HomeMy WebLinkAboutAmerivision Communications Inc.pdfIssued: June 16, 2008 Effective: June 26, 2008 Issued by: Director, Regulatory Affairs 999 Waterside Drive, Suite 1910 Norfolk, Virginia 23510 IDo0801 AmeriVision Communications, Inc. Idaho Price List No. 3 d/b/a Affinity4 1st Revised Page 1 Cancels Original Page 1 AMERIVISION COMMUNICATIONS, INC. d/b/a Affinity4 TELECOMMUNICATIONS PRICE LIST Toll-free Telephone Number: (800) 800-7550 This Price List contains the rates, terms and conditions applicable to the IntraLATA and InterLATA Resale Telecommunications Services provided by AmeriVision Communications, Inc. d/b/a Affinity4 within the State of Idaho. (D) (T) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING June 26, 2008 Boise, Idaho AmeriVision Communications,Inc. d/b/a Affinity4 Idaho Price List No.3 12th Revised Page 2 Cancels 11th Revised Page 2 CHECK SHEET Pages of this tariff,as indicated below,are effective as ofthe date shown at the bottom of the respective pages.Original and revised pages,as named below,comprise all changes from the original tariff and are currently in effect as ofthe date on the bottom of this page. PAGE REVISION PAGE REVISION PAGE REVISION 1 1st Rev.32 1st Rev.51 3rd Rev.* 2 12th Rev.*33 1st Rev.52 1st Rev. 3 Original 34 1st Rev.53 1st Rev. 4 1st Rev.35 3rd Rev.*54 2nd Rev. 5 Original 36 3rd Rev.55 2nd Rev. 6 Original 36.1 Original 56 1st Rev. 7 1st Rev.37 1st Rev.57 1st Rev. 8 1st Rev.38 1st Rev.58 1st Rev. 9 1st Rev.39 1st Rev.59 3rd Rev.* 10 Original 40 1st Rev.60 2nd Rev. 11 Original 41 4th Rev.*61 4th Rev.* 12 Original 42 3rd Rev.62 2nd Rev.* 13 Original 43 4th Rev.*63 2nd Rev. 14 Original 44 3rd Rev.64 1st Rev. 15 Original 44.1 6th Rev.*65 4th Rev.* 16 1st Rev.44.2 3rd Rev.66 2nd Rev.* 17 1st Rev.44.3 8th Rev.*67 5th Rev.* 18 2nd Rev.44.4 3rd Rev.68 3rd Rev.*19 Original 44.5 6th Rev.*69 1st Rev. 20 Original 44.6 3rd Rev.70 2nd Rev.* 21 1st Rev.44.7 6th Rev.*71 2nd Rev.*22 Original 44.8 3rd Rev.72 2nd Rev.* 23 Original 44.9 3rd Rev.73 2nd Rev.* 24 Original 44.10 3rd Rev.74 1st Rev. 25 Original 44.11 1st Rev.75 1st Rev. 26 Original 44.12 1st Rev.76 2nd Rev.* 27 Original 44.13 1st Rev.*77 2nd Rev.* 28 Original 44.14 1st Rev.*78 2nd Rev.* 29 1st Rev.45 Original 79 2nd Rev.* 30 1st Rev.46 Original 80 1st Rev. 31 Original 47 Original 81 Original 48 3rd Rev. 49 Original 50 2nd Rev.* *-Indicates pages included with this filing. Issued:July 6,2012 Issued by:Director,Regulatory Affairs 999 Waterside Drive,Suite 1910 Norfolk,Virginia 23510 Effective:July 18,2012 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 18, 2012 Boise, Idaho AmeriVision Communications, Inc. d/b/a LifeLine Communications d/b/a Affinity 4 Idaho Price List No. Original Page 3 Check Sheet Table of Contents Section 1.0 - Terms and Abbreviations Section 2.0 - Rules and Regulations TABLE OF CONTENTS Section 3.0 - Service Descriptions and Rates Section 4.0 - Miscellaneous Services Section 5.0 - Promotions Section 6.0 - Contract Services Section 7.0 - Grandfathered Services Pae:e Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 8 - ZOOS Boise, Idaho -- - Issued: April 28, 2005 Effective: May 8, 2005 Issued by:Director, Regulatory Affairs 201 NW 63rd Street, Suite 200 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73116 IDo0502 Issued: June 16, 2008 Effective: June 26, 2008 Issued by: Director, Regulatory Affairs 999 Waterside Drive, Suite 1910 Norfolk, Virginia 23510 IDo0801 AmeriVision Communications, Inc. Idaho Price List No. 3 d/b/a Affinity4 1st Revised Page 4 Cancels Original Page 4 SECTION 1.0 - TERMS AND ABBREVIATIONS Access Line - Access to AmeriVision's services are provided by one or more or a combination of the following methods: presubscription in equal access areas, direct access, 800, 950 ad 10XXX dialing sequences. Access Code - A sequence of numbers that, when dialed, connect the caller to the provider of services associated with that sequence. Aggregator - Any person, excluding local exchange carriers and cellular service providers, that, in the ordinary course of its operations, make telephones available to the public or to transient users of its premises, for intrastate telephone calls using a provider of operator services. AmeriVision - Used throughout this price list to refer to AmeriVision Communications, Inc. d/b/a Affinity4. Authorization Code - A numerical code, one or more of which may be assigned to a Customer, to enable the Company to identify the origin of the Service User so the Company may rate and bill the call. All Authorization Codes shall be the sole property of the Company and no Customer shall have any property or other right or interest in the use of any particular Authorization Code. Automatic Numbering Identification ("ANI") may be used as or in connection with the Authorization Code. Authorized User - a person or entity that accesses the Company's services. An Authorized User is responsible for compliance with this tariff. Automatic Numbering Identification (ANI) - A type of signaling provided by a local exchange telephone company that automatically identifies the local exchange line from which a call originates. (D) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING June 26, 2008 Boise, Idaho AmeriVision Communications, Inc. d/b/a LifeLine Communications d/b/a Affinity 4 Idaho Price List No. Original Page 5 SECTION 1.0 - TERMS AND ABBREVIATIONS, (CONT' Billed Party - The person or entity responsible for payment of the Company s Service(s): In the case of a collect or third party call, the person or entity responsible for payment is the person responsible for payment for local telephone service at the telephone number that agrees to accept charges for the call. In the case of a Room Charge Call, the entity responsible for payment is the Aggregator controlling the telephone used to originate -- _ eil'l_tI'Il~tllte ~Il.ll-)n all Operator Assisted calls not involving Cards, third party calls, collect calls or Room Charge calls, the person or entity responsible for payment is the Customer responsible for payment for local telephone services at the telephone used to originate the intrastate call. Calling Card Call - A Direct Dialed or Operator Assisted call for which charges are billed not to the originating telephone number, but to a LEC or interexchange carrier calling card. Central Office - A Local Exchange Carrier switching system where Local Exchange Carrier customer station loops are terminated for purposes of interconnection to each other and to trunks. Channel- The term "Channel" denotes a path for electrical transmission between two or more points, the path having a band width designed to carry voice grade transmission. Commission - The Idaho Public Utilities Commission unless otherwise clearly indicated by the context. Common Carrier - A company or entity providing telecommunications services to the public. Credit Card Call - A Direct Dialed or Operator Assisted call for which charges are billed not to the originating telephone number, but to a credit commercial card, such as Visa or MasterCard. Customer - The person, firm, corporation or other entity which orders, cancels, amends or uses service and is responsible for payment of charges and compliance with the Company s price list. Debit Card - A pre-established account number (typically associated with a card), issued by the Company and purchased by a Customer for access to the Company s network for the purpose of placing long distance telephone calls. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 8 - ZOOS Boise, Idaho Issued: April 28, 2005 --- .. -- - .. Effective: May 8, 2005 Issued by:Director, Regulatory Affairs 201 NW 63rd Street, Suite 200 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73116 IDo0502 AmeriVision Communications, Inc. d/b/a LifeLine Communications d/b/a Affinity 4 Idaho Price List No. Original Page 6 SECTION 1.0 - TERMS AND ABBREVIATIONS, (CONT' Direct Dialed Call - An intrastate telephone call that is automatically completed and billed to the telephone number from which the call originated without the automatic or live assistance of an operator. --- Equal Access - Has the meaning given that term in Appendix B of the Modification of Final Judgment entered August 24, 1982, in United State v. Western Electric, Civil Acti()n No. 82-0192 (U!lited States District Court, District of Colombia), as amended by the Court in its orders issued prior to October 17, 1990. Equal Access Code - An access code that allows the public to obtain an equal access connection to the carrier associated with that code. Exchange - The term "Exchange" denotes a unit established by the Local Exchange Carrier for the administration of communications service in a specified area that usually embraces a city, town or village and its environs. It consists of one or more Central Offices together with the associated facilities used in furnishing communications service within that area. Intrastate Message Telecommunications Service ("MTS"- The term "Intrastate Message Telecommunications Services" denotes the furnishing of direct dialed and operator assisted intrastate switched service to the Customer for the completion of long distance voice and dial-up low speed data transmissions over voice grade channels between points wholly within the State ofIdaho. Local Exchange Carrier ("LEC") - The term "Local Exchange Carrier" denotes any telephone company that provides local telephone service to Customers within a defined area. Measured Charge - A charge assessed on a per minute or incremental basis in calculating a portion of the charges due for a completed call. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 8 - 200S Boise, Idaho ' .------ - -..".. 0 _ Issued: April 28, 2005 Effective: May 8, 2005 Issued by:Director, Regulatory Affairs 201 NW 63rd Street, Suite 200 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73116 IDoO502 Issued: June 16, 2008 Effective: June 26, 2008 Issued by: Director, Regulatory Affairs 999 Waterside Drive, Suite 1910 Norfolk, Virginia 23510 IDo0801 AmeriVision Communications, Inc. Idaho Price List No. 3 d/b/a Affinity4 1st Revised Page 7 Cancels Original Page 7 SECTION 1.0 - TERMS AND ABBREVIATIONS, (CONT'D.) Other Common Carrier - The term "Other Common Carrier" denotes a common carrier, other than the Company, providing domestic and/or international communications service to the public. (D) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | (D) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING June 26, 2008 Boise, Idaho Issued: June 16, 2008 Effective: June 26, 2008 Issued by: Director, Regulatory Affairs 999 Waterside Drive, Suite 1910 Norfolk, Virginia 23510 IDo0801 AmeriVision Communications, Inc. Idaho Price List No. 3 d/b/a Affinity4 1st Revised Page 8 Cancels Original Page 8 SECTION 1.0 - TERMS AND ABBREVIATIONS, (CONT'D.) Personal Identification Number (PIN) - Code numbers used in connection with designate telephone numbers which allow intrastate calls to be categorized for various applications. Point(s) of Presence - The term "Points(s) of Presence" denotes the site(s) where the Company provides a network interface with facilities provided by Other Common Carriers, Local Exchange Carriers or Customers for access to the Company network configuration. Premise - The term "Premise" denotes a building or buildings on contiguous property (except railroad right-of- way, etc.) not separated by a public highway. Real Time Rated - An intrastate call placed with the assistance of an operator, for which charges are collected by an Aggregator, normally a hotel or motel, may be a hospital, from the guest or occupant of the room from which the call originated. A call of this type requires that AmeriVision communicate the call detail and charges back to the originating location following completion of the call. This service is provided only where authorized by the Aggregator. Calls of this type are rated according to the Real Time Rate Schedules herein. (D) | | | (D) (D) | | | | | (D) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING June 26, 2008 Boise, Idaho Issued: June 16, 2008 Effective: June 26, 2008 Issued by: Director, Regulatory Affairs 999 Waterside Drive, Suite 1910 Norfolk, Virginia 23510 IDo0801 AmeriVision Communications, Inc. Idaho Price List No. 3 d/b/a Affinity4 1st Revised Page 9 Cancels Original Page 9 SECTION 1.0 - TERMS AND ABBREVIATIONS, (CONT'D.) Sent Paid Coin - Sent paid coin rates apply to calls placed from pay telephone stations and paid for by depositing coins at the pay telephone and are rated in real time. A call of this type requires AmeriVision to communicate and collect the charges from the originating location. Service - Intrastate telecommunications service provided to a Customer or Authorized User by the Company. Special Access Service - All exchange access not utilizing telephone company end office switches. This service includes dedicated access that connects end user to end user, end user to carrier, or carrier to carrier and may include analog or digital channels for voice, data or video transmissions. Subscriber - Any person, firm, partnership, corporation, governmental agency or other entity that orders service from the Company on behalf of itself or on behalf of others. A Subscriber may, in the ordinary course of its operations, makes telephones available to transient users of its premises for placing of intrastate calls. The Subscriber has a pre-existing business arrangement with the Company and may also be a Customer. Telecommunications - The transmission of voice communications or, subject to the transmission capabilities of the Service, the transmission of data, facsimile, signaling, metering, or any other form of intelligence. V & H Coordinates - Geographic points which define the originating and terminating points of a call in mathematical terms so that the airline mileage of the call may be determined. Call mileage may be used for the purposed of rating calls. (D) (D) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING June 26, 2008 Boise, Idaho AmeriVision Communications, Inc. d/b/a LifeLine Communications d/b/a Affinity 4 Idaho Price List No. Original Page 10 SECTION 2.0 - RULES AND REGULATIONS Undertaking of AmeriVision Service is offered to residential and business Customers of the Company to provide direct dialed and operator assisted calls originating and terminating partially or wholly within the State ofIdaho, using the Company s network configuration. The Company provides switched long distance network services for voke grade and low speed dial~up data tratrsmission services. The Company does not undertake to transmit messages but furnishes the use of its facilities to its Customers for communications. All services are provided subject to the terms and conditions set forth in this tariff. In the event of a conflict between a contract entered into by the Company and this tariff, the terms of this tariff shall prevail. The Company s services and facilities are provided on a monthly basis unless otherwise provided, and are available twenty-four hours per day, seven days per week. