HomeMy WebLinkAbout20230508Reply to Final Comments.pdfI 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 ll t2 13 14 l5 t6 l7 l8 l9 20 2t 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Peter Richardson, ISB # 3195 RICHARDSON ADAMS, PLLC 515 N. 27th Street Boise,Idaho 83702 (208) 938-7e01 peter@richarclsonadams. com Attorneys for Respondent Motor Coach Village HOA BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CDS STONERIDGE UTILITIES, LLC COMPLAINANT, VS. THE MOTOR COACH VILLAGE HOA, RE,SPONDENT. Case No.: SWS-W-23-01 MOTOR COACH VILLAGE'S REPLY TO CDS STONERIDGE UTILITIES, LLC'S..FINAL COMMENTS" COMES NO\ry, Motor Coach Village HOA, (hereinafter the "HOA") and lodges its Reply to CDS StoneRidge Utilities', LLC's (hereinafter the "Utility") Final Comments in the above captioned matter. I. THE UTILITY HAS CONCEDED ALL LEGAL ISSUES IN FAVOR OF THE HOA The Utility's "Final Comments" fail to rebut, counter or even address any of the legal arguments set forth in the HOA's Answer. Specifically, the Utility failed to respond to the HOA's assertion that the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") lacks jurisdiction to entertain a complaint by a regulated utility against one of its customers. (Ref. HOA's Answer at $ I(B). The Utility failed to respond to the HOA's assertion that the Utility's complaint failed to comply with the Commission's Rules of Procedure dealing with Complaints. (Ref. HOA's MOTOR COACH VILLAGE'S REPLY TO CDS STONERIDGE UTILITIES, LLC'S..FINAL COMMENTS'' - I RECEIVED 2023 May 5, 4:26PM IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION l 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 ll t2 l3 t4 l5 l6 t7 l8 l9 20 2l 22 23 24 25 26 21 28 Answer at $ I(A) The Utility also failed to identiff any "act or omission" on the part of the HOA upon which a complaint by the Utility must rest.r The Utility has therefore conceded these issues. It is generally accepted pleading practice that if a party's responsive pleading fails to rebut or address an argument made by the opposition in an earlier pleading, the party failing to respond is deemed to have conceded the point. United States v. Berkowitz,927 F.2d1376,1383 (7th Cir. 1991). Furthermore, the only other party to the case (PUC Staff) has not attempted to address any of these fatal flaws. Thus, the Commission should summarily dismiss the Utility's complaint for lack ofjurisdiction, or in the altemative find that the HOA was operating under the reasonable belief, induced by the Utility, that it was not being illegally under-billed and hence is not liable for any alleged past under-billing amounts. II DISPUTED "FACTS'' The Utility's "Final Comments" contain two spread sheets that purport to show, for the first time, the specific dollar amount of the alleged underbilling as "approximately 543,220.74." The spreadsheets are offered, apparently, as evidence supporting the Utilities claims. However, the spreadsheets and the alleged dollar amount of the alleged underbillings have not been verified or authenticated. They have not been subjected to discovery, inspection or cross- examination. It would constitute a denial of the HOA's due process rights for the Commission t< accept the Utility's unsubstantiated and unauthenticated allegations as fact. Indeed, the Utility is I IPUC Rules of Procedure, Rule 054.02. MOTOR COACH VILLAGE'S REPLY TO CDS STONERIDGE UTILITIES, LLC'S..FINAL COMMENTS'' - 2 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 ll t2 t3 14 t5 t6 l7 l8 l9 20 2l 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 only able to characterize the dollar amount of the alleged underbilling as an 'approximation." The Utilities own (un-verified) spreadsheets are only able to offer an "approximation" of the alleged under billings. Approximations are not facts. Approximations cannot form the foundation upon which a defensible Commission order may be based. For these reasons the Commission should reject the Utility's request for an order that the HOA has been improperly underbilled in the amount of "approximately 943,220.74." III. THE "SPECIAL CONTRACT'' RED HERRING In its "Final Comments" the Utility goes to great lengths to disavow the enforceability of the "Special Contract." The Utility misses the point altogether. As discussed in the HOA's Answer, the HOA relied upon the special contract as any reasonable and rational actor would. The HOA does not dispute the Commission Staff