HomeMy WebLinkAboutCANCELLED - AT&T Custom Network Services.pdfAT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: JULY 16, 2003 PREFACE EFFECTIVE: JULY 17, 2003 PAGE 1 RELEASE: 1 PREFACE This Tariff contains the regulations and rates applicable to intrastate Custom Network Services furnished by AT&T Communications of the Mountain States Inc. in the State of Idaho. EXPLANATION OF TARIFF CHANGE SYMBOLS These symbols will appear in the right hand margin, when applicable. (C)- To signify changed regulation (D)- To signify discontinued material (I)- To signify rate increase (M)- To signify material moved from or to another part of the Tariff with no change, unless there is another Tariff change symbol present (N)- To signify new material (T)- To signify a change in text but no change in rate or regulation (R)- To signify rate reduction Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 17, 2003 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: FEBRUARY 18, 2010 EFFECTIVE: FEBRUARY 28, 2010 TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION INC. TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE 1 RELEASE: 4 Preface Table of Contents Index 1 Application of Tariff 2 General Regulations 3 AT&T Commercial Long Distance Service 4 AT&T SDN OneNet Service 5 AT&T CustomNetm Service 6 AT&T UniPlan Service 7 AT&T Virtual Telecommunications Network Service (VTNS) 8 ACC Business Service 9 AT&T Business Network Service 10 AT&T All In One Service 11 Switched Digital Service (SDS) 12 Toll-Free MEGACOM Service 13 Toll-Free READYLINE Service 14 Reserved for Future Use 15 AT&T 800 Plan K Service 16 Reserved For Future Use 17 AT&T MultiQuest® Service 18 Reserved for Future Use 19 AT&T Government International Calling Service (GICS) 20 Reserved for Future Use 21 Directory Assistance 22 Reserved for Future Use 23 Reserved for Future Use 24 Software Defined Network Services (SDN) 25 AT&T ALL PRO WATS/Plan Q Service 26 AT&T MEGACOM® WATS Service 27 Distributed Network Service (DNS) 28 AT&T One Line WATS 29 AT&T Small Business Option 30 Reserved for Future Use Registered Service Mark of AT&T sm Service Mark of AT&T (T,D) Advice No. 2010-05 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING February 28, 2010 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING September 15, 2011 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDARO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: FEBRUARY 18, 2010 EFFECTIVE: FEBRUARY 28, 2010 NDEX PAGE 1 RELEASE: 4 INDEX Price SECTION List Page__________ Preface Table of Contents Index 1 Application of Tariff 2 General Regulations 3 AT&T Commercial Long Distance Service 1 4 AT&T SDN OneNet Service 4 5 AT&T CustomNet Service 6 6 AT&T UniPlan Service 10 7 AT&T Virtual Telecommunications Network Service (VTNS)17 8 ACC Business Service 19 9 AT&T Business Network Service 22 10 AT&T All In One Service 23 11 Switched Digital Service (SDS)27 12 Toll-Free MEGACOM Service 30 13 Toll-Free READYLINE Service 31 14 Reserved for Future Use 32 15 AT&T 800 Plan K Service 33 16 Reserved for Future Use 34 17 AT&T MultiQuest® Service 35 18 Reserved for Future Use 36 19 AT&T Government International Calling Service (GICS)37 20 Reserved for Future Use 38 21 Directory Assistance 39 22 Reserved for Future Use 40 23 Reserved for Future Use 41 24 Software Defined Network Services (SDN)42 25 AT&T ALL PRO WATS/Plan Q Service 49 26 AT&T MEGACOM® WATS Service 51 27 Distributed Network Service (DNS)52 28 AT&T One Line WATS 53 29 AT&T Small Business Option 54 30 Reserved for Future Use 55 (T) Advice No. 2010-05 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING February 28, 2010 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING September 15, 2011 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: JULY 16, 2003 SECTION 1 EFFECTIVE: JULY 17, 2003 PAGE 1 RELEASE: 1 1. APPLICATION OF THE TARIFF 1.1 Application ** Effective July 31, 2001 all references herein to AT&T FCC Tariffs, insofar as the service offering set forth in the AT&T FCC Tariffs have been or become detariffed, shall be construed to be references to the AT&T Business Services Guides located at http://www.att.com/serviceguide/business.** CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICE is furnished for the transmission of voice communications but may also be used for data, facsimile, signaling, metering, or other similar communications, subject to the transmission capabilities of the service. CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICE is available twenty-four hours a day, seven days per week. This section contains regulations, rates, and charges applicable to CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICE between two stations in the state of Idaho. 1.2 Jurisdiction Jurisdiction refers to the classification of a CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICE call as intrastate or interstate. Jurisdiction is a matter of law, not of Carrier discretion or policy, or Customer preference. The Law describing what constitutes interstate jurisdiction is the Communications Act of 1934, as amended. Some portions of this service are only subject to the jurisdiction of the Federal Communications Commission. This section covers the portion of CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICE that is subject to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission's Jurisdiction. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 17, 2003 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: APRIL 16, 2008 SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE: APRIL 26, 2008 PAGE 1 RELEASE: 2 2. GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.1 Undertaking of the Company 2.1.1 General This tariff contains the regulations and prices governing the services and facilities furnished by AT&T Communications of the Mountain States, inc., Idaho, hereinafter referred to as the Company. CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICE is furnished for the transmission of voice communications but may also be used for data, facsimile, signaling, metering, or other similar communications, subject to the transmission capabilities of the service. CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICE is available twenty-four hours a day, seven days per week. The Carrier does not transmit messages. However, CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICE may be used for that purpose. 2.1.2 Transmission Medium The Carrier selects and/or arranges for the channels and/or service components used to provide CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICE. Any suitable technology or combination of technologies may be used. The Carrier may modify or change the channels and/or service components used to furnish CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICE at any time subject to the regulations in 2.3 following. 2.1.3 Through Transmission of Signals The Carrier is responsible for the provision of CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICE from station to station. It is not responsible for the quality of transmission or signaling on the Customer's side of the interface at a Customer's premises. For Toll-Free MEGACOM Service, the Carrier is responsible for the quality of transmission and/or signaling from the Toll-Free MEGACOM Service Central Office to the called/calling station. (T) | | (T) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING April 26, 2008 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: JULY 16, 2003 SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE: JULY 17, 2003 PAGE 2 RELEASE: 1 2. GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.1 Undertaking of the Company (Cont’d) 2.1.4 Availability Subject to compliance with 2.1.5 following, where a shortage of service components exists at any time either for temporary or protracted periods, the establishment of two-point Long Distance Message Telecommunications Service, provided under Tariff shall take precedence over all other services provided by the Carrier. Service is furnished subject to the availability of the service components required. The Company will determine which of those components shall be used and make modifications to those components at its option. “Service components” shall include, but not limited to, the existence of access and/or billing arrangements on a originating and/or terminating basis. In the absence of access arrangement between the Company and the access provider at a particular Station, a Customer may be unable to place calls from or to the affected Station. Service will be provided where facilities and billing capability are available. 2.1.5 Restoration of Service The use and restoration of CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICE will be in accordance with Part 64, Subpart D, of the Federal Communications Commission's Rules and Regulations. 2.1.6 Compliance with Regulations The Customer is responsible for placing any necessary orders and complying with tariff regulations for CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICE and for assuring that its Users comply with tariff regulations. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 17, 2003 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: JULY 16, 2003 SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE: JULY 17, 2003 PAGE 3 RELEASE: 1 2. GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.2 Use CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICE may be used for any lawful purpose consistent with the transmission and switching parameters of the telecommunications network. CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICE is furnished for use by the Customer but may be used by others when so authorized by the Customer. 2.2.1 Abuse The abuse of CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICE is prohibited. The following activities constitute abuse: - Using CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICE to make calls which might reasonably be expected to frighten, abuse, torment, or harass another, or - Using CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICE in such a way that it interferes unreasonably with the use of other Carrier Services. 2.2.2 Fraudulent Use The fraudulent use of, or the intended or attempted fraudulent use of, CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICE is prohibited. The following activities constitute fraudulent use: - Using CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICE to transmit a message, locate a person, or otherwise give or obtain information, without payment for the service. - Using or attempting to use CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICE with the intent to avoid the payment, either in whole or in part, of the tariffed charges for the service by: - Rearranging, tampering with, or making connections not authorized by this tariff to any service components used to furnish CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICE, or - Using fraudulent means or devices, tricks, schemes, false or invalid numbers, false credit devices, or electronic devices. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 17, 2003 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: JULY 16, 2003 SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE: JULY 17, 2003 PAGE 4 RELEASE: 1 2. GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.3 Obligations and Liability of the Carrier 2.3.1 Carrier Liability The liability of the Carrier for damages arising out of mistakes, omissions, interruptions, delays, errors, or defects in transmission occurring in the course of furnishing service and not caused by the negligence of the Customer, or of the Carrier, in failing to maintain proper standards of maintenance and operation and to exercise reasonable supervision shall in no event exceed an amount equivalent to the proportionate charge to the Customer for the period of service during which such mistake, omission, interruption, delay, error or defect in transmission occurs. The Carrier is liable for damages to a Customer's premises caused by its gross negligence or willful misconduct. No license under patents (other than the limited license to use) is granted by the Carrier or shall be implied or arise by estoppel, with respect to any service offered under this tariff. The Carrier will defend the Customer and User against claims of patent infringement arising solely from the use by the Customer or User of CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICE offered under this tariff and will indemnify such Customer or User for any damages awarded based solely on such claims. The Carrier's failure to provide or maintain service under this tariff shall be excused by labor difficulties, governmental orders, civil commotions, acts of God, and other circumstances beyond the Carrier's reasonable control. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 17, 2003 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: JULY 16, 2003 SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE: JULY 17, 2003 PAGE 5 RELEASE: 1 2. GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.3. Obligations and Liability of the Carrier (Cont'd) 2.3.2 Carrier Liability Exemptions The Carrier is not liable to the Customer for certain claims, losses or damages arising from the use of service furnished under this Tariff, such as: - Claims for libel, slander, invasion of privacy, or infringement of copyright arising from any communication; claims for patent infringement arising from combining or using the Carrier service in connection with facilities or equipment furnished by others; or other claims arising out of any act or omission of others relating to the service provided by the Carrier. - The Carrier does not guarantee or make any warranty or accept liability for claims, losses, or damages with respect to its service when used in an explosive atmosphere. - The Carrier may require the Customer to sign an agreement before furnishing the service. - The Carrier is not liable for any act or omission of any other company or companies furnishing a portion of the service. - The Carrier does not transmit messages but offers the use of its facilities, when available, for communications between parties. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 17, 2003 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: JULY 16, 2003 SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE: JULY 17, 2003 PAGE 6 RELEASE: 1 2. GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.3. Obligations and Liability of the Carrier (Cont'd) 2.3.3 Validity of Exculpatory Clause The above tariff language does not constitute a determination by the Commission that a limitation of liability imposed by the Company should be upheld in a court of law. Acceptance for filing by the Commission recognizes that it is a court's responsibility to adjudicate negligence and consequential damage claims. It is also the court's responsibility to determine the validity of the exculpatory clause. 2.3.4 Responsibilities of the Carrier A. Service Components The Carrier will furnish and maintain its service components in a manner suitable for CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICE. The Carrier will make available information as required by Part 68 of the FCC Rules and Regulations (e.g., the number of ringers that may be connected to a particular line). In addition, the Carrier will be responsible for the compatibility of its equipment of services with CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICE when such equipment or services are connected to CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICE at a central office. B. Service Changes The Carrier is not responsible to any party if a change in its CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICE components, operations, or procedures, which is consistent with the Registration Program, (1) affects any facilities Customer equipment or Customer communications system provided by others in any way, or (2) requires their modification in order to be used with CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICE. However, if such changes can be reasonably expected to materially affect the operating or transmission characteristics of the CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICE or render any Customer equipment or Customer communications system incompatible with CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICE, the carrier will provide adequate notice, in writing, to allow the Customer an opportunity to maintain uninterrupted service. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 17, 2003 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: JULY 16, 2003 SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE: JULY 17, 2003 PAGE 7 RELEASE: 1 2. GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.4 Obligations of the Customer The Customer, authorized user or joint user shall provide, install, maintain and bear the expense of the provision of power required to operate Carrier facilities. The Customer, authorized user or joint user is responsible for reimbursing the Carrier for any loss through theft or damage to facilities caused by negligence or willful acts. The Carrier's facilities should be available for maintenance purposes at a time agreeable to both the Carrier and the Customer. An allowance will not be made for the period during which the service is interrupted for maintenance. The Customer is responsible for provision, installation and maintenance of sealed conduit with explosive-proof fittings between facilities furnished by the Carrier in explosive atmospheres and points outside the hazardous area where connection may be made with regular facilities of the Carrier. The Customer must install and maintain service at locations within the hazardous area if, in the opinion of the Carrier, injury to employees or its agents, or damage to property might result, unless otherwise specified in this Tariff. The calling party is responsible for establishing its identity as often as necessary during the course of a call. The calling party assumes full responsibility for identifying the station, party, or person with whom connection is made at the called number or numbers. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 17, 2003 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: JULY 16, 2003 SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE: JULY 17, 2003 PAGE 8 RELEASE: 1 2. GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.5 Payments, Deposits and Late Charges 2.5.1 Payment of Bills All charges for service and facilities exclusive of toll messages are payable in advance by check, money order, cash or electronically in lawful United States currency. Charges for toll messages are payable upon receipt of the bill. The Customer is responsible for the payment of all charges for service, facilities and messages placed from or accepted at the Customer’s station. Service may be terminated or suspended for non-payment. Payment which is not honored by the payor bank or institution will be considered as nonpayment, and a return check charge of $15.00 will apply. When a local exchange company provides the billing function on behalf of the Company, the local exchange company’s return check charge applies. 2.5.2 Advance Payments The Carrier reserves the right to require advance payments for service. The amount of advance payment is credited to the Customer's account and applies to any indebtedness under the contract. 2.5.3 Late Payment Charge Subject to billing and systems availability, when a bill or estimated bill for charges is presented to the Customer, any amounts for which payment has not been received within 30 calendar days of the invoice date will be considered delinquent. The Customer shall be assessed a Late Payment Charge on any delinquent account balance, when that balance exceeds $25.00. The minimum Late Payment Charge is $5.00. The period subject to the Late Payment Charge shall commence on the 31st calendar day after the invoice date, and continue from month to month until the delinquent balance is resolved. The Late Payment Charge shall be assessed monthly, based on the delinquent balance maintained on the account at that time. The Late Payment Charge shall be an amount equal to the outstanding delinquent balance multiplied by the applicable interest rate. The interest rate shall be 18% annually, simple interest (1.5% per month, simple interest) unless an applicable law or regulation specifies a lower rate to be charged, and that lower rate shall then apply. The Customer shall not be charged a Late Payment Charge on a delinquent balance, however, if an applicable law or regulation prohibits the imposition of such charges. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 17, 2003 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: JULY 16, 2003 SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE: JULY 17, 2003 PAGE 9 RELEASE: 1 2. GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.5 Payments, Deposits and Late Charges (Cont’d) 2.5.3 Late Payment Charge In the event a Customer disputes, in good faith, the validity of any charges appearing on its invoice, the amount of these disputed charges will be excluded from the total delinquent balance while the dispute is pending. If the Company sustains the charges after investigating the dispute, the applicable Late Payment Charges shall be deemed correct and binding on the Customer. If, alternately, the Company credits the charges after investigating the dispute, the Late Payment Charges will not apply. When a local exchange company provides the billing function on behalf of the Company, the local exchange company's local exchange service late payment charge applies. Late payment charges do not apply until after the due date of the bill on which the usage charges first appear. 2.5.4 Deposits The Applicant or Customer may be required to make a deposit to be held as a guarantee for the payment of charges for services furnished. When service is terminated, the amount of the deposit, with interest, will be applied to any indebtedness to the Carrier. A deposit must be refunded or credited to the Customer's account prior to termination of the service if the Carrier deems it no longer necessary or upon satisfactory payment by the Customer of all proper charges for telephone service for a period of twelve consecutive months. The deposit will bear simple interest at the rate currently in effect by Order of the Commission. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 17, 2003 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: MARCH 23, 2007 SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE: APRIL 2, 2007 PAGE 9.1 RELEASE: 1 2. GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.5 Payments, Deposits and Late Charges (Cont’d) 2.5.5 Instate Connection Fee An Instate Connection Fee of $2.99 will be assessed to customers who subscribe to the following services: AT&T Commercial Long Distance, AT&T All In One, AT&T CustomNet, AT&T Small Business Option, Distributed Network, AT&T PRO WATS/Plan Q and AT&T Clear Advantage. This fee will be charged to all customers who incur at least $0.01 of long distance usage or long distance charges on their monthly bill. Billed charges can be in the form of billed usage or a billed monthly fee. This fee does not apply to customers that subscribe to only AT&T Local Services. Advice No. 07-05 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING April 2, 2007 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: JULY 16, 2003 SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE: JULY 17, 2003 PAGE 10 RELEASE: 1 2. GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.6 Termination of Service for Cause The Carrier may terminate service, with written notice, due to: - Nonpayment due the Carrier within the Rules and Regulations For All Telephone Companies Under the Jurisdiction of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission promulgated in Order No. 15290 in Case No. P- 300-6 by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, and all amendments to those rules which may be hereafter adopted by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. - Abandonment of the service; The use of foul or obscene language; Impersonation with intent to defraud; Interfering with the service of others in any way. - Right to Refuse Service The Company reserves the right to refuse service to any applicant, or any applicant who wishes to establish service for a former Customer who has been found to be indebted to the Company for service previously furnished. The refusal of service will remain in effect until satisfactory arrangements have been made for the payment of all such indebtedness. At any time the above conditions become apparent to the Company, it may, at its discretion, terminate or suspend service until the prior indebtedness has been satisfied. - Transmitting a message or otherwise attempting to obtain service for oneself or others so as to avoid payment of the applicable MTS or WATS charge. - The use of the service to harass another. - If any law enforcement agency advises the Carrier that the service is being used for unlawful purposes. - The Carrier or authorized agent will restrict access to the network when an account is delinquent and the Carrier's or the authorized agent's attempts to obtain payment have failed. - The Carrier may terminate service, without written notice, due to the violation of Tariff regulations. 2.6.1 Transfer of Service between Customers The service, or any rights associated, may not be assigned or transferred in any manner. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 17, 2003 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: JULY 16, 2003 SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE: JULY 17, 2003 PAGE 11 RELEASE: 1 2. GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.7 Connections to Custom Network Service When Customer equipment is connected to CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICE it must comply with Part 68 of the FCC Rules and Regulations, 47 C.F.R. Part 68 (commonly known as the FCC Registration Program). When any equipment or system which is not subject to Part 68 of the FCC Rules and Regulations is connected, the Minimum Protection Criteria specified in this tariff must be met. CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES may be connected to private networks or communications systems under the terms and conditions specified in that section. The Carrier is responsible for the quality of transmission from station to station. A. Customer Responsibility When Customer equipment or a Customer communications system is connected to CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICE, the Customer assumes responsibility for the connection as follows: 1. The Customer is responsible for the compatibility of its equipment or system with CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICE. This responsibility applies at the initial installation and on a continuing basis as long as the connection is made. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 17, 2003 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: JULY 16, 2003 SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE: JULY 17, 2003 PAGE 12 RELEASE: 1 2. GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.7 Connections to Custom Network Service (Cont'd) A. Customer Responsibility (Cont’d) 2. The operating characteristics of the Customer equipment or Customer communications system connected to CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICE must not interfere with, or impair, any of the services offered by this Carrier. In addition, they must not endanger the safety of this Carrier's employees or the public, damage or interfere with the proper functioning of Carrier's equipment, or otherwise injure the public in its use of CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICE. 3. The Carrier is not obligated to alter or modify CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICE because of additions or changes to Customer equipment or a Customer communications system. 