HomeMy WebLinkAbout20101216Application.pdfk Molly O'Leary (ISB #4996) Richardson & O'Leary, PLLC 515 North 2Th Street P.O. Box 7218 Boise, Idaho 83707 Telephone: 208.938.7900 Fax: 208.938.7904 E-mail: molly(grichardsonandoleary.com RE~r=- v,~ l8fO DEC 16 Ali 10: 26 UTIL Attorneys for Allied Wireless Communications Corporation Before the IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION In the Matter of Application of ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) CASE NO. Æ L. -l- tOfft,t! L ~,d"* Alled Wireless Communications Corporation, d I b I a I Alltel Wireless For Designation as an .Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Under 47 U.S.c. § 214(e)(2) APPLICATION OF ALLIED WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS CORP. FOR DESIGNATION AS AN ELIGIBLE TELECOMMUNICATIONS CARRIER APPLICATION OF ALLIED WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS CORPORATION FOR DESIGNATION AS AN ELIGIBLE TELECOMMUNICATIONS CARRIER Pursuant to Section 214(e)(2) of the Communications Act of 1934 (the II Act")!, Alled Wireless Communications Corporation (IiAlIed Wireless", IICompany" or IIApplicant'), hereby files this Application with the Idaho Public Utilties Commission (IiCommission'l for designation as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier (II ETC") in the State of Idaho. Alled Wireless meets all of the statutory and regulatory prerequisites for ETC designation, and designation of Alled Wireless as an ETC in the State of Idaho wil serve the public interest. J 47 U.S.c. § 214(eJ(2J. i. BACKGROUND. Alled Wireless is a commercial mobile radio services (IICMRS'l carrier licensed by the Federal Communications Commission (IIFCC'l to provide wireless communication services throughout portions of Idaho. Alled Wireless provides service in accordance with the terms of its FCC licenses. Alled Wireless is well-positioned to bring competitive universal service to Idaho customers and to improve the abilty of consumers, law enforcement agencies, and other telecommunications users to communicate during emergencies in Idaho. Alled Wireless is wholly-owned by Atlantic Tele-Network, Inc. (IIATNI"), a publicly- traded corporation (NASDAQ: ATNI) headquartered in Beverly, Massachusetts. In June 2009, ATNI fied a series of applications with the FCC, jointly with Cellco Partnership d/b/a Verizon Wireless and certain of its subsidiaries (IiVerizon Wireless'l (collecively, lithe FCC Applicants"), pursuant to Sections 214 and 310(d) of the Act. In these applications, the FCC Applicants sought FCC approval for the assignment or transfer of control of certin wireless licenses and related authorizations (lithe Alltell Wireless assets") from subsidiaries of Verizon Wireless to a holding company to be indirecly owned by ATNJ. On April 7, 2010, the U.s. Department of Justice announced its approval of ATNls acquisition of the former Alltel wireless assets in six states, including spectrum licenses in Idaho. On April 20, 2010, the FCC granted its approval of the transaction.3 Ultimately, these licenses and related 2 See Atlantic Tele-Network~ Inc and Verizon Wireless Seek FCC Consent to Assign or Transfer Control of Licenses and Authorizations, WT Docket No. 09-119, Public Notice, DA 09-1515 (reI. July 9,2009). 3 See Atlantic Tele-Network~ Inc and Verizon Wireless Seek FCC Consent to Assign or Transfer Control of Licenses and Authorizations, WT Docket No. 09-119, Memorandum Opinion and Order, DA 1Q.661 (reI. Apr. 20, 2010). These assignment and transfer of control applications pertined to licenses for cellular radiotelephone service, Personal Communications Service, Advanced Wireless Ser- vice, and Common Carrier Fixed Point-to-Point Microwave Service, as well as partial assignments of ALLIED WIRELESS ETC APPLICATION - 2 authorizations were acquired by Alled Wireless upon consummation of the transaction on April 26, 2010. The transaction has resulted in ATNls acquiring control of wireless properties, including wireless spectrum licenses and network assets, serving over 800,000 subscribers across Idaho, Georgiai Ilinois, Ohio, North Carolina, and South Carolina.4 As part of Alled Wireless' acquisition of the former Alltel Wireless assets from Verizon Wireless, Alled Wireless has secured the rights to continue using the Alltel brand name in the acquired areas and intends to continue using the Alltel name going forward.s Most existing Alltel customers that were acquired by Alled Wireless wil see no substantive changes to their existing wireless service, and new customers wil have access to wireless plans, features, handsets and service that are similar to what has historically been provided by Allte!. II. ALLIED WIRELESS SATISFIES ALL OF THE STATUTORY AND REGULATORY PREREQUISITES FOR DESIGNATION AS AN ETC. A. The Idaho Public Utilties Commission has Jurisdiction to grant this Application In its capacity as a CMRS carrier, Alled Wireless is entitled to seek designation as an ETC.6 Section 254(e) of the Act provides that lIonly an eligible telecommunications carrier international authorizations pursuant to Section 214 of the Act. 4 The transaction also aided Verizon Wireless in fulfillng its divestiture obligations under the FCC's order approving the merger of Verizon Wireless and Alltel Corporation. See Applications of Cel!co Partnership d/b/a Verizon Wireless and Atlantis Holdings LLC WT Docket No. 08-95, Memoran- dum Opinion and Order, 23 FCC Rcd 1744 (2008). S Alled Wireless wiI continue using the A1Itei name throughout the State of Idaho. See Monica AI- leven, Alltel Name to Live On, Wireless Week (Apr. 27, 2010). 6 See Federal-State joint Board on Universal Service~ CC Docket No. 96-5, First Report and Order, 12 FCC Rcd 8776, 8858-59 (para. 145) (1997) (Ii Universal Service First Report and Order'). ALLIED WIRELESS ETC APPLICATION - 3 designated under section 214( e)(2) shall be eligible to receive specific federal universal servce support."7 Section 214(e)(2) of the Act states that state commissions IIshalI designate" common carriers that meet the statutory requirements as ETCs.8 The FCC has further ruled that Section 214(e)(2) of the Act IIprovides state commissions with the primary responsibilty for designating ETCs.'T9 Therefore, the Commission has the authority and the primary responsibilty under federal law to designate Alled Wireless as an ETC for federal Universal Service Fund (IIUSF'l purposes. B. Alled Wireless Wil Offer All of the Servces Supported by the Federal Htgh- Cost Universal Servce Program. To be designated an ETC, an applicant must: (1) be a common carrier as defined by 47 U.s.c. § 153(10); (2) offer throughout its proposed service areas the universal services set forth in 47 C.F.R. § 54.101(a) either by using its own facilties or a combination of its own facilities and the resale of another carriets services; and (3) advertise the supported services throughout the designated service area.lo The Act requires carriers to certify that they provide each of the supported services.ii Attched as Exhibit 1 is a sworn declaration that Alled Wireless offers "all of the services designated for support by the Federal 7 47 U.s.c. § 254(e). 847 U.s.c. § 214(e)(2). 9 See Federal-State joint Board on Universal Service~ CC Docket No. 96-5, Report and Order, 20 FCC Rcd 6371, 6372 (para. 1, n.2) (2005) (NETC Criteria Order7(emphasis added) (interpreting 47 U.s.c. § 254(e)(2))¡ see also In the Matter of the Application of WWCHolding Co'~ Inc dba Cellu- larOneag Seeking Designation as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier That May Receive Federal Universal Service Support Case No. WST-T-05-1, Order No. 29841 (Aug. 4, 2005), at 3 e'ldaho ETC Eligibility Requirements Order').. 