s after-the-fact assertion that the Special Contract is not enforceable. Nevertheless, at the time the Special Contract was entered into by the HOA and the Utility, both parties were under the impression that it was enforceable and legally binding. Hence, the HOA reasonably relied on representations made by the Utility as to the applicability of the Special Contract. This reasonable reliance requires, at a minimum, that the Commission apply the six month 'safe harbor' test to limit any past under-billing to just the most recent six months. It is disingenuous, at best, for the Utility to now claim that it never believed the S Contract was valid or enforceable. According to the Utility's Final Comments: It has been our that the Contract has not been a aqreement upon this account in the past nor is it going forward for the following reasons: 1. As a Special Contract our current Tariff requires IPUC review and approval there is no evidence that has occurred. MOTOR COACH VILLAGE'S REPLY TO CDS STONERIDGE UTILITIES, LLC'S..FINAL COMMENTS'' - 3 l 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 il l2 t3 l4 l5 l6 t7 l8 l9 20 2l 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2. The agreement/letter is between Motor Coach Village HOA StoneRidge Golf Community and not the CES StoneRidge Utilities, LLC so S Utilities, LLC aseparate legal entity was not bound by the agreement/letter.2 The Utility is now claiming that it knew the Special Contract was false all along. Yet, despite apparent knowledge, the utility knowingly induced the HOA to execute an unenforceable agreement. The Utility's subterfuge should not be rewarded by the Commission. That said, utility's admission that it misled the HOA into believing that the Special Contract was a valid ( its 'fingers' crossed behind its back) is compelling evidence of the reasonableness of the HOA' reliance on the Special Contact and therefore its belief that it was current on all Utility billings. The Utility's resent claim in its Final Comments, that it all along is apparently also false. In a letter addressed to Ms. Noriyuki and Ms. Carlock at PUC dated February 20, 2023, the Utility admitted that it only just recently learned of unenforceability of the Special Contact: As you may already know, recently StoneRidge Utilities, was informed by IPUC Staff a determination had been reached by IPUC Staff - that there was not a "Special governing the water service we provide to Motor Coach Villages' 6" meter. That both the Utility and the HOA were under the belief that the Special Contact was a valid enforceable agreement is verified by the attached affidavit of Mr. Lloyd Holloway in which, oath, he explains the circumstances surrounding the execution of the Special Contract. Holloway's affrdavit impeaches the Utility's claim that it knew all along that the Special Con was not enforceable. Mr. Holloway's affidavit is attached as Exhibit A to this Reply 2 Final Comments at p. 4. Underscoring provided MOTOR COACH VILLAGE'S REPLY TO CDS STONERIDGE UTILITIES, LLC'S..FINAL COMMENTS'' - 4 Mr I 2 J 4 5 6 7 I 9 l0 ll l2 l3 t4 l5 l6 t7 l8 l9 20 2t 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 The Utility's red herring notwithstanding, it is important to keep in mind that the S Contract validates the reasonableness of the HOA's understanding that it was not being underbil The enforceability or lack of enforceability of the special contract is irrelevant for purposes of Commission's deliberations. That is because the HOA does not rely on the Special Contract govern the legal relationship between the parties - but only to demonstrate what the reasonably understood that relationship to be III. FAILURE TO ADDRESS WAIVER ARGUMENT The HOA asserted in its Answer that this Utility has voluntarily waived any rights it ma have had to rebill for alleged past under-billings pursuant to IPUC Customer Relations Rule N 203.01. The Utility's Final Comments do not object to, nor do they attempt to rebut this assertion The assertion of a waiver is therefore conceded by the Utility. IV. CONCLUSION The Utility's Final Comments fail to rebut any of the HOA's legal arguments relative the lack of PUC jurisdiction over this matter or over the HOA. The validity of those are therefore conceded. The Utility's Final Comments fail to rebut any of the HOA's legal arguments relative to i failure to comply with the Commission's rules of procedure relative to the lodging of