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HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014Annual Report.pdf*,#,s p 208-673-5335 I t 208-673-6200 I e I a 225 W. North St. Albion, lD 83311 April 13,2015 ldaho Public Utilities Commission Attn: TerriCarlock PO Box 83720 Boise,lD 83720-0074 C--.{e-{c) | | t- blVt:, o__. i6: :F:- tnt. :;', t\t =crr 3D1' (xl > qP (JI\o Dear Ms. Carlock: Enclosed please find the Annual Report of Small Telephone Companies for Albion Telephone Company, lnc. lf you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to call me at 673-5335. Sincerely, ,myy" Controller ANNUAL REPORT OF SMALL TELEPHONE COMPANIES TO THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION FOR THE YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31,2009 COMPANY INFORMATION Exact name of utility: Albion Telephone Company, lnc. Address of principal office: 225 [est No4h Streq!.!.Q. Box 98 {D!g!,]q llQl1 Telephone Number (Area Code_208_!Z!l!!! Cities or towns served: Albion, Almo, Elba, Holbrook, Malta, Raft River, Malad, Mackav, Moore. Arco. Howe: ldaho: Yost: Utah Name and title of officer having custody of the general corporate books of account: Darla Redman, President Address of office where corporate books are kept and phone number: 225 West North Street. P.O. Box 98 Albion, lD 83311 Organized under the laws of the State of: ldaho Date of organization:1929 - lncorporated September 11, 1953 Form of organization (proprietorship, association, corporation): Corporation lf a Subchapter S Corporation, please specify: We are a Subchapter S Corporation Name and address of controlling company, if any: Names of affiliated companies. Give address and description of business: OFFICERS Report below the title, name and office address of each general officer of the utility at the end of the year. lf there were any changes during the year, show the name, title, and address of the previous officer and the date of change. Title Name Address President Darla Redman P.O.Box22 Albion, lD 83311 Vice-President Richard L. Redman P.O. Box 14 Albion, lD 83311 Secretary Richard L. Redman P.O. Box 14 Albion, lD 83311 Treasurer Barry Redman 266 S. 950 E. Declo, lD 83323 Rev 3/02 Page 1 DIRECTORS List the name of each person who was a member of the Board of Directors at any given time during the year: (Fees related to meetings only.) Term Expired or Current Term Will Expire Meetings Attended This year Fees Paid During YearName and Address Richard L. Redman NA Darla Redman Barry Redman Jennifer Bradshaw Nicole Allphin Kyle Redman Name of Chairman of the Board: Darla Redman Name of Secretary (or Clerk) of Board:Richard Redman Number of Meetings of the Board during the year: MANAGERS List the name of each person who performed management duties for the Company during the year, and the totalwages and bonuses paid to those persons: (Do not include Director fees in these amounts.) 3600 3600 NA 3600 NA NA 3600 NA 3600 Name Darla Redman Richard L. Redman Rev 3/02 Title President Wages and Bonuses Paid Confidential Vice-PresidenUGeneral Manaqer Confidential Page 2 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Please provide important information such as changes in accounting or depreciation practices, extensions or additions to the system; disposal of any substantial portion of the property of the utility; reorganization, mergers, or consolidations with other companies; leases executed; other contracts or agreements entered into; changes made in articles of incorporation or amendments; the occurrence of contingency losses or gains. Rev 3/02 Page 3 BALANCE SHEET Assets and Other Debits I Ete ot Account Gurrent Assets t alance Eegrnnrng oI Year 3033746 tsalance at Endot Year 2826285 lncrease or(uecrease, -2074611120 1 130 1140 1 150 1 160 1 180 1 181 1 190 1 191 1200 1201 1210 1220 1280 1290 1300 1310 1320 1330 