1047 U.s.c. § 214(e)(1)¡ see also Idaho ETC Eligibilit Requirements Order, at 3. II See, e.g., 47 U.s.c. § 254(c). ALLIED WIRELESS ETC APPLICATION - 4 Communications Commission."12 Alled Wireless wil offer, upon designation as an ETC, all of the supported services throughout the areas in which Alled Wireless is requesting designation as an ETC 1. Voice-rade Access to the Public Switched Telephone Network. Allied Wireless offers customers voice grade access to the Public Switched Telephone Network service at bandwidth between 300 and 3,000 hertz as required by 47 C.F.R. 54.101(a)(1). Alled Wireless is able to originate and terminate telephone calls for all of its subscribers. Accordingly, all customers of Alled Wireless are able to make and receive phone calls within the specified bandwidth, and thus, Alled Wireless meets the requirement regarding voice grade access to the PSTN. 2. Locl Usage. The Commission has determined that it is sufficient for an ETC applicant to simply describe its local usage plans and those of the ILEC.13 Alled Wireless' service in Idaho includes local usage that allows customers to originate and terminate calls within a local callng area without incurring toll charges. Alled Wireless offers service plans that include varying amounts of local usage.14 Therefore, Alled Wireless satisfies the local usage criterion for ETC designation. 12 Designation of Fort Mojave Telecommunications~ Inc~ at al.~ as Eligible Telecommunications Carri- ers Pursuant to Section 214(e)(6) of the Communications Act AAD/USB File No. 98-28, Memoran- dum Opinion and Order, 13 FCC Rcd 4547, 4552 (para. 11) (1998) e'Fort Mojavé'). In Fort Mojave, the FCC made it clear that it wiI designate carriers as ETCs, pursuant to Section 214(e)(6) of the Act, upon finding that they lIoffer or wil be able to offet' the supported services throughout the service area. 13 See Idaho ETC Eligibility Requirements Order, at 12. 14 See Exhibit 2. ALLIED WIRELESS ETC APPLICATION - 5 3. Functional Equivalent of Touch-Tone (IIDTMF'l Signaling. DTMF is a method of signaling that facilitates the transportation of call set-up and call detail information. Consistent with the principles of competitive and technological neutrality, the FCC permits carriers to provide signaling that is functionally equivalent to DTMF in satisfaction of this service requirement.1s Alled Wireless uses out-of-band digital signaling and in-band multi-frequency signaling that is functionally equivalent to DTMF signaling.16 Alled Wireless therefore meets the requirement of providing DTMF signaling or its functional equivalent. 4. Single Part Service. "Single-part service" means that only one part wil be served by a subscriber loop or access line, in contrast to a multi-part line.17 The FCC has concluded that a wireless provider offers the equivalent of single-part service when it offers a dedicated message path for the length of a user's particular transmission. Therefore, Alled Wireless meets the requirement of single-part service becuse it provides a dedicated message path for the length of all customer calls.ia 5. Access to Emergency Service. The abilty to reach a public emergency service provider through dialing 911 is a required universal service offering. Customers can reach an emergency dispatch, or public safety answering point (II PSAP"), by dialing 11911." Upon dialing "911," the customer's emergency call wil be routed to the appropriate PSAP. 15 47 C.F.R. § 54.101(a)(3). 16 See Universal Service First Report and Orde~ 12 FCC Rcd at 8814-15 (para. 71). 17 Id at 8810 (para. 62). 181d ALLIED WIRELESS ETC APPLICATION - 6 The FCC requires that a carrier must provide access to enhanced 911 (UE911"), which includes the capabilty of providing both automatic numbering information (IlANI") and automatic location information e/ALl1, when a PSAP submits a compliant request to the carrier. AHied Wireless provides its customers with access to emergency services by dialing 911 in accordance with this requirement throughout its licensed service area. AHied Wireless also delivers both ANI and AU to PSAPs that are capable of both receiving and utilzing the data and that have made arrangements for the delivery of the data. Therefore, AHied Wireless meets the requirement of access to emergency service. 6. Access to Operator Servces. An ETC must provide access to operator services, which is defined as any automatic or live assistance provided to a consumer to arrange for the biling or completion, or both, of a telephone call. AHied Wireless is capable of offering its subscribers access to operator services provided either by AHied Wireless or other entities (e.g., LECs or interexchange carriers (UIXCs'l), and wil offer access to operator services throughout its designated service area. Therefore, AHied Wireless meets the requirement of access to operator services. 7. Access to Interexchange Service. An ETC providing universal service must offer consumers access to interexchange service to make or receive toll or interexchange calls. Specifically, customers must have access to live or automatic operator assistance for the placement and biling of telephone calls, including collect calls, caHing card calls, credit card calls, person-to-person calls, and third party calls, as well as for obtaining related information. Alled Wireless' indirect connections with IXCs provide end users with the required access to interexchange service ALLIED WIRELESS ETC APPLICATION - 7 to make or receive toll or interexchange calis. As a result, Alled Wireless meets the requirement of access to interexchange service. 8. Access to Direcory Asstnce. The abilty to place a call to direcory assistance is a required service offering of an ETC. Alled Wireless wil meet this requirement by providing all of its customers with access to information contained in directory listings by dialing 11411" or u555-1212." 9. Toll Limitation for Qualifying Low..lncome Customers (Lifeline and Link-Up Services). An ETC must offer toll restriction, which can be in the form of Utoll control" or Utoll blocking" services to qualifying Lifeline universal service customers at no charge. Toll blocking allows customers to block the completion of outgoing toll calls. Toll control allows the customer to limit the toll charges a subscriber can incur during a biling period. The FCC's rules require an ETC to provide either toll control or toll blocking as part of the toll limitation services.19 Certain low-income consumers in Idaho wil be eligible to pay reduced connect charges and monthly fees under the Federal Link-Up and Lifeline programs in which Alled Wireless wil participate, and customers may contact Alled Wireless for more information on eligibilty criteria. If enrolled in Lifeline, a customer wil be able to choose to have Alled Wireless block all attempted toll calls originating from the customer's phone. 1947 C.F.R. § 54.101(a)(9). See Federal-State joint Board on Universal Service~ CC Docket Nos. 9645, 96-262, 94-1, 91-213, 95-72, Fourth Order on Reconsideration, Report and Order, 13 FCC Rcd 5318 (1997). ALLIED WIRELESS ETC APPLICATION - 8 Upon designation as an ETC, Alled Wireless wil provide toll limitation for qualifying low-income customers, at no charge, as part of its universal service offerings. Therefore, Alled Wireless meets the requirement of toll limitation for qualifying low-income customers. C. Alled Wireless Meets the Additional Eligibilit Criteria Adopted by the Commission ¡nits Idaho ETC Eligibilit Requirements Order. The Idaho ETC Eligibility Requirements Order established additional criteria that all ETC applicants must satisfy in order to be designated as ETCs in Idaho. The Commission held that an ETC applicant must demonstrate: (1) a commitment and abilty to provide the supported services throughout the designated areaj (2) the abilty to remain functional in emergency situationsj and (3) that it wiI satisfy consumer protection and service quality standards.20 As described in more detail below, Alled Wireless meets each of these additional criteria. 