HomeMy WebLinkAbout20100701Application.pdfRECr:p¡f"Os-l Vc.- Lance J.M. Steinhart, P.C. Attorney At Law 1720 Windward Concourse Suite 115 Alpharett Georgia 30005 iow JUt -I PH 2: 23 U.. IDAHO r.IllITIES C, Also Admitted in New York and Marland Telephone: (770) 232-9200 Facsimle: (770) 232-9208 Email: lsteinar~telecomcounei.com June 29, 2010 VI FEDERA EXPRESS Ms. Jean D. Jewell Idaho Public Utilities Commssion Secretar 472 West Washington Street Boise, Idao 83702 AST--r-IO- o( Re: Airesprig, Inc. Dear Ms. Jewell: Enclosed please find for filing an unbound, unstapled and duplexed onginal and three (3) stapled and duplexed copies of Airesprig, Inco's Application for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to Provide Resold Local Exchange Telecommuncations Services within the State of Idaho. The company has no local exchange customers at ths time in the State of Idao and this is a new filing. APPLICANT HAS ALSO ENCLOSED ONE (1) COPY ON YELLOW PAPER OFFINANCIA STATEMENTS IN A SEPARTE ENVLOPE MAD "CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY", AND RESPECTFULLY REQUESTS CONFIDENTIAL TREATMENT OF THE ENCLOSED FINANCIAL INORMTION. APPLICANT EXPECTS THAT THIS INORMTION WILL BE RESTRICTED TO COUNSEL, AGENTS AN EMPLOYEES WHO AR SPECIFICALLY ASSIGNED TO THIS APPLICATION BY THE COMMISSION. I have also enclosed an extra copy of ths letter to be date staped and retued to me in the enclosed, self addressed, postage prepaid envelope. If you have any questions or if I may provide you with additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Lance J.M. Steinar Attorney for Airespnng, Inc. cc: Cynthia Firstman BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTIITIES COMMSSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF Airesprig, Inc. for a Certcate of Public Convenience and Necessity to Provide Local Exchange Telecommunications Services Within the State of Idaho ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) CASE NO. As: ---- /(J -0 ( APPLICATION AND REQUEST FOR AUTHORITY Application is hereby made to the Idaho Public Utilties Commssion for a Certcate of Public Convenience and Necessity authonzing Airesprig, Inc., ("Applicant" or "Aiesprig") to provide local exchage telecommuncations services pursuat to Idaho Code Sections 61-526 though -528 and IDAPA (Rules 111 & 112) as clanfied by Procedural Order No. 26665 in Case No. GNR-T-96-4. The following general inormation and exhbits are fushed in support thereof: 1.) Applicant's legal name, address of its pricipal offces and telephone number are: Aiesprig, Inc. 6060 Sepulveda Blvd. Van Nuys, Californa 91411 (818) 786-8990 1 The Applicant has no offce located in the State of Idao. The Applicant intends to provide resold loca exchage servce. Such services will be provided by utilizing the facilities incumbent local exchange cariers ("LECs"). 2.) Applicant is incorprated in the State of Delaware and is in good standig under the laws of that state. In addition, the Company is authonzed to do business as a foreign Aiesprig in the State of Idao. Attched as Exhbit 1 to this Application is a copy of the Company's Certificate of Incorporation. A copy of Applicant's Certificate of Authonty to tract business in Idao is atthed hereto as Exhbit 2. 3.) The name and business address of Applicant's registered agent for service in Idao are: National Registered Agents Inc. 1423 Tyrell Lane Boise, ID 83706 2 4.) The naes and addresses of the ten common stockholders of Applicant Owng the Greatest Number of Shares of Common Stock and the Number of Such Shares Owned by Eah are: Name and Address Shares Owned Percentage of All Shares Issued & Outstdig Percentae of Votig Control A vi Lonstein Tony Lonstein Danel Lonstein David Lonstein 5,400,000 4,200,000 1,800,000 600,000 38% 30% 13% 4% 38% 30% 13% 4% Address: All of the shareholders can be reached thoug the company at the address listed in 1.) above. 