4. If a trouble condition occurs on an assembly, the Customer must determine whether the fault is in (1) the connected Customer equipment or Customer communications system, or (2) CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICE. The Carrier will test and maintain only CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICE. 5. The testing of CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICE will usually be made from a central office. The Carrier will not dispatch a repair person to a Customer's or User's premises if a trouble condition (or suspected trouble condition) exists on the local exchange service. The Customer is responsible for requesting such dispatch from the provider of the local exchange service. The Customer is also responsible for the payment of such provider's charges, if any, for the dispatch. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 17, 2003 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: JULY 16, 2003 SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE: JULY 17, 2003 PAGE 13 RELEASE: 1 2. GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.7 Connections to Custom Network Service (Cont'd) B. Specifications for Connection Any system or service connected to a CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICE offering must be operated and maintained so it will work satisfactorily with CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICE. Connections to CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICE will be made in accordance with the following: 1. Answer supervision must be provided when a CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICE offering is connected to switching equipment or a Customer communications system which is not subject to Part 68 of the FCC Rules and Regulations, 47 C.F.R. Part 68. In such cases, the equipment or system must provide answer supervision so that the measure of chargeable time begins upon the delivery of the CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICE call to the switching equipment or to the equipment connected to the communications system and ends upon termination of the call by the calling party. 2. The connection at the station used for CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICE must be made so that it continually complies with the specified Minimum Protection Criteria, in 2.7.C. following. 3. When a Customer communications system fails and the connection to CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICE is not through switching equipment, the Customer communications system must be arranged to promptly return the CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICE to an idle (on- hook) state. In addition, the Customer must notify the Carrier when the Customer communications system fails. 4. If a Customer communications system uses satellite facilities (directly or indirectly), and is connected to CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICE, there may be two or more satellite links involved in the combined connection. In such cases, the Carrier will not be responsible for any deterioration in transmission. It will continue to furnish CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICE using the service components that it considers to be appropriate. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 17, 2003 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: JULY 16, 2003 SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE: JULY 17, 2003 PAGE 14 RELEASE: 1 2. GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.7 Connections to Custom Network Service (Cont'd) C. Minimum Protection Criteria Minimum Protection Criteria have been specified so that Carrier personnel, equipment, and services will be protected from the harmful effects of a signal power overload, hazardous voltages and longitudinal imbalance. Minimum Protection Criteria apply to the direct electrical, acoustic, or inductive connections of Customer equipment, test equipment and Customer communications systems to the CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICE. Customer equipment, test equipment and Customer communications systems which are connected to CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICE on a direct electrical basis or an acoustic or inductive basis, must comply with the following: 1. To protect other Carrier services, it is necessary that the signal which is applied at the station meets the following limits: a) Metallic Voltage 4 kHz to 270 kHz Center Frequency (f)Maximum Voltage in Terminating of 8 kHz Band All 8 kHz Bands Impedance 8 kHz to 12 kHz - (6.4+12.6 log f) dBV* 300 ohms 12 kHz to 90 kHz (23 - 40 log f) dBV 135 ohms 90 kHz to 266 kHz - 55 dBV 135 ohms * dBV = 20 log10 voltage in volts The root-mean-square (RMS) value of the metallic voltage components in the frequency range of 270 kHz to 6 MHz shall, averaged over 2 microseconds, not exceed -15 dBV. This limitation applies with a metallic termination having an impedance of 135 ohms. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 17, 2003 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: JULY 16, 2003 SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE: JULY 17, 2003 PAGE 15 RELEASE: 1 2. GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.7 Connections to Custom Network Service (Cont'd) C. Minimum Protection Criteria (Cont'd) 1. (Cont’d) b) Longitudinal Voltage 4 kHz to 270 kHz Center Frequency (f)Maximum Voltage in Terminating of 8 kHz Band All 8 kHz Bands 8 kHz to 12 kHz - (18.4+20 log f) dBV* 500 ohms 12 kHz to 42 kHz ( 3 - 40 log f) dBV 90 ohms 42 kHz to 266 kHz - 62 dBV 90 ohms * dBV = 20 log10 voltage in volts The root-mean-square (RMS) value of the longitudinal voltage components in the frequency range of 270 kHz to 6 MHz shall, averaged over 2 microseconds, not exceed -30 dBV. This limitation applies with a longitudinal termination having an impedance of 90 ohms. D. Signal Power To prevent the interruption or disconnection of a CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICE call, it is necessary that the signal power applied at the station be limited. Specifically, the signal at the station shall at no time have energy concentrated solely in the 2450 to 2750 Hz band. If there is signal power at the station in the 2450 to 2750 Hz band, it must not exceed the power present at the same time in the 800 to 2450 Hz band. E. Direct Electrical Connection In addition to the regulations in 2.7.C. preceding, Customer equipment, test equipment and Customer communications systems which are connected to CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICE on a direct electrical basis must comply with the following: Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 17, 2003 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: JULY 16, 2003 SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE: JULY 17, 2003 PAGE 16 RELEASE: 1 2. GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.7 Connections to Custom Network Service (Cont'd) E. Direct Electrical Connection (Cont'd) - To prevent excessive noise and crosstalk, it is necessary that the power of the signal presented at the AT&T Central Office not exceed 12dB below one milliwatt when measured over any three second interval. To insure that this limit is not exceeded, the power of the signal which may be applied by the Customer equipment, test equipment or Customer communications system to the station will be specified for each Customer location. In no case shall the power exceed one milliwatt. F. Acoustic or Inductive Connection In addition to the regulations in 2.7.E. preceding, Customer equipment and Customer communications systems which are connected to CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICE on an acoustic or inductive basis must comply with the following: - To prevent excessive noise and crosstalk, it is necessary that the power of the signal which is applied by the equipment to the station located on the Customer's or User's premises be limited so that the signal power does not exceed 9dB below one milliwatt when averaged over any three second interval. However, to permit each Customer, independent of distance from the serving office, to supply signal power which at the serving office, approximates 12dB below one milliwatt when averaged over any three-second interval, the Carrier, at the Customer's request, will specify, for each Customer location, the signal power at the station, which shall in no case exceed one milliwatt. G. Recording of Two-Way Conversations CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICE is not represented as adapted to the recording of two-way telephone conversations. However, voice recording equipment which is directly, acoustically or inductively connected with CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICE may be used for the recording of such conversations subject to the following regulations which have been adopted by the FCC. 1. The voice recording equipment must be arranged so that it can be connected or disconnected (or switched on or off) at the will of the Customer. In addition, one of the following conditions must apply: Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 17, 2003 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: JULY 16, 2003 SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE: JULY 17, 2003 PAGE 17 RELEASE: 1 2. GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.7 Connections to Custom Network Service (Cont'd) G. Recording of Two-Way Conversations (Cont'd) 1. (Cont’d) a) All parties to the telephone conversation must give their prior consent to the recording of the conversation, and the prior consent must be obtained in writing or be part of, and obtained at the start of, the recording, or b) A distinctive recorder tone, repeated at intervals of approximately fifteen seconds, is required to alert all parties when the recording equipment is in use. The distinctive recording tone can be provided as part of (1) the recording equipment, or (2) registered or grandfathered protective circuitry. c) A broadcast license shall be exempt from the above recording requirements provided at least one of the following requirements is met: The licensee informs each party to the call of its intent to broadcast the conversation; or Each party to the call is aware of the licensee's intent to broadcast the call; or Such awareness of the licensee's intent to broadcast the call may be reasonably imputed to the party. d) The FCC has established the following exceptions to the foregoing requirements: I. Recordings made of incoming calls to telephone numbers publicized for emergencies involving health or safety of life and property (e.g., emergency situations involving fire, health care, police, public utilities and emergency road service) and outgoing calls made in immediate response to such calls. Included in this exception are: II. Recordings made at the United States Department of Defense Command Centers of emergency communications transmitted over the Department of Defense's private line system when connected to CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICE. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 17, 2003 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: JULY 16, 2003 SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE: JULY 17, 2003 PAGE 18 RELEASE: 1 2. GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.7 Connections to Custom Network Service (Cont'd) G. Recording of Two-Way Conversations (Cont'd) 1. (Cont’d) d) (Cont’d) III. Recordings made by the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission of the Department of Energy with respect to the telephone systems located at its Operations Center. e) Recordings of calls made for patently unlawful purposes, such as bomb threats, kidnap ransom requests and obscene telephone calls. Outgoing calls made in immediate response to such calls are also excepted. Included in this exception are: I. Recordings made by the United States Secret Service of the Department of the Treasury for recording of two-way telephone conversations which concern the safety and security of the person of the President of the United States, members of his immediate family, or the White House and its grounds. II. Recordings of calls made by Federal, States or local law enforcement authorities, or federal intelligence authorities, acting under color of law. H. Other Services A CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICE offering may be connected at a Customer's premises to other services provided by this Carrier, if they are electrically compatible. Connections at a AT&T Central Office may be made to Private Line Service furnished under this Carrier's Interstate Private Line Tariffs, as specified in the appropriate sections of those tariffs. All connections are subject to the regulations in this tariff and the regulations in the tariff under which the other service is furnished. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 17, 2003 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: JULY 16, 2003 SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE: JULY 17, 2003 PAGE 19 RELEASE: 1 2. GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.8 Rates and Charges The applicable rates and charges of a CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICE call are contained in the CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICE Sections of this tariff. The rates and charges that are in effect in this tariff when CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICE is furnished are the rates and charges used to determine the Customer's bill. 2.8.1 Rate Determination Factors The rate for a CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICE call is determined by factors such as: - The distance between the rate centers of the originating (calling) station and the terminating (called) station; and, under certain conditions the distance between the V&H coordinates of an AT&T Central Office and the rate center of a station or the V&H coordinate of a AT&T Central Office. - The time of day and the day of week. - The duration of the call. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 17, 2003 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: JULY 16, 2003 SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE: JULY 17, 2003 PAGE 20 RELEASE: 1 2. GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.8 Rates and Charges (Cont'd) 2.8.1 Rate Determination Factors (Cont'd) A. Special Factors The specific factors which apply to a given CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICE call and their application are listed in the CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICE Sections applicable to that type of call. The regulations pertaining to those factors are as follows: 1. The rate charged for a CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICE call is determined in part by the day of the week and the time of day at the originating (calling) station or at the AT&T Central Office associated with the originating (calling) station using special access. Different rates may be applicable to a call at different times of the day and on certain days of the week as specified in the appropriate rate Section for that call. 2. The chargeable time for a CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICE call is determined by the duration of the call. Chargeable time includes the initial period plus the additional time involved, if any, and is determined as follows: a) On all calls, chargeable time begins when completed connection is established between the calling station and the called station. b) Chargeable time ends when the calling station "hangs up". If the called station "hangs up" but the calling station does not, chargeable time ends when the connection is released either by automatic timing equipment in the telecommunications network or by the Carrier operator. c) When CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICE is directly connected to a Customer communications system at a Customer's or User's premises, chargeable time begins when a CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICE call terminates in, or passes through, the first Customer equipment on that Customer communications system. It is the Customer's responsibility to furnish appropriate answer supervision to the point of interface with the CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICE so that chargeable time may begin. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 17, 2003 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: JULY 16, 2003 SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE: JULY 17, 2003 PAGE 21 RELEASE: 1 2. GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.8 Rates and Charges (Cont'd) 2.8.2 Determining the Applicable Rate Except for CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICE calls that use a special access line, when the call is established in one rate period and ends in another rate period, the rate in effect at the calling station for each rate period applies to the portion of the call occurring within that rate period. When a calling station on a CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICE uses a special access line, the rate in effect at the AT&T Central Office for each rate period applies to the portion of the call occurring within that rate period. When a unit of time is split between two rate periods, the rate applicable to that unit of time is based on the rate period in which it began. A. Chargeable Time Chargeable time for a rate period (e.g., 8 AM - 5 PM) begins with the first stated hour (e.g., 8 AM) and continues to, but does not include, the second stated hour (e.g., 5 PM). B. Alternative Service Charges If the Customer elects to use another means of communication during the period of interruption, the Customer must pay the charges for the alternative service used. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 17, 2003 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: JULY 16, 2003 SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE: JULY 17, 2003 PAGE 22 RELEASE: 1 2. GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.9 Violation Of Regulations 2.9.1 General The Carrier may take immediate action to protect its services or interests when certain regulations contained in this tariff are violated. The specific regulations involved and the action(s) which will be taken by this Carrier as specified following. A. Customer Violation The Carrier may temporarily restrict service immediately when the Customer violation: - Circumvents the Carrier's ability to charge for its services as specified in 2.4.2. (Fraudulent Use) preceding, or - Results in an immediate harm to the CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICE network or other Carrier services as specified in 2.6.C. preceding. In such cases, the Carrier will make a reasonable effort to give the Customer prior notice before restricting service. 1. If a Customer fails to comply with Use, Answer Supervision, Customer Communications System failure and Minimum Protection Criteria preceding, the Carrier may, on ten days written notice by certified U.S. Mail to the Customer deny requests for additional service and/or restrict service to the noncomplying Customer. If the Carrier does not deny or restrict the service involved on the date of the ten days notice, and the Customer noncompliance continues, nothing contained herein shall preclude the Carrier's right to deny or restrict the service without further notice. 2. When a violation results in a denial for additional service and/or restriction of service, the denial and/or restriction will be removed when the Customer is in compliance with the regulation and so advises the Carrier. 2.9.2 Nonpayment of Charges The Carrier may deny and/or restrict CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICE for nonpayment of charges due. A written notice will be sent to the Customer at least five business days in advance of the restriction and/or denial of CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICE. Upon payment of charges the restriction and/or denial of CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICE will be removed. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 17, 2003 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: JULY 16, 2003 SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE: JULY 17, 2003 PAGE 23 RELEASE: 1 2. GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.10 Resale Or Shared Use When CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES are resold or shared, the Customer may advise its User that a portion of the Customer's service is provided by this Carrier. However, the Customer shall not represent that this Carrier jointly participates in the provision of the Customer's services. 2.11 Minimum Period The minimum period for which service and facilities is furnished is one month, unless otherwise specified in this Tariff. 2.12 Special Taxes, Fees, Charges Insofar as practicable, any sales, use, privilege, excise, franchise or occupation tax, surcharges for Universal Service and other funds, costs of furnishing service without charge or similar taxes, surcharges or impositions levied by the Federal, State or Local government, or any political subdivision or taxing authority against the Carrier may be billed by the Carrier to its Customers on a pro rata basis. 2.13 Restoral of Service Conditions If service is suspended for nonpayment, service will be restored upon receipt of payment of all charges due, which will include the charge for service and facilities during the time of suspension, and may include a restoral charge. If the Customer has a history of payments returned for insufficient funds, the Company may require payment be made by cash, money order or certified check. If payment is made by personal check, service will be restored only after clearance of the check by the bank. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 17, 2003 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: JULY 16, 2003 SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE: JULY 17, 2003 PAGE 24 RELEASE: 1 2. GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.14 Allowance for Interruptions When a Carrier-caused error or malfunction causes a Customer's service to be interrupted, the Carrier will provide a credit allowance not exceeding an amount equal to the proportionate charge that would have been billed to the Customer for the period of time the service was interrupted. However, if service is restored within 24 hours of the interruption report or detection by the Carrier, no allowance will be made. These same provisions apply when the Carrier requests the Customer to temporarily surrender their service. 2.15 Special Service Arrangements Special service arrangements consist of offerings not provided for in the Carrier's applicable Tariff. Rates and charges will apply based upon costs incurred and on the circumstances in each case. These special service arrangements will be provided whenever, in the judgment of the Carrier, there is a valid reason for providing the service requested. In such cases, the Carrier reserves the right to require an minimum period longer than 1 month at the same location. 2.16 Work Performed Outside Regular Hours The rates and charges specified in this Tariff contemplate that work will be performed during regular working hours. If, at the request of the Customer, work is performed outside of regular working hours, the Customer may be required to pay any additional costs incurred. 2.17 Construction Charges The Carrier bases its rates and charges on services furnished under normal conditions. Installation of facilities involving unusual costs because of factors such as the time period, type of facility, or location requested by the Customer may result in special construction charges which will be based on costs incurred in addition to all other applicable charges. 2.18 Promotional Offerings From time to time, the Company may offer services at a reduced rate or free of charge for promotional, market research, or rate experimentation purposes. Such offerings will be for a limited duration and customers will be so notified. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 17, 2003 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: APRIL 16, 2008 SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE: APRIL 26, 2008 PAGE 25 RELEASE: 2 2. GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.19 Discount Plans Discounts set forth in AT&T Interstate tariffs may apply to interstate and intrastate usage revenue for the Custom Network services listed below. These discounts are subject to the terms and conditions as outlined in the appropriate Business Service Guide, located at: http://www.att.com/serviceguide/business. AT&T Custom Network Services Toll-Free READYLINE Service AT&T 800 Goldsm Service-Switched AT&T MEGACOM® WATS* Toll-Free MEGACOM Service AT&T 800 Goldsm Service-Nodal AT&T Software Defined Network AT&T ONE LINE WATS* AT&T DISTRIBUTED NETWORK SERVICE AT&T CustomNetsm AT&T OPTIMUM AT&T UNIPLAN AT&T Commercial Long Distance AT&T 800 PLAN P AT&T PRO WATS/Plan Q AT&T Clear Advantage * For those Customers who subscribe to the Multi Location Calling Plan (MLCP) found in the AT&T Business Service Guide, this discount will apply to all intrastate usage. ®Registered Service Mark of AT&T sm Service Mark of AT&T (T) (T) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING April 26, 2008 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: JULY 16, 2003 SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE: JULY 17, 2003 PAGE 26 RELEASE: 1 2. GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.20 Universal Connectivity Charge The Universal Connectivity Charge is equal to 1.8% of the Customer’s AT&T monthly intrastate charges after the application of eligible discounts and credits. This charge applies to Conference Service, AT&T Easy Reach Service, and AT&T 800 Plan P Service provided in this tariff to Customers who are identified in AT&T’s billing records as residential customers. The Universal Connectivity Charge will be applied to charges billed on or after July 1, 1998, where billing is available. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 17, 2003 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: JULY 16, 2003 SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE: JULY 17, 2003 PAGE 27 RELEASE: 1 2. GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.21 Definition of Terms Access Line A transmission path that connects a customer premises to an AT&T central office. Access Line Grouping An access line or group of access lines with the same identifying number. A group of access lines may be either standard or special access lines, but must be all of one type. Accessories Devices which are mechanically attached to, or used with, the facilities furnished by the Carrier and which are independent of, and not electrically, acoustically, or inductively connected to, the conductors in the communications path of the Carrier facilities. Assembly A configuration consisting of Customer equipment and/or a Customer communications system or systems, which is connected to CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICE. AT&T Central Office The physical point of access for a service to the AT&T interoffice network. Criteria for establishing AT&T Central Offices and a list of AT&T Central Offices with services provided are in this carrier's FCC Tariff No. 10. Authorized User A person, firm or corporation who is authorized by the Customer or joint user to be connected to the service of the Customer or joint user, respectively. An authorized user must be specifically named in the application for service and on whose premises a station of the service must be located. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 17, 2003 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: JULY 16, 2003 SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE: JULY 17, 2003 PAGE 28 RELEASE: 1 2. GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.21 Definition of Terms (Cont'd) Building A structure consisting of an enclosed area surrounded by outside walls and under one continuous roof. Call A completed connection established between a calling station and one or more called stations. Called Station The station (e.g., telephone number) called, or the terminating point of a call. Calling Card[1] A billing arrangement by which a call may be charged to an authorized Carrier Calling Card account. Calling Station The station from which a call is originated. Carrier Refers to AT&T Communications of the Mountain States, Inc., and the American Telephone and Telegraph Company, Interstate Division (AT&T Communications). Central Office A switching unit providing telecommunications services to the general public for terminating and interconnecting lines. More than one central office may be located in the same building. NOTE 1: AT&T Calling Card Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 17, 2003 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: JULY 16, 2003 SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE: JULY 17, 2003 PAGE 29 RELEASE: 1 2. GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.21 Definition of Terms (Cont'd) Commercial Credit Card A billing arrangement by which a call may be charged to an authorized commercial credit card number. Communications Systems Non-Carrier dedicated channels and equipment furnished for communications between premises. Connecting Arrangement The equipment provided by the Carrier to accomplish the direct electrical connection of Customer facilities with the facilities of the Carrier. Connecting Company/Carrier Any telephone company or carrier whose facilities may be connected with those of the Carrier for the purpose of furnishing telecommunications services. Contract The service agreement between a Customer and the Carrier under which facilities for communications between specified locations are furnished, in accordance with the provisions of this Tariff. Customer The person, firm, corporation or government agency contracting for service and responsible for the payment of charges and compliance with Carrier regulations. A channel service Customer must have a communications requirement of their own. Customer Equipment Station or terminal equipment provided by the Customer, authorized user or joint user. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 17, 2003 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: APRIL 16, 2008 SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE: APRIL 26, 2008 PAGE 30 RELEASE: 2 2. GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.21 Definition of Terms (Cont'd) Direct Electrical Connection A physical connection of the electrical conductors in the communications path. Exchange A geographical unit established for the administration of telecommunication services in a specified area. Grandfathered A term which describes Customer equipment that was directly connected as specified below and that is grandfathered under Part 68 of the Federal Communications Commission, Rules and Regulations because: -The terminal equipment was directly connected to the telecommunications network or local exchange services prior to July 1, 1979. -The multiline terminating system was directly connected to the telecommunications network or local exchange service prior to January 1, 1980. -The protective circuitry was directly connected to the telecommunications network or local exchange service prior to the dates set forth preceding. Home NPA As used in connection with Toll-Free MEGACOM or Toll-Free READYLINE Service, the NPA of the Toll-Free MEGACOM or Toll-Free READYLINE Service Central Office from which a Customer has obtained service. (T) (T) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING April 26, 2008 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: JULY 16, 2003 SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE: JULY 17, 2003 PAGE 31 RELEASE: 1 2. GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.21 Definition of Terms (Cont'd) Joint User A person, firm or corporation who is designated by the Customer as a user of a channel service furnished to the Customer and to whom a portion of the charge for the service will be billed under a joint user arrangement. Local Access and Transport Area (LATA) A geographic area established by a local exchange carrier which delimits its operational area and may include points outside the state. Local Exchange Company The company that provides local exchange service within an authorized serving area. Message Telecommunications Service (MTS) A communication between two or more stations located in different local service areas. Miscellaneous Common Carrier A communications common carrier which is engaged in providing service by radio through a base station authorized by the Federal Communications Commission but who does not also provide a public land wire telephone service. Multiline Terminating System Premises switching equipment and key telephone type systems which are capable of terminating more than one local exchange service line, or WATS access line. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 17, 2003 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING September 15, 2011 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: JULY 16, 2003 SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE: JULY 17, 2003 PAGE 33 RELEASE: 1 2. GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.21 Definition of Terms (Cont'd) Rate Center A specified geographical point within or outside an exchange area, from which mileage measurements are determined for the application of mileage rates for either channel services or message telecommunications services rates. Rate Center Area The area which encompasses the territories identified by the Central Office codes that are assigned to a rate center. Registered A term which means compliance with and approval within the Registration Program. Registered Equipment Equipment which complies and has been approved within the registration provisions of Part 68 of the FCC Rules and Regulations. Registration Program Part 68 of the FCC Rules and Regulations which permits Customer equipment to be directly connected to CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICE and certain circuits without the requirement for protective circuitry. Standard Access Line A transmission path that connects a Customer premises to a AT&T custom service using local exchange company central office switching equipment and a common user transmission path to a AT&T central office. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 17, 2003 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: JULY 16, 2003 SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE: JULY 17, 2003 PAGE 34 RELEASE: 1 2. GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.21 Definition of Terms (Cont'd) Station A signaling unit and other type equipment at a point on a premises which allows the Customer to establish communication. Switching Equipment Equipment which performs the function of establishing and releasing connections on a per call basis between stations, telecommunications services, or communications systems. Terminal Equipment Any telecommunications equipment other than a multiline terminating system, or communications system connected to CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICE at a Customer's or User's premises. Wire Center The building where cable facilities are terminated which furnishes service within a designated wire center serving area. - Serving Wire Center The wire center from which service is provided to the Customer. - Wire Center Serving Area The area of the exchange served by a single wire center. Telecommunications Network The MTS and WATS network provided by this Carrier. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 17, 2003 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: JULY 16, 2003 SECTION 3 EFFECTIVE: JULY 17, 2003 PAGE 1 RELEASE: 1 3. AT&T COMMERCIAL LONG DISTANCE SERVICE 3.1 Description AT&T Commercial Long Distance Service is a switched telecommunica- tions service which permits Customer dialed outward calling from stations located in the state of Idaho to any station within the state. AT&T Commercial Long Distance service is complementary to interstate service and is not available for stand alone intrastate usage. All terms and conditions, features and functions, installation and monthly charges, and any other charges except intrastate usage will apply as described in AT&T's Business Service Guide. A Customer Account Minimum Monthly Charge may apply as specified in AT&T’s Business Service Guide. AT&T Commercial Long Distance is a switched network service which provides for Dial Station calls originated on a line for which the subscriber pays a rate that is described as a business or commercial rate in the applicable local exchange service tariff for switched services. The rates and regulations for AT&T Commercial Long Distance Service calls other than Dial Station are specified in Section 4, Message Telecommunications Service of this tariff. In addition, AT&T Commercial Long Distance Service provides for certain Calling Card calls billed to Commercial Calling Cards from stations located in the state of Idaho to any station within the state. 3.2 Rates and Charges 3.2.1 Rate Determination The initial period for all AT&T Commercial Long Distance Service calls is one minute or fraction thereof. The additional period rates are for each additional one minute period or fraction thereof that the telephone connection continues beyond the initial period. If the total computed charges for a call include a fraction of a cent, the fractional amount is dropped. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 17, 2003 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: JULY 16, 2003 SECTION 3 EFFECTIVE: JULY 17, 2003 PAGE 2 RELEASE: 1 3. AT&T COMMERCIAL LONG DISTANCE SERVICE 3.2 Rates and Charges (Cont’d) 3.2.2 Applicable Rate Periods MON TUES WED THUR FRI SAT SUN 8:00 AM to DAY RATE PERIOD * 5:00 PM 5:00 PM EVE. to EVENING RATE PERIOD RATE *11:00 PM PERIOD 11:00 PM to NIGHT & WEEKEND RATE PERIOD * 8:00 AM * To but not including 3.2.3 Rates Applicable on Certain Holidays Effective November 11, 2000, Holiday calling rates are no longer applicable to any calls. 3.2.4 Custom Network Services Directory Assistance See Section 21 of this tariff. 3.2.5 Dial Station Rates Dial Station rates are as specified in the Price List. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 17, 2003 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: JULY 16, 2003 SECTION 3 EFFECTIVE: JULY 17, 2003 PAGE 3 RELEASE: 1 3. AT&T COMMERCIAL LONG DISTANCE SERVICE 3.2 Rates and Charges (Cont’d) 3.2.6 Commercial Calling Card Rates and Rate Schedules AT&T Commercial Long Distance Service includes Customer Dialed and Operator Dialed Calling Card Station calls billed to Commercial Calling Cards. The rates are specified in Section 3 of the Price List. A. Customer Dialed Calling Card Station - Billed to a Commercial AT&T CIID/891 Card See rates in Section 4.3.5.B, Message Telecommunications Service Tariff. B. Customer Dialed Calling Card Station - Billed to a Local Exchange Company Calling Card See rates in Section 4.3.5.C, Message Telecommunications Service Tariff. C. Customer Dialed Calling Card Station - Billed to a Commercial Credit/Charge Card See rates n Section 4.3.5.D, Message Telecommunications Service Tariff. D. Operator Dialed Calling Card Station - Billed to a Commercial AT&T CIID/891 Card See rates in Section 4.3.5.E, Message Telecommunications Service Tariff. E. Operator Dialed Calling Card Station - Billed to a Local Exchange Company Calling Card See rates in Section 4.3.5.F, Message Telecommunications Service Tariff. F. Operator Dialed Calling Card Station - Billed to a Commercial Credit/Charge Card See rates in Section 4.3.5.G, Message Telecommunications Service Tariff. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 17, 2003 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: JULY 16, 2003 SECTION 3 EFFECTIVE: JULY 17, 2003 PAGE 4 RELEASE: 1 3. AT&T COMMERCIAL LONG DISTANCE SERVICE 3.2 Rates and Charges (Cont’d) 3.2.6 Commercial Calling Card Rates and Rate Schedules (Cont’d) G. SERVICE CHARGE Service Charges will apply on Customer Dialed Calling Card Station and Operator Dialed Calling Card Station calls billed to Commercial Calling Cards in addition to the applicable usage rates specified in Section 3 of this Price List. See Section 4.3.7, Message Telecommunication Service Tariff, for applicable service charges. H. AT&T NON-SUBSCRIBER SERVICE CHARGE A service charge that is applied to all Direct Dialed, Operator Station, Person-to-Person and Real Time Rated interLATA calls placed from a commercial telephone that is not pre-subscribed to AT&T as the Primary Interexchange Carrier (PIC). This service charge will apply in addition to the initial period and additional period rates as set forth in Section 3 of this tariff. This charge will apply where billing Capabilities permit. All other terms and conditions are contained in AT&T's Business Service Guide. See rate in Section 4.10.2, Message Telecommunications Service Tariff. I. DIRECTORY ASSISTANCE CHARGE The rates and regulations for charges on calls to Directory Assistance are specified in Section 21.1, Directory Services. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 17, 2003 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: JULY 16, 2003 SECTION 3 EFFECTIVE: JULY 17, 2003 PAGE 5 RELEASE: 1 3. AT&T COMMERCIAL LONG DISTANCE SERVICE 3.3 Corporate Calling Card Global Enhancements Service (CCCGE) Corporate Calling Card Global Enhancements (CCCGE) is a Calling Card service offered to Customers that will use cross-reference billing to a commercial credit card. CCCGE calls may be established by dialing a designated access number from virtually any telephone in the state. 3.3.1 Rates and Charges A Service Charge, as specified in the Price List, per call is applied to all CCCGE calls. CCCGE usage charges consist of per-minute rates for intrastate calling. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 17, 2003 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: APRIL 16, 2008 SECTION 4 EFFECTIVE: APRIL 26, 2008 PAGE 1 RELEASE: 2 4. AT&T SDN ONENET SERVICE 4.1 Description AT&T SDN OneNet Service permits outward calling, inward calling or a combination of both from a single or multiple Customer locations in the state of Idaho. The outbound portion of AT&T SDN OneNet Service is a custom switched telecommunications service which permits a Customer to establish a communications path between two stations by using uniform dialing plans. AT&T SDN OneNet Service is available where facilities and operating systems exist. AT&T SDN OneNet customers may choose either Toll-Free MEGACOM or Toll-Free READYLINE for their inward calling. AT&T SDN OneNet allows Customers to bundle certain inbound and outbound usage for discounting and billing purposes. Intrastate AT&T SDN OneNet Service is an add-on to interstate AT&T SDN OneNet Service. All terms and conditions, including service establishment charges, features and functions, discounts, monthly charges and any charges other than intrastate usage charges are described in the AT&T SDN OneNet Service Guide. 4.2 Rates and Charges Rounding of Charges If the computed usage charges or credit for such charges include one-half cent or more, the fraction is rounded up to the next highest cent. Fractions of less than one-half cent are rounded down to the next whole cent, unless the cost of the call would total less than $.01. The minimum charge for each intrastate OneNet call is $.01. AT&T SDN OneNet Service Rate Periods MON TUES WED THUR FRI SAT SUN 8:00 AM to DAY RATE PERIOD * 5:00 PM 5:00 PM EVENING to EVENING RATE PERIOD RATE *11:00 PM PERIOD 11:00 PM to NIGHT RATE PERIOD * 8:00 AM * To but not including AT&T SDN OneNet Service calls are rated using one of the following schedules. (T) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING April 26, 2008 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: APRIL 16, 2008 SECTION 4 EFFECTIVE: APRIL 26, 2008 PAGE 2 RELEASE: 2 4. AT&T SDN ONENET SERVICE 4.2 Rates and Charges 4.2.1 Outward Calling Usage Rates: A. Schedule A Schedule A applies to calls between two on-network stations that use local exchange service access or between an on-network station which uses a local exchange access and an off-network station or between two off-network stations. Rates are as specified in the following Price List. B. Schedule B Schedule B applies to calls between an on-network station that uses special access and either an on-network station that uses local exchange service access or an off-network station. Rates are as specified in the following Price List. C. Schedule C Schedule C applies to calls between two on-network stations that use special access. Rates are as specified in the following Price List. D. Schedule M Schedule M applies to Customer Dialed Calling Card Station calls originating and terminating within the State of Idaho. Rates are as specified in the following Price List. E. Schedule N A Customer Dialed Calling Card Station service charge, as specified in the following Price List, applies to all calls rated under Schedule M above. 4.2.2 Inward Calling Usage Rates Inward calling is provided via Toll-Free MEGACOM or Toll-Free READYLINE Service at the rates specified in Sections 12 and 13 of this tariff. (T) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING April 26, 2008 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: JULY 16, 2003 SECTION 5 EFFECTIVE: JULY 17, 2003 PAGE 1 RELEASE: 1 5. AT&T CUSTOMNET SERVICE * 5.1 Description AT&T CustomNet is a telecommunications service which permits customer dialed calling from single or multiple locations in Idaho to stations within the state. AT&T CustomNet includes an Inward Calling Option and alternative billing arrangements called Option S*, Simply Better Pricing Option*, and Simply Better Flexible Pricing Plan. Intrastate service is furnished where facilities and billing capabilities permit. Intrastate CustomNet is complementary to interstate CustomNet and is not available for stand-alone intrastate usage. All terms and conditions, features, functions, discounts, installation and monthly charges, and any other charges except intrastate usage will apply as described in the AT&T Business Service Guide. The schedules only apply to intrastate usage. 5.2 Rates and Charges Intrastate calls for Customers of AT&T CustomNet Service directly connected to an AT&T Central Office are rated from the rate center of the Customer’s NPA-NXX rather than the rate center of the AT&T Central Office 5.2.1 AT&T CustomNet Service (Classic) Outward Calling-Service Type 1 and 2 Locations, and Inward Calling-Plans A and B rates are as specified in the Price List. * AT&T CustomNet Option S - Options I, II, III, IV, V may no longer be ordered after December 18, 2000. Existing customers with AT&T CustomNet Option S - Options I, II, III, IV, V in effect or on order prior to December 18, 2000 may continue under existing conditions. AT&T CustomNet Service and AT&T CustomNet Simply Better Pricing Option is not available, either under this tariff or through any AT&T Contract Tariff or contract referencing this tariff to new or existing Customers who did not have it on order before June 28, 2001. Existing Customers with AT&T CustomNet Service in effect or on order prior to June 28, 2001 may continue under existing conditions. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 17, 2003 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: JULY 16, 2003 SECTION 5 EFFECTIVE: JULY 17, 2003 PAGE 2 RELEASE: 1 5. AT&T CUSTOMNET SERVICE 5.2 Rates and Charges (Cont'd) 5.2.2 AT&T CustomNet Service Option S* AT&T CustomNet Service Option S rates are as specified in the following Price List. 5.2.3 AT&T CustomNet Service Simply Better Pricing Option ** AT&T CustomNet Service Simply Better Pricing Option rates are as specified in the following Price List. 5.2.4 AT&T CustomNet Service Simply Better Flexible Pricing Plan AT&T CustomNet Service Simply Better Flexible Pricing Plan rates are as specified in the following Price List. * AT&T CustomNet Option S - Options I, II, III, IV, V may no longer be ordered after December 18, 2000. Existing customers with AT&T CustomNet Option S - Options I, II, III, IV, V in effect or on order prior to December 18, 2000 may continue under existing conditions. ** AT&T CustomNet Service and AT&T CustomNet Simply Better Pricing Option is not available, either under this tariff or through any AT&T Contract Tariff or contract referencing this tariff to new or existing Customers who did not have it on order before June 28, 2001. Existing Customers with AT&T CustomNet Service in effect or on order prior to June 28, 2001 may continue under existing conditions. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 17, 2003 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: JULY 16, 2003 SECTION 6 EFFECTIVE: JULY 17, 2003 PAGE 1 RELEASE: 1 6. AT&T UNIPLAN* 6.1 Description AT&T UNIPLAN is a telecommunications service which permits outbound direct dial and customer dialed calling card calling from single or multiple locations in Idaho to stations within the state. AT&T UNIPLAN offers two types of access lines: Special Access and Switched Access. AT&T UNIPLAN Service also includes alternative billing arrangements called FlatRate Pricing Option, Basic Service Option, OneRate Service Option and OneRate Service Option II. Intrastate service is an add-on to interstate AT&T UNIPLAN and is not available for stand alone intrastate usage. The terms and conditions on interstate AT&T UNIPLAN Service as described in AT&T's Business Service Guide apply to this service. An Integrated Outbound and Inbound Calling Option is also available. This option is complementary to the interstate Integrated Outbound and Inbound Calling Option and is not available for stand alone intrastate usage. Integrated Outbound and Inbound Calling Option is an add-on to interstate Integrated Outbound and Inbound Calling Option. The terms and conditions of interstate Integrated Outbound and Inbound Calling Option as described in AT&T’s Business Service Guide apply to this service. AT&T UniPlan Service OneRate Pricing Option IV-R (ORPO IV-R) is another option that permits customers to select the usage rate schedules specified in Section 6.2.6 following, in lieu of the rates specified in Sections 6.2.1 following for the standard ORPO. The AT&T UniPlan Service ORPO IV-R intrastate rate schedules provide postalized rates for Inward calling, Outward calling and Calling Card calls. The AT&T UniPlan Service ORPO IV-R customer must subscribe to the interstate AT&T UniPlan Service ORPO IV as described in AT&T’s Business Service Guide. The AT&T UniPlan Service ORPO IV-R customers must subscribe to a new AT&T UniPlan Service 12- 24- or 36-month Term Plan as described in this Company’s Business Service Guide. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 17, 2003 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: JULY 16, 2003 SECTION 6 EFFECTIVE: JULY 17, 2003 PAGE 2 RELEASE: 1 6. AT&T UNIPLAN* 6.2 Rates and Charges Intrastate calls for Customers of AT&T UniPlan Service directly connected to an AT&T Central Office are rated from the rate center of the Customer’s NPA-NXX rather than the rate center of the AT&T Central Office. 6.2.1 AT&T UniPlan Service (Classic)* rates are as specified in the Price List. 6.2.2 AT&T UniPlan Service FlatRate Pricing Option Usage Rates* rates are as specified in the Price List. 6.2.3 AT&T UniPlan Basic Service Option Usage Rates??? rates are as specified in the Price List. 6.2.4 AT&T UniPlan OneRate Service Option rates are as specified in the Price List. 6.2.5 AT&T UniPlan OneRate Service Option II rates are as specified in the Price List. 6.2.6 AT&T UniPlan Service OneRate Pricing Option IV-R rates are as specified in the Price List. * Beginning January 9, 1998, the standard AT&T UniPlan Service is not available to newly subscribing Customers. Existing Customers with AT&T UniPlan Service in effect or Customers with AT&T UniPlan Service on order prior to January 9, 1998 may continue their current AT&T UniPlan Service under existing conditions. Beginning January 9, 1998, AT&T UniPlan Service FlatRate Pricing Option is not available to newly subscribing Customers. Existing Customers with AT&T UniPlan Service FlatRate Pricing Option in effect or Customers with AT&T UniPlan FlatRate Pricing Option on order prior to January 9, 1998 will continue their current AT&T UniPlan Service FlatRate Pricing Option under existing conditions. Note 1: Beginning April 1, 1998, AT&T UniPlan Basic Service Option is not available to newly subscribing Customers. Existing Customers with AT&T UniPlan Basic Service Option in effect or Customers with AT&T UniPlan Basic Service Option on order prior to April 1, 1998 may continue their current UniPlan Service under existing conditions. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 17, 2003 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: JULY 16, 2003 SECTION 6 EFFECTIVE: JULY 17, 2003 PAGE 3 RELEASE: 1 6. AT&T UNIPLAN 6.3 Corporate Calling Card Global Enhancements Service (CCCGE) Corporate Calling Card Global Enhancements (CCCGE) is a Calling Card service offered to Customers that will use cross-reference billing to a commercial credit card. CCCGE calls may be established by dialing a designated access number from virtually any telephone in the state. 6.3.1 Rates and Charges A Service Charge, as specified in the Price List, per call is applied to all CCCGE calls. CCCGE usage charges consist of per-minute rates for intrastate calling. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 17, 2003 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: AUGUST 22, 2003 SECTION 7 EFFECTIVE: SEPTEMBER 2, 2003 PAGE 1 RELEASE: 2 7. AT&T VIRTUAL TELECOMMUNICATIONS NETWORK SERVICE (VTNS) 7.1 Description VTNS is a general offering of custom-designed voice telecommunications capabilities designed to meet specific Customer requirements. VTNS in Idaho is provided as an add-on to the interstate VTNS offering, and is available only to Customers who subscribe to that service. Customers shall be entitled to the intrastate discounts to the extent set forth in their interstate VTNS contract arrangements. These intrastate discounts shall apply against Customer’s intrastate charges and shall not be applied against a Customer’s interstate charges. This tariff specifies intrastate voice transport and is being offered for eligible Idaho Customers of VTNS who have a requirement for intrastate voice communications. VTNS is an add-on to interstate VTNS. The terms and conditions of interstate VTNS as described in AT&T's Business Service Guide apply to this service. The following schedules apply only to intrastate usage. Virtual Telecommunications Network Service (VTNS) Toll-Free Multimedia Service allows a VTNS Customer to add on a call-by-call basis, digital capabilities (at speeds of 56 kbps or 64 kbps where available) as well as voice, on one Port Access Telephone Number or Customer-specified Non-port Telephone Number. Intrastate VTNS Toll- Free Multimedia Service is an add-on to interstate VTNS Toll-Free Multimedia Service. The terms and conditions of interstate VTNS Toll-Free Multimedia Service as described in AT&T's Business Service Guide apply to this service. For access to the digital portion of VTNS Toll-Free Multimedia Service, the call originator is responsible for obtaining digital access where available. Digital capabilities will generally be available where the LECs make access available. An AT&T ISDN PRI per AT&T’s Business Service Guide is required on the terminating end. The switched digital capability of VTNS Toll-Free Multimedia Service is described in AT&T’s Business Service Guide. 7.2 Rates and Charges Intrastate calls for Customers of AT&T VTNS Schedules A and B, directly connected to an AT&T Central Office are rated from the rate center of the Customer’s NPA-NXX rather than the rate center of the AT&T Central Office. VTNS rates are as specified in the Price List. Advice No. 03-17 (C) | | | (C) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING Sept. 2, 2003 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: JULY 16, 2003 SECTION 7 EFFECTIVE: JULY 17, 2003 PAGE 2 RELEASE: 1 7. AT&T VIRTUAL TELECOMMUNICATIONS NETWORK SERVICE (VTNS) 7.3 Corporate Calling Card Global Enhancements Service (CCCGE) Corporate Calling Card Global Enhancements (CCCGE) is a Calling Card service offered to Customers that will use cross-reference billing to a commercial credit card. CCCGE calls may be established by dialing a designated access number from virtually any telephone in the state. 