counteroffers or negotiating agreements, notices, confirmations, telegrams communications sent or received, print-outs, diary entries, calendars, tables, compilations tabulations, charts, graphs, maps, recommendations, ledgers, accounts, worksheets photographs, tape recordings, movie pictures, videotapes, transcripts, logs, work papers minutes, summaries, notations and records of any sort (printed, electronic, recorded or otherwise) of any oral communications whether sent or received or neither, and other written records or recordings, in whatever form, stored or contained in or on whatever medium including computerized or digital memory or magnetic media that: (a) (b) are now or were formerly in your possession, custody or control; or are known or believed to be responsive to these data requests, regardless of who has or formerly had custody, possession or control. The terms "identify" and "identity," when used with reference to a person, mean to state his or her full name, present or last known address, present or last known telephone number, present or last known place of emploYment, position or business affiliation, his or her position or business affiliation at the time in question, and a general description of the business QWEST'S SECOND SET OF DATA REQUESTS TO AT&T Page 2 QWEST 1600 7th Ave., Suite 3206 Seattle, W A 98191 Telephone: (206) 398-2500 Facsimile: (206) 343-4040 in which he or she is engaged. The terms "identify" and "identity," when used with respect to any other entity, mean to state its full name, the address of its principal place of business, and the name of its chief executive officers. The terms "identify" and "identity," with respect to a document, mean to state the name or title of the document, the type of document (e., letter, memorandum, telegram computer input or output, chart, etc.), its date, the person( s) who authored it, the person( s) who signed it, the person( s) to whom it was addressed, the person( s) to whom it was sent, its general subject matter, its present location, and its present custodian. If any such document was but is no longer in the possession of AT&T subject to its control, state what disposition was made of it and explain the circumstances surrounding, and the authorization for, such disposition, and state the date or approximate date of such disposition. The terms "identify" and "identity," with respect to any non-written communica- tion, mean to state the identity of the person(s) making and receiving the communication, their respective principals or employers at the time of the communication, the date, manner and place of the communication, and the topic or subject matter of the communication. The term to "state the basis" for an allegation, contention, conclusion, position or answer means: (a) to identify and specify the sources therefore; (b) to identify and specify all facts on which you rely or intend to rely in support of the allegation, contention, conclusion position or answer; and (c) to set forth and explain the nature and application to the relevant facts of all pertinent legal theories upon which you rely for your knowledge, information and/or belief that there are good grounds to support such allegation, contention, conclusion, position or answer. The terms "relates to" or "relating to" mean referring to, concerning, responding , containing, regarding, discussing, describing, reflecting, analyzing, constituting, disclosing, embodying, defining, stating, explaining, summarizing, or in any way pertaining to. QWEST'S SECOND SET OF DATA REQUESTS TO AT&T Page 3 QWEST 1600 7th Ave., Suite 3206 Seattle, W A 98191 Telephone: (206) 398-2500 Facsimile: (206) 343-4040 The term "including" means "including, but not limited to.10. 11.The terms "CLEC" or "competitor" means any competing local exchange carrier not affiliated with Qwest, regardless of whether the carrier is presently providing local telephone exchange services in the State of Washington. 12.The term "carrier" means any provider of telecommunications services. INSTRUCTIONS These data requests shall be deemed to be continuing. You are obliged to change, supplement, and correct all answers to data requests to conform to available information, including such information as first becomes available to you after the answers and production of documents hereto are filed and made, should additional information become known or should information supplied in the answers or documents prove to be incorrect or incomplete. The response to each data request provided should restate the question asked and also identify the person( s) supplying the information. In answering these data requests, furnish all information