HomeMy WebLinkAbout20070518Yorgason rebuttal.pdfRobert B. Burns, ISB No. 3744 MOFFATT, THOMAS, BARRETT, ROCK & FIELDS, CHARTERED 101 S. Capitol Blvd., 10th Floor Post Office Box 829 Boise, Idaho 83701 Telephone (208) 345-2000 Facsimile (208) 385-5384 7 rbb~moffatt.com 17-047. Attorneys for Capital Development, Inc. i:' j J ;; .. -, "' , J. ,i U (I i L' , i " ;' " I ..: .. i C,o. ~:, ,~, ' ".. i : Ji \U ik,:) 1'JIve_ ,,-' BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE 12 APPLICATION OF UNITED WATER IDAHO INc. TO AMEND 13 AND REVISE CERTIFICATE OF CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY 14 NO. 143 CASE NO. UWI-O7- DIRECT REBUTTAL TESTIMONY OF INTERVENOR J. RAMON YORGASON IN SUPPORT OF APPLICANT UNITED WATER ID AH 0 IN C. Yorgason, Di-Reb 1 Capital Development, Inc. BOI MT2:650234.4 Please state your name and identify your position with Intervenor Capital Development Inc. My name is J. Ramon Yorgason, and I am the president of Capital Development, Inc. Are you the same Ramon Yorgason who provided direct testimony in this proceeding? Yes. What is the purpose of your rebuttal testimony? I would like to respond to certain statements contained in the direct testimony of Mayor Nancy Merrill and of Vern Brewer. Mayor Merrill, at pages 3-4 of her direct testimony, and Vern Brewer, at pages 2-3 of his direct testimony, have expressed concern that your Lanewood Estates development conform with the City of Eagle' s comprehensive plan. Do you know whether your development application to Ada County is in substantial compliance with Eagle s comprehensive plan, as well as its planning and zoning requirements? Yes, it is. We have undertaken a review of our Ada County application to determine its compatibility with Eagle s comprehensive plan and its planning and zoning requirements and believe our Lanewood Estates development both substantially complies with Eagle s requirements--other than with respect to who would provide water service to the development-and would be approved by Eagle with but possible minor revisions if our property were annexed by it. Yorgason, Di-Reb 2 Capital Development, Inc. BOI MT2:650234.4 Has the City of Eagle initiated annexation proceedings with respect to your Lanewood Estates development? No. Although we have been invited by representatives of the City of Eagle to request annexation, Eagle has neither initiated annexation proceedings itself nor requested our consent to its annexation of our property. At pages 6-7 of his direct testimony, Vern Brewer expressed concern that allowing United Water to serve the Lanewood Estates development would frustrate completion of Eagle s water system and associated services. Is this a legitimate concern? I don t think so. I believe Mr. Brewer s primary concern has to do with the extension of a 16" water main through the Lanewood Estates development. This water main can obviously be extended through Lanewood Road already, and I also have no problem with Eagle extending the water main beneath the streets of our development if Eagle will construct the main in conjunction with the orderly improvement of our project. Capital Development Inc. will provide Eagle with an easement to this effect, if it requests one. Do you have a response to Mr. Brewer s additional concern that excluding Lanewood Estates from Eagle s system would raise the cost of storing water to the remaining residents of Eagle? Yes. Eagle should reduce the size of its planned storage reservoirs and related improvements to accommodate the reduced number of users of Eagle s services resulting from United Water s service of the Lanewood Estates development. By doing so, those connected to Eagle s system will pay for only Yorgason, Di-Reb 3 Capital Development, Inc. BOLMT2:650234.4 those lesser improvements they use, and the residents of Lanewood Estates will not be asked to subsidize the residents of Eagle. Do you have a concern that the residents of Lanewood Estates might be required to subsidize the residents of Eagle? Yes, I do. I have been advised by legal counsel that because our property is not within the city boundaries of Eagle, Eagle would have the right under the law to discriminate in multiple respects against those living in Lanewood Estates, such as by charging them more for water or limiting service in the event of a water shortage. In fact, I was advised that Section 6-4G ofthe Eagle Municipal Code specifically provided for the preferential treatment of the residents of Eagle with