1. Commitment and Abilty to Provide the Supported Services. The Commission requires an ETC applicant to demonstrate its commitment and abilty to provide the supported services throughout its designated service area by: (1) committing to provide service throughout its proposed ETC designated service area to all potential customers making a reasonable request for servicej and (2) submitting a two-year plan demonstrating how high cost universal service support wiI be used to improve its 20 In its Idaho ETC Eligibility ReqUirements Order, the Commission ruled that U(rlather than require that the appIicants uSåge plan is comparable to that of the ILEC, we find it is sufficient for the ETC applicant to simply describe its local usae plans and those of the ILEC. The Commission also re- jected the FCC's requirement of ETC applicants to certify that it may be required to provide equal access to long distance carriers in the event no other ETC is providing equal access within the service area finding that this requirement is based entirely on speculation and would serve no substantive purpose. See Idaho ETC £!igibility Requirements Order, at 11-13. ALLIED WIRELESS ETC APPLICATION - 9 coverage, service quality, and capacity throughout the service area for which its seeks ETC designation. a. Commitment to Serve all Customers Making a Reasonable Reques for Service. Alled Wireless certifies that it wil provide service throughout its proposed designated ETC area using its standard customer equipment and service offerings where available. Specifically, upon receiving a reasonable request for service within its ETC service area, Alled Wireless wil, consistent with secion 54.202(a)(I)(A) of the FCC's Rules and the Commission's requirements:21 i. Provide service using its standard customer equipment and service offerings if it serves the area at the time of the request; or 2. Evaluate the feasibilty of providing the requested service using a variety of means if it does not serve the area at the time of the request. Among the potential means for providing the requested service, Alled Wireless wil evaluate whether: a. the customers wireless handset equipment can be modified or replaced to provide acceptable service; b. a roof-mounted antenna or other network equipment can be deployed at the customers premises to provide servce; c. adjustments at the nearest Alled Wireless cell site can be made to provide service; d. there are other available adjustments to network or customer equipment handsets to provide service; e. an additional cell site, a cell-extender, or a repeater can be employed or could be constructed to provide service (and Alled Wireless wil evaluate the costs and benefits of using scarce high-cost support to serve the number of customers requesting servICe); and 21 47 C.F.R. §54.202(a)(I)(A). ALLIED WIRELESS ETC APPLICATION - 10 f. resold service should be offered to the customer's location in order to provide immediate service. If Alled Wireless determines that it must deny a service request after evaluating the various options described above, Alled Wireless wil notify the customer and provide the Commission with an annual report of how many requests for service were refused following the foregoing evaluation, in accordance with secion 54.209(a)(3) of the FCC's Rules. 22 Alled Wireless believes these service provisioning commitments wil ensure that Alled Wireless wil be responsive to consumers' needs in its ETC service area, and wil act as a proper steward of available high--ost support funds. b. Two-Year Servce Improvement Plan. Alled Wireless submits its proposed two-year service improvement plan riPlan"), attached hereto as CONFIDENTIAL Exhibit 3, in accordance with the Commission's ETC application requirements.23 Because the Plan contains highly confidential information, Alled Wireless is submitting it separately in accordance with Section 9-340(D)(l), Idaho Code and Rule 67 of the Rules of Procedure of the Commission. The Plan describes the projected improvements in the areas in which Alled Wireless seeks ETC designation in this Application. Moreover, as set forth in the Plan, Alled Wireless wil incur expenses in order to upgrade and maintain its existing network in the areas in which Alled Wireless seeks designation, both of which are equally appropriate uses of high--ost funding. As with all service improvement plans, Alled Wireless' Plan must be flexible in order to respond to general consumer demand, changes in technology, and other appropriate 22 47 C.F.R. § 54.209(a)(3); see also Idaho ETC Eligibility Requirements Order, at 8-9. 23 Se Idaho ETC Eligibility Requirements Order, at 7-9. AIIed Wireless' Two-Year Service Improve- ment Plan reflect all of the capital and operational expenditure improvements proposed by Alled Wireless throughout its entire proposed ETC service area. ALLIED WIRELESS ETC APPUCA TION - 11 factors. Therefore, the Plan is subject to change for these reasons. Alled Wireless commits to provide the Commission with annual progress reports as required by the Idaho ETC Eligibility Requirements Order.24 The Plan satisfies the ETC designation requirements and constitutes a good faith estimate of the universal service benefits, including expanded coverage and improved signal and service quality, which citizens of the State of Idaho wil enjoy if the Commission designates Alled Wireless as an ETC in the requested areas. 2. Abilty to Remain Functional in Emergency Situations. Alled Wireless is able to remain functional in emergency situations. The Company's network is designed to remain functional in emergency situations. Specifically, Alled Wireless: (I) has adequate amounts of back-up power to ensure functionality without an external power source; (2) is able to reroute traffic around damaged facilties; and (3) is capable of managing traffic spikes resulting from emergency situations.2s Alled Wireless' system is reinforced by the presence of generator backups, capable of running for extended periods in the event of a major electrical outage. These include back- up batteries that provide at least four hours of back-up power and portble generators can be moved to individual cell sites, as needed. Because individual cell sites are spread out, it is highly unlikely that an electrical outage would affect more than two sites simultaneously. In the event of power or other types of failure, the cell sites are equipped with alarms that wil alert our technicians. Additionally, the sites are monitored remotely by Alled Wireless' 24 Idaho ETC Eligibility Requirements Order, at 18. 25 See Idaho ETC Eligibility Requirements Order, at 9-11; 47 C.F.R. § 54.202(a)(2). ALLIED WIRELESS ETC APPLICATION - 12 24/7 Network Operations Center (NOC), should there be a total communications failure at the site. Alled Wireless's main switch connectivity to the public switched voice network wil be based on a ring topology and is redundant - if the ring is cut, call traffic can be re- routed. Alled Wireless uses both microwave and leased lines for added diversity to cell site hubs. Backbone traffic lines are designed with suffcient capacity to manage extraordinary spikes. The Company has multiple agreements with long distance providers to absorb excess callng, if needed. Alled Wireless has cell sites on wheels, mobile towers, and mobile generators available for deployment to areas where there are traffic spikes due to emergencies or special events. A typical cell site installation consists of an 8' x 10' concrete pad, on which outdoor equipment cabinets or a prefabricated shelter containing the equipment wil be placed. Antennas are typically mounted on an adjacent tower, either new or existing, or other suitable structure. Most cell sites consist of two or three cabinets or equipment racks; one Or two of the cabinets for radio communications equipment, and the other for power rectification and battery backup. In cases where landline Tt telecommunications facilities are unavailable, microwave communication wil be employed to connect the cell site to the mobile switching center (MSC). The radio equipment cabinets are configured and equipped with voice and data equipment necessary to carry the projected busy hour traffic. This equipment can be increased as required to accommodate increases in call traffic. All cell sites are remotely monitored by Alled Wireless' NOC to ensure continuous operation. Operational measurement data is also routinely collected and reviewed to identify off-normal