HomeMy WebLinkAbout20020524Application.pdfCONLEY WARD RECEIVED @ GIVENSPURSLEY LLP Ff LED O 277 North 6th Street,Suite 200 ¡¡¡2 NAy 24 PM 3:40 P.O.Box 2720 Boise,ID 83701 s.-n- (208)388-1200 UTILITIESCOMMLSSION (208)388-1201 (fax) Idaho State Bar #1683 Attorney for Albion TelephoneCompany BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION In the Matter of the Applicationof Albion )Case No.Ål Telephone Company for Authority to Borrow )from the Rural Utilities Service ("RUS")in an )APPLICATION OF ALBIONAmountNottoExceed$15,000,000 )TELEPHONECOMPANY 'NEW CASE Albion TelephoneCompany ("Albion"or "Applicant"),by and through its attorneys Givens Pursley LLP,makes this Applicationpursuant to Idaho Code §61-901 for authorityto execute a Loan Agreementin an amount not to exceed $15,000,000 with the Rural Utilities Service ("RUS").In support of its Application,Albion states as follows: 1.Applicantis a certificated telephonecorporation organized underthe laws of the State of Idaho providing telecommunicationservices includinglocal exchange service within the state of Idaho. 2.All notices and communications with regard to this Applicationshould be served upon: Conley Ward GivensPursley LLP 277 North 6th Street,Suite 200 P.O.Box 2720 Boise,ID 83701 APPLICATION OF ALBION TELEPHONE COMPANY -1 Rich Redman Albion Telephone Company P.O.Box 98 Albion,Idaho 83311 (208)673-5335 3.The proposed RUS loan proceeds will be used to pay for,and partially reimburse general funds for,the following projects:(1)upgrade central office switching, (2)install additional fiber and upgrade outside plant,(3)fund construction to meet anticipated customer growth,and (4)general system improvements. 4.Applicant believes the proposed RUS loan will qualify as a hardship loan with an interest rate of approximatelyfive percent (5%)per annum and a term of 15 years.If the loan is not designated as a hardship loan,the interest rate will be at RUS's then current market rates at the time of closing. 5.The proposed transactionis consistent with the public interest.Construction of the upgraded facilities will improveservice for Albion's existingIdaho customers and enable the Applicant to offer broadband communications services to both business and residential users. 6.A copy of the Applicant'smost recent Annual Report showing the authorized and outstanding classes of Applicant'ssecurities is on file with the Commission,and the Applicantrespectfullyrequests the Commission take official notice thereof.A certified copy of Applicant'sBoard of Directors'resolution authorizingthe proposed transactionis attached hereto as Exhibit A. 7.A Proposed Order granting this Applicationis attached hereto as Exhibit B. 8.Notice of this Applicationwill be published within seven (7)days in The Idaho Statesman (Boise).A copy of this Notice is attached as Exhibit C. 9.Applicantsubmits that the public interest does not require a hearing on this matter and it requests that the Commission process this Applicationand determine this matter by Modified Procedure,pursuantto Rule 23 of the Commission's Rules of Practice APPLlCATION OF ALBION TELEPHONE COMPANY -2 and Procedure.In the event the Commission determines that formal proceedings on this Applicationare necessary,Applicant stands ready for immediate hearing. 10.Applicant has therefore attached its filing fee,calculatedpursuant to Section 61-905,Idaho Code,in the amount of ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($1,000.00). WHEREFORE,Applicant respectfullyrequests an Order of this Commission: 1.Grantingthe foregoingApplicationof Albion TelephoneCompany to execute and deliver to the Rural Utilities Service a Loan Agreementin an amount not to exceed $15,000,000; 2.Grantingsuch other relief as the Commission deems just and reasonable in this matter. DATED this 24th day of May 2002 Cogley War GIVENS PURSLEYLLP Attorneysfor Applicant APPLICATION OF ALBION TELEPHONE COMPANY -3 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on the 24th day of May,2002 I caused a true and correct copy of the foregoing to be served upon: Ms.Jean Jewell,Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W.Washington Street Boise,ID 83702 by hand deliveringthe same to the above-named at the last known address(s)as set forth above. APPLlCATION OF ALBION TELEPHONE COMPANY -4 GIVENS P RSLEY LLP FILED "(§§2m 30 PM U LAW OFFICES ary G.Allen FranklinG Lee Judson B.Montgomery277North6thStreet,Suite 200 Christopher J eson a R.Lombardi Angela K.NelsonPOBox2720,Boise,Idaho83701 Michael ÚÔ afþé Dávi r o,Jr.Deborah E.NelsonTELEPHONE:208 388-1200 ey W.Hugh O'RiordanFACSIMILE:208 388-1300 ly star urkee KimberlyD.Maloney Kenneth L.PursleyWEBSITE:www.givenspursley.com Thomas E.Dvorak John M.Marshall Brad V.Sneed Roy Lewis Eiguren KennethR.McGiure Conley E.Ward Timothy P.Feamside Kelly