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HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021Annual Report.pdfALB-T A]YIYUAL REPORT OF Albion Teleph one Company, lnc. NAME 225 West North Street, PO Box 98 Albion, ldaho 83311 ADDRESS TO THE IDAHO PUBLIG UTILITIES COMMISSION FOR THE YEAR ENDED 2021 *a,,,"# p 208-673-5335 I f 208-673-6200 / e I a 225 W. North St. Albion, lD 83311 April1,2021 ldaho Public Utilities Commission Attn: Diane Hanian PO Box 83720 Boise, lD 83720-0074 Dear Ms. Hanian: Enclosed please find the Annual Report of SmallTelephone Companies for Albion Telephone Company, lnc. lf you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to call me at 673-5335 Sincerely, ie Laumb Controller '..-. (\J -; F\.! t* * F\)Gr;" * ;f,;rilrrll # rn a/:Ei.trril..: I \,/ri*, r i-I'l()# ;;ffiFrs tr {ff,(*} P U)*Os-z. ANNUAL REPORT OF SMALL TELEPHONE COMPANIES TO THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION FOR THE YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2OO9 COMPANY INFORMATION Exact name of utility Albion Telephone Company, lnc. Address of principal office:225 West North Street. P.O. Box 98 Albion rD 83311 Telephone Number (Area Code 208 673-5335 Cities or towns served: Albion, Almo, Elba, Holbrook, Malta,Raft River. Malad. Mackav, Moore. Arco. Howe: ldaho: Yost: Utah Name and title of officer having custody of the general corporate books of account: Richard Redman President Address of office where corporate books are kept and phone number: 225 West North Street. P.O. Box 98 Albion, lD 83311 Organized under the laws of the State of:ldaho Date of organization 1929 - lncorporated September 1 1, 1953 Form of organization (proprietorship, association, corporation): lf a Subchapter S Corporation, please specify: Name and address of controlling company, if any: Corporation We are a Subchapter S Corporation Names of affiliated companies. Give address and description of business OFFICERS Report below the title, name and office address of each general officer of the utility at the end of the year. lf there were any changes during the year, show the name, title, and address of the previous officer and the date of change. Title Name Changes Made to Officers Effective 1213012019 Address President Richard L. Redman P.O. Box 't4 Albion, lD 83311 Vice-President Darla Redman P.O. Box 22 Albion, lD 83311 Secretary Jennifer Bradshaw 946 G Canal Rd Declo, lD 83323 1213012019 Treasurer Barry Redman 266 S. 950 E. Declo, lD 83323 Rev 3/02 Page 1 DIRECTORS List the name of each person who was a member of the Board of Directors at any given time during the year: (Fees related to meetings only.) Name and Address Term Expired or Current Term Will Expire Richard L. Redman NA Darla Redman NA Barry Redman NA Jennifer Bradshaw NA Nicole Allphin NA Kyle Redman NA Name of Chairman of the Board: Richard Redman Meetings Attended This year 4 4 Fees Paid During Year 4 3600 4 3600 4 3600 4 3600 3600 3600 Name of Secretary (or Clerk) of Board: Number of Meetings of the Board during the year: Jennifer Bradshaw 4 MANAGERS List the name of each person who performed management duties for the Company during the year, and the totalwages and bonuses paid to those persons: (Do not include Director fees in these amounts.) Name Title Wages and Bonuses Paid Richard L. Redman PresidenUCEO Confidential Kyle Redman Sales and ttlarketing Manager Confidential Rev 3/02 Page2 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Please provide important information such as changes in accounting or depreciation practices, extensions or additions to the system; disposal of any substantial portion of the property of the utility; reorganization, mergers, or consolidations with other companies; leases executed; other contracts or agreements entered into; changes made in articles of incorporation or amendments; the occurrence of contingency losses or gains. Rev 3/02 Page 3 BALANCE SHEET Assets and Other Debits Tafle of Account Current Assets1120 Cash and Equivalents 1 130 Cash1140 SpecialCashDeposits1150 Working Cash Advances1160 Temporarylnvestments 1 180 Telecommunications Accts. Receivable1181 Accts. Rec. Allow. -Telecommunications 1 190 Other Accounts