HomeMy WebLinkAbout20080122Application.pdf, t=". elltel . Pro' 2: 4910ua J~N 2.2 Jim Porter Senior Analyst-Carer Relations 1 Alled Dr. B5F03 Litte Rock, AR 72202 Tel: 501 905-5337 Fax: 501 905-6307 Jim.porter(g alltel.com kto --t -0 8-6 ( Januar 17, 2008 VI OVERNGHT MAIL Mrs. Jean Jewell Secreta to the Commssion Idaho Public Utilities Commssion 472 West Washington Street Boise, Idaho 83702 RE: Loal Interconnection Agreement between ALL TEL Communications LLC and Project Mutual Telephone Cooperative Association, Inc. Dear Mrs. Jewell: ALLTEL Communications LLC ("ALLTEL") hereby submit for approval by the Idao Public Utilities Commssion ("Commssion) the enclosed Interconnection and Traffic Exchange Agreement ("Agreement") which provides for interconnection and exchange of trafc between ALL TEL and Project Mutual Telephone Cooperative Association, Inc. ("PMT ). Ths agreement was reached though volunta negotiations without resort to mediation or arbitration and is submitted for approval pursuant to Section 252( e) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended by the Telecommunications Act of 1996 ("the Act") and the requirements of Idaho Admstrative Code, 31.42., Rule 408. Section 252(e)(2) of the Act diects that a state Commssion may reject an agreement reached though volunta negotiations only if the Commssion finds that . the agrement (or porton thereof) discriates against a telecommuncations carer not a pary to the agrment, or . the implementation of such agreement or porton is not consistent with the public interest, convenience and necessity. .R Mrs. Jea Jewell October 26, 2007 Page 2 ALLTEL respectflly submits that the Agreement provides no basis for either of these findings, and therefore requests that the Commssion approve the Agreement expedtiously. First, the Agreement does not discriminate against any other telecommunications carer beause ALL TEL has made the terms of the Agreement available to other carers. Second, the Agreement is consistent with the public interest as identified in the pro-competitive policies of the State of Idaho, the Commssion, the US. Congrss and the Federal Communications Commssion. The Agreement wil enable the local connection to provide service to, and interconnect with, a greater number of telecommunications customers in Idao. Expedtious approval of ths Agreement wil faciltate immedate competition in the telecommunications market. ALL TEL fuer reuests that the Commssion approve ths Agreement without a hearng and without allowing the intervention of other pares. Because" ths Agreement was reached though volunta negotiations, it does not raise issues requig a hearng and does not concern other pares not a par of the negotiations. Expetious approval would fuer the public interest. Enclosed are an original and seven copies of ths filing as speified in IDAP A 31. 01.01(061 )(01)( c). If you have any questions regarding ths matter, pleae contact me per the information included above. Very trly yours, ~f/r Senior Analyst-Carer Relations cc: Charles Creason Enclosures 1. fl c:~:.:,.. ¿DUB JAN 22 Prl 2: 49 ,A-f'-o8-o INTERCONNECTION AN RECIPROCAL COMPENSATION AGREEMENT By and Between Project Mutual Telephone Cooperative Association, Inc. And A1ltel Communications, Inc. For the State of Idaho 01/03/07 Final draft \. INTERCONNCTION AN RECIPROCAL COMPENSATION AGREEMENT Alltel Communications, Inc. and PMT Telephone Company Idao 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. Attachment A 01/03/07 Final draft Table of Contents Definitions Interpretation and Constrction Scope Interconnection Methods and Facilties Routing of Traffic Compensation Bilg and Payment Notice of Changes General Responsibilties of the Partes Term and Termination Cancellation Charges Non-Severabilty Indemnifcation Auditing Procedures Limitation of Liabilty Disclaimer Regulatory Approval Pending Judicial Appeals and Reglatory Reconsideration Most Favored Nation Provision Compliance Independent Contractors Force Majeure Confidentialty Governing Law Assignment Release Non-Waiver Notices Trouble Reportng Publicity and Use of Trademarks or Servce Marks No Third Part Beneficiaries; Disclaimer of Agency No License Technology Upgrades Entire Agreement Dispute Resolution Rates and Factors Page 2 of25 .. INERCONNECTION AN RECIPROCAL COMPENSATION AGREEMENT Alltel Communications, Inc. and PMT Telephone Company Idao Ths Interconnection and Reciprocal Compensation Agreement ("Agreement") is effective as of the 1+1 day of Sept~b.r2oo7 (the "Effective Date"), by and between Project Mutu Telephone Cooperative, Association, Inc.("PMT") with offces at 507 G St, Rupe, Idao 83350 and Alltel Communcations, Inc. a Delaware corporation, for itself and its wieless affliates and solely with respect to its operations as a CMRS provider ("Alltel") with offces at One Allied Drve, Little Rock, Arkasas 72202. Hereinafter, "Party" mean either PMT or Alltel and "Pares" mean PMT and Alltel. WHREAS, Alltel is authorized by the Federal Communications Commssion ("FCC") to provide Commercial Mobile Rado Servces ("CMRS"); WHREAS, PMT is a local exchage carer holding a cerificate of authority to provide local exchange telecommuncations services in cer exchanges with the state of Idao. WHREAS, PMT and Alltel exchange calls between their networks and wish to establish Interconnection and Reciprocal Compensation argements for exchanging trffc as speified below; WHEREAS, the paries intend this Agreement provide for the mutu exchage and reciprocal compensation of Traffc in accordance with Section 251(b)(5) of the Telecommuncations Act of 1996, and which is intended to supercede any previous argements between the Pares relatig to such Traffc. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutu provisions contained herein and other goo and valuable consideration, the receipt and suffciency of which ar hereby acknowledged, PMT and Alltel hereby agree as follows: 1. Definitions Special meangs are given to common words in the telecommuncations industr, and coined words and acronyms are common in the custom and usage in the industr. Words used in ths contrct are to be understood accordig to the custom and usage of the telecommuncations industr, as an exception to the generl rule of contract interpretation that words are to be understood in their ordin and popular sene. In addition to ths rule of interpretation, the followig terms used in ths Agrement shall have the meangs as specified below: 1.1. "Act" means the Communcations Act of 1934 (47 U.S.C. Section 151 et seq.), as amended. 01/03/07 Final draft Page 3 of25 'i INERCONNCTION AND RECIPROCAL COMPENSATION AGREEMENT Alltel Communcations, Inc. and PMT Telephone Company Idao 1.2. "Aff"ilate" means a person that (directly or indirectly) owns or controls, is owned or controlled by, or is under common ownership or control with, another peron. For puroses of ths paragrph, the term "own" mean to own an equity interest (or the equivalent thereof) of more than 10 percent. 