conditions. In the event of a failurei the NOC wil take action to restore service, ALLIED WIRELESS ETC APPLICATION - 13 reroute traffc around damaged facilities and/or dispatch appropriate personnel to remedy the trouble. Response time to an outage report is normally less than 60 minutes. In addition, all cell sites are periodically visited by field operations personnel to conduct preventative maintenance and routine testing of the cell site components. In accordance with Section 54.209(a)(2) of the FCC's Rules,26 Allied WirelèSs wil annually certify that it is able to function in emergency situations. Alled Wireless wil also fulfill the annual outage reporting requirement described in Section 54.209(a)(2) and required by the Commissionp which requires an ETC applicant to submit detailed information on any outage of at least thirt (30) minutes in duration that potentially affects (1) at least 10 percent of the end users served in a designated area¡ or (2) a 911 special facilit, as defined in Section 4.5(e) of the FCC's Rules.28 As required, the outage report wil include information detailng: (1 the date and time of onset of the outage¡ (2) a brief description of the outage and its resolution¡ (3) the particular services affected¡ (4) the geographic areas affected by the outage¡ (5) steps taken by Alled Wireless to prevent a similar situation in the future¡ and (6) the nurn berof customers affected.29 Therefore, Alled Wireless meets the requirement that it wil remain functional in emergency situations. 3. Consumer Protecton. Section 54.202(a)(3) of the FCC's Rules states that an ETC applicant must 26 47 CF.R. § 54.Z09(a)(Z). 27 Idaho ETC Eligibility Requirements Order, at 18-19. 28 47 CF.R. § 4.5(e). 29 47 CF.R. § 54.Z09(a)(Z). ALLIED WIRELESS ETC APPLICATION - 14 IIdemonstrate that it wil satisfy applicable consumer protectÎon and service quality stndards."30 The FCC has determined that a commÎtment by wireless applicants to comply with the Consumer Code forWirêIess Service adopted by CTIA-The Wireless Association(l (LiCTIA Consumer Codê'lsatisfies this requirement.31 The Commission has noted that, consÎstent with the FCC's determination, it also requires that all wireless applicants for ETC designation agree to comply with the CTIA Code.32 Alled. Wireless is committed. to abide by the CTIA Consumer Code, as it may be amended from time to time, throughout its service area in Idaho. In fact, on July 28, 2010, the CTIA announced that, effective January t, 2011, it wil revise the CTIA Consumer Code.33 If designated as an ETC, Alled Wireless wil abide by the requirements of Sections 54.209(a)(4) and 54.209(a)(S) of the FCC's rule? and the virtually identical requirements adopted by the Commission.3s Specifically, Alled Wireless wil, on an annual basis, certify its compliance with the CTIA Consumer Code and report the number of customer complaints per thousand handsets. Thereforei Alled Wireless meets the consumer protection requirements. 30 47 C.F.R. § 54.202(a)(3). 31 TheCTIA Consumer Code can be viewed on the Web at http:// files,ctia.org I pdfl ConsumetCode.pdf. 32 Idaho ETC Eligibility Requirements Order, at 11, 19. 33 alA-The Wireless Association(l Announces Updates to Its 'Consumer Code for Wireless Ser- vice, CTIA Press Release (available at http://ww.ctia.org/media/press/body.cfm/pridll992) (reI. July 28,2010). 34 47 C.F.R. §§ 54.209(a)(4), 54.209(a)(5). 35 See Idaho ETC Eligibilit Requirements Order, at 19. ALLIED WIRELESS ETC APPLICATION - 15 4. Local Usage. Though not required by the Commission, Alled Wireless is committed to offering local usage plans comparable to those offered by the incumbent LEC in the service areas for which the Company seeks ETC designation. In that regard, Alled Wireless wil submit annually reports describing its local usage planes), as well as .that of the ILEC in acc;qldance with Commission requirements.36 D. Alled Wireless Wil Provide the Supported Services Using its Ow Facilties and, as Necessary, Through the Resale of Anothets Carnets Service or Through Roaming Arrangements. Alled Wireless wil provide the supported services under Section 214(e)(I(A)of the Act37 and Section 54.l0l(a) of the FCC's Rules38 (1) by. using Alled Wireless' existing cellular network infrastructure, which consists of switching, trunking, cell sites, and network equipmenti together with any expansions and enhancements to that network; and (2J as necessry, through the resale of another carriets service or through roaming arrangements. In facti Alled Wireless has entered into roaming agreements that enable Alled wireless to serve customers in those portions of wire centers which are outside of its licensed service area. Furthermorei upon designation as an ETC and as required by the Commissioni Alled Wireless wil report annually any expansions and enhancements to its network at the same time it submits its annual certification required under Section 54.314 of the FCC's Rules.39 Therefore, Alled Wireless meets the requirement that it provide the supported services 36 See Idaho ETC Eligibility Requirements Order, at 19. 37 47 U.s.c. § 214(e)(l)A). 38 47 C.F.R. § 54.1 01 (a). 39 See Idaho ETC Eligibility Requirements Order, at 18; see also 47 C.F.R. §§ 54.313, 54.314. ALLIED WIRELESS ETC APPLICATION - 16 using its own facilities or through the combination of its own facilities and, as necessary, through the resale of another carrier's service or through roaming arrangements. E. Alled Wireless Win Advertise its Universal servce Offrings. Alled Wireless wil advertise the availabilty of its universal service offerings, and the charges associated with such offerings, using media of general distribution, including newspapers, radio, its website, and other direct advertising methods throughout its ETC service area. Alled Wireless wil expand upon these mediai as necessary, to ensure that consumers within its ETC designated service area are fully informed of its universal service offerings. Allied Wireless commits to continue to advertise the availabilty of its services throughout its ETC service areas, and wil also provide notices at local unemployment, social security, and welfare offices. Therefore, consumers wil easily be able to learn about Alled Wireless' services and the availabilty of Lifeline and Link Up discounts. Upon designation as an ETC, Alled Wireless wil implement its outreach program. In light of Alled Wireless' investment plans and the relationship between federal USF support and number of customers served, Alled Wireless wil have strong economic incentives to promote its universal service offering in Idaho, in addition to its statutory obligation to do so. Therefore, Alled Wireless wil meet the Commission's advertising and publicity requirements. II. GEOGRAPHIC AREA WHERE DESIGNATION IS SOUGHT Alled Wireless, in its capacity as a provider of cellular services, is not a "rural telephone company" as that term is defined in Section 3(37) of the Act.40 Accordingly, Alled Wireless 40 47 U.S.c. § 153(37). ALLIED WIRELESS ETC APPLICATION - 17 is required to describe the geographic area in which it requests designation.41 In this Application, Alled Wireless requests ETC designation in certin rural telephone company study areas and non-rural telephone company wire centers In the state of Idaho which are identified in Exhibit 4.42 Pursuant to Section 54.207 of the FCC's Rules,43 a Uservice area" is a llgeographic area established by a state commission for the purpose of deterrtining universal service obligations and support mechanisms./44 Appl1cableFCC rUles do not impose restrictions on how a state defines a non-rural telephone company service area for purpOses of designating a competitive ETC because the potential for creamskimming does not exist in the service areas served by non~rural telephone companies. However, in an area served by a rural telephone company, the FCC's rules define IIservice area" to mean the LEC study area unless a different definition of service area is established for such company.4S Alled Wireless, through this Application, is requesting ETC designation in rural telephone company study areas it wil serve in their entirety. Therefôre, Alled Wileless is not requesting the Commission to redefine the study area requirement in this Application. Because Affed Wireless is committing to serve the rural telephone company study areas, 41 See 47 U.s.C § 214(e). 