Receivable1191 Accounts Receivable Allow. - Other1200 Notes Receivable1201 Notes Receivable Allowance1210 lnterest & Dividends Receivable1220 MaterialandSupplies1280 Prepayments1290 Prepaid Rents1300 Prepaid Taxes1310 Prepaid lnsurance1320 Prepaid Directory Expenses1330 Other Prepayments1350 Other Current Assets Noncurrent Assets1401 lnvestment in Affiliated Companies1402 lnvestment in Nonaffiliated Companies1406 Nonregulatedlnvestments1407 Unamortized Debt lssuance Expense1408 Sinking Funds1410 Other Noncurrent Assets1438 Deferred Maintenance & Retirements1439 Deferred Charges1500 Other Jurisdiction Assets - Net Propefi, Plant and Equipment2001 Telecommunications Plants in Service2002 Prop. Held for Future Telecom. Use2003 Telecom. Plant under Constr. - Short Term2004 Telecom. Plant under Constr. - Long Term2005 Telecom. Plant Adjustment2006 Nonoperating Plant2007 Goodwill Depreciation and Amortization Accounts3100 AccumulatedDepreciated3200 Accum. Depre. - Held for Future Use3300 Accumulated Depreciation - Nonoperating3400 Accumulated Amortization - Tangible3410 Accum. Amort. - Capitalized Leases3420 Accum. Amort. - Leasehold lmprovements3500 Accumulated Amortization - lntangible3600 Accumulated Amortization - Other Ealance Eeginningof Year 4940948 Ealance at Endof Year 5621782 lncreaseor (Decrease) 680834 445157 486646 486646 -22268 -24342 -469499 999373 1022813 1045081 0 0 791649 899756 899756 1 1 3396 124696 -666953 0 8999223 1 031 1 367 1 031 1 367 324328 493934 -8505289 1782837 2037969 2037969 56245534 57841 395 57841 395 11298 25298 25298 0 0 0 -33745386 -35305267 -35305267 0 40886089 Rev 3/02 TOTAL ASSETS Page 4 43536047 43536047 BALANCE SHEET Liabilities & Stockholders' Equity Title of Account 401 0 4020 4030 4040 4050 4060 4070 4080 4100 4110 4120 41 30 Current Liabilities Accounts Payable Notes Payable Advance Billings and Payments Customer Deposits Current Maturities - Long -Term Debt Current Maturities - Capital leases lncome Taxes - Accrued Other Taxes - Accrued Net Current Defer. Oper. lncome Taxes Net Current Defer. Nonoper. lncome Taxes Other Accrued Liabilities Other Current Liabilities Long-Term Debt Funded Debt Premium on Long-Term Debt Discount on Long-Term Debt Reacquired Debt Obligations Under Capital Leases Advances from Affiliated Companies Other Long-Term Debt Other Liabilities & Deferred Credits Other Long-Term Liabilities Unamort. Oper. lnvest. Tax Credits - Net Unamort. Nonoper. lnvest. Tax Credits - Net Net Noncurrent Defer. Oper. lncome Taxes Net Noncur. Defer. Nonoper. lncome Taxes Other Deferred Credits Other Juris. Liab. & Def. Credits - Net Stockholders' Equity CapitalStock Additional Paid-ln Capital Treasury Stock Other Capital Retained Earnings 4210 4220 4230 4240 4250 4260 4270 Balance Beginning of Year 234304 Balance at End of Year lncrease or (Decrease) -71900162404 292345 322679 30334 9820 8790 -1 030 1307257 791468 -51 5789 326648 350417 23769 0 000 0 7726100 6947576 -778524 0 0 0 0 431 0 4320 4330 4340 4350 4360 4370 4510 4520 4530 4540 4550 0 40200 40200 0 3094941 5 34912513 3963098 TOTAL LIAB. & OTHER CREDITS 40886089 43536047 2649958 Rev 3/02 Page 5 $o,(a s@l'-r{) oNN(r)o, 6sloo,lr,@(o (f) (f,(aoN(oN o,C{CDNo,F- lf)t-t-(oN(o N(f,\totoN o,!t @lo lr)N oo(o$(o o@(f)oo)tC{sf (o$oC\tt- N(f)o oro o)@o,(r) s(f)so,(o N@loto(o(t, (osoc!N !tlr,(olo o, .E.c,o'=o .9ceo -9UJ E.=.9o N NN o c E,() =U) .9tro oo[! o, -9oC NN 6 fCL EoooooCL f(L (E ocoo vN N $lo(oro oO)$ CD@ (r)o los Nloroloo)toN o)loN (f) @(oo) r.c,@o,o,o,tfN (f)t- (r)to o(eo)t-@(o N(o(o NOsEp E.E L>.E,t ooFioEEEt.o3 F!t o t\lJ) (f)(oo(o F-rNNoNN Nt*o,(oo)N t- N@o (o o)t-t.-NrO(f, rr)rr)(oo$_tttttrgo!EU,r& b uJotG, uJU'z Fz Jo- .oao7lE6o ->r-c<rEoo =E=o=i(J i'r5tr UJF l,Lo 9,o z T\ arED. SE9,=q>c{hEE,T-fi'Fb;O=LGEotro J.E .9c) E Eoooo,-FE b_5 .2oE= <N N(o(r) 1r) sF-$CDtt o,o)(o(o O)@ .,)Gtroo>5E,,E.Et!<d (o oo,o(L $(f)rr)rr,sN(orr) Fzfooo Fz Jo-J FoF ot-N(r)q) tg-ooo .Yo =oz o) .E =-oG s (oN$N Nlo O)@N(')@(Y) co E.g5o)q F*Gv(5 = eE*?H fi dJq.E/\ E V LF v 9r_ o E.EEEg^E =oocl=oo-<)@u) NF-N(v).lt(O-NNNN(Y)tt$!trtSNNNNNN lOF-t-(oN@ JI5Ex,=IUE EPs9co6 €F.=6 LFo.9ED=sd tlo(f) (f)NN oo(o$(o oo)$o)@ @N$o@ o(f)o)t-@(o No (r) ot- aco Eo2et-l/)d,4H5" -= (/) a? I clS=-:Ee.