that is available to you or may be reasonably ascertained by you, including information in the possession of any of your agents or attorneys, or otherwise subject to your knowledge, possession, custody or control. If in answering these data requests you encounter any ambiguity in construing the request or a definition or instruction relevant to the inquiry contained within the data request, set forth the matter deemed "ambiguous" and set forth the construction chosen or used in answering the data request. If you object to any part of a request, answer all parts of such requests to which you do not object, and as to each part to which you do object, separately set forth the specific basis for the objection. QWEST'S SECOND SET OF DATA REQUESTS TO AT&T Page 4 QWEST 1600 7th Ave., Suite 3206 Seattle, WA 98191 Telephone: (206) 398-2500 Facsimile: (206) 343-4040 DATA REQUESTS 24. In AT&T's supplemental responses to Qwest Data Requests 17(c), 17(e), and , AT&T states that AT&T Communications of the Pacific Northwest, Inc. has owned and operated the facilities in the conduit at issue since the date on which each applicable license was executed. AT&T further states that it believes this information "was known to Qwest or its predecessors-in-interest from the inception of the General License Agreement for Conduit Occupancy" (Response to 17(e)). AT&T makes similar allegations in the other referenced responses. Please state, in detail, the basis for AT&T's belief that Qwest or its predecessors knew that the true occupant of the conduit was AT&T Communications of the Pacific Northwest and not AT&T Corp., the actual licensee. In connection with this response, please provide all documents that support or refute this contention. Further, provide the names of all persons whether employed by Qwest or its predecessors, who AT&T contends knew of the conduit occupancy by AT&T of the Pacific Northwest. 25. Please identify whether AT&T Corp. is in any way authorized to construct attachments upon, along, under, or across the public rights of way. If the answer is in the affirmative, please identify under what provision of law AT&T is so authorized. If AT&T does not rely on a specific provision of the law, please explain AT&T's response. DATED this day of December, 2004. QWEST Lisa Anderl, WSBA # 13236 Adam Sherr, WSBA # 25291 Qwest 1600 ih Avenue, Room 3206 Seattle, W A 98191 Phone: (206) 398-2500 Attorneys for Qwest QWEST'S SECOND SET OF DATA REQUESTS TO AT&T Page 5 QWEST 1600 7th Ave., Suite 3206 Seattle, WA 98191 Telephone: (206) 398-2500 Facsimile: (206) 343-4040 EXHIBIT B Before the WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION Olympia, Washington AT&T CORP., and AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE) PACIFIC NORTHWEST, INC. Complainants vs. QWEST CORPORATION Respondent. Docket No. UT-041394 COMPLAINANTS' RESPONSE TO QWEST' SECOND SET OF DATA REQUESTS TO AT&T CORP. AND AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST, INC. AT&T Corp. and AT&T Communications of the Pacific Northwest, Inc. (hereinafter "Claimants ), through their attorneys and pursuant to WAC 480-07-405 submit this Response to Qwest Corporation s Second Set of Data Requests to AT&T Corp., and AT&T Communications of the Pacific Northwest, Inc. ("Qwest's Second Data Request") in the above-captioned matter. GENERAL OBJECTIONS In addition to the specific objections enumerated below, Claimants expressly incorporate by reference the "General Objections" accompanying their initial Response to Qwest' First Data Request, filed November 2, 2004. II.RESPONSES TO DATA REQUESTS Owest pata Reques~: In AT&T's supplemental responses to Qwest Data Requests 17(c), 17(e), and 19, AT&T states that AT&T Communications of the Pacific Northwest, Inc. has owned and operated the facilities in the conduit at issue since the date on which each applicable license was executed. AT&T further states that it believes this information "was known to Qwest or its predecessors-in-interest from the inception of the General License Agreement for Conduit Occupancy" (Response to 17(e)). AT&T makes similar allegations in the other referenced responses. Please state, in detail, the basis for AT &T' s belief that Qwest or its predecessors knew that the true occupant of the conduit was AT&T Communications of the Pacific Northwest and not AT&T Corp., the actual licensee. In connection with this response, please provide all documents that support or refute this contention. Further provide the names of all persons, whether employed by Qwest or its predecessors, who AT&T contends knew of the conduit occupancy by AT&T of the Pacific Northwest. Claimants' Response There are