HomeMy WebLinkAbout20120113Petition for Funding.pdfBrad M. Purdy Attorney at Law BarNo. 3472 2019 N. 17th S1. Boise,ID. 83702 (208) 384-1299 (Land) (208) 384-8511 (Fax) bmpurdyWihotmail.com Attorney for Petitioner Communty Action Parership Association of Idao (''P c:,'''¡ '~" L~, '-',,_~' "i~l? Jil¡~J I"~ P'IJ¡,. 2: 53t,,,1,. ,."" v BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMSSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION ) OF UNITED WATER IDAHO, INC. FOR ) AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES ) ANDCHAGESFORWATERSERVICEIN )THE STATE OF IDAHO. ) ) ) CASE NO. UW-W-LL-02 COMMUNTY ACTION PARTNERSHI ASSOCIA- TION OF IDAHO'S PETITION FOR INTERVENOR FUDING COMES NOW, Applicant Communty Action Parership Association of Idao (CAP AI) and, puruat to Idao Code § 61-617 A and Rules 161-165 of the Commssion's Rules of Procedure, IDAPA 31.01.01, petitions ths Commssion for an award of intervenor fuding in the above-captioned proceeding. Rule 161 Requirements: United Water Idao, Inc. ("United Water" or "Compay") is a reguated, water public utility with gross Idao intrte anua revenues exceedig thee millon, five hundred thousand dollars ($3,500,000.00). Rule 162 Requirements: (01) Itemizd list of Expenses Consistent with Rule 162(01) of the Commssion's Rules of Procedur, an itemized list of all expenses incurd by CAPAI in ths proceeding is attched hereto as Exhbit "A." CAP AI APPLICATION FOR INRVENOR FUNING 1 (02) Statement of Proposed Findigs The proposed fidings and recommendations of CAP AI are set fort in the testimony of Teri Ottens previously filed in ths matter, and reflecte in the settement stipulation curently before the Commssion to which CAPAI is a signatory. CAP AI fuly parcipated in ever aspet of this case including an anysis of the Company's requested impact on all residential customers, the merts or questionability of numerous aspects of the application for a rate increase, the submission of discovery, parcipation in several settlement conferences and, ultiately, the execution of a Settement Stipulation and a Joint Motion for Approval of the Settlement Stipulation, along with the prefied direct testimony of Teri Otens outlining the basis for CAP AI's support of the settlement now before the Commission for consideration. Consistent with the Settlement Stipulation, CAP AI makes the followig sumar of Ms. Otens' comments and presents its statement of proposed :fndings and recommendations to the Commission. i First, Ms. Ottens noted CAPAI's intial concern regardig the magntude of the rate increase origily requested, nealy 20%, and the impact ths would have on the customers of one of Idao's largest public water utilities. CAP AI believes that the reduced rate increase set forth in the settlement by whch the Company receives roughy 10.5% spread over two years, will have sign:fcantly less impact on the Company's cusomers and, in light of other offsetting provisions in the Stipulation afecting low-income customers, represents a reaonable compromise. As noted by Ms. Otens: "(t)his two-phae ageement lessens the impact of the rate increase in the fit year and provides assuredess for a slightly expanded time and, even in total, is considerably less than originally proposed." Ottens, at p. 4. Ms. Otens fuher notes that, by i For the sake of brvity, th list is not an exhausive sumation of villy ever issue resolved by the settlement agreement and for which CAP AI had a position but focuses on those issues most importt and unque to United Watets residential customers in general and low-income in parcular. CAP AI APPLICATION FOR INTERVENOR FUNING 2 virte of the phaed-in rate increase, there would be no new rate increas effective for United Water prior to Janua 1,2014. Ms. Ottns also discussed the proposed changes to the Company's customer charge testifyng that higher customer (fixed) chages provide utilty maagement and shaeholders with greater predictabilty in terms of revenues and reduced risk in ters of not recovering their revenue requirement. She fuer noted that any incree in ths charge affects a customer's abilty to afect their own bil even though reduced consumption. Because of these factors, the customer charge is an importt issue to CAP AI and, no