7.3.1 Rates and Charges A Service Charge, as specified in the Price List, per call is applied to all CCCGE calls. CCCGE usage charges consist of per-minute rates for intrastate calling. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 17, 2003 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: June 21, 2004 SECTION 8 EFFECTIVE: July 1, 2004 PAGE 1 RELEASE: 3 8. ACC BUSINESS SERVICE 8.1 Description ACC Business Service is a Custom Network Service that permits Customer-Dialed inward calling, outward calling and calling card calls from one or more switched or dedicated customer locations. ACC Business Service intrastate usage rate schedules provide postalized rates for Inward calling, Outward calling and Calling Card calls. ACC Business Service is a non-AT&T branded monthly service which permits customers to contract for one of four basic rates embedded in a monthly revenue commitment. The commitments are as follows: SWITCHED ACCESSS 12 Month Basic Rates Based on $100 Revenue Commitment 15 Month Basic Rates Based on $150 Revenue Commitment 12 Month Saver Rates Based on $100 Revenue Commitment 15 Month Saver Rates Based on $150 Revenue Commitment ACC Business Outbound Service does not include: Conference calls, 800 calls, and Calls to 900 Special Service Codes ACC Business Inbound Service calls are dialed and completed without the assistance of a Company operator and do not include: Collect calls, Conference calls, Calling card calls, Person-to-Person calls, or Any other classification of operator-handled calls (M) Material has been moved to Page 1.1. Advice No. 04-17 (M) | | | | (M) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 1, 2004 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: September 8, 2005 SECTION 8 EFFECTIVE: September 18, 2005 PAGE 1.1 RELEASE: 2 8. ACC BUSINESS SERVICE 8.1 Description (Cont’d) The following rate plans are available for ACC Business Services: SWITCHED ACCESS PLAN TERM MMUC COMMITMENT Plan A Month-to-Month $ 9.95 Plan B Month-to-Month $29.95 Term Plan A 12-Months $100 Term Plan B 12-Months $150 Term Plan C 12-Months $200 Term Plan D 12-Months $250 Term Plan E 12-Months $500 Term Plan F 24-Months $100 Term Plan G 24-Months $150 Term Plan H 24-Months $200 Term Plan I 24-Months $250 Term Plan J 24-Months $500 Term Plan K 36-Months $100 Term Plan L 36-Months $150 Term Plan M 36-Months $200 Term Plan N 36-Months $250 Term Plan O 36-Months $500 (M) Material has been moved to Page 1.2. (N) | | | | | | | | (N) (M) | | | | | | | | | | | (M) Advice No. 05-20 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING September 18, 2005 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: September 8, 2005 SECTION 8 EFFECTIVE: September 18, 2005 PAGE 1.2 RELEASE: 1 8. ACC BUSINESS SERVICE 8.1 Description (Cont’d) The following rate plans are available for ACC Business Services: DEDICATED ACCESS PLAN TERM MMUC (Minimum Monthly Usage Commitment) Term Plan C 12-Months $ 200 Term Plan D 12-Months $ 250 Term Plan E 12-Months $ 500 Term Plan F 12-Months $ 750 Term Plan G 12-Months $1,000 Term Plan H 12-Months $2,500 Term Plan I 12-Months $5,000 Term Plan J 12-Months $10,000 Term Plan K 24-Months $ 200 Term Plan L 24-Months $ 250 Term Plan M 24-Months $ 500 Term Plan N 24-Months $ 750 Term Plan O 24-Months $1,000 Term Plan P 24-Months $1,250* Term Plan Q 24-Months $2,500 Term Plan R 24-Months $5,000 Term Plan S 24-Months $10,000 Term Plan T 36-Months $ 200 Term Plan U 36-Months $ 250 Term Plan V 36-Months $ 500 Term Plan W 36-Months $ 750 Term Plan X 36-Months $1,000 Term Plan Y 36-Months $2,500 Term Plan Z 36-Months $5,000 Term Plan AA 36-Months $10,000 * Effective September 18, 2005, this commitment level is only available to existing Customers. (M) – Material formerly on Page 1.1. (M) | | | | | | | | | | | (M) (N) (T) | | | | | | (T) (N) | | | | | | | | | (N) (N) (N) Advice No. 05-20 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING September 18, 2005 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: JULY 16, 2003 SECTION 8 EFFECTIVE: JULY 17, 2003 PAGE 2 RELEASE: 1 8. ACC BUSINESS SERVICE 8.1 Description (Cont’d) ACC Business Service is an add-on to the interstate ACC Business Service which is described in AT&T's Business Service Guide. All terms and conditions, administrative and operational functions, features and functions, discounts, and any charges other than the intrastate usage charges are specified in AT&T's Business Service Guide. The ACC Business Service customer must subscribe to the interstate ACC Business Service as described in AT&T’s Business Service Guide. The ACC Business Service customers have the option of subscribing to an ACC Business Service Term Plans as described in AT&T’s Business Service Guide. 8.2 Rates and Charges ACC Business Service rates are usage based and apply to the initial 30 seconds or fraction and to each additional 6 seconds or fraction. ACC Business Service intrastate usage rate schedules provide postalized rates for Inward calling, Outward calling and Calling Card calls. ACC Business Service Dedicated service usage rates are billed in 6 second initial and 6 second additional billing increments. All completed calls will be billed a minimum of the 6 second initial rate. ACC Business Service rates are as specified in the Price List. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 17, 2003 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: JUNE 20, 2008 SECTION 9 EFFECTIVE: JULY 1, 2008 PAGE 1 RELEASE: 3 9. AT&T BUSINESS NETWORK SERVICE 9.1 Description AT&T Business Network Service is a Custom Network Service which permits outward and inward calling from customer stations located in the state of Idaho. AT&T Business Network Service allows the Customer to integrate their long distance, including directory assistance, card and local usage. ABN Service is provided via a Term Plan Contract which includes a term and revenue commitment as described in AT&T Business Service Guide located at http://www.att.com/serviceguide/business. The AT&T Business Network Service is an add-on to interstate AT&T Business Network Service. All terms and conditions, installation charges, discounts, features and functions, monthly charges, and any charges other than intrastate usage, are specified in this Company’s Business Service Guide. 9.2 Rates and Charges Network Connection Call Rating ABN Service calls are differentiated and rated according to one of the following arrangements as ordered by the Customer: - Fully Connected:* The transmission path for outbound calls must originate AND terminate via access facilities owned by Company or its CLEC affiliate. The transmission path for inbound toll-free calls must originate AND terminate via access facilities owned by Company or its CLEC affiliate. - Partially Connected:* The transmission path for outbound calls must originate OR terminate via access facilities owned by Company or its CLEC affiliate. The transmission path for inbound toll-free calls must originate OR terminate via access facilities owned by Company or its CLEC affiliate. - Standard:* The transmission path neither originates nor terminates via access facilities owned by Company or its CLEC affiliate. AT&T Business Network Service rates are as specified in the Price List. * Effective July 1, 2008 the rates above for these services are available to existing Term Plan Customers through the end of the currently in-effect contract term. (T) (T) (T) (T) | | (T) (T) (T) | | (T) (T) (T) (T) (N) | (N) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 1, 2008 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: AUGUST 22, 2011 SECTION 9 EFFECTIVE: SEPTEMBER 1, 2011 PAGE 2 RELEASE: 3 9.AT&T BUSINESS NETWORK SERVICE 9.2 Rates and Charges (Cont'd) ABN PRICING AT&T Business Network Service calls are differentiated and rated according to one of the following arrangements as ordered by new ABN Customers or existing ABN Customers who renew their Term Plan on or after July 1, 2008. 1.Switched The transmission path neither originates nor terminates via access facilities owned by Company or one of its affiliates. 2.Loyalty The transmission path for outbound calls must originate via Company-provided, Company-affiliated and/or Company-owned Local Exchange Services provided by an AT&T ILEC or AT&T affiliate. The transmission path for inbound toll-free calls must terminate via Company-provided, Company-affiliated and/or Company-owned Local Exchange Services provided by an AT&T ILEC or AT&T affiliate. 3.Dedicated The transmission path for outbound calls must originate via AT&T Access Channel Services as outlined in the ABN Business Service Guide.The transmission path for inbound toll-free calls must terminate via AT&T Access Channel Services as outlined in the AEN Business Service Guide. ABN Premier Bundle ABN Premier Bundle may not be ordered on or after September 1, 2011.(N) Customers who ordered the bundle before September 1, 2011 may keep it at their current location, may add lines and locations and may keep the service if they move locations.(N) ABN Premier is a bundled arrangement that provides an array of AT&T Affiliate products and services including AT&T Mobility Voice, and is ordered directly through AT&T's on-line Mobility web portal. Customer must agree to a 2-year ABN Premier term agreement and purchase online in order to qualify. Early Termination Fees may apply.The charges for Intrastate IntraLATA and Intrastate InterLATA services are as specified in the Price List. Calling Card is not available under this offer. See the AT&T Business Service Guide for complete service description, explanation of service usage, and terms and conditions. Advice No. 2011-07 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING September 1, 2011 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED:APRIL 21, 2009 SECTION 9 EFFECTIVE:MAY 1, 2009 PAGE 3 RELEASE: 1 9.AT&T BUSINESS NETWORK SERVICE 9.3 Rates and Charges (Cont'd) AT&T BUSINESS NETWORK EXPRESS ABN Express is a bundle service arrangement which requires Customer to enter into a term contract for an array of regulated and non- regulated products provided by multiple AT&T affiliates. The service is offered under a 2 year or 3 year term. Customer must contract for a minimum number of products across affiliates to be eligible.Early Termination Fees apply. The charges for the ABN Intrastate InterLata and Intrastate IntraLata services which are included in the bundle are as specified in the Price List. Calling Card is not available under this offer. Advice No. 2009-11 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING May 1, 2009 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: JULY 16, 2003 SECTION 10 EFFECTIVE: JULY 17, 2003 PAGE 1 RELEASE: 1 10. AT&T ALL IN ONE SERVICE 10.1 DESCRIPTION AT&T All In One Service is a custom network service that permits Customer dialed calling from and to single or multiple Customer locations in the State of Idaho. AT&T All In One Service is an add-on to interstate AT&T All In One Service. The terms and conditions of interstate AT&T All In One Service as described in AT&T's Business Service Guide apply to this service. AT&T All in One Service is furnished where facilities and billing capabilities permit. 10.2 AVAILABILITY AT&T All In One Service is available via Local Exchange switched access and via cellular access. The Customer is responsible for obtaining the Local Exchange Service Access Line. The Local Exchange Service Line must be pre-subscribed to AT&T as the primary interexchange carrier. The Customer's long distance cellular access must be pre-subscribed to AT&T as the primary interexchange carrier. AT&T All In One Service is provided on a monthly basis and the Customer will receive a single monthly bill for all locations billed to the same Main Billed Account. The Customer is financially responsible for all locations included under the Customer's Main Billed Account. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 17, 2003 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: AUGUST 22, 2006 SECTION 10 EFFECTIVE: SEPTEMBER 1, 2006 PAGE 2 RELEASE: 5 10. AT&T ALL IN ONE SERVICE 10.3 RATES AND CHARGES This section contains the rates and charges for AT&T All In One Service. 10.3.1 Application of Charges Usage charges apply to all completed calls and are based upon the applicable rate schedules. Usage charges are billed in arrears. The chargeable time for All In One Service calls is determined by the duration of the call. However, All In One Service calls have a 60-second minimum time requirement. 10.3.2 Rate Methodology For Inward and Outward InterLATA and IntraLATA and Customer Dialed AT&T CIID/891 Calling Card direct dial call types, the rate per minute applies for all days of the week including holidays. 1) Rate Plans A##, B*, C, D, E#, F##, G*, H##, K# and Multi-Saver Plan Calls are billed in full minute increments. Each call has a 60- second minimum time requirement and is rounded to the next full minute. Rounding to the nearest whole cent is employed. 2) Rate Plan J## The chargeable time is determined by the duration of the call. The number of seconds of each call are converted into minutes (see example below). All calls have a 60-second minimum time requirement. Rounding to the nearest whole cent is employed. Example: ($0.1000 per minute rate): Length of call in seconds: 124 Divide by 60 seconds and carry to 4 decimal places: 124 ÷ 60 = 2.0666 Multiply by per minute rate and carry to 4 decimal places: 2.0666 x $0.1000 = $0.2066 Round to nearest whole cent * AT&T All In One Rate Plans B and G may no longer be ordered after October 25, 2004. Existing Customers with these rate plans in effect or on order prior to October 25, 2004 may continue their current plan under existing conditions. # Effective October 25, 2004 AT&T All In One Rate Plans E and K will be withdrawn. ## Effective September 1, 2006, AT&T All In One Long Distance Rate Plans A, F, H and J are not available to newly subscribing Customers. Existing Customers with these rate plans in effect or on order prior to September 1, 2006 may continue with their current plan under existing conditions. Existing Customers may add new lines and/or features, but the addition of new locations is not permitted. (C) (C) (N) | | | | (N) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING September 1, 2006 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: JULY 21, 2003 SECTION 10 EFFECTIVE: JULY 31, 2003 PAGE 3 RELEASE: 2 10. AT&T ALL IN ONE SERVICE 10.3 RATES AND CHARGES (Cont’d) 10.3.3 Usage Charges Customers will receive the appropriate associated per minute rate which will apply to all eligible Intrastate Outward and Inward interLATA, intraLATA and AT&T CIID/891 Calling Card calls. Direct Dial -– Outward calls originiating and/or Inward calls terminating on a local network connection of another Carrier. Connected Pricing - Outward calls originiating and/or Inward calls terminating on an AT&T All In One Local Network Connection. Outward calls billed to an AT&T CIID/891 Calling Card. AT&T All In One Service rates are as specified in the Price List. (D) (D) | | | | (D) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 31, 2003 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: AUGUST 11, 2006 SECTION 11 EFFECTIVE: AUGUST 21, 2006 PAGE 1 RELEASE: 2 11. SWITCHED DIGITAL SERVICE 11.1 Description Switched Digital Service (SDS) provides for the switching and transmission of simultaneous two-way 56/64 kbps, 384 kbps, and 1.536 mbps digital signals between two customer’s premises. SDS consists of a common user digital network which is furnished between designated AT&T central offices for service within the state. An access line is required between each customer’s premises and the SDS Central offices. AT&T Central offices are specified in AT&T’s Business Service Guide. Intrastate service is an add-on to interstate Switched Digital Service and all terms and conditions, features and functions, discounts, installation and monthly charges, and any charges other than intrastate usage are specified in AT&T’s Business Service Guide. 11.2 Rates and Charges Switched Digital Service rates are as specified in the Price List. 11.3 SDS Volume Plan The SDS Volume Plan offers special usage rates for new or existing Customers who sign up for a 1, 2, or 3 year term plan and commit to incurring at least $50 - $16,500 per month ($600 - $198,000 annually) in gross annual revenue. See Price List for Rates. 11.4 SDS Volume Plan Discount Rates and Charges Effective August 21, 2006, AT&T will offer a 20% monthly discount on the SDS Volume Plan usage rates as specified in the Rate Schedule. For months that the customer does not meet the monthly commitment, the customer will be billed the Volume Plan usage charges as specified in the Price List for that month. However, if the customer meets their annual commitment, a credit will be applied for the month(s) the customer usage was not discounted. This credit is equal to the difference between the undiscounted and discounted usage for that month. Additionally, this credit will expire within six (6) months of posting to that same account that generated the usage. If the customer meets their annual commitment any time during the year, the customer will receive the discount for the remainder of the plan year as applicable. Advice No. 06-16 (N) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | (N) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING August 21, 2006 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: APRIL 16, 2008 SECTION 12 EFFECTIVE: APRIL 26, 2008 PAGE 1 RELEASE: 2 12. TOLL-FREE MEGACOM SERVICE* 12.1 Description Toll-Free MEGACOM and AT&T 800 Gold Service-Nodal are custom switched telecommunications services which permit inward 800 number calling from stations located in the state of Idaho to a Toll-Free MEGACOM Service Central Office. AT&T 800 Gold Service is available with an Option 1 or an Option 2. AT&T 800 Gold Service-Nodal is the premium service while Option 1 and Option 2 offer alternative guarantee features. Intrastate services are add ons to the interstate Toll-Free MEGACOM and AT&T 800 Gold Service-Nodal services and are not available for stand alone intrastate usage. All terms and conditions, features and functions, installation charges, monthly rates and any charges other than intrastate usage will apply as described in AT&T's Business Service Guide. The rate schedules apply only to intrastate usage. Toll-Free MEGACOM is also provided with Connected Pricing as described in Section 6.3.4 of AT&T’s Business Service Guide. 12.2 Rates and Charges 12.2.1 Usage Charges Usage charges for Toll-Free MEGACOM and AT&T 800 Gold Service-Nodal are billed in arrears and are calculated on a per call basis. Individual calls will be measured with a minimum initial period of 30 seconds and additional 1 second increments, rounded to the next highest second or full increment. 12.2.2 Rate are as specified in the Price List. * Your customer bill and other customer documents may refer to Toll-Free MEGACOM Service as AT&T MEGACOM 800 Service. (T) (T) (T) (T) (T) (T) (T) (N) (N) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING April 26, 2008 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: APRIL 16, 2008 SECTION 12 EFFECTIVE: APRIL 26, 2008 PAGE 2 RELEASE: 2 12. TOLL-FREE MEGACOM SERVICE* 12.2 Rates and Charges (Cont'd) 12.2.3 AT&T Toll-Free Multimedia/AT&T WORLDWORX 800sm This optional feature is an add-on to interstate AT&T WORLDWORX 800. AT&T Toll- Free Multimedia/AT&T WORLDWORX 800 allows a Toll-Free MEGACOM Service customer to include, on a call-by-call basis, voice and digital on one 800 number. All terms and conditions, discounts, installation and monthly charges, and any other charges except for intrastate usage are described in AT&T’s Business Service Guide. Rates are as specified in the Price List. * Your customer bill and other customer documents may refer to Toll-Free MEGACOM Service as AT&T MEGACOM 800 Service. (T) (T) (T) (N) (N) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING April 26, 2008 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: APRIL 16, 2008 SECTION 13 EFFECTIVE: APRIL 26, 2008 PAGE 1 RELEASE: 2 13. TOLL-FREE READYLINE SERVICE* 13.1 Description Toll-Free READYLINE and AT&T 800 Gold Service-Switched are custom telecommunications services which permit inward 800 number calling from stations located in the state of Idaho to a Customer's station within the state. AT&T 800 Gold Service is available with an Option 1 or an Option 2. AT&T 800 Gold Service-Switched is the premium service while Option 1 and Option 2 offer alternative guarantee features. Intrastate services are an add-on to interstate Toll-Free READYLINE and AT&T 800 Gold Service-Switched services and are not available for stand alone intrastate usage. The terms and conditions of interstate Toll-Free READYLINE and AT&T 800 Gold Service-Switched as described in AT&T's Business Service Guide apply to this service. The rate schedules apply only to intrastate usage. Toll-Free READYLINE is also provided with Connected Pricing as described in AT&T’s Business Service Guide. 13.2 Rates and Charges 13.2.1 Usage Charges Usage Charges for Toll-Free READYLINE and AT&T 800 Gold Service-Switched are billed in arrears and are calculated on a per call basis. Individual calls will be measured with a minimum initial period of 30 seconds and additional 1 second increments, rounded to the next highest second or full increment. 13.2.2 Rate schedules are as specified in the Price List. 13.3 Access Line Discount[1] A discount of $.01 per intrastate minute of use applies when the Customer orders Toll-Free READYLINE and/or AT&T 800 Gold Service-Switched on an AT&T access line. This is in addition to the access line discount in AT&T's Business Service Guide. Note 1:Access lines are not available to new or existing Customers who did not have them on order before June 15, 1998. Customers may continue their current service under existing conditions but cannot make any moves, changes or additions to this service. * Your customer bill and other customer documents may refer to Toll-Free READYLINE Service as AT&T 800 READYLINE Service. (T) (T) (T) (T) (T) (T) (T) (N) (N) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING April 26, 2008 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: JULY 16, 2003 SECTION 14 EFFECTIVE: JULY 17, 2003 PAGE 1 RELEASE: 1 14. (RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 17, 2003 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: JULY 16, 2003 SECTION 15 EFFECTIVE: JULY 17, 2003 PAGE 1 RELEASE: 1 15. AT&T 800 PLAN K SERVICE 15.1 Description AT&T 800 Plan K is a switched telecommunications service which permits inward 800 number calling from stations located in the state of Idaho to a Customer's station within the state. Intrastate 800 PLAN K service is complementary to interstate Custom 800 service and is not available for stand alone intrastate usage. All terms and conditions, features and functions, installation and monthly charges, and any other charges except intrastate usage will apply as described in AT&T's Business Service Guide. This schedule only applies to intrastate usage. 15.2 Rates and Charges AT&T 800 Plan K has two rate schedules available: Option A, a per minute rate; Option B, a block-of-time rate. AT&T 800 Plan K Service rates are as specified in the Price List. Effective December 23, 1995, Option B is not available to newly subscribed customers. Existing customers or customers with AT&T 800 Plan K - Option B on order may continue their current Option B under this tariff. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 17, 2003 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: MAY 1, 2006 SECTION 16 EFFECTIVE: MAY 11, 2006 PAGE 1 RELEASE: 2 16. RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE 16.1 Description 16.2 Rate Schedule NOTE: 800 Plan P (EasyReach 800) has been moved to the Telecommunications Services Tariff Section 5, page 50. Advice No. 06-08 (D) | | | | | | | | | | (D) (D) (N) (N) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING May 11, 2006 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: FEBRUARY 4, 2004 SECTION 17 EFFECTIVE: FEBRUARY 14, 2004 PAGE 1 RELEASE: 2 17. AT&T MULTIQUEST SERVICES 17.1 DESCRIPTION Effective February 14, 2004, the regulations and prices applicable to the AT&T MultiQuest and AT&T MultiQuest Express900 Service are hereby canceled and withdrawn. (N) | (N) (D) | | | | | | | | | | | (D) Advice No. 04-02 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING February 14, 2004 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: JULY 16, 2003 SECTION 18 EFFECTIVE: JULY 17, 2003 PAGE 1 RELEASE: 1 18. (RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 17, 2003 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: JULY 16, 2003 SECTION 19 EFFECTIVE: JULY 17, 2003 PAGE 1 RELEASE: 1 19. GOVERNMENT INTERNATIONAL CALLING SERVICE 19.1 Description Government International Calling Service (GICS) is designed to meet customer needs for international and domestic voice communications. This offering is for customers of interstate GICS who have a requirement for intrastate switched voice communications. Intrastate GICS is an add-on to Interstate GICS. All other terms and conditions, features and functions, discounts, installation charges, monthly charges and any charges other than GICS intrastate switched voice charges are specified in AT&T’s Business Service Guide. 19.2 Usage Rates Rates apply for all intrastate GICS Direct Dialed calls. Rates are as specified in the Price List. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 17, 2003 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: JULY 16, 2003 SECTION 20 EFFECTIVE: JULY 17, 2003 PAGE 1 RELEASE: 1 20. (RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 17, 2003 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: FEBRUARY 12, 2010 SECTION 21 EFFECTIVE: FEBRUARY 22, 2010 PAGE 1 RELEASE: 2 21. DIRECTORY SERVICES 21.1 DIRECTORY ASSISTANCE Directory Assistance service allows Customers to request information from Directory Assistance records. Directory Assistance charges apply to all requests. Customers are allowed a maximum of one request for information per call. In addition to the Directory Assistance charge, calls completed by an operator are charged the appropriate Operator Service Charges as specified in section 4.3.7 of the Message Telecommunication Service Tariff. Person-to-Person and collect calls to Directory Assistance are not permitted. Rate is as specified in the following Price List. (D) (D) Advice No. 2010-04 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING February 22, 2010 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: JULY 16, 2003 SECTION 22 EFFECTIVE: JULY 17, 2003 PAGE 1 RELEASE: 1 22. (RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 17, 2003 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: JULY 16, 2003 SECTION 23 EFFECTIVE: JULY 17, 2003 PAGE 1 RELEASE: 1 23. (RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 17, 2003 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: JULY 16, 2003 SECTION 24 EFFECTIVE: JULY 17, 2003 PAGE 1 RELEASE: 1 24. SOFTWARE DEFINED NETWORK SERVICES * 24.1 Description Software Defined Network Service (SDN) is a switched telecommunications service which permits a Customer to establish a communications path between two stations by using uniform dialing plans. Customer's stations are connected by access lines to designated AT&T Central Offices as set forth in the AT&T Business Service Guide. SDN service is designed to meet the special telecommunications requirements of multi-location Customers. Idaho intrastate SDN is complementary to interstate SDN and all terms and conditions, features and functions, installation charges monthly rates and any charges other than intrastate usage will apply as described in the AT&T Business Service Guide. This schedule applies only to intrastate usage. * Basic SDN is not available, either under this tariff section or through any AT&T Contract Tariff or contract referencing this tariff section, to new or existing Customers who did not have it on order on or before October 8, 2001. Existing Customers with Basic SDN or Custom SDN in effect or on order prior to October 8, 2001 may continue under existing conditions. AT&T Contract Tariffs or contracts in effect or on order on October 8, 2001, which include Basic SDN shall also continue under existing conditions. Availability of Basic SDN to customers taking the Service pursuant to an AT&T Contract Tariff or contract will not extend beyond the current term of the applicable Contract Tariff or contract. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 17, 2003 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: JULY 16, 2003 SECTION 24 EFFECTIVE: JULY 17, 2003 PAGE 2 RELEASE: 1 24. SOFTWARE DEFINED NETWORK SERVICES 24.2 Rates and Charges Intrastate calls for Customers of AT&T SDN Service Schedules B and C, directly connected to an AT&T Central Office are rated from the rate center of the Customer’s NPA-NXX rather than the rate center of the AT&T Central Office. AT&T Sofware Defined Network Service is also provided with Connected Pricing as described in the AT&T Business Service Guide. SDN Rate Periods MON TUES WED THUR FRI SAT SUN 8:00 AM to DAY RATE PERIOD * 5:00 PM 5:00 PM EVENING to EVENING RATE PERIOD RATE *11:00 PM PERIOD 11:00 PM to NIGHT RATE PERIOD * 8:00 AM * To but not including Intrastate SDN calls are rated using one of the following schedules. 24.2.1 Schedule A Schedule A applies to calls between two on-network stations which use local exchange service access lines or between an on-network station which uses a local exchange access line and an off- network station. Rates are as specified in the Price List. 24.2.2 Schedule B Schedule B applies to calls between an on-network station which uses a special access line and either an on-network station that uses a local exchange service access line or an off-network station. Rates are as specified in the Price List. 24.2.3 Schedule C Schedule C applies to calls between two on-network stations which use special access lines. Rates are as specified in the Price List. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 17, 2003 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: JULY 16, 2003 SECTION 24 EFFECTIVE: JULY 17, 2003 PAGE 3 RELEASE: 1 24. SOFTWARE DEFINED NETWORK SERVICES 24.2 Rates and Charges (Cont’d) 24.2.4 Schedule E Schedule E applies to calls between two on-network stations which use special access lines and for which the Customer has subscribed to the Software Defined Data Network (SDDN) optional feature. Rates are as specified in the Price List. 24.2.5 Schedule F1 Schedule F applies to calls which originate from on-network locations using digital special access and terminate at off- network locations using digital special access or digital switched access. Rates are as specified in the Price List. 24.2.6 Schedule G Schedule G applies to Software Defined Data Network (SDDN) 384 kbps calls which originate from and terminate at on-network locations using digital special access. Rates are as specified in the Price List. 24.2.7 Schedule H1 This schedule applies to SDDN calls which originate from on- network locations using digital special access and terminate at locations using digital switched access or which originate from on-network locations using digital switched access and terminate at locations using digital special access. Rates are as specified in the Price List. Note 1. Schedule F may no longer be ordered after October 19, 1998. Existing customers with AT&T SDDN in effect or on order prior to October 19, 1998 may continue their current AT&T Software Defined Data Network service under existing conditions. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 17, 2003 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: JANUARY 15, 2004 SECTION 24 EFFECTIVE: JANUARY 25, 2004 PAGE 4 RELEASE: 2 24. SOFTWARE DEFINED NETWORK SERVICES 24.2 Rates and Charges (Cont’d) 24.2.8 Schedule H2 This schedule applies to SDDN calls which originate from on- network locations using digital switched access and terminate at locations using digital switched access. Rates are as specified in the Price List. 24.2.9 Schedule M Schedule M applies to Customer Dialed Calling Card Station/Automated calls originating and terminating within the State of Idaho. Rates are as specified in the Price List. 24.2.10 Schedule N A Customer Dialed Calling Card Station/Automated service charge applies to all calls rated under Schedule M above. Service Charge Per Call - $0.30 Rates are as specified in the Price List. 24.2.11 Schedule P 24.3 Corporate Calling Card Global Enhancements Service (CCCGE) Corporate Calling Card Global Enhancements (CCCGE) is a Calling Card service offered to Customers that will use cross-reference billing to a commercial credit card. CCCGE calls may be established by dialing a designated access number from virtually any telephone in the state. 24.3.1 Rates and Charges A Service Charge, as specified in the Price List, per call is applied to all CCCGE calls. CCCGE usage charges consist of per-minute rates for intrastate calling. (D) Advice No. 04-01 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 25, 2004 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: JULY 16, 2003 SECTION 25 EFFECTIVE: JULY 17, 2003 PAGE 1 RELEASE: 1 25. AT&T PRO WATS/PLAN Q SERVICE * 25.1 Description AT&T PRO WATS/Plan Q is an outbound direct dial and customer dialed AT&T CIID/891 Calling Card service offered where facilities and billing capabilities permit to customers who subscribe to AT&T's interstate PRO WATS/Plan Q on the same billed telephone number. AT&T PRO WATS/Plan Q service in Idaho is complementary to interstate service of the same name and is not available for stand alone intrastate Idaho usage. All terms and conditions, features, functions, discounts, installation and monthly and any other charges except for intrastate usage will apply as described in the AT&T Business Service Guide. 25.2 Rates and Charges 25.2.1 AT&T PRO WATS/Plan Q Service rates are as specified in the Price List. 25.2.2 AT&T PRO WATS/Plan Q Partners Option* This optional discount plan is an add-on to the interstate AT&T PRO WATS/PLAN Q Partners Option. All terms and conditions are described in the AT&T Business Service Guide. *Beginning February 20, 1995, this rate schedule is not available to customers on a month to month basis. This Option will continue to be offered to AT&T PRO WATS/PLAN Q customers on commitment plans as described in the AT&T Business Service Guide. * AT&T PRO WATS/Plan Q Service may no longer be ordered after December 18, 2000. Existing customers with AT&T PRO WATS/Plan Q Service in effect or on order prior to December 18, 2000 may continue under existing conditions. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 17, 2003 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: JULY 16, 2003 SECTION 26 EFFECTIVE: JULY 17, 2003 PAGE 1 RELEASE: 1 26. MEGACOM WATS * 26.1 Description AT&T MEGACOM WATS is a switched telecommunications service which permits outward calling from designated AT&T MEGACOM WATS Service Central Offices to stations throughout the state of Idaho. The terms and conditions of interstate AT&T MEGACOM WATS Service as described in AT&T's Business Service Guide apply to this service. This schedule applies only to intrastate usage. 26.2 Rates and Charges Usage Charges on AT&T MEGACOM WATS Service are as specified in the Price List and are billed in arrears. 26.2.1 Directory Assistance See Section 21. * AT&T MEGACOM WATS Service may no longer be ordered after December 18, 2000. Existing customers with AT&T MEGACOM WATS Service in effect or on order prior to December 18, 2000 may continue under existing conditions. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 17, 2003 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: JULY 16, 2003 SECTION 27 EFFECTIVE: JULY 17, 2003 PAGE 1 RELEASE: 1 27. DISTRIBUTED NETWORK SERVICE * 27.1 Description Distributed Network Service (DNS) is a telecommunications service designed for direct dial outward calling from multiple Customer locations to stations throughout Idaho and arranged so the customer receives a single bill for all locations on the DNS network. Intrastate DNS is an add-on to interstate DNS Service. The terms and conditions of interstate DNS service as described in AT&T's Business Service Guide, apply to this service. This schedule is for state usage only. 27.2 Rates and Charges Distributed Network Service rates are as specified in the Price List. * AT&T Distributed Network Service may no longer be ordered after December 18, 2000. Existing customers with AT&T Distributed Network Service in effect or on order prior to December 18, 2000 may continue under existing conditions. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 17, 2003 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: JULY 16, 2003 SECTION 28 EFFECTIVE: JULY 17, 2003 PAGE 1 RELEASE: 1 28. AT&T ONE LINE WATS[1] 28.1 Description AT&T ONE LINE WATS is a switched telecommunications service for calling from stations located in the state of Idaho to any station within the state where facilities and billing capability permit. Intrastate service is complementary to interstate and international service and all terms and conditions, features and functions, installation and monthly charges, and any other charges except intrastate usage will apply as described in AT&T's Business Service Guide. 28.2 Rates and Charges 28.2.1 Usage Charges Usage charges are computed per call based on distance, duration, time of day and day of week. Rounding conventions, discounts and directory assistance charges are specified in AT&T's Business Service Guide. 28.2.2 Rate Schedule AT&T One Line WATS rates are as specified in the Price List. Note 1:Effective June 15, 1998 AT&T One Line WATS is not available to new Customers. Existing Customers may continue their current service under existing conditions but cannot make any moves, changes or additions to this service. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 17, 2003 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: JULY 16, 2003 SECTION 29 EFFECTIVE: JULY 17, 2003 PAGE 1 RELEASE: 1 29. SMALL BUSINESS OPTION * 29.1 Description The AT&T Small Business Option is an outbound direct dial service offered where facilities and billing capabilities permit to customers who subscribe to AT&T's interstate Small Business Option. The Idaho Small Business Option is complementary to interstate service and is not available for stand alone intrastate usage. All terms and conditions, features, functions, credits, discounts, installation, monthly and any other charges except for intrastate usage will apply as described in AT&T's Business Service Guide. The rate schedule only applies to intrastate usage. 29.2 Rates and Charges 29.2.1 Usage Rates AT&T Small Business Option rates are as specified in the Price List. * AT&T Small Business Option is not available, either under this tariff or through any AT&T Contract Tariff or contract referencing this tariff to new or existing Customers who did not have it on order before June 28, 2001. Existing Customers with AT&T Small Business Option in effect or on order prior to June 28,2001. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 17, 2003 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: FEBRUARY 18, 2010 EFFECTIVE: FEBRUARY 28, 2010 SECTION 30 PAGE 1 RELEASE: 2 30. RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE *(T) (D) (D) Advice No. 2010-05 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING February 28, 2010 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: JULY 16, 2003 SECTION 31 EFFECTIVE: JULY 17, 2003 PAGE 1 RELEASE: 1 31. AT&T CLEAR ADVANTAGE SERVICE1 31.1 Description AT&T Clear Advantage is a telecommunications service which provides Customers with outbound, inbound, card or combined calling within the state. Intrastate service is an add-on to interstate AT&T Clear Advantage. All terms and conditions, features and functions, discounts, installation and monthly charges, and any other charges other than intrastate usage will apply as described in AT&T’s Business Service Guide. The following schedules apply only to intrastate usage. 31.2 Rates and Charges AT&T Clear Advantage Service rates are as specified in the Price List. Note 1: Beginning February 20, 1998, AT&T Clear Advantage Service is not available to newly subscribed customers. Existing customers may continue their current AT&T Clear Advantage Service under existing conditions. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 17, 2003 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: JULY 16, 2003 SECTION 32 EFFECTIVE: JULY 17, 2003 PAGE 1 RELEASE: 1 32. AT&T OPTIMUM SERVICE 32.1 Description Effective October 6, 1995, AT&T OPTIMUM Service is not available to new customers. Customers with AT&T OPTIMUM Service in effect or on order prior to October 6, 1995, may continue their service under this tariff. AT&T OPTIMUM is a telecommunications service which permits outbound direct dial and customer-dialed AT&T OPTIMUM Calling Card calling from single or multiple locations in Idaho to stations within the state. AT&T OPTIMUM offers two types of access lines: Special Access and Switched Access. Intrastate service is furnished where facilities and billing capabilities permit. Intrastate service is complementary to interstate Custom Network Service and is not available for stand alone intrastate usage. All terms and conditions, features, functions, discounts, installation and monthly charges, and any other charges except intrastate usage will apply as described in AT&T's Business Service Guide. The schedules only apply to intrastate usage. 32.2 Rates and Charges 32.2.1 Rate Periods AT&T OPTIMUM Service is offered at Peak and Off-Peak rates. The Peak rate period is 8:00 AM to, but not including 5:00 PM Monday through Friday. The Off-Peak period is 5:00 PM to, but not including 8:00 AM Monday through Friday, all day Saturday, and all day Sunday to, but not including 8:00 AM Monday. 32.2.2 Usage Rates AT&T Optimum Service rates are as specified in the Price List. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 17, 2003 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: SEPTEMBER 27, 2005 SECTION 33 EFFECTIVE: OCTOBER 7, 2005 PAGE 2 RELEASE: 1 33. AT&T PRO WATS Idaho 33.3 Application of Rates and Charges The monthly rate is in addition to all rates and charges for all other telephone service. If continuous service exceeds one month, the charges for a fractional part of a month will be a proportionate part of the monthly charges based on usage. The plan discount will be applied to the total calling per billing period. If the monthly sum after application of such eligible additional discount does not result in whole cents, charges are rounded to the nearest penny when the bill is rendered. 33.4 Rates and Charges - See Price List for current rates. Charges USOC A. Recurring Monthly charge, per account $ 5.00 TS1LV A. Usage Discount A discount of 15% will be applied to the total of the rated charges for Dial Station calls during the billing period. B. Non-Recurring Service and equipment charges apply.[1] Note 1: The non-recurring service order charge will not apply when an AT&T PRO WATS State customer moves from its present location and, within 30 days, subscribes to AT&T PRO WATS State at its new location. (M)-Material has been moved from the Telecommunications Services Tariff, Section 5. Advice No. 2005-21 (M) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | (M) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 7, 2005 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: SEPTEMBER 27, 2005 SECTION 33 EFFECTIVE: OCTOBER 7, 2005 PAGE 3 RELEASE: 1 33. AT&T PRO WATS Idaho 33.5 Determining Rates The charge for AT&T PRO WATS Idaho Dial Station calls are determined by the distance between stations, time of day and day of week and duration of the call. A. Mileages 1. Two-Point MTS rates between points in Idaho are based on the airline distance between rate centers. 2. The rate centers and the central offices, including area codes and central offices prefixes, for the State of Idaho are listed in AT&T's Tariff F.C.C. No. 10, in which this Carrier concurs. The methodology used to determine rate mileage is also contained in AT&T's Tariff F.C.C. No. 10. 3. In cases where a message begins in one rate period and ends in another, the Initial Period rate is the rate in effect at the time connection is established. The rate for the Additional Period is the rate in effect at the beginning of each Additional Period. (M)-Material has been moved from the Telecommunications Services Tariff, Section 5. Advice No. 2005-21 (M) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | (M) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 7, 2005 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: SEPTEMBER 27, 2005 SECTION 33 EFFECTIVE: OCTOBER 7, 2005 PAGE 4 RELEASE: 1 33. AT&T PRO WATS Idaho 33.6 Rate Structure AT&T PRO WATS Idaho Dial Station rates are quoted in terms of initial minute and additional minute rates. Initial Minute rates are for connections of one minute or less. Additional Minute rates are for additional whole minutes or fractions beyond the initial minute during which connection continues. 33.7 Rate Periods MON TUES WED THUR FRI SAT SUN 8:00 AM to DAY RATE PERIOD * 5:00 PM 5:00 PM to EVENING RATE PERIOD EVE *11:00 PM 11:00 PM to NIGHT & WEEKEND RATE PERIOD * 8:00 AM * To but not including 33.8 Timing On AT&T PRO WATS Idaho calls, a message starts at the time communication is established between the calling station and the called telephone number. Chargeable time ends when the calling station "hangs up" thereby releasing the network connection. If one station "hangs up" but the other does not, chargeable time ends when the telecommunications network connection is released by automatic timing equipment or by the operator. Chargeable time does not include time lost because of faults or defects in the service. The time of day at the calling party rate center determines whether day, evening or night/weekend rates apply. 33.9 Holiday Rate Schedule On Christmas Day (December 25), New Year's Day (January 1), Independence Day (July 4), Thanksgiving Day and Labor Day, the evening rate is applicable, unless a lower rate would normally apply. When these holidays fall on different days, the evening rate applies to the resulting legal holidays. (M)-Material has been moved from the Telecommunications Services Tariff, Section 5. Advice No. 2005-21 (M) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | (M) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 7, 2005 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: JULY 16, 2003 SECTION 34 EFFECTIVE: JULY 17, 2003 PAGE 1 RELEASE: 1 34. AT&T ALL PRO WATS1 NOTE 1: Effective February 20, 1995, AT&T ALL PRO WATS in Idaho is not available to customers. AT&T ALL PRO WATS customers billed by AT&T will have their service furnished and charged under AT&T PRO WATS/Plan Q Service specified in Section 25, Schedule A preceding. Customers not billed by AT&T will have their service furnished and charged under AT&T PRO WATS/Plan Q Service specified in Section 25, Schedule B preceding. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 17, 2003 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: JULY 16, 2003 SECTION 35 EFFECTIVE: JULY 17, 2003 PAGE 1 RELEASE: 1 35. (RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 17, 2003 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: JULY 16, 2003 SECTION 36 EFFECTIVE: JULY 17, 2003 PAGE 1 RELEASE: 1 36. (RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 17, 2003 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: JULY 16, 2003 SECTION 37 EFFECTIVE: JULY 17, 2003 PAGE 1 RELEASE: 1 37. (RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 17, 2003 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: JULY 16, 2003 SECTION 38 EFFECTIVE: JULY 17, 2003 PAGE 1 RELEASE: 1 38. WIDE AREA TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE[1] 38.1 WATS 38.1.1 Definition Wide Area Telecommunications Service (WATS), by use of a dedicated access line and the public switched network, provides for dial-type communications between a WATS termination and other exchanges within the State of Idaho. A dedicated access line is a line which extends from the Customer's premises to a central office. Each line will be arranged at the Customer's option for either outward or 800 Service, but not for both. A. Outward WATS The Outward WATS Customer is furnished a WATS access line arranged for outward calling only. Outward WATS provides for directly dialed calls from a WATS termination to other exchanges in the State of Idaho. B. 800 The 800 Service access line is arranged for inward calling only. 800 Service provides for dial-type calling to a WATS termination from other exchanges in the State. 38.2 Regulations Regulations for WATS listed below are in addition to those contained in Section 2. 38.2.1 Operator Assistance WATS calls are dialed and completed without the assistance of an operator except when facilities or conditions do not allow Customer dial completion or when an interrupted call is reestablished by an operator. Note 1:Effective June 15, 1998 AT&T WATS and AT&T 800 Services are not available to new Customers. Existing Customers may continue their current service under existing conditions but cannot make any moves, changes or additions to this service. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 17, 2003 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: JULY 16, 2003 SECTION 38 EFFECTIVE: JULY 17, 2003 PAGE 2 RELEASE: 1 38. WIDE AREA TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE 38.2 Regulations (Cont'd) 38.2.2 Connection to Other Services Connection of WATS to other services is permitted on a switched basis only. No permanent connection between WATS and other services may be established. 38.2.3 USE WATS may be used by the Customer or others authorized by the Customer. Orders involving installation, rearrangement, billing or discontinuance of service will be accepted by the Carrier only from the Customer. 38.3 Timing of Calls Chargeable time begins when connection is established between a WATS station, the calling or called station, and ends when the calling station "hangs up" thereby releasing the network connection. If one station "hangs up" but the other does not, chargeable time ends when the telecommunications network connection is released by automatic timing equipment. A. Minimum Period The minimum service period for WATS is one day. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 17, 2003 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: JULY 16, 2003 SECTION 38 EFFECTIVE: JULY 17, 2003 PAGE 3 RELEASE: 1 38. WIDE AREA TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE 38.4 Rates and Charges 38.4.1 Outward WATS The hourly rates for outward WATS apply to the average use for each rate period, rounded to the nearest tenth of an hour, for each access line within a service group. Outward WATS rates are as specified in the Price List. 38.4.2 800 Service The hourly rates apply to the average used for each rate period, rounded to the nearest tenth of an hour, for each access line within a service group. 800 Service rates are as specified in the Price List. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 17, 2003 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: JULY 16, 2003 SECTION 39 EFFECTIVE: JULY 17, 2003 PAGE 1 RELEASE: 1 39. (RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 17, 2003 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: JULY 16, 2003 SECTION 40 EFFECTIVE: JULY 17, 2003 PAGE 1 RELEASE: 1 40. (RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 17, 2003 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: JULY 16, 2003 SECTION 41 EFFECTIVE: JULY 17, 2003 PAGE 1 RELEASE: 1 41. (RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 17, 2003 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: JULY 16, 2003 SECTION 42 EFFECTIVE: JULY 17, 2003 PAGE 1 RELEASE: 1 42. (RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 17, 2003 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: JULY 16, 2003 SECTION 43 EFFECTIVE: JULY 17, 2003 PAGE 1 RELEASE: 1 43. (RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 17, 2003 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: JULY 16, 2003 SECTION 44 EFFECTIVE: JULY 17, 2003 PAGE 1 RELEASE: 1 44. (RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 17, 2003 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: JULY 16, 2003 SECTION 45 EFFECTIVE: JULY 17, 2003 PAGE 1 RELEASE: 1 45. PAYPHONE USAGE CHARGES - BUSINESS 45.1 Description In addition to all charges for Custom Network Services under this tariff, a non-discountable Payphone Use Charge shall apply to each coinless call which AT&T can identify as placed from a domestic payphone by or to the Customer or its permitted users. This charge does not apply to calls completed using AT&T 800 Plan P Service, AT&T Prepaid Card, or calls that are subject to the payphone charge specified in this Company’s Idaho Tariff. This charge is for the use of the payphone instrument to access AT&T services. 45.2 Rates and Charges Payphone Usage rates are as specified in the Price List. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 17, 2003 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNIC ATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: APRIL 18, 2005 SECTION 46 EFFECTIVE: APRIL 28, 2005 PAGE 1 RELEASE: 1 46. (RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE) Advice No. 05-09 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING April 28, 2005 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: APRIL 18, 2005 SECTION 47 EFFECTIVE: APRIL 28, 2005 PAGE 1 RELEASE: 1 47. (RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE) Advice No. 05-09 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING April 28, 2005 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: APRIL 18, 200 5 SECTION 48 EFFECTIVE: APRIL 28, 2005 PAGE 1 RELEASE: 1 48. (RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE) Advice No. 05-09 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING April 28, 2005 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING September 15, 2011 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: November 18, 2008 SECTION 50 EFFECTIVE: November 28, 2008 PAGE 1 RELEASE: 1 50. (RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE) Advice No. 2008-12 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 28, 2008 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: November 18, 2008 SECTION 51 EFFECTIVE: November 28, 2008 PAGE 1 RELEASE: 1 51. INTRASTATE INBOUND 1-800-YELLOWPAGES SERVICE 51.1 Description Intrastate Inbound 1-800-YellowPages Service is a telecommunications service provided to businesses that advertise on AT&T’s 1-800-YellowPages free directory assistance service. Intrastate Inbound 1-800-YellowPages permits inward 800 number calling from stations within the state and connects callers at their request to the telephone number of the requested directory assistance business listing. Intrastate Inbound 1-800-YellowPages Service is offered only in conjunction with AT&T 1- 800-YellowPages, which is an Advertiser Paid service offered by AT&T, that provides free nationwide access to directory assistance listings to callers. Businesses contract with AT&T to play ads for their products and services when callers place calls to 1-800- YellowPages for directory assistance listings and then routes callers at their request to the telephone number of the requested business listing. The ads are played after a call to 1- 800-YellowPages, and before callers are given the requested business number. The charge for Intrastate Inbound 1-800-YellowPages service is as specified in the Price List. AT&T will enter into a separate agreement with the advertiser for the billing and collection of the charge. 51.2 Rates and Charges Rates and Charges are as specified in Price List. Advice No. 2008-12 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 28, 2008 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: MARCH 22, 2011 EFFECTIVE: APRIL 1, 2011 3. AT&T COMMERCIAL LONG DISTANCE SERVICE Dial Station Rates DAY EVENING MILEAGE INITIAL ADDITIONAL INITIAL ADDITIONAL BAND M.INUTE MINUTE MINUTE MINUTE 0-10 $1.3500 $1. 