3 5.) The names, addresses and ownership of Applicant's Offcers and Directors are: Offcers: A vi Lonstein Tony Lonstein Danel Lonstein Chaian, CEO, President, Secreta Executive Vice President Vice President, CFO Directors: Avi Lonstein Tony Lonstein 38% 30% Each can be reached at Applicant's pnmar plac of business and telephone number as follows: Aiesprig, Inc. 6060 Sepulveda Blvd. Van Nuys, Californa 91411 (818) 786-8990 6.) The Name and Address of Any Corporation, Association, or Simar Organtion Holding a 5% or Greater Ownership or Management Interest in Applicant are as follows: None. 7.) The names and addresses of Subsidianes Owned or Controlled by Applicant are as follows: Not applicable. 8.) Applicant intially proposes to provide resold local exchange services. Applicant has no curent plan to intall facilities in Idaho but may do so in the futue, however, the natue and extent of the facilities to be utilized ha yet to be determed. Applicant seeks authonty intends to provide all forms of intrastate local exchange telecommuncations servces including: 4 Local Exchange: A. Local Exchange Services that wil enable customers to onginate and termate local calls in the local calg area served by other LECs, includg local dial tone and custom calling featues. B. Switched local exchange services such as flat-rated and measure-rated local services; vertical servces, Direct Inward and Outward Dialed trs, carer access, public and semi-public coin telephone services, and any other switched local services that curently exist or wil exist in the futue. C. Non-switched local servces (e.g., pnvate line) that curently exist or will exist in the futue. D. Centrex and/or Centrex-lie services that curently exist or will exist in the futue. E. Digital subscnber line, ISDN, and other high capacity line services. Applicant seeks authonty to resell local exchange servces initially thoughout the State where provided by incumbent LECs, however, Applicant does not intend to servce areas serviced by any LECs which are eligible for a small or rual carer exemption pursuat to Section 251 of the Federal Telecom Act of 1996. 5 9.) Copies of Applicant's Profit & Loss for the penod ending December 31, 2009 and Balance Sheet as of December 31, 2009, Exhbit 3, are being filed in a separately sealed envelope marked "Confdential and Propneta". 10.) A map showig where Applicant is proposing to provide service is atthed hereto as Exhbit 4. 11.) A copy of Applicant's illustrative taff is attched hereto as Exhbit 5. Applicant will file its proposed taff establishig its proposed servces and chages upon completion of interconnection and upon receipt of certification by the Commssion. 12.) Questions concerng ths application and Applicant's taff should be directed to Applicant's representative: Lance J .M. Steinar Lance J.M. Stein, P.e. 1720 Windward Concoure Suite 115 Alpharett Georgia 30005 (770) 232-9200 (Telephone) (770) 232-9208 (Facsimle) Isteinar(átelecomcounsei.com (Email) Customer Complaits and Inquies are to be addressed to: Gar Locke 6060 Sepulveda Blvd. Van Nuys, Californa 91411 (888) 320-7075 (Customer Service) 6 13.) Applicant has not intiated interconnection or resale negotiations. 14.) Applicant has reviewed the laws and regulations of this Commssion governg local exchange telecommuncations services in Idao and will provide servce in accordance with all laws, rues and reguations to the extent they are not preempted by the Federal Act. 15.) Applicant will not require advance payments or deposits; therefore, no escrow account is being filed. WHREFORE, Aiesprig, Inc., requests that the Idao Public Utilities Commssion enter an order granting a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity authonzing Airespring, Inc., to provide resold local exchage telecommuncations services pursuat to Idaho Code Sections 61-526 though -528 and IDAPA Respectfuly submitted ths i 1 day of ~, 2010. By: AIRSPRIG, INC. Lance J .M. Steinar Lance J.M. Steinhar, P.C. 1720 Windward Concourse Suite 115 Alpharett, Georgia 30005 Telephone: 770/232-9200 Facsimile: 770/232-9208 Email: lsteinhar~telecomcounsei.com Attorney for AIRSPRIG, INC. 7 EXHIT 1 EXHIT 2 EXHIT 3 EXHIT 4 EXHIBIT 5 LIST OF EXHIBITS CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION CERTIICATE OF AUTHORIY TO TRASACT BUSINSS FINANCIA INORMTION SERVICE ARA MA ILLUSTRATIVE TARF 8 EXHIT 1 - CERTIICATE OF INCORPORATION 9 .