The validity of those arguments are therefore conceded. The Utility's Final Comments fail to rebut any of the HOA's legal arguments relative to waiver of any rebilling rights that it may have had. The validity of those arguments are conceded. MOTOR COACH VILLAGE'S REPLY TO CDS STONERIDGE UTILITIES, LLC'S..FINAL COMMENTS'' - 5 I 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 il l2 l3 t4 l5 16 t7 t8 l9 20 2t 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 The Utility's final comments also reinforce and validate the HOA's assertion that it hal justifiably and reasonably relied upon the Special Contact, and the All Accounts Are Current letter to trigger the Commission's safe harbor six-month limitation on back billings. (See HOA Answer at $ III). Dated this 5th day of May 2023. I Peter J. Richardson, ISB #3195 Counsel for Motor Coach Village HOA /t t/ /t il CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on the 5th day of May 2023,I served a true and correct copy of The Motor Coach Village HOA's Reply to CDS StoneRidge Utilities, LLC's "Final Comments" upon the following by electronic mail only addressed to the following: Jan Noriyuki Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission Jan ¡ori uki @puc. idaho. sov CDS StoneRidge Utilities, Attn : Teres a Zamora, Utilities Administrator P. O. Box 298 Blanchard, ID 83804 utilities@stonerideeidaho. com MOTOR COACH VILLAGE'S REPLY TO CDS STONERIDGE UTILITIES, LLC'S..FINAL COMMENTS'' - 6 I 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 ll t2 l3 t4 15 t6 l7 18 t9 20 2t 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Peter Richardson, ISB # 3195 RICHARDSON ADAMS, PLLC 515 N. 27th Street Boise,Idaho 83702 (208) e38-7e01 peter@richardsonadams. com Attorneys for Respondent Motor Coach Village HOA BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CDS STONERIDGE UTTLITIES, LLC COMPLAINANT, vs. THE MOTOR COACH VILLAGE HOA, RESPONDENT. Case No.: SWS-W-23-01 MOTOR COACH VILLAGE'S REPLY TO CDS STONERIDGE UTILITIES, LLC'S..FINAL COMMENTS" EXHIBIT A Consisting of the one-page Declaration of Lloyd Holloway and the three page "Agreement and Understanding on Water Meter 357 and Inland Power Refund Request. MOTOR COACH VILLAGE'S REPLY TO CDS STONERIDGE UTILITIES, LLC'S..FINAL COMMENTS'' - EXHIBIT A DECLARATION OF LLOYD HOLLOWAY (1) My name is Lloyd Holloway. ln 2017, I was a resident of the Motor Coach Village, Stoneridge (MCV) and in 2CI17,1 was also President of the Motor Coach Village Homeowners Association.(2) A Settlement Agreement was entered into between Motor Coach Village and the Stoneridge Golf and Recreation Community (which included Stoneridge Utilities). This settlement agreement was dated 15 November 2017 and signed by me on 20 November, 2017. A true copy of the settlement agreement accompanies this declaration.(3) The settlement agreement was a resolution of a dispute between the parties over: (a) incorrect and overcharged water billings; (b) improper placement of fire hydrants providing fire protection behind the water meter; and (c) MCV being charged for irrigation water use of areas outside of Motor Coach Village and not the responsibility of Motor Coach Village.(4) I have previously been a Fire Chief. As a former Fire Chief, I was particularly concerned about fire hydrants used for the purpose of fire protection being placed after (as opposed to before) any water meter. Turning or shutting off the water meter would prevent the flow of water to fire hydrants, thereby defeating their purpose for fire protection.(5) Water through MCV meters continues to provide irrigation water outside of MCV to the Stoneridge Golf and Recreation Community, and particularly to the south of the water plant.(6) ln order to resolve the dispute, the agreement provided (among other things) that there would be no reconnect fee for the 6" meter (meter number 247\ and no minimum monthly fee, unless usage was detected.(7) I d¡d not know of and was never told about any Public Utility Commission requirement that the agreement had to be approved by the IPUC in order to be valid. Pursuant to ldaho Code 9-1406 and 28 USC 1746, I certify under penalty of perjury pursuant to the law of the State of ldaho that the foregoing is true and correct. \\day of February,2A23 L Dated and signed this Ho v $r"cruE R¡DGË: PO BÕX 28ii 3 ê/:l 5 ríl¡'r- i¡[)cF- R(]Äi) 8l .¡¡¡(- {-r,\t?i) ir}¡\i-.{rJ 8:18().,1 P! rrJ¡rf:. :?O8.¿l:17 3 I 4B Ë.Àf 2()8.