at least four major categories of facts that support Claimants contention, which are set forth under the following sub-headings. Qwest's Predecessors Knew of the Relationship With AT&T Communications of the Pacific Northwest, Inc. Involving Use of Conduit From the Modified Final Judgment Ordering Divestiture and the Accompanying Plan of Reorganization Prior to the divestiture of the regional bell operating companies ("RBOCs ) from the American Telephone and Telegraph Company, conduit was jointly occupied by the American Telephone and Telegraph Company and its wholly-owned subsidiaries WUTC Docket No. UT -041394 AT &T Supplemental Response to Qwest's Second Set Of Data Requests December 16,2004 including Qwest's predecessors the Pacific Northwest Bell Telephone Company, the Northwestern Bell Telephone Company and the Mountain States Telephone and Telegraph Company. After entry of the Modification of Final Judgment on August 24 19821 and upon final approval of the Plan of Reorganization on August 5, 1983 , the American Telephone and Telegraph Company was divested of its local exchange facilities. As part of the Plan, AT&T Communications of the Pacific Northwest, Inc. was created on September 20, 1983 as a wholly-owned inter-exchange carrier subsidiary of the American Telephone and Telegraph Company. The Plan of Reorganization also called for the Pacific Northwest Bell Telephone Company, the Northwestern Bell Telephone Company, and the Mountain States Telephone and Telegraph Company to be consolidated into the RBOC US West.2 On January 1 , 1984, US West, Inc. was officially created. Pursuant to the Plan of Reorganization, each of the BOCs (e. g., the Pacific Northwest Bell Telephone Company, the Northwestern Bell Telephone Company, and the Mountain States Telephone and Telegraph Company) created wholly-owned subsidiaries to which each of their respective interexchange facilities were transferred. In exchange for the transfer of the facilities, the BOCs obtained common stock of the new See United States v. American Telephone and Telegraph Co.552 F. Supp. 131 (D.C. 1982), affd sub nom. Marylandv. United States 460 U.S. 1001, 103 S. Ct. 1240 75 L. Ed. 2d472 (1983); see also United States v. Western Electric Co.569 F. Stipp. 1057 (D. ), affd sub nom. California v. United States 464 S. 1013 , 104 S. Ct. 542, 78 L. Ed. 2d 719 (1983). See United States v. American Telephone and Telegraph Co.Civil Action No. 82-0192, Plan of Reorganization, (Dec. 16, 1982), p. 5. (hereinafter "Plan of Reorganization Consolidated Application of American Telephone and Telegraph Co. and Specified Bell System Companiesfor Authorization Under Sections 214 and 310(d) of the Communications Act of 1934 for Transfers of Interstate Lines, Assignments of Radio Licenses, Transfers of Control of Corporations Holding Radio Licenses and Other Transactions as Described in the Application 96 F.C. 2d 18, ~ 31 (1983) Consolidated Application WUTC Docket No. UT-041394 AT &T Supplemental Response to Qwest's Second Set Of Data Requests December 16,2004 subsidiaries.4 The stock was then transferred to the American Telephone and Telegraph Company, divesting the BOCs of their interexchange facilities, in accordance with the terms of the Bell System break-up.s In approving the Plan, the Federal Communications Commission clarified the status the interexchange subsidiaries would hold after divestiture: The IXC subsidiaries will retain separate corporate status within AT&T and will not be merged into other subsidiaries or departments of AT &T. After divestiture, interexchange carrier functions will be handled by AT &T Communications, which will consist of a national interexchange corporation, an interstate division of AT&T, and 22 regional interexchange corporations. The national intetexchange corporation will own no communications assets itself but will manage and direct AT&T' interexchange operations. The 22 regional interexchange corporations will operate the interLA T A assets assigned to them at divestiture and under the direction of the national interexchange corporation, will coordinate with the other interexchange corporations and the interstate division. AT&T Communications of the Pacific Northwest, Inc. is one of the 22 regional interexchange corporations created as a result of divestiture. Several years after divestiture, AT&T Communications of the Pacific Northwest Inc. began entering into agreements in its corporate parent's name. Given the incontrovertible history outlined above, Claimants believe it is clear that Qwest understood that AT&T Communications of the Pacific Northwest, Inc. was the interexchange carrier occupying the conduit at issue in this proceeding. Id. ld. ld.