Ðefare co PAGE i 'Ie Jírst Sta.te I, HAET SMITH WINDSOR, SECRTAR OF STAE OF THE STATE OF DELVlAR, DO HEREY CE:rIFY Tli ATTACHED Af TRUE AN COR.CT COPIES OF AL DOCOS ON FILE OF "AinSl?:RNG, INC." AS RECEIVED AND FILED IN THIS OFFICE. THE FOLLOWING DOCNTS HAVE BEEN CERTIFIED: CERTIFICA OF INCORPORATION, FILED THE TWENTY-FOURH DAY OF MAY, A.D. 2001, AT 9 O'CLOCK A.M. CERTIFICATE OF AMMENT, CHAGING ITS NA FROM "AlRES1?RING WIRELESS, INC. II TO It AIRESPRING, INC. ", FILE THE FIFTH DAY OF APRIL, A. D. 2002, AT 3 0' CLOC 1? .M. MID I DO HEREY FUHER CERTIFY THAT THE AFORESAID CERTIFICATS AR THE ONLY CERTIFICATES ON RECORD OF THE AFORESAID CORPORATION. 3396215 al00B ..~~tf~ Harrie Smith WIsor. Seet: of State AUTHENTICATION: i 714727 020230966 DATE: 04-10-02 .. C'STATZ OJ! ~WASETARY' OF SXA'tZDIVISION OF CORRA'/IONS FIl. 09: 00 AM OS/24/200i 0I(J2SD54á - 339á215 CETICA TE OF INCORPORATION OF AI1lUG WI INC. i. Nmn The nam of the Corpration is Mreg-tig Wireless. 'f. (herinafer sometimes refetrd to as the "CorporatÎon. ''). n. :Regier Of and Agent The. addis of its rere office of the Corpon in the. State of Delawar is 9 East Looc\.emiii S~ree. in the City of Dover, Couty of Kent. The nie of itS regit.ee: agent at such addr Í$: Natomi Registed Agents Inc. II. Pnrpose the nat11 of the: business of rhe Corpi:don and the objects or p~ to be trsactd, prom.oted or c:ied on by it are iI follows: To engag in any lawfl .at or acvity for which corp012tion may be organize L1de the Geerl Corprson Law of tiiO State of Delaware. IV.. Shares A. Classes of Stok. 't total number of shars of al clases of c:apil. stock which the co~oraùon shal have authority to issue is 11 Six Miion (36,00,00) shaes. consisting of Twcnry Four Mì11on (24.00,000) sh;ies of Comon S1Ok:with a par -vluo of $Q.OO i per share and Twelve 'Mllon (12,000.000) shar of Pæf~d Stock with a par value of $0.0001 per sluire. B. RightS 'Preferences and Retronii of Prferr Stok. Any of the shares of Prferred Stock a1ithonzed by this Ceraie of Incoraon may be issed ft time to time in One or mOTe seres. 'The rights, "preferces. prvileges and recûons grte to a-d imposed on the Series A Prferrd Stock, whch sers shan eonsist of't MillO"C (3,OO,Q()) sha-s (the; "Series A Preferred Stack"), ar as set fon below in this Aricle rWB). Subjec to thi: limitations and restictioos set fort in th Aricle IV. the Board of Diretor by re...oluton Qr resolutions, is authorize to crte: or provide for 8I such seres, and to fiit the design~ions. preference and relative, 'P:?ci:patng. opdonal ~ othe- spcia rights. and c¡alifica.tions limitation or retrciions thereof, including. without limitation, the aurhonty to fu or alter tbe divdend nghts, dividend rare converion rights, exchange tights. voting ngts. nghts and teS of redemption (including sik.n~ and puhas fund provions), the redption price or prices. . the dissolution prefernces :id the rights in respet to any di!tdbution. of ~ts of any wholly unissued sees of Prferred Stoc and the numbe of shaes cotitUting a:y such seres. lU-id thi. designation therf, OJ any of them an to incre or decree the numbe of shii of any sees so cl'eated, subsequent to the issue of mat senes but not bèlow the tlumber of slu of such seres then oUItanding. In elise the number of shares of any seres shil bo s.o d=rc.ui:d. the ~iilNGWiML..IHe.Ciu.ia.rioiltI"J'..neti~~ali()a .. " shars constituting su dee shal reme th sta which thy had pror to th :idon of the resolutot\ origially fixing th numbe of sl l)f suh sc. 1. ;Qvinds. (a) Th Series A Prer Stock shall be entitled 10 recve dividends when and as delar by th Boar of DÎ.ectois out of fuds lega avlabte theiefor, on the Common Stock and in paty widi su stk. l . (0) In the: es of :.y dividtnd being decla UpO' Ule Common Stock, tbe divided which shil be: dedared o. e: ~ of Ser~ A Preferr Stock as :i conåiüon to suh divided upn th Comon StOCK shall be: ea~ in amoul\ to the diyi&nd pnyable upon tbat num of shat of Cammon Stock acquirable upn co..erion of :i sh:are of Series A l?ef.md Stok ïmmed)' befoi: th delaron of süli dividend. with such convccon being based on the appllblc .'Convetiin Pt" detenned in :iccordance with Secion ~ as nf the rt;otd date for th àecartion of su dividend on the Comon Stock. 