1350 1401 1402 1406 1407 1408 1410 1438 1439 1 500 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 31 00 3200 3300 3400 3410 3420 3500 3600 Cash and Equivalents Cash SpecialCash Deposits Working Cash Advances Temporary lnvestments Telecommunications Accts. Receivable Accts. Rec. Allow. -Telecommunications Other Accounts Receivable Accounts Receivable Allow. - Other Notes Receivable Notes Receivable Allowance lnterest & Dividends Receivable Materialand Supplies Prepayments Prepaid Rents Prepaid Taxes Prepaid lnsurance Prepaid Directory Expenses Other Prepayments Other Current Assets Noncurrent Assets lnvestment in Affiliated Companies lnvestment in Nonatfiliated Companies Nonregulated I nvestments Unamortized Debt lssuance Expense Sinking Funds Other Noncurrent Assets Deferred Maintenance & Retirements Deferred Charges Other Jurisdiction Assets - Net Propefi, Plant and Equipment Telecommunications Plants in Service Prop. Held for Future Telecom. Use Telecom. Plant under Constr. - Short Term Telecom. Plant under Constr. - Long Term Telecom. Plant Adjustment Nonoperating Plant Goodwill Depreciation and Amortization Accounts Accumulated Depreciated Accum. Depre. - Held for Future Use Accumulated Depreciation - Nonoperating Accumulated Amortization - Tangible Accum. Amort. - Capitalized Leases Accum. Amort. - Leasehold lmprovements Accumulated Amortization - I ntangible Accumulated Amortization - Other TOTAL ASSETS ------'76Ta1r --'8106 -TT6 -28WT .s4TT6 -5258 -596d -ez44a -drdz-1it11'4 ---7t5T05 -1it85E5 -Tt677T .--.-...-6537 -nT7A -794W 0 -{685555 --s83'gar -TnT{-T53642 .-52755 ----:f77T49 -------6'5m'95 -d7a2T -T1sT38481 909 40875921 2394012 -BMO -f66gT ---31457 -TZ445T -gz445t -[ -30261643 -30440074 -178431 ...--752445t -gz445t ---- 19508717 21618032 21 0931 5 Page 4 BALANCE SHEET Liabilities & Stockholders' Equity Title of Account Current Liabilities 4010 Accounts Payable 4020 Notes Payable 4030 Advance Billings and Payments 4040 Customer Deposits 4050 Current Maturities - Long -Term Debt 4060 Current Maturities - Capital leases 4070 lncome Taxes - Accrued 4080 Other Taxes - Accrued 4100 Net Current Defer. Oper. lncome Taxes 4110 Net Current Defer. Nonoper. lncome Taxes 4120 Other Accrued Liabilities 4130 Other Current Liabilities Long-Term Debt Funded Debt Premium on Long-Term Debt Discount on Long-Term Debt Reacquired Debt Obligations Under Capital Leases Advances from Affiliated Companies Other Long-Term Debt Other Liabilities & Deferred Gredits Other Long-Term Liabilities Unamort. Oper. lnvest. Tax Credits - Net Unamort. Nonoper. lnvest. Tax Credits - Net Net Noncurrent Defer. Oper. lncome Taxes Net Noncur. Defer. Nonoper. lncome Taxes Other Deferred Credits Other Juris. Liab, & Def. Credits - Net Stockholders' Equity CapitalStock Additional Paid-tn Capital Treasury Stock Other Capital Retained Earnings TOTAL LIAB. & OTHER CREDITS Rev 3/02 31 1600 3740 634652 -6'' -31 o Balance Beginning of Year 264835 348184 5880 e/l8219 -' 537356' 41 05586 Balance at End of Year 801 856 !ncrease or (Decrease) 537021 -36584 -2140 -'13567 0 31 -193067 4210 4220 4230 4240 4250 4260 4270 4310 4320 4330 4340 4350 4360 4370 4510 4520 4530 4540 4550 4471237 365651 o 0 -6,. o' o 103648 -5m' -3778 --=--' 1345488'14910586 '1455748 '19508717 21618032 21 0931 5 4020040200 Page 5 No) 'ot-@o$ Nt-o)(f, I l-l-l :l; *l* @lOF-oF ooF-t*o)(\lo, o1{?(t)o)tGI "l*l$(f,tNo,(', o,rto,o loNt@o) NNNtlOo) trtro)Y @@(\l(\l@rO trO(o @@ stoo)I N HeE E E,b ,t, 2fi:EF"gFt, (f)o, @ oNo)Nt*N (Y) rON(f)ro @o(ot I (o C\l6t @ @(') $ !t <olc, Il-lsflrJ)IG'I<')l (oIoI E)I(Elo- rOO)(o(o r.c)rtN @(or.-ul*1, oloEE tsI$o>lF5,E' IE.: IE: I I o)N(f,(oN-. t tE E6g'Eoa&b !.rJo u!!oz zIG.oU'Ota! =otrEC, cL =E=9Eioh5tr IIJ IIoI(r, J z rro) @$o(Y) z =oC'o zIo- Fo eo)Eo)E,iEEEBUp E EEfi"E, 5 s-g E o, =(U'tr(, (f)$6l o(o (')s F-C\l(')o) -gl!(! C)oL.E (5 Elt JU) "llEl$lFlH (E;.