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 8 -- ZOOS Boise, Idaho , ----. Issued: April 28, 2005 Effective: May 8, 2005 Issued by:Director, Regulatory Affairs 201 NW 63rd Street, Suite 200 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73116 IDo0502 AmeriVision Communications, Inc. d/b/a LifeLine Communications d/b/a Affinity 4 Idaho Price List No. Original Page 11 Limitations Use SECTION 2.0 - RULES AND REGULATIONS, (CONT' Service is offered subject to the availability ofthe necessary facilities and equipment, or both facilities and equipment, and subject to the provisions of this tariff. AmeriVision reserves the right to discontinue or limit service when necessitated by conditions beyond its control, or when the Customer is using service in violation of provisions of this tariff, or in violation of the law. The Company does not undertake to transmit messages, but offers the use of its facilities when available, and will not be liable for errors in transmission or for failure to establish connections. All services and facilities provided under this tariff are directly or indirectly controlled by AmeriVision and the Customer may not transfer or assign the use of service or facilities without the express written consent of the Company. Such transfer or assignment shall only apply where there is no interruption of the use or location of the service or facilities. Prior written perm ission from the Company is required before any assignment or transfer. All regulations and conditions contained in this tariff shall apply to all such permitted assignees or transferee, as well as all conditions of service. Services provided under this price list may be used for any lawful purpose for which the service is technically suited. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 8 -- 2005 Boise, Idaho ~""--- :____ Effective: May 8, 2005Issued: April 28, 2005 Issued by:Director, Regulatory Affairs 201 NW 63rd Street, Suite 200 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73116 IDoO502 AmeriVision Communications, Inc. d/b/a LifeLine Communications d/b/a Affinity 4 Idaho Price List No. Original Page 12 SECTION 2.0 - RULES AND REGULATIONS, (CONT' 2.4 Liabilities of Company -------- The following tariff language does not constitute a determination by the Commission that a limit of liability imposed by the Company should be upheld in a court of law. Acceptance for filing by the Commission recognizes that it is a court's responsibility to adjudicate negligence and consequential damage claims. It is also the court's responsibility to determine the validity of the exculpatory clause. Except as stated in this section, the Company shall have no liability for damages of any kind arising out of or related to events, acts, rights or privileges contemplated in this tariff. This tariff does not limit the liability of the Company for willful misconduct. The liability of the Company, if any, for damages resulting in whole or in part from or arising in connection with the furnishing of service under this tariff, including but not limited to mistakes, omissions, interruptions, delays, errors, or other defects in transmission, or failures or defects in facilities furnished by the Company in the course of furnishing service or arising out of any failure to furnish service shall in no event exceed an amount of money equivalent to the proportionate charge to the Customer for the period of service during which such mistakes, omissions, interruptions, delays or errors or defects in transmission occur and continue. However any such mistakes, omissions, interruptions, delays, errors, or defects in transmission or service that are caused by or contributed to by the negligence or willful act of Customer, or which arise from the use of Customer-Provided Facilities or equipment shall not result in the imposition of any liability whatsoever upon the Company. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FlUNG MAY 8 - ZOOS Boise, Idaho Issued: April 28, 2005 Effective: May 8, 2005 Issued by:Director, Regulatory Affairs 201 NW 63rd Street, Suite 200 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73116 IDo0502 AmeriVision Communications, Inc. d/b/a LifeLine Communications d/b/a Affinity 4 Idaho Price List No. Original Page 13 SECTION 2.0 - RULES AND REGULA nONS, (CONT' 2.4 Liabilities of Company, (Cont' 2.4. ~---- - 2.4.4 AmeriVision shall not be liable for any failure of performance hereunder due to causes beyond its contro I, including but not limited to Acts of God, fires, flood or other catastrophes; atmospheric conditions or other phenomena of nature, such as radiation; any law, order regulation, directive, action or request of the United States Government, or any otlier government, including state and local governments having jurisdiction over AmeriVision or the services provided hereunder; national emergencies; civil disorder, insurrections, riots wars, strikes, lockouts, work stoppages, or other labor problems or regulations established or actions taken by any court or government agency having jurisdiction over the Company or the acts of any party not directly under the control of the Company. AmeriVision is not liable for any act, omission or negligence of any Local Exchange Carrier or other provider whose facilities are used concurrently in furnishing any portion of the services received by Customer, or for the unavailability of or any delays in the furnishing of any services or facilities that are provided by any Local Exchange Carrier. Should the Company employ the service of any Other Common Carrier in furnishing the service provided to Customer, the Company s liability shall be limited according to the provisions stated above. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FlUNG MAY 8 -- 2005 Boise. Idaho ,-- --"._-"-- ----,.--;--- Effective: May 8, 2005Issued: April 28, 2005 Issued by:Director, Regulatory Affairs 201 NW 63rd Street, Suite 200 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73116 IDo0502 AmeriVision Communications, Inc. d/b/a LifeLine Communications d/b/a Affinity 4 Idaho Price List No. Original Page 14 SECTION 2.0 - RULES AND REGULATIONS, (CONT' Liabilities of Company, (Cont' AmeriVision shall be indemnified and held harmless by the Customer and Authorized User from and against all loss, liability, damage, and expense, including reasonable attorney s fees due to claims for libel, slander, or infringement of copyright or trademark in connection with any material transmitted by any person using the Company s serVices arid any other claim resulting from any act or omission of the Customer or Authorized User relating to the use of the Company s facilities. ------- 2.4.The Company shall not be liable for any act or omission of any other entity furnishing to the Customer facilities or equipment used with the service furnished hereunder; nor shall the Company be liable for any damages or losses due in whole or in part to the failure of Customer-provided service, equipment or facilities. 2.4.Under no circumstances whatever shall the Company or its officers, directors, agents, or employees be liable for indirect, incidental, special or consequential damages. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FlUNG MAY 8- ZOOS Boise, Idaho Issued: April 28, 2005 Effective: May 8 2005 "" - Issued by:Director, Regulatory Affairs 201 NW 63rd Street, Suite 200 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73116 IDo0502 AmeriVision Communications, Inc. d/b/a LifeLine Communications d/b/a Affinity 4 Idaho Price List No. Original Page 15 SECTION 2.0 - RULES AND REGULATIONS, (CONT' Deposits The Company will not require deposits from customers. Advance Payments ,---- The Company will not require advance payments from customers. Taxes All federal excise taxes, and state and local sales, use, and similar taxes, are billed as separate line items and are not included in the quoted rates, unless otherwise provided in Section 4 of this tariff. Idaho Public Utilities Commission OfficB of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 8 - ZOOS Boise, Idaho Issued: April 28, 2005 -- --- - " -. ... Effective: May 8, 2005 Issued by:Director, Regulatory Affairs 201 NW 63rd Street, Suite 200 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73116 IDo0502 Issued: June 16, 2008 Effective: June 26, 2008 Issued by: Director, Regulatory Affairs 999 Waterside Drive, Suite 1910 Norfolk, Virginia 23510 IDo0801 AmeriVision Communications, Inc. Idaho Price List No. 3 d/b/a Affinity4 1st Revised Page 16 Cancels Original Page 16 SECTION 2.0 - RULES AND REGULATIONS, (CONT’D.) 2.8 Payment for Service 2.8.1 Billing and Credit Regulations The charges for service are due when billed and are billed and collected by the Company or its authorized agent, or the connecting company from whose service point the messages were sent paid or at whose service point the messages were received collect. 2.8.2 Payment for Service The Customer is responsible for payment of all charges for services, including charges for service originated or charges accepted at the Customer's service point. (A) [Reserved for Future Use] (B) [Reserved for Future Use] (C) [Reserved for Future Use] (D) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | (D) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING June 26, 2008 Boise, Idaho Issued: June 16, 2008 Effective: June 26, 2008 Issued by: Director, Regulatory Affairs 999 Waterside Drive, Suite 1910 Norfolk, Virginia 23510 IDo0801 AmeriVision Communications, Inc. Idaho Price List No. 3 d/b/a Affinity4 1st Revise Page 17 Cancels Original Page 17 SECTION 2.0 - RULES AND REGULATIONS, (CONT’D.) 2.8 Payment for Service, (Cont'd.) 2.8.2 Payment for Service, (cont'd.) (D) Charges for direct dialed calls will be included on the originating party's bill pursuant to billing and collection agreements established by the Company or its intermediary with the applicable telephone company. (E) Any applicable federal, state and local use, excise, sales or privileges taxes or similar liabilities chargeable to or against the Company as a result of the provision or the Company's service hereunder to the Customer shall be charged to and payable by the Customer in addition to the rates indicated in this tariff. (F) The Customer shall remit payment of all charges to any agency authorized by the Company to receive such payment. (G) Bills are due by the date marked upon the invoice received by the Customer. (H) A Late Fee in the amount of 1.5% per month will be applied on all delinquent bills. In addition, bills that remain unpaid forty-five (45) days after the postmark date may be subject to call blocking and/or temporary disconnection. Notice of this action will be sent to the Customer ten (10) days prior to the call blocking or temporary disconnection. (I) Except as provided in Section (J) herein below, Customers will be billed on a monthly basis. However, the Company may, upon Customer notification, adjust a Customer’s billing date to coincide with current billing cycles of the Company. (T) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING June 26, 2008 Boise, Idaho Issued: June 16, 2008 Effective: June 26, 2008 Issued by: Director, Regulatory Affairs 999 Waterside Drive, Suite 1910 Norfolk, Virginia 23510 IDo0801 AmeriVision Communications, Inc. Idaho Price List No. 3 d/b/a Affinity4 2nd Revised Page 18 Cancels 1st Revised Page 18 SECTION 2.0 - RULES AND REGULATIONS, (CONT’D.) 2.8 Payment for Service, (Cont'd.) 2.8.2 Payment for Service, (cont'd.) (J) In lieu of sending a Customer a monthly bill, the Company may choose to defer its mailing to a Customer whose charges are less than $7.50. Said charges will be accrued and added to the following month’s charges. A billing for all accrued and current charges will be mailed to the Customer upon reaching $7.50 in amount, but in no case less than once per quarter. (K) Failure to receive