~ 32 n.37. WUTC Docket No. UT -041394 AT &T Supplemental Response to Q.west's Second Set Of Data Requests December 16, 2004 Qwest's Predecessor Direct Participation In The Certification Proceedings of AT&T Communications of the Pacific Northwest, Inc. Demonstrates That It Knew Which AT&T Entity Was Occupying Its Washington Conduit Further evidence demonstrating that Qwest's predecessor knew which AT&T entity was providing telecommunications services and occupying the conduit at issue in this proceeding is the fact that it took part in certification proceedings involving AT&T Communications of the Pacific Northwest, Inc. Claimants ' Complaint included a copy of the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission order classifying AT&T Communications of the Pacific Northwest, Inc. as a competitive telecommunications company. See In re Petition of AT&T Communications of the Pacific Northwest, Inc.for Classification as a Competitive Telecommunications Company, 85 P.R. 4th 304 (1987) (attached to Complaint at Exhibit 1). In that proceeding, Pacific Northwest Bell Telephone Company participated directly as an intervenor (even cross-examining witnesses), just over a year before entering into the July 11 , 1988 Conduit Lease Agreement with AT&T Communications of the Pacific Northwest, Inc.s parent, the American Telephone and Telegraph Company. Given Pacific Northwest Bell' involvement in the proceeding, in addition to the MF J evidence discussed above and the documentary evidence discussed below, Qwest cannot credibly claim that it was not aware that the operating subsidiary AT&T Communications of the Pacific Northwest Inc. was occupying and providing telecommunications services in the conduit at issue. WUTC Docket No. UT -041394 AT&T Supplemental Response to Qwest's Second Set Of Data Requests December 16,2004 Qwest's Status As A Party To Franchise Agreements Under Conduit Lease Agreements During the Period In Question Provides Further Evidence of Qwest's Knowledge That The AT&T Operating Subsidiaries Are Actually Occupying Qwest Conduit Qwest's predecessor entered into two Franchise Use Agreements, dated July 7 1987 and March 22 1988, with the AT&T operating subsidiary AT&T Communications of the Mountain States, Inc. These agreements specifically referenced and incorporated the April 10, 1987 Conduit Lease Agreement signed by the American Telephone & Telegraph Company and Mountain States Telephone and Telegraph Company. First, there is an "Agreement" between "The Mountain States Telephone and Telegraph Company" and "AT&T Communications of the Mountain States, Inc. regarding the use of Qwest conduit in Salt Lake City. The first paragraph of the agreement defines "AT&T Communications of the Mountain States, Inc." as "AT&T" or "Licensee The very first "Witnesseth" paragraph then states that WHEREAS, Mountain Bell andAT&T (defined term for AT&T Communications of the Mountain States, Inc.) have entered into an agreement for conduit occupancy in certain portions of Utah, dated April 1 0, 1987 (i. e.the Conduit Lease Agreement). . .." (emphasis added). Thus, the document establishes, conclusively, that by at least July 7, 1987 Qwest' predecessor understood that the AT&T subsidiaries, such as AT &T Communications of the Mountain States, Inc. in Utah and AT&T Communications of the Pacific Northwest in Washington, were parties to the Conduit Lease Agreements and were occupying Qwest's conduit, despite the fact that the American Telephone and Telegraph is the party named on the face of the Conduit Lease Agreement. Similarly, there is a second document entitled "Franchise Use Agreement", which is dated March 22, 1988 and which states that it is "by and between THE MOUNTAIN WUTC Docket No. UT -041394 AT&T Supplemental Response to Qwest's Second Set Of Data Requests December 16,2004 STATES TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY. . . and AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC." The Franchise Use Agreement similarly defines "AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES" as "(" AT &T" or "Licensee " (Emphasis added). Like the 1987 agreement this "Franchise Use Agreement" also states in its first WHEREAS paragraph that Mountain Bell and AT&T have entered into an agreement for conduit occupancy in certain portions of Utah dated Apr. 10, 1987. . . ." (Emphasis added). Again, the document on its face constitutes an admission and recognition by Qwest's predecessor that it understood that AT &T operating subsidiaries, such as AT&T Communications of the Mountain States, Inc. or AT&T Communications of the Pacific Northwest, Inc., are proper parties to the Conduit Lease