HomeMy WebLinkAbout20230413Answers to Summons.pdfI 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 lt t2 l3 t4 l5 t6 l7 l8 l9 20 2l 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Peter Richardson, ISB # 3195 RICHARDSON ADAMS, PLLC 515 N. 27th Street Boise, Idaho 83702 (208) e38-7901 peter@richardsonadams. com Attorneys for Respondent Motor Coach Village HOA CDS STONERIDGE UTILITIES, LLC COMPLAINANT, vs. THE MOTOR COACH VILLAGE HOA, RESPONDENT. HOA c/o Mr. Gerald Massy @ BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC TJTILITIES COMMISSION Case No.: SWS-W-23-01 com and Mr. Rich Hunter MOTOR COACH VILLAGE'S ANSWER COMES NOW, Motor Coach Village HOA, (hereinafter the "HOA") and pursuant to that Summons issued by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (hereinafter "Commission" or "IPUC") and lodges its Answer to the CDS StoneRidge Utilities, LLC's (hereinafter the "Utility' or "StoneRidge") Complaint in the above captioned matter. Please provide all communications related to this matter to Mr. Richardson at the address noted above (electronic mail is preferred) with electronic only copies to the Motor Home Village I. GBNBRAL DENIAL For the reasons noted below, the HOA questions whether the nomenclature of "complaint" is properly applied to StoneRidge's pleading and thus whether it is even properly MOTOR COACH VILLAGE'S ANSWER - I RECEIVED Thursday, April 13, 2023 2:51:53 PM IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION I 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 ll t2 t3 l4 l5 l6 l7 l8 t9 20 2l 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 before the Commission as such. That said, and in an abundance of caution, the HOA hereby denies each and every element of StoneRidge's 'complaint' that alleges wrongdoing on the HOA's part. The HOA further affirmatively pleads that it has complied in good faith with all applicable regulations, orders, requirements, laws and other mandates of the Idaho Public Utilities Code and this Commission's orders. II. STONERIDGE'S COMPLAINT IS SUBSTANTIVBLY AND JURISDICITIONALLY FLAWBD A. STONERIDGE'S PLEADING FAILS TO MEET THE SUBSTANTIVE REQUIREMENT IN THE COMMISSION'S RULES TO SUSTAIN A COMPLAINT This Complaint docket was initiated by the Commission's issuance of a formal summons to the HOA asserting that a "complaint has been filed with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission" by StoneRidge. However, the Commission's Rules of Procedure provide that a complaint must: Fully state the facts constituting the acts or omissions of the utility or person against whom the complaint is filed and the dates when the acts or omission occurred.l StoneRidge's 'Complaint' fails to make any allegation of an act or omission committed by the HOA. StoneRidge's'Complaint' alleges no wrongdoing by the HOA, but rather is merely seeking directional guidance from the Commission. According to the StoneRidge pleading: StoneRidge Utilities, LLC would like to clarifu that we are going to be waiting to complete a "final Reconciliation of Acct. #247" until we have clear direction from IPUC Staff and/or Commissioners regarding the length of time we are able to "rebill" on this account." Are we limited to going back six (6) months from November - i.e. May 2021 or can we go fuither back to a maximum of 3 years. ..2 I IPUC Rules of Procedure, Rule 054.02. 2 StoneRidge Complaint, cover letter dated February 2l ,2023, addressed to Ms. Noriyuki and Ms. Carlock from Teresa Zamora. MOTOR COACH VILLAGE'S ANSWER - 2 I 2 -) 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 lt t2 l3 t4 l5 t6 l7 l8 t9 20 2t 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Indeed, the very essence of StoneRidge's pleading is to attempt to correct for its (the Utility's) failure to properly and timely bill its customers as required by the Commission's rules. Thus, "acts or omissions" being complained of are in fact acts and omissions of the Utility in its failure to abide by the Commission's rules requiring timely and consistent billing practices.3 Although the Utility states that its reconciliation of meter account #247 is not completed, it is the HOA's understanding that the amount in controversy that the Utility seeks