a bill will not exempt a Customer from prompt payment of any sum or sums due the Company. (L) AmeriVision will not bill for unanswered calls in areas where Equal Access is available, nor will AmeriVision knowingly bill for unanswered telephone calls where Equal Access is not available. In the event that an unanswered call is inadvertently billed due to the unavailability of Equal Access, AmeriVision will cancel all such charges upon request or may credit the account of the Billed Party. Any call for which the billed duration exceeds one minute shall be presumed to have been answered. (M) In the event the Customer is overbilled, an adjustment will be made to the Customer's account and the Customer will be deemed to not owe overbilled amount. If the Customer is underbilled, the Customer is allowed to either pay in lump sum or in installments. (T) (T) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING June 26, 2008 Boise, Idaho AmeriVision Communications, Inc. d/b/a LifeLine Communications d/b/a Affinity 4 Idaho Price List No. Original Page 19 SECTION 2.0 - RULES AND REGULATIONS, (CONT'D. Right to Backbill for Improper Use of the Company s Service Any person or entity that uses, appropriates or secures the use of service from the Company, whether directly or indirectly, in any unlawful manner or through the providing of any misleading or false inf9!mation to the Company and which uses, appropriation, or securing of services is inconsistent with the stated uses, intents, and purposes of this tariff or any restrictions, conditions, and limitations stated herein, shall be liable for an amount equal to the accrued and unpaid charges, limited to the previous three (3) year period, that would have been applicable to the use of the Company s service actually made by Customer. ----- Billing Entity Conditions When billing functions on behalf of AmeriVision are performed by local exchange telephone companies, credit card companies or others, the payment conditions and regulations of such companies apply, including any applicable interest and/or late payment charges. In case of any disputed charges that cannot be resolved by the billing company, the Billed Party may contact AmeriVision directly. If there is still a disagreement about the disputed amount after investigation and review by AmeriVision or other service provider, the Billed Party has the option to pursue the matter with the appropriate state commission and/or the Federal Communications Commission. Compliance with Regulatory Requirements The Company reserves the right to discontinue service, limit service, or to impose requirements on Customers as required to meet changing regulatory rules and standards of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. Interconnection The Company reserves the right to interconnect its services with those of any Other Common Carrier Local Exchange Carrier, or alternate access provider of its election, and to utilize such services for the provision of services offered herein. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 8 - 2005 Boise, Idaho ..-- j Issued: April 28, 2005 Effective: May 8, 2005 Issued by:Director, Regulatory Affairs 201 NW 63rd Street, Suite 200 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73116 IDo0502 AmeriVision Communications, Inc. d/b/a LifeLine Communications d/b/a Affinity 4 Idaho Price List No. Original Page 20 SECTION 2.0 - RULES AND REGULATIONS, (CONT' Denial of Access to Service by the Company The Company expressly retains the right to deny access to service without incurring any liability for any of the following reasons: ---- - 13.Nonpayment of any sum due for service provided hereunder, where the Customer s charges remain unpaid more than ten (10) days following notice of nonpayment from the Company. Notice shall be deemed to be effective upon mailing of written notice, postage prepaid, to the Customer s last known address; 13.Customer s acts or omissions that constitute a violation of, or a failure to comply with, any regulation stated in this tariff governing the furnishing of service, but which violation or failure to comply does not constitute a material breach or does not pose any actual threatened interference to AmeriVision operations or its furnishing of service. The Company agrees to give Customer ten (10) days notice of such violation or failure to comply prior to disconnection of service; or 13.3 The implementation of any order of a court of competent jurisdiction, or federal or state regulatory authority of competent jurisdiction, prohibiting the Company from furnishing such servIce; or 13.4 Failure to pay a previously owed bill by the same Customer at another location. Customer s Liability in the Event of Denial of Access to Service by the Company In the event a Customer s service is disconnected by the Company for any of the reasons stated in Section 2., the Customer shall be liable for all unpaid charges due and owing to the Company associated with the service. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY' 8 - 2005 Boise. Idaho 0 . Issued: April 28, 2005 Effective: May 8 , 2005 Issued by:Director, Regulatory Affairs 201 NW 63rd Street, Suite 200 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73116 IDo0502 Issued: June 16, 2008 Effective: June 26, 2008 Issued by: Director, Regulatory Affairs 999 Waterside Drive, Suite 1910 Norfolk, Virginia 23510 IDo0801 AmeriVision Communications, Inc. Idaho Price List No. 3 d/b/a Affinity4 1st Revised Page 21 Cancels Original Page 21 SECTION 2.0 - RULES AND REGULATIONS, (CONT’D.) 2.15 Reinstitution of Service The Company will reconnect service upon Customer request as soon as the reason for the Customer's termination is removed. If the Customer seeks reinstitution of Service following denial of service by the Company, the Customer shall pay to the Company prior to the time service is reinstituted (1) all accrued and unpaid charges, but there will be no charge for the service restoration. 2.16 Credit Allowances for Interruption of Service Credit allowances for interruptions of service are limited the initial minimum period charge incurred to re-establish the interrupted call. 2.17 [Reserved for Future Use] (D) | | | | (D) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING June 26, 2008 Boise, Idaho AmeriVision Communications, Inc. d/b/a LifeLine Communications d/b/a Affinity 4 Idaho Price List No. Original Page 22 SECTION 2.0 - RULES AND REGULATIONS, (CONT' Toll Free Numbers AmeriVision will make every effort to reserve "vanity" toll free numbers on the Customer s behalf, but makes no warranty or guarantee that the "vanity" number(s) will be available for use by the Customer. If a Customer accumulates undisputed past-due charges, the Company reserves the right not to honor the Customer s request for a change in toll free service to another carrier (Le. "porting" of the toll free number), including a request for a Responsible Organization (Resp Org) change, until such charges are paid in full. Promotional Offerings 19.1 The Company may from time to time waive or vary charges for promotional, market research or other similar business purposes. The varying charges will not exceed those in this tarifffor the same services. 19.2 The Company will provide thirty (30) days notification to the Commission of the availability and duration of such offers. 19.Special offerings will not exceed a period of ninety (90) days. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 8 - 2005 Boise. ,Idaho Issued: April 28, 2005 Effective: May 8, 2005 Issued by:Director, Regulatory Affairs 201 NW 63rd Street, Suite 200 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73116 IDoO502 AmeriVision Communications, Inc. d/b/a LifeLine Communications d/b/a Affinity 4 Idaho Price List No. Original Page 23 SECTION 2.0 - RULES AND REGULATIONS, (CONT' Responsibilities of Aggregators In addition to the responsibilities of Aggregators in their capacities as Subscribers, Aggregators must also adhere to the following requirements: --- 20.Aggregators must post on the telephone instrument, in plain view of Authorized Users: (C) The name, address, and toll-free telephone number of the provider of operator services; and A written disclosure that the rates for all operator-assisted calls are available on request, and that Authorized Users have a right to obtain access to the intrastate common carrier of their choice and may contact their preferred intrastate common carriers for information on accessing that carrier s service using that telephone; and The name and address of the enforcement division the Federal Communications Commission, to which the Authorized User may direct complaints regarding Operator Services; and Any other information required by state or federal regulatory agencies or law. (A) (B) (D) 20.Aggregators must ensure that each of its telephones presubscribed to a provider of operator services allows the Authorized User to use "800" and "950" access code numbers to obtain access to the provider of operator services desired by the Authorized User. 20.AmeriVision shall withhold service (on a location-by-location basis) of any compensation including commissions, to Aggregators if AmeriVision reasonably believes that the Aggregator (i) is blocking access by means of"950" or "800" numbers to intrastate common carriers in violation of The Telephone Consumer Protection Act of 1990 paragraph 3.4. or (ii) is blocking access to equal access codes in violation of rules the Federal Communication Commission and/or the state Commission may prescribe. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 8 - 2005 Boise. Idaho Issued: April 28, 2005 Effective: May ' Issued by:Director, Regulatory Affairs 201 NW 63rd Street, Suite 200 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73116 IDoO502 AmeriVision Communications, Inc. d/b/a LifeLine Communications d/b/a Affinity 4 Idaho Price List No. Original Page 24 SECTION 2.0 - RULES AND REGULATIONS, (CONT' Responsibilities of the Subscriber 21.1 The Subscriber is responsible for placing any necessary orders, for complying with tariff regulations, and for ensuring that Authorized Users comply with tariff regulations. The Subscriber is also responsible for the payment of charges for calls originated at the Subscriber s premises that are not collect, third party, calling card orcredit carel calls. -~- 21.2 The Subscriber is responsible for charges incurred for special construction and/or special facilities that the Subscriber requests and which are ordered by AmeriVision on the Subscriber s behalf. 21.3 If required for the provision of AmeriVision s Services, the Subscriber must provide any equipment space, supporting structure, conduit, and electrical power without charge to Century. 21.4 The Subscriber is responsible for arranging ingress to its premises at times mutually agreeable to it and AmeriVision when required for AmeriVision personnel to install, repair, maintain program, inspect, or remove equipment associated with the provision of AmeriVision Services. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 8 - 2005 Boise. Idaho Issued: April 28, 2005 Effective: May 8, 2005 Issued by:Director, Regulatory Affairs 201 NW 63rd Street, Suite 200 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73116 IDo0502 AmeriVision Communications, Inc. d/b/a LifeLine Communications d/b/a Affinity 4 Idaho Price List No. Original Page 25 SECTION 2.0 - RULES AND REGULATIONS, (CONT'D. Responsibilities of the Subscriber, (Cont' 21.5 The Subscriber shall ensure that its terminal equipment and/or system is properly interfaced with AmeriVision s facilities or services, that the signals emitted into AmeriVision s network configuration are of the proper mode, bandwidth, power, and signal level for the intended use of the Subscriber and in compliance with the criteria set forth hi Part 68 ofthe Code of Federal Regulations, and that the signals do not damage equipment, injure personnel, or degrade service to other Subscribers. 21.6 If the Subscriber fails to maintain the equipment and/or the system properly, with resulting imminent harm to AmeriVision s equipment, personnel, or the quality of Service to other Subscribers or Customers, AmeriVision may, upon written notice, require the use of protective equipment at the Subscriber s expense. Ifthis fails to produce satisfactory quality and safety, AmeriVision may, upon written notification, terminate the Subscribers service. 21.7 The Subscriber must pay AmeriVision for replacement or repair of damage to the equipment or facilities of AmeriVision caused by negligence or willful act of the Subscriber, its Authorized Users, or others, or by improper use of equipment provided by the Subscriber Authorized Users, or others. 21.8 The Subscriber must pay for the loss through theft or fire of any of AmeriVision s equipment installed at Subscriber s premises, Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 8 - ZOOS Boise. Idaho Issued: April 28, 2005 Effective: May 8, 2005 Issued by:Director, Regulatory Affairs 201 NW 63rd Street, Suite 200 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73116 IDo0502 AmeriVision Communications, Inc. d/b/a LifeLine Communications d/b/a Affinity 4 Idaho Price List No. Original Page 26 SECTION 2.0 - RULES AND REGULATIONS, (CONT' Responsibilities of Authorized Users 22.1 The Authorized User is responsible for compliance with the applicable regulations set forth in this tariff as well as all rules and regulations of the state utility commission and the FCc. 22.2 The Authorized User is responsible for identifying the station, party, or person with whom communication is desired and/or made at the called number. 