HomeMy WebLinkAbout20070625final_order_no_30351.pdfOffice of the Secretary Service Date June 25, 2007 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF AT&T MOBILITY'S REQUEST FOR A WAIVER OF FCC THRESHOLD REQUIREMENTS FOR NUMBERING RESOURCES IN IDAHO'S SANDPOINT RATE CENTER ORDER NO. 30351 CASE NO. ATT-07- On May 29, 2007, AT&T Mobility (f/k/a "Cingular Wireless" and "Blue License Holding ) filed a request for a waiver of numbering resource guidelines following denial of its application filed with Neustar, the North American Number Plan Administrator ("NANP A" On May 2, 2007, AT&T requested 1 000 additional numbers from the Pooling Administrator P A") in order to meet customer demand in the Sandpoint, Idaho area. THE PETITION AT&T has filed an application for additional numbering resources in the Sandpoint rate center. In its application to Neustar, AT&T submitted an MTE Worksheet indicating when AT&T would deplete or exhaust its numbering resources in the Sandpoint rate center. The worksheet calculated that the number utilization rate would be 67.311 %. The Company application was ultimately denied because it did not meet NANPA's 75% threshold utilization rate requirement for Idaho. The Commission "may affirm or overturn the NANPA's decision to withhold numbering resources from the carrier based on its determination of compliance with the reporting and numbering resource" requirement. 47 C.R. ~ 52. 15(g)(3)(B)(iv). AT&T has made a "safety valve" request for additional numbering resources in the Sandpoint rate center based upon a "verifiable need " demonstration that it will exhaust its numbering resources within three months, and the actual or projected growth for the rate center. AT&T Transmittal Letter 1. The Company asserts that it (1) "does not have many numbers in this rate center, and (2) AT&T Mobility needs to use two thousand-blocks in this rate center as administrative numbers. Id. at 2. The 2 000 numbers in the Sandpoint rate center are reserved for Global Title Translations, leaving only 372 numbers for future customer assignment. AT&T claims that it has investigated whether it could release the administrative numbers and assign them to its new ORDER NO. 30351 customers and/or transfer the reserved numbers to another rate center. The Company states that either option could potentially have an adverse effect on customer service and billing. STAFF ANALYSIS Staff recommended that the Commission grant AT&T's request. Staff noted that it contacted Neustar regarding AT&T's application to overturn Neustar s decision to deny the Company s request for additional numbering resources and was informed that it may be reasonable for AT&T to request additional numbering resources given the architecture of its network. Staff also noted that similar requests have been granted by this Commission in the past and that if the 2 000 reserve numbers were removed from AT&T's calculation of its utilization rate then it would meet the 75% utilization requirement for Idaho. Thus, Staff concluded that granting AT&T's request for additional numbering resources would not result in an inefficient use of Idaho s numbering resources. DISCUSSION After reviewing AT&T's Petition and Staffs recommendation , the Commission finds that AT&T's Petition should be granted. Further, the Commission finds that the requested number assignment is necessary for AT&T to meet the needs of its Sandpoint area customers. Granting AT&T's request will allow the Company to maintain an adequate supply of numbering resources for assignment to its new customers. The Commission also finds that it is reasonable to direct that Neustar provide AT&T with the requested numbering resources to meet current demand from its Sandpoint customers. Finally, the Commission reminds AT&T that unused 000 blocks shall be returned to the NANP A within six months. ORDER IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that AT&T Mobility s Petition for waiver of the FCC's numbering resource optimization requirements is approved. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that Neustar assign a 1 000 block of numbers to AT&T so that AT&T may assign them to its new customers in the Sandpoint rate center. THIS IS A FINAL ORDER. Any person interested in this Order may petition for reconsideration with twenty-one (21) days of the service date of this Order. Within seven (7) days after any person has petitioned for reconsideration, any other person may cross-petition for reconsideration. See Idaho Code ~ 61-626. ORDER NO. 30351 DONE by Order of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission at Boise, Idaho this ;J::r+~ day of June 2007. MARSHA H. SMITH, COMMISSIONER MACK A. REDFORD, COMMI ATTEST: ~&JJe D. Jewell Commission Secretary O:ATTTO701 ORDER NO. 30351