respect to water service until last month when it was amended because of this PUC case. Of course, Eagle can also amend its municipal code again as soon as this PUC case is decided, or at any time later, to discriminate in any manner it chooses without recourse by me or the future residents of Lanewood Estates or the Puc. That concern is part of the reason I asked United Water-which I have found to be a tested and reliable provider whose rates and services are regulated by the PUC-to provide water service to Lanewood Estates. What other reason did you have for asking United Water to provide water service to Lanewood Estates? Although both Mayor Merrill and Mr. Brewer have testified about the anticipated construction ofthe necessary improvements to Eagle s water system for Eagle to timely serve Lanewood Estates, Mr. Brewer admits in his Yorgason, Di-Reb 4 Capital Development, Inc. BOLMT2:650234.4 direct testimony at page 3 that Eagle does not have established water rights to provide this service and that Eagle s pending applications for such water rights have been protested. Thus, even assuming Eagle s pending applications are initially approved, a judicial appeal could deprive the City of Eagle of the necessary water rights to provide water service for an indeterminate period, and perhaps forever. Considering the fact that we are currently paying $76 000 a month in interest on our purchase of the first half of the land and, as a result of our recent negotiations with the seller of the property, will be paying more than double that amount as we take down the second half of the land in two increments over the next two years, we simply cannot afford to run the risk that Eagle s hopes with respect to getting its water system operational this summer will prove unfounded. Finally, Mayor Merrill also expressed concern at pages 2-3 of her direct testimony that the City of Eagle will be adversely impacted by your Lanewood Estates development because the residents of the development will use the amenities that Eagle offers. What is your response to this concern? As I earlier indicated, Lanewood Estates will be developed in substantially identical form whether or not it is annexed by the City of Eagle. Accordingly, whether United Water or Eagle provides water service-which is really what the present controversy is all about-the impacts on Eagle will be the same. Further, the principal impacts of our proposed development will be on the roads, sewers, schools, and fITe and sheriff s departments, and the City of Eagle is not responsible for any of these "amenities." Finally, if Eagle wants the residents Yorgason, Di-Reb 5 Capital Development, Inc. BOI MT2:650234.4 2007. of Lanewood Estates to be residents of the City of Eagle, Eagle can always annex their property. DATED this 18th day of May 2007. (\ iC,/1 t7Zt 1. Ramon Yorga n .. SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this 18th day of May Yorgason, Di-Reb 6 Capital Development, Inc. BOI MT2:650234.4 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this 18th day of May 2007, I caused a true and correct copy of the foregoing DIRECT REBUTTAL TESTIMONY OF INTERVENOR J. RAMON YORGASON IN SUPPORT OF APPLICANT UNITED WATER IDAHO INc. to be served by the method indicated below, and addressed to the following: Gregory P. Wyatt UNITED WATER IDAHO, INC. P. O. Box 190420 Boise, ID 83719 E-mail: greg.wyatt~unitedwater.com Dean J. Miller McDEVITT & MILLER, LLP 420 West BanriockStreet P. O. Box 2564 Boise, ID 83701. " ' E-mail: joe~mcdevitt~miller.com Scott Woodbury'" Deputy Attorney General IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION 472 West Washington Street P. O. Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 E-mail: scott.woodbury~puc.idaho.gov Bruce M. Smith MOORE, SMITH, BUXTON & TURCKE CHTD. 950 West Bannock Street, Suite 520 Boise, ID 83702 E-mail: bms~msbtlaw.com J. Ramon Yorgason, President Capital Development, Inc. 6200 N. Meeker Place Boise, ID 83713 E-mail: capdev~cableone.net (X) u.S. Mail, Postage Prepaid ( ) Hand Delivered ( ) Overnight Mail ( ) Facsimile (X) u.S. Mail, Postage Prepaid ( ) Hand Delivered ( ) Overnight Mail ( ) Facsimile (X) u.S. Mail, Postage Prepaid ( ) Hand Delivered ( ) Overnight Mail ( ) Facsimile (X) u.S. Mail, Postage Prepaid ( ) Hand Delivered ( ) Overnight Mail ( ) Facsimile (X) u.S. Mail, Postage Prepaid ( ) Hand Delivered ( ) Overnight Mail ( ) Facsimile /; L(i-/~B. Yorgason, Di-Reb 7 Capital Development, Inc. BOI MT2:650234.4