22.The Authorized User is responsible for providing AmeriVision with a valid method of billing for each call. AmeriV is ion reserves the right to validate the credit worthiness of users through available credit card, calling card, called number, third party telephone number, and room number verification procedures. Where a requested billing method cannot by validated, the user may be required to provide an acceptable alternate billing method or AmeriVision may refuse to place the call. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FlUNG MAY 8 - 2005 Boise, Idaho Issued: April 28 , 2005 , , - Effective: May 8, 2005 Issued by:Director, Regulatory Affairs 201 NW 63rd Street, Suite 200 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73116 IDo0502 AmeriVision Communications, Inc. d/b/a LifeLine Communications d/b/a Affinity 4 Idaho Price List No. Original Page 27 SECTION 3.0 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES General AmeriVision Communications, Inc. offers outbound long distance, and operator services to its customers. Rates for these services vary by product. All AmeriVision services are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. AmeriVision s Operator Assisted Service is provided for use by presubscribed Customers as well as transient Customers at host or Subscriber locations. Services arranged for the use of the transient public are subject to restrictions imposed by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission and the Federal Communications Commission. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 8- 2005 Boise, Idaho Issued: April 28, 2005 Effective: May 8, 2005 Issued by:Director, Regulatory Affairs 201 NW 63rd Street, Suite 200 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73116 IDo0502 AmeriVision Communications, Inc. d/b/a LifeLine Communications d/b/a Affinity 4 Idaho Price List No. Original Page 28 SECTION 3.0 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (CONT' Determination of Call Duration and Timing of Calls For Direct Dialed and Operator Station Calls, chargeable time begins when the connection is established between the calling station and the desired telephone, attendant board, or private branch exchange console. For Person-to-Person calls chargeable time begins when the designated party comes on the line, or 'Wberithe caller agrees to speak with a substitUte party. Chargeable time ends when the connection is terminated. Chargeable time does not include the time lost because of known faults or defects in the servIce. 2.4 The initial and additional timing periods for billing purposes vary by product and are specified in this Section of this tariff. The Company will not bill for unanswered calls. When a Customer indicates that he/she was billed for an incomplete call, AmeriVision will reasonably issue credit for the call. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 8 - 2005 Boise. Idaho ,.. Issued: April 28, 2005 Effective: May 8, 2005 Issued by:Director, Regulatory Affairs 201 NW 63rd Street, Suite 200 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73116 IDo0502 Issued: June 16, 2008 Effective: June 26, 2008 Issued by: Director, Regulatory Affairs 999 Waterside Drive, Suite 1910 Norfolk, Virginia 23510 IDo0801 AmeriVision Communications, Inc. Idaho Price List No. 3 d/b/a Affinity4 1st Revised Page 29 Cancels Original Page 29 SECTION 3.0 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (CONT'D.) 3.3 [Reserved for Future Use] (D) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | (D) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING June 26, 2008 Boise, Idaho Issued: June 16, 2008 Effective: June 26, 2008 Issued by: Director, Regulatory Affairs 999 Waterside Drive, Suite 1910 Norfolk, Virginia 23510 IDo0801 AmeriVision Communications, Inc. Idaho Price List No. 3 d/b/a Affinity4 1st Revised Page 30 Cancels Original Page 30 SECTION 3.0 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (CONT'D.) 3.3 [Reserved for Future Use], (Cont'd.) (D) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | (D) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING June 26, 2008 Boise, Idaho AmeriVision Communications, Inc. d/b/a LifeLine Communications d/b/a Affinity 4 Idaho Price List No. Original Page 31 SECTION 3.0 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (CONT' 3.4 Calculation of Distance For services which are distance sensitive, usage charges are based on the airline distance between the serving wire center locations associated with the originating and terminating points of the call. The distance between the originating and terminating points is calculated by using the "V" andu coordinates of the serving wire centers as defined by Telcordia, in the following manner: Step 1: Step 2: Step 3: Step 4: Step 5: Step 6: Formula: Obtain the "V" and "H" coordinates for the serving wire center of the Customer s switch and the destination point. Obtain the difference between the "V" coordinates of each of the Rate Centers. Obtain the Difference between the "H" coordinates. Square the differences obtained in Step 2. Add the squares of the "V" difference and "H" difference obtained in Step 3. Divide the sum of the square obtained in Step 4 by ten (10). Round to the next higher whole number if any fraction results from the division. Obtain the square root of the whole number obtained in Step 5. Round to the next higher whole number if any fraction is obtained. This is the distance between the originating and terminating serving wire centers of the call. )2 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 8 - ZOOS Boise, Idaho , -,," ",-,' Issued: April 28, 2005 Effective: May 8, 2005 Issued by:Director, Regulatory Affairs 201 NW 63rd Street, Suite 200 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73116 IDo0502 Issued: June 16, 2008 Effective: June 26, 2008 Issued by: Director, Regulatory Affairs 999 Waterside Drive, Suite 1910 Norfolk, Virginia 23510 IDo0801 AmeriVision Communications, Inc. Idaho Price List No. 3 d/b/a Affinity4 1st Revised Page 32 Cancels Original Page 32 SECTION 3.0 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (CONT'D.) 3.5 [Reserved for Future Use] (D) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | (D) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING June 26, 2008 Boise, Idaho Issued: June 16, 2008 Effective: June 26, 2008 Issued by: Director, Regulatory Affairs 999 Waterside Drive, Suite 1910 Norfolk, Virginia 23510 IDo0801 AmeriVision Communications, Inc. Idaho Price List No. 3 d/b/a Affinity4 1st Revised Page 33 Cancels Original Page 33 SECTION 3.0 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (CONT'D.) 3.5 [Reserved for Future Use], (Cont'd.) (D) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | (D) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING June 26, 2008 Boise, Idaho Issued: June 16, 2008 Effective: June 26, 2008 Issued by: Director, Regulatory Affairs 999 Waterside Drive, Suite 1910 Norfolk, Virginia 23510 IDo0801 AmeriVision Communications, Inc. Idaho Price List No. 3 d/b/a Affinity4 1st Revised Page 34 Cancels Original Page 34 SECTION 3.0 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (CONT'D.) 3.6 Affinity4 Outbound Long Distance Affinity4 Outbound Long Distance calling is offered to Customers throughout the State. Calls are measured and billed in one minute increments with a one minute minimum call duration. Calls may be originated by dialing 1+ the interLATA toll number, by dialing an access code + interLATA toll number. Initial Minute Ea. Addl. Minute All Mileage Bands $0.1990 $0.1990 Material that originally appeared on this Page now appears on Page 69. (M) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | (M) (N) | | | | | | | | (N) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING June 26, 2008 Boise, Idaho AmeriVision Communications,Inc. d/b/a Affinity4 Idaho Price List No.3 3rd Revised Page 35 Cancels 2nd Revised Page 35 SECTION 3.0 -DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES,(CONTID.) 3.7 Affinity4 Basic Advantage Plan Affinity4 Basic Advantage Plan calling is designed for Customers who elect to be billed by the Company directly.Calls are measured and billed in one minute increments with a one minute minimum call duration.Calls may be originated by dialing 1+the interLATA toll number,by dialing an access code +interLATA toll number. Initial Minute Ea.Addl.Minute I All Mileage Bands $0.2299 (I)$0.2299 (I) Issued:July 6,2012 Issued by:Director,Regulatory Affairs 999 Waterside Drive,Suite 1910 Norfolk,Virginia 23510 Effective:July 18,2012 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 18, 2012 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING April 12, 2011 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 28, 2011 Boise, Idaho AmeriVision Communications, Inc. d/b/a LifeLine Communications d/b/a Affinity 4 Idaho Price List No. 1 st Revised Page 37 Cancels Original Page 37 SECTION 3.0 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (CONT' (Reserved for Future Use)(M) (M) Material that originally appeared on this Page now appears on Page 67, Idaho P~blic Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary- CEPTED FOR FILING JUN 2 2 2005 Boise, Idaho Issued: June 9, 2005 Effective: June 22, 2005 Issued by:Director, Regulatory Affairs 201 NW 63rd Street, Suite 200 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73116 IDo0503 AmeriVision Communications, Inc. d/b/a LifeLine Communications d/b/a Affinity 4 Idaho Price List No. 1 st Revised Page 38 Cancels Original Page 38 SECTION 3.0 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (CONT' (Reserved for Future Use), (Cont'(M) (M) Material that originally appeared on this Page now appears on Page 67, Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUN 2 2 ZOOS Boise, Idaho Issued: June 9, 2005 Effective: June 22, 2005 Issued by:Director, Regulatory Affairs 201 NW 63rd Street, Suite 200 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73116 IDo0503 AmeriVision Communications, Inc. d/b/a LifeLine Communications d/b/a Affinity 4 Idaho Price List No. 1 st Revised Page 39 Cancels Original Page 39 SECTION 3.0 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (CONT' (Reserved for Future Use) --- Material that originally appeared on this Page now appears on Page 68, Idaho P~blic Utilities Commission Office of the SecretaryPTED FOR FILING "UN 2 2 ZO05 Boise. Idaho (M) (M) Issued: June 9, 2005 Issued by: Effective: June 22, 2005 ' - , " Director, Regulatory Affairs 201 NW 63rd Street, Suite 200 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73116 IDoO503 AmeriVision Communications, Inc. d/b/a LifeLine Communications d/b/a Affinity 4 Idaho Price List No. 1 st Revised Page 40 Cancels Original Page 40 SECTION 3.0 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (CONT' (Reserved for Future Use), (Cont'(M) (M) ~-- Material that originally appeared on this Page now appears on Page 68, Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUN 2 2 2005 Boise. Idaho ,-- Issued: June 9, 2005 Effective: June 22, 2005 Issued by:Director, Regulatory Affairs 201 NW 63rd Street, Suite 200 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73116 IDo0503 AmeriVision Communications,Inc. d/b/a Affinity4 Idaho Price List No.3 4th Revised Page 41 Cancels 3rd Revised Page 41 SECTION 3.0 -DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES,(CONT'D.) 3.11 Affinity4 4.9¢Advantage Plan Affinity4 4.9¢Advantage Plan is a direct dialed long distance calling plan designed for residential Customers.Calls are billed in one (l)minute increments with an initial period,for billing purposes,of one (l)minute.Service is only offered in conjunction with the corresponding interstate plan. 3.11.1 Rates and Charges DAY EVENING NIGHTIWKND Each Each Each Mileage Initial Additional Initial Additional Initial Additional Bands Minute Minute Minute Minute Minute Minute All $0.2099 (I)$0.2099 (I)$0.2099 (I)$0.2099 (I)$0.2099 (I)$0.2099 (I) (A)Calling Card Charges: Issued:July 6,2012 Issued by: Per Minute Rate Per Call Surcharge Director,Regulatory Affairs 999 Waterside Drive,Suite 1910 Norfolk,Virginia 23510 $0.25 $0.25 Effective:July 18,2012 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 18, 2012 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING August 10, 2009 Boise, Idaho AmeriVision Communications,Inc. d/b/a Affinity4 Idaho Price List No.3 4th Revised Page 43 Cancels 3rd Revised Page 43 SECTION 3.0 -DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES,(CONTID.) 