2. Liguid3tíon. 'òlssoluûon Or 'Wmåing UR- (a) In the evet of 'i)' volim orinvoluntar 1ìquidadon. dissolution or winding up of the Corpration. the holders of $l~ of See& A Prferr Stock then outst:mding shall be eitlt: to be p:1d oat of the aset of the Corpt3fIon avalable for distrbution to its stockhldc. af and subject to th pa)'t in full öi :i :iUutS requred. to be distnbuted to the holder of any Preerrd Stoc~ of th Corprm ralå on liquid:iion pnot :ind in prefernc to the Series A Meted Stoc (such Prcfemd Stock rht is senior to rhe Ser A PrtJemd Sto beg ieeied to heein:i as "Senir" Sioc1è) up()n such Uquidation. àis30111tlon or wiilg up, bin before ':y paynnt shal be made to th holder of Common Stock or othet Ptei Stoc if any, r-'kg on liquidaiion ~ the Serles A Prferrd Stock r'Ju/lwr Stock''), an amount equa to $0.6:5 pet sha.N ("I.uidazan 'Prefere.nce"') plii any dei~ and unpaid dividends on such sh3.e for each sh~ of Smes A Preferr Stock then held by ihem. The: Uquidaton Prfer~e shall be irbject to :iproprat 'ajusune.'lt in the äVèut of :l.l'y stoc dividend, stock split. stoc dismbution or combinaton With ~ect to such sh:es. If UPOll an)" such liquidation. dissoluton or winding. up of me Corption. the remaoing ;isets of me Carporouon a.vaibile for the dist'butol1 (ü its st.kholde after payent in full of amounts tE:i.ired to be paid or distrbuted to hol~ of my Se:or Sto sh:i1 be insufficient to pay the holders of shars of Seres A :Prder Stok the full amunt to which mey shall ~ enttled, the nolders of shar of Senes A Prered Stock. and any class of stock ranking on Uquidation on a parity Vlith the Series A Pren Stocl:(such Preferd Sto rang on liquidation on parity with the Sedes A Pieei Stok beg refer to as "'lari Stot!c")l sha11 ~b. ratably in at1Y distrbuton of the remWrg ass and funds of the Ù)tporation in prpoion to the respectbte aio\mts which would otbeJe be payable with repee to the shfls held by them upon such distñnuùon if al aIountS pa;yablc on or with repet to s:id. shai-e were paid in full. (b) Arter the paymt of all preerlial amounrs reuired to be paid. to the holders of :my Senior Stock and Seres A Prfer Stock. and atY other setl of P'c:fi:ù Sioek upon the dissoluton, liquidation or windtng up of the Corpration. :my remaining assetS NiLlWG Wlii. !Nc.Ci:,,:fl TE 01' Jt""~ no :O-l1l'lIQ8 i. .. :ind funds of the Corooon av:il0 for dïdbuon to the Complli s stkholdes shall be distbuted pio rata to the Commn Stoc. 3. Voting lU~ The hoder of ean shar of ~nes A Preer StOCK shali have the right to one vote for ei sha of Common Stock iuto wbieh such S~iies A Prefci Stk could th be convert an widi ret to $U vote. such holde shall have full voting rights and poVJer equal to th votg tights and POWCl of th holde of Commn Stock, and shall be entitled, notwithtading any ptision h~f, to notice of Ø' stoc'ko\deii: uiiing in accordce wi tbe Bylaws of this Corotatlon, an shall be entitled to vote, together wlrh holde of Common Stoa1c with resect to any question upo which holders of Commn Stock have: the nght to vote. Frctional vote shall not. howeer, bepeti and any frãotl~l voting righls :ivslle on an ai~coivened ba (afe- a~gatig all shas into which sh:ies of Senes A Prrmed Stok held by each holder could be conver shal be rourAed TO be. ne:ist whole numbe (with one-haf 'beig rqndad upwa). i.. Converon. . (:i) Con~on Risml$. The holde of the outsnding shar of Sedes A Preferr Stock havi: ihe foUowing conveon right as folow CCCoiirerion Rii:~"); (i) Jgg1t to Conver Eah shar of Seres A ?~fenèd Stok wil he convem'ble. at the opon of thè hold ihef. at any lÍo :ir the date of isStnee of such share, at the off of the Coon 01' ær imusfer aget.for such stOCK", into suc numbe of fully paid and nonassesble sh of Common St as is deteà by diding $0.65 (the "Origial Series A Issue Price") by th Conveisiori Pnee applicable to such shar. detned as nereînafteT provided, in effec on th dat~ the ceftcate eYidencíng such share is suende for conversion. The iniul.l Convenion J?ce per shate for shares of Seres A Preferred Stock shall be the Oi:ginn Sçr~s A Isue 'Price; provided. however, that the Conversion Prce lot ¡he Series A Prfcrd Stock shall be subje to :adjustmc:i'a set fort i.n !