¿t.17 3()48 5'ro i\i Ë R i ÛG E ¡ tA l-.to. co Nt f\ovember L5,2#17 Mr. Lloyd Holloway Presicient: Motor Coach Village at Stoneridge Blanchard, lD 83804 Rf;: Agreement afid Understanding on Water Met€r 357 and lnland Power Refund Request It is ägreed thåt, by entering into this Agreement, neither Str:rreridge Land, LC, Stoneridge Utilities, LC, Ðridge lnvestment 6roup or âny of íts Employees nor Mstor Coach Village at Stoneridge or its ßoard of Directors make any admi:sion of any failing or wrongdoing. lhe parties rnerely have agreecl to resc¡lve amicably all dispLrtes regarding Water fVleter 357 and the lnl¿nd power Refund Raquest. This document will serve as an âgreernent to rÊ[t¡fy any inequalit.T and as ên ågi€ement of procedr-¡re frorn this clate forward. Stoneridge Utilities ägrees to credlt iVlotor Coach Village at Stoneridge $¡,¡e:.:g ffhree Thou¡a¡d Three Hundr*d Sixty ïhree Dollars and Thirty Ëight Cents) for watei' usage billerl to ¡;lotor Coach Village,:'rer tlre past fi're years, Stoneridge r,ltrìities also agrees to credit l/1otor Coach Village at Stoneridge $3,413.4û {Three Thcusand Foiir Hundred Thirteen Dollars and Foi'ty Cents) for Metef Fees associated u/ith meter 357 orrer the past five years' It is agreed upon that beginning with the September 201/ water bitlwhich will not be subiect to latefeesif paidonorbeforeOecember l.20LT,chargesassoci¿tedwithMeter35Twillbesplit in the fallowing manner: Montnly Nlinimurn Custsrnei" Charge will be 1l3 Motor Coach Village at Stoneridge, 1./3 Stoneridge Utilities, 1/3 5tonerielge Str:rage Condominiunrs. Water usâge charges of fvleter 357 will be split 559/o lVlr:tor Coach Villag* at gtoneridge,4to/r Stoneridge Utili.rier, 5% Stoneridge Storage Ccnclominii.¡ff5. Râtes will be current IPUC rates (subject to ch,:nge rn acccrdance with the lrJ¿hc Pubiic Utility Comrni:;ioniof 91.70.67 for the Mini¡num M*nthly C¡str¡rrer Charg,e, a¡rd the Comrnoclity {or r,vater r-riage) Charge will be i0 79 per 1,000 gaìlons used It is al:;r: agr.eed upon thåt fulotcr Coach Village at !tonericlge wtll i:crltintre to b* billerJ for t'¡¡t-l adrJitional sJater rï*tet;, a:: folk:',v:: Melerf ì47 {a giï:_ir-rch meter ussd.fo( lots ggd irisatiqn} Meter 247 r¡rill have the Minimum Monthly Custorner Charge icurrently S1,536)imposed during the n'¡onths that wâter usage 15 {etected, normally the irrigation nonths of May through September {a five-month periotl). Meter 247 w¡ill rìot have the Minimum Monthly Customer Charge iinposed during the months that wåtsr usage is Ntl- detected, norrnally October through April {a seven-münth period}' lrrleter 247 will have no seasonal re-connect fee icurrently $4,L60) imposed in April' Me_ter 338 {a lwgjnch metgr up,qd for lots.qnd trisatipni Meter 338 will NCIT have the Minimurn lylonthly Customer Charge imposed during tl're rnonths thät the Minimum Monthly Custorner Charge is imposed on lvleter 247 Meter 338 WILL have the Mi¡rir"num Monthly CustÕrne¡'Charge imposed only during those months when water flow is detected on Meter 338 but NOT on Meter 247, typically the months of April and October. The following ehart outlines !his understanding eoncerning the ltlinimum MonthlV Customer Charges: to1eter 338 inch Meter 247 inch Mrter 357 Split Three Jan Feb MâT ABr No Meter Charge Nc Meter üharge ¡1ü Meter Nû Meter Charge ¡lc tuleter Chå No MeterCharge þlo ¡v-leter Charg* Na Meter Charge Mete r ehar6e if there is üsâge on 338 cnly No Mefer Charge No tuleter Charge No Meter Charge F¡f Meter Charge N0 Mater Charge ûieter Charge if lhere is usage on 338 oniY No Meter üharge flo Meter C No ¡ileler Charge f]o [treter Çt'arge Nû Meter Charge Mete r Clrarge íf there is Meter Charge if tbere is usage Nlo lvleter Charg* i\c Meter Charge MaY iun lul Aug 5ep ûct N*v ûec ln adrjitir:n, it is agree;:l upon that 5t':neridge Lar¡d wiiicredit il-lüI{.}r Coaç.h Village at St*neridge 5¿,5f 3,22 iT'ua TharisanC l-ivel Hrirrclre<J Fifte*n D*liars ar';d T,¡renty Twa {let:tsifr:r ì*larrd Pswer Refund Request dated fvlay 5th, 2û17. This agreement will end all further claims by the Motor Coach Village. As part of the agreement StÐneridge Land, LC agrees to assist the Motor Coach Village at Stoneridge in collecting lnland Power charges from both the JMBCA and any individual listed on the Refund Request Document, Brad Hanseria Date 1,1 ¡r ]j G,M. Stoneri ge Golf &alCommunity Lloyd Holloway aare . 1/ :â a -./-Y President Motor Village at Stone