€.89P E E --rNO(f)s@@o)st+@(o(oNNNNN olc =anE 4.8 EEHO-Gtr'= *LLi< I -cE'=.9 I96qO(/)O E,.!z cHAP.ct/,co >\O)oa6iEaYtsnqL.=E 8.Huo(r o_ocEOE-cEOo otr2 =.9 zB BIE eE llh-v .+E*E7!se,i -t.::or-.LEarT E H HEE q€><t6.OomLIo (\l(ottO(OeNc.)rrFrrNNNNNFN&NNN lr)OFNF- -N(v)(OFNNNNN(O(oNNNNc\IN (f)r-o,lr,s Ns1r)o)F--f.-ro o o o f.-N(f, O) lr)@Lr) @(o (f) u.f.-N@N(o N(f)$oroN oo@s(o o o o o o o o o o o @ COoo,sN$ Nf.-O)@O)N ot-f--o,@ $lo(otr) $ro(r)ro N(r)oo|r) o,@O)cf) $(r)sO)(f, N@lr)ro(o (f) o)sO)6 (f)o tr)$ r--()ioroo)lr)N (v, F. (r)so o(.) O)f.-@(o N@@ N (f)(f) CON(oN o,vlr)lr)@orf Og He$EUILoo ool t:EF.oE F!, .EEE EE-E=oa&b t- 0)o)o TL t-tr) (f)(oo@ F.- NNoNN (oloo)o, (oro o,lr)N o@@o) r.r)@O)o)O)sN oFzfooo Fz o-> 2693e.eOE =blcL =o=oOIo<uJO J uJ l!oLo J z NNcr,O) o)No)No,r.- |r)lONlr)oN@(f) tr)F-N(oN(o @rr) rON oo(os(o t- N@o (f,o,t-F-NrO(r, oF-F.-O)(o O)so)co N(t) (f) rO @Nso@ IF-so)$ O)o)@c)o)@ "EE; E.=E=<6 *lul"s g5 (! tr- .E o)=mt- Nor, q)t oFzfooo Fz Jo- J FoF ,9toP6c=fE $3E 9--P -Eq ",? r,z eEgE pEE; € e€ eE; HgE; 5:FH 9 Eo O otrE ?=a =fgis* E3gEfiF # ,E , E= O.Y = E, E E fiFfs; gFHHfi EggHE gHE * H gH E E; sBiE,6 i- - (r) \t lr)(O r N (r) V r N tr)Or N r r r rN r r N (f) \f (O - - r NO! r r r r r r N N N N r r r N d) (f) r N \t !O (O r N N N N N (r) I @ @ O)E-r r r r rr r r TNNNNNN(rT(o(f)cO(f)S S $ i-!" {.<. !"(o(o@<NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN 1r,(oNloo(f)ro(o Fl.r) (f)(oo@ F*(t,6l(o(or C\l o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o t-N(oo,r o@o@o)lr)@o) (f) (f)(aN(o C\l €loo)(a +F soto (c; (a @ @t-(o@ lot-T\(oN(o (o soo) o)$ r r(9(o(9 soq @ $(f)o)t-r* oo(o$(o o@o,ooo Nt-o,(oo)N @ t- lr) sooo rt N(o@6O) o)(o(o(ot- F $r{)(f)lor soqc! \r|f)(aro - ro(oo)1or$ o)@o)(f) (f,t-NN1o soqoc\l @(oc!(o (f) o)$o)@ (f)o ro\t lr,ro(oo\l r$o@ soq N t- Ft-t-(o N lortslo o)roN o,o,(orot- soo c"j t-t-oot-$ oor- (oo)cr)o) N o)[o$ soq N ooF(ao)@ oloo6lFo, @oct)(U(L OL He$EUILmo og.'trtroo EEE PE* I Pr- -.= (! tEs so(o $ soociN t\N(f)o, solr) cci rr)t-t-(oN(o sorO l.- oo@t(o sooc;c\t soo€iN soooN o)(o(o(ot- soq N soooN o,so)@ soco soodN lr)oNt\o) otrI e.m .qclE EE8&EOoo 5 s Br--E E9 fi .E,E dt zI o- uJtro- uJoo IJJ {o ==o:q=<o-o=.)a< UJ E, zEI!rooo z $@(a rOst-(f) (f) ooooooo No(o (, x. c:,oooo Eooo oF (l) o co .go EooE E:,p E.c .9 oooo TL* oF c .9 (E'5E5CLEo6 Eq!, 96 fi*,iggs ggEEEggggEEEE,EgsgErg Ba (Y) $ lr) (O F N crr.<tr - 6l r() c, r N r r F F N F F (! (f) S (ol F -! - r r F F N N N N r r r C.,l C) (f) F N $ lo (o F N N (\l N C{ (f) ttL - - r r F F r r r N NN N N N (f)(A (f)(A (A $ S $ $ S $ rt s.<t N N N N N N N N N N C!N N N N NC\I N N N N N N N N N N C! No)No)roNrI)(o trl{)(f)(oo@ o o t-N0r)o)(o @o) cf)(e(aN(oN @l.r)o)(o$$ soq(o lr)t-t-(oN(o @r$oo, o)$ oo(o$(o o o o o o(oo)ooo- Nt-o,(o O)N arN rr) sooo (ao)(f)ttr- titto (f)ro soro c\i- $ro(aror oro(oo)r.c, s o)oo)(f) cf)FNNl() soooN o,tilo,@ r'- lc.lrlotftl-\r llos l\tLOI--l t- (oo)(9o) orOoNt-o) OLPu I(E tr>EEUJLmo p9EtroOEE tr E EEEa # B; E =9oo- soo lOc! c oo looNt-o) o 9)- E =$f, .E,E o lr,ro(oo$ o,l.()N t*(ac{(o(orN F(a @(f) soq @ $o@ t- t-t-(o o)o)(olr)N soq cr) Nt-ooF-s t- o)rr)$ soq N oor-(oo)@ soq\r soqoN t-Ncao) soU? (o |r)r-t-(oN(o solf) F- oo(o$(o soooN soo c.jN soqoN (f)o)(f)sr-F soto c.i soooGI o)$o,@ solr) Gi solr) c.i sooo itrootro G oCtoo I o zoFsolrJuo. UJoo uJ {o ==OE()=<o-o=oa< ]U E z LlJ lLoaa z o)oo)o(L r$o)o,@(o CO (o @$!t(a(o@ s(f) O)t-N $FN(o@@o) o@(oN(o (f) o (\to(") ox. c. =ooootooo Lo q) (! c.o .(I,ooLo-oE6 =p o.c .9. oo(Eo(L* o o .Eo=E6CLEo ao-o a5'=E 9'6H HprP -ELr oE EZ E.E=B SEEE € fi g,Hgi* ggEgfigsEgE ggg,rgsg grg o i".f - S lo (O r (\ (o .