= o)EEg'= o,'E,fl EEr oEE gEfi PFE g 99€ PEE€ Ef E o o c =(Lo(L<]tr) oro(f,o,sN l];.=9 =HgH'Efitfib.=E(Loo'6 p, E5 F5(f)(oNN (oF-(o(')(o @@ ? EEEePE,*E + Ev) u, =o-E afi Ie.eE.EorEo=cL (u .= 19otoa O-N-Nd)C)FNNN(f)NNNC..I gl$lgl'lEl I.ll-ll-l=l E .= .E',EE-g 5 E EEEzts or .9 o.9R O C'= CEgEE* s Et f;-fi i=oiio(u-=EoF=.=o =E O E.g,olrOO<otu (\l(O$-NlONNNFFTFF-NNNNNNNNN ol@l(ol(ollC'IctI-l (f)NN $ro " glslt E E !; EIEI$ S'Fb.E I Io E ll# ll otro I .Etr EEg g* PeEEES:t .2oi'= s p -FF-<NNN No(o ot$cot(oNN N(Y)ttNN6I$\trtNNN NO60,(o (oNN EoO t=o =oz o,.= ==og E (oNsc! FNFFlO(O-N(o(f)$tNNNN o-oep9E-ctroo>'5 4B,f+t_l: ur = o+4dE5,a e5 P!-VrL.-8 E 9P,-E E t .rttO(Or FFFNNNNN loN o)$ (oo)t-(oNoos t-r-o)(f) I o)o)r*(ojs (oot-sr{)@(9 (oot-N(f)!t@(a o(or(f,it NN(f)o, @@(f,(o(,@(f)N (r)o) @ (r)t*lo(ot- !t o,NO)c1, @loNo t-(ol.-(f)o,t-N s(f)$No)(o o)I@ roN$@o, c\NF$roo,r @@NN@ro lolo(r)(o@ $loor= He$E,T onE $eEF,!gFtr rEE-g'E u)L& b @o(ov I (o FNN @ @(f) sv r@(ot- N(o (o F*(r) N NsN o)N(f)(oN t-o(,) (E TL AP? ,E $ E E;iE E.=g- EFoo eg lo(o sr.P t P EE9E'Elrot- ozfoo(, z Jo-ozI 9z:) ==oo IJJ UI lloo aDI z oo Loo .s c .go-oco tl,.9c =E EooeoFo9E0(U.9'o E= <C\r lOo,@(o rO$N oo$o,@(o N o)orooNF @NNN 3to o(o(o(or{) O) rO@os (Y)NN s oNr()@ o@ (f)$ F-N(f)o) (f,t-l')(f) l.* $ o,c{O)(f) @lr)F- o (oF-(o(r)(o @@ vt-oN$ C.,l lr)t*@(oN@N o)so,o t*o,r(oo, NFN!tN @oNrOo E s=He-B -Er o a$6= a5EE 9EEE E e iEEb HE€E s.cx4 : E E g grguEgggggggggEggt-IgggiIggfia i N d) t lr) (O r N (f) $ r N lO O r N r r r r N r r N (r) \t (O r r r N OF r r r r N N N N F F F N (r) c) - N $ lO (O F N N N N N c., S @ @ O,&NNNNNNNNNNNNNN&&&R&NNNXNNXNRRR (oNoo$$o(o (Y)N(o N\t (f)roooo(o o(or(f)s (aot- (\t (o rss(9 T,*ro l"l"l*l*l*lu (o |olooN(\t$1" l*l*1, orloll.- -l l@c\tl l(\r fi=r*ll- E*E *F pr= | sooo sooo(\t sNt-(o (f, @(9(oo,@r \t*r N@(ot\ ll, l*l* rNN@\t(f, corot-or lulu l"l" ,Eo,'= ggEEEssggEgEE, * gs g i* g (Y) 't F (\ lr) O r N r r r F N r r N (') .lf (O r rCrl 6l - r - N (9 (f) r N t lr, (O - Cr,l N c\l N N (r) str - N (\l N N C\l N (a (f) (a(f) (f) $ $ $ .(t .(f *t *t *t(\I (\I (\I N C\I N N N $I N C\I C! N N (\I C\I N N N N N E'o a! = au = 0)cE 7i o=i EE6i s 3E0).Y =.! o ot! qeE BEY'tr-c ?>kEtxta= pS EI E H HEE E.B = < 6','O o 6 r ia .' $ ro (o - NP--TFFNN -FF{o.totNNNcrlN o,o oo(o solf, tci $rro\ro)t-rO (f)Ncor*$ solr)(o @r(olr,Nro lul,l slsolo ulu ., tr glElS o $ €o ElEl$ EF*eull€ d elxle EE =s FlilnEat lloell .9fl(E E ELoo zIF 6uttro.uloo IIJFI ===oo z o UJ e,Fz IJJlro .2o J z .9 P-r.= .E E =9cro- (f)tt(o (oNo(Y) soq\t o(o (f)rit soqoN F*Ncr)o) (o @N(f)o)@t- oro(f)o)sN l*l* l"l* soqoN (o(o (or-(o o)$o)@ No, (oo) c =ooo([ C)oo Lo o (ELco .GooLo-o)! E:,E :>E .E .9, 8Bo:'o_atE (aN@ Ns c.,lr)ooo(o l*l*lIlEl$l*lE l-l*Fl lulu|*|-[|-Is=r =[l* i*E *l$ P E= | I P. -.= (E E =9oo' FF l*F lul,ll*l o)oo)(U(LFF l*l* FF|-rrr il*l*l*l$ EE8OoEG.S -cooPEEILOLoEoo Q'E ;E CD E,:+ E i*,rgg,,ggEEEggggE[Eg,rgsggrg Hg(\tcOtflr)(OrC{(f)$rNrf)OrNrFrrNrr(\(f)S(OFF e A E-rrFFrrrrNNNNNN(O(f)(Ad)(A$lifsf<.$sf$$ fL 0)<(\TGINNNNNNNNNNNNNNNC\INNNNNNNNNN - tr, FI-FFFFF I'Fl-l*lH E sbels.e 8t8t8 E Eg elels o d llt ? o llEg e : EEE sl$l* = sFt IIooll zoFgoutto-UIoo IJJF f =foo z o IJJEFz IIJlro Lo z t- rO C\IrNo(a INVESTMENTS Report below the investments in Accounts 1401,1402 and 1406. ldentify each investment as to the account in which included. Minor amounts in Account 1406 may be grouped by classes. Book Gost of lnvestments Disposed of Date Acquired This vearDescription Telsat CoBank Patronage Redban lnvestment Syringa Networks Raft River Patronage Lost River Patronage Syringa Electronic Equip. Syringa Fiber lndependent Cable Systems ICS Electronics ICS Cable Spec Access Eq Non-Reg lnternet Equipment Declo Wireless DSL Elec Declo Wireless DSL Cable Voip Equipment Syringa Wireless Syringa Wireless Tower Syringa Wireless Elec Nextphone Website Redban Goodwill DSL