1.3. "Central Offce Switch" mean a PMT switch used to provide Telecommuncations Servces, including, but not limite to the followig: (a) "End Offce Switch" is a switch in which the subscrber station loops are terminated for connection to either lines or tr. The subscrber receives terminating, switchig, signaling, transmission, and related fuctions for a defied geographic area by means of an End Offce Switch. (b) "Remote End Offce Switch" is a switch in which the subscrber station loops are terminated. The control equipment providing terminting, switchig, signaling, transmission and related fuctions would reside in a Host Offce Switch. Local-switching capabilities may be resident in a Remote End Offce Switch. (c) "Host Offce Switch" is a switch with centrized control over the fuctions of one or more Remote End Offce Switches. A Host Offce Switch can sere as an End Offce Switch as well as providing services to other Remote End Offces requirig terminating, signaling, transmission, and related fuctions includig local switching. (d) "Tandem Switch" is a switchig system that connects and switches tr circuits between and among Centr Offce Switches, Mobile Switching Centers, and IXC networks. A Tandem Switch can also provide Host Offce Switch or End Offce Switch fuctions. A Centrl Offce Switch may also be employed as a combination of any or all of the above switch tyes. 1.4. "Commercial Mobile Radio Servces" or "CMR" has the meang given to the term in the Par 20, FCC Rules 1.5. "Commission" means the Idao Public Utilities Commssion. 1.6. "Direct Interconnection" means either a one-way or two-way connection between the PMT network and the Alltel network. 1.7. "End User" means, whether or not capitaized, any business, residential or governental customer of services provided by a Par, and includes the term "Customer". More specific meangs of either of such terms are dependent upon the context in which they appear in the Agreement and the provisions of the Act. 01/03/07 Final draft Page4of25 INERCONNCTION AN RECIPROCAL COMPENSATION AGREEMENT Alltel Communications, Inc. and PMT Telephone Company Idao 1.8. "FCC" means the Federal Communcations Commssion. 1.9. "Interconnection" has the meang given the term in the Act and refer to the services, equipment, facilties, or platforms between or with networks for the purose of trsmission and routing of Telecommuncations Traffc. 1.10. "Interexchange Carrier" or "IXC" means a carer that provides or cares, directly or indirectly, toll Traffc. 1.11. "InterMT A Traffc" is Traffc that origites in one MT A and termintes in a different MTA. 1.12. "Local Servce Area" means, for Alltel origiated trffc, all intrTA trffc and for PMT origiated traffc, its local calling area inclusive of Extended Area Service (EAS), Extended Local Calling (ELC), Metropolita Calling Area (MCA) or similar expanded local calling areas that identify a rate center where the originating caller has local calling to any NP AN in that rate center. 1.13. "Local Exchange Carrier" or "LEC" is as defied in the Act. 1.14. "Location Routing Number" or "LRN" is a ten digit routig number tht identifies the terminating switch for a telephone number tht ha been ported. 1.15. "Major Trading Area" or "MTA" mean Major Trading Area as defied by the FCC in 47 C.F.R. Par 24.202(a). 1.16. "Mobile Switching Center" or "MSC" mean Alltel facilties and related equipment that perform the switchig for the routing of calls from and among its End Users and other Telecommuncations Carer networks. The MSC is also used to connect and switch tr circuits with the Alltel network and between the Alltel network and the public switched telephone network. 1.17. ''N-l Carrer" means that carer in the call routig process imediately precedng the terminating carer and as fuer defied by the Nort Amercan Numbeg CounciL. 1.18. "NPA" or the "Number Plan Area" also referred to as an "ara code" refer to the thee-digit code which precedes the NX in a dialing sequence and identifies the general callng area withn the Nort Amercan Numberig Plan scope to which a call is routed to (i.e., NPAI-XX). 1.19. "NXX" means the thee-digit code, which appear as the fit thee digits of a seven-digit telephone number within a valid NP A or area code. 1.20. "Party" means either PMT or Alltel, and "Partes" means PMT and Alltel. 01/03/07 Final draft Page 5 of25 '¡ INTERCONNCTION AN RECIPROCAL COMPENSATION AGREEMENT Alltel Communications, Inc. and PMT Telephone Company Idao 1.21. "Point of Interconnection" or "POI" means that technically feasible point of demarcation where the exchange of trffic between the Paries taes place: When the Paries are directly interconnected, the physical location where the networks of the two Paries are interconnected to exchange Telecommuncations Trac, and when the Paries are indiectly interconnected, the point where the network of the Third Par Provider the delivers the Traffc is inteconnected with the terminating Par's network. 1.22. "Rate Center" means the specific geogrphic point and correspondig geographic area that is associated with one or more NPA-NXX codes that have been assigned to a LEC for its provision of telecommuncations serices. 1.23. "Reciprocal Compensation" means an argement between two carers in which each receives compensation from the other carer for the Trasport and Termination on each carer's network of Telecommuncations Traffc tht origiates on the network facilities of the other carer. 1.24. "Telecommunications" means the trsmission, between or among points specified by the End User, of information of the End User's choosing, without change in the form or content of the information as sent and received. 1.25. "Telecommunications Carrer" means any provider of Telecommunications services, except that such term does not include aggregators of telecommuncations services (as defied in 47 U.S.C. Section 226(a)(2)). 1.26. "Telecommunications Traffc" or "Traffc" is Telecommuncations that is origiated and terminted between a LEC and a CMRS provider withn the same Major Trading Area (MTA), regardless of whether it is trported by a thd par. Telecommuncations Traffc includes Local Serce Area Traffc, InterMT A Traffc, and Trasiting Traffc. 1.27. "Termination" means the switchig of Telecommuncations Traffc at the terminating carer's End Offce Switch, or equivalent facility, and deliver of such trffic to the called par. 1.28. "Third Part Provider" shall mean any facilties-based telecommuncations carer, including, without limitation, interexchage carers, independent telephone companes, or competitive local exchange carers that car Traitig Traffc. The term shall not mean resellers of a LEC's local exchange serces or resellers of a CMRS service. 1.29. "Transiting Traffc" means trffc between two Telecommuncations Carer, cared by a Thd Par Provider tht neither origintes nor termates tht trffc on its network while acting as an intermediar. 01/03/07 Final draft Page 60f25 INTERCONNCTION AN RECIPROCAL COMPENSATION AGREEMENT Alltel Communications, Inc. and PMT Telephone Company Idao 1.30. "Transport" means the trsmission and any necessar tadem switching of Telecommuncations Traffc subject to §251(b)(5) of the Act from the interconnection point between two carers to the terminatig carer's end offce switch tht directly serves the called Par, or equivalent facility provided by a thid par provider. 2. Interpretation and Constrction All references to Sections and Attchments shall be deemed to be references to Sections of, and Attchments to, ths Agreement unless the context shall otherwse requie. The headings of the Sections and Attchments are inserted for convenience of reference only and are not intended to be a par of or to affect the meang of this Agreement. Unless the context shall otherwse require, any reference to any agreement, other instrent or other thd Par offerig, guide or practice, statute, regulation, rule or taff is for convenience of reference only and is not intended to be a par of or to affect the meang of a rule or taff as amended and supplemented from time-to-time (and, in the case of a statute, reguation, rule or taff to any successor provision). Ths Agreement is the joint work product of the Pares and has been negotiated by the Paries and shall be fairly interpreted in accordance with its terms and, in the event of any ambiguities, no inferences shall be drwn against either Pary. The Paries enter into ths Agreement without prejudice to any position they may tae with respect to similar futue agreements between the Paries or with respect to positions they may have taen previously, or may tae in the futue in any legislative, reguatory or other public foru addressing any matters, includig matters related to the rates to be charged for Transport and Termination of Traffc or the tyes of argements prescrbed by this Agreement. 