\f r N lr, O - c\l r r F F (\l F F c\t c., S (O F -!I r r F F r N C\ N N r r - N (f) (f) F N rif lr) (O F N N C! C\l N cr) $I; r - F F F r r r r N N N N N N (e (9 (Y) (e (A $ $ sf $ \f S \f S< N N N N N N C\I N N C! N NN N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N INVESTMENTS Report below the investments in Accounts 1401 , 1402 and 1406. ldentify each investment as to the account in which included. Minor amounts in Account 1406 may be grouped by classes. Date Acouired Book Cost of lnvestments Disposed of This vear Book Cost of lnvestments Held at End of YearDescriotion EntryPoint CoBank Patronage Redban lnvestment Syringa Networks Rafl River Patronage Lost River Patronage Syringa Electronic Equip. Syringa Fiber lndependent Cable Systems ICS Electronics ICS Cable SpecAccess Eq Non-Reg lnternet Equipment Declo Wireless DSL Elec Declo Wireless DSL Cable Non reg Fiber Non Reg Sub Circuit Equip Syringa Wireless Tower Syringa Wireless Elec Nextphone Website Redban Goodwill DSL lnventory Syringa Wireless lnventory Voip lnventory Totals Name of Companv Customers Qwest CABS USAC NECA Red-Ban ldaho USF Syringa Network Misc. Totals 796255 0 0 9452752 41176 19194 991 554 498089 1 991 0 0 43921 222642 304170 140931 720 1 897 RECEIVABLES Itemize amounts show in Accounts 1 180, 1 190 and 1200. For notes receivable list each note separately and include the maturity date and interest rate. Minor amounts in Account 1210 may be combined. Amount at End of YearNotes AccountsReceivable Receivable 12515292 462303 0 761 60 5095 902356 0 38709 100 393 Rev 3/02 Page 10 1485116 NOTES PAYABLE For Notes Payable, list each note separately and include the maturity date and interest rate Name of Creditor Date of Note lnterest Rate Totals ACCOUNTS PAYABLE Report below all Accounts Payable amounting to more than $100.00 Name of Creditor Federal Excise Tax Misc Qwest pmts to Arapahoe Tel Syringa Wireless Redban State USF Surcharge SuplmtlLife Employees Conseco/Life lns. Raft River Electric Shared Rent IRS COVID Reimbursement State Use Tax Franchise Fee - ICS Totals Due Date Face Amount Amount 1913 183132 0 0 0 0 -161 -2704 -1 1688 -12593 2663 1841 162403 1 Rev 3/02 Page 11 c\t (,g)o TL e{o (f) oE. \t(f,t- =l (f) =t 3..olEI EIE<rLIol5l thlolbl sEI*I EEl \oo\N El! tlEt itol EI .=lEI EI$t Et @ED 1> E{I N EEI=>lo cfooooc,(Joo o .9oo (,,E'= o-coEc(E q)o E =E E Joooooie5_c EgFL orP.EoO-==oo'E cDo-o-9oc>3'aernHPoSao-cf!oc'E'-oE>OrEG!ooo.E'= -Lb.sooO)uEoo->-cfo'EGOaob9E=.96OE -aEE BgL!oo5> aro:= o c)!tttr(!o NtdrDNtdtoNtdtGItd Nto tr ooo o IJJo =t UJ aozo t- $EEI* El o.g-'El e8 "EI E or9 =lool 'Eol (o o 8o o(D al B€l no., .gl ooItlgol 9ool t CAPITAL STOCK Report below the particulars called for concerning common and preferred stock at end of year, designating separate series of any general class. Show totals separately for common and preferred. For each class of preferred stock, show the dividend rate and whether dividends are cumulative or noncumulative. Show details in a footnote of capital stock sold during the year. lnclude number of shares, consideration received, premium or discount, and expenses incurred. Number of Shares Authorized 10000 Outstanding per Class & Series of Stock Common Par Value per Share 4.02 Bala Sheet Shares Amount Rev 3/02 Page 13 Item INCOME & RETAINED EARNINGS STATEMENT TotalGompany ldaho Only Total Operating lncome (from page 15) Total Operating Expenses (from page 17) 7100 Other Operating lncome and Expense 7210 Operating lnvestment Tax Credits-Net 7220 Operating Federal lncome Taxes 7230 Operating State and Local lncome Taxes 7240 Operating Other Taxes 7250 Provision for Deferred Operating lncome Taxes-Net 7200 Operating Taxes (Total) 1 081 1 807 7929512 0 37858 236503 0 274361 00 1 0801 531 7873905 0 0 236503 0 236503 Dividend lncome lnterest lncome lncome from Sinking and Other Funds Allowance for Funds Used During Construction Gains/Losses from the Disposition of Certain Property Other Nonoperating lncome SpecialCharges Nonoperating lncome and Expense 7410 Nonoperating lnvestment Tax Credits-Net 7420 Nonoperating Federal lncome Taxes 7430 Nonoperating State and Local lncome Taxes 7440 Nonoperating Other Taxes 7450 Provision for Deferred Nonoperating lncome Taxes-Net 7400 Nonoperating Taxes 7510 lnterest on Funded Debt 7520 lnterest Expense-Capital Leases 7530 Amortization of Debt lssuance Expense 7540 Other lnterest Deductions 7500 lnterest and Related ltems 7610 Extraordinary lncome Credits 7620 Extraordinary lncome Charges 7630 Current lncome Tax Effect of Extraordinary ltems-Net 7640 Provision for Deferred lncome Tax Effect of Extraordinary ltems-Net 7600 Extraordinary ltems 7910 lncome Effect of Jurisdictional Ratemaking Differences-Net 7990 Nonregulated Net lncome 731 0 7320 7330 7340 7350 