doubt, to the Company. Although the settlement does result in an increas to United Water's customer charge, Ms. Otens testi:fed that this increase is justifiable in light of agreed upon "enhancements" to Unite Water's low-income customers. There are severa such "enhcements" agreed upon in the settlement. Under the :frst, United Water agreed (Settlement Stip, p. 15) to increase the cap on tota bene:fts available under the Company's "United Water Cares" progr from $50 to $65 anualy? Ths chage provides the Communty Action Agencies with greater latitude in determg the greatest level of need among low-income customers and how best to address that need. Ottens, p.5. Another enhancement to low-income assistce negotiated though settement was the provision to remove the curently existg anua matchig cap of $20,000 contrbuted by United Water to the United Water Cares progr.3 Previously, United Water's agreement was to match fuds contrbuted by the Company's customers up to a maximum of $20,000 contrbuted by United Water. Because customer contrbutions have unorttely been quite low, the Company agreed to elimate ths cap. The consequence of this agreement by United Water is to open up 2 See, par 15(a) of Settlement Stiplation. 3 See, par 15(b) of Settlement Stipulaton. CAP AI APPLICATION FOR INTERVENOR FUNING 3 the Company's United Water Cars progr bene:fts to provide more assistce to eligible customers. United Water fuer agreed to provide CAP AI with cert low-income data including an analysis of data related to low-income cusomers' consumption of water by using United Water Cares progr recipients as a "data proxy" for the Company's low-income customers in general.4 Ironically, a signi:fcant problem that low-income advocates such as CAPAI often face is the lack of usefu data concerng the utilty consumption habits of low-income customers. This data can be surrisingly diffcult to obta. The reasons include, among others, the need to protect the con:fdentiality of customers and the fact that the utility in question is often the only par in possession of or with access to the needed data. The opportties to mae productive use of ths tye of inormation is vared. One example pert to the establishment or modification of tiered rates for any given utility. It is tyically not known how much of a parcular utility commodty the average low-income customer consumes, the time of day when such consumption taes place, seasonal varances of said consumption, and so on. As Ms. Otens testified "CAP AI is oftn frstrated by a lack of low-income consumption data when it considers positions to tae in proceedings before ths utility on any number of issues on any number of issues for any utility from revenue allocation to rate design. ,,5 It was agreed by the paries to the Settlement Stipulation tht the confdentiality of any United Water customers whose consumption data is used for anysis puroses as previously described shal remai confdentiaL. This tye of data is helpfu whether one is dealing with kilowatts or cubic feet of water and wil hopefuly prove usefu not only to CAP AI, but to the Commssion Sta and 4 See, par 15(c) of Settlement Stipulation.5 Test. T. Ottens, p.6. CAP AI APPLICATION FOR INTERVEOR FUNING 4 Commissioners as well in reachig recommendations and decisions regardig both low-income and non-low income issues. Furermore, at the time of the settement agreement, CAPAI had pendig cert discovery responses that might also provide additional usefu information. United Water ha agee to respond to ths discvery with a reasnable time frame.6 Finally, United Water has ageed to make available to requesting Communty Action Agencies water conservation devices ("kits") for distbution to low-income customers which should help to increase the dissemination of these importt water-saving measures. The paries agreed to meet and confer to develop protocols for ensurg that conservation kits are delivered only to United Water customers and that appropriate record keeping is maitaned.7 Ms. Ottens noted and expressed CAPAI's appreciation for United Water's history of cooperation in workig with CAPAI to address the concern of the Company's low-income customers. Ms. Otns noted that United Water's reasoned and cooperative approach to