2200 $1.1200 $1.0800 11-22 $1.5200 $1. 3500 $1. 3000 $1.1200 23-55 $1.9500 $1. 7200 $1.6200 $1.4300 56-124 $2.2600 $1.9700 $1. 8300 $1.5600 125-292 $2.4900 $2.1600 $2.0800 $1.7700 293-0VER $2.5600 $2.3300 $2.2000 $1. 9500 Advice No. 2011-04 PRICE LIST PAGE 1 RELEASE: 10 NIGHT LWEEKEND INITIAL ADDITIONAL MINUTE MINUTE $1. 0000 $1. 0000 $1.0000 $1. 0000 $1. 3500 $1. 0800 $1. 5200 $1. 3500 $1. 7200 $1. 5200 $1. 7700 $1. 7200 (I) (I) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING April 1, 2011 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: JULY 16, 2003 PRICE LIST EFFECTIVE: JULY 17, 2003 PAGE 2 RELEASE: 1 3. AT&T COMMERCIAL LONG DISTANCE SERVICE Commercial Calling Card Rates and Rate Schedules AT&T Commercial Long Distance Service includes Customer Dialed and Operator Dialed Calling Card Station calls billed to Commercial Calling Cards. The rates are specified in Section 4 of this tariff. A. Customer Dialed Calling Card Station - Billed to a Commercial AT&T CIID/891 Card See rates in Section 4.3.5.B, Message Telecommunications Service Tariff. B. Customer Dialed Calling Card Station - Billed to a Local Exchange Company Calling Card See rates in Section 4.3.5.C, Message Telecommunications Service Tariff. C. Customer Dialed Calling Card Station - Billed to a Commercial Credit/Charge Card See rates n Section 4.3.5.D, Message Telecommunications Service Tariff. D. Operator Dialed Calling Card Station - Billed to a Commercial AT&T CIID/891 Card See rates in Section 4.3.5.E, Message Telecommunications Service Tariff. E. Operator Dialed Calling Card Station - Billed to a Local Exchange Company Calling Card See rates in Section 4.3.5.F, Message Telecommunications Service Tariff. F. Operator Dialed Calling Card Station - Billed to a Commercial Credit/Charge Card See rates in Section 4.3.5.G, Message Telecommunications Service Tariff. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 17, 2003 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: JULY 16, 2003 PRICE LIST EFFECTIVE: JULY 17, 2003 PAGE 3 RELEASE: 1 3. AT&T COMMERCIAL LONG DISTANCE SERVICE Commercial Calling Card Rates and Rate Schedules (Cont’d) G. SERVICE CHARGE Service Charges will apply on Customer Dialed Calling Card Station and Operator Dialed Calling Card Station calls billed to Commercial Calling Cards in addition to the applicable usage rates specified in Section 3 of this tariff. See Section 4.3.7, Message Telecommunication Service Tariff, for applicable service charges. H. AT&T NON-SUBSCRIBER SERVICE CHARGE A service charge that is applied to all Direct Dialed, Operator Station, Person-to-Person and Real Time Rated interLATA calls placed from a commercial telephone that is not pre-subscribed to AT&T as the Primary Interexchange Carrier (PIC). This service charge will apply in addition to the initial period and additional period rates as set forth in Section 3 of this tariff. This charge will apply where billing Capabilities permit. All other terms and conditions are contained in AT&T's Business Service Guide. See rate in Section 4.10.2, Message Telecommunications Service Tariff. I. DIRECTORY ASSISTANCE CHARGE The rates and regulations for charges on calls to Directory Assistance are specified in Section 20.1, Directory Services of this tariff. Corporate Calling Card Global Enhancement (CCCGE) Service Charge - per call $0.00 Rate per minute or Fraction Thereof $0.21 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 17, 2003 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: OCTOBER 31, 2006 PRICE LIST EFFECTIVE: NOVEMBER 10, 2006 PAGE 4 RELEASE: 2 4. AT&T SDN ONENET SERVICE Outward Calling Usage Rates A. Schedule A 1. InterLATA and IntraLATA Rates - Other than LATA 652 Initial 18 Seconds Each Additional 6 Seconds or Fraction or Fraction Rate Mileage Day Evening Night Day Evening Night 0-292 $0.0606 $0.0567 $0.0567 $0.0202 $0.0189 $0.0189 293-430 $0.0606 $0.0567 $0.0567 $0.0202 $0.0189 $0.0189 2. IntraLATA Rates - LATA 6521 Initial 18 Seconds Each Additional 6 Seconds or Fraction or Fraction Rate Mileage Day Evening Night Day Evening Night 0-292 $0.0606 $0.0567 $0.0567 $0.0202 $0.0189 $0.0189 293-430 $0.0606 $0.0567 $0.0567 $0.0202 $0.0189 $0.0189 B. Schedule B 1. InterLATA and IntraLATA Rates - Other than LATA 652 Initial 18 Seconds Each Additional 6 Seconds or Fraction or Fraction Rate Mileage Day Evening Night Day Evening Night 0-292 $0.0396 $0.0348 $0.0348 $0.0132 $0.0116 $0.0116 293-430 $0.0396 $0.0348 $0.0348 $0.0132 $0.0116 $0.0116 2. IntraLATA Rates - LATA 6521 Initial 18 Seconds Each Additional 6 Seconds or Fraction or Fraction Rate Mileage Day Evening Night Day Evening Night 0-292 $0.0396 $0.0348 $0.0348 $0.0132 $0.0116 $0.0116 293-430 $0.0396 $0.0348 $0.0348 $0.0132 $0.0116 $0.0116 Note 1: Qwest Territory Advice No. 06-19 (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 10, 2006 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: APRIL 16, 2008 PRICE LIST EFFECTIVE: APRIL 26, 2008 PAGE 5 RELEASE: 4 4. AT&T SDN ONENET SERVICE Outward Calling Usage Rates (Cont’d) C. Schedule C 1. InterLATA and IntraLATA Rates - Other than LATA 652 Initial 18 Seconds Each Additional 6 Seconds or Fraction or Fraction Rate Mileage Day Evening Night Day Evening Night 0-292 $0.0222 $0.0180 $0.0180 $0.0074 $0.0060 $0.0060 293-430 $0.0222 $0.0180 $0.0180 $0.0074 $0.0060 $0.0060 2. IntraLATA Rates - LATA 6521 Initial 18 Seconds Each Additional 6 Seconds or Fraction or Fraction Rate Mileage Day Evening Night Day Evening Night 0-292 $0.0222 $0.0180 $0.0180 $0.0074 $0.0060 $0.0060 293-430 $0.0222 $0.0180 $0.0180 $0.0074 $0.0060 $0.0060 D. Schedule M Rates per Call Initial 18 Seconds or Fraction Each Additional 6 Seconds or Fraction Rate Mileage Day Evening Night Day Evening Night 0-292 $.0672 $.0540 $.0540 $.0224 $.0180 $.0180 293-430 $.0672 $.0540 $.0540 $.0224 $.0180 $.0180 E. Schedule N A Customer Dialed Calling Card Station service charge specified below applies to all calls rated under Schedule M above. Per Call - $0.45 Inward Calling Usage Rates Inward calling is provided via Toll-Free MEGACOM or Toll-Free READYLINE Service at the rates specified in Sections 12 and 13 of this Price List. Note 1: Qwest Territory Advice No. 08-07 (T) (T) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING April 26, 2008 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: MARCH 22, 2011 PRICE LIST PAGE 6 RELEASE: 10 EFFECTIVE: APRIL 1, 2011 5. AT&T CUSTOMNET SERVICE* 5.1 AT&T CustomNet Service Type 1 and 2 Locations A. Outward Calling Initial Minute or Fraction Service Type 1 Day InterLATA Switched Access $1.1820 Special Access $0.7680 IntraLATA Evening $1.1820 $0.7680 Switched Access $1.1400 $0.9240 Special Access $0.7680 $0.7680 Service Type 2 InterLATA Night/ Weekend $1.1820 $0.7680 $0.9240 $0.7680 Switched Access $1.5480 $1.1400 $1.1400 IntraLATA Switched Access $1.5480 $1.1400 $1.1400 B. Inward Calling Option Plan A InterLATA Switched Special IntraLATA Initial Minute or Fraction Access $1.1820 Access $0.7680 Evening $1. 0740 $0.7680 Switched Access $1.1820 $1.0740 Special Access $0.7680 $0.7680 Plan B InterLATA Night/ Weekend $1. 0740 $0.7680 $1.0740 $0.7680 Switched Access $1.4160 $1.1400 $1.1400 IntraLATA Switched Access $1.4160 $1.1400 $1.1400 Each Additional Minute or Fraction $1.1820 $0.7680 $1.1400 $0.7680 $1. 5480 $1. 5480 Evening $1.1820 $0.7680 $0.9240 $0.7680 $1.1400 $1.1400 Night/ Weekend $1.1820 $0.7680 $0.9240 $0.7680 $1.1400 $1.1400 Each Additional Minute or Fraction $1.1820 $0.7680 $1.1820 $0.7680 $1.4160 $1.4160 Evening $1.0740 $0.7680 $1. 0740 $0.7680 $1.1400 $1.1400 Night/ Weekend $1.0740 $0.7680 $1.0740 $0.7680 $1.1400 $1.1400 * AT&T CustomNet Service and AT&T CustomNet Simply Better Pricing Option is not available, either under this tariff or through any AT&T Contract Tariff or contract referencing this tariff to new or existing Customers who did not have it on order before June 28, 2001. Existing Customers with AT&T CustomNet Service in effect or on order prior to June 28, 2001 may continue under existing conditions. Advice No. 2011-04 (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING April 1, 2011 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: MARCH 22, 2011 EFFECTIVE: APRIL 1, 2011 5. AT&T CUSTOMNET SERVICE 5.2 Option S -Service Type 1 Locations * Per Minute of Use Night/ Day Evening Weekend Inward Calling Option I-V $1. 4160 $1.4160 $1.4160 Option VI $1. 6260 $1. 6260 $1. 6260 Outward Calling Option I-V $1. 5480 $) .. 5480 $1.5480 Option VI $1. 6260 $1.6260 $1. 6260 AT&T CIID/891 Card Option I-VI $1. 5480 $1. 5480 $1. 5480 AT&T CIID/891 Calling Card Service Charge Options AT&T CIID/891 Calling Card Service Charge Options I-V: $1.30 VI: $2.05 PRICE LIST PAGE 7 RELEASE: 11 per Call per Call * AT&T CustomNet Option S -Options I, II, III, IV, V may no longer be ordered after December 18, 2000. Existing customers with AT&T CustomNet Option S -Options I, II, III, IV, V in effect or on order prior to December 18, 2000 may continue under existing conditions. Advice No. 2011-04 (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING April 1, 2011 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: MARCH 22, 2011 PRICE LIST PAGE 8 RELEASE: 11 EFFECTIVE: APRIL 1, 2011 5. AT&T CUSTOMNET SERVICE 5.3 Simply Better Pricing Option * Outward Calling Service Type 1 InterLATA -Switched Access -Special Access IntraLATA -Switched Access -Special Access Service Type 2 InterLATA -Switched Access IntraLATA -Switched Access Service Type 1 & 2 AT&T CIID/891 Calling Card InterLATA IntraLATA Initial Minute or Fraction $1. 5060 $0.7680 $1. 5060 $0.7680 $1.5060 $1. 5060 $0.5220 $0.5220 AT&T CIID/891 Calling Card Service Charge per Call Inward Calling Option InterLATA -Switched Access -Special Access Plan A IntraLATA -Switched Access -Special Access Plan A Initial Minute or Fraction $1. 5060 $0.7680 $1. 5060 $0.7680 Each Additional Minute or Fraction $1. 5060 $0.7680 $1. 5060 $0.7680 $1. 5060 $1.5060 $0.5220 $0.5220 $1.25 Each Additional Minute or Fraction $1. 5060 $0.7680 $1. 5060 $0.7680 * AT&T CustomNet Service and AT&T CustomNet Simply Better Pricing Option is not available, either under this tariff or through any AT&T Contract Tariff or contract referencing this tariff to new or existing Customers who did not have it on order before June 28, 2001. Existing Customers with AT&T CustomNet Service in effect or on order prior to June 28, 2001 may continue under existing conditions. Advice No. 2011-04 (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING April 1, 2011 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: MARCH 22, 2011 EFFECTIVE: APRIL 1, 2011 5. AT&T CUSTOMNET SERVICE 5.4 Simply Better Flexible Pricing Plan 1. Inward Calling -Switched PRICE LIST PAGE 9 RELEASE: 11 Initial 30 Seconds Each Add'l 1 Second Monthly Usage InterLATA IntraLATA Or Fraction Or Fraction $0.3660 $0.3660 $0.0122 $0.0122 2. Outward Calling -Switched Monthly Usage InterLATA IntraLATA Initial 30 Seconds Each Add'l 1 Second Or Fraction Or Fraction $0.3660 $0.3660 $0.0122 $0.0122 3. Rates for all special access inward calls are as specified in Price List, Sheet 6. 4. Rates for all special access outbound calls are as specified in Price List, Sheet 6. 5. AT&T CIID/891 Calling Card Monthly Usage InterLATA IntraLATA Initial 30 Seconds Each Add'l 1 Seconds Or Fraction Or Fraction $0.1680 $0.1680 $0.0056 $0.0056 6. AT&T CIID/891 Calling Card Service Charge $0.50 7. There are no discounts associated with the AT&T CustomNet Service Flexible Pricing Plan. Advice No. 2011-04 (I) (I) (I) (I) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING April 1, 2011 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: JULY 16, 2003 PRICE LIST EFFECTIVE: JULY 17, 2003 PAGE 10 RELEASE: 1 6. AT&T UNIPLAN SERVICE 6.1 AT&T UniPlan Service (Classic) A. AT&T UniPlan Outbound Calling Initial 30 Seconds Each Additional 6 Seconds or Fraction or Fraction Night/ Night/ Day Evening Weekend Day Evening Weekend InterLATA Other than LATA 652 - Switched Access $0.0900 $0.0720 $0.0720 $0.0180 $0.0144 $0.0144 - Special Access $0.0690 $0.0550 $0.0550 $0.0138 $0.0110 $0.0110 IntraLATA - Switched Access LATA 6521 $0.0900 $0.0720 $0.0720 $0.0180 $0.0144 $0.0144 Other than LATA 652 $0.0900 $0.0720 $0.0720 $0.0180 $0.0144 $0.0144 - Special Access LATA 6521 $0.0690 $0.0550 $0.0550 $0.0138 $0.0110 $0.0110 Other than LATA 652 $0.0690 $0.0550 $0.0550 $0.0138 $0.0110 $0.0110 Customer Dialed AT&T UniPlan Calling Card $0.2265 $0.1815 $0.1815 $0.0453 $0.0363 $0.0363 Service Charge per Calling Card Call $0.70 B. AT&T UniPlan Integrated Outbound and Inbound Calling Per Hour of Use Night/ Day Evening Weekend - Switched Access $12.60 $10.08 $10.08 - Special Access $ 7.92 $ 6.48 $ 6.48 * Beginning January 9, 1998, the standard AT&T UniPlan Service is not available to newly subscribing Customers. Existing Customers with AT&T UniPlan Service in effect or Customers with AT&T UniPlan Service on order prior to January 9, 1998 may continue their current AT&T UniPlan Service under existing conditions. Note 1: U.S. West Territory Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 17, 2003 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: JULY 16, 2003 PRICE LIST EFFECTIVE: JULY 17, 2003 PAGE 11 RELEASE: 1 6. AT&T UNIPLAN SERVICE 6.2 AT&T UniPlan Service FlatRate Pricing Option Usage Rates* Outbound Calling Initial 30 Seconds Each Additional 1 Second or Fraction or Fraction Night/ Night/ Day Evening Weekend Day Evening Weekend InterLATA Other than LATA 652 - Switched Access $0.0870 $0.0870 $0.0870 $0.0029 $0.0029 $0.0029 - Special Access $0.0660 $0.0660 $0.0660 $0.0022 $0.0022 $0.0022 IntraLATA - Switched Access LATA 6521 $0.0870 $0.0870 $0.0870 $0.0029 $0.0029 $0.0029 Other than LATA 652 $0.0870 $0.0870 $0.0870 $0.0029 $0.0029 $0.0029 - Special Access LATA 6521 $0.0660 $0.0660 $0.0660 $0.0022 $0.0022 $0.0022 Other than LATA 652 $0.0660 $0.0660 $0.0660 $0.0022 $0.0022 $0.0022 Customer Dialed UniPlan FRPO Calling Card $0.1190 $0.1190 $0.1190 $0.0040 $0.0040 $0.0040 Service Charge per Calling Card Call $0.70 Inbound Calling Per Hour of Use Night/ Day Evening Weekend InterLATA - Switched Access $12.24 $12.24 $12.24 - Special Access $ 8.28 $ 8.28 $ 8.28 IntraLATA - Switched Access $11.88 $11.88 $11.88 - Special Access $ 7.56 $ 7.56 $ 7.56 * Beginning January 9, 1998, AT&T UniPlan Service FlatRate Pricing Option is not available to newly subscribing Customers. Existing Customers with AT&T UniPlan Service FlatRate Pricing Option in effect or Customers with AT&T UniPlan FlatRate Pricing Option on order prior to January 9, 1998 will continue their current AT&T UniPlan Service FlatRate Pricing Option under existing conditions. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 17, 2003 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: JULY 16, 2003 PRICE LIST EFFECTIVE: JULY 17, 2003 PAGE 12 RELEASE: 1 6. AT&T UNIPLAN SERVICE 6.3 AT&T UniPlan Basic Service Option Usage Rates??? Outbound Calling Initial 30 Seconds Each Additional 6 Second or Fraction or Fraction Night/ Night/ Day Evening Weekend Day Evening Weekend InterLATA - Switched Access $0.0980 $0.0980 $0.0980 $0.0196 $0.0196 $0.0196 - Special Access $0.0640 $0.0640 $0.0640 $0.0128 $0.0128 $0.0128 IntraLATA - Switched Access $0.0980 $0.0980 $0.0980 $0.0196 $0.0196 $0.0196 - Special Access $0.0640 $0.0640 $0.0640 $0.0128 $0.0128 $0.0128 Customer Dialed UniPlan Basic Svc Calling Card $0.2265 $0.1815 $0.1815 $0.0453 $0.0363 $0.0363 Service Charge per Calling Card Call $0.70 Inbound Calling Per Hour of Use InterLATA - Switched Access $11.76 - Special Access $ 7.68 IntraLATA - Switched Access $11.76 - Special Access $ 7.68 Note 1: Beginning April 1, 1998, AT&T UniPlan Basic Service Option is not available to newly subscribing Customers. Existing Customers with AT&T UniPlan Basic Service Option in effect or Customers with AT&T UniPlan Basic Service Option on order prior to April 1, 1998 may continue their current UniPlan Service under existing conditions. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 17, 2003 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: JULY 16, 2003 PRICE LIST EFFECTIVE: JULY 17, 2003 PAGE 13 RELEASE: 1 6. AT&T UNIPLAN SERVICE 6.4 AT&T UniPlan OneRate Service Option Outbound Calling Initial 30 Seconds Each Additional 1 Second or Fraction or Fraction InterLATA - Switched Access $0.0720 $0.0024 - Special Access $0.0480 $0.0016 IntraLATA - Switched Access $0.0720 $0.0024 - Special Access $0.0480 $0.0016 Customer Dialed UniPlan OneRate Svc Calling Card - InterLATA $0.0720 $0.0024 - IntraLATA $0.0720 $0.0024 Service Charge per Calling Card Call $0.70 Inbound Calling Rate Per Hour Of Use InterLATA - Switched Access $8.64 - Special Access $5.76 IntraLATA - Switched Access $8.64 - Special Access $5.76 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 17, 2003 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: JULY 16, 2003 PRICE LIST EFFECTIVE: JULY 17, 2003 PAGE 14 RELEASE: 1 6. AT&T UNIPLAN SERVICE 6.5 AT&T UniPlan OneRate Service Option II Outbound Calling Initial 30 Seconds Each Additional 1 Second or Fraction or Fraction InterLATA - Switched Access $0.0990 $0.0033 - Special Access $0.0660 $0.0022 IntraLATA - Switched Access $0.0990 $0.0033 - Special Access $0.0660 $0.0022 Customer Dialed UniPlan OneRate Svc OptII Calling Card - InterLATA $0.0990 $0.0033 - IntraLATA $0.0990 $0.0033 Service Charge per Calling Card Call $0.70 Inbound Calling Initial 30 Seconds Each Additional 1 Second or Fraction or Fraction InterLATA - Switched Access $0.0990 $0.0033 - Special Access $0.0660 $0.0022 IntraLATA - Switched Access $0.0990 $0.0033 - Special Access $0.0660 $0.0022 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 17, 2003 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: JULY 16, 2003 PRICE LIST EFFECTIVE: JULY 17, 2003 PAGE 15 RELEASE: 1 6. AT&T UNIPLAN SERVICE 6.6 AT&T UniPlan OneRate Pricing Option IV-R Outbound Calling Initial 30 Seconds Each Additional 1 Second or Fraction or Fraction InterLATA - Switched Access $0.0720 $0.0024 - Special Access $0.0480 $0.0016 IntraLATA - Switched Access $0.0720 $0.0024 - Special Access $0.0480 $0.0016 Customer Dialed Calling Card - InterLATA $0.0720 $0.0024 - IntraLATA $0.0720 $0.0024 Service Charge per Calling Card Call $0.70 Inbound Calling Initial 30 Seconds Each Additional 1 Second or Fraction or Fraction InterLATA - Switched Access $0.0720 $0.0024 - Special Access $0.0480 $0.0016 IntraLATA - Switched Access $0.0720 $0.0024 - Special Access $0.0480 $0.0016 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 17, 2003 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: JULY 16, 2003 PRICE LIST EFFECTIVE: JULY 17, 2003 PAGE 16 RELEASE: 1 6. AT&T UNIPLAN SERVICE 6.7 Corporate Calling Card Global Enhancement (CCCGE) Service Charge - per call $0.00 Rate per minute or Fraction Thereof $0.21 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 17, 2003 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: JULY 16, 2003 PRICE LIST EFFECTIVE: JULY 17, 2003 PAGE 17 RELEASE: 1 7. AT&T VIRTUAL TELECOMMUNICATIONS NETWORK SERVICE (VTNS) VTNS Outbound Usage Schedules A. Schedule A0 - InterLATA and IntraLATA - Other than LATA 652 Initial 18 Seconds Each Additional 6 Seconds Or Fraction or Fraction Rate Mileage Day Evening Night Day Evening Night 0-292 $0.0246 $0.0171 $0.0171 $0.0082 $0.0057 $0.0057 293-430 $0.0246 $0.0171 $0.0171 $0.0082 $0.0057 $0.0057 Schedule A1 - IntraLATA - LATA 6521 Initial 18 Seconds Each Additional 6 Seconds or Fraction or Fraction Rate Mileage Day Evening Night Day Evening Night 0-292 $0.0246 $0.0171 $0.0171 $0.0082 $0.0057 $0.0057 293-430 $0.0246 $0.0171 $0.0171 $0.0082 $0.0057 $0.0057 B. Schedule B0 - InterLATA and IntraLATA - Other than LATA 652 Initial 18 Seconds Each Additional 6 Seconds or Fraction or Fraction Rate Mileage Day Evening Night Day Evening Night 0-292 $0.0405 $0.0330 $0.0330 $0.0135 $0.0110 $0.0110 293-430 $0.0405 $0.0330 $0.0330 $0.0135 $0.0110 $0.0110 Schedule B1 - IntraLATA - LATA 6521 Initial 18 Seconds Each Additional 6 Seconds or Fraction or Fraction Rate Mileage Day Evening Night Day Evening Night 0-292 $0.0405 $0.0330 $0.0330 $0.0135 $0.0110 $0.0110 293-430 $0.0405 $0.0330 $0.0330 $0.0135 $0.0110 $0.0110 Note 1: U.S. West Territory Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 17, 2003 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: JULY 16, 2003 PRICE LIST EFFECTIVE: JULY 17, 2003 PAGE 18 RELEASE: 1 7. AT&T VIRTUAL TELECOMMUNICATIONS NETWORK SERVICE (VTNS) VTNS Outbound Usage Schedules C. Schedule C0 - InterLATA and IntraLATA - Other than LATA 652 Initial 18 Seconds Each Additional 6 Seconds or Fraction or Fraction Rate Mileage Day Evening Night Day Evening Night 0-292 $0.0888 $0.0777 $0.0777 $0.0296 $0.0259 $0.0259 293-430 $0.0888 $0.0777 $0.0777 $0.0296 $0.0259 $0.0259 Schedule C1 - IntraLATA - LATA 6521 Initial 18 Seconds Each Additional 6 Seconds or Fraction or Fraction Rate Mileage Day Evening Night Day Evening Night 0-292 $0.0888 $0.0777 $0.0777 $0.0296 $0.0259 $0.0259 293-430 $0.0888 $0.0777 $0.0777 $0.0296 $0.0259 $0.0259 VTNS Inbound Usage Schedules D. Schedule D0 Initial 18 Seconds Each Additional 6 Seconds or Fraction or Fraction Day Evening Night Day Evening Night $0.0519 $0.0465 $0.0396 $0.0173 $0.0155 $0.0132 E. Schedule E0 Initial 18 Seconds Each Additional 6 Seconds or Fraction or Fraction Day Evening Night Day Evening Night $0.0828 $0.0828 $0.0828 $0.0276 $0.0276 $0.0276 Corporate Calling Card Global Enhancement (CCCGE) Service Charge - per call $0.00 Rate per minute or Fraction Thereof $0.21 Note 1: U.S. West Territory Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 17, 2003 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: JULY 16, 2003 PRICE LIST EFFECTIVE: JULY 17, 2003 PAGE 19 RELEASE: 1 8. ACC BUSINESS SERVICE Month-to-Month A. InterLATA Switched Access Initial 30 Seconds Each Additional 6 Seconds or Fraction or Fraction Inbound Calling $.0830 $.0166 Outbound Calling $.0830 $.0166 Calling Card Calls $.0830 $.0166 B. IntraLATA Switched Access Initial 30 Seconds Each Additional 6 Seconds or Fraction or Fraction Inbound Calling $.0655 $.0131 Outbound Calling $.0655 $.0131 Calling Card Calls $.0655 $.0131 C. Calling Card Service Charge $.50 12 Month Basic Rates Based on $100 Revenue Commitment A. InterLATA Switched Access Initial 30 Seconds Each Additional 6 Seconds or Fraction or Fraction Inbound Calling $.0830 $.0166 Outbound Calling $.0830 $.0166 Calling Card Calls $.0830 $.0166 B. IntraLATA Switched Access Initial 30 Seconds Each Additional 6 Seconds or Fraction or Fraction Inbound Calling $.0655 $.0131 Outbound Calling $.0655 $.0131 Calling Card Calls $.0655 $.0131 C. Calling Card Service Charge $.50 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 17, 2003 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: JULY 16, 2003 PRICE LIST EFFECTIVE: JULY 17, 2003 PAGE 20 RELEASE: 1 8. ACC BUSINESS SERVICE 15 Month Basic Rates Based on $150 Revenue Commitment A. InterLATA Switched Access Initial 30 Seconds Each Additional 6 Seconds or Fraction or Fraction Inbound Calling $.0830 $.0166 Outbound Calling $.0830 $.0166 Calling Card Calls $.0830 $.0166 B. IntraLATA Switched Access Initial 30 Seconds Each Additional 6 Seconds or Fraction or Fraction Inbound Calling $.0655 $.0131 Outbound Calling $.0655 $.0131 Calling Card Calls $.0655 $.0131 C. Calling Card Service Charge $.50 12 Month Saver Rates Based on $100 Revenue Commitment A. InterLATA Switched Access Initial 30 Seconds Each Additional 6 Seconds or Fraction or Fraction Inbound Calling $.0830 $.0166 Outbound Calling $.0830 $.0166 Calling Card Calls $.0830 $.0166 B. IntraLATA Switched Access Initial 30 Seconds Each Additional 6 Seconds or Fraction or Fraction Inbound Calling $.0655 $.0131 Outbound Calling $.0655 $.0131 Calling Card Calls $.0655 $.0131 C. Calling Card Service Charge $.50 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 17, 2003 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: September 8, 2003 PRICE LIST EFFECTIVE: September 18, 2003 PAGE 21 RELEASE: 2 8. ACC BUSINESS SERVICE 15 Month Saver Rates Based on $150 Revenue Commitment A. InterLATA Switched Access Initial 30 Seconds Each Additional 6 Seconds or Fraction or Fraction Inbound Calling $.0830 $.0166 Outbound Calling $.0830 $.0166 Calling Card Calls $.0830 $.0166 B. IntraLATA Switched Access Initial 30 Seconds Each Additional 6 Seconds or Fraction or Fraction Inbound Calling $.0655 $.0131 Outbound Calling $.0655 $.0131 Calling Card Calls $.0655 $.0131 C. Calling Card Service Charge $.50 INTERLATA/INTRALATA USAGE DEDICATED ACCESS Term Plan Tier Initial 6 Seconds or Fraction Additional 6 Seconds or Fraction 12 Month 1 0.0092 0.0092 2 0.0092 0.0092 3 0.0089 0.0089 4 0.0086 0.0086 24 Month 1 0.0092 0.0092 2 0.0092 0.0092 3 0.0089 0.0089 4 0.0086 0.0086 Advice No. 03-18 (T) (I) (I) (N) (I) (I) (N) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING Sept. 18, 2003 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: June 21, 2004 PRICE LIST EFFECTIVE: July 1, 2004 PAGE 21.1 RELEASE: 1 8. ACC BUSINESS SERVICE The following usage rates apply to new intrastate Customers and intrastate Customers who renew their ACC Business plan: Outbound Calling-Switched Access Initial 30 Seconds Or Fraction Each Addt’l 6 Seconds Or Fraction Month to Month Based on $9.95 Revenue Commitment InterLATA $0.0830 $0.0166 IntraLATA $0.0655 $0.0131 Month to Month Based on $29.95 Revenue Commitment InterLATA $0.0830 $0.0166 IntraLATA $0.0655 $0.0131 12 Month Based on $100 Revenue Commitment InterLATA $0.0455 $0.0091 IntraLATA $0.0455 $0.0091 12 Month Based on $150 Revenue Commitment InterLATA $0.0455 $0.0091 IntraLATA $0.0455 $0.0091 12 Month Based on $200 Revenue Commitment InterLATA $0.0455 $0.0091 IntraLATA $0.0455 $0.0091 12 Month Based on $250 Revenue Commitment InterLATA $0.0455 $0.0091 IntraLATA $0.0455 $0.0091 12 Month Based on $500 Revenue Commitment InterLATA $0.0455 $0.0091 IntraLATA $0.0455 $0.0091 Advice No. 04-17 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 1, 2004 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: September 8, 2005 PRICE LIST EFFECTIVE: September 18, 2005 PAGE 21.1.1 RELEASE: 1 8. ACC BUSINESS SERVICE The following usage rates apply to new intrastate Customers and intrastate Customers who renew their ACC Business plan: Outbound Calling-Switched Access Initial 30 Seconds Or Fraction Each Addt’l 6 Seconds Or Fraction 24 Month Based on $100 Revenue Commitment InterLATA $0.0455 $0.0091 IntraLATA $0.0455 $0.0091 24 Month Based on $150 Revenue Commitment InterLATA $0.0455 $0.0091 IntraLATA $0.0455 $0.0091 24 Month Based on $200 Revenue Commitment InterLATA $0.0455 $0.0091 IntraLATA $0.0455 $0.0091 24 Month Based on $250 Revenue Commitment InterLATA $0.0455 $0.0091 IntraLATA $0.0455 $0.0091 24 Month Based on $500 Revenue Commitment InterLATA $0.0455 $0.0091 IntraLATA $0.0455 $0.0091 36 Month Based on $100 Revenue Commitment InterLATA $0.0455 $0.0091 IntraLATA $0.0455 $0.0091 36 Month Based on $150 Revenue Commitment InterLATA $0.0455 $0.0091 IntraLATA $0.0455 $0.0091 Advice No. 05-20 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING September 18, 2005 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: September 8, 2005 PRICE LIST EFFECTIVE: September 18, 2005 PAGE 21.1.2 RELEASE: 1 8. ACC BUSINESS SERVICE The following usage rates apply to new intrastate Customers and intrastate Customers who renew their ACC Business plan: Outbound Calling-Switched Access Initial 30 Seconds Or Fraction Each Addt’l 6 Seconds Or Fraction 36 Month Based on $200 Revenue Commitment InterLATA $0.0455 $0.0091 IntraLATA $0.0455 $0.0091 36 Month Based on $250 Revenue Commitment InterLATA $0.0455 $0.0091 IntraLATA $0.0455 $0.0091 36 Month Based on $500 Revenue Commitment InterLATA $0.0455 $0.0091 IntraLATA $0.0455 $0.0091 Advice No. 05-20 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING September 18, 2005 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: June 21, 2004 PRICE LIST EFFECTIVE: July 1, 2004 PAGE 21.2 RELEASE: 1 8. ACC BUSINESS SERVICE The following usage rates apply to new intrastate Customers and intrastate Customers who renew their ACC Business plan: Inbound Calling-Switched Access Initial 30 Seconds Or Fraction Each Addt’l 6 Seconds Or Fraction Month to Month Based on $9.95 