3.12 Affinity4 2.9¢Advantage Plan Affinity4 2.9¢Advantage Plan is a direct dialed long distance calling plan designated for residential Customers.Calls are billed in one (1)minute increments with an initial period,for billing purposes,of one (l)minute.Service only offered in conjunction with the corresponding interstate plan. 3.12.1 Rates and Charges DAY EVENING NIGHTIWKND Each Each Each Mileage Initial Additional Initial Additional Initial Additional Bands Minute Minute Minute Minute Minute Minute All $0.2099 (I)$0.2099 (I)$0.2099 (I)$0.2099 (I)$0.2099 (I)$0.2099 (I) (A)Calling Card Charges: Issued:July 6,2012 Issued by: Per Minute Rate Per Call Surcharge Director,Regulatory Affairs 999 Waterside Drive,Suite 1910 Norfolk,Virginia 23510 $0.25 $0.25 Effective:July 18,2012 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 18, 2012 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING August 10, 2009 Boise, Idaho AmeriVision Communications,Inc. d/b/a Affinity4 Idaho Price List No.3 6th Revised Page 44.1 Cancels 5th Revised Page 44.1 SECTION 3.0 -DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES,(CONT'D.) 3.13 Affinity4 9.9¢Advantage Plan Affinity4 9.9¢Advantage Plan is a direct dialed long distance calling plan designed for residential customers.Calls are billed in one (l)minute increments with an initial period,for billing purposes,of one (l)minute.Service is only offered in conjunction with the corresponding interstate plan. 3.13.1 Rates and Charges DAY EVENING NIGHTIWEEKEND Each Each Each Mileage Initial Additional Initial Additional Initial Additional Bands Minute Minute Minute Minute Minute Minute All $0.2099 (I)$0.2099 (I)$0.2099 (I)$0.2099 (I)$0.2099 (I)$0.2099 (I) (A)Calling Card Charges Issued:July 6,2012 Issued by: Per Minute Rate Per Call Surcharge Director,Regulatory Affairs 999 Waterside Drive,Suite 1910 Norfolk,Virginia 23510 $0.25 $0.25 Effective:July 18,2012 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 18, 2012 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING August 10, 2009 Boise, Idaho AmeriVision Communications,Inc. d/b/a Affinity4 Idaho Price List No.3 Sth Revised Page 44.3 Cancels i h Revised Page 44.3 SECTION 3.0 -DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES,(CONT'D.) 3.14 Affinity4 3.9¢Business Advantage Plan Affinty4 3.9¢Business Advantage Plan is a direct dialed long distance calling plan designed for businesses customers.Calls are billed in six (6)second increments with an initial period,for billing purposes,of thirty (30)seconds.Service is only offered in conjunction with the corresponding interstate plan. 3.14.1 Rates and Charges DAY EVENING NIGHTIWEEKEND Each Each Each Mileage Initial Additional Initial Additional Initial Additional Bands 30 Seconds 6 Seconds 30 Seconds 6 Seconds 30 Seconds 6 Seconds All $0.1050 (I)$0.0209 (I)$0.1050 (I)$0.0209 (I)$0.1050 (I)$0.0209 m (A)Calling Card Charges Issued:July 6,2012 Issued by: Per Minute Rate Per Call Surcharge Director,Regulatory Affairs 999 Waterside Drive,Suite 1910 Norfolk,Virginia 23510 $0.25 $0.25 Effective:July IS,2012 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 18, 2012 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING August 10, 2009 Boise, Idaho AmeriVision Communications,Inc. d/b/a Affinity4 Idaho Price List No.3 6th Revised Page 44.5 Cancels 5th Revised Page 44.5 SECTION 3.0 -DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES,(CONT'D.) 3.15 Affinity4 3.9¢Advantage Plan Affinity4 3.9¢Advantage Plan is a direct dialed long distance calling plan designed for residential customers.Calls are billed in one (l)minute increments with an initial period,for billing purposes,of one (1)minute.Service is only offered in conjunction with the corresponding interstate plan. 3.15.1 Rates and Charges DAY EVENING NIGHTIWEEKEND Each Each Each Mileage Initial Additional Initial Additional Initial Additional Bands Minute Minute Minute Minute Minute Minute All $0.2099 (I)$0.2099 (I)$0.2099 (I)$0.2099 (I)$0.2099 (I)$0.2099 (I) (A)Calling Card Charges Issued:July 6,2012 Issued by: Per Minute Rate Per Call Surcharge Director,Regulatory Affairs 999 Waterside Drive,Suite 1910 Norfolk,Virginia 23510 $0.25 $0.25 Effective:July 18,2012 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 18, 2012 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING August 10, 2009 Boise, Idaho AmeriVision Communications,Inc. d/b/a Affinity4 Idaho Price List No.3 6th Revised Page 44.7 Cancels 5th Revised Page 44.7 SECTION 3.0 -DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES,(CONT'D.) 3.16 Affinity4 2.9¢Business Advantage Plan Affinity4 2.9¢Business Advantage Plan is a direct dialed long distance calling plan designed for businesses customers.Calls are billed in six (6)second increments with an initial period,for billing purposes,of thirty (30)seconds.Service is only offered in conjunction with the corresponding interstate plan. 3.16.1 Rates and Charges DAY EVENING NIGHT/WEEKEND Each Each Each Mileage Initial Additional Initial Additional Initial Additional Bands 30 Seconds 6 Seconds 30 Seconds 6 Seconds 30 Seconds 6 Seconds All $0.1050 (I)$0.0209 (I)$0.1050 (I)$0.0209 (I)$0.1050 (I)$0.0209 (I) (A)Calling Card Charges Issued:July 6,2012 Issued by: Per Minute Rate Per Call Surcharge Director,Regulatory Affairs 999 Waterside Drive,Suite 1910 Norfolk,Virginia 23510 $0.25 $0.25 Effective:July 18,2012 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 18, 2012 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING August 10, 2009 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING August 10, 2009 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING August 10, 2009 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING August 10, 2009 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING August 10, 2009 Boise, Idaho AmeriVision Communications,Inc. d/b/a Affinity4 Idaho Price List No.3 1st Revised Page 44.13 Cancels Original Page 44.13 SECTION 3.0 -DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES,(CONT'D.) 3.19 Affinity4 6.9¢Value Plan VIP Affinity4 6.9¢Value Plan VIP is a direct dialed long distance calling plan designed for residential Customers.Calls are billed in one (1)minute increments with an initial period,for billing purposes,of one (1)minute.Service is only offered in conjunction with the corresponding interstate plan. 3.19.1 Rates and Charges DAY EVENING NIGHTIWKND Each Each Each Mileage Initial Additional Initial Additional Initial Additional Bands Minute Minute Minute Minute Minute Minute All $0.2299 $0.2299 $0.2299 $0.2299 $0.2299 $0.2299 (A)Calling Card Charges: Issued:July 6,2012 Issued by: Per Minute Rate Per Call Surcharge Director,Regulatory Affairs 999 Waterside Drive,Suite 1910 Norfolk,Virginia 23510 $0.25 $0.25 Effective:July 18,2012 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 18, 2012 Boise, Idaho AmeriVision Communications,Inc. d/b/a Affinity4 Idaho Price List No.3 1st Revised Page 44.14 Cancels Original Page 44.14 SECTION 3.0 -DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES,(CONT'D.) 3.20 Affinity4 6.9¢Value Plan Affinity4 6.9¢Value Plan is a direct dialed long distance calling plan designed for residential Customers.Calls are billed in one (1)minute increments with an initial period,for billing purposes,of one (1)minute.Service is only offered in conjunction with the corresponding interstate plan. 3.20.1 Rates and Charges DAY EVENING NIGHTIWKND Each Each Each Mileage Initial Additional Initial Additional Initial Additional Bands Minute Minute Minute Minute Minute Minute All $0.2099 $0.2099 $0.2099 $0.2099 $0.2099 $0.2099 (A)Calling Card Charges: Issued:July 6,2012 Issued by: Per Minute Rate Per Call Surcharge Director,Regulatory Affairs 999 Waterside Drive,Suite 1910 Norfolk,Virginia 23510 $0.25 $0.25 Effective:July 18,2012 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 18, 2012 Boise, Idaho AmeriVision Communications, Inc. d/b/a LifeLine Communications d/b/a Affinity 4 Idaho Price List No. Original Page 45 SECTION 4.0 - MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES Late Payment Charge A late fee of 1.5% per month will be charged on any past due balance. Return Check Charge AI~turn check charge of $20.00 will be assessed for checks returned for insufficient funds. Any applicable return check charges will be assessed according to the terms and conditions ofthis tariff and pursuant to Idaho law and Commission regulations. Directory Assistance Directory Assistance is available to Customers of AmeriVision service. A Directory Assistance charge applies to each call to the Directory Assistance Bureau. Up to two requests may be made on each call to Directory Assistance. The Directory Assistance charge applies to each call regardless of whether the Directory Assistance Bureau is able to furnish the requested telephone number. Directory Assistance, Per Call Intrastate Directory Assistance $1.75 Payphone Surcharge An undiscountable payphone surcharge of $.72 shall apply to each coinless call which AmeriVision can identify as being placed from a domestic payphone by or to the Customer or its permitted user. This includes, but is not is not limited to, calls placed with a AmeriVision calling card, collect calls and calls placed to 800 numbers. This charge is in addition to standard tariffed usage charges and is for the use of the payphone instrument to access AmeriVision servIce. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 8 - 2005 Boise. Idaho Issued: April 28, 2005 Effective: May 8, 2005 Issued by:Director, Regulatory Affairs 201 NW 63rd Street, Suite 200 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73116 IDoO502 AmeriVision Communications, Inc. d/b/a LifeLine Communications d/b/a Affinity 4 Idaho Price List No. Original Page 46 SECTION 5.0 - PROMOTIONS Promotions - General From time to time the Company shall, at its option, promote subscription or stimulate network usage by offering to waive some of all of the nonrecurring or recurring charges for the Customer (if eligible) of target services for a limited duration, not to exceed 90 days, or by offering premiums or refunds of equ ivalentvalue.Suchpromotionsshall be madeavailab letoaltsimilarly situated Customers inthe target market area. ~-- Demonstration of Calls From time to time the Company shall demonstrate service by providing free test calls of up to four minutes duration over its network. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 8 - 2005 Boise, Idaho ~sued: April 28, 2005 Effective: May 8, 2005 Issued by:Director, Regulatory Affairs 201 NW 63rd Street, Suite 200 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73116 IDo0502 AmeriVision Communications, Inc. d/b/a LifeLine Communications d/b/a Affinity 4 Idaho Price List No. Original Page 47 SECTION 6.0 - CONTRACT SERVICES General At the option of the Company, service may be offered on a contract basis to meet specialized requirements of the Customer not contemplated in this tariff. The terms of each contract shall be mutually agreed upon between the Customer and Company and may include discounts off of rates conf inedneiein, waiver ofiecurring or nonrecuiririgcliarges, charges . for specia11y desigriedual1d constructed services not contained in the Company s general service offerings, or other customized features. The terms of the contract may be based partially or completely on the term and volume commitment, type of originating or terminating access, mixture of services or other distinguishing features. Service shall be available to all similarly situated Customers for six months after the initial offering to the first contract Customer for any given set of terms. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 8 - 2005 Boise. Idaho Issued: April 28, 2005 Effective: May 8, 2005 Issued by:Director, Regulatory Affairs 201 NW 63rd Street, Suite 200 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73116 IDo0502 Issued: June 16, 2008 Effective: June 26, 2008 Issued by: Director, Regulatory Affairs 999 Waterside Drive, Suite 1910 Norfolk, Virginia 23510 IDo0801 AmeriVision Communications, Inc. Idaho Price List No. 3 d/b/a Affinity4 3rd Revised Page 48 Cancels 2nd Revised Page 48 SECTION 7.0 - GRANDFATHERED SERVICES 7.1 [Reserved for Future Use] (D) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | (D) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING June 26, 2008 Boise, Idaho AmeriVision Communications, Inc. d/b/a LifeLine Communications d/b/a Affinity 4 Idaho Price List No. Original Page 49 SECTION 7.0 - GRANDFATHERED SERVICES, (CONT' Standard Direct Diall + Service Direct Dial I + Service allows Customers to make 1 + direct dialed calls from pre subscribed telephones, This service is available from equal access end offices only. Customers access the service via switched access lines. For billing purposes, call timing is rounded up to the nearest full minute. alls are rounded and billed up to the next full minute. DAY EVENING NIGHT/WKND Initial Each Add'Initial Each Add'Initial Each Add' Milea2;e Minute Minute Minute Minute Minute Minute $0.2185 $0.2090 $0.1900 $0.1805 $0.1520 $0.1520 11-$0.2565 $0.2185 $0.2090 $0.1900 $0.1520 $0.1520 23-$0.3325 $0.2850 $0.2755 $0.2280 $0.2185 $0.1805 56-124 $0.3895 $0.3420 $0.3135 $0.2660 $0.2565 $0.2185 125-292 $0.3800 $0.3705 $0.3515 $0.3040 $0.2850 $0.2565 293+$0.4465 $0.3990 $0.3 800 $0.3325 $0.3040 $0.2850 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 8 - 2005 Boise, Idaho ---..,.. Issued: April 28, 2005 Effective: May 8, 2005 Issued by:Director, Regulatory Affairs 201 NW 63 rd Street, Suite 200 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73116 IDoO502 AmeriVision Communications,Inc. d/b/a Affinity4 Idaho Price List No.3 2nd Revised Page 50 Cancels 15t Revised Page 50 SECTION 7.0 -GRANDFATHERED SERVICES,(CONT'D.) 7.3 Rate Plan B Rate Plan B is available to commercial and business accounts and is a flat-rated "1+"outbound service.Rates vary by time of day and are billed in six (6)second increments after an initial eighteen (18)second minimum.A discount is provided to customers who pay their account within thirty days of the date ofinvoice. Initial 18 Seconds Each Add'16 Second I Standard Rate $0.0837 (I)$0.0279 (I) Prompt pay discount: 7.4 Rate Plan C 25% Rate Plan C is available to commercial and business accounts