lnventory Syringa Wireless lnventory Voip lnventory Totals Name of Comoanv Customers Qwest CABS AT&T NECA Red-Ban ldaho USF Syringa Network Misc. Totals Rev 3/02 RECEIVABLES Itemize amounts show in Accounts 1 180, 1 190 and 1 200. For notes receivable list each note separately and include the maturig date and interest rate. Minor amounts in Account 1210 may be combined. Amount at End of Year Book Gost of lnvestments Held at End of Year 0 178010 48751 4620002 24367 '15827 123278 204676 1991 -32181 731 30 -1281 15171 6548 0 -Accounts Receivable 482558 -21 126672 0 372760 -13276 77417 100 1489 Notes Receivable Page 10 1047699 NOTES PAYABLE For Notes Payable, list each note separately and include the maturity date and interest rate. lnterest Date of Note Rate Due Date Face AmountName of Creditor Totals ACCOUNTS PAYABLE Report below allAccounts Payable amounting to more than $100.00 Name of Creditor Federal Excise Tax Misc Qwest pmts to Arapahoe Tel Syringa Wireless ATC Long Distance State USF Surcharge Dish Network 911 Payable Conseco Franchise Fee - ICS Totals Rev 3/02 Page 1 1 Amount 12669 722206 0 46683 0 608 7293 3759 523 81 15 801 856 0 N oo,oo- No (f) ov. (o(ooroloI-OI()Osr<ciooiF-EIN@(f'flR."3 REIEI RE<rrlOIt-lglololLl -o 9l "'S s s X s='El e I 8 N EEt ;q d 'rj I c.j6t O$OF*$o,-.i dl::{N $r\lr, P EIE EIEI iIol EI .=lEI EIEI EI EDi EEI EE8l I =>lo +jE =oooo .EoooLoELgI o,c'= ooF-Cou,t<,EE3sNE_ti5h iEo$dEU2iatE, H 6.IIJJ N >.YF t -o9 -Ld 3 Es, N E.=6 {- EeJ O C(EF '=:$ =EI h,EE .CL = !lorO E>E 36, Hg s€c'(,,-cf€oc'E'-o1r>Oso$Eoroo.E'= -Lbe65O)uEoo->-cEo'E(Uo)a.nb9s=g6otr oPE.0 JdBgLOoos>.-caro == r-lo@@O@O(Ol-(rl =El R = I S P H=EI E P S @ ." rl: E 5l<=t<t Ela.orrrc.)(o E'El E s r r s o et 3 8P9P EbEl E E f; fl Ea oo6o-o.=J- ETo-{tt=o'.Er F E q e *El E 5 E F EQgl = r 6 a o tsl 2 E t s E CAPITAL STOCK Report below the particulars called for concerning common and preferred stock at end of year, designating separate series of any general class. Show totals separately for common and preferred. For each class of preferred stock, show the dividend rate and whether dividends are cumulative or noncumulative. Show details in a footnote of capital stock sold during the year. lnclude number of shares, consideration received, premium or discount, and expenses incurred. Glass & Series of Stock Common Number of Shares Par ValueAuthorized per Share 1 0000 Outstanding per Balance Sheet Shares Amount 4.02 Rev 3/02 Page 13 Item INCOME & RETAINED EARNINGS STATEMENT TotalGompany ldaho Only TotalOperating lncome (from page 15) TotalOperating Expenses (from page 17) 7100 Other Operating lncome and Expense 7210 Operating lnvestment Tax Credits-Net 7220 Operating Federal lncome Taxes 7230 Operating State and Local lncome Taxes 7240 Operating Other Taxes 7250 Provision for Deferred Operating lncome Taxes-Net 7200 Operating Taxes (Total) 7310 Dividend lncome 7320 lnterest lncome 7330 lncome from Sinking and Other Funds 7340 Allowance for Funds Used During Construction 7350 Gains/Losses from the Disposition of Certain Property 7360 Other Nonoperating lncome 7370 SpecialCharges7300 Nonoperating lncome and Expense 7410 Nonoperating lnvestment Tax Credits-Net 7420 Nonoperating Federal lncome Taxes 7430 Nonoperating State and Local lncome Taxes 7440 Nonoperating Other Taxes 7450 Provision for Deferred Nonoperating lncome Taxes-Net7400 Nonoperating Taxes 7510 lnterest on Funded Debt 7520 lnterest Expense-Capital Leases 7530 Amortization of Debt lssuance Expense 7540 Other lnterest Deductions 7500 lnterest and Related ltems 7610 Extraordinary lncome Credits 7620 Extraordinary lncome Charges 7630 Current lncome Tax Effect of Extraordinary ltems-Net 7640 Provision for Deferred lncome Tax Effect of Extraordinary ltems-Net Extraordinary ltems 7910 lncome Effect of Jurisdictional Ratemaking Differences-Net 7990 Nonregulated Net lncome AMOUNT