òbsection (c) of this ~ection.. (U) Auroimtic Conveion Ea shar of Senes A Prefed Si.k shall be automatically coovert inr. shar of Common Stock at the Conversion Price at ihe time in efect for such Series A Preferr Stok i~at~ly upon the e:Uer of (i) thc- CororaioTl's sale of irs Common Stock in õl firm comtmnt underwlten public offerg pursuant to a regis-trlllÌon st:itemeot under the Secunties Act of 1933. as 2IDnded. \he public offerng price of which is not less than $10,00.00 in I. iiggr~ (it) the acquisiuon of me Cortion by iiother entity by means of nny ttantion or sees of ~lard trn?actiou$ (includg. without limitaton. any reorganization, metge or coolidation but, excludlng any merger effeced e:~clusi"le1y for (he 'Purpe of changing the docUe of the Coration); (üi) a sale of an 01 subsrantially aU of tbe aset or ule eorpration; unless the Co!prniorl $ stocolder of record :. constitute immediately pnQ'l to &uch acuition or sai~ wil. immediately afrer such acquisition or sale (by viue of seties issued as consideration foc thc Corporauon's acquisition or sale or otherse) hold at. leat 50% of th voting power of !.e imrviving or acquiring entity, or (iv) the date sl'ecifed by wnt1n consent or ngrmeni of tha holders of a majority of the then outstanding shar of Series A 'Preferd Stock. 1\~ WIRES \).CUTl..tl 01' lrCQlll""" 1...'710& .3 'I ø. (b) Meanic of ConveIon. Bdre any holder of Seres A Prefered Stock shall be entitl to convert i: sa in &har of Coion Stoc suh holde shaH sude the cete;te or ceficate thcior, duly endosed at. \he: office of fh& Coiråon or of any ttaset agent for the sees A ~ Stock. and shal give 'Wtten notice to the Corpration at it pricipal ~ra ofçe of th e1eon to eonve the sa and shall $tiito then:in the nam or names in whch the ci:cs or ceficai for sbars of Common Stock ~ to be usucd.Tbs cocoii shal.:i son l\ ¡hcticale ther. isi;ue and dclver al so.h offce to ~ui: hoklt of Scmes A Pri: Stoc or to lh~ nomie; or nomnee of such holder, II certficate or certfi for fhe numbe of shar of Common Suxk. to which suc holõçi shalt be entiùed as 'afored. Such conveion shU be dci:d to 1uve be made immediately pror to th clo. ofbutiS on the dne of such summde of the shar of S'Ces A Preferred Stoc to 00 convered, and the petSn at peISOons c:tl to reve the ~ of Cotton StooK issuable. upon such COIl"lersicr ~h:ll be tred for aU purpses as th recird holder or holda of sucl shl1Te of Common Stock as of iu. &ire (e) Adjustmet! to COTverion Prce. Tha Converon Pnee of the Series A Preferd Stock shall be subjec to adjusent frm time to time as follows: (i) In the. event the Corpotation shoud, III any time or from time to tlme after the dae upon which aD) shar of Seres A Prefer Sto wçre first issued (the "PiirctlI Daeii fa a teoro date for ih~ cffe-:ion of a. split ot" subdivision of the outStandlng shll of Common Stok ot th òeremunatjon of hold6 of Con:on Stock entitled !o receive :i divided or oter dis.buton payable in additionSl ahs of Commn Stock Ot otlét" sccunties or ngbu converblc Into, or enitling the holder theref to recivê ditly or indirectly. ~ùonal sha ot Conuoo Stock (h~afer refene! to as 'iCl¡¡¡ml1rt Stock Equi'JaLs") without paymt of :my cO'sideon by s.h holder fo the ndditional !niiea of Common Stock or rhe Common Stock Equivalents (including the addtional shares of Comon Swek i¡;suable. upon converon or exc:rci thi:of), then :is of such r.iord d:e. (ot the date of such dividend distrbuton, s¡\lt or snbdvision if no reor date is fixed), th Converson Pree of i:e Seres A Pre,fe.tted Stock sha be appropriately dec:ed 50 that the numbe of sharça Qf Common Siock issuable on converon of each shar of such scres sball be increasd in proporon. to iiuch increiic of the agggat of sh3r i¡f Comon Stock outstading and those issuble with respect to such Comon Stock Equivalents. (ii) If'the number of shs.cs of Common StOk outStanding at any time :ite the Purc:ie D::e is de by :1 combination of the: outstanding