HomeMy WebLinkAbout20070514Brewer amended direct.pdfMOORE SMITH BUXTON & TURCKE, CHARTERED ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW 950 W. BANNOCK STREET, SUITE 520; BOISE, ID 83702 TELEPHONE: (208) 331-1800 FAX: (208) 331-1202 www.msbtlaw.com STEPHANIEJ. BONNEY SUSAN E. BUXTON* PAuLl. FITZER MICHAEL c. MOORE! BRUCE M. SMITH PAULA. TURCKE' CARL J. WITHROE,, TAMMY A. ZOKAN JOHN J. McFADDEN*! Of Counsel " Also admitted in California + Also admitted in New Mexico * Also admitted in Oregon , Also admitted in South Dakota !Also admitted in Washington May 11 2007 Ms. Jean Jewell Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington Boise, ID 83720 - .. - ..:c' ""- (iJ, RE: IPUC Case No. UWI-07- C:'1 u::' Dear Ms. Jewell: Enclosed please find the original and nine (9) copies of the City of Eagle s AMENDED Direct Testimony and Reporter s CD to be filed in the above referenced matter. Two individuals have supplied this testimony in this case: Vem Brewer, City Engineer; Nancy Merrill, Mayor. The attached corrections includes the page numbering required in the PUC Rules. Thank you, and please call if you should have any additional requirements or if a question should arIse. Sincerely yours MOORE SMITH BUXTON & TURCKE, CHTD. ;;p' , ie Smit Legal Assistant to Bruce M. Smith Idls Enclosures cc: All parties wi Amended Direct Testimony Enclosure " , c. .J i' " '-, .. I'i j' Bruce M. Smith, ISB # 3425 Susan E. Buxton, ISB # 4041 MOORE SMITH BUXTON & TURCKE, CHARTERED Attorneys at Law 950 West Bannock Street, Suite 520 Boise, Idaho 83702 Telephone: (208) 331-1800 Facsimile: (208) 331-1202 bms~msbt1aw.com Yi! i;, " : , ' Attorney for City of Eagle, Idaho BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. TO AMEND AND) REVISE CERTIFICATE OF CONVENIENCEAND NECESSITY NO. 143. CASE NO. UWI-O7- BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION DIRECT TESTIMONY OF VERN BREWER VERN BREWER, Di - Page 1 CITY OF EAGLE - 1019. Please state your name and identify your relationship to the City of Eagle. My name is Vern Brewer. I am the President of Holladay Engineering and Project Manager/Liasion between the City and our team of Professional Engineers and Geologist responsible for the water system design and construction. Holladay Engineering Company was appointed City Engineer in 1997 and currently serves in that capacity. Holladay Engineering is responsible for plan review, water system and well design, system modeling, infrastructure planning, and financial planning for the water system. Professionals assigned to these tasks include: Ken Rice, P., Senior Design Engineer; Chris Duncan, P., Geologist; Andy Gehrke , Engineer; and John Blom, P., Engineer. As project manager I have been responsible for project planning and management, cost analysis and the interface between the engineering team, the council, and the land use professionals employed by the City. What is the City's Water Master Plan? The City of Eagle, through a 4-year land use and infrastructure planning process adopted a City Water Master Plan that includes, in part, that area between Linder Road and Highway 16, from the Boise River to Homer Road on the North. portion of this area is now being proposed for Lanewood Estates. In accordance with the Plan, the City has designed a series of trunk lines and laterals, two one- and-a-half-million gallon water storage tanks, and five wells in order to serve the entire area. The water trunk line and well system is capable of supplying the VERN BREWER, Di - Page 2 CITY OF EAGLE - 1019.49 entire area based on the pressure and flow requirements in accordance with the City's Comprehensive Plan. With regard to the Lanewood development, are you familiar with its location? Yes, it is immediately adjacent to the City limits and within the City's area of impact. Has the City planned to provide water service to Lanewood? Yes. This is consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan and Ada County. How does the City plan to serve Lanewood? The City has been working with some large developments near Lanewood to complete the first phase of the City's western area municipal system. Construction should be completed by July, 2007. Two wells capable of pumping about 4 000 gallons per minute have been constructed. Both wells were constructed according to the IDEQ's standards for municipal wells. A third well with 1 500 gallons per minute capacity is scheduled for 2008, bringing capacity to 000 gallons per minute. The City has pending applications for water rights for these wells. Because the water right applications were protested, the City had to go through a lengthy hearing process which has now been completed. The City received a favorable staff recommendation and expects the applications to be approved in the June-July period. Interestingly, part ofthe delay in getting the applications approved was caused by United Water protesting the applications. VERN BREWER, Di - Page 3 CITY OF EAGLE - 1019. In addition to the wells, a 16" main line is currently under construction from one well to the southern boundary ofthe Lanewood property. This line should be completed in July. If Lanewood completes its county approval process and wants to begin construction of its distribution system, it can do so. See Eagle Exhibit 203. The 16" main is an important component of the City's system because it will run through the Lanewood development and connect to other portions of a loop system designed to bring water to many properties in the City's western expansion area. It will connect to future storage reservoirs. The western expansion area is shown on Eagle Exhibit 204. This is the area where the City has been and is planning to provide water service. Under the present configuration and capacity of the existing wells, all IDEQ requirements for the public water