42 See Exhibit 4 (List of Rural Study Areas/Wire Centers to Be Served by Alled Wireless in its Pro- posed ETC Service Area). 43 47 CF.R. § 54.207. 44 47 C.F.R. §54.207(a). 45 See 47 CF.R. §54.207(b)¡ see also Multi-Association Croup (MAC) Plan for Regulation of Inter- state Services of Non~Price Cap Incumbent Local Exchange Carriers and Interexchange Carrier~ CC Docket Nos. 96-5, 0Q.256, Fourteenth Report and Order, Twenty-Second Order on Reconsidera- tion, Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Report and Order, 16 FCC Rcd 11244 (2001). ALLIED WIRELESS ETC APPLICATION - 18 identified herein in their entirety, the Commission may designate Alled Wireless as an ETC in those study areas upon finding that such a designation is in the public interest. A. Tribal Notification The IPUC ETC Eligibility Requirements Order at Appendix A p. 2, requires an ETC applicant seeking ETC designation for any part of tribal lands to provide a copy of its application to the affected tribal government or tribal regulatory authority, as applicablei at the time it files its application with Commission. Alled Wireless has notified the Nez Perce tribal government of its application. See Exhibit 5. IV. DESIGNATION OF ALLIED WIRELESS AS AN ETC WILL SERVE THE PUBLIC INTEREST. For Alled Wireless to be designated as an ETC in rural telephone company service areas, the Commission must find that the grant of ETC status to Alled Wireless would serve the public interest. The Commission has noted that, lIin determining whether ETC designation is in the public interest, this Commission shall consider the benefits of increased consumer choice, and the unique advantages and disadvantages of the applicants service offering. .. In addition, the Commission may consider any other factors it deems relevant to determining whether an application is in the public interest."46 In cases decided by state public utilty commissions,47 including this Commission,48 and by the FCC,49 the question of 46 See Idaho ETC Eligibility Requirements OrdeJi at 16. 47 See, e.g., ComIT/fet of Nevada, LLC Compliance ardeii Docket No. 08-12017 (Nevada PUC, Mar. 2,2009); American Cellular Corp., Docket No. PT6458/M-05-1122 (Minn. PUC, Feb. 3, 2006); Cellu- lar Network Partnership d/b/a Pioneer CellulaJi Docket No. 06-PZ-l028-ETC (Kansas Corp. Comm'n, Nov. 21, 2006); Smith Bagley, Inc, Utilty Case No. 3026, Recommended Decision of the Hearing Examiner and Certification of Stipulation (Aug. 14, 2001), afrcl Final Order (N.M. Pub. Reg. Comm. Feb. 19, 2002); Smith Bagley, Inc, Docket No. T-02556A-99-0207 (Ariz. Corp. Comm'n Dec. 15, 2000); United States Cellular Corp. et ali Docket No. 199 lAC 39.2(4) (Iowa Util.Bd. Jan. 15, 2002); N.E Colorado Cellula~ Inc, Docket No. 00A-315T (Colo. PUC Dec. 21, 2001); Alltel Commu- ALLIED WIRELESS ETC APPLICATION - 19 whether it is in the public interest to designate a wireless carrier in areas served by incumbent LECs has been decided in the affirmative. The 1996 Act and the FCC in its enabling orders ptövideguidance for determining the public interest.so The overarching principles embodied in the 1996 Act are to rrpromote competition and reduce regulation~l . . . secure lower prices and higher quality services(,l . . . and encourage the rapid deployment of new telecommunications techn.ologies."S! In. its implementing orders, the FCC has ruled that the proNcompetitive and deregulatory directives from Congress required USF support mechanisms to be competitively neutral and portable nications, Inc, Case No. U-13765 (Mich. p.s.c. Sept. 11, 2003) (UAlltel Michigan Ordet')! Western Wireless Holding Co., Decision on Exceptions, Docket No. ooA-174T (Colo. PUC May "h Zooi); RCC Holdings~ Inc~ 2005-UA-0157 (Miss. PSC Sept. 28, 2005) (U RCC Mississippi Ordel'J; USCOC of Greater Missouri LLC Case No. TO-2oo5-0384, Report and Order (May 3, 2007) (US. Cellular Missouri Ordet); Alltel Communications of Nebraska~ Inc.~ Application No. c-3497 (Neb. PSC, March 7, 2006) (UAlltel Nebraska Ordet); Easterbrooke Cellular Corp., Docket No. 03~0935~T..PC (W. Va. PSC, May 14, 200) (uEasterbrooke RuraIOrdel'J, afFd, Final Order, Aug. 27, 200; Cen~ tennial Lafayette Communications~ LLC et aL, Order on Reconsideration, Docket No. U-27174 (La. PSC May 26, 2004); NPCR~ Inc d/b/a Nextel Partners, Docket No. U-27289 (La. PSC, June 9, 2004). 48 See e.g.~ In the Matter of the Application of CTC Telecom~ LLC for Designation as an Eligible. Tele~ communications Carrier Under 47 US.C § 214(e)(2), Order No. 8087 (lPUC Case No. CTL-T-09-01, Service Date July 24, 2009); In the Matter of the Application of Syringa Wireless~ LLC for Designa- tion as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Under 47 US.C § 214(e)(2), Order No. 30629 (IPUC Case No. SYR-T-08-01, Service Date August 28, 200); In the Matter of the P.etition of Edge Wire- less, LLC for Designation as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Under 47 US.C § 214(e)(2l Or- der No. 30360 (lPUC Case No. EDG-T-07-01, Service Date June 29,2007). 49 See, e.g., North Carolina RSA 3 Cellular TeL Co.~ CC Docket No. 96-45, Order, 21 FCC Rcd 9151 (WireUne Compo Bur. 2006) et Carolina West Ordel1; Corr Wireless Communications~ LLC CC Docket No. 96-5, Order, 21 FCC Rcd 1217 (Wireline Compo Bur. 2006); RCC Minnesota~ Inc. and RCC AtlantiG Inc~ CC Docket No. 96-5, Order, 20 FCC Rcd 15833 (WireUne Comp. Bur. 2005) Virginia Cellular LLC CC Docket No. 96-5, Memorandum OpinIon and Order, 19 FCC Rcd 1563 (2004) (U Virginia Cellular Ordel1; NPCR~ Inc~ d/b/a Nextel Partners~ 19 FCC Rcd 16530 (2004) (U Nextel Partners Ordet); Highland Cellular, Inc~ CC Docket No. 96-5, Memorandum Opinion and Order, 19 FCC Rcd 6422 (2004). 50 See, e.g., Universl Service First Report and Order, 12 FCC Rcd at 8801 (para. 47); Federal-State joint Board on Universal sørvice~ CC Docket No. 96-5, Ninth Report and Order and Eighteenth Order on Reconsideration, 14 FCC Rcd 20432, 2040 (para. 90) (199) (Universal Service Ninth Re- port and Ordel1. St 1996 Act (preamble). ALLIED WIRELESS ETC APPUCA TION - 20 among eligible carriers.s2 Consistent with the Act and these orders, the FCC also prornu1ga;ted a rule that expressly prohibits a state commission from discriminating against a carrier based on the technology used to provide service. The rule states that "fa) state commission shall designate a common carrier that meets the requirements of this section as an eligible telecommunications carrier irrespective of the technology used by such carrier."S3 In conformity with the Act and the FCC's rules, the FCC has repeatedly found that wireless carriers satisfy the federal requirements for ETC designation, and has cautioned state commissions against imposing artificial barriers to competitive entry by wireless carriers, particularly in rural areas where wireless carriers are best positioned to compete with wireline carriers.54 Although the CommissIon's rules do not provide specific public interest criteria, the FCC has enunciated a framework of five factors for consideration in ETC designations. In determining the public interest, the FCC has indicated that the following should be considered: . The benefits of increased competitive choice; . The impact of designation on the federal USF; . The unique advantages and disadvantages of the competitor's service offering; . Any commitments made regarding the auality of telephone service; and S2 Universal Service First Report and Order, 12 FCC Rcd at 8801, 881-62 (para. 152); Universl Service Ninth Report and Order, 14 FCC Rcd at 20480 (para. 90). 5347 C.F.R. § 54.201(h) (emphasis added). 