HomeMy WebLinkAbout20220602Supplemental to Application - Redacted.pdfLance J.M. Steinhart P.C. Attorneys At Law I 725 Windward Concourse Suite 150 Alpharetta, Georgia 30005 - _ ! j _ i1.. , 1- } |: . *-'-- -- . t L lJ 1.': i,; - j f,ii 9: 50 Also Admitted in New York Email : lsteinhart@telecomcounsel.com Attachmentscc: Henry Do Johan E. Kalala-Kasanda Telephone: (77 0) 232-9200 Facsimile: (770) 232-9208 June2,2022 YIA EMAIL TO secretaru@puc.idaho.com Jan Noriyuki Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472West Washington Boise,Idaho 83702 Re:Air Voice Wireless, LLC dlblaAirTalk CaseNo. AVW-T-22-01 Dear Ms. Noriyuki: Air Voice Wireless, LLC dlbla AirTalk Wireless ("Air Voice") filed an Application for Limited Designation as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier (the 'Application") on March 23, 2022. Air Voice respectfully requests to supplement its Application with information in support of its furancial information capabilities attached hereto as Exhibit 9. If you have any questions, or if I may provide you with additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me at770-232-9200 or info@telecomcounsel.com. Thank you. Respectfu lly submitted,-tr Lance J.M. Steinhart, Esq. Managing Attomey Lance J.M. Steinhart, P.C. Attorneysfor Air Voice Wireless, LLC d/b/a AirTalk Wireless EXHIBIT 9 PUBLIC DISCLOSURE DOCUMENT Financial Statements CONFIDENTIAL IN ENTIRETY 31800 Northwestern llighway, Suite 2'10, Farmtngton Hills, Ml 48334 Ph. 248.539.7799 . Fx. 24B.s39.7BBs web. www.b2plc.com EXHIBIT 9 TRADE SECRET Financial Statements AIB VOICE WMELESS, T.f,-C DECEMBUn sL 2O2L COMPII,ED MNANCIAL STAT.EMENTS AIBVOICEWMEfiSg, IJO COMPII,ED TI}iIANCfIAL STATEMENTS AOB TEE TWEL\M MO}Ilgg ETiIDDD DECEMBEE 81, 2021 TABI.E OT GOIITENIE INDEPENDET{T ACCOT'}iMATiMS' OOMPII.AIION NEBOBT OOMPII.ED N}IAIVCIAL STATEMEIITS: Bdance Sheet Statement of Income and Expenses Paee 1 2 3 Barrouna BannrxcER,prc CENTIFTED PUBLTC ACCOUNTANTS & CONSULTANTS INDEPENDENT ACCOI.'NTANTS' COMPILATION REPORT To the Memberc Air Voice Wireless, LLC 2425 Franklin Road Bloomfield Hills, MI 48302 Management is responsible for the accompanying financial statements of Air Voice Wireless, LLC (a Michigan Limited Liability Company), which comprise the balance sheet as of Docember 31,2021, arrd the related statement of income and expenses for the twelve months then ended in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United Starcs of America. We have performed a compilation engagement in accordancc with Statements on Standards for Accounting and Review Services promulgated by the Accounting and Review Services Committee of the AICPA. We did not audit or review the financial statements nor were we required to perform any procedur€s to verifr tre accuracy or completeness of the information provided by management. Accordingly, we do not express an opinion, a conclusion, nor provide any form of assurance on these frnancial statements Accounting principles generally accepted in tlre United States of America require that fxed assets be depreciated over their estimated usefirl lives. The Company has computed depreciation on several fixed assets in accordance with the Modified Accelerate.d Cost Recovery System required for federal income tax purposes, which does not allocate depreciation to expense over the estimated useful lives of the assets. Management has not determined tre effect of this departure on the financial stat€ments. Acoounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America require management to assess whether the Company has a controlling interest in any ontities in which the Company has a variable interest in order to determine if those entities should be cousolidated. Management has not performed the required assessment and therefore, if there are