HomeMy WebLinkAbout20051121Letters.pdf11/21/2005 13:51 FAX 2083730287 DEQ BOISE REGIONAL ~001/004- ---.. - PhOl'le # F;!I)(# Ql'\'~"r 1!r' " " r..i $' ..,," i. \ " r~~i: i;-"ll\";i"'" t\"i"ATE' OF IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY Dirk Kernpthorne. Governor ::: Toni Hard~~ty. Director1445 N. Orchard-. Boise, Idaho 83706 . (206) 373-0550 November 21,2005 -~\ E-AG -CU-oS--OS UW1:- LtJ-05- -. ..'.. ! s:~ :::' ~., i . -. - 4-' en :-'1'. ..) r'; Mr. Robert DeShazo Eagle Water Company O. Box 455 Eagle, ill 83616 ("")-::: ..,., -v =;~-.,' (j)C) (j) f'.-) Q') RE:Revision to DEQ's September 7, 2005 letter regarding system capacity Dear Mr. DeShazo: Department of Environmental Qua1ity (DEQ) staff has reviewed your November 18,2005 letter regarding service to Covenant Hills Subdivision. We are revising the conditions in our letter to you dated November 9, 2005 as follows: DEQ will accept a Will Serve Letter for this project under the following conditions: 1. 'We accept the schedule and conditions in Eagle Water Company s November 18,2005 I etter- 2. The schedule must also be acceptable to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. 3. OEQ must conduct its standard review and approval of the subject project. 4. DEQ cannot accept additional Will Serve Letters until the issues mentioned in the September 7, 2005 are resolved- Please call Monty Marchus with any questions at 373-0560 or via e-mail at monty.marchus(gidcg.idaho.gov- You may also contact me at 373-0550. Sincerely, ---;rlvA It" ~'J,- Michael R. McGown Administrator Boise Regional Office MGM:ve: H:\Eaglc Water Company\Produccion capacity 9.05 - update2.doc Enclosure: November 18, 2005 letter from Eagle Water Company " . -. " , . . , . , 11/21/2005 13:52 FAX 2083730287 DEQ BOISE REGIONAL ~ 002/004 Mr. Raben DeShazo Eagle Water Company November 21 2005 Page 2 cc:Mayor Nancy Merrill , City of Eagle Charles W. Ariss, P., DEQ Regional Engineering Manager Tiffany Floyd, OEQ Drinking Water Manager Lance Nielsen, DEQ State Drinking Water Program Manger Monty G. Marchus, P _, DEQ Staff Engineer Randy Lobb, pue (w/encl) Jim Rees, P ., MTC Engineering (w/encl) Reading File, Source File # l-c:ng 11/18/20B5 15: 47 93'3"'267 DEQ BOISE REGIONAL EAGLE WATER CO INC ~ 003/004 PAGE 02 11/21/2005 13:52 FAX 2083730287 (208) t31H)242 FAX (208) 138-0267 O. BOX 455 EAGLE,IDAt40 83616 November 18, 2005 Dear Monty: As we have discussed, Eagle Water Company, Jnc. ("Eagle Water") is currently able to delivQf sufficient water supply and pressure 10 meet fire flow requirements for the proposed Covenant Hills SubdMsion (-Covenant HiUs ); hawever, Eagle Wat~ desires to route a 12-inch mainline from its Well No. 6 through Covenant Hills to tie that well into this portion of its system, thereby improving preSsureelsewhere in its system. Although Hillvlew Development maintains that Eagle Water can route its 12-inch mainline loop through the adjaCE!nl Downing Downs subdivision, that is not a viable, cost-effective alternative- Unlike the essentially unimproved ground that Eagle Watet ha$ identified foJ:' routing Its mainline loop, the Downing Downs subdivision Ie fully develop~ with streets, existing structures, and mature landscaping. It would be cost-prohibltive for Eagle Water to utilize this route and that excessive cost would ultimately have to be passed on to consumers. Consequently Eagle Water requests that the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (-DEQIJ) provide Eagle Water with a letter allowing it to proceed to service the subdIvision known as Covenant Hills SubdIvisIon ("Covenant Hills ). Your letter would allow the developer to begin construdion of the subdMsion Immediately- Eagle Water understands that DEQ's letter authorizing it to provide service to Covenant Hills wou)d be 'condltioned on the following: 1. That Eagle Water continue working with the two landowners (Greg Holmes and Jim Choat) south of Covenant Hills and the Hereford Subdivision Homeowners Association to obtain a permanent easement to connect Eagle Water's existing 12-inch wat.r main stub on the Holmes property to the new. Covenant Hills mainline on or before February 16, 20~. 2. Tnat MTC Engineering, Inc. provide DEC working drawings, plans and specifications for the extension of the 12-inch mainlinQ to Covenant Hills by January 10th, 2006 3. That Eagle Water construct and connect tne 12-inotr mainline from its Well No.6 to Covensot Hills on or before April 1 , 2006. 11/21/2005 13:53 FAX 2083730287 11/18/2~~5 15: 47 9390267 DEQ BOISE REGIONAL EAGLE WATER CO INC ~ 004/004 PAGE 83 That, if the above conditions are not met and Eagle Water provideadAquate fir.. flow to Covenarrt Hills, Eagle Water will relinquish its right to servethe subdivision. Robert DeShazo, Jr.President