7360 7370 7300 347592 347592 0 0 37572 0 0 37572 385164 385164 183734 0 183734 0 0 183734 0 183734 3004922 5814286 3004922 5897475 Rev 3/02 AMOUNT TRANSFERRED TO RETAINED EARNINGS Page 14 Item OPERATING REVENUES TotalCompany ldaho Only 5001 5002 5003 5004 501 0 5040 5050 5060 5069 51 00 5230 5240 5250 5261 5262 5263 5264 5269 5270 5301 5302 Local Network Services Revenues Basic Area Revenue Optional Extended Area Revenue Cellular Mobile Revenue Other Mobile Services Revenue Public Telephone Revenue Local Private Line Revenue Customer Premises Revenue Other Local Exchange Revenue Other Local Exchange Settlements Network Access Services Revenues End User Revenue (SLC) Switched Access Revenue (lnterstate) SpecialAccess Revenue State Access Revenue (lntrastate) Long Distance Network Services Revenues Long Distance Message Revenue - All Miscellaneous Revenues Directory Revenue Rent Revenue Corporate Operations Revenue Special Billing Arrangements Revenue Customer Operations Revenue Plant Operations Revenue Other lncidental Regulated Revenue Other Reven ue Settlements Carrier Billing & Collection Revenue Uncollectible Reven ues Uncollectible Revenue - Telecommunications Uncollectible Revenue - Other TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES Please identify the following revenues: NECA USF $_1,511,672-. State USF $ 464502.00 $ 674,098.00 $ 84,960.00 325,312.00 6,712,212.00 2,304,733.00 571,751.00 $ 17,325.00 $329.00 $ $ 123,272.00 $ (2,185.00) $ 10,81 1 ,807.00 To what account were they booked? 5082.12 To what account were they booked? 5084.50 668567 84960 5081 5082 5083 5084 $ $ $ $ 323640 67091 39 2304733 571751 17325 329 0 123272 -2185 1 0801 531 Rev 3/02 Page 15 OPERATING REVENUES Item TotalCompany ldaho Only Plant Specific Operations Expense 6110 Network Support Expenses 6112 Motor Vehicle Expense 61 13 Aircraft Expense 6114 Special Purpose Vehicles Expense 6115 Garage Work Equipment Expense 6116 Other Work Equipment Expense 6120 General Support Expenses 6121 Land and Building Expenses 6122 Furniture and Artworks Expense 6123 Office Equipment Expense 6124 General Purpose Computers Expense 6210 Central Office Switching Expenses 621'1 Analog Electronic Expense 6212 Digital Electronic Expense 621 5 Electro-Mechanical Expense 6220 Operators System Expense 6230 Central Office Transmission Expenses 6231 Radio Systems Expense 6232 Circuit Equipment Expense 631 0 Information Origination/Termination Expense 6311 Station Apparatus Expense 6341 Large Private Branch Exchange Expense 6351 Public Telephone Terminal Equipment Expense 6362 Other Terminal Equipment Expense 6410 Cable and Wire Facilities Expenses 6411 Pole Expense 6421 Aerial Cable Expense 6422 Underground Cable Expense 6423 Buried Cable Expense 6424 Submarine Cable Expense 6425 Deep Sea Cable Expense 6426 lntrabuilding Network Cable Expense 6431 Aerial Wire Expense 6441 Conduit Systems Expense 44288 0 0 0 43861 0 0 0 221353 0 45356 273245 67656 0 0 219217 0 44918 270608 67003 00 92851 8 123200 199527 0 0 0 0 0 165 8543 1263 0 1 33561 I 91 9558 122011 197602 0 0 0.00 0 163 8461 1251 0 1322730 Rev 3/02 TOTAL PLANT SPECIFIC OPERATIONS EXPENSE Page 16 3248733 3217383 OPERATING REVENUES Item Plant Nonspecific Operations Expense 651 0 Other Property/PlanUEquipment Expenses 6511 Property Held for Future Telecomm. Use Expenses 6512 Provisioning Expense 6530 Network Operations Expense 6531 Power Expense 6532 Network Administration Expense 6533 Testing Expense 6534 Plant Operations Administration Expense 6535 Engineering Expense 6540 Access Expense 6560 Depreciation and Amortization Expenses 6561 Depreciation Expense-Telecom. Plant in Service 6562 Depreciation Expense-Property Held for Future Use 6563 Amortization Expense - Tangible 6564 Amortization Expense - lntangible 6565 Amortization Expense - Other Total Plant Nonspecific Operations Expenses Customer Operations Expense 6610 Marketing 661 1 Product Management 6612 Sales 661 3 Product Advertising 6620 Services 6621 Call Completion Services 6622 Number Services 6623 Customer Services Total Customer Operations Expense 671 0 6711 6712 6720 6721 6722 6723 6724 6725 6726 6727 6728 6790 Corporate Operations Expense Executive and Planning