3. Scope This Agreement is intended, inter alill to describe and enable specific Interconnection and Reciprocal Compensation argements between the Paries. Ths Agreement does not obligate either Par to provide arangements not specifically provided for herein. Ths Agreement establishes the methodology for the exchange of and compensation for Traffc originated on the network of Alltel, trsited via the network of a Thd Par Provider and terminated on the network ofPMT, or delivered directly to, and terated by PMT, or originated on the network ofPMT, transited via the network ofa Thd Par Provider and terminated on the network of Alltel, or delivered directly to, and terinated by Alltel. Puuat to this Agreement, the Paries will extend certin arangements to one another as needed to meet the requirements of this Agreement. Ths Agreement reflects a balancing of interests critical to the Paries. 01/03/07 Final draft Page 7 of25 INTERCONNCTION AND RECIPROCAL COMPENSATION AGREEMENT Alltel Communcations, Inc. and PMT Telephone Company Idao 3.1 Each Par's NPAls and network routing information ar listed in Telcordia's Local Exchange Routing Guide ("LERG"). The Opating Company Number ("OCN") for each Par in the state of Idao are: 3.1.1 AllteIOCN: 5027,6293 3.1.2 PMT OCN: 2231,3816 3.2 The Paries have not addressed the basis for intercarer compensation relating to enhanced services and Internet trffc. The Paries agree tht such trffc between them, if any, is presently de mins. If a Par has reason to believe that enhanced service and Internet trffc is not de mins, that Par may reopen negotiations to determine an appropriate method for identifyg, trsportg, and determing the compensation for such trffc. If the Paries are unble to reach agreement, the matter shall be resolved using the aritrtion procedures under the Act. 3.3 The Paries agree that ths Agreement does not provide for the ex.chage of 911Æ911 traffc. 4. Interconnection Methods and Facilties Ths Section describes the methods with which the Pares to ths Agreement may interconnect their respective networks for the Trasport and Termnation of Traffc. 4.1. Indirect Method of Interconnection. The Paries agree that in event of a failure in the direct interconnection between the paries described below, the paries may deliver traffc from its network though a Third Par Provider and thus be indirectly connected with the other Par for the delivery of Traffic origiated on its network. 4.1.1. When trffc is indirectly exchanged via an originating Par's use of one or more Thd Par Providers, the origiatig Par shall be responsible for the cost to deliver that Par's origiated Traffc to the point where the terminatig Par's network interconnects with the network of the carer that delivers the Traffc to the terminating Par. 4.1.2. Each Par is individually responsible for negotiatig their own agreements with any Third Par Provider. 4.2. Direct Interconnection. 4.2.1. Direct Interconnection facilities provide a tr side connection between the Paries' networks. The Paries have agreed to establish a two-way Direct Interconnection at a mutuly agreed upon POI in Ruper for the 01/03/07 Final draft Page 8 of25 i INTERCONNCTION AN RECIPROCAL COMPENSATION AGREEMENT Alltel Communications, Inc. and PMT Telephone Company Idao exchange of Traffc between the Alltel and PMT networks, and have agreed that this method of interconnection shall be the primar connection between the Paries' networks. 4.2.2. The Paries shall provide each other a forecast of projected Traffc volume for each point of interconnection when significant chages in trafc patterns are anticipated. The Paries agree to work coopeatively to determine the number of tr needed to handle the estiated trffc. 4.2.3. Alltel will accept 100 percent (100%) of the financial responsibilty to deliver its origiated trffc to and receive PMT origiated trffc from the Direct Interconnection POI in Rupert. 4.2.4. PMT will accept 100 perent (100%) of the finacial responsibility to deliver its origiated trffc to and receive Alltel origiated trc from the Direct Interconnection POI in Rupert. 4.3. Additional Direct Interconnection Methods Available to Alltel. Alltel has purchased diect tred trsport from Syrga Networks (a Thd Par Provider) for the delivery of such trffc. Alternatively, Alltel may provide its own facilties and transport for the delivery of trffc from its network to a POI withi PMT's network. 4.4. Techncal Requiements and Stadads. Each Par wil provide the servces in this Agreement to the other Par at a stadad at least equa in quality and performance to tht which the Par provides itself and others. Either Par may request, and the other Par will provide, to the extent techncally feasible, services that are superior or lesser in quaity than the providig Par provides to itself, provided, however, tht such servces shall be considered special requests, and will be handled on a case-by-case basis. 4.5. Impairment of Service. 4.5.1. The characteristics and methods of operation of any circuits, facilties or equipment of either Par connected with the servces, facilties or equipment of the other Par pursuat to ths Agreement shall not interfere with or impair service over any facilities of the other Par, its affliated companes, or its connecting and concurg caers involved in its services, cause daage to their plant, violate any applicable law or regulation regardig the invasion of privacy of any communcations cared over the Par's facilties or create hazards to the employees of either Pary or to the public ("Impairent of Serice"). 01/03/07 Final draft Page 9 of25 INTERCONNECTION AN RECIPROCAL COMPENSATION AGREEMENT Alltel Communications, Inc. and PMT Telephone Company Idao 4.5.2. If either Par causes an Impairment of Service, the Par whose network or service is being impaired (the "Impaied Par") shall promptly notify the Par causing the Impairent of Service (the "Impaig Par") of the natue and location of the problem and that, uness promptly rectified, a tempora discontinuace of the use of any circuit, facilty or equipment may be required. The Impairig Par and the Impaired Par agree to work together to attempt to promptly resolve the Impairent of Servce. If the Impairng Par is unable to promptly remedy the Impaient of Service, then the Impaird Par may at its option temporarly discontiue the use of the affected circuit, facility or equipment. 5. Routing of Traffic Ths Section provides the terms and conditions for the proper routig exchange of Trac between the Paries' respective networks. 5. i. Indirect Connection via a Thd Par Provider. As an alterative to routing Local Traffc covered by ths agreement though a Direct Interconnection, in the event of a failure of the direct interconnection facilities, either Par may choose to temporarly route traffc from its network though a Thd Par Provider to the terminating Par's POI with the Thd Par Provider. 5.2. Mobile to Lad Traffc - Direct Interconnection. Alltel shall be responsible for the delivery of Traffc from its network to the appropriate Point of Interconnection with PMT's network for the Transport and Termination of such traffc by PMT to one of its End Users. 