GreeneMcConnell Robert B.White Jeffrey C.Fereday Cynthia A.Melillo Steven J.Hippler ChristopherH.Meyer RaymondD.Givens Direct Dial:(208)388-1219 Karl T.Klein Kendall L.Miller James A.McClure E-Mail:cewSeivenspursley.com DeboraK.Kristensen L.Edward Miller Stephanie C.Westermeier AnneC.Kunkel PatrickJ.Miller OFCOUNSEL May 30,2002 VIA HAND DELIVERY Jean Jewell Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W.Washington P.O.Box 83720 Boise,ID 83720-0074 Re:Albion TelephoneCompany Our File:5261-3 Dear Jean Last week we filed Albion's Application for Loan Approval.At that time,we did not have executedcopies of Exhibit A.I am now enclosing an original and four copies of the executed Exhibit A.Please replace these originalswith the Exhibit A that was attached to the Application at the time of filing. If you have any questions,please call. Sincerely, Conley ard ' CEW/tns Enclosure S:\Clients\526l\3\Corr\2002-5-30 Jewell exhibit A.doc CERTIFIED COPY OF MINUTES AUTHORIZING LOAN APPLICATION AND AGREEMENT I,ei-,do hereby certify that:I am the Secretary of Albion Telephone Company (the "Member"). The following is a true and correct copy of excerpts from the minutes of a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Member held //h J /-/,2002,as they appear in the Minutes Book of the Member,said resolutions Ëulyadopted thereat;the meeting was duly and regularlycalled in accordance with the bylawsof the Member;the Loan Application and Agreement(the "Agreement")submitted herewith or to be submitted to Rural Utilities Service are substantiallysimilar to the form of the Agreement as presented to said meeting,the execution of which was authorizedby the Board of Directors and said resolutions have not been modified or rescinded: "The Board of Directors of Albion TelephoneCompany havingbeen advised by its counsel that the Member is legally constituted,is in compliancewith all applicable statutory,regulatoryand other legalrequirementsand is in good standing,and that an application to be made to Rural Utilities Service ("RUS")for a loan and its approvalby RUS,togetherwith the execution of an agreement as authorized by the Board,in the form of the Agreementpresented at this meeting,will constitute valid and bindingobligations of the Member,enforceableby and against the Member,in accordance with the terms of these documents; "RESOLVED,that the Member borrow from the Rural Utilities Service ("RUS") an amount which shall not exceed in the aggregate $15,000,000 for a term as set forth in the Agreement,and at such interest rate or rates as shall be prescribed in the Agreement executed by and on behalf of the Member and delivered to RUS, the proceeds of such loan to be used for purposes set forth in the Agreement and consistently with the requirementsof existingagreements and security documents of the Member;and, "RESOLVED,that the President of the Member be and is hereby authorized to execute,on behalf of the Member,an agreement substantiallyin the form of the Agreementpresented to this meeting,to revise and modify said Agreement within the amount so authorized;and to apply such further documents as may be need to comply with RUS's requirements;and, "RESOLVED,that the President is authorized on behalf of the Member to request and receive funds pursuant to the Agreement and is directed to deposit such funds in a bank account used for the general funds of the Member;and, ALBION TELEPRONE COMPANY CASE N0.MID-T-02- ExmmT A "RESOLVED,that the appropriate officers are authorized to take all actions they deem advisable to carry out the purpose of these resolutions." IN WITNESS WFIEREOF,I have hereunderset my hand and affixed the seal of the Member,this J†day of SW ,2002. Secretary ALBION TELEPRONE COMPANY CASE No.MIL-T-02- EXNmlTA CERTIFIED COPY OF MINUTES AUTHORIZING LOAN APPLICATION AND AGREEMENT I,,do hereby certify that:I am the Secretary of AlbionTelephoneCompany(the "Member"). The following is a true and correct copy of excerpts from the minutes of a meetingoftheBoardofDirectorsoftheMemberheld,2002,as they appear intheMinutesBookoftheMember,said resolutions duly adopted thereat;the meeting wasdulyandregularlycalledinaccordancewiththebylawsoftheMember;the LoanApplicationandAgreement(the "Agreement")submitted herewith or to be submittedtoRuralUtilitiesServicearesubstantiallysimilartotheformoftheAgreementaspresentedtosaidmeeting,the execution of which was authorized by the Board of Directors andsaidresolutionshavenotbeenmodifiedorrescinded: "The Board of Directors of Albion Telephone Company havingbeen advised byitscounselthattheMemberislegallyconstituted,is in compliance with all applicablestatutory,regulatoryand other legal requirementsand is in good standing,and that anapplicationtobemadetoRuralUtilitiesService("RUS")for a loan and its approval byRUS,together with the execution