Executive Planning General and Administrative Accounting and Finance External Relations Human Resources lnformation Management Legal Procurement Research and Development Other General and Administrative Provision for Uncollectible Notes Receivable Total Corporate Operations Expense TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 111858 1613 110779 1613 TotalCompany 3248733 0 0 507 0 1 461 90 76981 daho Only 3217383 0 0 502 0 144779 76238 86763 317126 0 2166238 85926 314066 0 2166238 2793805 2787749 0 0 0 0 0 646192 759663 411294 639949 752341 407325 338836 1 86323 177310 1 3548 0 0 335566 184525 1 75599 13417 0 0 00 1127311 7929512 1116432 7873905 Rev 3/02 Page 17 @ c)o)(E(L Irir (f) I Eo .9.coz Lo EoE.e -ofo-cozc'= aL..oOCE"K'e9.qd Ji9o;ix_6OEoz (\lo(o oE. INo)@ e' I:lo6$,el P.9op-oa.9$'Eoo -a6€ -c. o EOU'- oatrtro EDOsc-a o EOEobE 5E =g5Eozt- rl lo' ,tOqb..oEt,eEtr! otE---trtsEooouorocECur.o .oo' ' =(U(Elii56 _gfrH3REs, 6.c - rop c* EdE4 ,^(f)@No)Eph-ss2o@6 (r)@No,>, l- -.sf $ttoroo(L I orOl:@O)=5<Dcorr)o.lYtrNr-o(1)F:E =oth(l,-'t Ol-@O)\(f,(f)1r)O€'N r Forr(L I .a> fo>(L ,-b = gF>J+ xAwE<E2 .a> f(U>(L '.>=Pk=J"i (,c:ogo926'd =tr oO(,FC OJ!r -9o-'ar6 E, (Eo bBe:iuo): x 0) =.EEIc-ooFEEemzou .> CLo.GrvlrEl+o,r-c I =o I II { x'g'E e ..r 9OLartrs190(I)tJ@Tt .l'looc =aoF Loo Eoo ",l Ir0)c =Eo o Eoq Eoo _l ,loc =ocoEo-ooF .oEl(L I IE 3'E H 9,d fI I(L ale r =l Acr HIE g Ol (, oOl= E{lO = _l Il-clo 6=.oa Lg 'QEg .lE 'to'e< |-v Q Q ..1 EEECoruruO ao(! .9E' .Eoo <'EFO<-so5lU(,()oi;otrEo-iJ(os5FN Z-IIJ .Y)obtt Eo(Joo oo.E ooooo o o o o ogo .Eo '6oso oooo ..tooo-.s5(t u.lpo Eoc mldol u,ol o<lo e lrox, I-Y -l t7, EgEoo< o 0) =il)o- F o= =aoo o Eco)O F-(ot-(o(ot- @@lr,tlr,|r) F-Nr.c)- Nc{@sC\Ici co-c@-o)5 <o_ FPgto L! rf,33ooc(f)o@Eo,6xo.. -Acoo-'=x <E.. (Lo(, o Ecoo o o Eoz o) og)oo- Pe $ AattlLIol'ElLIolol_tEI Rstolgb, =l OrH F@ Uolslql o$Ltyr6l gAEI EB\Jl o t.tolc (trlol_t.ol (oFr .gBo@ ENc Be>.=ot ( J :lGI(Jl_t(UlololJlba' -ooEO =oz:- oNoztrfoou IIJ =o U'fo oo IJJ IJJ o- =ooo olrot UJm =fz (f)Nr +EE $E ? 9E E<b5 oo) (!-cox]u 6ooJ or No (f, ot€t-(o(oC\o,€t-(orf)(a(\ ANNUAL REPORT FOR SMALL TELEPHONE COMPANIES YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31,2014 CUSTOMER RELATIONS RULES COMPLIANCE Rule IDAPA 31.21.01,603 Rule IDAPA Please provide copies of: Summarv of Customer Relations Rules for Teleohone Corporations ldaho Teleohone Solicitation Act Notification Method of Notification: Mailed separately to customers lncluded in directory Date of notification 311012021 Yes_ No_X_ Yes_X_ No_ Alternate method of notification : Bill insert to customers Rule IDAPA 31,41.01.403.02 Record of Complaints: Number received by Company Category of complaints (if known): Deposit Disputes Charges on Bill Denial/Termination Quality or Availability of Service Carrier Selection/Assignment Miscellaneous 0 Rev 3/02 Page 20 CERT!FICATE State of ldaho County of Cassia l, the undersigned Richard Redman, of Albion Telephone Company, lnc. located at225 W. North Street, Albion, lD 83311, on our oath do severally say that the foregoing return has been prepared under our direction, from the original books, papers, and records of said utility; that we have carefully examined same, and declare the same to be a correct statement of the business affairs of said utility for the period covered by the return in respect to each and every matter and thing therein set forth, to the best of our knowledge, information and belief. SS z% (Chief Officer) (Officer in Charge of Accounts) Subscribed and Sworn to Before Me this =day of fYnreh , (Year) J0-EL Notary Public My Commission expires f (Year)JD\ Rev 3/02 gdUexceUjnelson/anulrpts/telannualrpt ="-"'l[f# l!;r,,i it"_,1'rti '-='- i. Atre r-rc - ; -: %;','i- Page21 @ o oo6o- GoF ooo @ Noo-6o o o.o @ot NN- Ncq E oN oo@ @ o-i N oqts @Nc?oo @ts@_ F om,oo F@ N@t E@N o Eo Eo ooE6 =oo= otrEo sooo dooJ o o o olo 6 o @-n @ t NFL @ ilEnp o@o- N ts 90 NOFF N.'l @ N oo0qN@N N tt- ts o- oF\NI ots 6@o6 N e.ortot 0ot E o ul oN o N@ N@ N6\6 No6Eo o N qo@o o@{tD D ots oI oJLJJoF Gooqo ooI tso U'a cooo @o @-i( @Noq @ o@@-N @Fc!N o u? N I@{ N NI q o nF B .aoh = Eo o'to q ooo oNria @F oN oEa-DIo @ t:Na oool @oN o@ooi oo!q @o Noq N E D.ooE tsa6 N ts @ N o6N Dqo n E.EI ots G oF o@o- N N o- @oo. @ N.N .i nnnln@ D NNq @o @q @@c,l @ @6i@N N ol NaoN @Eo e- No_ @N oo@,Noo ts o. @o$. tsou1ooN Eqo?q tsts @" oao oNodJ o! ooooiio!Eut Go oGF oL o eoooo6 o o)0.J)ots oIoda oo NN N N oIoi 6 Noqoq ts o6 ooq N N@ Noo n NN do o!toFo Noa- ts oa@.6@ c o Nn IattDts o B.!n = !o o.ti!o oo0 ooo $N N{6doq NNo- o s oqN o o@N o o-o. N ryoo E+@ N ao ri@s- s6o;N ooqoN o oFN. ts o 0o ooo Ne ooo oEGg 6 oF oco goao oF oo! o o;tdoooo o o-o @ o@o.