5.3. Lad to Mobile Traffc - Direct Interconnection. 5.3.1. PMT shall be responsible for the delivery of trffc from its End Users connected to its network to the appropriate Point of Interconnection with Alltel's network for the Trasport and Termination of such traffc by Alltel to an End User. 5.3.2. PMT shall deliver all origiating Local Service Area trffc bound for Alltel to the direct connection(s). 5.4. Dialing Party and N-l Carer Obligations. Both Pares agree to adhere to dialing party obligations including 'N-I carer' database query and routig obligations. 5.41. For any NPAN line numbers assigned to Alltel that have a rate center associated with a Local, EAS, ELC, MCA exchage or simlar program, PMT wil route all land-to-mobile trffc to Alltel utilizg End User dialing patterns undifferentiated from those provided to any carer's number assigned to the same rate center. 01/03/07 Final draft Page 10 of25 " INTERCONNECTION AN RECIPROCAL COMPENSATION AGREEMENT Alltel Communications, Inc. and PMT Telephone Company Idao 5.4.2. Each Par wil ensur that number portbilty database queres are performed on all calls routed via Direct Interconnection. 6. Compensation The Paries agree to the rates referenced in Attchment A for the services to be provided puruat to ths Agreement. 6.1. Local Telecommunications Traffc. The Pares shal reciprocally and symetrcally compensate one another for IntrMT A Traffc at the rates set fort in Attchment A Sections i and 2. 6.2. InterMTA Traffc. The Pares contemplate that they may exchange incidenta volumes of InterMT A Traffc under ths Agreement. Alltel shall compensate PMT for wireless to wire line InterMTA Traffc at its published interstate NECA access rates. 6.3. Direct Interconnection Facilties. Alltel wil be responsible for diect tr transport facilties to PMT's POI in Rupert, and shal pay to PMT chael termination charges at the rate of $190 per DS 1 per month. 6.4. Bil-and-Keep. The Traffc exchanged between the paries has been determed to be withn plus or minus ten (10) percentage points of fift (50) percent of the Traffc origiated by both paries (i.e., with 40% to 60% of total two-way trffc), accordingly, all Traffc wil be compensated using bil and keep, such that neither par shall bil the other pursuat to Attchment A, Sections i, 2, and 3. 7. Bilng and Payment 7.1. The Paries shall bil each other on a monthy basis for the serices provided under this Agreement in accordance with the rates and chages set fort in Section 5 and Attchment A. 7.2. Each Par wil only charge the other Par for actul usage, except tht Alltel wil be relieved of ths obligation so long as the Reciprocal Compensation Credt method of biling is used. 7.3. In the event actul detaled biling records are not available (e.g. if traffc is routed via a Third Par Provider), sumar biling reports may be utilized. 7.4. Usage measurement for calls shall begin when Answer Supervision or equivalent SS7 message is received from the terminating offce and shall end at the time of call disconnect by the calling or called customer, whichever occur fit. 7.5. Minutes of use ("MOU"), or fractions thereof, shall not be rounded upward on a per-call basis, but wil be accumulated over the biling period. At the end of the biling period, any remaining fraction shall be rounded up to the nearest whole 01/03/07 Final draft Page 11 of25 INTERCONNECTION AN RECIPROCAL COMPENSATION AGREEMENT Alltel Communications, Inc. and PMT Telephone Company Idao minute to arve at total bilable minutes for each Interconnection. MOU shall be collected and measured in minutes, seconds, and tenths of seconds. 7.6. Each Par shall include suffcient detail of MOUs on its invoices to enable the other Pary to reasonably verify the accuracy of the usage, charges, and credits. 7.7. The Paries shall pay invoiced amounts with fort-five (45) days of receipt of the invoice. For invoices not paid when due, late payment charges wil be assessed on the past due balance, until paid, at a rate equal to 12% per anum, except as provided in Section 7. 14. 7.8. In the event the Traffc terminated on the Paries' respective networks is at or below 1,000 minutes per month, the Traffc shall be considered de minus. The Paries agree that the only compensation for such de minus Traffc will be in the form of the reciprocal Trasport and Termination services provided by the other Par, and no bilings wil be issued by either Par. 7.9. Alltel may elect to use a Reciprocal Compensation Credit in lieu of submittg invoices to PMT for Reciprocal Compensation. 7.9.1. Alltel shall provide PMT not less th sixty (60) days prior wrtten notice when changig its election to use actu recorded MOU to bil PMT rather than receive the Reciprocal Compensation Credit. In such event, Alltel wil be then responsible for measurg the monthy Telecommuncations Traffc, measured by minutes of use, terminating into its network from PMT's network and shall bil PMT on a going forward basis using the rates set fort in Attchment A. 7.9.2. The Reciprocal Compensation Credit amount shall be determined by PMT monthly, and reflected on the PMT invoice to Alltel as a credit agait the amounts due and payable from Alltel to PMT. 7.9.3. The reciprocal compensation credit will be calculated as follows: Divide the total number of monthly measured minutes of use origiated by Alltel and terminated on PMT's network by the Mobile to Land Traffc Factor. The total calculation will then be multiplied by the Land to Mobile Traffc Factor to arve at the total minutes of use terminated on Alltel's network per month. This monthy total wil be multiplied by the rates set fort in Section 6.1 to obtain the Reciprocal Compensation Credit for the month. For example, PMT determines that 10,000 minutes of Alltel origited Traffc has been delivered to it in a given biling period: The Pares will assume that 8, i 82 minutes of land originated calls were delivered by PMT to Alltel for termtion (10,000/.55 multiplied by .45). 7.9.4. It is agreed that the Traffc Factors set fort on Attchment A Section 2 represent a reasonable estimate of the ratio of Traffc origiated and terminated by the Paries, considerg the anticipated mix of Traffc routed 01/03/07 Final draft Page 12 of25 INTERCONNECTION AN RECIPROCAL COMPENSATION AGREEMENT Alltel Communications, Inc. and PMT Telephone Company Idao between the paries. Either Par may, at its option, request modification of the Factors, on a going forward basis, based on the results of a traffc study conducted for Traffc originated by or terminating to the Pars End Users. These factors may be modified, but no more th once anualy. If the Pares are unable to reach agreement for modification of the Lad to Mobile Factor, either Par may request resolution of the dispute puruat to Section 35 of ths Agreement. 7.10. Taxes. The Par collecting revenue shall be responsible for collecting, reportg and remitting all appropriate taes associated therewith. PMT is responsible for taes on PMT revenues and Alltel is responsible for taes on Alltel revenues whether or not shown as a credit on the PMT invoice to Alltel. 