TRANSFERRED TO RETAINED EARNINGS Rev 3/02 8274426.66 6547292 0 0 5700 99557 0 105257 8251468.66 6518221 0 0 0 99376 0 99376 114562 114562 0 0 58637 0 0 58637 173199 1 731 99 245873 2376 245873 2376 0 248249 0 248249 7600 1055633 2602461 1055633 2614455 Page 14 OPERATING REVENUES TotalGompany ldaho Only Local Network Services Revenues 5001 Basic Area Revenue 5002 Optional Extended Area Revenue 5003 Cellular Mobile Revenue 5004 Other Mobile Services Revenue 5010 Public Telephone Revenue 5040 Local Private Line Revenue 5050 Customer Premises Revenue 5060 Other Local Exchange Revenue 5069 Other Local Exchange Settlements Network Access Services Revenues 5081 End User Revenue (SLC) 5082 Switched Access Revenue (lnterstate) 5083 Special Access Revenue 5084 State Access Revenue (lntrastate) Long Distance Network Services Revenues 5100 Long Distance Message Revenue - All Miscellaneous Revenues 5230 Directory Revenue 5240 Rent Revenue 5250 Corporate Operations Revenue 5261 Special Billing Arrangements Revenue 5262 Customer Operations Revenue 5263 Plant Operations Revenue 5264 Other lncidental Regulated Revenue 5269 Other Revenue Settlements 5270 Carrier Billing & Collection Revenue Uncollectible Revenues 5301 Uncollectible Revenue - Telecommunications 5302 Uncollectible Revenue - Other TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES Please identiff the following revenues: 1,197,789.00 1 1 89298 203,801.00 203801 $ $ $ $ 572,392.00 4,313,277.00 1,333,562.00 583,414.00 570455 4303712 1 333562 580449 17,573.66 17573.66 1,055.00 1055 61,254.00 (9,691.00) 61254 -9691 $ 8,274,426.66 NEcAUSF$-1'467,549,00-.Towhataccountweretheybookr5082.12 StateUSF$-464502.00-.Towhataccountweretheybookec5084.50 8251468.66 Rev 3/02 Page 15 OPERATING REVENUES TotalCompany ldaho Only Plant Specific Operations Expense 6110 Network Support Expenses 61 12 Motor Vehicle Expense 6113 Aircraft Expense 6114 Special Purpose Vehicles Expense 6115 Garage Work Equipment Expense 6116 Other Work Equipment Expense 6120 General Support Expenses 6121 Land and Building Expenses 6122 Furniture and Artworks Expense 6123 Office Equipment Expense 6124 General Purpose Computers Expense 6210 Central Office Switching Expenses 6211 Analog Electronic Expense 6212 Digital Electronic Expense 621 5 Electro-Mechanical Expense 6220 Operators System Expense 6230 Central Office Transmission Expenses 6231 Radio Systems Expense 6232 Circuit Equipment Expense 631 0 lnformation Origination/Termination Expense 6311 Station Apparatus Expense 6341 Large Private Branch Exchange Expense 635'l Public Telephone Terminal Equipment Expense 6362 Other Terminal Equipment Expense 6410 Cable and Wire Facilities Expenses 6411 Pole Expense 6421 Aerial Cable Expense 6422 Underground Cable Expense 6423 Buried Cable Expense 6424 Submarine Cable Expense 6425 Deep Sea Cable Expense 6426 lntrabuilding Network Cable Expense 6431 Aerial Wire Expense 6441 Conduit Systems Expense TOTAL PLANT SPECIFIC OPERATIONS EXPENSE Rev 3/02 0 32240 4228 0 32107 4203 0 188 21 3969 1184 51757 162746 236891 0 187 212708 1177 51452 161787 235495 817547 0 212701 0 0 812731 0 211447 0 0 0 0 -1421 0 1 3867 0 1225776 0.00 -1413 13785 0 1218s53 Page 16 2971673 2954220 OPERATING REVENUES Item Plant Nonspecific Operations Expense 651 0 Other Property/PlanVEquipment Expenses 6511 Property Held for Future Telecomm. Use Expenses 6512 Provisioning Expense 6530 Network Operations Expense 6531 Power Expense 6532 Network Administration Expense 6533 Testing Expense 6534 Plant Operations Administration Expense 6535 Engineering Expense 6540 Access Expense 6560 Depreciation and Amortization Expenses 6561 Depreciation Expense-Telecom. Plant in Service 6562 Depreciation Expense-Propefi Held for Future Use 6563 Amortization Expense - Tangible 6564 Amortization Expense - lntangible 6565 Amortization Expense - Other Total Plant