* N .iol.F 6ts@ N @Nc! N @ @.6 @h NN oo oo-o oIFo o o.!o@q N s@oo_@ i oDol6 oof: N@q ts o ts o- F o N.N N o6. NN o o- o @cq F € o-oo N o( N o J oz N 6 o N @ o o N o @ ts @ o oN N NN oN N oN @N N @N oN e coe Eooo oEe.9oFc .9I riri =z z o. =oo ooz oz N N o o6 oo Gs oo oo tru.lFo =F:fA = =doLINo E 6 g:o0o oor cIq ooo6 tr ==36 ! -g .! E 6J xxo oo Ea fi co Eo oo @ tiJ !oE =a o G o F xx oc)oo I o Eo oo c.9oo odo =@ =xxN cot d.l! =oEo o,Eo oE d o oo Eoo .uIq E ooa oooo oooan cNExx @xx c Eo.N o .6co o,o Eooo x@6 co Eooo .9'6oq oz 6 xxo tro goao oF6 Jo xx@ co Eo o Eaeoo xxF o o..x IEFOe6E9 ^-s xaF ag EoJooa o ol-oEo ;o oo oz o6N EEo 6F oE o E oz o N o GF !- ots oz joVoE oo oocl @ aJ xo @ oNoooo- N oiNq N Foootso @6 FNo- oo .,iFN o-o @@.iN o o-etso o@ $+- @NN.N@ ooN.o N N@- io- N rto oN@.N€ ooo" @ N E EB( o@-o o.o oNq @ o@@ci Eooo @3 FJ o@ol o N..i€o;ts@6 o o.FNryo @ a? oqF ooAlnai! o @ts o o-Nts6{ oNo @ ts o Fts o € o1 € o n-ooo_ N @oN.o .lo a@ No o@60No.o oots 6! N st ooqo N 6n o o a o6 {N oo!to ts o.o @o.!oIn + oeoN o6oq N o o F. o ooo@N NND.Nt oFoo N@ otse fl o oq m oo ao\D E od ooF N0 tso @ E!t0-oo oo ooN Fo{-a +\ioi No*-Noo.o o6 oo6d oontso ooqts6 F0o o ts to@.oNo. Noo. tsat ts@\@t IoN{6 oo o- o @,oo@. Eoo. @ i€ici 9- Fo cfoD-@ o o-o6o- No oN\oN oNo.oo.1 Fa N Food NoqoN6 sE o ots aF tso N aodo 6-l--oo-oN6 NiNI@-l N oN\o o @. @o@. o. @N N o,o o.F No@.0 Ntso oqo aNN oc ooI ooN.Nts sN F0o?oo.,1 @ tooo D" @ @ @ o6qn @o+ @oN F o@oo o-aEq o{rt N t oqoo(_ E o- @N 6-oots oNN.o N 6 fotsts o d.{tsats NNFo F oo +oo ot o;n0 os.qts6 Eo-oN i@ o@o @0q 6 qo6 oo1 o 0NNN € odo@s tsao.s oco- NIod Ftso6 ts NN.N ..1ao o o{\N o o.Noo-6 o@q @@@ IF. @ @ a? F 0 oo 6 o oqo tsr: @I Iryo N o@ @l@ ttoONrjo o n oF dI eoEDo{ NF{- @N{. @ @ o-ot o@o,No ooo.o @_N ooo.i q o. oN No6 @ @ t N- 6too N o a @ N @ o o N 0 o @ F o N o 0 o N @ o oN N NN oN N @NoN rN oN oN oo o '6 e !6 daoogoo Eoo o oJ oo i Eoct!o65E5o x@o* .9-og aEco o oo oNN o?- !af EoFotroJ oEooo o Gc0o @t oEo I JdFllJo [lo t UJo =Fz 5I Eo att oo oe F o io oc o'ta Eo!coF NF o o l ,E eF <o UJ N +F o t !oo ocf ( I L giE eFooEoe oE a?tF o !oo o eFx N F uJoo o o luoo G o IJJo-o9.9o oot F o a oEc F9 doF o uGIo 3{oaGL) xx oca oo oo,o6t.: F o o f Eoo teF Eo uJ N F o o l Eoo ceFx; F O caFoo Eot .9r+F o L =.E(J 6oF LBedo oEo o o oEo xx@ o o3 6=ooo g€o o o o o EoF oo.E oo ,5 EG Eo(,goF r!-oF otsoo ooo l o o Yoo f '6 c EIx ry o UJ: EoF d oEB G Eo E xx o o oooo- FN o NN-Na s otso-o * N. @@N.F oD. !, oNao { {N @6 6 ooF. oo ootsdN @@o- N @@ N N@@-oF o@. @ @@ dNo oN o6 o @ @NN o o@ooFF. N Doo-0NN o, o0E 6 @-Io tsNo @@o- @tsN €o@e F @.tsts qtsts o .9 tst No- @o ts@o-o@o o n tso60 eoN€ o o- @{ 0oo-€IN No- N oort s- dd @- NoN tso. Ntso N $J tso @ I @ @-o @ts0 N ooooe o ooo oo6oN tsoN Ion o@o-o o6 qoe.iN o@@ o@@ N @ @tsa-o €ts@ @F6 @ o 6d ooo- o ooo N o€ oo6 o@_ N{ N n-ts nao-o oo-o@ @ Fa oo€ ,q ! ls ol' i I aNo-o o€- N@ o@o- @6 t-oa\ ts o @- oaoN\0 @@F.o N NtN.o @oN. o @otN@ts No 6o. oo\NoN @N@.oo o N ooFo oNo_a6@ ctso6tso o @.n o@\ tsN.o Eooo@r.lo +_0o oo.qF Nnodoo oos-oo ooqois. ts oo Dq,o @oc'Fo oo.o{ Foo.oF@ No @ o- 3{ts ot o @c-€ o. Q@" o. o{oo so- N o" otsN.ooN 6;@ o No ts cdo-oo ot c 6o @N sct ! I o o@N ooF.No@_N F do Nooo N@, tso@- @ oo o F o N.oo ooo-NF o@. no- o @N. oaFo- @o sNo oN€.oo tD,- D 66ltso @No- @@ N @-oN N o @ts @ o o N N o ts@ o o c N o o @ ts @ o oN N NN Go @ 6o oa tro rE Eo E 06 tro .eoooo6 Goo o aIoqo6 Eo G:E Io o 'ooutooe (t) Eoao(9 x o Eo =ooo E oo xN Eo o ogooo xN o tr EFooEo Eco xN e IJJ cEo o o Eoc xo co5G'6o door!ool= E =oo d oF I o2ooI E =.. .9o6o x =6oo o G.!toE !o a: Io o ooJ o Eo o EoEo po .EE EoIoJ oN o3qco oon o E E co I6o o @ co o!totr Eog aEfoo E oF J 3!3 IJ'hzltIxIJI =(I,lJtc o oeGoooo oooo trG Gxx 6xx o GuioooJo6 ocoooNo