and is a flat-rated"1+"outbound service.Rates vary by time of day and are billed in six (6)second increments after an initial eighteen (18)second minimum.A discount is provided to customers who pay their account within thirty days ofthe date of invoice. Initial 18 Seconds Each Add'16 Second I Standard Rate $0.0837 (I)$0.0279 (I) Prompt pay discount: Issued:July 6,2012 Issued by: 25% Director,Regulatory Affairs 999 Waterside Drive,Suite 1910 Norfolk,Virginia 23510 Effective:July 18,2012 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 18, 2012 Boise, Idaho AmeriVision Communications,Inc. d/b/a Affinity4 Idaho Price List No.3 3rd Revised Page 51 Cancels 2nd Revised Page 51 SECTION 7.0 -GRANDFATHERED SERVICES,(CONT'D.) 7.5 Rate Plan D -800 Service Rate Plan D is an in-bound 800 service whereby the Company's customers is billed for each 800 call,rather than the call originator.Calls are billed in one (l)minute increments after an initial one (l)minute minimum.A monthly fee applies. Monthly Service Fee:$15.00 Initial Minute Each Add'l Minute Standard Rate $0.2900 $0.2900 Prompt pay discount 7.6 Rate Plan E -800 Service 10% Rate Plan E is an in-bound 800 service whereby the Company's customers is billed for each 800 call,rather than the call originator.Calls are billed in one (l)minute increments after an initial one (1)minute minimum.A discount is provided to customers who pay their account within thirty days of the date of invoice.A monthly fee applies. Monthly Service Fee:$5.00 Initial Minute Each Add'l Minute Standard Rate $0.2799 (I)$0.2799 (I) Prompt pay discount Issued:July 6,2012 Issued by: 25% Director,Regulatory Affairs 999 Waterside Drive,Suite 1910 Norfolk,Virginia 23510 Effective:July 18,2012 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 18, 2012 Boise, Idaho Issued: June 16, 2008 Effective: June 26, 2008 Issued by: Director, Regulatory Affairs 999 Waterside Drive, Suite 1910 Norfolk, Virginia 23510 IDo0801 AmeriVision Communications, Inc. Idaho Price List No. 3 d/b/a Affinity4 1st Revised Page 52 Cancels Original Page 52 SECTION 7.0 - GRANDFATHERED SERVICES, (CONT'D.) 7.7 Rate Plan F - 800 Service Rate Plan F is an in-bound 800 service whereby the Company's customers is billed for each 800 call, rather than the call originator. Calls are billed in one (1) minute increments after an initial one (1) minute minimum. A discount is provided to customers who pay their account within thirty days of the date of invoice. A monthly fee applies. Monthly Service Fee: $2.00 Initial Minute Each Add'l Minute Standard Rate $0.1830 $0.1830 Prompt pay discount: 25% 7.8 [Reserved for Future Use] (T) (T) (T) (I) (D) | | | | | | | | (D) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING June 26, 2008 Boise, Idaho Issued: June 16, 2008 Effective: June 26, 2008 Issued by: Director, Regulatory Affairs 999 Waterside Drive, Suite 1910 Norfolk, Virginia 23510 IDo0801 AmeriVision Communications, Inc. Idaho Price List No. 3 d/b/a Affinity4 1st Revised Page 53 Cancels Original Page 53 SECTION 7.0 - GRANDFATHERED SERVICES, (CONT'D.) 7.8 [Reserved for Future Use] 7.10 [Reserved for Future Use] (D) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | (D) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING June 26, 2008 Boise, Idaho AmeriVision Communications,Inc. d/b/a Affinity4 Idaho Price List No.3 2nd Revised Page 54 Cancels 1st Revised Page 54 SECTION 7.0 -GRANDFATHERED SERVICES,(CONT'D.) 7.11 AmeriVision Business Connections * AmeriVision Business Connections plan a direct dialed outbound and toll free inbound service designed for Business Customers.Calls are flat rated and there are no recurring monthly fees with this service,however,there is a minimum monthly usage fee.Actual usage that is below the monthly minimum will be charged the minimum monthly usage fee. Calls are measured and billed in 6 second increments with a 30 second minimum call duration. Per Minute Rate All Times of Day Initial Period Ea.AddI.Period Minimum Usage I All Mileage Bands $0.0995 (I)$0.0199 (I)$19.95 *-Grandfathered to existing AmeriVision Customers effective 12/21/00. Issued:October 20,2010 Issued by:Director,Regulatory Affairs 999 Waterside Drive,Suite 1910 Norfolk,Virginia 23510 Effective:November 1,2010 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 1, 2010 Boise, Idaho AmeriVision Communications,Inc. d/b/a Affinity4 Idaho Price List No.3 2nd Revised Page 55 Cancels 1st Revised Page 55 SECTION 7.0 -GRANDFATHERED SERVICES,(CONT'D.) 7.12 AmeriVision Complete Connections * AmeriVision Complete Connections plan is designed is either billed through the LEC,billed by the Company directly,or billed through a credit card.Calls are measured and billed in one minute increments with a one minute minimum call duration.Calls may be originated by dialing 1+the interLATA toll number or by dialing an access code +interLATA toll number.Calls are flat rated and are based upon billing preference method.There is a recurring monthly fee with this service. LEC Billed -Per Minute Rate All Times of Day IntraState IntraLATA Monthly Fee All Mileage Bands $0.1990 (I)$0.1990 (I)$6.95 Company Billed -Per Minute Rate All Times of Day IntraState IntraLATA Monthly Fee All Mileage Bands $0.1990 (I)$0.1990 (I)$6.95 Credit Card Billed -Per Minute Rate All Times of Day IntraState IntraLATA Monthly Fee All Mileage Bands $0.1990 (I)$0.1990 (I)$5.95 * -Grandfathered to existing AmeriVision Customers effective 12121/00. Issued:October 20,2010 Issued by:Director,Regulatory Affairs 999 Waterside Drive,Suite 1910 Norfolk,Virginia 23510 Effective:November 1,2010 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 1, 2010 Boise, Idaho Issued: June 16, 2008 Effective: June 26, 2008 Issued by: Director, Regulatory Affairs 999 Waterside Drive, Suite 1910 Norfolk, Virginia 23510 IDo0801 AmeriVision Communications, Inc. Idaho Price List No. 3 d/b/a Affinity4 1st Revise Page 56 Cancels Original Page 56 SECTION 7.0 - GRANDFATHERED SERVICES, (CONT'D.) 7.13 [Reserved for Future Use] (D) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | (D) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING June 26, 2008 Boise, Idaho AmeriVision Communications,Inc. d/b/a Affinity4 Idaho Price List No.3 1sl Revised Page 57 Cancels Original Page 57 SECTION 7.0 -GRANDFATHERED SERVICES,(CONTID.) 7.14 AmeriVision Toll Free Inbound Service * AmeriVision Toll Free Inbound Service is an inward calling service.It permits termination of intrastate calls from diverse geographic locations to the Customer's local exchange lines.With AmeriVision Toll Free Inbound Service,the Customer is billed for the call rather than the call originator. DAY EVENING NIGHTIWKND 1sl Ea.Addl.1st Ea.Addl.1st Ea.Addl. Minute Minute Minute Minute Minute Minute I All Bands $0.1900 (I)$0.1900 (I)$0.1900 (I)$0.1900 (I)$0.1900 (I)$0.1900 (I) * -Grandfathered to existing AmeriVision Customers effective 08/26/02. Issued:October 20,2010 Issued by:Director,Regulatory Affairs 999 Waterside Drive,Suite 1910 Norfolk,Virginia 23510 Effective:November 1,2010 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 1, 2010 Boise, Idaho Issued: June 16, 2008 Effective: June 26, 2008 Issued by: Director, Regulatory Affairs 999 Waterside Drive, Suite 1910 Norfolk, Virginia 23510 IDo0801 AmeriVision Communications, Inc. Idaho Price List No. 3 d/b/a Affinity4 1st Revised Page 58 Cancels Original Page 58 SECTION 7.0 - GRANDFATHERED SERVICES, (CONT'D.) 7.15 [Reserved for Future Use] (D) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | (D) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING June 26, 2008 Boise, Idaho AmeriVision Communications,Inc. d/b/a Affinity4 Idaho Price List No.3 3rd Revised Page 59 Cancels 2nd Revised Page 59 SECTION 7.0 -GRANDFATHERED SERVICES,(CONT'D.) 7.16 AmeriVision Freedom * AmeriVision Freedom plan is offered to Residential Customers and is either billed through the LEC or billed by the Company directly.Calls are measured and billed in one minute increments with a one minute minimum call duration.Calls may be originated by dialing 1+the interLATA toll number,by dialing an access code +interLATA toll number.Calls are flat rated and are based upon billing preference method.There are no monthly recurring fees with this service. LEC Billed InterLATA All Times of Day Per Minute Rate All Mileage Bands $0.2199 (I) InterLATA All Times of Day Per Minute Rate All Mileage Bands $0.2199 (I) Company Billed * -Grandfathered to existing AmeriVision Customers effective 08/26/02. Issued:July 6,2012 Effective:July 18,2012 Issued by:Director,Regulatory Affairs 999 Waterside Drive,Suite 1910 Norfolk,Virginia 23510 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 18, 2012 Boise, Idaho AmeriVision Communications,Inc. d/b/a Affinity4 Idaho Price List No.3 2nd Revised Page 60 Cancels 1sl Revised Page 60 SECTION 7.0 -GRANDFATHERED SERVICES,(CONTID.) 7.17 AmeriVision Residential Connections * AmeriVision Residential Connections plan is designed for Residential Customers and is either billed through the LEC,billed by the Company directly,or billed through a credit card.Calls are measured and billed in one minute increments with a one minute minimum call duration.Calls may be originated by dialing 1+the interLATA toll number,by dialing an access code + interLATA toll number.Calls are flat rated and are based upon billing preference method.There is a recurring monthly fee with this service. LECBilled InterLATA IntraLATA All Times of Day Per Minute Per Minute Rate Rate Monthly Fee I All Mileage Bands $0.1990 (I)$0.1790 (I)$3.95 Company Billed InterLATA IntraLATA All Times of Day Per Minute Per Minute Rate Rate Monthly Fee I All Mileage Bands $0.1990 (I)$0.1790 (I)$3.95 Credit Card Billed InterLATA IntraLATA All Times of Day Per Minute Per Minute Rate Rate Monthly Fee I All Mileage Bands $0.1990 (I)$0.1790 (I)$2.95 *-Grandfathered to existing AmeriVision Customers effective 08/26/02. Issued:October 20,2010 Issued by:Director,Regulatory Affairs 999 Waterside Drive,Suite 1910 Norfolk,Virginia 23510 Effective:November 1,2010 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 1, 2010 Boise, Idaho AmeriVision Communications,Inc. d/b/a Affinity4 Idaho Price List No.3 4th Revised Page 61 Cancels 3rd Revised Page 61 SECTION 7.0 -GRANDFATHERED SERVICES,(CONT'D.) 7.18 AmeriVision Sunday Connections * AmeriVision Sunday Connections plan is offered to Residential Customers and is either billed through the LEC,billed by the Company directly,or billed through a credit card.Calls are measured and billed in one minute increments with a one minute minimum call duration.Calls may be originated by dialing 1+the interLATA toll number,by dialing an access code + interLATA toll number.Calls are flat rated and are based upon billing preference method.There is a recurring monthly fee with this service. LEC Billed -All Times of Day IntraState IntraLATA All Mileage Bands Per Minute Rate Per Minute Rate Monthly Recurring Fee Everyday $0.1999 (I)$0.1999 (I)$5.95 Company Billed IntraState IntraLATA All Mileage Bands Per Minute Rate Per Minute Rate Monthly Recurring Fee Everyday $0.1999 (I)$0.1999 (I)$5.95 Credit Card Billed IntraState IntraLATA All Mileage Bands Per Minute Rate Per Minute Rate Monthly Recurring Fee Everyday $0.1999 (I)$0.1999 (I)$4.95 * -Grandfathered to existing AmeriVision Customers effective 08/26/02. Issued:July 6,2012 Issued by:Director,Regulatory Affairs 999 Waterside Drive,Suite 1910 Norfolk,Virginia 23510 Effective:July 18,2012 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 18, 2012 Boise, Idaho AmeriVision Communications,Inc. d/b/a Affinity4 Idaho Price List No.3 2nd Revised Page 62 Cancels 15t Revised Page 62 SECTION 7.0 -GRANDFATHERED SERVICES,(CONT'D.) 7.19 AmeriVision Freedom Plan * AmeriVision Freedom Plan is designed for Business Customers and is either billed through the LEC,billed by the Company directly,or billed through a credit card.Calls are measured and billed in one minute increments with a one minute minimum call duration.Calls may be originated by dialing 1+the interLATA toll number or by dialing an access code +interLATA toll number.Calls are flat rated and are based upon billing preference method. LEC Billed IntraState All Times of Day Per Minute Rate All Mileage Bands $0.2199 (I) IntraState All Times ofDay Per Minute Rate All Mileage Bands $0.2199 (I) Company Billed Credit Card Billed IntraState All Times of Day Per Minute Rate All Mileage Bands $0.2199 (I) * -Grandfathered to existing AmeriVision Customers effective 08/26/02. Issued:July 6,2012 Effective:July 18,2012 Issued by:Director,Regulatory Affairs 999 Waterside Drive,Suite 1910 Norfolk,Virginia 23510 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 18, 2012 Boise, Idaho AmeriVision Communications,Inc. d/b/a Affinity4 Idaho Price List No.3 2nd Revised Page 63 Cancels 15t Revised Page 63 SECTION 7.0 -GRANDFATHERED SERVICES,(CONT'D.) 7.20 Frequent Connections * Frequent Connections plan is a direct dialed outbound and toll free inbound service designed for both Business and Residential Customers.Calls are measured and billed in 6 second increments with a 30 second minimum call duration.There are no recurring monthly fees with this service, however,there is a minimum monthly usage fee.Actual usage that is below the monthly minimum will be charged the minimum usage fee. Per Minute Rates: InterLATA IntraLATA All Times of Day Per Minute Rate Per Minute Minimum Usage All Mileage Bands $0.1990 (I)$0.1990 (I)$29.95 * -Grandfathered to existing AmeriVision Customers effective 08/26/02. Issued:October 20,2010 Issued by:Director,Regulatory Affairs 999 Waterside Drive,Suite 1910 Norfolk,Virginia 23510 Effective:November 1,2010 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 1, 2010 Boise, Idaho AmeriVision Communications,Inc. d/b/a Affinity4 Idaho Price List No.3 1st Revised Page 64 Cancels Original Page 64 SECTION 7.0 -GRANDFATHERED SERVICES,(CONT'D.) 7.21 Toll Free Connections * Toll Free Connections plan is a toll free inbound service designed for both Business and Residential Customers.There is a monthly recurring monthly fees with this service,however, there is no minimum monthly usage fee. Calls are measured and billed in one minute increments with a one minute minimum call duration. Per Minute Rates: All Times of Day Per Minute Rate Monthly Recurring Fee I All Mileage Bands $0.139 (I)$1.00 *-Grandfathered to existing AmeriVision Customers effective 08/26/02. Issued:October 20,2010 Issued by:Director,Regulatory Affairs 999 Waterside Drive,Suite 1910 Norfolk,Virginia 23510 Effective:November 1,2010 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 1, 2010 Boise, Idaho AmeriVision Communications,Inc. d/b/a Affinity4 Idaho Price List No.3 4th Revised Page 65 Cancels 3rd Revised Page 65 SECTION 7.0 -GRANDFATHERED SERVICES,(CONT'D.) 7.22 AmeriVision Simple Connections Service* AmeriVision Simple Connections Service is a direct dialed long distance calling plan offered to Customers throughout the State.Calls are measured in one (1)minute increments with an initial period,for billing purposes,of one (1)minute.Calls are originated by dialing 1+the area code,if necessary,and the terminating telephone number.Customers have the option of having this service billed directly by the Company or by their LEC,for an additional monthly surcharge as defined below.Service is only offered in conjunction with the corresponding interstate services. 