54 See Federal-State joint .Board on Universal Service, CC Docket Nos. 96-45, 96-262, Seventh Report and Order, 14 FCC Rcd 8078 (1999). ALLIED WIRELESS ETC APPLICATION - 21 . The likelihood that creani-skimming wil result from the designation.55 Alled Wireless sets forth below specific facts demonstrating how its designation win advance the public interest in the service areas requested in this Application. A. Alled Wireles Designation Will Bring Improved Coverage,Serve Qualit and Reliabilty. With USF high-cost support, Alled Wireless wil operate, maintain, and expand its communications infrastructure in Idaho to improve signal coverage, enhance wireless call quality, and provide more advanced services to Idaho consumers. If it is granted ETC status in the proposed ETC service areasi Alled Wireless also intends to bring third generation ("3G'1 wireless services to the area. Alled Wireless commits to provide service to consumers that do not have wireIine service at their residences upon reasonable request, and to use its high-cost support to upgrade and expand its network to provide improved coverage and capacity. The mobilty of Alled Wireless's wireless service wil assist "consumers in rural areas who often must drive significant distances to places of employment, stores, schools, and other critical community locations."s6 Alled Wireless employs an experienced engineering and technical support team located at Alled Wireless' Network Operations Center in Castle Rock, Colorado that monitors service quality and service outages across Alled Wireless' network, providing on- 55 ETC Criteria Order, 20 FCC Rcd at 6390-96 (paras. 4457). In instances where an ETC applica- tion seeks designation below the study level of a rural telephone company, this Commission has stated that it wil conduct a cream skimming analysis that co rnpa res thepopulation density of each wire centers in which the ETC applicant seeks designation against that of the wire centers in the study area in which the ETC does not seek designation. The Commission will also consider other factors, such as disaggregation of support by the ILEC. See Idaho ETC Eligibility Requirements Or- der, at 16.S6 Virginia Cellular Order, 19 FCC Rcd at 1576 (para. 29). ALLIED WIRELESS ETC APPLICATION - 22 call emergency support 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Alled Wireless' response time to anouta.ge report is normally less than one hour. Alled Wireless' network is reinforced by the presence of battery and generator backups, capable of running indefinitely in the event of a major electrical outage. Portble generators can be moved to individual cell sites in the event of a catastrophic electrical failure. In the event of power or other types of failure, the cell sites are equipped with alarms that wiI alert the Company's technicians. Additionally, as noted earlier, the sites are monitored remotely at Alled Wireless' Network Operations Center should there be a total communications failure on any portion of the Alled Wireless' network in the Company's Idaho service areas. B. Alled Wireles Investent of High~Cost Support in Its Proposd ETC Service Area Wil Lead to Significant Health and Safety Benefits. People in rural areas depend on mobile phones more and more to provide critical communications needs. Designating Alled Wireless as an ETC in the areas requested in this Application will provide additional consumer choice and a potential solution to health and safety risks associated with the rural nature of these areas.57 It is self-evident that every time Alled Wireless adds a cell site or increases channel capacity. with high"'ost support, the 57 See~ e.g.~ Corr Wireless Communications~ LLC Petition for Designation as an Eligible Telecommuni- cations carrier in the State of Alabama~ CC Docket No. 96-5, Order, 21 FCC Rcd 1217, 1226 (2006) ("The mobilit of telecommunications asists consumers in rural areas who often must drive signifi- cant distances to places of employment, stores, schools, and other locations. The availabilty of a WIreless universal service offering also provides access to emergency services that can mitigate the unique risks of geographic isolation associated with living in ruralcommunities.'1¡ Us. Cellular Mis- souri Orderat 12 ("Clearly, expansion of cell phone service would benefit consumers by giving them an additional option for phone servICe, by alloWIng them additional mobilty, and by affording them increased safety while on the road or otherwse away from the end ofa telephone wire.")¡ AI/tel Ne- bra$ka Order at 16-17 RCC Mississippi .order at 9 ("(The mobilty of telecommunications) is ... in- valuable in summoning emergency services in rural areas where public access telephones are few and far between.'1. ALLIED WIRELESS ETC APPLICATION - 23 number of completed calls, including imlJortnt health and safety calls, wil increase. Thus, for every cell site that Alled Wireless constructs, the reliability and performance of Alled Wireless' E911 service wil improve. It is diffcult to overstate the importnt public safety benefit that wil be realized should the Commission designate Alled Wireless an ETC in its proposed service area. The federal USF funding to which Alled Wireless would then be eligible would significantly bolster Alled Wireless' ability to more quickly expand its coverage thromghout.vast portions of Idaho and build a 3G network that can offer state-of-the-art services. Wireline service is only available at the end of the provider's wires. By contrast, mobile service can extend importnt health and safety benefits so that people in need are not required to travel long distances to find a telephone in an emergency or other important health or safety situation.58 C. Grant of This Application Wil Impose No Burden on the Fed.eral Universal Servce Fund and Only a Negligible Burden if the CETCCapls Lifted. In May 2008, the FCC placed an interim cap on universal service high..cost support to competitive ETCs (IiCETCs'1. Under the interim cap, effective August l, 2008, total annual CETC support was capped-on a state-by-state basis..at the level of suppört that CETCs in each state were eligible to receive during March 2008 on an annualized basis.s9 In 58 Easterbrooke Rural Order at 61 ("Reliable mobile communications have a high level of Importnce for people who live in rural areas. The highest quality WÎreline service is no substitute for mobile services with broad geographic coverage, simply because the WÎreline service physically may not be there when it is needed, in a rural area."). 59 See High-Cost Universal Service~ Federal-State joint Board onlJniversal Service,. we Docket No. 05-337, CC Docket No. 96-45, Order, 23 FCC Rcd 8834,8834 (para. 1) (2008), appeal docketec/ No. 08-1284 (D.C. Or. Aug. 29, 2008) eCETC Interim Cap Order1. The FCC adopted the following- two limited exceptions from the speçifìc application of the intenmcap: 0) a CETC wiI. not be subject to the intenm cap to the extent it files cost data demonstrating that its cost meet the support thresh- old in the same manner as the incumbent local exchange carrier; and (2) a CETC will not be subject ALLIED WIRELESS ETC APPLICATION - 24 adopting the interim cap, the FCC declared that it would remain in place only until the FCC adopts comprehensive high-cost universal service reform.60 As a result, designating Alled Wireless an ETC in Idaho wil have absolutely no effect on the size of the federal USF as long as the CETC interim cap remains in place. If the. CETC interim cap is ultimately lifted, the amount of funding Alled Wireless expects to receive .even if it were to capture each and every incumbent LEC subscriber in its proposed ETC service area-an entirely unrealistic scenario-would not cause undue strain on the federal USF high-cost fund. In the Nextel Partners Order, the FCC addressed the question of.whether designating NPCR, Inc., d/ b/ a Nextel Partners ("Nextel Partners") as an ETC in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, New York, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, and Virginia would cause undue strain on the federal high-cost mechanism.61 In making that determination, the FCC used the unrealistic scenario of Nextel Partners capturing each and every incumbent LECsubscriber in Alabama-the state in which the affected incumbent LECs receive the largest amount of support-which would result in Nextel Partners' receiving support equivalent to 1.88 percent of total high-cost mechanism disbursements.62 Based on that analysis, the FCC concluded that Nextel Partners' designation in .all seven states would not IIdramatically burden" the federal high-cost support mechanism.63 More recently, the FCC to the interim cap it serves tribal lands or Alaska Native regions. Id 6°ld 61 See Nextel Partners Order; 19 FCC Rcd at 16539-40 (para. 21). 