low- income issues was a factor in CAP AI's decision to join in the settlement. (03) Statement Showing Costs CAPAI submits tht the costs and fees incured in ths case, and set fort in Exhbit "A," are reasnable in amount. Though ths matter was obviously settled, CAP AI had performed the vast majority of the work needed to proceed to hearg, ha that been necessa, by the time the case was settled. CAP AI has historically made a concerted effort to minize its expenses and maximize the effect that its efforts have in proceedings before ths Commssion. Though ths matter was settled, it still requi the investment of considerable time and resources by CAP AI to effectively paricipate and address issues of concern to the general body of ratepayers. 6 See, par 15(d) of Settlement Stipulation.7 See, par 15(e). CAP AI APPLICATION FOR INTERVENOR FUNING 5 (04) Explanation of Cost Statement CAP AI is a non-pro:ft corporation overeeing a number of agencies who :fght the causes and conditions of povert thoughout Idaho. CAP AI's fuding, which comes from varous private and governenta sources, is in a state of heightened uncertty and limtations. CAP AI, therefore, ha an extrmely limted budget to parcipate in cas before the Commission. Some matters that CAP AI parcipates in before ths Commission, fuermore, do not quaify for intervenor fuding by vire of their natue, though they are stil quite importt to low-income utility customers. In light of the magntude of the rate increase origially requested by United Water, CAP AI believed that its intervention in ths proceedig was necessar to advocate for the interests of low-income customers. The outcome of that intervention, as reflected in the Settlement Stipulation, was to enhce the assistace provided to United Water's low-income customers though the settlement provisions outlined above. Were it not for the availability of intervenor fuds and past awards by ths Commssion, CAP AI would not be able to paricipate in cases before ths Commssion. Even with intervenor fudig, parcipation in Commssion cases constitutes a signficant :fcial hardship because CAP AI must pay its expenses as they are incured. (05) Statement of Difference Althoug Sta provided valuable input regarding most every issue to ths matter, CAP AI is the only pa who represented the interests of United Water's low-income customers and proposed the conditions aged to by United Water and describe herein. CAP AI APPLICATION FOR INTERVENOR FUNDING 6 (06) Statement of Recommendation CAPAI submits that providing assistace to a utility's low-income customers provides system-wide benefits in numerous respects includig, but not limted to, the fact tht properly crafted assistace reuces arearges, debt collection cost, and improves cash flow, among other things. These are benefits enjoyed by all utility customers, not jus the poor. Therefore, the proposals and recommendations made by CAP AI are "of concern to the genera body of utility users or consumers." (07) Statement Showing Class of Customer t 6' the extent tht CAP AI represents a specific United Water customer class, it is the residential class. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTD, ths 12th day of Janua, 2012. ,-/3~Bra M. Puy ~ CAP AI APPLICATION FOR INTERVENOR FUNING 7 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on the 13th day of September, 2012, I caus to be served on the individuas listed below, the foregoing document via electronic tranmission and hard copy via U.S. Mail, fit class. Weldon Stutzan Deputies Attorney General Idaho Public Utilties Commission 472 W. Washington St. Boise, ID 83702 weldon.stutzan~puc.idao.gov Joe Miler McDevitt & Miler 420 W. Banock Street P.O. Box 2564-83701 Boise, ID 83702 joe~mcdevitt-miler.com heather~mcdevitt-miller.com Kevin H. Dohert Director of Rates United Water Mangement and Services Company 200 Old Hook Road Hargton Park, NJ 07640-1799 kevin.dohert~untedwater.com ~~s CAP AI APPLICATION FOR INTERVEOR FUNING 8 EXHBIT" A" ITEMIZED EXPENSES Costs: Photocopies/poste $32.43 Total Costs $32.43 Fees: Legal (Brad M. Pudy -25 hours ~ $130.00/h.) $3,250.00 Expert Witness (Teri Ottens - 10.0 hours ~ $50.00/h.) $500.00 Total Fees $3,750.00 Total Expenses $3,782.43 CAP AI APPLICATION FOR INRVENOR FUNING 9