HomeMy WebLinkAbout20220422Supplement to Application.pdfLance J.M. Steinhart, P.C. Attorneys At Law I 725 Windward Concourse Suite 150 Alpharetta, Georgia 30005 ,Lrli.riIi Pi'I l:53 Also Admitted in New York Email : lsteinhart@telecomcounsel.com "l' ii1' : :;,:i:*;0r\i Telephone: (77 0) 232-9200 Facsimile: (770\ 232-9208 Apil22,2022 YIA EMAIL TO secretarv@puc.idaho.com Jan Noriyuki Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472West Washington Boise,Idatro 83702 Air Voice Wireless, LLC dlblaAirTalk CaseNo. AVW-T-22-01 Dear Ms. Noriyuki: Air Voice Wireless, LLC dlbla AirTalk Wireless ('Air Voice") filed an Application for Limited Designation as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier (the "Application") on March 23, 2022. Air Voice respectfully requests to supplement its Application with information in support of its technical capabilities attached hereto as Exhibit 8. If you have any questions, or if I may provide you with additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me at770-232-9200 or info@telecomcounsel.com. Thank you. Respectfu lly submitted, Lance J.M. Steinhart, Esq. Managing Attomey Lance J.M. Steinhart, P.C. Attorneysfor Air Voice Wireless, LLC d/b/a AirTalk Wtreless Attachmentscc: Henry Do Johan E. Kalala-Kasanda Re: SOLUTIONS OVERVIEW JANUARY 2021 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. ABOUTHTH ? COMPREHENS!VE SERVICE OFFERING J HANDSET SALES ] MVNE SERVICES O 4PL SOLUTIONS O REPAIR & REFURBISHING 3. THE HTH TEAM 4 TIMELINE OF OUR GROWTH 5 QUALITY STANDARDS WE MAINTAIN 6 CUSTOMERS WE SERVE 7 BRANDSWECARRY B COMPETITIVEADVANTAGE 9 WORKING TOGETHER ,10 HTH COMMUNICATIONS AFFILIATE COMPANIES PROVIDING SUSTAINABLE SOLUTIONS FOR THE WIRELESS INDUSTRY ABOUT HTH For customers across the globe, HTH is delivering value into their supply chain through programs that lower cost of acquisition, reduce chum and increase retums on investment. At HTH, we believe that sustainability is ensuring that our customers achieve their business goals year after year. We believe that sustainability means investing in our employees and creating a culture of success. And, we believe that sustainability means operating our business in accordance with global quality standards designed to ensure the well-being and prosperity of future generations.ry WE MANAGE THE SECONDARY MARKETPLACE SO YOU DON'T HAVE TO COMPREHENSIVE SERVICE OFFERING &E Handset Sales IIF -a- MVNE Services + 4PL Services x Repair and Refurbishing ln the socondary marketplace, value is derived from hlglF qualfty produc.ts, efiicient seMcas and expandable lnfiastuc{ure. HTH knows thls and thafs why our comprehensive seMce ofering is used by over 50 MVNO's, 4 National Caniers and numelous OEMS. Our service platform enables succese and deliveE maximum relums to our partners. HANDSET SALES BUY FROM US Our customers demand full-features phones at second life prices. Whetheryou're looking for a smartphone or a basic feature phonq we have a wide selectlon of devioes to c*roose from in a variety of conditions and godes. Each customer is asgigned a dedicated account manager who provides: o Weekly inventory reports o Promotional offers o Samedayorderfulfillment o Flexiblefinancingoffers o Devicewananty o Logisticsexpenise o Exceptional sewice HANDSET SALES SELL TO US We understand that caniers, OEM'S and insuranoe providers all catry millions of dollars in lnventory and have financialtargets to meet. That's why we participate in numerous disposition programsto purchase retumed,trade-in, bufback and excess inventory always delivering retums to help your company achieve its goals. MVNE SERVICES OPERAT!ONAL TOOLS AIRT!ME BUNDLES WHITE LABEL SOLUTIONS OPERATING SYSTEM SUPPORT RISK REWARD MODELS DEVICE MANAGEMENT CAP EX DEFERRALS VIRTUAL WAREHOUSING 4 a .oE' VIRTUAL WAREHOUSING 4PL SERVICES TRANSPORTATION DROP SHIPMENT FORWARD LOGISTICS REVERSE LOGISTICS TRACKING AND REPORTING hIrar I I REPAIR & REFURBISHING PARTS RECOVERY & RECLAMATION OEM NEW & REFURBISHED PARTS Disassembly PROPRIETARY TESTING EQUIPMENT Assembly OEM CERTIFIED FACILITY t+t i Triage Picture Packs Distribution HTH PROCESS OVERVIEW: ?rt III,ito Warehouse and Technical Staff 'i *; CULTURE OF SUCCESS THE HTH TEAM HTH was founded in July 2fl)8 by Henry Do. Holding degrees in Econdnics and Finance, Henry begen his career at a private equity firm seMng the wir6le6s industry wherc ho recognlzed the need for a repalr company that was laser focused on quallty and effidency. Nothing afioctod the bottom line of companles more than those trrc faciorc. With that, HTH was formed. Over the past twelve years, HTH has gown ln size and scope and lt has done so by creating a culture of success for employees. Enabling employees to grow and excel within