iiho: of. Common Stock. then. following the tecord ih~ of such combination. tho ConveISon pnce for the Series A PTferd Stock shall be appt0pnaie1y l'lcd so that the number of shars of Common Stock isau:li) on conveidon of eah . share: of such sen6S shall be de.ised in proporton to suh decrease in outstanding shars. -, Cd) Q'he. Díirbuons. In the event the Corpor:t1on shl declar a disin"bution pa)'able in öecurties of other 'Perons. evidences of indebi.dness ii;suGd by uus Corortion or other persons, a:tsc (excluding cash dividends) oc options or rights not refem:d to in slibcctiooÆ£, then, in ea.h such ca for the purse of u\is ~ÍQn 4(d). thi; holden of the Sère: A Prefared Stock $hall he. ~rithli:d to a. proportionate shar or any such "llILlltJ Wl.ciè:~ l...c.ce'l"¡ Ol ii.o-'"''-r.. 1I'"'ll1li 4 "" ditrbution as Ù1011:g they wee the holde of tli~ nuibe of shar of Common Stock of me CorporaUO' into whicb rlir sha: of sees A Prerd Sto ~ convertible as of th rid dae fixed (or th deation of the hode of Comn Sto of th Coon eñdtled to~~ ro~ ~mWoo~ . (e) R99i!taljp. If at 1ØY ti or frm ti to time mer shall be II recpitalization of the Comon Stoc (other t)im a subdiYaion. cobion or me:ger or s.c; Qf ~ trnsacton provided for elewh in th §eèotJ 4) provision llbs bè nuide. so that the. holders of the Smes A Pie~ Stock shal the: be enlil1ed to reci:v~ upn conversion of the. Seres A 1?etem Stock. Ule numbe of sham of stock or oter securties at" pry cf tÎle: Company or otherwse, to which a bolder of Common Stok de1ive.,"le upn conver.ion would have been entitled on such repiulizaon. II an such ca, apppriate adjustmnt shall 'b made in thci ßPplicmí01 of the proviious of th Secn 4 with rcpc to the rl ghts of the hold~ óf the Ser~ A Prefeed Stoc afer th rciaon to tho end that the prvision of this Secon 4 (ilnditlg adjutmt of tli" CoOl Pn thim in efect and th~ numbe of shars purbabli: up coVctlou of th Sees A. PrcCU Sroc) ,hal be iipplicablo aíter Tht e',r;t as nealy eqniveent as may be pnc~bie. (1) Frag SJ. No fronl 'lban s\i be l&iiued uVOn coiiverlon. of any shar or shll of the Sees APiei Sto and the number of shi: or Common Sloe i: ~ i! shal be rolÌ to th iii whol~ sha The numbe of shar l¡¡suable US'U such converon slii be dened on the ba of the to number of shar of Series A Prfem:d. Stoc the holde is at the fu convc:g into Common SlO): and the n.umber of sh! of Commn Stok issable upon sub awega~ convenicm. (g) Reson of Sti1c Isroablc UJ2 Convi:on. The COIotwon sha11 res/e and keep available out of its authori but UJ$sicd ./ih3:s of Common Stok. solely for th~ puose of eiletng the converdon of the shai of the; Scncs A 'Pri!cm;d Stod~. such number of it! share of Common Stok as sh:u fr tic to ttIM be deed suffcient to effec The con verion or al outsding shares of in &rel! A pre Siock. 5. l:o Bi:mpon Rights Th Scnd A Prered Slock iihsl nol be subje.çt to redemptiOt whthet at the OPÙO' of ciùiei the Corporation or my holder of the St:es A Prdared Stoclc c. Com.oo Stock. 1. Di"'ld~sJs. 'I1e holtk of shll of Common Stoc shall be entiúelÌ to receive such di'Vdends as frm tíme (0 time may be declared by the Boar of DirectOrs of the Cooraon. subject to the provisions of subdivsion B of lh$ bi!. IY wilh respe to rights of- holders of the Pre: Stok. _., i. liquidation. Upon 31.:Y liquidaloo. dii;irlurlon or winding ir of th- Corporaton whether voluntar or involiintll, af~r any ptetereda1 amounts to be dii=tributed fO ihe holders of any series of P4fered StocK then oUlSisding thr: holdes of Common StO(K. sh:¡U Al~.l WIJ. Ji C1~l''/ OF 1t00lI'l l:..r710Q s "'" sbii ratil)' based upon tbe 11in of shar of CoO\ Stoc hdd by iht: in all of the re.m:lng asss of th CarptaoD avalable fo ditdbuton LO iiS stoldt. 