Revenue Commitment InterLATA $0.0830 $0.0166 IntraLATA $0.0655 $0.0131 Month to Month Based on $29.95 Revenue Commitment InterLATA $0.0830 $0.0166 IntraLATA $0.0655 $0.0131 12 Month Based on $100 Revenue Commitment InterLATA $0.0455 $0.0091 IntraLATA $0.0455 $0.0091 12 Month Based on $150 Revenue Commitment InterLATA $0.0455 $0.0091 IntraLATA $0.0455 $0.0091 12 Month Based on $200 Revenue Commitment InterLATA $0.0455 $0.0091 IntraLATA $0.0455 $0.0091 12 Month Based on $250 Revenue Commitment InterLATA $0.0455 $0.0091 IntraLATA $0.0455 $0.0091 12 Month Based on $500 Revenue Commitment InterLATA $0.0455 $0.0091 IntraLATA $0.0455 $0.0091 Advice No. 04-17 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 1, 2004 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: September 8, 2005 PRICE LIST EFFECTIVE: September 18, 2005 PAGE 21.2.1 RELEASE: 1 8. ACC BUSINESS SERVICE The following usage rates apply to new intrastate Customers and intrastate Customers who renew their ACC Business plan: Inbound Calling-Switched Access Initial 30 Seconds Or Fraction Each Addt’l 6 Seconds Or Fraction 24 Month Based on $100 Revenue Commitment InterLATA $0.0455 $0.0091 IntraLATA $0.0455 $0.0091 24 Month Based on $150 Revenue Commitment InterLATA $0.0455 $0.0091 IntraLATA $0.0455 $0.0091 24 Month Based on $200 Revenue Commitment InterLATA $0.0455 $0.0091 IntraLATA $0.0455 $0.0091 24 Month Based on $250 Revenue Commitment InterLATA $0.0455 $0.0091 IntraLATA $0.0455 $0.0091 24 Month Based on $500 Revenue Commitment InterLATA $0.0455 $0.0091 IntraLATA $0.0455 $0.0091 36 Month Based on $100 Revenue Commitment InterLATA $0.0455 $0.0091 IntraLATA $0.0455 $0.0091 36 Month Based on $150 Revenue Commitment InterLATA $0.0455 $0.0091 IntraLATA $0.0455 $0.0091 Advice No. 05-20 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING September 18, 2005 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: September 8, 2005 PRICE LIST EFFECTIVE: September 18, 2005 PAGE 21.2.2 RELEASE: 1 8. ACC BUSINESS SERVICE The following usage rates apply to new intrastate Customers and intrastate Customers who renew their ACC Business plan: Inbound Calling-Switched Access Initial 30 Seconds Or Fraction Each Addt’l 6 Seconds Or Fraction 36 Month Based on $200 Revenue Commitment InterLATA $0.0455 $0.0091 IntraLATA $0.0455 $0.0091 36 Month Based on $250 Revenue Commitment InterLATA $0.0455 $0.0091 IntraLATA $0.0455 $0.0091 36 Month Based on $500 Revenue Commitment InterLATA $0.0455 $0.0091 IntraLATA $0.0455 $0.0091 Advice No. 05-20 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING September 18, 2005 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: June 21, 2004 PRICE LIST EFFECTIVE: July 1, 2004 PAGE 21.3 RELEASE: 1 8. ACC BUSINESS SERVICE The following usage rates apply to new intrastate Customers and intrastate Customers who renew their ACC Business plan: Calling Card Calls-Switched Access Initial 30 Seconds Or Fraction Each Addt’l 6 Seconds Or Fraction Month to Month Based on $9.95 Revenue Commitment InterLATA $0.0830 $0.0166 IntraLATA $0.0655 $0.0131 Month to Month Based on $29.95 Revenue Commitment InterLATA $0.0830 $0.0166 IntraLATA $0.0655 $0.0131 12 Month Based on $100 Revenue Commitment InterLATA $0.0455 $0.0091 IntraLATA $0.0455 $0.0091 12 Month Based on $150 Revenue Commitment InterLATA $0.0455 $0.0091 IntraLATA $0.0455 $0.0091 12 Month Based on $200 Revenue Commitment InterLATA $0.0455 $0.0091 IntraLATA $0.0455 $0.0091 12 Month Based on $250 Revenue Commitment InterLATA $0.0455 $0.0091 IntraLATA $0.0455 $0.0091 12 Month Based on $500 Revenue Commitment InterLATA $0.0455 $0.0091 IntraLATA $0.0455 $0.0091 Advice No. 04-17 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 1, 2004 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: September 8, 2005 PRICE LIST EFFECTIVE: September 18, 2005 PAGE 21.3.1 RELEASE: 1 8. ACC BUSINESS SERVICE The following usage rates apply to new intrastate Customers and intrastate Customers who renew their ACC Business plan: Calling Card Calls-Switched Access Initial 30 Seconds Or Fraction Each Addt’l 6 Seconds Or Fraction 24 Month Based on $100 Revenue Commitment InterLATA $0.0455 $0.0091 IntraLATA $0.0455 $0.0091 24 Month Based on $150 Revenue Commitment InterLATA $0.0455 $0.0091 IntraLATA $0.0455 $0.0091 24 Month Based on $200 Revenue Commitment InterLATA $0.0455 $0.0091 IntraLATA $0.0455 $0.0091 24 Month Based on $250 Revenue Commitment InterLATA $0.0455 $0.0091 IntraLATA $0.0455 $0.0091 24 Month Based on $500 Revenue Commitment InterLATA $0.0455 $0.0091 IntraLATA $0.0455 $0.0091 36 Month Based on $100 Revenue Commitment InterLATA $0.0455 $0.0091 IntraLATA $0.0455 $0.0091 36 Month Based on $150 Revenue Commitment InterLATA $0.0455 $0.0091 IntraLATA $0.0455 $0.0091 Advice No. 05-20 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING September 18, 2005 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: September 8, 2005 PRICE LIST EFFECTIVE: September 18, 2005 PAGE 21.3.2 RELEASE: 1 8. ACC BUSINESS SERVICE The following usage rates apply to new intrastate Customers and intrastate Customers who renew their ACC Business plan: Calling Card Calls-Switched Access Initial 30 Seconds Or Fraction Each Addt’l 6 Seconds Or Fraction 36 Month Based on $200 Revenue Commitment InterLATA $0.0455 $0.0091 IntraLATA $0.0455 $0.0091 36 Month Based on $250 Revenue Commitment InterLATA $0.0455 $0.0091 IntraLATA $0.0455 $0.0091 36 Month Based on $500 Revenue Commitment InterLATA $0.0455 $0.0091 IntraLATA $0.0455 $0.0091 Advice No. 05-20 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING September 18, 2005 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: September 8, 2005 PRICE LIST EFFECTIVE: September 18, 2005 PAGE 21.4 RELEASE: 2 8. ACC BUSINESS SERVICE The following usage rates apply to new intrastate Customers and intrastate Customers who renew their ACC Business plan: Outbound Calling-Dedicated Access Initial 6 Seconds Or Fraction Each Addt’l 6 Seconds Or Fraction 12 Month Based on $200 Revenue Commitment InterLATA $0.0058 $0.0058 IntraLATA $0.0058 $0.0058 12 Month Based on $250 Revenue Commitment InterLATA $0.0058 $0.0058 IntraLATA $0.0058 $0.0058 12 Month Based on $500 Revenue Commitment InterLATA $0.0058 $0.0058 IntraLATA $0.0058 $0.0058 12 Month Based on $750 Revenue Commitment InterLATA $0.0058 $0.0058 IntraLATA $0.0058 $0.0058 12 Month Based on $1000 Revenue Commitment InterLATA $0.0058 $0.0058 IntraLATA $0.0058 $0.0058 12 Month Based on $2500 Revenue Commitment InterLATA $0.0058 $0.0058 IntraLATA $0.0058 $0.0058 12 Month Based on $5000 Revenue Commitment InterLATA $0.0058 $0.0058 IntraLATA $0.0058 $0.0058 12 Month Based on $10,000 Revenue Commitment InterLATA $0.0058 $0.0058 IntraLATA $0.0058 $0.0058 (N) | | | (N) Advice No. 05-20 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING September 18, 2005 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: September 8, 2005 PRICE LIST EFFECTIVE: September 18, 2005 PAGE 21.5 RELEASE: 2 8. ACC BUSINESS SERVICE The following usage rates apply to new intrastate Customers and intrastate Customers who renew their ACC Business plan: Outbound Calling-Dedicated Access Initial 6 Seconds Or Fraction Each Addt’l 6 Seconds Or Fraction 24 Month Based on $200 Revenue Commitment InterLATA $0.0058 $0.0058 IntraLATA $0.0058 $0.0058 24 Month Based on $250 Revenue Commitment InterLATA $0.0058 $0.0058 IntraLATA $0.0058 $0.0058 24 Month Based on $500 Revenue Commitment InterLATA $0.0058 $0.0058 IntraLATA $0.0058 $0.0058 24 Month Based on $750 Revenue Commitment InterLATA $0.0058 $0.0058 IntraLATA $0.0058 $0.0058 24 Month Based on $1000 Revenue Commitment InterLATA $0.0058 $0.0058 IntraLATA $0.0058 $0.0058 24 Month Based on $1250 Revenue Commitment* InterLATA $0.0058 $0.0058 IntraLATA $0.0058 $0.0058 24 Month Based on $2500 Revenue Commitment InterLATA $0.0058 $0.0058 IntraLATA $0.0058 $0.0058 * Effective September 18, 2005, this commitment level is only available to existing Customers. (T) (N) (N) Advice No. 05-20 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING September 18, 2005 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: September 8, 2005 PRICE LIST EFFECTIVE: September 18, 2005 PAGE 21.5.1 RELEASE: 1 8. ACC BUSINESS SERVICE The following usage rates apply to new intrastate Customers and intrastate Customers who renew their ACC Business plan: Outbound Calling-Dedicated Access Initial 6 Seconds Or Fraction Each Addt’l 6 Seconds Or Fraction 24 Month Based on $5000 Revenue Commitment InterLATA $0.0058 $0.0058 IntraLATA $0.0058 $0.0058 24 Month Based on $10,000 Revenue Commitment InterLATA $0.0058 $0.0058 IntraLATA $0.0058 $0.0058 Advice No. 05-20 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING September 18, 2005 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: September 8, 2005 PRICE LIST EFFECTIVE: September 18, 2005 PAGE 21.5.2 RELEASE: 1 8. ACC BUSINESS SERVICE The following usage rates apply to new intrastate Customers and intrastate Customers who renew their ACC Business plan: Outbound Calling-Dedicated Access Initial 6 Seconds Or Fraction Each Addt’l 6 Seconds Or Fraction 36 Month Based on $200 Revenue Commitment InterLATA $0.0058 $0.0058 IntraLATA $0.0058 $0.0058 36 Month Based on $250 Revenue Commitment InterLATA $0.0058 $0.0058 IntraLATA $0.0058 $0.0058 36 Month Based on $500 Revenue Commitment InterLATA $0.0058 $0.0058 IntraLATA $0.0058 $0.0058 36 Month Based on $750 Revenue Commitment InterLATA $0.0058 $0.0058 IntraLATA $0.0058 $0.0058 36 Month Based on $1000 Revenue Commitment InterLATA $0.0058 $0.0058 IntraLATA $0.0058 $0.0058 36 Month Based on $2500 Revenue Commitment InterLATA $0.0058 $0.0058 IntraLATA $0.0058 $0.0058 Advice No. 05-20 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING September 18, 2005 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: September 8, 2005 PRICE LIST EFFECTIVE: September 18, 2005 PAGE 21.5.3 RELEASE: 1 8. ACC BUSINESS SERVICE The following usage rates apply to new intrastate Customers and intrastate Customers who renew their ACC Business plan: Outbound Calling-Dedicated Access Initial 6 Seconds Or Fraction Each Addt’l 6 Seconds Or Fraction 36 Month Based on $5000 Revenue Commitment InterLATA $0.0058 $0.0058 IntraLATA $0.0058 $0.0058 36 Month Based on $10,000 Revenue Commitment InterLATA $0.0058 $0.0058 IntraLATA $0.0058 $0.0058 Advice No. 05-20 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING September 18, 2005 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: September 8, 2005 PRICE LIST EFFECTIVE: September 18, 2005 PAGE 21.6 RELEASE: 2 8. ACC BUSINESS SERVICE The following usage rates apply to new intrastate Customers and intrastate Customers who renew their ACC Business plan: Inbound Calling-Dedicated Access Initial 6 Seconds Or Fraction Each Addt’l 6 Seconds Or Fraction 12 Month Based on $200 Revenue Commitment InterLATA $0.0058 $0.0058 IntraLATA $0.0058 $0.0058 12 Month Based on $250 Revenue Commitment InterLATA $0.0058 $0.0058 IntraLATA $0.0058 $0.0058 12 Month Based on $500 Revenue Commitment InterLATA $0.0058 $0.0058 IntraLATA $0.0058 $0.0058 12 Month Based on $750 Revenue Commitment InterLATA $0.0058 $0.0058 IntraLATA $0.0058 $0.0058 12 Month Based on $1000 Revenue Commitment InterLATA $0.0058 $0.0058 IntraLATA $0.0058 $0.0058 12 Month Based on $2500 Revenue Commitment InterLATA $0.0058 $0.0058 IntraLATA $0.0058 $0.0058 12 Month Based on $5000 Revenue Commitment InterLATA $0.0058 $0.0058 IntraLATA $0.0058 $0.0058 12 Month Based on $10,000 Revenue Commitment InterLATA $0.0058 $0.0058 IntraLATA $0.0058 $0.0058 (N) | | | (N) Advice No. 05-20 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING September 18, 2005 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: September 8, 2005 PRICE LIST EFFECTIVE: September 18, 2005 PAGE 21.7 RELEASE: 2 8. ACC BUSINESS SERVICE The following usage rates apply to new intrastate Customers and intrastate Customers who renew their ACC Business plan: Inbound Calling-Dedicated Access Initial 6 Seconds Or Fraction Each Addt’l 6 Seconds Or Fraction 24 Month Based on $200 Revenue Commitment InterLATA $0.0058 $0.0058 IntraLATA $0.0058 $0.0058 24 Month Based on $250 Revenue Commitment InterLATA $0.0058 $0.0058 IntraLATA $0.0058 $0.0058 24 Month Based on $500 Revenue Commitment InterLATA $0.0058 $0.0058 IntraLATA $0.0058 $0.0058 24 Month Based on $750 Revenue Commitment InterLATA $0.0058 $0.0058 IntraLATA $0.0058 $0.0058 24 Month Based on $1000 Revenue Commitment InterLATA $0.0058 $0.0058 IntraLATA $0.0058 $0.0058 24 Month Based on $1250 Revenue Commitment* InterLATA $0.0058 $0.0058 IntraLATA $0.0058 $0.0058 24 Month Based on $2500 Revenue Commitment InterLATA $0.0058 $0.0058 IntraLATA $0.0058 $0.0058 * Effective September 18, 2005, this commitment level is only available to existing Customers. (T) (N) (N) Advice No. 05-20 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING September 18, 2005 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: September 8, 2005 PRICE LIST EFFECTIVE: September 18, 2005 PAGE 21.7.1 RELEASE: 1 8. ACC BUSINESS SERVICE The following usage rates apply to new intrastate Customers and intrastate Customers who renew their ACC Business plan: Inbound Calling-Dedicated Access Initial 6 Seconds Or Fraction Each Addt’l 6 Seconds Or Fraction 24 Month Based on $5000 Revenue Commitment InterLATA $0.0058 $0.0058 IntraLATA $0.0058 $0.0058 24 Month Based on $10,000 Revenue Commitment InterLATA $0.0058 $0.0058 IntraLATA $0.0058 $0.0058 Advice No. 05-20 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING September 18, 2005 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: September 8, 2005 PRICE LIST EFFECTIVE: September 18, 2005 PAGE 21.7.2 RELEASE: 1 8. ACC BUSINESS SERVICE The following usage rates apply to new intrastate Customers and intrastate Customers who renew their ACC Business plan: Inbound Calling-Dedicated Access Initial 6 Seconds Or Fraction Each Addt’l 6 Seconds Or Fraction 36 Month Based on $200 Revenue Commitment InterLATA $0.0058 $0.0058 IntraLATA $0.0058 $0.0058 36 Month Based on $250 Revenue Commitment InterLATA $0.0058 $0.0058 IntraLATA $0.0058 $0.0058 36 Month Based on $500 Revenue Commitment InterLATA $0.0058 $0.0058 IntraLATA $0.0058 $0.0058 36 Month Based on $750 Revenue Commitment InterLATA $0.0058 $0.0058 IntraLATA $0.0058 $0.0058 36 Month Based on $1000 Revenue Commitment InterLATA $0.0058 $0.0058 IntraLATA $0.0058 $0.0058 36 Month Based on $2500 Revenue Commitment InterLATA $0.0058 $0.0058 IntraLATA $0.0058 $0.0058 Advice No. 05-20 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING September 18, 2005 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: September 8, 2005 PRICE LIST EFFECTIVE: September 18, 2005 PAGE 21.7.3 RELEASE: 1 8. ACC BUSINESS SERVICE The following usage rates apply to new intrastate Customers and intrastate Customers who renew their ACC Business plan: Inbound Calling-Dedicated Access Initial 6 Seconds Or Fraction Each Addt’l 6 Seconds Or Fraction 36 Month Based on $5000 Revenue Commitment InterLATA $0.0058 $0.0058 IntraLATA $0.0058 $0.0058 36 Month Based on $10,000 Revenue Commitment InterLATA $0.0058 $0.0058 IntraLATA $0.0058 $0.0058 Advice No. 05-20 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING September 18, 2005 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: DECEMBER 23, 2010 PRICE LIST EFFECTIVE: JANUARY 4, 2011 PAGE 22 RELEASE: 6 9.AT&T BUSINESS NETWORK SERVICE The following Rate Schedule 1 rates are applicable to existing ABN Customers who have a Pricing Schedule for an ABN Term Plan that was effective before August 6, 2005. A)Outward Calling InterLATA Fully Connected Partially Connected Standard IntraLATA Fully Connected Partially Connected Standard B)Inward Calling Initial 30 Seconds Each Additional Second Or Fraction Or Fraction $0.0330 $0.OOll (I) $0.0690 $0.0023 (I) $0.1080 $0.0036 (I) $0. 0330 $0. 0690 $0. 1080 $0. 0011 $0. 0023 $0. 0036 (I) (I) (I) Initial 30 Seconds Each Additional Second Or Fraction Or Fraction InterLATA Fully Connected $0.0330 $0.0011 Partially Connected $0.0690 $0.0023 Standard $0.1080 $0.0036 mt raLATA Fully Connected $0.0330 $0.OOll Partially Connected $0.0690 $0.0023 Standard $0.1080 $0.0036 C)AT&T CIID/891 Calling Card Initial 30 Seconds Each Additional Second Or Fraction Or Fraction InterLATA Standard $ 0.0720 $ 0.0024 IntraLATA Standard $ 0.0720 $ 0.0024 D)AT&T CIID/891 Calling Card Surcharge -per Call $0.70 (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) Advice No. 2010-20 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 4, 2011 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: DECEMBER 23, 2010 PRICE LIST EFFECTIVE: JANUARY 4, 2011 PAGE 22.1 RELEASE: 5 9.AT&T BUSINESS NETWORK SERVICE The following Rate Schedule 2 rates are applicable to existing ABN Customers who have a Pricing Schedule for an AEN Term Plan that was effective August 6, 2005 through June 30, 2008. A)Outward Calling Initial 30 Seconds Each Additional Second Or Fraction Or Fraction InterLATA Fully Connected $0.0330 $0.OOll Partially Connected $0.0690 $0.0023 Standard $0.1050 $0.0035 IntraLATA Fully Connected $0.0330 $0.OOll Partially Connected $0.0690 $0.0023 Standard $0.1050 $0.0035 B)Inward Calling Initial 30 Seconds Each Additional Second Or Fraction Or Fraction InterLATA Fully Connected $0.0330 $0.00ll Partially Connected $0.0690 $0.0023 Standard $0.l050 $0.0035 Int raLATA Fully Connected $0.0330 $0.OOll Partially Connected $0.0690 $0.0023 Standard $0.1050 $0.0035 C)AT&T CIID/891 Calling Card Initial 30 Seconds Each Additional Second Or Fraction Or Fraction InterLATA Standard $ 0.0720 $ 0.0024 Int raLATA Standard $ 0.0720 $ 0.0024 D)AT&T CIID/89l Calling Card Surcharge -per Call $0.70 (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) Advice No. 2010-20 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 4, 2011 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: JUNE 20, 2008 PRICE LIST EFFECTIVE: JULY 1, 2008 PAGE 22.2 RELEASE: 1 9. AT&T BUSINESS NETWORK SERVICE ABN PRICING The following rates are applicable to new ABN Customers or existing ABN Customers who renew their Term Plan on or after July 1, 2008. Initial 30 Seconds or Fraction Additional 1 Second or Fraction InterLATA Outbound Switched $.0810 $.0027 Loyalty .0750 .0025 Dedicated .0450 .0015 Inbound Switched .0810 .0027 Loyalty .0750 .0025 Dedicated .0450 .0015 Calling Card .0810 .0027 IntraLATA Outbound Switched .0810 .0027 Loyalty .0750 .0025 Dedicated .0450 .0015 Inbound Switched .0810 .0027 Loyalty .0750 .0025 Dedicated .0450 .0015 Calling Card .0810 .0027 Calling Card Service Charge/Per Call $0.70 (N) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | (N) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 1, 2008 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: AUGUST 22, 2011 PRICE LIST EFFECTIVE: SEPTEMBER 1, 2011 PAGE 22.3 RELEASE: 2 9.AT&T BUSINESS NETWORK SERVICE ABN PREMIER BUNDLE ABN Premier Bundle may not be ordered on or after September 1, 2011. Customers who ordered the bundle before September 1,2011 may keep it at their current location,may add lines and locations and may keep the service if they move locations. The following rates are applicable to ABN Premier online customers on or after March 25, 2009. Outbound Calling: InterLATA Initial 30 Seconds Each Add'l 1 Second or Fraction or Fraction Switched $0.053460 $0.001782 Loyalty $0.049500 $0.00l650 Dedicated $0.029700 $0.000990 Int raLATA Switched $O.053460 $0.001782 Loyalty $0.049500 $0.001650 Dedicated $0.029700 $0.000990 Inbound Calling: InterLATA Initial 30 Seconds Each Add'l 1 Second or Fraction or Fraction Switched $0.053460 $0.001782 Loyalty $0.049500 $0.001650 Dedicated $0.029700 $0.000990 Int raLATA Switched $0.053460 $0.00l782 Loyalty $0.049500 $0.001650 Dedicated $0.029700 $0.000990 (T) (N) (N) Advice No. 2011-07 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING September 1, 2011 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED:APRIL 21, 2009 PRICE LIST EFFECTIVE:MAY 1, 2009 PAGE 22.4 RELEASE: 1 9.AT&T BUSINESS NETWORK SERVICE AT&T BUSINESS NETWORK EXPRESS The following rates are applicable to AT&T Business Network Express customers on or after May 1, 2009. Outbound Calling: InterLATA Initial 30 Seconds Each Add'l 1 Second or Fraction or Fraction Switched $O.0531 $0.00177 Loyalty $0.0492 $0.00164 Dedicated $0.0294 $O.00098 Int raLATA Switched $O.0531 $0.00177 Loyalty $O.0492 $0.00164 Dedicated $O.0294 $0.00098 Inbound Calling: InterLATA Initial 30 Seconds Each Add'l 1 Second or Fraction or Fraction Switched $0.0531 $0.00177 Loyalty $0.0492 $O.00164 Dedicated $0.0294 $O.00098 IntraLATA Switched $0.0531 $0.00177 Loyalty $0.0492 $0.00164 Dedicated $0.0294 $0.00098 Advice No. 2009-11 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING May 1, 2009 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: MARCH 22, 2011 EFFECTIVE: APRIL 1, 2011 10. AT&T ALL IN ONE SERVICE Rate Plan A# Direct Dialed Inward Calling InterLATA IntraLATA Outward Calling InterLATA IntraLATA Connected Pricing Inward Calling InterLATA IntraLATA Outward Calling InterLATA IntraLATA AT&T CIID/891 Calling Card InterLATA IntraLATA Per Minute-of-Use $0.3500 0.3500 0.3500 0.3500 0.2300 0.2300 0.2300 0.2300 0.7800 0.7800 AT&T CIID/891 Calling Card Service Charge per Call $2.00 Rate Plan B* Direct Dialed Inward Calling InterLATA IntraLATA Outward Calling InterLATA IntraLATA Connected pricing Inward Calling InterLATA IntraLATA Outward Calling InterLATA IntraLATA AT&T CIID/891 Calling Card InterLATA IntraLATA Per Minute-of-Use $0.3480 0.3480 0.3480 0.3480 0.2350 0.2350 0.2350 0.2350 0.7800 0.7800 PRICE LIST PAGE 23 RELEASE: 15 AT&T CUD/891 Calling Card Service Charge per Call $2.00 *-AT&T All In One Rate Plan B may no longer be ordered after October 25, 2004. Existing Customers with Rate Plan B in effect or on order prior to October 25, 2004 may continue their current plan under existing conditions. # Effective September 1, 2006, AT&T All In One Long Distance Rate Plan A is not available to newly subscribing Customers. Existing Customers with Rate Plan A in effect or on order prior to September 1, 2006 may continue with their current plan under existing conditions. Existing Customers may add new lines and/or features but the addition of new locations is not permitted. Advice No. 2011-03 (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING April 1, 2011 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: MARCH 22, 2011 EFFECTIVE: APRIL 1, 2011 10. AT&T ALL IN ONE SERVICE Rate Plan C Per Minute-of-Use Direct Dialed Inward Calling InterLATA IntraLATA Outward Calling InterLATA IntraLATA Connected Pricing Inward Calling InterLATA IntraLATA Outward Calling InterLATA IntraLATA AT&T CIID/891 Calling Card InterLATA IntraLATA AT&T CIID/891 Calling Card Service Charge Rate Plan D Per Direct Dialed Inward Calling InterLATA IntraLATA Outward Calling InterLATA IntraLATA Connected Pricing Inward Calling InterLATA IntraLATA Outward Calling InterLATA IntraLATA AT&T CIID/891 Calling Card InterLATA IntraLATA AT&T CIID/891 Calling Card Service Charge Advice No. 2011-03 $0.1910 0.1910 0.1910 0.1910 0.0610 0.0610 0.0610 0.0610 0.7460 0.7460 per Call Minute-of-Use $0.1110 0.1110 0.1110 0.1110 0.0610 0.0610 0.0610 0.0610 0.7420 0.7420 per Call PRICE LIST PAGE 24 RELEASE: 14 $2.00 $2.00 (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING April 1, 2011 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: MARCH 22, 2011 EFFECTIVE: APRIL 1, 2011 10. AT&T ALL IN ONE SERVICE Rate Plan E PRICE LIST PAGE 25 RELEASE: 15 Effective October 25, 2004 AT&T All In One Rate Plan E will be withdrawn. Rate Plan F* Direct Dialed Pricing Inward Calling InterLATA IntraLATA Outward Calling InterLATA IntraLATA Connected pricing Inward Calling InterLATA IntraLATA Outward Calling InterLATA IntraLATA AT&T CIID/891 Calling Card InterLATA IntraLATA Per Minute-of-Use $0.4740 0.4740 0.4740 0.4740 0.4740 0.4740 0.4740 0.4740 1. 4200 1. 4200 AT&T CIID/891 Calling Card Service Charge per Call $2.00 * Effective September 1, 2006, AT&T All In One Long Distance Rate Plan F is not available to newly subscribing Customers. Existing Customers with Rate Plan F in effect or on order prior to September 1, 2006 may continue with their current plan under existing conditions. Existing Customers may add new lines and/or features but the addition of new locations is not permitted. Advice No. 2011-03 (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING April 1, 2011 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: MARCH 22, 2011 EFFECTIVE: APRIL 1, 2011 10. AT&T ALL IN ONE SERVICE Rate Plan G* Direct Dialed Pricing Inward Calling InterLATA IntraLATA Outward Calling InterLATA IntraLATA Connected Pricing Inward Calling InterLATA IntraLATA Outward Calling InterLATA IntraLATA AT&T CIID/891 Calling Card InterLATA IntraLATA Per Minute-of-Use $0.3410 0.3410 0.3410 0.3410 0.2400 0.2400 0.2400 0.2400 0.7800 0.7800 AT&T CIID/891 Calling Card Service Charge per Call PRICE LIST PAGE 25.1 RELEASE: 10 $2.00 * AT&T All In One Rate Plan G may no longer be ordered after October 25, 2004. Existing Customers with Rate Plan G in effect or on order prior to October 25, 2004 may continue their current plan under existing conditions. Advice No. 2011-03 (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING April 1, 2011 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: MARCH .22, 2011 EFFECTIVE: APRIL 1, 2011 10. AT&T ALL IN ONE SERVICE Rate Plan H* Direct Dialed Pricing Inward Calling InterLATA IntraLATA Outward Calling InterLATA IntraLATA Connected Pricing Inward Calling InterLATA IntraLATA Outward Calling InterLATA IntraLATA AT&T CIID/891 Calling Card InterLATA IntraLATA Per Minute-of-Use $0.2700 0.2700 0.2700 0.2700 0.2300 0.2300 0.2300 0.2300 0.7510 0.7510 PRICE LIST PAGE 26 RELEASE: 16 AT&T CIID/891 Calling Card Service Charge per Call $2.00 Rate Plan J* Per Minute-of-Use Direct Dial/Basic Pricing Inward Calling InterLATA IntraLATA Outward Calling InterLATA IntraLATA Connected pricing Inward Calling InterLATA IntraLATA Outward Calling InterLATA IntraLATA AT&T CIID/891 Calling Card InterLATA IntraLATA $0.1410 0.1410 0.1410 0.1410 $0.0610 0.0610 0.0610 0.0610 0.6610 0.6610 AT&T CIID/891 Calling Card Service Charge per Call Rate Plan K $1.25 Effective October 25, 2004 AT&T All In One Rate Plan K will be withdrawn. * Effective September I, 2006, AT&T All In One Long Distance Rate Plan Hand J are not available to newly subscribing Customers. Existing Customers with Rate Plans H or J in effect or on order prior to September I, 2006 may continue with their current plan under existing conditions. Existing Customers may add new lines and/or features but the addition of new locations is not permitted. Advice No. 2011-03 (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING April 1, 2011 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: MARCH 22, 2011 EFFECTIVE: APRIL 1, 2011 10. AT&T ALL IN ONE SERVICE AT&T All In One Multi-Saver Plan Direct Dialed/Basic Pricing Inward Calling InterLATA IntraLATA Outward Calling InterLATA IntraLATA Connected Pricing* Inward Calling InterLATA IntraLATA Outward Calling InterLATA IntraLATA AT&T CIID/891 Calling Card InterLATA IntraLATA Per Minute-of-Use $0.1110 0.1110 0.1110 0.1110 $0.0610 0.0610 0.0610 0.0610 0.7420 0.7420 AT&T CIID/891 Calling Card Service Charge per Call PRICE LIST PAGE 26.1 RELEASE: 11 $2.00 * Connected Pricing -Outward calls originating and/or Inward calls terminating on an AT&T All In One Local Network Connection. Advice No. 2011-03 (I) (I) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING April 1, 2011 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: AUGUST 20, 2010 EFFECTIVE: SEPTEMBER 1, 2010 PRICE LIST PAGE 26.2 RELEASE: 10 (M) (M) (M)Information was moved to page 26.1. Advice No. 2010-15 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING September 1, 2010 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: JULY 16, 2003 PRICE LIST EFFECTIVE: JULY 17, 2003 PAGE 27 RELEASE: 1 11. SWITCHED DIGITAL SERVICE 56/64 kbps SDS A. DEDICATED TO DEDICATED 1. InterLATA Rates Initial 30 Seconds or Fraction Each Additional 6 Seconds or Fraction Day Evening N/W Day Evening N/W $0.0470 $0.0325 $0.0325 $0.0094 $0.0065 $0.0065 2. IntraLATA Rates Initial 30 Seconds or Fraction Each Additional 6 Seconds or Fraction Day Evening N/W Day Evening N/W $0.0470 $0.0325 $0.0325 $0.0094 $0.0065 $0.0065 B. SWITCHED TO