Agreements between the parties, and thus that Qwest has known all along that AT&T Communications oftbe Pacific Northwest was occupying Qwest's conduit. This documentation provides additional evidence as to Qwest's actual knowledge that the true occupants of Qwest-owned conduit were the individual AT&T operating subsidiaries providing telecommunications services, while the parent corporation, the American Telephone & Telegraph Company, simply entered into the agreements on their behalf. Qwest's Predecessor Employees Administering The Conduit Lease Agreements Were Likely Aware That AT&T Communications of the Pacific Northwest, Inc. Was Occupying The Conduit Claimants submit that the following employees or agents of Qwest' predecessors, the signatories to the Conduit Lease Agreement and licenses issued thereunder, were in a position toJmow and were likely aware that AT&T WUTC Docket No. UT-041394 AT&T Supplemental Response to Qwest's Second Set Of Data Requests Decem ber 16, 2004 Communications of the Pacific Northwest, Inc. was the true occupant of the conduit at issue in this proceeding: J.B. Wingert, Glenn Means, Frances M. Gunderson, Henry L. Moschetti, and Duane McCulloch. Answer prepared on December 15, 2004 by Brian M. Josef, Esq. WUTC Docket No. UT -041394 AT &T Supplemental Response to Qwest's Second Set Of Data Requests December 16, 2004 Qwest Data Request No. 25: Please identify whether AT&T Corp. is in any way authorized to construct attachments upon, along, under, or across the public rights of way. If the answer is in the affirmative, please identify under what provision of law AT&T is so authorized. If AT&T does not rely on a specific provision of the law, please explain AT&T's response. Claimants ' Response: Claimants object to this interrogatory on the grounds that it seeks information that is not relevant to substantial issues in the proceeding and is not reasonably calculated to lead ~o the discovery of admissible evidence. AT&T Corp.' s authorizations to construct attachments upon, along, Wlder, or across the public rights of way are irrelevant in this proceeding where the issue concerns the unjust, unreasonable and discriminatory rates Qwest is charging Claimants for leasing Qwest-owned conduit that they already occupy. In addition, Claimants object that the request is overbroad and unduly burdensome in seeking information without limitation to the conduit at issue - or even the state of Washington - and without limitation as to time. Objection and answer prepared on December 15,2004 by Brian M. Josef, Esq. """'" .'" """"'-".""""'" '...... ."....... .......' '. '............,........... .... .. .. "'.""'" ....... - ..... -- _... .. WUTC Docket No. UT -041394 AT&T Supplemental Response to Qwest's Second Set Of Data Requests December 16, 2004 DATED this 16th day of December, 2004. AT&T CORP. AND AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST, INC. . Gregory J. Kopta, Esq. 2600 Century Square 1501 Fourth Avenue Seattle, Washington 98101-1688 Phone: (206) 628..7692 Fax: (206) 628-7699 Emai1: gregkopta~dwt.com Meredith R. Harris, Esq. AT&T CORP. One AT&T Way Bedminster, New Jersey 07921 . Scott Thompson, Esq. Brian M. Josef, Esq. Rita Tewari, Esq. COLE, RAYWID & BRAVERMAN, LLP 1919 Pennsylvania Ave., N. Second Floor Washrnngto~ D.C. 20006 Attorneys for AT&T Corp. and AT&T Communications of the Pacific Northwest, Inc. WUTC Docket No. UT-041394 AT &T Supplemental Response to Qwest's Second Set Of Data Requests December 16, 2004 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE , Melissa Geraghty, do hereby certify that on this 16th day of December, 2004, a true and correct copy of the foregoing has been sent by United States Mail, First Class, Postage Prepaid and by electronic mail to the following: Mark S. Reynolds Senior Director-Policy & Law Qwest Corporation 1600 7th Avenue, Room 3206 Seattle, W A 98191 E-mail: Mark.Reynol s3~qwest.com Lisa Anderl Qwest Corporation 1600 7th Avenue, Room 3206 Seattle, W A 98191 E-mail: Lisa.Anderl~qwest.com Adam L. Sherr Qwest Corporation 1600 7th Avenue, Room 3206 Seattle, W A 98191 E-mail: adam.sherr~qwest.com Ted Smith Stoel Rives LLP Representing Qwest Corporation 201 South Main Street, Suite 10100 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 E-mail: tsmith~stoe1.com Greg J. Trautman Assistant Attorney General WUTC . Office of the Attorney General PO Box 40128 Olympia W A 98504 E-mail: gtrautma~wutc.wa.gov Simon ffitch Assistant Attorney General Public Counsel Office of the Attorney General 900 4th Avenue, Suite 2000 Seattle, W A 98164 E-mail: simonf~atg.wa.gov EXHIBIT C requests: BEFORE THE WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION AT&T CORP. and AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST, INC. Docket No. UT-041394 QWEST'S THIRD SET OF DATA REQUESTS TO AT&T CORP. AND AT &T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST, INC. Complainants vs. QWEST CORPORATION Respondent. TO: AT&T CORP. and AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST, INC. Pursuant to WAC 480-07-400 Qwest Corporation ("Qwest") requests that AT&T Corp. and AT&T Communications of the Pacific Northwest, Inc. provide responses to the following data requests to the undersigned within ten (10) business days of the date of service of these DEFINITIONS As used herein, the following terms have the meaning as set forth below: The terms "AT&T " " you " and "your" shall include AT&T Corp. and AT&T Communications of the Pacific Northwest, Inc. and their attorneys, employees, servants, agents and representatives, and any person acting on their behalf for any purpose. List " " describe " " detail " " explain " " specify," or "state" shall mean to set QWEST'S THIRD SET OF DATA REQUESTS TO AT&T Page 1 QWEST 1600 7th Ave., Suite 3206 Seattle, W A 98191 Telephone: (206) 398-2500 Facsimile: (206) 343-4040 forth fully, in detail and unambiguously, each and every fact of which you, your company or your agents or representatives have knowledge which is relevant to the answer called for by the data request. The terms "document " " documents " or "documentation" as used herein shall include, without limitation, any writings and documentary material of any kind whatsoever both originals and copies (regardless of origin and whether or not including additional writing thereon or attached thereto), and any and all drafts, preliminary versions, alterations modifications, revisions, changes and written comments of and concerning such material including, but not limited to: correspondence, letters, memoranda, internal communications notes, reports, directions, studies, investigations, questionnaires and surveys, inspections permits, citizen complaints, studies, papers, files, books, manuals, instructions, records pamphlets, forms, contracts, contract amendments or supplements, contract offers, tenders acceptances, counteroffers or negotiating agreements, notices, confirmations, telegrams communications sent or received, print-outs, diary entries, calendars, tables, compilations tabulations, charts, graphs, maps, recommendations, ledgers, accounts, worksheets photographs, tape recordings, movie pictures, videotapes, transcripts, logs, work papers minutes, summaries, notations and records of any sort (printed, electronic, recorded or otherwise) of any oral communications whether sent or received or neither, and other written records or recordings, in whatever form, stored or contained in or on whatever medium including computerized or digital memory or magnetic media that: (a) (b) are now or were formerly in your possession, custody or control; or are known or believed to be responsive to these data requests, regardless of who has or formerly had custody, possession or control. The terms "identify" and "identity," when used with reference to a person, mean to state his or her full name, present or last known address, present or last known telephone number, present or last known place of emploYment, position or business affiliation, his or her QWEST'S THIRD SET OF DATA REQUESTS TO AT&T Page 2 QWEST 1600 7th Ave., Suite 3206 Seattle? WA 98191 Telephone: (206) 398-2500 Facsimile: (206) 343-4040 position or business affiliation at the time in question, and a general description of the business in which he or she is engaged. The terms "identify" and "identity," when used with respect to any other entity, mean to state its full name, the address of its principal place of business, and the name of its chief executive officers. The terms "identify" and "identity," with respect to a document, mean to state the name or title of the document, the type of document (e., letter, memorandum, telegram computer input or output, chart, etc.), its date, the person( s) who authored it, the person( s) who signed it, the person( s) to whom it was addressed, the person( s) to whom it was sent, its general subject matter, its present location, and its present custodian. If any such document was but is no longer in the possession of AT&T subject to its control, state what disposition was made of it and explain the circumstances surrounding, and the authorization for, such disposition, and state the date or approximate date of such disposition. The terms "identify" and "identity," with respect to any non-written communica- tion, mean to state the identity of the person(s) making and receiving