Nonspecific Operations Expenses Customer Operations Expense 6610 Marketing 661 1 Product Management 6612 Sales 661 3 Product Advertising 6620 Services 6621 Call Completion Services 6622 Number Services 6623 Customer Services Total Customer Operations Expense Gorporate Operations Expense 6710 Executive and Planning 6711 Executive 6712 Planning 6720 General and Administrative 6721 Accounting and Finance 67 22 Exter nal Relation s 6723 Human Resources 67 24 lnformation Management 6725 Legal 6726 Procurement 6727 Research and Development 6728 Other General and Administrative 6790 Provision for Uncollectible Notes Receivable Total Corporate Operations Expense TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES Rev 3/02 TotalCompany 2971673 0 0 0 135915 85318 93524 167458 0 1600052 2082267 85846 3296 543288 632430 293508 179507 83513 18014 0 8353 860922 6547292 ldaho Only 2954220 0 0 135114 8481 5 92973 166471 0 1600052 0 0 2079426 0 0 0 85340 75 543288 628704 271434 291719 178486 83021 17908 0 8304 855871 6518221 Page 17 @ oo)o(L .l@(t) IEo .9.coz Loooc .9, -o Jo-Eoz !'= aL..oOC,E"K.Eo .q (i F9oh;x_6otoz rr)rloN o(o>(f) loE@o(L I $(o P slfoii N'(l)l gjj 9Eaao'Eoo 6€ EO EU .,laoiutr0) EDQscA o EOPobE EE = s E EE !62ts & I lq't'Oqbo€tto i=(EEEooLL;;ccooFF EEoo U EDct!t(,x UJ tr.9o oll -HESH$H6E'0* Edt4 EEEEEE9'6@6 ,-b = 8F>J!i xEtrE<E2 .!>PPfo =o-(ooro(f)@ oc =o-9o9g6 '6 orl^ "l lE :l :i -l =lEl q$;B E 5 E EEfi:IIESgFE d)@=ocniYETr).9ool dp 1..- E elEEo Jl -d, I.= -^l @ frEI B Rrfl+l- t-Foo)I il trP 6xl I!-ro)q EgEF OO< Loo)\-abBe=sE8-u.=oc-Eo 5b'4,=!looo.crcmzou =qE>JLi ooooo o Eo o o o tr .9 Go ,6 o -go oooo ..tooo-o-'5UtuEc) (E oE o'ooo .g)al,oo EIol(!lol.!l(JI el =lololololol<I .!J cLE gr (D(El€ 5P' I9 Ef-.1 ,lE E E;'Eo -trslooo oa-t lo roC\I r-Ooo)(f) (f) l-Ooct (f) (f, ao .E .9E .Eo .!2<ll-o ,;6E Xlura !o(ro r\ =q, @EE 3. vv {.Jtt Af,H fiF- idz,?ut.Y, hob B-.ClsENE 9@-E }-Eo >(o_b :<9o H->I ESlv, (Ooodcooo(o ^9)gfl l-^tac0)o-E.x<E u(Lo Lo E o)oEo o Eoz q) q)o)o(L FeR rrE&o@FO' A.DlLId,l'ElLI(oIol_t (UI+lol_tol olFIgol()l (EIclol'Elolal (slol_tolFI #NESc (f).98(E0, EPE tss>.=ot ( J:l(Elol_t 8ljl ua-ooEO=oz:- toNoz E,fo (t,trIU =oFo:)o oo uJFIJJJo- =o(, (t, o ILot u.lE =Dz +tEE bsE: 3(86.=g6E<b! o)c,)E(U !oxtu oooJJ ror\rr(o"r c\to (Y) ot@r(O' t-o-N rF-O ANNUAL REPORT FOR SMALL TELEPHONE GOMPANIES YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31,2014 CUSTOMER RELATIONS RULES COMPLIANCE Rule IDAPA Rule IDAPA 31 .41.01 .105 Please provide copies of: Summarv of Customer Relations Rules for Telephone Corporations ldaho Telephone Solicitation Act Notification Method of Notification: Mailed separately to customers Yes_X_ No lncluded in directory Date of notification Yes X No 4-1-14 Alternate method of notification Rule IDAPA Record of Complaints: Number received by Company Category of complaints (if known): Deposit Disputes Charges on Bill Denial/Termination Quality or Availability of Service Carrier Selection/Assig n ment Miscellaneous 1 Doesn't want to pay for phoneline Rev 3/02 Page 20 CERT!FICATE State of ldaho County of Cassia l, the undersigned Richard Redman, of Albion Telephone Company, lnc. located a1225 W, North Street, Albion, lD 83311, on our oath do severally say that the foregoing return has been prepared under our direction, from the original books, papers, and records of said utility; that we have carefully examined same, and declare the same to be a correct statement of the business affairs of said utility for the period covered by the return in respect to each and every matter and thing therein set forth, to the best of our knowledge, information and belief. Subscribed and Sworn to Before Me this /&/,day of + ' , (Year) JO/€ . MyCommissionexpires la/ : , (Year) 4O/5 Rev 3/02 gd Uexcel/j nelson/an u lrpts/tela nn ualrpt ,@nq 1.Wlff 9{ffiry eufittu sua of r[d, (Officer in Charge of