3. ~gi'C. Exce lilt odi:1$ reird by law and wbjec:t tõ th prvlsloos set fort in úis Ai:Je IV, the 1il& of Comm Sioc iBti and ~tStmding sbaDbe entIle to ont: VO for eah sh therbc V. hcX'tol" ., 'T l\ an in1ig address of th sole inrpot3~or is as fOllQY'i¡~M:um,A~ mlE.Dav~Mo~ &. fç. I. 555 Wes Fsfli Sl:tr Sui~.3:500 I.Angflle CA 9013-10?.A VI. Boad orDirtdn The Boa of Diroiii is exprly auoni.ed to ine, :i'l, 01 r~ the Bylaws of the Cor¡olation. vu. Elecion oC Dlrl!f. E.letSorn of d.i: u~.: not be by wriuen ballo uries th By10ws of th Corpi.tion~~~~ . . VI. Credl10rs Whenever a compromie: or :igemt h propeiied 'btwee the CorPan an¿ its credi lOTS or any clas of th and/or bttee the Corpotaon iid its $tockholdm or any class of them, any COrt of equitile jnrdietion within th Slate of Delaw. l1y, on ihç: application in a sumi:i way of in" Corpon or of ir ciditor or stoc1dolÒO diei. or on the appliç;ion of any reeiver or rever appointed for the Coxrion un the provisiona of Secton 291 of nde 8 of tbç Delawiõ Coa ot on th application of tncs in disoluton or of 'Oy reeivei or reeivers Bppoiute4 (or tho Coration unde tho proviaiOl of ScdQl 279 of TIde: 8 at the Deia~ Cod oi;t meeting (If ila erton or cl:i of cror: :ad/or of th stocolders or class of stokholdes of th Corprauon. lI tM case rll;Y be, tô be sumoned in suh mane: as the S:11d coo di. If:l rmjoriiy in num reprng ~fos in valuo of the aeditorl or elas!! of crtors, sndlot of th~ stocolde or cls of stoclders of tb~ COtpiiÙQlI, ås the C~e mAY be, a~ ro MY comroin~ or argçmeit and to any rerpntzation or the Corpraon as 11 COeque of cuch compmie at arement, tbi s:nd compomise or =igemem and. the said repniz.tion iihal. if SiuctiOfei by the court to which the sad application ba be mad, be bindii on all the c:'t0C or clas or ;:ditol'. and/or on aU the $tockhoJd. or class or stockholde. of th -!oipcmon. 3S the tle may be, an also on this Corpor:mon. 1-J'0 "ims. ir. CO..iel1 OlIl'\'..TIb.41\ll 6 4"l"'~iiw~. lt\:Cl'OTeCI INCOIlIt-n)/b.iimaii . ., : f w. ToTM~ ~A~~.a7 ~~ .. IX stoer Ae: Efecvo upo th elosi~ of tb ~tion's intial puç offerg of scties pUl'SUant to a reghtnan staemet file4 unde thi; Sceuntíci Ad. of 1933. as amended, stokhol~ of th c~oa m:y ¡iot tak aeion by wnnen eoent in li of a. meeng bUt mUtt t:ie !ly s: :ion at It duy e: anual or ,pçal meting.¡. x.. hmeròmenfs The. COi:uon resees the rleft to amend. alter. change or re any. pr..isiO'l conwl1cd in ths CeTttical of tncoon. In ~ maner nOW or hc:af prescrbe by siitUtc. a:d aU rigbts confem upo st1de heten ii grwd &ubjec to ths ri5eratioii XL Dii-r libilty To the fules extet pemitted by Del2,w- statu or decsionlaw. 8$ :nended or intereed. no dior of tho ,Coon &ha1l be ptO'ly U-ale to the Cociiõon or It! stockholde for monewy dm~ Cor brac of nducar duty as a dior. This b¡içlç Xl does not affec the a\1abni¡y of ~itablc remedes for bre:ich of fiduc duties. 1. the undets1gw beg lÍe \Sole hlCorratar heil\betor nam for the puros of forng Ii cor:tion pursnant to th Qden Corportion La"" ofmc St3wofD~law:m do make this cei1'fc:lc, hi:by deçbcing and ccfyng tht ths is my act and de enc3 the fac1s herin :¡t3ted ar tre. and. ilorini:r. haVe herto set my han this 6Ii: day of).y. 2Q01. ~j1/.i;~ riiDavi. Sole Inorporator(/ ÄIiIS:IPlUNG wi: it.axnn;,I'OI ~MTl\i..10a 7 'I:" "OTfL i:"í"'C~ ':.l .. ~ $I . .... .. 1PP.-O~-2!)02 FP.I 01 :20 P11 HBG FAX MO. 504ß310892 Apr 04 oe 03: 14p Airesprin~ Wireless riR-04-201l ni G5:OS P!1 MOO 919S816099 f!\K NO. 50483t0892 P. 02 CERTlr-CATE OF AMENMEN OF CSTIrc TE OF INC01U'ORA nONf Ö!' AlliPtUNG WfREESS.LNC. AifC$j"ting Wircic$.'I Inc. (hei'cnat\er c:Ued the *cornon"). il corp~ion org:ißi7.ed imd cxiS\Ílig \fl1dw and by virloe of ~ (k'l Cotin UW of I~C ~\:iie. or Deinw~, does lici.:by cerlify: 1. lpc ri:ime 01' the oorporaiio i:: Aire:p~ W"ir!cs~. Inc. 2. The u.tiricte ctïncorparoii Q(tJ~ eooit\cn io$ hereby:ie.cl..l by sln1cng out Arlii:lè 1 thi:cof iiud by s.bi.titutin in lieu ofStid Miele Iibe followi.ng new Arlicle 1: L.NDmc 1 he niime (lfihe COr)iaralkin ls AircsprlnS. InC.Oicrjl\ii~r soetimes rccird 10 lls the"Corr:úon"' 3. i he ;'nleuinenl oftl.c ciitific:iic ofincorpraliQn ìirc:in caiinc.. has been duly :uopi.:d in ilcord"ncc with ibe provistWl of Sec Ii Oil i42 afth OCllct1 Coipor.1ic. b.w 01" ihl Rt:iiü "rnc!:iwiri. t!);C('~llcd on t.,,~l:ny o!l\.pri"\..2002 Avi I.nsieiu, Presdent Sc CEO Di..~Coût\ (It Autil.\tw: .,~ r'y"ki .r ~ri~ llfd . .. stA:'E OF' D,si"'lftlR£ SECRETÁ.'tY OF S:l~T.e O¡VfsION Oil CORPORATIONSëII.ED OJ. 00 ;it~ 041'05/2002 0202205S8 - 3396215 "" P. 02 p.