variable interest entities for which the Company is the primary beneficiary, has not consolidatcd those entities. Although the effects on the financial statements ofthc failure to perform the rcquired assessment have not been determined, many elemens in the financial statements would have been materially affected had management determined that the Company is the primary beneficiary of any variable interest entities. Management has elected to omit substantially all of ttre disclosures and the shtoment of cash flows required by accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. If the omitted disclosures and the statement of cash flows wore included in frre financial statements, they might influence the user's conclusions about the Company's financial position, results of operations, and cash flows. Accordingly, the financial statements axe not desigred for those who are not informed about such matters, thafowWtgmrlPrc Bahoura Baninger, PLC Farmin4on Hills, Michigan Arril26,2022 318fi) Northwestem Hlghway, Suite 2IO Farmlngton Hllls, Ml 4g334 Ph. 24539.1799, Fx. 248.539.7885 web.www.b2plccom AIR VOICE WRELESS, LLC Balance Sheet December31,2021 ASSETS CurrcntArsetr ChecklngfBavlngp GENERALACCT'FU. Total ChecklngrsavlngB Accountr Rocclvabh Total Accounts Recclrrablo Olrer Cunpnt Asqetr lnaunnce Clalm Recelvable lnventory Asset To[al OUrr Curont AlEctr Total CurontA$eta Flxod As!€tB Accum llepncletlon Fumttunand Equlpment To0!l Flrcd AsssE TOTAL ASSETS L|ABlLMEgAEQUTY Llablll0cr Cumnt Llebllltl€s Accountr Payeble Accountr Payable Total Accounts Payable OdrcrCumnt LleHlltlec DueTo HBOZ,26 Fnnklln LLC Sabs Tax lreyebb Total O$er Currcnt Lhbllltlos Total Cunpnt LlsHll0rr Total Llabllltlsl Equlty Ortulbu0om ilamber Equlty Net lncone Tot lEqul'ty TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUTTY 1,059,913.53 1,059,913.53 E81,74E.45 981,740.15 81,199.15 280,000.00 361,199.15 2,302,861.13 -1ft,4U.52 116,4U.52 0.00 2,302,801.13 1,330.968.89 1,330,968.89 751,741,41 34,667.00 786,40E.41 2,117,377.30 2,117,377.30 €9.555.06 -1,390,140.87 1,0/,6J7e.76 185,483.811 2,302,861.1t SEE ACCOUNTANTS'COllPlLAnON REPORT - Page 2 AIR VOICE WIRELESS, LLC Statement of lncome and Expenses Forthe twelve months ended December 31,2021 lncome Salea Total lncome Cost of Goodr Sold commlsslong Goatof Gooda Sold EgtI , USF Talephone.Curbmer Care Ctr TRS Fund Contrlbutlon To0al COGS Grcse Prcfit Expcnse Afinrtlelng and ilarkedng Alarm Servlce BankSerylce Ghargee Casual t-abor Gharye BaGk - Grodlt Card Cleanlng SeMcs Computer Expenae Gontrlbutone Crcdltcard Fco! Data Verlfr catlon SoMcos Depnclaflon Erpenre Duer and Subscrlptlons Equlpment Rental lmurarro lntoreet Expenre lTWoil & Networldng Llcensec and Permltg f,alnbnance Offce Expenrec Outalde SeMcor Payroll Expcmea Papoll Procecclng Feea Pocbge and Delltery Profteslonal Fees Rent Repaln Salos Tax Expense thlpplng Suppllee Taxeo Tmsh Plckup Trawt & Enlertalnment tftllltec Totel Expense l,let Ordlnary lncome Other lncomelExpense Galn<Loou Dlaposltlon of ABsotB lnrurance Proceedc 12,104,382.U 12,1U,382,34 1,071,06,2.25 7,O21,902.30 241,21E.il 162,634.69 34,27S.06 3,570,3E6.50 70.00 619.63 3,250.72 1,076.00 1,888.48 4,e00.00 1,725.39 1,500.00 112,535.60 571,1il.40 2,039.53 1,101.77 262.70 20,289.00 60,209.s0 109,957.56 8,73E.00 21,131.08 2,317.82 1,112.73 403,684.75 4,199.80 1,727.50 277,974,21 120,000.00 4,569.82 35,078.54 50,341.52 49,018.82 53,010.37 1,299.78 438.64 24,237.20 1,951,830.76 1,6'.t8,5il.74 -52,202.W r8,800.85 SEE ACCOUNTANTS'COIPLAnON REPORT - Page 3 AtR VOTCE YUIRELESS, LLC Statement of lncome and Expensso Fortie twrlve mordrr ended DecdnborSl,N2l lnianrtlncomc O0rrlnemre Otprlnconr.PPP ttldOtltcrlmomeExpsne l{st lncomr 1.17 26.00 60,(xxl.(p 2€,,t28,U2 t,?tq170.7G SEE AOOolrllIAillS' COfPll,.ATlOil REFOHT. PrgE 3