7.11. Biling notices. All bils rendered by one Par to the other Par under this Agreement shall be delivered to the followig locations. Alltel Communcations, Inc. c/o Control Point Solutions 3655 North Point Pkw, Suite 200 Alpharett, GA 30005 Att: Erika Owens Project Mutul Telephone Comp 507 G St, Rupert. Idaho Att: Richard Bruey 7.12. Biling inquires. All bil inquires by one Par to the other Par under ths Agreement shall be directed to the following locations. Alltel Communcations, Inc. Wholesale Biling Serices Phone Number: 1-800-351-4241 Email: ACI.CABS.Alltel.com PMT Telephone Company Contact Name:_ Richad Bruley Phone Number: 208-434-7124 Email: rbruley ~pmt.coop 7.13. Escalations. Each Par wil provide to the other Par an escalation list for their respective biling deparent and the appropriate deparent with the authority to issue payment on a bil. 7.14. Disputed Amounts. If any portion of an amount due to a biling Par under ths Agreement is subject to a dispute between the Paries, the biled Par shal with sixty (60) days of its receipt of the invoice containig such disputed amount give notice to the biling Par of the invoiced amounts it disputes ("Disputed Amounts") and include in such notice the specific details and reasons for disputing each item. The Paries agree that they wil each make a good faith effort to resolve any Disputed Amounts in accordance with the Dispute Resolution process in Section 35 of ths Agreement. The biled Par shall pay when due all undisputed amounts to the biling Par. A Par may, by notice, include a prospective notice of Disputed Amounts applicable to futue invoices. If the Disputed Amount is resolved in favor of the biling Par, the biled Par 01/03/07 Final draft Page 13 of25 INTERCONNCTION AN RECIPROCAL COMPENSATION AGREEMENT Alltel Communications, Inc. and PMT Telephone Company Idao shall pay any unpaid Disputed Amount with late charges at the rate of twelve percent (12%) per anum calculated from the date the Disputed Amount was originally due upon final determination of such dispute. 8. Notice of Changes If a Par contemplates a change in its network, which it believes will materially affect the inter-operabilty of its network with the other Par, the Par makg the change shal provide at least ninety (90) day's advance wrtten notice of such change to the other Par. 9. General Responsibilties of the Partes 9.1. The Paries are each solely responsible for paricipation in and compliance with national network plans, includig The National Network Securty Plan and The Emergency Preparedness Plan. Neither Par shall use any service related to or use any of the servces provided in ths Agreement in any maner that prevents other persons from using their service or destroys the normal quaity of servce to other carers or to either Par's customer, and subject to notice and a reasonable opportty of the offendig Par to cure any violation, either Par may discontinue or refue service if the other Par violates ths provision. 9.2. Each Par is solely responsible for the services it provides to its customers and to other Telecommunications Carers. 9.3. Each Par is responsible for obtaining Local Exchange Routig Guide (ltLERGlt) listings of the Common Laguage Location Identifier ("CLLl') assigned to its switches. 9.4. Each Par shall use the LERG published by Telcordia or its successor for obtaining routing information and shall provide all required information to Telcordia for maintaing the LERG in a timely maner. 9.5. SS7 Out of Band Signaling (CCS/SS7) shall be the signaling of choice for interconnecting tr, where it is techncally feasible for both Pares. Use of a thid Par provider of SS7 trs, for connectig Alltel to the PMT SS7 systems is permitted. Such connections shall meet generally accepted industr techncal stadads. Each Par shall utilze SS7 (including but not limited to lins, point codes, and messagig) at its own cost for all interchaged trffc irespective of interconnection methodology. 9.6. 911Æ911 Each Par shall be responsible for its own independent connections to the 91 IÆ91 I network. 10. Term and Termination 01/03/07 Final draft Page 14 of25 INTERCONNCTION AND RECIPROCAL COMPENSATION AGREEMENT Alltel Communications, Inc. and PMT Telephone Company Idao 10.1. The initial term of this Agreement shall be a one-year term which shall commence on the Effective Date. This Agreement shall automatically renew for additional one (I) month terms until replaced by another agreement or terminted by either Par upon (ninety) 90 days wrtten notice to the other Par prior to the termination of the intial term or renewed term. 10.2. Upon termination or expirtion of this Agreement in accordace with ths Section: 10.2.1. Each Par shall contiue to comply with its obligations under the Act and as set fort in Section 23 Confidentiality; 10.2.2. Each Par shall promptly pay all undisputed amounts (includig any late payment charges) owed under this Agreement; 10.2.3. Each Par's indemnfication obligations shall surive termination or expiration of this Agreement. 10.3. Either Par may terminate ths Agreement in whole or in par in the event ofa default of the other Par, provided, however, that the non-defaulting Par notifies the defaultig Par in wrting of the alleged default and the defaulting Part does not implement mutuly acceptable steps to remedy such alleged default within thir (30) days after receipt of wrtten notice thereof. 10.4. If, upon expirtion or termination, either Par requests the negotiation of a successor agreement, durg the period of negotiation of the successor agreement each Par shall continue to perform its obligations and provide the services described herein until such time as the successor agreement becomes effective. Dung the pendency of said re-negotiations, the rates, ters and conditions of this Agreement shall prevail on an interi basis until a new Agrement is effectuted or until the Pares negotiations expire. 11. Cancellation Charges Except as provided herein, no cancellation charges shall apply. 12. Non-Severabilty 12.1. The services, arangements, terms and conditions of ths Agreement were mutully negotiated by the Paries as a total arangement and are intended to be non-severable. 12.2. Nothing in this Agreement shall be constred as requig or permitting either Par to contrvene any mandatory requiement of federa or state law, or any regulations or orders adopted puruat to such law. 13. Indemnifcation 01/03/07 Final draft Page 15 of25 INERCONNCTION AN RECIPROCAL COMPENSATION AGREEMENT Alltel Communications, Inc. and PMT Telephone Company Idaho 13.1. Each Par (the "Indemnfyg Par") shall indemnfy and hold haless the other Par ("Indemnfied Par") from and against loss, cost, claim liability, daage, and expense (including reasonable attorney's fees) to customers and other third pares for: 13.1.1. daage to tangible personal propert or for personal injur proximately caused by the negligence or willful misconduct of the Indemnfyg Par, its employees, agents or contrctors; 13.1.2. claims for libel, slander, or infrgement of copyrght arsing from the material trsmitted over the Indemnfied Par's facilities arsing from the Indemnfyg Par's own communcations or the communcations of such Indemnfyg Par's customers; and 13.1.3. claims for infrngement of patents arsing from combing the Indemfied Part's facilties or services with, or the using of the Indemnfied Pary's services or facilities in connection with, facilities of the Indemnfyg Par. Neither Par shall accept terms of a settlement that involves or references the other Pary in any matter without the other Par's approvaL. Notwithstading this indemnfication provision or any other provision in the Agreement, neither Par, nor its parent, subsidiares, Affliates, agents, servants, or employees, shall be liable to the other for Consequential Damages (as defied in Section 15.3). 13.2. The Indemnfied Par will notify the Indemnifyng Par promptly in wrting of any claims, lawsuits, or demands by customers or other third paries for which the Indemnified Pary alleges that the Indemnfyg Par is responsible under ths Section, and, if requested by the Indemnfyg Par, wil tender the defense of such claim, lawsuit or demand. 