7.22.1 Rates and Charges DAY EVENING NIGHTIWEEKEND Each Each Each Mileage Initial Additional Initial Additional Initial Additional Bands Minute Minute Minute Minute Minute Minute All $0.2299 (I)$0.2299 (I)$0.2299 (I)$0.2299 (I)$0.2299 (I)$0.2299 (I) (A)Calling Card Charges Per Minute Rate Per Call Surcharge (B)Minimum Monthly Usage Charge Minimum Monthly Usage Charge (C)[Reserved for Future Use] $0.60 $0.60 N/A * -Grandfathered to existing AmeriVision Customers at existing locations. Issued:July 6,2012 Issued by:Director,Regulatory Affairs 999 Waterside Drive,Suite 1910 Norfolk,Virginia 23510 Effective:July 18,2012 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 18, 2012 Boise, Idaho AmeriVision Communications,Inc. d/b/a Affinity4 Idaho Price List No.3 2nd Revised Page 66 Cancels 151 Revised Page 66 SECTION 7.0 -GRANDFATHERED SERVICES,(CONT'D.) 7.23 AmeriVision Clear Connections Service* AmeriVision Clear Connections Service is a direct dialed long distance calling plan offered to Customers throughout the State.Calls are measured in one (1)minute increments with an initial period,for billing purposes,of one (1)minute.Calls are originated by dialing 1+the area code,if necessary,and the terminating telephone number.Customers are billed the minimum monthly usage charge identified below.Service is only offered in conjunction with the corresponding interstate services. 7.23.1 Rates and Charges DAY EVENING NIGHTIWEEKEND Each Each Each Mileage Initial Additional Initial Additional Initial Additional Bands Minute Minute Minute Minute Minute Minute All $0.2099 (I)$0.2099 (I)$0.2099 (I)$0.2099 (I)$0.2099 (I)$0.2099 (I) (A)Calling Card Charges Per Minute Rate Per Call Surcharge (B)Minimum Monthly Usage Charge Minimum Monthly Usage Charge $0.35 $0.35 $3.95 * -Grandfathered to existing AmeriVision Customers at existing locations. Issued:July 6,2012 Issued by:Director,Regulatory Affairs 999 Waterside Drive,Suite 1910 Norfolk,Virginia 23510 Effective:July 18,2012 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 18, 2012 Boise, Idaho AmeriVision Communications,Inc. d/b/a Affinity4 Idaho Price List No.3 5th Revised Page 67 Cancels 4th Revised Page 67 SECTION 7.0 -GRANDFATHERED SERVICES,(CONT'D.) 7.24 AmeriVision Family Connections Service* AmeriVision Family Connections Service is a direct dialed long distance calling plan designed for Residential Customers throughout the State.Calls are measured in one (1)minute increments with an initial period,for billing purposes,of one (l)minute.Calls are originated by dialing 1+ the area code,if necessary,and the terminating telephone number.Customers have the option of having this service billed directly by the Company or by their LEC,for an additional monthly surcharge as defined below.Service is only offered in conjunction with the corresponding interstate services and an interstate monthly recurring charge applies. 7.24.1 Rates and Charges DAY EVENING NIGHTIWEEKEND Each Each Each Mileage Initial Additional Initial Additional Initial Additional Bands Minute Minute Minute Minute Minute Minute All $0.1999 (I)$0.1999 (I)$0.1999 (I)$0.1999 (I)$0.1999 (I)$0.1999 (I) (A)Calling Card Charges Per Minute Rate Per Call Surcharge (B)[Reserved for Future Use] 7.24.2 Toll Free Service Options Toll Free Charge: Initial One (l)Minute Each Additional One (1)Minute Toll Free Numbers Initial Toll Free Number Each Additional Toll Free Number $0.15 $0.15 $0.1900 $0.1900 $0.00 $1.00 * -Grandfathered to existing AmeriVision Customers at existing locations. Issued:July 6,2012 Issued by:Director,Regulatory Affairs 999 Waterside Drive,Suite 1910 Norfolk,Virginia 23510 Effective:July 18,2012 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 18, 2012 Boise, Idaho AmeriVision Communications,Inc. d/b/a Affinity4 Idaho Price List No.3 3rd Revised Page 68 Cancels 2nd Revised Page 68 SECTION 7.0 -GRANDFATHERED SERVICES,(CONT'D.) 7.25 AmeriVision Corporate Connections Service* AmeriVision Corporate Connections Service is a direct dialed long distance calling plan offered to Business Customers throughout the State.Calls are billed in six (6)second increments after an initial period,for billing purposes,of thirty (30)seconds.Calls are originated by dialing 1+the area code,ifnecessary,and the terminating telephone number.Customers are billed the minimum monthly usage charge identified below.Service is only offered in conjunction with the corresponding interstate services. 7.25.1 Rates and Charges DAY EVENING NIGHTIWEEKEND Initial Each Initial Each Initial Each Mileage 30 Additional 30 Additional 30 Additional Bands Seconds 6 Seconds Seconds 6 Seconds Seconds 6 Seconds All $0.1000 (I)$0.0199 (I)$0.1000 (I)$0.0199 (I)$0.1000 (I)$0.0199 (I) (A)Calling Card Charges: Per Minute Rate $0.10 Per Call Surcharge $0.10 (B)Minimum Monthly Usage Charge: Minimum Monthly Usage Charge $2.95 7.25.2 Toll Free Service Options Toll Free Charge: Initial One (1)Minute $0.1900 Each Additional One (1)Minute $0.1900 Toll Free Numbers Initial Toll Free Number $0.00 Each Additional Toll Free Number $1.00 * -Grandfathered to existing AmeriVision Customers at existing locations. Issued:July 6,2012 Issued by:Director,Regulatory Affairs 999 Waterside Drive,Suite 1910 Norfolk,Virginia 23510 Effective:July 18,2012 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 18, 2012 Boise, Idaho Issued: June 16, 2008 Effective: June 26, 2008 Issued by: Director, Regulatory Affairs 999 Waterside Drive, Suite 1910 Norfolk, Virginia 23510 IDo0801 AmeriVision Communications, Inc. Idaho Price List No. 3 d/b/a Affinity4 Original Page 69 SECTION 7.0 - GRANDFATHERED SERVICES, (CONT'D.) 7.26 AmeriVision Debit Card Service The AmeriVision Debit Card allows customers to pay a fixed dollar amount in advance for long distance calling over AmeriVision's network. Customers use an "800" number for access from touch tone phones. Customers can place domestic and international direct dial calls using the service. Cards are decremented for each minute or fractional minute of use as set forth below. As calls are placed, charges for the call are deducted on a real-time basis until the full amount of the card is exhausted. Customers will be notified in advance of the exhaustion of the card. An expiration date, if applicable, is printed on the card. The rates paid by the customer until the card is exhausted are the rates in effect at the time the card is purchased. Debit Card accounts may be replenished at the rates specified for replenished cards. The following types of calls may not be completed using the AmeriVision Debit Card: * calls to 700, 800, and 900 numbers * calls to directory assistance * operator assisted calls * conference calls * calls requiring time and/or charges The AmeriVision Debit Card is available twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. The cards will be offered to customers on a first serve basis and may be offered in conjunction with other AmeriVision products. An AmeriVision Debit Card account is established upon receipt of payment by the Company. When an account is established, the Company will assign an Account Code/Authorization Code to the account. The Company reserves the right to determine the acceptable types of payment. Service is provided and each account is debited at the following rate. Fractional minute calls are rounded up to the nearest full minute: Card Type 1: Card Type 2: Card Type 3: * - Grandfathered to existing AmeriVision Customers at existing locations. Material that appears on this Page originally appeared on Page 34. (M) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | (M) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING June 26, 2008 Boise, Idaho AmeriVision Communications,Inc. d/b/a Affinity4 Idaho Price List No.3 2nd Revised Page 70 Cancels 151 Revised Page 70 SECTION 7.0 -GRANDFATHERED SERVICES,(CONTID.) 7.27 AmeriVision Smart 175 Service* AmeriVision Smart 175 Service is a direct dialed long distance calling plan offered to Residential and Business Customers throughout the State.Calls are measured in one (1)minute increments with an initial period,for billing purposes,of one (1)minute.Calls are originated by dialing 1+ the area code,if necessary,and the terminating telephone number.Customers are billed the minimum monthly usage charge identified below.Service is only offered in conjunction with the corresponding interstate services. 7.27.1 Rates and Charges DAY EVENING NIGHTIWKND Each Each Each Mileage Initial Additional Initial Additional Initial Additional Bands Minute Minute Minute Minute Minute Minute All $0.2099 (I)$0.2099 (I)$0.2099 (I)$0.2099 (I)$0.2099 (I)$0.2099 (I) (A) (B) Calling Card Charges: Per Minute Rate Per Call Surcharge Minimum Monthly Usage Charge: $0.25 $0.25 $9.99 7.27.2 Bonus Connections Option Customers are given the option,for an additional monthly recurring charge,to receive the lower per minute rates listed below: DAY EVENING NIGHTIWKND Each Each Each Mileage Initial Additional Initial Additional Initial Additional Bands Minute Minute Minute Minute Minute Minute All $0.1690 $0.1690 $0.1690 $0.1690 $0.1690 $0.1690 Toll Free Per Minute Charge:$0.1290 *-Grandfathered to existing AmeriVision Customers at existing locations. Issued:July 6,2012 Issued by:Director,Regulatory Affairs 999 Waterside Drive,Suite 1910 Norfolk,Virginia 23510 Effective:July 18,2012 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 18, 2012 Boise, Idaho AmeriVision Communications,Inc. d/b/a Affinity4 Idaho Price List No.3 2nd Revised Page 71 Cancels Ist Revised Page 71 SECTION 7.0 -GRANDFATHERED SERVICES,(CONT'D.) 7.28 AmeriVision Smart 400 Service* AmeriVision Smart 400 Service is a long distance calling plan offered to Residential and Business Customers throughout the State.Calls are measured in one (l)minute increments with an initial period,for billing purposes,of one (l)minute.Calls are originated by dialing 1+the area code,ifnecessary,and the terminating telephone number.Customers are billed the minimum monthly usage charge identified below.Service is only offered in conjunction with the corresponding interstate services. 