of an agreement as authorizedby the Board,in the formoftheAgreementpresentedatthismeeting,will constitute valid and bindingobligationsoftheMember,enforceableby and against the Member,in accordance with the terms ofthesedocuments; "RESOLVED,that the Member borrow from the Rural Utilities Service ("RUS") an amount which shall not exceed in the aggregate $15,000,000 for a term as setforthintheAgreement,and at such interest rate or rates as shall be prescribed in the Agreementexecuted by and on behalf of the Member and delivered to RUS, the proceeds of such loan to be used for purposes set forth in the Agreement andconsistentlyviiththerequirementsofexistingagreementsandsecuritydocumentsoftheMember;and, "REStíLVED,that the President of the Member be and is hereby authorizedto execute,on behalf of the Member,an agreement substantiallyin the form of theAgreementpresentedtothismeeting,to revise and modify said Agreementwithintheamountsoauthorized;and to apply such further documents as may be need tocomplywithRUS's requirements;and, "RESOLVED,that the President is authorized on behalf of the Member to request and receive funds pursuantto the Agreement and is directed to deposit such fomds in a bank account used for the general funds of the Member;and, ALBlON TELEPHONE COMPANY CASE No.MID-T-02- ExinnlT A "RESOLVED,that the appropriate officers are authorizedto take all actions they deem advisable to carry out the purpose of these resolutions." IN WITNESS WHEREOF,I have hereunderset my hand and affixed the seal of the Member,this day of ,2002. Secretary ALRION TELEPHONE COMPANY CASE No.MID-T-02- EXHimTA Conley Ward,Idaho State Bar #1683 GIVENS PURSLEY LLP 277 North 6th Street,Suite 200 P.O.Box 2720 Boise,ID 83701 (208)388-1200 (208)388-1201 (fax) BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION In the Matter of the Application of Albion )Case No.Telephone Company for Authority to Borrow )from the Rural Utilities Service ("RUS")in an )PROPOSED ORDERAmountNottoExceed$15,000,000 ) On ,2002,Albion Telephone Company (hereinafter Applicant),filed an Application for Loan Approvalwith this Commission requesting authorityto execute a loan contract amendmentand supplementalmortgage in an amount not to exceed $15,000,000 with the United States of America,acting through the Rural Utilities Service ("RUS"). In support of said Application,Applicantalleges that the proposed RUS loan proceeds will be used to pay for,and partially reimburse general funds for,the following projects:(1)upgrade central office switching,(2)install additional fiber and uppgrade outside plant,(3)fund construction to meet anticipated customer growth,and (4)general system improvements. After examiningthe Applicationand supporting documentsand being fully advised in the premises,the Commission hereby finds that a hearing in this matter is not required,and that the proposed transaction is consistent with the public interest and the Applicant'sproper performance of its duties as a public utility. ALBION TELEPHONECOMPANY CAsF No.MID-T-02-Exann IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED that the Application of Albion Telephone Company,for authorityto execute a loan contract amendmentand supplemental mortgagewith the RUS in an amount not to exceed $15,000,000 be,and the same is hereby granted. DONE by Order of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission this day of ,2002. Paul Kjellander,President Dennis S.Hansen,Commissioner Marsha Smith,Commissioner ATTEST: ALBION TELEPHONE COMPANY CASE No.MID-T-02- LEGAL NOTICE OF ALBION TELEPHONE COMPANY APPLICATION FOR AUTHORITY TO BORROW FUNDS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on May 24,2002,Albion Telephone Company,completed and filed with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission anApplicationforauthoritytoborrowupto$15,000,000 from the United States of America,acting throughthe Rural Utilities Service and in connection with the borrowing,to execute a telephoneloan contract amendmentand a supplementalmortgage. The Applicationis on file and is available for public inspection at the Idaho PublicUtilitiesCommission.Any person desiring to comment on said Applicationmust filepetitionsorprotestswiththeIdahoPublicUtilitiesCommissionwithinfourteen(14)days of the filing date.If no protests are received within this time limit,the Commission may consider the Application and enter its Order without setting the matter for hearing.IfwrittenprotestsarefiledwiththeCommissionwithinthetimelimitset,the Commissionwillconsiderthesame,and in its discretion,may set a hearing.Petitions or protests must be filed with:Jean Jewell,Secretary,Idaho Public Utilities Commission,Statehouse,Boise,Idaho 83720. Jean Jewell,Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission ALRION TELEPHONE COMPANY CAsE No.MID-T-02- EXmmT C