system can be met now and in the future. All of the existing infrastructure under construction and being planned conform with the City' approved Water Master Plan for the area. What is the City's cost of service? The City's annual cost of water service is $344.76. I checked United Water website and they charge $398.43. City of Eagle customers pay less based on comparable use. Does the City encourage conservation of water? VERN BREWER, Di - Page 4 CITY OF EAGLE - 1019. Yes, the City encourages all citizens to conserve their use of water. For instance the City requires use of surface water for irrigation. In Scott Rhead's testimony, he indicated that the two existing City wells are not constructed to municipal standards and that construction of a mainline to Lanewood has not begun. Is this correct? No. Both City wells are brand new and are constructed to IDEQ standards. The mainline is under construction and will be built to the Lanewood boundary. The developer has suggested that he intends to begin construction of his water distribution system in July, 2007. Will this schedule of development be impeded by the construction of the City's mainline or IDEQ approval of the distribution system? No. Lanewood can begin construction ofthe distribution system as soon as IDEQ regulations allow. IDEQ has granted the City Engineer the ability to review and approve plans for the distribution system in accordance with the approved Master Plan in the same manner that United Water is capable of approving plans to their system. The timeframe and process for review and approval of plans is the same through the City as it is through United Water. Most recently the plans for the Legacy development were approved in about a three-week turn around through the City. In the event that Capital Development were to submit complete plans for the Lanewood development to the City, the City Engineer would begin the plan review. The plans could be reviewed and approved within about thirty (30) VERN BREWER, Di - Page 5 CITY OF EAGLE - 1019.49 10. days and the developer could begin construction on July 1 without any delay to their construction schedule. IDEQ does not need to independently review and approve the City of Eagle water delivery system in the western expansion area. Would allowing United Water to serve the Lanewood development interfere with the completion of the City's water system and associated services? Yes. The City's planned trunk line loop, which includes a 16-inch water main coupled with 12-inch and 8-inch laterals to serve the area within the western expansion designated boundary, is a fully integrated system developed by modeling flows and pressures for the entire western area. The 16-inch main runs through the Lanewood development. The insertion of United Water into this system will disrupt a four or five-year planning process engaged in by the City, and it would certainly impair the ability for the City to close its loop to ensure that the residents north, south, and west of Lanewood could participate in a fully integrated and designed water system. A second component of the integrated water system for the western area is the development of a financial model for residents of that planning area to contribute to a storage and trunk-line network fund to provide for the eventual construction of two one-and-a-half-million gallon storage reservoirs that would provide emergency and fire flows at build-out. Excluding Lanewood from the system will have the effect of raising the cost of storage to the remaining residents participating in the construction and would interfere with the objective of VERN BREWER, Di - Page 6 CITY OF EAGLE - 1019. spreading costs equitably among the users of the system. Eliminating Lanewood participation would cause an immediate 4.5% increase to all other planned residents for those storage and trunk line fees. Based on these factors, I believe it is in the public interest to allow the City to serve this area. VERN BREWER, Di - Page 7 CITY OF EAGLE - 1019. Dated this ay of May; 2007. Vern Brewer JIb SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this 11- day of May, 2007. ".... II"" , J-.1 HER ~ A ........~~ '~ "'' .. " ';1.. ~f- I 1'\~7'-1.. ~ \.. . J.. - ' .-li \ f,/). if,.." ,. . .. ~ ' Q L 1", ". ~_. . ~t' ~'" #. 4'"~ '" .' ......." ..'#. #1 IDp..v "'ll"""" ~~L/~~ Residing at My Commission Expires: ii/3D! 1,(;( VERN BREWER, Di - Page 8 CITY OF EAGLE - 1019. CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that on this day of May, 2007 I served a true and correct copy of the foregoing document via the method indicated below to: Dean J. Miller, Esq. McDevitt & Miller LLP 420 West Bannock Street PO Box 2564 Boise, ID 83701 Gregory P. Wyatt United Water Idaho, Inc. PO Box 190420 Boise, ID 83719 Jean Jewell, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street PO Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 Scott Woodbury Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street PO Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 Robert B. Bums Moffatt Thomas Barrett Rock & Fields, Chtd. 101 S. Capitol Blvd., 10th Floor PO Box 829 Boise, ID 83701 (o/D.S. Mail, Postage Prepaid ( ) Hand Delivered ( ) Overnight Mail ( ) Facsimile (0-U.S. Mail, Postage Prepaid (Through Counsel) ( ) Hand Delivered ( ) Overnight Mail ( ) Facsimile (y--tJ.S. Mail, Postage Prepaid ( ) Hand Delivered ( ) Overnight Mail ( ) Facsimile (t-fU.S. Mail, Postage Prepaid ( ) Hand Delivered ( ) Overnight Mail ( ) Facsimile (+U.S. Mail, Postage Prepaid ( ) Hand Delivered ( ) Overnight Mail ( ) Facsimile J. Ramon Yorgason (~S. Mail, Postage Prepaid (Through Counsel) President, Capital Development, Inc. ( ) Hand Delivered 6200 N. Meeker Place ( ) Overnight Mail Boise, ID 83713 ( ) F Bru e M. Smith VERN BREWER, Di - Page 9 CITY OF EAGLE - 1019.49