7.28.1 Rates and Charges DAY EVENING NIGHT/WKND Each Each Each Mileage Initial Additional Initial Additional Initial Additional Bands Minute Minute Minute Minute Minute Minute All $0.2099 (I)$0.2099 (I)$0.2099 (I)$0.2099 (I)$0.2099 (I)$0.2099 (I) (A) (B) Calling Card Charges: Per Minute Rate Per Call Surcharge Minimum Monthly Usage Charge $0.25 $0.25 $19.99 7.28.2 Bonus Connections Option Customers are given the option,for an additional monthly recurring charge,to receive the lower per minute rates listed below: DAY EVENING NIGHT/WKND Each Each Each Mileage Initial Additional Initial Additional Initial Additional Bands Minute Minute Minute Minute Minute Minute All $0.1690 $0.1690 $0.1690 $0.1690 $0.1690 $0.1690 Toll Free Per Minute Charge:$0.1290 *-Grandfathered to existing AmeriVision Customers at existing locations. Issued:July 6,2012 Issued by:Director,Regulatory Affairs 999 Waterside Drive,Suite 1910 Norfolk,Virginia 23510 Effective:July 18,2012 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 18, 2012 Boise, Idaho AmeriVision Communications,Inc. d/b/a Affinity4 Idaho Price List No.3 2nd Revised Page 72 Cancels 151 Revised Page 72 SECTION 7.0 -GRANDFATHERED SERVICES,(CONT'D.) 7.29 Affinity4 4.9¢Savings Plan* Affinity4 4.9¢Savings Plan is a direct dialed long distance calling plan designed for residential Customers with usage ofmore than 500 minutes of interstate usage per month.Calls are billed in one (1)minute increments with an initial period,for billing purposes,ofone (1)minute.There is a monthly recurring charge associated with the service.Service is only offered in conjunction with the corresponding interstate plan. 7.29.1 Rates and Charges DAY EVENING NIGHTIWEEKEND Each Each Each Mileage Initial Additional Initial Additional Initial Additional Bands Minute Minute Minute Minute Minute Minute All $0.1999 (I)$0.1999 (I)$0.1999 (I)$0.1999 (I)$0.1999 (I)$0.1999 (I) (A)Calling Card Charges Per Minute Rate Per Call Surcharge $0.25 $0.25 *-Grandfathered to existing AmeriVision Customers at existing locations. Issued:July 6,2012 Issued by:Director,Regulatory Affairs 999 Waterside Drive,Suite 1910 Norfolk,Virginia 23510 Effective:July 18,2012 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 18, 2012 Boise, Idaho AmeriVision Communications,Inc. d/b/a Affinity4 Idaho Price List No.3 2nd Revised Page 73 Cancels 1sl Revised Page 73 SECTION 7.0 -GRANDFATHERED SERVICES,(CONT'D.) 7.29 Affinity4 4.9¢Savings Plan*,(Cont'd.) 7..29.2 Bonus Add On Plan Customers enrolled in Affinity4 4.9¢Savings Plan are given the option for an additional monthly recurring charge,to receive the lower per minute rates listed below. DAY EVENING NIGHTIWEEKEND Each Each Each Mileage Initial Additional Initial Additional Initial Additional Bands Minute Minute Minute Minute Minute Minute All $0.1699 (I)$0.1699 (I)$0.1699 (I)$0.1699 (I)$0.1699 (I)$0.1699 (I) (A)Intrastate Bonus Add On Monthly Recurring Charge Intrastate Bonus Add On Monthly Recurring Charge 7.29.3 Toll Free Add On Plan $2.95 Customers enrolled in Affinity4 4.9¢Savings Plan are given the option,for an additional monthly recurring charge,to receive a discounted intrastate toll free service option.Calls toll free calls are billed in one (1)minute increments with an initial period,for billing purposes,of one (1)minute. DAY EVENING NIGHTIWEEKEND Each Each Each Mileage Initial Additional Initial Additional Initial Additional Bands Minute Minute Minute Minute Minute Minute All $0.1900 $0.1900 $0.1900 $0.1900 $0.1900 $0.1900 *-Grandfathered to existing AmeriVision Customers at existing locations. Issued:July 6,2012 Issued by:Director,Regulatory Affairs 999 Waterside Drive,Suite 1910 Norfolk,Virginia 23510 Effective:July 18,2012 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 18, 2012 Boise, Idaho AmeriVision Communications,Inc. d/b/a Affinity4 Idaho Price List No.3 1sl Revised Page 74 Cancels Original Page 74 SECTION 7.0 -GRANDFATHERED SERVICES,(CONT'D.) 7.30 Affinity4 9.9¢Value Plan* Affinity4 9.9¢Value Plan is a direct dialed long distance calling plan designed for Customers with usage of less than 500 minutes of interstate usage per month.Calls are billed in one (1) minute increments with an initial period,for billing purposes,of one (1)minute.There is not a monthly recurring charge associated with the service.Service is only offered in conjunction with the corresponding interstate plan.Customers have the option ofhaving this service billed directly by the Company or by their LEC.There is a surcharge applicable if the Customer elects to be billed by their LEe. 7.30.1 Rates and Charges DAY EVENING NIGHTIWEEKEND Each Each Each Mileage Initial Additional Initial Additional Initial Additional Bands Minute Minute Minute Minute Minute Minute All $0.1900 (I)$0.1900 (I)$0.1900 (I)$0.1900 (I)$0.1900 (I)$0.1900 (I) (A)Calling Card Charges Per Minute Rate Per Call Surcharge $0.25 $0.25 *-Grandfathered to existing AmeriVision Customers at existing locations. Issued:October 20,2010 Issued by:Director,Regulatory Affairs 999 Waterside Drive,Suite 1910 Norfolk,Virginia 23510 Effective:November 1,2010 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 1, 2010 Boise, Idaho AmeriVision Communications,Inc. d/b/a Affinity4 Idaho Price List No.3 1sl Revised Page 75 Cancels Original Page 75 SECTION 7.0 -GRANDFATHERED SERVICES,(CONT'D.) 7.30 Affinity4 9.9¢Value Plan*,(Cont'd.) 7.30.2 Bonus Add On Plan Customers enrolled in Affinity4 9.9¢Value Plan are given the option for an additional monthly recurring charge,to receive the lower per minute rates listed below. DAY EVENING NIGHTIWEEKEND Each Each Each Mileage Initial Additional Initial Additional Initial Additional Bands Minute Minute Minute Minute Minute Minute All $0.1690 (I)$0.1690 (I)$0.1690 (I)$0.1690 (I)$0.1690 (I)$0.1690 (I) (A)Intrastate Bonus Add On Monthly Recurring Charge Intrastate Bonus Add On Monthly Recurring Charge 7.30.3 Toll Free Add On Plan $2.95 Customers enrolled in Affinity4 9.9¢Value Plan are given the option,for an additional monthly recurring charge,to receive a discounted intrastate toll free service option.Calls toll free calls are billed in one (1)minute increments with an initial period,for billing purposes,of one (1)minute. DAY EVENING NIGHTIWEEKEND Each Each Each Mileage Initial Additional Initial Additional Initial Additional Bands Minute Minute Minute Minute Minute Minute All $0.1900 (I)$0.1900 (I)$0.1900 (I)$0.1900 (I)$0.1900 (I)$0.1900 (I) *-Grandfathered to existing AmeriVision Customers at existing locations. Issued:October 20,2010 Issued by:Director,Regulatory Affairs 999 Waterside Drive,Suite 1910 Norfolk,Virginia 23510 Effective:November 1,2010 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 1, 2010 Boise, Idaho AmeriVision Communications,Inc. d/b/a Affinity4 Idaho Price List No.3 2nd Revised Page 76 Cancels 1st Revised Page 76 SECTION 7.0 -GRANDFATHERED SERVICES,(CONT'D.) 7.31 Affinity4 2.9¢Savings Plan VIP* Affinity4 2.9¢Savings Plan VIP is a direct dialed long distance calling plan designed for residential Customers with usage of less than 500 minutes of interstate usage per month.Calls are billed in one (l)minute increments with an initial period,for billing purposes,of one (l) minute.There is a monthly recurring charge associated with the service.Service is only offered in conjunction with the corresponding interstate plan. 7.31.1 Rates and Charges DAY EVENING NIGHTIWEEKEND Each Each Each Mileage Initial Additional Initial Additional Initial Additional Bands Minute Minute Minute Minute Minute Minute All $0.1999 (I)$0.1999 (I)$0.1999 (I)$0.1999 (I)$0.1999 (I)$0.1999 (I) (A)Calling Card Charges Per Minute Rate Per Call Surcharge $0.25 $0.25 *-Grandfathered to existing AmeriVision Customers at existing locations. Issued:July 6,2012 Issued by:Director,Regulatory Affairs 999 Waterside Drive,Suite 1910 Norfolk,Virginia 23510 Effective:July 18,2012 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 18, 2012 Boise, Idaho AmeriVision Communications,Inc. d/b/a Affinity4 Idaho Price List No.3 2nd Revised Page 77 Cancels 151 Revised Page 77 SECTION 7.0 -GRANDFATHERED SERVICES,(CONT'D.) 7.31 Affinity4 2.9¢Savings Plan VIP*,(Cont'd.) 7.31.2 Intrastate Bonus Add On Plan Customers enrolled in Affinity4 2.9¢Savings Plan VIP are given the option for an additional monthly recurring charge,to receive the lower rates listed below. DAY EVENING NIGHTIWEEKEND Each Each Each Mileage Initial Additional Initial Additional Initial Additional Bands Minute Minute Minute Minute Minute Minute All $0.1699 (I)$0.1699 (I)$0.1699 (I)$0.1699 (I)$0.1699 (I)$0.1699 (I) (A)Intrastate Bonus Add On Monthly Recurring Charge Intrastate Bonus Add On Monthly Recurring Charge $2.95 7.31.3 Toll Free Add On Plan Customers enrolled in Affinity4 2.9¢Savings Plan VIP are given the option,for an additional monthly recurring charge,to receive a discounted intrastate toll free service option.Calls toll free calls are billed in one (1)minute increments with an initial period, for billing purposes,of one (1)minute. DAY EVENING NIGHTIWEEKEND Each Each Each Mileage Initial Additional Initial Additional Initial Additional Bands Minute Minute Minute Minute Minute Minute All $0.1900 $0.1900 $0.1900 $0.1900 $0.1900 $0.1900 *-Grandfathered to existing AmeriVision Customers at existing locations. Issued:July 6,2012 Issued by:Director,Regulatory Affairs 999 Waterside Drive,Suite 1910 Norfolk,Virginia 23510 Effective:July 18,2012 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 18, 2012 Boise, Idaho AmeriVision Communications,Inc. d/b/a Affinity4 Idaho Price List No.3 2nd Revised Page 78 Cancels 1st Revised Page 78 SECTION 7.0 -GRANDFATHERED SERVICES,(CONT'D.) 7.32 Affinity4 3.9¢Corporate Savings Plan VIP* Affinity4 3.9¢Corporate Savings Plan VIP is a direct dialed long distance calling plan designed for Customers with a minimum billed of $30.00 usage charges per month.Calls are billed in six (6)second increments with an initial period,for billing purposes,ofthirty (30)seconds.There is not a monthly recurring charge associated with the service.Service is only offered in conjunction with the corresponding interstate plan. 7.32.1 Rates and Charges DAY EVENING NIGHT/WEEKEND Each Each Each Mileage Initial Additional Initial Additional Initial Additional Bands 30 Seconds 6 Seconds 30 Seconds 6 Seconds 30 Seconds 6 Minutes All $0.1000 (I)$0.0199 (I)$0.1000 (I)$0.0199 (I)$0.1000 (I)$0.0199 (I) (A) (B) Calling Card Charges Per Minute Rate Per Call Surcharge Minimum Monthly Usage Charge $0.10 $0.10 $30.00 7.32.2 Intrastate Bonus Add On Plan Customers enrolled in Affinity4 3.9¢Corporate Savings Plan VIP are given the option for an additional monthly recurring charge,to receive the lower rates listed below. DAY EVENING NIGHT/WEEKEND Each Each Each Mileage Initial Additional Initial Additional Initial Additional Bands 30 Seconds 6 Seconds 30 Seconds 6 Seconds 30 Seconds Seconds All $0.0850 (I)$0.0169 $0.0850 (I)$0.0169 $0.0850 (I)$0.0169 (A)Intrastate Bonus Add On Monthly Recurring Charge Intrastate Bonus Add On Monthly Recurring Charge $2.95 *-Grandfathered to existing AmeriVision Customers at existing locations. Issued:July 6,2012 Issued by:Director,Regulatory Affairs 999 Waterside Drive,Suite 1910 Norfolk,Virginia 23510 Effective:July 18,2012 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 18, 2012 Boise, Idaho AmeriVision Communications,Inc. d/b/a Affinity4 Idaho Price List No.3 2nd Revised Page 79 Cancels 1st Revised Page 79 SECTION 7.0 -GRANDFATHERED SERVICES,(CONT'D.) 7.33 Affinity4 4.9¢Corporate Savings Plan VIP* Affinity4 4.9¢Corporate Savings Plan VIP is a direct dialed long distance calling plan designed for Customers with a minimum billed of $10.00 usage charges per month.Calls are billed in six (6)second increments with an initial period,for billing purposes,of thirty (30)seconds.There is not a monthly recurring charge associated with the service.Service is only offered in conjunction with the corresponding interstate plan. 7.33.1 Rates and Charges DAY EVENING NIGHTIWEEKEND Each Each Each Mileage Initial Additional Initial Additional Initial Additional Bands 30 Seconds 6 Seconds 30 Seconds 6 Seconds 30 Seconds 6 Seconds All $0.1000 (I)$0.0199 (I)$0.1000 (I)$0.0199 (I)$0.1000 (I)$0.0199 (I) (A) (B) Calling Card Charges Per Minute Rate Per Call Surcharge Minimum Monthly Usage Charge $0.10 $0.10 $10.00 7.33.2 Intrastate Bonus Add On Plan Customers enrolled in Affinity4 4.9¢Corporate Savings Plan VIP are given the option for an additional monthly recurring charge,to receive the lower rates listed below. DAY EVENING NIGHTIWEEKEND Each Each Each Mileage Initial Additional Initial Additional Initial Additional Bands 30 Seconds 6 Seconds 30 Seconds 6 Seconds 30 Seconds 6 Seconds All $0.0850 (I)$0.0169 $0.0850 (I)$0.0169 $0.0850 (I)$0.0169 (A)Intrastate Bonus Add On Monthly Recurring Charge Intrastate Bonus Add On Monthly Recurring Charge $2.95 *-Grandfathered to existing AmeriVision Customers at existing locations. Issued:July 6,2012 Issued by:Director,Regulatory Affairs 999 Waterside Drive,Suite 1910 Norfolk,Virginia 23510 Effective:July 18,2012 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 18, 2012 Boise, Idaho AmeriVision Communications,Inc. d/b/a Affinity4 Idaho Price List No.3 15t Revised Page 80 Cancels Original Page 80 SECTION 7.0 -GRANDFATHERED SERVICES,(CONTID.) 7.34 Affinity4 Unlimited VIP* The Affinity4 Unlimited VIP plan is a direct dial outbound service for residential customers. Customers will receive 500 minutes of intrastate and interstate long distance voice usage for a fixed monthly rate.All calls after the initial 500 minute block of time will be billed at the per minute rate provided below.All calls,whether part of the block of time or overage charges will be billed in one (1)minute increments after an initial period,for billing purposes,of one (1) minute. This service is only offered in conjunction with the corresponding interstate Affinity4 Unlimited VIP plan.This service is not offered on an intrastate only basis. 7.34.1 Rates and Charges Monthly Recurring Charge:* Per Minute Rates 7.34.2 Customer Restrictions $29.95 $0.1390 (I) New and existing Customers are eligible for this servIce if they meet the following requirements: (A)Customers must presubscribe to Affinity4 for both intraLATA and interLATA long distance service. (B)This plan cannot be used for any use inconsistent with residential service. (C)This plan is not available to Customers with a multi-line account or an account that bills to another number or is the recipient of charges billed from another number unless the Customer establishes separate billing accounts for each line. *-Grandfathered to existing AmeriVision Customers at existing locations. Issued:October 20,2010 Issued by:Director,Regulatory Affairs 999 Waterside Drive,Suite 1910 Norfolk,Virginia 23510 Effective:November 1,2010 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 1, 2010 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING August 10, 2009 Boise, Idaho