13.2.1. In the event the Indemnifyg Par does not promptly assume or diligently pursue the defense of the tendered action, then the Indemnfied Par may proceed to defend or settle said action and the Indemnfyg Par shall hold haless the Indemnfied Par from any loss, cost liability, damage and expense. 13.2.2. In the event the Par otherwse entitled to indemnfication from the other elects to decline such indemnfication, then the Par makg such an election may, at its own expense, assume defense and settlement of the claim, lawsuit or demand. 01/03/07 Final draft Page 16 of25 INERCONNCTION AN RECIPROCAL COMPENSATION AGREEMENT Alltel Communications, Inc. and PMT Telephone Company Idao 13.2.3. The Paries will cooperate in ever reasonable maner with the defense or settlement of any claim, demand, or lawsuit. 13.2.4. Neither Par shall accept the terms of a settlement that involves or effects the rights or obligations of the other Par in any matter without the other Par's approvaL. 14. Auditing Procedures i 4. i. Upon thirt (30) days wrtten notice, each Par must provide the other Par the ability and opportty to conduct an anual audit to ensure the proper biling of traffc between the paries. The audit shall be accomplished durg normal business hours. Audit requests shall not be submitted more frequently th one (1) time per calenda year. 14.2. Each Par may request copies of the biling records, provided that the requested records do not exceed 12 month in age from the date the monthy bil contang said record information was issued. 15. Limitation of Liabilty 15.1. No liabilty shall attch to either Par, its parents, subsidiares, Affliates, agents, servants, employees, offcers, diectors, or parers for daages arsing from errors, mistaes, omissions, interrptions, or delays in the coure of establishig, fushing, rearangig, movig, terminating, changig, or providing or failing to provide servces or facilties (includig the obtaing or fushig of information with respect thereof or with respect to users of the services or facilties) in the absence of gross negligence or willfu misconduct. 15.2. Except as otherwise provided in Section 13, no Par shall be liable to the other Par for any loss, defect or equipment failure caused by the conduct of the fit Par, its agents, servants, contrctors or others acting in aid or concer with tht Par, except in the case of gross negligence or wilful misconduct. 15.3. Except as otherwse provided in Section 13, no Par will have any liabilty whatsoever to the other Par for any indirect, special, consequential, incidenta or punitive daages, includig but not limited to loss of anticipated profits or revenue or other economic loss in connection with or arsing from anytg said, omitted or done hereunder (collectively, "Consequential Damages"), even if the other Par has been advised of the possibilty of such daages. 16. DISCLAIR EXCEPT AS OTHERWISE PROVIED HEREIN, NEITHER PARTY MAS AN REPRESENTATIONS OR WARTIES, EXPRESS OR IMLIED, 01/03/07 Final draft Page 17 of25 " INTERCONNECTION AN RECIPROCAL COMPENSATION AGREEMENT Alltel Communications, Inc. and PMT Telephone Company Idao INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMTED TO AN WARTY AS TO MERCHATABILITY OR FITNESS FOR INTENDED OR PARTICULAR PURPOSE WITH RESPECT TO SERVICES PROVIED HEREUNER. ADDITIONALLY, NEITHER PARTY ASSUMS AN RESPONSIBILITY WITH REGAR TO THE CORRCTNESS OF DATA OR INFORMTION SUPPLIED BY THE OTHER PARTY WHN TmS DATA OR INFORMTION IS ACCESSED AN USED BY A TmRD-PARTY. 17. Regulatory Approval Upon execution of this Agreement, Alltel shall file with the appropriate state or federal regulatory agency puruant to the requirements of Section 252 of the Act. Each Par covenants and agrees to fuly support approval of ths Agreement by the Commission or the FCC under Section 252 of the Act. The Paries, however, reserve the right to seek regulatory relief and otherwise seek redress from each other regardig performance and implementation of ths Agreement. In the event the Commssion or FCC rejects ths Agreement in whole or in par, the Paries agree to meet and negotiate in good faith to arrve at a mutuly acceptable modification of the rejected portion(s). Ifnegotiations fail, disputes between the Paries concerng the interretation of the actions requied or provisions affected by such regulatory actions shall be resolved puruat to the Section 35 Dispute Resolution process provided for in this Agreement. Furer, this Agreement is subject to change, modification, or cancellation as may be required by a regulatory authority or cour in the exercise of its lawfl jursdiction. 18. Pending Judicial Appeals and Regulatory Reconsideration The Paries acknowledge that the respective rights and obligations of each Par as set fort in this Agreement are based on the text of the Act and the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder by the FCC and the Commission as of the Effective Date ("Applicable Rules"). In the event of any amendment to the Act, any effective legislative action or any effective regulatory or judicial order, rule, regulation, arbitrtion award, dispute resolution procedures under this Agreement or other legal action purrting to apply the provisions of the Act to the Pares or in which the FCC or the Commission makes a generic determination that is generally applicable which revises, modifies or reverses the Applicable Rules (individually and collectively, Amended Rules), either Par may, by providing wrtten notice to the other Par, requie that the affected provisions of ths Agreement be renegotiated in good faith and ths Agreement shall be amended accordigly to reflect the pricing, terms and conditions of each such Amended Rules relating to any of the provisions in ths Agreement. In the event that such new terms are not renegotiated within niety (90) days after such notice, the Pares shal utilze the Dispute Resolution procedure set fort in Section 35 of this Agreement. 19. Most Favored Nation Provision. In accordace with Section 252(i) of the Act, Alltel shall be entitled to obtain from PMT any Interconnection/Compensation argement provided by PMT to any other CMRS provider that has been filed and approved by the Commission, for services described in such agreement, on the same terms and conditions. 01/03/07 Final draft Page 18 of25 INTERCONNECTION AN RECIPROCAL COMPENSATION AGREEMENT Alltel Communications, Inc. and PMT Telephone Company Idao 20. Compliance. Each Par shall comply with all applicable federa, state, and local laws, rules and regulations applicable to its pedormance under this Agreement. 21. Independent Contractors. Neither ths Agreement, nor any actions taen by Alltel or PMT in compliance with this Agreement, shall be deemed to create an agency or joint ventue relationship between Alltel and PMT, or any relationship other than that of purchaser and seller of services. Neither this Agreement, nor any actions taen by Alltel or PMT in compliance with ths Agreement, shall create a contrctu, agency, or any other tye of relationship or thid Par liability between Alltel and PMT end users or others. 