HomeMy WebLinkAbout20020313Application.pdfConley Ward ISB #1683 GIVENS PURSLEY LLP 277 North 6th Street,Suite 200 P.O.Box 2720 Boise,ID 83701 (208)388-1200 (208)388-1300 (fax) Attorneys for Albion TelephoneCompany S:\MACS\CEW\ALBION\Broadband\Application.rtf BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF CASE NO.:/ ALBION TELEPHONE COMPANY FOR BROADBAND TAX CREDIT ALBION TELEPHONE COMPANY'S CERTIFICATION APPLICATION Albion Telephone Company ("Albion"),by and throughits attorneys Givens Pursley LLP,files this Applicationfor an Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission")Order certifying that certain telecommunications equipment is eligible for the broadband infrastructure tax credit authorized by Section 63-3029,Idaho Code.In support of its Application,Albion states as follows: 1.Albion is an incumbent local exchange carrier that provides both basic local exchange and advanced telecommunications services to its customer/patrons in Oneida and Butte Counties, Idaho. 2.Duringthe calendar year 2001,Albion made certain investments that constitute "qualified broadband equipment"within the meaning of Section 63-3029(I)(3)(b),Idaho Code. Exhibit A,attached hereto,describes Albion's qualified broadband equipment and contains the information and representations required by this Commission's Order No.28784 in Case No. GNR-T-01-10. 3.Communications regarding this Application should be addressed to the following: ALBION'S APPLICATION-1 Conley Ward Givens Pursley LLP 277 North 6"'Street,Suite 200 P.O.Box 2720 Boise,ID 83701 (208)388-1219 cew@givenspursley.com Rich Redman Albion Telephone Company 225 West North Street P.O.Box 98 Albion,ID 83311 (208)673-5335 rich@albiontel.com 4.Applicant does not believe that the public interest requires a hearing on this matter, and therefore requests that the Commission approve the Application by Minute Order or under Modified Procedure.In the event the Conunission determines that further proceedings are necessary,Applicant stands ready for immediate hearings. WHEREFORE Albion TelephoneCompany requests that the Commission issue its order determining that the installed equipment identified in Exhibit A constitutes qualified broadband equipment eligible for the investment tax credit authorized by Section 63-3029I, Idaho Code. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED this day of March,2002. Conl y W4rd GIVENS PURSLEY LLP Attorneys for Albion Telephone Company ALBION'S APPLICATION-2 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on the day of March,2002,I caused to be served a true and correct copy of the foregoing by the method indicated below,and addressed to the following: Jean Jewell Idaho Public Utilities Secretary 472 W.Washington Street P.O.Box 83720 Boise,ID 83720-0074 U.S.Mail Fax x By Hand Tina Adornetto ALBION'S APPLICATION--3 FEB.14.2002 11·27AM 30 COMMUNICATIONS NO.iB2 P.2/3 Idaho Broadband Equipment Tax Credit Application como anv Info:mation Name of company:Albion Telephone Company,d.b,a,ATC Communications Address,225 West NorthStreet,PO Box 98 Albion,Idaho 83311 Type of company:TeleconununicationsCarrier Contact Person,Rich Redman Eauinment Descriotion Broadband $ervices offered:ATC offers ADSL,IDSL,HDSL and SDSL services to our customers. Network description:Over the past several years ATC has been installing equipment and engineering projects with the sole purpose in raind to make available to our customers broadband connectivity.We have deployed fiber in the loop,installed Digital Loop Carrier systems with 12,000 foot loops and are developing a fiber backbone that will have the ability to handle huge amounts of data.ATC is currentlyusing Fujitsu fiber terminals for our backhaul and several brands of Digital Loop Carriers including AFC (Advanced Fiber Comminications)and Infmitec. Transmission Rate:From 256kb to 1,54MB Numberand Percentage of Idaho customers served:ATC has about 20 customers with at least one of the above mentioned services.The availabilityof these services to ATC's total customer base is about 30%. Eqtúpment list:See Attached Broadband Equipment List I hereby certifythat Ihave read the applicable statutes for broadband investment income tax credit and believe that the equipment listed herein qualifies for the tax oredit under Idaho Code 63-30291 E IBIT FEE.14.2002 11.28AM GTC COMMühúCATIONS NO.182 P.3/3 ATC Commun cations Broadband Equipment List Manufacturer Model or ID #Oost Date Installed County Description ÏÑte6 ilntenflexRDT 144/16 $127,5ö1,00 peo,2001 _Butte Digital Loop CarrierSystem i Infiniteo _linteleflex RDT48 $221.683,00 Oct.2001 Butte Digita Loop Carrier Systern AFC 10101-0027 $6,601,00 Noy.2001 Sutte CPU daks for DSL CÍicio \3600 $33,152.00 Jan.2001 Butte Routers for DSL and ATM AFC 10101-0027 $6401.00 Nov.2001 Custer CPU Cards for DSLÏšÃl405-0106 $16,017,00\Sept.2001 lOneida ADSL Cards Ïeistret 207-1000 $3.997.00LSept.2001 lOneida Broadband Bridge ÏeËst Š0ž-ÖÖ11 $3 073.00 Sept,2001 !Oneida T1 Transceiver Ï.inkie Networks N/A $2 902.00 Aug.2001 IOneida 4 Post Modulel¯ÍNe Networks N/A $653.00 Aug.2001 Oneida Wan Interface Card AFC 0260-0108 $20,091.00\Aug.2001 oneida DSLAM ÄËÒ 0120-0123 8988.00\Aug.2001 Onelda T1 Transceiver liitsú FLM 150 $64,9,00 May,2001 Onelda Fiber TermineiËÖÏa¯o 3600 $16 442,00 Jan,2001 Oneida Router for DSL and ATM $524,270.00 EXHIBIT