DEDICATED OR DEDICATED TO SWITCHED 1. InterLATA Rates Initial 30 Seconds or Fraction Each Additional 6 Seconds or Fraction Day Evening N/W Day Evening N/W $0.0845 $0.0700 $0.0700 $0.0169 $0.0140 $0.0140 2. IntraLATA Rates Initial 30 Seconds or Fraction Each Additional 6 Seconds or Fraction Day Evening N/W Day Evening N/W $0.0845 $0.0700 $0.0700 $0.0169 $0.0140 $0.0140 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 17, 2003 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: AUGUST 11, 2006 PRICE LIST EFFECTIVE: AUGUST 21, 2006 PAGE 28 RELEASE: 3 11. SWITCHED DIGITAL SERVICE 56/64 kbps SDS C. SWITCHED TO SWITCHED 1. InterLATA Rates Initial 30 Seconds or Fraction Each Additional 6 Seconds or Fraction Day Evening N/W Day Evening N/W $0.1220 $0.1075 $0.1075 $0.0244 $0.0215 $0.0215 2. IntraLATA Rates Initial 30 Seconds or Fraction Each Additional 6 Seconds or Fraction Day Evening N/W Day Evening N/W $0.1220 $0.1075 $0.1075 $0.0244 $0.0215 $0.0215 SDS VOLUME PLAN 56/64 kbps SDS A. DEDICATED TO DEDICATED 1. InterLATA Rates Rate Mileage Initial 30 Seconds Or Fraction Each Additional 6 Seconds Or Fraction Day Eve Night Day Eve Night InterLATA 0 + $.0505 $.0505 $.0505 $.0101 $.0101 $.0101 2. IntraLATA Rates Rate Mileage Initial 30 Seconds Or Fraction Each Additional 6 Seconds Or Fraction Day Eve Night Day Eve Night IntraLATA 0 + $.0505 $.0505 $.0505 $.0101 $.0101 $.0101 Advice No. 06-16 (D) | | (D) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING August 21, 2006 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: OCTOBER 21, 2005 PRICE LIST EFFECTIVE: NOVEMBER 1, 2005 PAGE 28.1 RELEASE: 1 11. SWITCHED DIGITAL SERVICE SDS VOLUME PLAN (Continued) 56/64 kbps SDS (Continued) B. SWITCHED TO DEDICATED OR DEDICATED TO SWITCHED 1. InterLATA Rates Rate Mileage Initial 30 Seconds Or Fraction Each Additional 6 Seconds Or Fraction Day Eve Night Day Eve Night InterLATA 0 + $.0935 $.0935 $.0935 $.0187 $.0187 $.0187 2. IntraLATA Rates Rate Mileage Initial 30 Seconds Or Fraction Each Additional 6 Seconds Or Fraction Day Eve Night Day Eve Night IntraLATA 0 + $.0935 $.0935 $.0935 $.0187 $.0187 $.0187 C. SWITCHED TO SWITCHED 1. InterLATA Rates Rate Mileage Initial 30 Seconds Or Fraction Each Additional 6 Seconds Or Fraction Day Eve Night Day Eve Night InterLATA 0 + $.1475 $.1475 $.1475 $.0295 $.0295 $.0295 2. IntraLATA Rates Rate Mileage Initial 30 Seconds Or Fraction Each Additional 6 Seconds Or Fraction Day Eve Night Day Eve Night IntraLATA 0 + $.1475 $.1475 $.1475 $.0295 $.0295 $.0295 Advice No. 05-24 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 1, 2005 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: JANUARY 15, 2004 PRICE LIST EFFECTIVE: JANUARY 25, 2004 PAGE 29 RELEASE: 2 11. SWITCHED DIGITAL SERVICE 384 kbps SDS A. DEDICATED TO DEDICATED 1. InterLATA Rates Initial 30 Seconds or Fraction Each Additional 6 Seconds or Fraction Day Evening N/W Day Evening N/W $0.1640 $0.0980 $0.0815 $0.0328 $0.0196 $0.0163 2. IntraLATA Rates Initial 30 Seconds or Fraction Each Additional 6 Seconds or Fraction Day Evening N/W Day Evening N/W $0.1640 $0.0980 $0.0815 $0.0328 $0.0196 $0.0163 (D) | | | | | | (D) Advice No. 04-01 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 25, 2004 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: APRIL 16, 2008 PRICE LIST EFFECTIVE: APRIL 26, 2008 PAGE 30 RELEASE: 3 12. TOLL-FREE MEGACOM SERVICE* A. Toll-Free MEGACOM Rate Per Hour Of Use DAY EVENING NIGHT/WEEKEN D $ 10.08 $ 9.72 $ 8.28 B. AT&T 800 Gold Service-Nodal Rate Per Hour Of Use DAY EVENING NIGHT/WEEKEN D $12.01 $ 9.93 $ 8.47 C. Option 1 Rate Per Hour Of Use DAY EVENING NIGHT/WEEKEN D $11.82 $ 9.77 $ 8.34 D. Option 2 Rate Per Hour Of Use DAY EVENING NIGHT/WEEKEN D $11.82 $ 9.77 $ 8.34 AT&T Toll-Free Multimedia/AT&T WORLDWORX 800sm Rate Per Hour Of Use DAY EVENING NIGHT/WEEKEN D $12.60 $ 12.60 $ 12.60 * Your customer bill and other customer documents may refer to Toll-Free MEGACOM Service as AT&T MEGACOM 800 Service. (T) (T) (N) (N) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING April 26, 2008 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: APRIL 16, 2008 PRICE LIST EFFECTIVE: APRIL 26, 2008 PAGE 31 RELEASE: 3 13. Toll-Free READYLINE SERVICE* A. 800 READYLINE Rate Per Hour Of Use DAY EVENING NIGHT/WEEKEN D $16.20 $16.20 $16.20 B. AT&T 800 Gold Service-Switched Rate Per Hour Of Use DAY EVENING NIGHT/WEEKEN D $19.12 $19.12 $19.12 C. Option 1 Rate Per Hour Of Use DAY EVENING NIGHT/WEEKEN D $18.83 $18.83 $18.83 D. Option 2 Rate Per Hour Of Use DAY EVENING NIGHT/WEEKEN D $18.83 $18.83 $18.83 Access Line Discount[1] A discount of $.01 per intrastate minute of use applies when the Customer orders Toll-Free READYLINE and/or AT&T 800 Gold Service-Switched on an AT&T access line. This is in addition to the access line discount in AT&T's Business Service Guide. Note 1:Access lines are not available to new or existing Customers who did not have them on order before June 15, 1998. Customers may continue their current service under existing conditions but cannot make any moves, changes or additions to this service. * Your customer bill and other customer documents may refer to Toll-Free READYLINE Service as AT&T 800 READYLINE Service. (T) (T) (N) (N) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING April 26, 2008 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: JULY 16, 2003 PRICE LIST EFFECTIVE: JULY 17, 2003 PAGE 32 RELEASE: 1 14. (RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 17, 2003 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: JULY 16, 2003 PRICE LIST EFFECTIVE: JULY 17, 2003 PAGE 33 RELEASE: 1 15. AT&T 800 PLAN K SERVICE Rates and Charges AT&T 800 Plan K has two rate schedules available: Option A, a per minute rate; Option B, a block-of-time rate. Option A Initial Minute Each Additional Minute or Fraction or Fraction $0.26 $0.26 Option B Each Additional Minute [1] or Fraction $0.3150 Note 1: Option B usage may be any combination of interstate or intrastate usage. The initial 30 minute rate for combined usage is found in the interstate tariff. Effective December 23, 1995, Option B is not available to newly subscribed customers. Existing customers or customers with AT&T 800 Plan K - Option B on order may continue their current Option B under this tariff. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 17, 2003 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: MAY 1, 2006 PRICE LIST EFFECTIVE: MAY 11, 2006 PAGE: 34 RELEASE: 3 16. RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE Note: 800 Plan P Service has been moved to the Telecommunications Services Tariff, Section 5, page 50. Advice No. 06-08 (T) (D) | | | | (D) (N) (N) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING May 11, 2006 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: FEBRUARY 4, 2004 PRICE LIST EFFECTIVE: FEBRUARY 14, 2004 PAGE 35 RELEASE: 2 17. AT&T MULTIQUEST SERVICES Effective February 14, 2004, the regulations and prices applicable to the AT&T MultiQuest and AT&T MultiQuest Express900 Service are hereby canceled and withdrawn. (N) | (N) (D) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | (D) Advice No. 04-02 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING February 14, 2004 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: JULY 16, 2003 PRICE LIST EFFECTIVE: JULY 17, 2003 PAGE 36 RELEASE: 1 18. (RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 17, 2003 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: JULY 16, 2003 PRICE LIST EFFECTIVE: JULY 17, 2003 PAGE 37 RELEASE: 1 19. GOVERNMENT INTERNATIONAL CALLING SERVICE Initial 30 Seconds Each Additional 6 Seconds or Fraction or Fraction Peak Off-Peak Peak Off-Peak $0.1120 $0.0895 $0.0224 $0.0179 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 17, 2003 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: JULY 16, 2003 PRICE LIST EFFECTIVE: JULY 17, 2003 PAGE 38 RELEASE: 1 20. (RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 17, 2003 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: FEBRUARY 12, 2010 PRICE LIST EFFECTIVE: FEBRUARY 22, 2010 PAGE 39 -RELEASE: 2 21.DIRECTORY SERVICES 21.1 DIRECTORY ASSISTJNCE For rates see Message Telecommunications Service Tariff, Section 12. (D) (D) Advice No. 2010-04 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING February 22, 2010 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: JULY 16, 2003 PRICE LIST EFFECTIVE: JULY 17, 2003 PAGE 40 RELEASE: 1 22. (RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 17, 2003 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: JULY 16, 2003 PRICE LIST EFFECTIVE: JULY 17, 2003 PAGE 41 RELEASE: 1 23. (RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 17, 2003 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: JULY 16, 2003 PRICE LIST EFFECTIVE: JULY 17, 2003 PAGE 42 RELEASE: 1 24. SOFTWARE DEFINED NETWORK SERVICES * * Basic SDN is not available, either under this tariff section or through any AT&T Contract Tariff or contract referencing this tariff section, to new or existing Customers who did not have it on order on or before October 8, 2001. Existing Customers with Basic SDN or Custom SDN in effect or on order prior to October 8, 2001 may continue under existing conditions. AT&T Contract Tariffs or contracts in effect or on order on October 8, 2001, which include Basic SDN shall also continue under existing conditions. Availability of Basic SDN to customers taking the Service pursuant to an AT&T Contract Tariff or contract will not extend beyond the current term of the applicable Contract Tariff or contract. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 17, 2003 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: OCTOBER 31, 2006 PRICE LIST EFFECTIVE: NOVEMBER 10, 2006 PAGE 43 RELEASE: 2 24. SOFTWARE DEFINED NETWORK SERVICES A) Schedule A 1. InterLATA and IntraLATA Rates - Other than LATA 652 Initial 18 Seconds Each Additional 6 Seconds or Fraction or Fraction Rate Mileage Day Evening Night Day Evening Night 0-292 $0.0606 $0.0567 $0.0567 $0.0202 $0.0189 $0.0189 293-430 $0.0606 $0.0567 $0.0567 $0.0202 $0.0189 $0.0189 2. IntraLATA Rates - LATA 6521 Initial 18 Seconds Each Additional 6 Seconds or Fraction or Fraction Rate Mileage Day Evening Night Day Evening Night 0-292 $0.0606 $0.0567 $0.0567 $0.0202 $0.0189 $0.0189 293-430 $0.0606 $0.0567 $0.0567 $0.0202 $0.0189 $0.0189 B) Schedule B 1. InterLATA and IntraLATA Rates - Other than LATA 652 Initial 18 Seconds Each Additional 6 Seconds or Fraction or Fraction Rate Mileage Day Evening Night Day Evening Night 0-292 $0.0396 $0.0348 $0.0348 $0.0132 $0.0116 $0.0116 293-430 $0.0396 $0.0348 $0.0348 $0.0132 $0.0116 $0.0116 2. IntraLATA Rates - LATA 6521 Initial 18 Seconds Each Additional 6 Seconds or Fraction or Fraction Rate Mileage Day Evening Night Day Evening Night 0-292 $0.0396 $0.0348 $0.0348 $0.0132 $0.0116 $0.0116 293-430 $0.0396 $0.0348 $0.0348 $0.0132 $0.0116 $0.0116 Note 1: U.S. West Territory Advice No. 06-19 (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 10, 2006 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: OCTOBER 31, 2006 PRICE LIST EFFECTIVE: NOVEMBER 10, 2006 PAGE 44 RELEASE: 2 24. SOFTWARE DEFINED NETWORK SERVICES C) Schedule C 1. InterLATA and IntraLATA Rates - Other than LATA 652 Initial 18 Seconds Each Additional 6 Seconds or Fraction or Fraction Rate Mileage Day Evening Night Day Evening Night 0-292 $0.0222 $0.0180 $0.0180 $0.0074 $0.0060 $0.0060 293-430 $0.0222 $0.0180 $0.0180 $0.0074 $0.0060 $0.0060 2. IntraLATA Rates - LATA 6521 Initial 18 Seconds Each Additional 6 Seconds or Fraction or Fraction Rate Mileage Day Evening Night Day Evening Night 0-292 $0.0222 $0.0180 $0.0180 $0.0074 $0.0060 $0.0060 293-430 $0.0222 $0.0180 $0.0180 $0.0074 $0.0060 $0.0060 Note 1: U.S. West Territory Advice No. 06-19 (I) (I) (I) (I) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 10, 2006 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: JULY 16, 2003 PRICE LIST EFFECTIVE: JULY 17, 2003 PAGE 45 RELEASE: 1 24. SOFTWARE DEFINED NETWORK SERVICES D) Schedule E 1. InterLATA Rates Initial 18 Seconds Each Additional 6 Seconds or Fraction or Fraction Rate Mileage Day Evening Night Day Evening Night 0-55 $0.0255 $0.0177 $0.0177 $0.0085 $0.0059 $0.0059 56+ $0.0255 $0.0177 $0.0177 $0.0085 $0.0059 $0.0059 2. IntraLATA Rates Initial 18 Seconds Each Additional 6 Seconds or Fraction or Fraction Rate Mileage Day Evening Night Day Evening Night 0-55 $0.0255 $0.0177 $0.0177 $0.0085 $0.0059 $0.0059 56+ $0.0255 $0.0177 $0.0177 $0.0085 $0.0059 $0.0059 E) Schedule F1 Rates per Call Initial 30 Seconds or Fraction Each Additional 6 Seconds or Fraction Day Evening Night Day Evening Night $0.1325 $0.1220 $0.1220 $0.0105 $0.0084 $0.0084 Note 1. Schedule F may no longer be ordered after October 19, 1998. Existing customers with AT&T SDDN in effect or on order prior to October 19, 1998 may continue their current AT&T Software Defined Data Network service under existing conditions. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 17, 2003 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: JULY 16, 2003 PRICE LIST EFFECTIVE: JULY 17, 2003 PAGE 46 RELEASE: 1 24. SOFTWARE DEFINED NETWORK SERVICES F) Schedule G 1. InterLATA Rates Initial 18 Seconds Each Additional 6 Seconds or Fraction or Fraction Day Evening Night Day Evening Night $0.0870 $0.0534 $0.0444 $0.0290 $0.0178 $0.0148 2. IntraLATA Rates Initial 18 Seconds Each Additional 6 Seconds or Fraction or Fraction Day Evening Night Day Evening Night $0.0870 $0.0534 $0.0444 $0.0290 $0.0178 $0.0148 G) Schedule H1 1. InterLATA Rates Initial 18 Seconds Each Additional 6 Seconds or Fraction or Fraction Day Evening Night Day Evening Night $0.0459 $0.0342 $0.0342 $0.0153 $0.0114 $0.0114 2. IntraLATA Rates Initial 18 Seconds Each Additional 6 Seconds or Fraction or Fraction Day Evening Night Day Evening Night $0.0459 $0.0342 $0.0342 $0.0153 $0.0114 $0.0114 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 17, 2003 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: MAY 19, 2006 PRICE LIST EFFECTIVE: JUNE 1, 2006 PAGE 47 RELEASE: 2 24. SOFTWARE DEFINED NETWORK SERVICES H) Schedule H2 1. InterLATA Rates Initial 18 Seconds Each Additional 6 Seconds or Fraction or Fraction Day Evening Night Day Evening Night $0.0663 $0.0558 $0.0558 $0.0221 $0.0186 $0.0186 2. IntraLATA Rates Initial 18 Seconds Each Additional 6 Seconds or Fraction or Fraction Day Evening Night Day Evening Night $0.0663 $0.0558 $0.0558 $0.0221 $0.0186 $0.0186 I) Schedule M Rates per Call Initial 18 Seconds or Fraction Each Additional 6 Seconds or Fraction Rate Mileage Day Evening Night Day Evening Night 0-292 $.0672 $.0540 $.0540 $.0224 $.0180 $.0180 293-430 $.0672 $.0540 $.0540 $.0224 $.0180 $.0180 J) Schedule N A Customer Dialed Calling Card Station/Automated service charge applies to all calls rated under Schedule M above. Service Charge Per Call - $0.45 Advice No. 06-09 (I) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING June 1, 2006 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: JANUARY 15, 2004 PRICE LIST EFFECTIVE: JANUARY 25, 2004 PAGE 48 RELEASE: 2 24. SOFTWARE DEFINED NETWORK SERVICES K) Schedule P Corporate Calling Card Global Enhancement (CCCGE) Service Charge - per call $0.00 Rate per minute or Fraction Thereof $0.21 (D) | | (D) Advice No. 04-01 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 25, 2004 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: MARCH 22, 2011 EFFECTIVE: APRIL 1, 2011 25. AT&T PRO WATS/PLAN Q SERVICE * Direct Dialed Rates A. Schedule A' Initial Minute Each or Fraction Day Evening N/W Day INTERLATA $1.1820 $1.1820 $1.1820 $1.1820 INTRALATA $1.1400 $0.9240 $0.9240 $1.1400 B. Schedule B' PRICE LIST PAGE 49 RELEASE: 10 Additional Minute or Fraction Evening N/W $1.1820 $1.1820 $0.9240 $0.9240 Initial 30 Seconds or Fraction Each Additional 6 Seconds or Fraction Evening Evening .1400 .1120 .1120 .0280 .0224 .0224 NOTE 1: Applied where AT&T billing is available. NOTE 2: Applied where AT&T billing is not available. Beginning February 20, 1995, this schedule is not available to newly subscribed customers. Customers billed under this schedule on February 20, 1995, may continue such billing until December 31, 1996. * AT&T PRO WATS/Plan Q Service may no longer be ordered after December 18, 2000. Existing customers with AT&T PRO WATS/Plan Q Service in effect or on order prior to December 18, 2000 may continue under existing conditions. Advice No. 2011-04 (I) (I) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING April 1, 2011 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: MARCH 22, 2011 EFFECTIVE: APRIL I, 2011 25. AT&T PRO WATS/PLAN Q SERVICE Direct Dialed Rates (Cont'd) PRICE LIST PAGE 50 RELEASE: 10 C. Combined Outward Calling and Inward Calling Discount Option This optional discount plan is an add-on to the interstate AT&T PRO WATS/Plan Q Combined Outward and Inward Calling Discount Option. All terms and conditions are contained in the AT&T Business Service Guide. Inward Calling Initial Minute Each Additional Minute or Fraction or Fraction Day Evening N/W Day Evening N/W $l.4160 $l.1400 $l.1400 $l.4160 $l.1400 $l.1400 Customer Dialed AT&T CIID/891 Calling Card Calls Service charge per call -$0.80 Advice No. 2011-04 (I) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING April 1, 2011 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: JULY 16, 2003 PRICE LIST EFFECTIVE: JULY 17, 2003 PAGE 51 RELEASE: 1 26. MEGACOM WATS * Initial 18 Seconds or Fraction Each Additional 6 Seconds or Fraction DAY EVENING NIGHT/ WEEKEND DAY EVENING NIGHT/ WEEKEND LATA 6521 IntraLATA $0.0396 $0.0396 $0.0396 $0.0132 $0.0132 $0.0132 Other than LATA 652 InterLATA $0.0396 $0.0396 $0.0396 $0.0132 $0.0132 $0.0132 IntraLATA $0.0396 $0.0396 $0.0396 $0.0132 $0.0132 $0.0132 Directory Assistance See Section 21. Note 1: U.S. West Territory * AT&T MEGACOM WATS Service may no longer be ordered after December 18, 2000. Existing customers with AT&T MEGACOM WATS Service in effect or on order prior to December 18, 2000 may continue under existing conditions. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 17, 2003 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: JULY 16, 2003 PRICE LIST EFFECTIVE: JULY 17, 2003 PAGE 52 RELEASE: 1 27. DISTRIBUTED NETWORK SERVICE * Initial 18 Seconds or Fraction Each Additional 6 Seconds or Fraction Day Evening Night Day Evening Night $0.0789 $0.0789 $0.0789 $0.0263 $0.0263 $0.0263 * AT&T Distributed Network Service may no longer be ordered after December 18, 2000. Existing customers with AT&T Distributed Network Service in effect or on order prior to December 18, 2000 may continue under existing conditions. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 17, 2003 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: JULY 16, 2003 PRICE LIST EFFECTIVE: JULY 17, 2003 PAGE 53 RELEASE: 1 28. AT&T ONE LINE WATS[1] Initial 30 Seconds Or Fraction Each Add’l 6 Seconds Or Fraction Rate Mileage Day Evening N/W Day Evening N/W 0-292 $.1000 $.1000 $.1000 $.0200 $.0200 $.0200 293+ $.1000 $.1000 $.1000 $.0200 $.0200 $.0200 Note 1:Effective June 15, 1998 AT&T One Line WATS is not available to new Customers. Existing Customers may continue their current service under existing conditions but cannot make any moves, changes or additions to this service. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 17, 2003 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: JULY 16, 2003 PRICE LIST EFFECTIVE: JULY 17, 2003 PAGE 54 RELEASE: 1 29. SMALL BUSINESS OPTION * Per Minute or Fraction $0.2800 * AT&T Small Business Option is not available, either under this tariff or through any AT&T Contract Tariff or contract referencing this tariff to new or existing Customers who did not have it on order before June 28, 2001. Existing Customers with AT&T Small Business Option in effect or on order prior to June 28,2001. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 17, 2003 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: FEBRUARY 18, 2010 EFFECTIVE: FEBRUARY 28, 2010 PRICE LIST PAGE 55 RELEASE: 2 30.RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE (T) (D) (D) Advice No. 2010-05 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING February 28, 2010 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: JULY 16, 2003 PRICE LIST EFFECTIVE: JULY 17, 2003 PAGE 56 RELEASE: 1 31. AT&T CLEAR ADVANTAGE SERVICE1 A. Outward Calling 1. InterLATA Rates Initial 30 Seconds Each Additional Second or Fraction or Fraction $0.1050 $0.0035 2. IntraLATA Rates Initial 30 Seconds Each Additional Second or Fraction or Fraction $0.0960 $0.0032 B. Inward Calling Initial 30 Seconds Each Additional Second or Fraction or Fraction $0.1260 $0.0042 C. AT&T CIID/891 Card Calling Initial 30 Seconds Each Additional Second or Fraction or Fraction $0.1260 $0.0042 - Service Charge per Call $.80 Note 1: Beginning February 20, 1998, AT&T Clear Advantage Service is not available to newly subscribed customers. Existing customers may continue their current AT&T Clear Advantage Service under existing conditions. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 17, 2003 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: JULY 16, 2003 PRICE LIST EFFECTIVE: JULY 17, 2003 PAGE 57 RELEASE: 1 32. AT&T OPTIMUM SERVICE A. Dial Station - Switched Access Initial 30 Seconds or Fraction Each Additional 6 Seconds or Fraction Peak Off-Peak Peak Off-Peak LATA 6521 IntraLATA $0.1090 $0.0870 $0.0218 $0.0174 Other than LATA 652 InterLATA $0.1205 $0.0965 $0.0241 $0.0193 IntraLATA 0.1205 0.0965 0.0241 0.0193 B. Dial Station - Special Access Initial 30 Seconds or Fraction Each Additional 6 Seconds or Fraction Peak Off-Peak Peak Off-Peak LATA 6521 IntraLATA $0.0825 $0.0660 $0.0165 $0.0132 Other than LATA 652 InterLATA $0.0825 $0.0660 $0.0165 $0.0132 IntraLATA 0.0825 0.0660 0.0165 0.0132 C. Customer Dialed AT&T OPTIMUM Service Calling Card - Rates Initial 30 Seconds Each Additional 6 Seconds or Fraction or Fraction Peak Off-Peak Peak Off-Peak $0.1600 $0.1280 $0.0320 $0.0256 Service Charge per call - $.80 Note 1: U.S. West Territory Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 17, 2003 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: SEPTEMBER 27, 2005 PRICE LIST EFFECTIVE: OCTOBER 7, 2005 PAGE 58 RELEASE: 2 33. AT&T PRO WATS Idaho Rates and Charges USOC A. Recurring Monthly charge, per account $ 5.00 TS1LV B. Usage Rates DAY EVENING NIGHT/WEEKEND MILEAGE INITIAL ADDITIONAL INITIAL ADDITIONAL INITIAL ADDITIONAL BAND MINUTE MINUTE MINUTE MINUTE MINUTE MINUTE 0- 10 $0.2300 $0.2200 $0.200 0 $0.1900 $0.1600 $0.1600 11- 22 0.2700 0.2300 0.2200 0.2000 0.1600 0.1600 23- 55 0.3500 0.3000 0.2900 0.2400 0.2300 0.1900 56-124 0.4100 0.3600 0.3300 0.2800 0.2700 0.2300 125-292 0.4400 0.3900 0.3700 0.3200 0.3000 0.2700 293-OVER 0.4700 0.4200 0.4000 0.3500 0.3200 0.3000 (M)-Material has been moved from the Telecommunications Services Tariff, Section 5. Advice No. 2005-21 (M) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | (M) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 7, 2005 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: JULY 16, 2003 PRICE LIST EFFECTIVE: JULY 17, 2003 PAGE 59 RELEASE: 1 34. AT&T ALL PRO WATS1 NOTE 1: Effective February 20, 1995, AT&T ALL PRO WATS in Idaho is not available to customers. AT&T ALL PRO WATS customers billed by AT&T will have their service furnished and charged under AT&T PRO WATS/Plan Q Service specified in Section 25, Schedule A preceding. Customers not billed by AT&T will have their service furnished and charged under AT&T PRO WATS/Plan Q Service specified in Section 25, Schedule B preceding. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 17, 2003 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: JULY 16, 2003 PRICE LIST EFFECTIVE: JULY 17, 2003 PAGE 60 RELEASE: 1 35. (RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 17, 2003 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: JULY 16, 2003 PRICE LIST EFFECTIVE: JULY 17, 2003 PAGE 61 RELEASE: 1 36. (RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 17, 2003 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: JULY 16, 2003 PRICE LIST EFFECTIVE: JULY 17, 2003 PAGE 62 RELEASE: 1 37. (RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 17, 2003 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: JULY 16, 2003 PRICE LIST EFFECTIVE: JULY 17, 2003 PAGE 63 RELEASE: 1 38. WIDE AREA TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE[1] Outward WATS The hourly rates for outward WATS apply to the average use for each rate period, rounded to the nearest tenth of an hour, for each access line within a service group. MATR 30 Seconds Charge Usage Rate Per Access Line, Per Hour First 15 hours $17.00 Next 25 hours 15.75 Next 40 hours 14.50 Over 80 hours 13.50 800 Service The hourly rates apply to the average used for each rate period, rounded to the nearest tenth of an hour, for each access line within a service group. MATR 30 Seconds Charge Usage Rate Per Access Line, Per Hour First 15 hours $27.50 Next 25 hours 24.00 Next 40 hours 20.50 Over 80 hours 18.25 Note 1:Effective June 15, 1998 AT&T WATS and AT&T 800 Services are not available to new Customers. Existing Customers may continue their current service under existing conditions but cannot make any moves, changes or additions to this service. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 17, 2003 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: JULY 16, 2003 PRICE LIST EFFECTIVE: JULY 17, 2003 PAGE 64 RELEASE: 1 39. (RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 17, 2003 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: JULY 16, 2003 PRICE LIST EFFECTIVE: JULY 17, 2003 PAGE 65 RELEASE: 1 40. (RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 17, 2003 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: JULY 16, 2003 PRICE LIST EFFECTIVE: JULY 17, 2003 PAGE 66 RELEASE: 1 41. (RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 17, 2003 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: JULY 16, 2003 PRICE LIST EFFECTIVE: JULY 17, 2003 PAGE 67 RELEASE: 1 42. (RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 17, 2003 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: JULY 16, 2003 PRICE LIST EFFECTIVE: JULY 17, 2003 PAGE 68 RELEASE: 1 43. (RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 17, 2003 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: JULY 16, 2003 PRICE LIST EFFECTIVE: JULY 17, 2003 PAGE 69 RELEASE: 1 44. (RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 17, 2003 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: SEPTEMBER 7, 2005 PRICE LIST EFFECTIVE: SEPTEMBER 17, 2005 PAGE 70 RELEASE: 3 45. PAYPHONE USAGE CHARGES - BUSINESS RATE Per Call .............................. $0.56 Advice No. 05-19 (R) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING September 17, 2005 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: APRIL 18, 2005 PRICE LIST EFFECTIVE: APRIL 28, 2005 PAGE 71 RELEASE: 1 46. (RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE) Advice No. 05-09 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING April 28, 2005 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: APRIL 18, 2005 PRICE LIST EFFECTIVE: APRIL 28, 2005 PAGE 72 RELEASE: 1 47. (RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE) Advice No. 05-09 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING April 28, 2005 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: APRIL 18, 2005 PRICE LIST EFFECTIVE: APRIL 28, 2005 PAGE 73 RELEASE: 1 48. (RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE) Advice No. 05-09 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING April 28, 2005 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING September 15, 2011 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: NOVEMBER 18, 2008 PRICE LIST EFFECTIVE: NOVEMBER 28, 2008 PAGE 75 RELEASE: 1 50. (RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE) Advice No. 2008-12 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 28, 2008 Boise, Idaho AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IDAHO CUSTOM NETWORK SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: NOVEMBER 18, 2008 PRICE LIST EFFECTIVE: NOVEMBER 28, 2008 PAGE 76 RELEASE: 1 51. INTRASTATE INBOUND 1-800-YELLOWPAGES SERVICE Rates and Charges Per Minute $0.02 Advice No. 2008-12 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 28, 2008 Boise, Idaho