oc .9too E 6 co x N Eo tJ) o Eoeo oNN o E o o Ec coo x N o ouJ Eo o co @stroc xx o oooo Eo 1( oF o 'o GL E i=.6 o !oo xx o o oeo .9 ooe6 oz oA xx qc,E o'to 0- N 6 co 6oeoto Eoz xo :,)IJJo p GI oo o E .9'6oa oz s€G ooF o Nto .6 o oooooo x@6 o NI oq o Eg o o6 oc,E o'toIEo 6!coo @6 EI o 6ooo E ,6 .9E EFo Eo Ecoo @ ,g =q UJ; Eo 0 o o o oc @ o oaIo =c6 -9Doo @ o aoJ N'a ao o@ coEooo .Epoto 6oJ @o oEso (6 oE L E- co '6 d o@6 o o t 6c.9 Gooeoo o: F @ o ooetr ots_ N@o @ 3o-oo ts ci@ @ @ @@o-o o@\od No@_ @ 6qts @ FJ6 ooolo N o D.pc ts@o@tsN oD,o o o?oo Eoo- ts oq i No( N0N" o tsq o ooo-Eo N itso tsqo 6ts o oNo Foo,oo 6NN oNN N oo. o 6{o-F t@ i No6 N o- Its@.oN coo-ts o o e@o!o @F.$6d Noe, @ oo(-oE oq Nt @ 6ts oN( Qovioc 5a6.F Ni-qo NN0.F N @N @ 6 @@ol ooF-NN.o N o-o o ts_to d o 6 @ N €tso-N I tNqoF@ @ts@ o oo0. ooo- N 6l @@ o-{@N E6 t ts oo- 6@-N+- N6 o- ts ts riN oto @ao! 6@ts-Nnlo ooq @ o ts{ N(noo Nooa ots@ @onE so q@o ooq N@ @@o_o N ooo- @ @oN. @6 NoN. NN01r @N6at Fo o @@, o ts ooo- +0 ool o o @- @@ aoFtsq0- N 4tscF N o @ ts @ o o q o @ F @ o oN N .iN oN N aN oN FN @N oN o o o N oo o0 uoIc coc IJJozulIx UJ(,zF f,ulo.o og .9goco oEoo:o xx@ 0 otN = x @ o'- oU) 6dooo xN@ d o 3o .9o tr eooo 6 xN@ poE -g oc oftrao c6 xN@ g r o 0- e Eo xN@ o l9 UJ eo oEoo.E oa oN@ o f,Ec IJJ* 06 oEoo- oNo o lEt!* Ioso =co o txC) doL oEooo Eoa oNo Ex *.9o -gEod go oo- No tx C)Iaog o Ei5 N@ co o :E E! '6o oN@ aeo- o tr oF ooo jot N@ .iI0- @ o o oJ d o jot N@ Eo oa in oto o o jotr N@ o .E 6o)o oo jox oN@ o 06 .0trxoIoo ioE oN@ otljJo o6& oc. d) @ oo Eoo oEo f(-) c o oN@ o eao o Eo o EoF o oooo Eoeoo xxts .Eccao- .6o: o ul x ts o 6 .cc EE .a Eoco(9 xNts o codu co Eo ooo L! oNts t ,9 Goaoo d oo oo GoF tio oo UJog Gooo o o I o'toL oo saoIJJ p ELoo Eoo G o .E l I oo o ,6 oooc ooo o: o o 6oF ooo oCIxulE'E Eooo 6oF @ o @oooL oF@. F ots@tF o_N oN"0o 6au'l 6c? oor,En oNorin @ o @Fq tsr dts EEt- E ots\Et ots\tst @tso- tsNo o Do Noe? @q Nn oc s Ni F ooo c e. oNE oo J o6t @No-oo oo@ ooolo@ 3 oq 0 oo N{6 io oo *@q Ioo tsIo o6@. opo-o F0q tsoq o{o N o@ts oo9@oN oo doN oots NoDnts oNodo o odo oN.(N oory tsqo @o! q ooo. @o oq @Nu1 D!o ot @ 8. tr No.or,! oF.oo n\o ts oo ts oo F@ 6 o6o-6@ Ntsa N No { o.N6 oo @oN oQqE@N ooF-Do 6q @N ooNd $6ot Nq€ato 0NN.c o Fo t4 d{tso oortN o@o"a ND ntso 6 EE p o $-o6 oory o!,N. o o 6N; @oo- t oo-N o t @- o"N o N{No c iN6 N o o @ F @ o o N o rd @ N @ 6 F @ J F UJo at, lrJx Foztr t IIJoo qoxoF 6- oEo(, ot Eoo eo- o NF eoooV oo o N ooIolc otN ooIo Eoco I o N oco o N o GF Eoco(9 d oF !og,goo o dtsoEoIc xxN FL oaF6I .Eo6o Eoos oz oEoEogo.IL oJ ?tsooc 6o Dfo + tioot! o o.0Fo oE o +ooo E o oodxdtsFo s6 @NN o co f?Io Nts + EooE! o 6 Eu o o lo +N orotsol6TN o6E]Nglo OiL6'LxI FEtro ot o .Eso o-o Nts co Gc .E tlJ oEa@ N @ "[ oc o IFr o N @ o @o Go- !toqtsDq tsn 1o o6o oc?o ooo a o o o !,@q tsbq tso o o t@@-FoQ-N @o"6 @ F. @t- oEts @ tsN@{. @ o oo o G oeo e@rytsoo.o oNo o @@nFco.oN @@6l Fo dN oo o GoG c o6o6 c o o- ooo tso6 n 6 aN6 DNo o 6 o o" on @ oo oq @ tsort o@ @ @ltolo u?o tD@" o t:6o o o6 N fl o N.Eo@ ooa a @o@ N o oo aooo- o o6 : otsD.ts o.oN oNo o o oNo D o o@o ac 6!t i o.aN o@o € @F:!t ctN n-IoortN ou?aiqoo 6D@o @o@-otso o @6o @ N @o@.otso ooo @@. tsts o o o @ 6 a_oN. o oE o oF EE"9-EOo!otOo |:t6 oo coooo ooooo Ioooo eoooo ooooa ooooq tst6 c,o aoooo ts 6aoo Enooo" o s- o oo oI o6o- 0o- N@ @ o Nio- @@qN oono {a o o€q €o\ - I oo (o otsl- @onl oElf N o F o o o N m o @ N @ o oN N NN N iN oN oN tsN @N oN oo E.9!a liri =z oo2 o N N oN ^lNIe9l -@N ooN !od N klltFo =FDo. = =toIoNo g.oo EIEo0- Eo 6 GCIoa toI loE o l o o-= =lJo o 6uf)a a! o- troo oco ooEooo rooo so I0-oo-- q Eoo o 5() =UJoao o'6I @oo =IJJo !o=.9o; l @66 oJc =oEo o UJ o6o F (-) goEo o oI =IJJoo'6oeEoocoEo fo o l ,6 J FooEoco U oo =o Ytr =oo Eou ox fo = o o EIul o oooU) =Po c6o o Eooo fo o ,-gg'=o Eo oF tro =co 6eo oox ooFo Yo, 5co o o o x 0,ooE C0. oco o: oo€ o o ot!o=in ett lelolt': a) oooooJ !.g6oeo l omtro .9 qc oto = o f u,Lo o -9Eo.. co E oo- txoL eo .96o !6 o E o e€coo oEooo.E o o :)E UJ E0- oPooo Eoo txo e& o?ooo Eoo oo€too B!r; E 6 o :)EcU .E,osq c0 txo .aosqc c) oo6 o =oFogio cto <ir ooo o =ooJo UJ ooo o =Io oLoqoo u i.) F ooo a-ooqo .6 thJ0- o oI I o o U o Eoo o Gooo oo oEcIU ol o o l =o