62 See id at 16540 (para. 21, n.69). 63/d ALLIED WIRELESS ETC APPLICATION - 25 specifically rejected the idea of assessing the impact of one designation on the USF, stating that tlanalyzing the impact of one ETC on the overall fund may be inconclusive."64 Here as well, even if the CETC interim cap is lifted, Alled Wireless' designation wil clearly not burden the USF. According to Universal Service Administrative Company's ("USAC'l most recent quarterly filing projections to the FCC, Alled Wireless would receive well less than one percent of the federal high-cost mechanism disbursements even if it were to capture each and every line within its proposed ETC service area.6S Even that unrealistically high estimate is a significantly lower percentage than the 1.88 percent figure corresponding to just one of the seven states approved in the Nextel Partners Order. In sum, the Commission should follow the FCC's guidance and find that the analysis of any individual ETC designation's effect on the federal USF is inconclusive and, therefore, need not be undertaken. Should the Commission nonetheless determine that such an analysis is necessary, it is clear that, by any measure, Alled Wireless~ designation would not burden the federal USF high-cost mechanism. D. Benefits of Compeon. One of the prindpal goals of the 1996 Act is, again, to tlpromotecompetition. and reduce regulation in order to secure lower prices and high-quality services for American telecommunications consumers and encourage the rapid deployment of new telecommunications technologies."66 Designation of a competitive ETC increases facilties and 64 ETC Criteria Order, 20 FCC Rcd at 6395 (para. 54) (footnote omited). 65 See FCC Public Notice, Proposed Second Quarer 2010 Universal Service Contribution Factor, CC Docket No. 96-45, DA 10-247 (reI. Mar. 12,2010); see also htt://ww.usac.org/c/tools/disburse-ments/. 66 See 1996 Act (preamble). ALLIED WIRELESS ETC APPUCA TION - 26 spurs development of advanced communications as carriers vie for a consumer's business.67 Designation of Alled Wireless as an ETC in Idaho wil promote competition and faciltate the provision of high-quality communications services to those living and working within Allied Wireleslproposed service area~68 Residents in many rural areas have long trailed urban areas in receiving competitive local exchange service and advanced telecommunications services, and in some rural areas no meaningful choice of local exchange carrier exists. It is also evident that the deployment of high-quality wireless telecommunications infrastructure is essential to economic development in rural areas. Alled Wireless wil have every incentive to meet its commitments made in this proceeding, including use of federal USF support to improve its network and reliabilty. Under the current system, the amount of universal service support Allied Wireless would receive upon designation is direcly based upon the number of customers it serves. If designated an ETC by the Commission in the proposed ETC service area, Alled Wireless wil be able to better compete for customers, service quality and customer service wHl improve, and 3G services wil be deployed more quickly to more Idaho residents. Wider local-cllng areas and . lower prices overaIl may also be introduced by Alled Wireless to retain and attract customers.69 67 Seei e.g., Alltel Michigan Order at 11; N.£ Colorado Cellular, Inc. d/b/a Viaero Wireless~ Applica- tion No. C.3324 (Neb. PSC, Oct. 18,2005) åtl1-12. 68 See Carolina West Order,. 21 FCCRcd. at 9156 (para. 17) ('We find Carolina Wests universal service offering will provide a variety ofbenefits to customers including consumer choice and advantageous servi.ce offerings. For instan.ce, universal servce support will enable Carolina West to construct facili- ties to improve quallty of service and extend telephone service to people who have no choice of tele- phone provider.'1. 69 See Implementation of Section 6002(bJ of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 199:l An- nual Report and Analysis of Competitive Market Conditions With Respect to Commercial Mobile Serviæ~ WT Docket No. 06-17, Eleventh Report, 21 FCC Rcd 10947, 109845 (para. 92) (2006) (de- ALLIED WIRELESS ETC APPLICATION - 27 E. Alled Wireles' Designation Wil Not Result in IICream-Skimming." As part of its public interest analysis, the Commission must determine whether Allied Wireless' designation will enable it to IIcream-skim," that is, target low-cost portions of a rural incumbent LEC's service area in which uneconomicatIy. high levels of support are available. There is no possibilty for cream-skimming in this Application. Alled Wireless .is. not targeting particular areas based on the possibilty of receiving uneconomic levels of support. On the contrary, Alled Wireless is only seeking ETC designation in this Application in areas that cover the entirety of the incumbent LEC service area. IV. HIGH..OST CERTIFICATION. Under Secion 54.314 of the FCC's Rules/o carriers wishing to obtain high-cost support must either be certified by the appropriate state commission or, where the state commission does not exercise jurisdictioni must self-certify with the FCC .and USACtheir compliance with Section 254(e) of the Act.71 scribing how consumers have benefited from proliferation of service offerings including free mobile. to-mohile, nationwide toll-free and! or roaming-free callng, family plans, cìnd 11l1limitedçallngto cì list of designated numbers.); Applications of AT8f Wireless Servces~ Inc and Ongular Wireless Corp., WT Docket Nos. 0470, 04254, 04323, Memorandum Opinion and Order, 19 FCC Rcd 21522, 21554 (para. 63) (2004) ("By fostering continuing experimentation with a variety of different pridng options, service packages, and polides on handset subsidies, competition to attract and retain cus- tomers has resulted in complicated and ever-changing pridng and feature structures. Today all of the nationwide operators .offer some version of a national rate pricing plan in which customers can pur- chase variously sized buckets of minutes to use on a nationwide or nearly nationwide network with- out incurring roaming or long-distance charges. Other significant trends in mobile telephony pricing have been the offering of free night and weekend minutes, and the expansion of free CâIfingarnong a particular company's customers, known as'in-netwrk' or 'mobile-to-mobile' callng. Moreover, al- though most U.s. mobile telephony subscribers pay their mobile phone bils after they have incurred charges (known as postpaid service), an the nationwide operators offer some version of a prepaid ser- vice either directly to their retail customers or through third-part resellers.'1 (footnotes omited). 7047 C.F.R. § 54.314. 71 47 U.S.c. § 254(e). ALLIED WIRELESS ETC APPLICATION - 28 Alled Wireless commits to use available federal USF support for its intended purposes-the provision, maintenance, and upgrading of facilties and services for which support is intended.72 Thereföre, Alled Wireless respectfully requests that the Commission issue a finding that Alled Wireless has met the high-cost certification requirement and that Alled Wireless is therefore entitled to begin receiving federal USF high-cost support as of the date it receives a grant of ETC status, in order that funding wil not be delayed.73 V. CONCLUSION. For the reasons discussed in this Application, Alled Wireless respectfully requests the Commission to designate it as an ETC for the requested designated service areas in Idaho pursuant to Modified Procedure. December 16, 2010 72 See Exhibit 6. 