HomeMy WebLinkAbout20050523Supplement to application.pdfIDSOS Document http://www .accessidaho. org/pub licl sosl corpl search.html? ScriptF orm....;" ;'-- f f) l. E~' r:~J "'" 1/, .,.~.;! . ~, r').:J,,':l ltl ,'.!' """. "' (~ tJ FILED1EFF~CTlVE u r i~tf.! ' ,,; ; :- ! c.~j II'd I r"Li.'I(''l'lCLES OF'ORGANIZAT:ION OF.'Jv Ii Ii v,)rUt~1 . ALL IIlA1l9 . . " HIDED 31 M'19: 02 LIMITED' Ll.ABILITY COMPANY :,. "'- .' ';:; :f;.j:TI\j E Hi-~Hd: The name of the limIted Iia.):)i 1 ity company is: ALL TOAHO ,LIMI TED LIABILITY COMIS.t\NYf Tha a(id.re$~ of the in.! tial registered office is: 15~4 Ridgeway Ct., POcate:l,Idaho 83201 and the name: Q:f the initial registered 8gerit . Chad Turner. signature of registered agent: ' ...-- 'I'hQ latest date certain on which the I imited 1 lability cpmpariy will dissolve is; Dece1Jl.ber 31, 20,50. Jnanage)1l~nt qf tlie limited lia1;)ility company vested in a manaqe:r pr martaqers?.. Yes O NP (Ch~c~ appropriate box.) If management Is ve~t$d io Qn~ Qr 1;llor~ man1!lge:r;-f!ll,list the name(s) and addre,S5(eas) of at l$ast one initial manager. management is vested in the meD1bers , list tpQ na1'ne(s) and a~dress(e~l of at least one initial metnber: Name Chad 'I'urner Aaaress 1424 Yellowstone AvenuQ J;)oc~t:i;!lJ..d,I daho 83201 Qne pe:rt3on 1.is:t;ed in #5 abov~ h. 0 .~ ri;,) u)!. c.- . ?Z r:' ." ,~:~~': . ;gc .... e::,.u ' _.. uQ:i .s::- r.'f',.) IDAII. SECRETARY OF .STRTEe:L1IiU~72ee2 85:8. CKrll117 th7al55 BK143164111LII. . " t".M6AMLlC 12 W liQ$ 1 of 1 -_.. . 5/23/2005 1:47PM