the communication, their respective principals or employers at the time of the communication, the date, manner and place of the communication, and the topic or subject matter of the communication. The term to "state the basis" for an allegation, contention, conclusion, position or answer means: (a) to identify and specify the sources therefore; (b) to identify and specify all facts on which you rely or intend to rely in support of the allegation, contention, conclusion position or answer; and (c) to set forth and explain the nature and application to the relevant facts of all pertinent legal theories upon which you rely for your knowledge, information and/or belief that there are good grounds to support such allegation, contention, conclusion, position or answer. The terms "relates to" or "relating to" mean referring to, concerning, responding , containing, regarding, discussing, describing, reflecting, analyzing, constituting, disclosing, QWEST'S THIRD SET OF DATA REQUESTS TO AT&T Page 3 QWEST 1600 7th Ave., Suite 3206 Seattle, W A 98191 Telephone: (206) 398-2500 Facsimile: (206) 343-4040 embodYing, defining, stating, explaining, summarizing, or in any way pertaining to. 10. 11. The term "including" means "including, but not limited to. The terms "CLEC" or "competitor" means any competing local exchange carrier not affiliated with Qwest, regardless of whether the carrier is presently providing local telephone exchange services in the State of Washington. 12.The term "carrier" means any provider of telecommunications services. INSTRUCTIONS These data requests shall be deemed to be continuing. You are obliged to change, supplement, and correct all answers to data requests to conform to available information, including such information as first becomes available to you after the answers and production of documents hereto are filed and made, should additional information become known or should information supplied in the answers or documents prove to be incorrect or incomplete. The response to each data request provided should restate the question asked and also identify the person( s) supplYing the information. In answering these data requests, furnish all information that is available to you or may be reasonably ascertained by you, including information in the possession of any of your agents or attorneys, or otherwise subject to your knowledge, possession, custody or control. If in answering these data requests you encounter any ambiguity in construing the request or a definition or instruction relevant to the inquiry contained within the data request, set forth the matter deemed "ambiguous" and set forth the construction chosen or used in answering the data request. If you object to any part of a request, answer all parts of such requests to which you do not object, and as to each part to which you do object, separately set forth the specific basis for the objection. QWEST'S THIRD SET OF DATA REQUESTS TO AT&T Page 4 QWEST 1600 7th Ave., Suite 3206 Seattle, WA 98191 Telephone: (206) 398-2500 Facsimile: (206) 343-4040 DATA REQUESTS 26. Please provide all documents that relate to or were referenced in AT&T' responses to any of Qwest' s data requests. It is not necessary to provide publicly available documents such as the MFJ, or documents that were provided with the complaint, but please provide copies of all other documents, even if AT&T believes Qwest might already have those in its possession. 27. If not provided in response to request #26 above, please provide all documents referring to, relating to or regarding occupation of or access to Qwest-owned conduit in Washington by The American Telephone and Telegraph Company, AT&T Corp., or AT&T Communications of the Pacific Northwest, Inc., or any subsidiary or affiliate thereof, since January 1 , 1984. 28. Please provide the name of the AT&T employee(s) or other individual(s) who provided the factual information in each of AT&T's responses to Qwest's data requests #1-30. 29. Please provide any information AT&T has concerning how the rates in the conduit licenses at issue in this proceeding were arrived at. 30. Ifnot already provided, please provide all documents relating to AT&T' response to data request #29. If provided in response to another data request, please specifically identify which document or documents are responsive to #29. DATED this day of December, 2004. QWEST Lisa Anderl, WSBA # 13236 Adam Sherr, WSBA # 25291 Qwest 1600 7th Avenue, Room 3206 Seattle, W A 98191 Phone: (206) 398-2500 Attorneys for Qwest QWEST'S THIRD SET OF DATA REQUESTS TO AT&T Page 5 QWEST 1600 7th Ave., Suite 3206 Seattle, WA 98191 Telephone: (206) 398-2500 Facsimile: (206) 343-4040