~ iiPR-U!i-2ü02 H~I 01 :20 PI NBGAp~ 05 02 10: 20~ Rir&sprin, Wi~elacs fI.P-05-20a2 fRl 00: 14 An NI FAX NO 5048310892 8199815055 FAX m. 5048310892 P. 02 f Atrprift¡: Wird=.liu:. UNÀNIMOOS CONSRl'T OF nrRF.CfORS lurs1l1 to t1'i: Dyl:iws elihe abpvcCGrïltion, ~ Board ofDirclM ofihc: Corpor:\\on does hi:y iitl ti following rilution on Uú$ 4" d~of Apil. 2002, wfch petien s.h~lll.ve- the same roiee ru e:ffeet il j!~ii by ui'i:tlS allnTl;iûvc vote at a m.""tinc of ih~ Boord of Oirl.'etOl" Df 11\C Minutes :rd other pi:ccorings of ihe Cor¡on ihe Ci\iprnùon. duly ç:a1lcdMdheld. iidirct iIi:dtluwrittc.iico,ISc! 10 sueh I1ction!: fied with . RßSOLVP-D. tlmt ilic Boaril6C Dir.ctocs or Airpiing WirectS. Joe tilil ebv iiulhol"Ìi:i: tbe COitorü\ion n:e chan~ from Ahesprini: W'irtles Inc. \0Nnri~J~. . QQ)~ AV! Lonsic. Secetaty P. 03 p.2 "' EXHIT 2 - CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITY TO TRASACT BUSINSS 10 JUN-08-2010 11: 18 AIRESPRING MAIN FAX P .001 State of Idaho I I CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITY OF AIRESPRING; INC. File Number C 153196 I, BEN YSURSA, Secretary of State of the State of Idaho, hereby certify that an Application for Certificate of Authority, duly executed pursuant to the provisions of the Idaho Business Corporation Act, has been received in this office and is found to conform to law. ACCORDINGLY. and by virtue of the authority vested in me by law, I issue this Certificate of Authority to transact business in this State and attach hereto a duplicate of the application for such certificate. Dated: 19 February 2004 ~~ SECRETARY OF STATE BYÅ~ 2£"~/\ JUN-08-2010 11: 18 AIRESPRING MAIN FAX P.002 202 APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITY (For Profit) (Instructions on Back of Application) ED EFFECTIVE ..n.~1 r-'-8 I"" P""."yii ¡...,. ,\.¡ ,¡;'1 p 09.. ._.- ./ ¡ 1 L-9 The undersigned Corporation applies for a Certficate of Authori and states a~.f~"Gws~:;~i.. 'D;~ j fA 1 E'. ...' l_ : \!- ¡. AHO.... i, \¡ L c.; l \ 1 . the name of the corporation is: Airespring, Inc. 2. The name which it shall use in Idaho is: Airespring, Inc. 3. It is incorporated under the laws of: Delaware 4. Its date of incorporation is: 5/24/01 5. The address of its principal offce is: 6060 Sepulveda Drive, Suite 220, Van Nuys, California 91411 6. The address to which correspondence should be addressed, if different from item 5, is: 7. The street address of its registered offce in Idaho is:, 1423 Tyrell Lane, Boise, Idaho 83706 and its registered agent in Idaho at that address is: National Registered Agents, Inc. 8. The names and respecive business addresses of its directors and offcers are: Name Offce Address 6060 Sepulveda #220 Van Nuys CA 9141. 6060 Sepulveda #220 Van Nuys CA 9141' Avi Lonstein PreslTreas/Sec/Dir Tony Charles Lonstein Executive VP/Dir Daniel Lonstein CEONP 6060 Sepulveda #220 Van Nuys CA 9141' Dated:aL/\Customer Ac # : rii using praid accont) Secretary of State use only Typed Name: Avi Lonstein Capacity: President '"e:.. eie e- ~ '" ~1i 8 §~ ~ .Eo! l"50._ t: ~ ~ "0-ii..o¡ l Weh Fo,,, Ill SECRARY OF STATE82/19/2884 85" BB CK: 7198 CT: 17678 BH: 12m1 1 ~ 188.89 = 188.89 Jl PR l 2 Signature: c /j3J9 L TOTAL P. 002 EXHIT 3 - FINANCIA INORMTION FILED AS CONFIDENTIAL AN PROPRIETARY 11 EXHIT 4 - SERVICE ARA MA LEGEND ~tn~~ ~ lJSV!~~Ar ~ lJ~ W'blt ~~ 12 RECElVED State ofCalifomia 2810 JUl - l PM 2: 24 County of Los Angeles A vi Lonstein, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is the President of Airespring, Inc., the Applicant in the proceeding entitled above, that he has read the foregoing application and knows the contents thereof and; that the same are tre of his knowledge, except as to matters which are therein stated on information or belief, and to those matters he believes them to be tre. Airespring, Inc. has also reviewed all of the Commssion Rules and agrees to comply withilaD. _~ A vi Lonstein President Subscribed and sworn to before this \0 day of ~,2010. My Commission expires: ~ 1.5'1 1. L l- i.. K. L1N~HAN ttl.. CONN. # 1819737 lf II IITAR PUIUC.CAIIOR _los AIlS COTY .. ~. My COM. Ex. OCT. 25. 2012 l ID CLEC App