the company, ensuring employees do their jobs with intogrity and attention to detail, and rewarding employees when they achieve their goals are all part of the HTH culture. WHEN OUR CUSTOMERS SUCCEED, WE SUCCEED TIMELINE OF OUR GROWTH HTH Corn nr u n ical rons founded and operated in 1,500-SF far: lity n Houslon, TX Movcd into 10,000-5l- facilily less lhan a year later to accomnrodate growth Selectcd as exclLrsrvc drslrlbutor of Crii:ket's rcf urbished hands(-.ls H I H expanded nrarketing offorls and began attcndrnq lrade shows such as CTIA, CCA and partlcipalrng in Carrier Summils HTH ce ebrales over a decade rn business and relocates to ri' i'ril.L 'l\,'\ .!l 12s,000,sF statc of lhe art headquarlt-rs 2008 20122009201 0 201 4 201 6 201 9 HTH becomes a downstream vendor 10 Sprint, US Ce lu ar, MelroPCS, AT& t and I Mobile Moved into a 50,000- Sl- facility to accommociate growrng teanr and expans on of servicr:s HTH recc ves R2, lS0 900r, rso 1400r and rso oHSAS 45001 certr{rcat ons QUALITY & EFFICIENCY ARE THE CORE OF OUR SOLUTIONS QUALITY STANDARDS WE MAINTAIN 2UI mr lso 45001 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS rso 9001 QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS -tso 14001 -7 rso 14001 ENVIRONMENTAL STANDARDS SYSTEMS R2 RESPONSIBLE ELECTRONICS RECYCLING rso !rl(r1 .20 1 :r 1.:-.J rso 45001 20r8 CUSTOMERS WE SERVE s \38 Sprint T-ilobile Verizon AT&T Metro PCS US Cellular Nationwide Carriers Retailers & Etailers Choice Wireless Amazon eBay Enterprise Providers Assurant Asurion lmmerye Wireless Rural & Small Carriers Carolina West Affinity Cellular ClearTalk Wireless Manufacturers & Wholesalers o -E*E Al,-l MVNO's & Lifeline TracPhone Ready Wireless Red Pocket Mobile Assist Wireless Credo Easy Wireless Safety Net Wireless Samsung Alcatel LG QualiU One BRANDS CONSUMERS DEMAND ARE THE BRANDS WE CARRY @LG o motorolo ALLCONDITIONS New Used Certified PreOwned Refurbished Functionally Tested ALL BRANDS Apple Samsung LG Motorola Kyocera ALLTYPES Smartphones Feature Phones Tablets WiFiModems Smart Accessories ALLGRADES Grade A Grade B Grade C Grade D Grade BER NMSUN OUR STRENGTH IS IN THE NUMBERS COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE Numbers can tella powerfulstory. The success of our business and commitment to customers are best illustrated in these numbers. 125,000-square-foot state-of -the-art facility 200+ SKU's in lnventory 1.5M Annual Unit Volume 15 ln-house Software Engineers Financially Strong 1 2+ Years of Positive Growth Direct Access to Carriers 200 Full-time Employees LET'S DEVELOP A SOLUTION FOR YOU! WORKING TOGETHER ONE SOURCE SOLUTION We simplify supply chain for our customers by offering a full scope of solutions. One vendor. One location. One point of contact. Easy. EXPERTENCE, SCALE FIEXIB|LITY We have the team, the financial strength and the operations to put together a program designed specifically for you! COMMITMENT TO EXCELLENCE Quality and Efficiency are the core values in running our business. Our customers deserve nothing less. ONE SOURCE SOLUTION HTH COMMUNICAT!ONS AFFILIATE COMPANIES Working with us is easy. We can provlde you with a single service or put together a comprehensive offering. s SOFTEL TECHNOLOGIES o Owned by Henry Hung Do o Headquarters office is located at 9920 Brooklet Drive, Houston,fXVogg o A distrrbutor for wireless resellers o Operating on the Sprint & T-Mobrle Network o BzC Products & Servrces NEWPHONE r5r UWIRELESS o OwnedbyHenryHungDo o Headquarters offtce ls located at gB2o Brookht Drive, Houston, Tx Zo99 o An ETC / MVNO that offers free mobile devices and plans to indivlduals and famrhes who qualrfo for the Lrfehne Program o Lifeline Service is available in Louisiana o Emergency Broadband Benefft Progcm Pro/ider in 48 states o operathg on the Sprint & T-Mobile Netu/ork o BzCProducts&SeMces fikx o Owned by Henry Hung Do o Headquaners office is located at 9920 Brooklet Drive, Houston, TX7o99 o AnETC/MVNOthatoffersfreemobiledevicesandplanstoindividualsandfamilieswhoqualifyfortheLifelineProgram o LrfelineServiceisavarlablernA*ansas,Marne,Rhodelsland,MarylandandWestVrrginia o Emergency Broadband Benefit Program Provider in 46 states o Operating on the Sprint & T-Mobrle Newvork o B2C Products & Servrces S SFON E WIRELESS o OwnedbyHenryHungDo o Headquarters officc is located at g92o Brooklet Dritrc, Houston, TX 7/099 o An MVNO operating on the Sprint N€twork o Nationwide Prcpaid & Postpaid Wireless Services o B2CProdu<ts&SeMces o Bundled Handsets o BringYourOwnPhonePrognm(BYOP) o Pre-Owned Phones o Prepaid Wlreless Plans o Data Broadbands ommuntcaatont 9920 Brooklet Drive Houston, Te)(asfy'ogg Phone: 84t.+84.2656 Henrly's E-mail: hdo@hthcomm.com Henr/s Cell Phone: r8r.8y.2484 wvvwhthcomm com EEE