22. Force Majeure. Neither Par shall be liable for any delay or failure in pedormance of any par of ths Agreement from any cause beyond its control and without its fault or negligence including, without limitation, acts of natue, acts of civil or milita authority, governent regulations, embargoes, epidemics, terorist acts, riots, insurections, fies, explosions, earquaes, nuclear accidents, floods, work stoppages, equipment failure, power blackouts, volcanc action, other major environmental distubances, unusually severe weather conditions or any other circumstaces beyond the reasonable control and without the fault or negligence of the Par affected. (collectively, a "Force Majeure Event"). If any Force Majeure condition occur, the Par delayed or unable to perorm shall give immediate notice to the other Par and shall tae all reasonable steps to correct the force majeure condition. In the event of such delay, the delayed Par shall pedorm its obligations at a pedormance level no less than tht which it uses for its own operations. In the event of such pedormance delay or failure the delayed Par agrees to resume pedormance in a nondiscrinatory maner and not favor its own provision of Telecommunications Services above that of the affected Par. Dug the pendency of the Force Majeure, the duties of the Paries under ths Agreement affected by the Force Majeure condition shall be abated and shall resume without liability thereafter. 23. Confidentiality 23.1. Any information such as specifications, drwings, sketches, business informtion, forecasts, models, samples, data, computer programs and other softar and documentation of one Par (a Disclosing Par) that is fushed or made available or otherwise disclosed to the other Par or any of its employees, contractors, or agents (its "Representatives" and with a Par, a "Receivig Par") pursuant to this Agreement ("Proprieta Information") shall be deemed the propert of the Disclosing Par. Proprieta Information, if wrtten, shall be clearly and conspicuously marked "Confidential" or "Proprieta" or other similar notice, and, if oral or visual, shall be confied in wrting as confidential by the Disclosing Par to the Receiving Par within ten (10) days after disclosure. Unless Proprieta Information was previously known by the Receiving Par free of any obligation to keep it confidential, or has been or is subsequently made public by an act not attbutable to the Receivig Par, or is explicitly agreed in wrting not to be regarded as confidential, such information: (i) shall be held in 01/03/07 Final draft Page 19 of25 INTERCONNCTION AN RECIPROCAL COMPENSATION AGREEMENT Alltel Communications, Inc. and PMT Telephone Company Idao confidence by each Receiving Par; (ii) shall be disclosed to only those persons who have a need for it in connection with the provision of servces required to fulfill this Agreement and shall be used by those persons only for such purses; and (iii) may be used for other puroses only upon such terms and conditions as may be mutully agreed to in advance of such use in wrting by the Pares. Notwithstading the foregoing sentence, a Receiving Par shall be entitled to disclose or provide Proprieta Information as required by any governenta authority or applicable law, upon advice of counel, only in accordace with Section 21.2 of ths Agreement. 23.2. If any Receiving Par is required by any governenta authority or by applicable law to disclose any Proprieta Information, then such Receiving Par shal provide the Disclosing Par with wrtten notice of such requiement as soon as possible and prior to such disclosure. The Disclosing Par may then seek appropriate protective relief from all or par of such requiement. The Receiving Par shall use all commercially reasonable efforts to cooperate with the Disclosing Par in attemptig to obtain any protective relief which such Disclosing Par chooses to obtain. 23.3. In the event of the expirtion or terination of ths Agreement for any reason whatsoever, each Par shall retu to the other Par or destroy all Proprieta Information and other documents, work papers and other material (includig all copies thereof) obtained from the other Part in connection with this Agreement and shall use all reasonable effort, including instrcting its employees and other who have had access to such information, to keep confidential and not to use any such information, unless such information is now, or is hereafter disclosed, though no act, omission or fault of such Par, in any maner makg it available to the general public. 24. Governing Law. For all claims under ths Agreement that are based upon issues with the jursdiction (primar or otherwise) of the FCC, the exclusive jursdiction and remedy for all such claims shall be as provided for by the FCC and the Act. For all clai under this Agreement tht are based upon issues with the jursdiction (priar or otherwse) of the Commission, the exclusive jursdiction for all such claims shal be with the Commission, and the exclusive remedy for such claims shall be as provided for by such Commission. In all other respects, this Agreement shall be govered by the domestic laws of the state of Idao without reference to conflct of law provisions. The terms and conditions of ths Agreement shall be subject to any and all applicable laws, rules, regulations or gudelines that subsequently may be adopted by any federa, state, or local governent authority. Any modifications to this Agreement occasioned by such change shall be effected though good faith negotiations. 25. Assignment. Neither Par may assign or transfer (whether by operation of law or otherwise) this Agreement (or any rights or obligations hereunder) to a thd Par without the prior wrtten consent of the other Par which consent will not be 01/03/07 Final draft Page 200f25 .. INTERCONNCTION AN RECIPROCAL COMPENSATION AGREEMENT Alltel Communications, Inc. and PMT Telephone Company Idao uneasonably witheld; provided that either Par may assign ths Agrement to a corporate Affliate or an entity under its common control or an entity acquirig all or substantially all of its assets or equity by providing prior wrtten notice to the other Par of such assignent or trsfer. Any attempted assignent or transfer tht is not permitted is void ab intio. Without limiting the generaity of the foregoing, ths Agreement shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of the Paries' respective successors and assigns. 26. Release. In resolution of the Paries rights, and in fuer consideration of ths Agreement, each Par releases, acquits and discharges the other Par of and from any claim, debt, demand, liability, action or cause of action arsing from or relatig to the payment of money for the trsport and termintion of trffc prior to the Effective Date of this Agreement. 27. Non-Waiver. Failure of either Pary to insist on pedormance of any term or condition of this Agreement or to exercise any right or privilege hereunder shall not be constred as a continuig or futue waiver of such term, condition, right or privilege. 28. Notices. Notices given by one Part to the other Par under ths Agreement shall be in wrting and shall be delivered to the followig locations. Alltel Communications, Inc. Att: Director - Wireless Interconnection One Alled Drve Mailstop: 1269-BI-F03-C Little Rock, Arkansas 72202 Phone: 501-905-8000 Fax: 501-905-6307 Project Mutu Telephone Company 507 G St, Rupert, Idao Att: Charles Creason, President Phone: 208-434-7121 Fax: 208-434-7154 Or to such other address as either Par shall designate by proper notice. Notices will be deemed given as of the earlier of: (i) the date of actul receipt; (ii) the next business day when notice is sent via express mail or personal delivery; (iii) thee (3) days after mailing in the case of certified U.S. maiL. 29. Trouble Reportng. In order to faciltate trouble reporting and to coordite the repair of Interconnection Facilties, tr, and other interconnection argements provided by the Paries under this Agreement, each Par has established contact(s) available 24 hour per day, seven days per week, at telephone numbers to be provided by the Pares. Each Par shall call the other at these respective telephone numbers to report trouble with connection facilties, trs, and other interconnection argements, to inqui as to the status of trouble ticket number in progress, and to escalate trouble resolution. 