73 See 47 C.F.R. § 54.307(d). See also Guam Cellular and Paging; /nc.~ Petition for Waiver of Section 54.2/4 of the Commissions Rules and Regulation~ 18 FCC Red 7138 (2003). ALLIED WIRELESS ETC APPLICATION - 29 EXHIBIT 1 AFFIDAVIT OF BRIAN TAYLOR, CFO, ALLIED WIRELESS .. ... AFFIDAVIT Stae of Arkanas ) ) )County of Puas Bnan Taylor, beig duly sworn states that he files ths Application as Chief Financial Offcer of Alled Wireless Communcations Cororation; that in such capacty, he is quaified and authonzed to file and venfy such Application; that he ha carefuly examed al the statements an matters conta in the Applicaon; and th all such stateents made and matter se fort therein ar tre and corrct to the best of his knowledge, informaton and belief. Affant fuer staes that Alled Wireless offer, all of the serces designated for supprt by the Federal Communications Commssion thughout the areas in which Alled Wireless is reuesting degnon as an ETC, that the Application is made in good faith, with the intention of presentig evdence in support thereof in ever parcuar. 1S~Bnan Taylor . .. Chef Financial Offcer Allied Wireless Communcations Corp. Subscnbed and swor to before me, a Notar Public in an lòthS~and County named above,thsl2 daY of Deber, 2010. - CINDYSlUlE Allla . Pill COUlty Nota Public. Comtr 12378482 My COinllOl Expl' MI 24, 20200~g~ (SEAL) Notar Public - EXHIBIT 2 SAMPLE ADVERTISED ALLIED WIRELESS IDAHO SERVICE PLANS ll t e l wi r e l e s s Na t i o n a l F r e e d o m No r o . m l i g o r l o n g - d i s t a n e c h o r g e s o n t h e N a l l O i ; ¡ 1 F r e e d o m n e t w o r k : . l.. . . . . . _ . . . . - . _ ~ ~ - ~ , 1 \ ' ~ : ) l; ~ r : ~ ~ , D N a t i o n a l F r e e d o m C o v e r a g e A r e a 1 o ~ ; ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ 7 n ~ : a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ s ~ : ~ : ~ ~ : ~ u ~ : ß m i n g D N o S o l v l c A r e a In c l u d e d F e a t u r e s ' C ~ U E l r I D . P a y P e r - U $ M a s s a a i n g . B a s i c V o i c e M a i l , lh r e e ' w a C a l i n g . N o A n s w e r T r a n s f e r . C a F o i s r d n o . C i U W a i U n g No r o . î l l i n g o r l o n ~ d i s t í U ' i e c h a r g e s w i t h i n y o u r I c n i c o v e r a g e ; ¡ ~ . plu s l o w ( o a m i n g r a t e s w h e n y o l i l r o v e l e c 1 S ! 1 0 C O O S ! . WA - ; ; r l : ~ . ; ~ . ' - . - - - _ " " I " . , . " ' : i . , , ' '~ L ~ ( ' ~ ~ - ' . ~ r ~ ~ ' ; ; " , 1 = : d N p . .. . . ~ ! ~ : . ~ ~ " ' J t ~ . ; ~ . _ : ~ ~ . . . i ", _ . J t I D A ~ " ' " . . - ~ ' " " " " ~ " . " .. ~ r . . . - : l - F i : - ' ~ , . ; ' ~ : ~ ' t . l - ~ : ; ~ ~ " ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ : ' ~ . : aR " , ' i : - ~ I - ~ - : ' 0 : t ' i . . - . . . . T, ~ t " " " " i : ~ f ? ; ; . : ~ : ; ~ ~ ~ . " i. _ : . . " " I ~ . , , , . . . . I . - - , a u " . i - ~ t~ . ~ ; ~ ~ : : : . ~ , ~ ' J ~ i ~ ( ; ~ t ; . \ ~ ~ ~ i . ~ . . . ; I ~ CA . . . . . i . . , . . . . ' 1 . . 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A v ¿ i l ¡ \ b l e O : ~ s e l c t p l a n s M e l o n s h ( " l e d f o e . Ex t e n d e d N i g h t M i n u t e s Ad d t w o a d d i t i o i i i l h o u r s o f t a U ( L ( m r a d a y . Min u t e s l J O i n a t 7 p . m . a n d e n d a t 5 ; 5 9 a . m . Wi r e l e s s H a n d s e t P r o t e c t i o n Pr o e c t y o u r w i r e l o s s h a n d s o t a g . i ' o s t U l O f t l o s s . a C C l o o n i a ! da m a g e a n o ~ f i i n c t i o n . F o r l u l l l e a t u r e s . b e f i l s a n de t a i l s s e n p r o d u c t b r o c h u r e . Pr O u c l G i i , i r d Pr o d u c t G u n r d P l u s Pi . i l i n u m G u i i r d . Pl a t i n u i n G u r u d " P l u s En h a n c W a m i i l y All l e l R o a d s i d e A s s i s t a n c e lr , s t a n l 2 4 7 a c c e s s t o r o d s i d e h e l p w i l e n y o u ' r o S I l " d n d o d . .1 o ) ' I i ; I . - . . ~ ' , , ' i ~ n . . . . " 1 1 ' . . Y . k - . ' T t ; . ' - l i , # S o . 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W " " l h L . : l .' ~ " I t ~ - : . ¡ , " : t ~ , . . " I . ¡ - . . , . . . \ . . . . . , . ~ ~ , ~ q - i . . . v . . f ~ ~ t . : n . i ' . ~ " " . f ' ' ' , l ' ( . ' ' ' l : : ~ ~ . . " ' . " . . . . . . .;. ; i m n . I ( r . . . . . I : ' . . L u . : ; , . t ; l l I b . . : i EXHIBIT 4 LIST OF RURAL TELEPHONE COMPANY STUDY AREAS/WIRE CENTERS AND NON RURAL TELEPHONE COMPANY WIRE CENTERS TO BE SERVED BY ALLIED WIRELESS IN ITS PROPOSED ETC SERVICE ARE .. RURAL TELEPHONE COMPANY STUDY AREAS/WIRE CENTERS TO BE SERVED BY ALLIED WIRELESS IN ITS PROPOSED ETC SERVICE AREA ILEC STUDY INCUMBENT LEC WIRE EXCHANGEAREACENTER 472215 CAMBRIDGE TELEPHONE COMPANY CMBRIDXC CAMBRIDGE 472215 CAMBRIDGE TELEPHONE COMPANY CNCLlDXC COUNCIL 472215 CAMBRIDGE TELEPHONE COMPANY CPRMIDXC CUPRUM 472215 CAMBRIDGE TELEPHONE COMPANY LWMNIDXC LOWMAN 472215 CAMBRIDGE TELEPHONE COMPANY INVYIDXC INDIAN VLY 472225 CENTURYTEL OF IDAHO, INC.LEDRIDXC LEADORE 472225 CENTURYTEL OF IDAHO, INC.NFRKIDXC NORFOLK 472225 CENTURYTEL OF IDAHO, INC.SLMNIDXC SALMON 472218 CUSTER TELEPHONE COOPERATIVE, INC.CHLSIDXC CHALLIS 472218 CUSTER TELEPHONE COOPERATIVE,INC.CYTNIDXC CLAYTON 472218 CUSTER TELEPHONE COOPERATIVE, INC.EKBNIDXC ELK BEND 472218 CUSTER TELEPHONE COOPERATIVE,INC.MAY IDXC MAY 472221 FARMERS MUTUAL TELEPHONE CO.FRLDIDXX FRUITLAND 472221 FARMERS MUTUAL TELEPHONE CO.NUARIDXC NU ACRES 472226 MIDVALE TELEPHONE EXCHANGE, INC.LKVWIDXC LAKEVIEW 472226 MIDVALE TELEPHONE EXCHANGE, INC.MDVAIDXC MIDVALE 472226 MIDVALE TELEPHONE EXCHANGE, INC.STNLlDXC STANLEY 472226 MIDVALE TELEPHONE EXCHANGE, INC.WRLKIDXC WARM LAKE 472226 MIDVALE TELEPHONE EXCHANGE, INC.WRRNIDAA WARREN 472226 MIDVALE TELEPHONE EXCHANGE, INC.YLPNIDXC YELLOWPINE NON-RURAL TELEPHONE COMPANYWIRE CENTERS TO BE SERVED BY ALLIED WIRELESS IN ITS PROPOSED ETC SERVICE AREA ILEC STUDY INCUMBENT LEC WIRE EXCHANGEAREACENTER 475103 QWEST CORPORATION CTWDIDOl COTTONWOOD 475103 QWEST CORPORATION EMMTIDMA EMMETT 475103 QWEST CORPORATION GAVLlDOI GRANGEVILLE 475103 QWEST CORPORATION IDCYIDMA BOISE 475103 QWEST CORPORATION KAMHIDOI KAMIAH QWEST CORPORATION NPMOIDMA NEW 475103 PLYMOUTH 475103 QWEST CORPORATION PYTTIDMA PAYETTE 475103 QWEST CORPORATION WESRIDMA WEISER EXHIBIT 5 LEITER TO TRIBAL COUNCIL ~.QJ....'1pwATTORNEYS AT LAW Molly O'Leary Tel: 208-938-7900 Fax: 208-938-7904 mol I y ~ richardson andoleary. c om P.O. Bolt 7218 Boise. ID 83707 - 515 N. 27th St. Boise. ID 83702 15 December 2010 NPTEC % Nez Perce Tribe P.O. Box 365 Lapwai, Idaho 83540 Dear Council Members: We are notifying you that an Application for designation as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier in Idaho. As this Application may affect your Tribal Government or Tribal Regulatory Authority, we are enclosing a copy for your review. The Application is being filed with the Idaho Public Utilties Commission today. EXHIBIT 6 USF HIGH-COST CERTIFICATION OF BRIAN TAYLOR, CFO, CEO, ALLIED WIRELESS AFIDAVIT State of Arkaas ) ) )County of Puaski Brian Taylor, being duly sworn states that he files ths Application as Chief Financial Offcer of Alled Wireless Comuncations Corpration; that in such capacity, he is quaified and authorized to file and verfy such Application; that he bas carefuly examned al the statements and matters contaed in the Applicaton; and that all such stateieits made and matter se fort therei are tre and corrct to the best of his laowledge, infonnaton an belief. Affant fuer states that Alled Wirless offer, all of the serces designted for support by the Federal Communications Commssion thughout the area in which Alled Wireless is reuesting designtion as an ETC, that the Application is made in good faith, with the intention of presentig evdence in support therof in ever parcular. ~~Brian Taylor ¿ Chief Fincial Offcer Allied Wireless Communcations Corp. Subscribed and sworn to before me, a Notar Public in and fót./~and County naed above,tQš .E daY of Decber, 2010. ?~s:e4 (SEAL) Notar Public CIND STEelE At..... . Pul eOiUty No PubUc . CoiM 12378482 My eo"wni..ion Expre. May 24, 2020 ~---