Accounts) Page21 @ o oooI E 3 @-oo9 \ D o ,N - o ,to ooeoN E a ,6c! E I 6 o N@@ e .q N oN ry o o{ ao N E a!a ot 0g e aoo dE o I oE,Io E ao o goooo IEoec EuoJ 0 c q 9 oocoN D! Noc]{6 @ N Eo4oo ooo!o aono ooqo@ E,il N aa noo\o o{u o? oo c 0!ooaN !,:|ol!o E0ooo ooo( oNqts q o n o+ FN oo$-ts o {! N, (! i Na o E o { ilt F 6 o ots oo oZtn ooo( N, o ,oqo intn o@o- N o.6@ oNI oo4Eo J o ,!,!4o oql o on i oo6 @n ooopo GoF D!q r@o-o o- oool @@o ! o D sN6 NN oo@.oN NI GiFo Ea! rlil o 3 ootsoo ts@ oF o .1o N n\oo: o oN -. ! Eo foo o Eoo i ooo ooo @ ,,!It No o.It:,!, E o Dc a , tsts o6!o@ oI tt ooiio! UJ oo o F oL oo z, oo qq\o @o.o o. ,r,,ia E ooN-o N 6lol@ Ea, n4 ,qo \ooq I aoI q @@- tfP o, oEoI EoF a 9 oEo n o eGooa qoj \ !d\t !I{a @ qlIq 0 o@ o o66ciN @o-so a ,, NIE N@ 6il6 oo 6i@ l6IFlolNlNlo ts @@ !E 2E n ,lqat oq @o N o€6 c oq @ o u u oCf oz @ @ D N g o t.l@f ts I.t \N N N a!E !@N , qsjcGeEoootoEo -9oF .9s ii =z z o. =o o oz o \N N c o q t^tatot-6o t-JG ls o o dluF U) =F 4 =EtoIi o o o Etooo( ).,I o u of d EIi 6 o) xxo og !t I c Ec oII I Co fEcU oJo ,}, ooo x@I 2z+!ooco ! E oon oos o EF xx o.gJoo tro Eo ot) c0 e6 { c L,I = N ol,EIe9OE:.9<*- -cIEooqg E oI .ge6 "96 cl li oJ xoo ooI o oe. E o o coo u.loE oo lolelo lolololacdil xxo l>ilxL: o goo oE oo oz c -gc xx lc l(NEc t< t:la IGt0IElcldla l-l€t!t cE E c o Ec I 6 ooooo e xxN s oc II otoo UJ EoF 6o ! ago o s EoEo 3 oE o NF ctst 6)ooa o NN oElo ol--o Eoos EoEoI oNN o GFoEoo! Eoo oz o o oE o E oz o N o GF oF o Eoeg oc coqo oz c.J @ @N @.Nool N no, I{ r ol @N oqo N\o@ @o@ ts@oq @ D D. 9 I E! o ,?I!t o o? o laa. N F.oN aai,q NqoaaN \ , a\ oN oN a!\nI pallo! o ! !0 oNq N6q5 i E o N @tso. F o oc? oqc a! !t ri N ts aor| o &,N.0tso- q6 )D @o !! { e@o.? @ !I ,orn ri @tso{tsi ,,\ s 6 @' N!o\c , 4N0 , rN5 otsu1 NN a o I , ofiN o o o, , EI N @-N ri @ oN @\€ D,q 0ot an4{o N N Eo-0Er: a E €tr!o ( .itr o!: oo ata @ 6t o. N@o-N N )o-,+- o@. o c! E !N@. ts t Na vl a ,!. ar c?I l:F aI o N N NNo.N o@ o@ 3 N @ N@t ts6 N co iN2 :NNN @ @ q o D t-o \i r c? 6@ ni a a ts d ,Ia.a ! 'lo! oo-non oDqco5 NNts- oo nn, IN tsFo!o N ooqo@q I! N! o d o @ tat! NNo- N ci o\ oNqo oo rtF A; !ar ,to.o tri!o c! @ @o o@ ,! i\ soooE NNq @ooqN t{,I ts- N ts6 t,? o d; )o2 ! 4 o_ +- Nq N naE ! i ! 1I N N Nn NNts- oo. oioDei NNoooq N @n o o No ..i 6 oooqa No a oailtoiln t'! Do\ ots@- N@ tsF0q @o@ o6ri q6 o6 56 , E;N'{N ,: I 5 a n,!t o6qN q @ No@- @N , dci 6$N.oo @- @@qo oq 6N @ @ov1o@q Nn, 4n( oor! o.:0 N c @ F D o f o o ts D o l 2 o @ N D o N o!@N F ,l o o !o Eo E oU v E E ,n o E o GIo Eo a Eoa ,E co Eooo6F o o E E,0o c .gL so EoE uodEE o x@o s oFEo oo dIo $ l5 .qeooEco E'cos =aNN !- ooo o Eo a oo o =oqJtr ots oJ oEcoo coE.e,ouJ oo EfoUJ I o D o6 o l o o! o EI ooE o( Eo o =6o! Eooo,h 6 o o5 x o EI,r!oo ) 6 o) (N - .e o,sc ta EoEcoF NF o - .s ,Eao 'a Eo!coF NF o oE 'D UoJI o f caF UJ N F o o f E;o 3 c E; ]J N a:) o f, .go a ,EJ oolo +F o l !oo o.EJ !fo +F o o l a6 c PIx ool ts o !dc c EFx o F c u)J otr) uoo oF , Icc! C Et F 5 o c i ! .cts o€ro a .d .9a€o xx E Eo o) oEEoo a.t -Eoo o.sJ oo )o{ o: oo: E)o! ol .E IF.5 of oo : i; E 5 q2 Eo cII L: dJ o ) rB.a(J doF i; o o o xx@ o NoJt ooo aoEo o o E E tro No) oEococ o ( o ) E o oIto't, s cg L dooI 9 6 9(o { @ oNooo o ooo- t\@@n N\ tsoo o,n o o.o Nq N@ @G( s N oo jao) oqo5 D0o, @aN@ oq @ o@ d o 4tc nNts ts 6! o ts N I Da!, no"tsooo tso. NN qo &a.o. o !oDo @o oN oDIt! tso at 0 {r* oI?ooo No fl NI a, N! ,,'lIo\ o @ Nri ,C1rl Nq o q c!@-iE o i n $ iNN. Do o' F. ! No o .i tDa o CC : otts DtI {ts\,p oo o-o @on ,IN o n otoo "lo ! P!a \o @@o-,cn\ ,o d c N 6@ N.! N Nn-N@ oN{ nt.| !D o@1Noo- NNt: Fo\ o:,l.