29. i. 24 Hour Network Management Contact: PMT Contact Number:800-322-4074 01/03/07 Final draft Page 21 of25 .. INTERCONNCTION AN RECIPROCAL COMPENSATION AGREEMENT Alltel Communications, Inc. and PMT Telephone Company Idaho Alltel Contact Number:866-900-9662 29.2. Each Par wil advise the other of any critical natu of the inoperative facilties, service, and argements and any need for expedited clearce of trouble. In cases where a Par has indicated the essential or crtical need for restoration of the facilities, services or argements, the other Par shall use its best efforts to expedite the clearance of trouble. 29.3. Each Par will provide to the other Par an escalation list for the repair center, ordering and provisioning center and the account mangement team. 30. Publicity and Use of Trademarks or Servce Marks. Neither Par nor its subcontractors or agents shall use the other Par's trademarks, service marks, logos or other proprieta trade dress in any advertising, press releases, publicity matters or other promotional materials without such Pars prior wrtten consent. 31. No Third Part Beneficiaries; Disclaimer of Agency. Ths Agreement is for the sole benefit of the Paries and their permitted assigns, and nothg herein expressed or implied shall create or be constred to create any third-Par beneficiar rights hereunder. Except for provisions herein expressly authorizing a Par to act for another, nothg in ths Agreement shall constitute a Par as a legal representative or agent of the other Par; nor shall a Par have the right or authority to assume, create or incur any liability or any obligation of any kind, express or implied, against, in the name of, or on behalf of the other Par, unless otherwse expressly permitted by such other Par. Except as otherwise expressly provided in ths Agreement, no Par undertakes to perform any obligation of the other Par, whether regulatory or contractul, or to assume any responsibility for the management of the other Pars business. 32. No License. No license under patents, copyrghts, or any other intellectul propert right (other than the limited license to use consistent with the terms, conditions and restrctions of this Agreement) is grted by either Par, or shall be implied or arse by estoppel with respect to any transactions contemplated under ths Agreement. 33. Technology Upgrades. Nothing in ths Agreement shall limit either Paries' abilty to upgrade its network though the incorporation of new equipment, new softare or otherwise, provided it is to industr stadads, and that the Par intiatig the upgre shall provide the other Pary wrtten notice at least niety (90) days prior to the incorporation of any such upgre in its network which wil materially impact the other Par's service. Each Par shall be solely responsible for the cost and effort of accommodating such changes in its own network. 34. Entire Agreement. The terms contained in ths Agreement and any Schedules, Exhbits, taffs and other documents or instrents referred to herein are hereby incorporated into this Agreement by reference as if set fort fully herein, and constitute the entie agreement between the Paries with respect to the subject matter hereof, supersedig all prior understadings, proposals and other communcations, oral or wrtten. Neither Par 01/03/07 Final draft Page 22 of25 ~ INTERCONNECTION AN RECIPROCAL COMPENSATION AGREEMENT Alltel Communications, Inc. and PMT Telephone Company Idao shall be bound by any preprited terms additional to or different from those in ths Agreement that may appear subsequently in the other Par's form documents, purchase orders, quotations, acknowledgments, invoices or other communcations. Ths Agreement may only be modified in wrtig signed by each Par. 35. Dispute Resolution Except as provided under Section 252 of the Act with respect to the approval of ths Agreement by the state commission, the Paries desire to resolve disputes arsing out of or relating to this Agreement without litigation. Accordingly, except for action seekig a tempora restraing order or an injunction related to the puroses of this Agreement, or suit to compel compliance with this dispute resolution process, the Paries agree to use the following dispute resolution procedures with respect to any controversy or claim arsing out of or relating to ths Agreement or its breach. 35.1. Informal Resolution of Disputes. At the wrtten request ofa Par, each Par will appoint a knowledgeable, responsible representative, empowered to resolve such dispute, to meet and negotiate in good faith to resolve any dispute arsing out of or relating to ths Agreement. The Paries intend that these negotiations be conducted by non-lawyer, business representatives. The location, format, frequency, durtion, and conclusion of these discussions shall be left to the discretion of the representatives. Upon agreement, the representatives may utilize other alternative dispute resolution procedures such as mediation to assist in the negotiations. Discussions and correspondence among the representatives for puroses of these negotiations shall be treated as Confidential Information developed for puroses of settlement, exempt from discovery, and shall not be admissible in the arbitration descrbed below or in any lawsuit without the concurence of all Paries. Documents identified in or provided with such communications, which are not prepared for puroses of the negotiations, are not so exempted and may, if otherse discoverable, be discovered or otherwse admissible, be admitted in evidence, in the arbitrtion or lawsuit. 35.2. Formal Dispute Resolution. Ifnegotiations fail to produce an agreeable resolution within one hundred twenty days (120) days, then either Par may proceed with any remedy available to it puruat to law, equity or agency mechansms; provided, that upon mutul agreement of the Paries such disputes may also be submitted to binding arbitrtion. In the case of arbitrtion, each Par shall bear its own costs. The Paries shall equaly split the fees of any mutully agreed upon arbitrtion procedure and the associated arbitrtor. 35.3. Continuous Service. The Paries shall continue providing services to each other durg the pendency of any dispute resolution procedure and the Paries shall continue to perform their payment obligations in accordace with ths Agreement. 35.4. Costs. Each Par shall bear its own costs of these procedures. The Pares shall equaly split the fees of the arbitration and the arbitrtor; provided, however, tht 01/03/07 Final draft Page 23 of25 "\y' INTERCONNECTION AN RECIPROCAL COMPENSATION AGREEMENT Alltel Communcations, Inc. and PMT Telephone Company Idao the arbitrator may assign costs to the Par demanding arbitrtion upon a fidig that such Part brought a frvolous cause of action or clai. IN WITSS WHREOF, the Paries hereto have caused ths Agreement to be executed as of the dates listed below. Project Mutual Telephone Company .. ",U-Clú/' I e: ¡- Cr ~5~ -:Name 'ßNA- L. IMLUAv Signatue ( IlIlor Signatue Date Si¡(ïU¡gt !J&/j~ Position/itle Vice President Position/itle 01/03/07 Final draft Page 24 of25 "" INTERCONNCTION AND RECIPROCAL COMPENSATION AGREEMENT Alltel Communications, Inc. and PMT Telephone Company Idao ATTACHMNT A RATES AN FACTORS 1. RECIPROCAL COMPENSATION RATE PER MIN OF USE $.015 2. RECIPROCAL COMPENSATION CREDIT FACTORS Mobile to Lad Traffc Factor Land to Mobile Traffc Factor 50% 50% 3. INTERMTA TRAFIC NECA Access charges apply 01/03/07 Final draft Page 25 of25