| o t' t; € Nm N o-o@ o i! 4fi qo@ Dq Io c{q{{ 2 o\o 6oori @o!: No o @-vF* ,c\T o? , o_otsd \o .i No-Dott a {tso\ N a,2 ! q! Doqot -oq o { N $odl o:,t NNN. ts N Fots ! N ?N N o- aDt ooo Ne N c n,q { qt ! aD ts oqts 6 o F1 on-c{N oDo! @FN.F@ .i I E \ ,c ! \\ j at $?,t n\t!! rooN Nts- @@.: ooo-oor: 3ioq N@ @@ DIri o3o o 8. o , I\ I o DII, o @ t f N N 6 o ts D o l N 2 oN N !! oo ca o6 D o D oo o G!Eo E { Eo sa Eoo - ol o so Eool oo g E o .9z oLeooo o E@troo x oEcotI oo Eco \ Eo o co oc) l '6 .9E c EFo o Ecoo xN ,e ouJ Eoq o'tr c 'ao Eos x I aGIo 5 {qo 9 Eog o 3 oo Et EtIo{ o o =E ol o tr! o E( oo E5 Ioa o oo) 6 oN o o EoIo EIo o oo) )\I IIoce ,)c coc E z. E oo@ to G.!to E ( l u,, uI U 5: I!I) g oGIEooqaU) Eocoo oNd cc c],.o E cc \ Eo n ooooc cNN \ .e Ui oF o'coc oF s xXo 0 ooIg ao N + o,6 ooo -go. Eol- o o Eoo)u 5ooI oz sI o o.gco'a I s Eoo tioz xoD J!J o IoL oo )+o o GN Eo E !6 Eoa ,9oo ooo x@D .9 =aL ooo o Eo o(, @b Eo a oo oo @6 C .e .9.E EF Eo Eco @a .9oU E \o o eoFE E 9. .e oro E o5 -9!oo @o oooJ6ao @o aoeo eoE !5Eo o) o@o .9€ocGc @s oao o ENE o E{ a o trIo ool E o ttD*@ @o @qFs o @ N!Jr s6 €@ )q f, oq N@N n o EaqF{;oN f t o oa xi& n0.c o o ot ,io @o N g, rin 6@o!a@o {! N E ! E aE ,!! , d- uEn, N qoN (r n ,(no o o N @ o dl o N@.q o o@!:o 6@q ,!4I €oats D4f: 4!! E5 E lE( Do4o\ o@al @ocFN , o \T oq Ns ri @o @ D!o, @ @- oo ! n,o o0a DCc5t12n t )I IIl)o oocDoD tsn a N @e1 o N @ o N .i E({ oNo. @@@. o looD @@o ts D!o oo ooqo D \?,! I, ! @@ .,,i 3 @ @ N !,o,\a Ir \a No 0o o o. oN I0t! Do oDq DN\@ N a N !D N a N @ ,l N \t oN @N D!oN ,o (o c N oo o o0 ; oU !n IJI t/ =(v!!l (o o.aoto = x @ o Eon o Eooc xT o q. o, aooo N Eo a( cE ! E I Ec: III \Do o lpc UJ oo! ot o Eoo N@ o lpc UJco .96 d coE o0- N@ a fE uJ E,- oa o o oNI dxo oII oE oo- aa oN!e ) tr9oIoJ{ co E oI \o txci cc E €c o @ g '- ! .EoO oN@ 8L o: o 1 0t \o L oi o =t oJ d o jox. oN,e oJa E oc o o o o Er o o o ,\c o o'otx ou oNls JJJo E63- {! N@ I Eon o E o T\! EI Eool o 8 o c Ecs tc: co f o d I E Eo { Eotro \ o oo IJ co Eo o,) D ri DN o coo rl E ! Et oE I c.9 '5II o 6JdU Ec I o9 Eoa N o.E l l, oco .9 o occoo @ .EoJ I I o o o e oooEodx!oE soo) 6I !\f !N a oo @_ @ o- oootoo" @-N@@olr. ,o, E ! o@-o 8.oNry No do o o @oot'i @oo. s(ts(o o[o i--to I ,o o @ @ \ c n,Nn o6 oI oc $EN- @-NN )\! o NN Nq I !Ntso 6d NV ^ioot- !ont, o o o o q ,4 o q Eo! STt i E ar- .l F-d@NO t- o @o @ DD DN D 9t I DD D,N @Ful @ , ! o t (, , oo@i@€rt@N6..i Cn2o p qq ?t!\ ?o2tt2 otDtoo o( !oE oE6 o ca No @ts ON o@ t D, o@q ! o !- €c oo\t: n,q o Noc? No\N OF rt@ooF.N tD0a I ,l\D{ o !oc NocIIE oq N , .i ,qot @@qtsoq? oo66o6o@ - oD 40o: @ i {to- Dc 3 $oiC {{q{!c o N @ o N m I 6 o o ts € J FlrJooulx F (9zF d IJJo-a o ! Eo o aI Eooec o Nts o6ooI I f,\ oouol(L a N oo!o E 6 I c N oa f(! o GF Eo o E o! Eos! oo o oF Eo xxN Ftr .d Eo E€oo oEas oz e gi E8OE o_ uos43d + EooEE o oo ts o o t iD otr u ood ! n s@\N G co f ta NF E;ooEo o ootstr oEo +N o ooo oIF I sootsa o FI o ooE EL) o NN cI(c E! CE @ n o = ce oFtroNNF o o 6ooJ a! ! o o c; )q,o c D o! I r:o a! oq @\Not @@ts" 6\N@a oq a(ll Ea:1 !: ao Eol E!, E N ! t- o G sc o ,aa $!o (.1o ryo ,! Do. o o. d @c! q @ , oao I tt ,o o o N6o oo a oIb ;r: rt n oo Eo9 3 Uoo u 6o o ;o .9 s aoo(s o =odEogoq o G Eo E o : a, {'?o o.!o !6lo oc,lo qo oo a(q t o a!! q { "1o rt @oqoN Noqa qo6 oD D o @@I ,! , oo !oq a lolc lo o o, n@. 6 f !, if o Eool oF oo o s E oooA ,i!, )tt,,? coooq oooooq c 5 ooooq Io, ooooo \{6Ioo I o o o o6 oioo o{tq o\t NN6 @ o tC?I DI P Eo4 t oiNa tr o€I Eo\m i Eo o o@{.a@- o J oz 0 o ,o a @ !N r,N a D f o- 6o Eooocoto .EoF ,9s l]iE z z c =o o: z oz o i ti oN @N N o,E,oc \ itUFo =FlL = =toL o o o ol ( a ) E o o o:g E JD oNI f)a EN,trN LLD o n ! ooeooo I!n o o! I to! c Ec cct E!l otrod aD, =UJo!trl @oo oooI =UJoo-- ooF6 cots = lo o l co ceFoo oE U oo E Ylo =o Eot i fo o 6 dUJ ll E g o En Eootro fo = Eoeo oox oo E -9vo .E =co-og.ocoox oo Ec6o, I oE5 o t x I e o oJoooooocf ofgo otE: ID e .9. od) o do6aqc oto = cc co o { oE5(I otrEoo oEooo.E o 6 l otrIJ oo o )oo Eoh I x cc oE ro,. o fE IIJ ,. =q; =o Tx) a o; =n o o o E 9 I oe0-0 ooo o =Eoo)o u oo o:o GLo coo Po Y6 o t'6ooo o6o)& o oL o coo ! oo Eol) o goo oo o ! @ f o o5 E E ooo