rebilling authority for is $57,301.54. StoneRidge admits in its 'Complaint' that it (the Utility) is the entity that has "committed acts or omissions" in violation of the Commission's Customer Relations Rules requiring regular billings by utilities. StoneRidge has made no allegation that the HOA is, likewise, in violation of any public utility law or Commission order. StoneRidge makes the spurious implication that it is somehow the HOA's fault that StoneRidge has failed to comply with its tariffs: While usage was regularly charged on this account, the monthly minimum was only billed for a short period customers fair share of the Minimum Monthly Charges for a Six -lnch (6") water meter for any reconnection charges each spring as called for in the appropriate, in place, IPUC Tariff.a [Emphasis provided.] If the Utility is, in fact, not billing for services it provides, then obviously it will have reduced revenues from what it would otherwise have received. That fact alone, however, does not support the Utility's asseftion that its other customers have experienced an "unequitable burden.' 3IPUC Customer Relations Rules, Rule 20 l. a StoneRidge Complaint at Exhibit'D', page T, "Summary of Underbilling on Account#24'7 from2006- 20 17 ." Emphasis provided. MOTOR COACH VILLACE'S ANSWER - 3 of time in200612007. This fact has no doubt resulted in the I 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 ll t2 l3 t4 l5 t6 t7 l8 l9 20 2t 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 In this case, StoneRidge's other customers have been indifferent to the fact that the Utility has been negligent in its billing practices. This is true because the Utility has not had a general rate case since 2006.s Under- or over-recoveries of Commission approved revenue requirements between general rate cases are simply absorbed by the Utility's shareholders/owners and are not the responsibility of the general body of ratepayers. Furthermore, past revenue shortfalls caused by poor billing practices are not the responsibility of future ratepayers due to the general prohibition against retroactive ratemaking. It is blackletter law in Idaho that the IPUC does not have the "authority to grant utilities surcharges to make up past deficits." Utah Power & Lieht Co. v. Idaho Pub. Utils. Comm'n, 107 Idaho 47 " 53 , 685 P .2d 27 6 (1984\. Thus, if StoneRidge experienced a revenue shortfall due to its negligent underbilling practices, its ratepayers have not been harmed. One could also legitimately posit that its owners/shareholders have not been harmed either. After all, this negligent Utility, if it were in fact experiencing a revenue shortfall, always had the option to seek rate relief at any time over the last seventeen years. In all likelihood, this utility has been, in fact over-earning by a sufficient amount in order for its shareholders/owners to seemlessly absorb the costs associated with its negligent billing practices -- without the need for rate relief for the last two decades. il il 5 Case No. SWS-W-06-01. The Commission's website labeled Case No. SWS-W-20-01 as a "General Rate Case." However, that case only addressed the Utility's hook-up fees and was not a general revenue requirement proceed ing. MOTOR COACH VILLAGE'S ANSWER - 4 I 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 ll t2 l3 t4 l5 l6 l1 l8 t9 20 2T 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 B. IDAHO UTILITIES ARE NOT EMPOWERED TO FILE, AND THIS COMMISSION HAS NO JURISDICITON TO ENTERTAIN, COMPLAINTS BY UTILITIES AGAINST THEIR RATEPAYERS The Idaho Public Utility Code does not allow for the frling of a complaint against any entity other than a utility, as such is defined in Chapter I of Title 61. The HOA is not a utility and, hence, is not subject to the Commission's jurisdiction. That the Commission has no jurisdiction over non-utilities is axiomatic, the ldaho Public Utility Code only grants the Commission jurisdiction over complaints aeainst utilities. See specihcally ldaho Code $$ 61- 612 - 61-616, "Complaint against utility." The Commission has no jurisdiction over complaints by utilities against their ratepayers/customers. THUS, although (A) StoneRidge's pleading has been denominated as a complaint -- it is more akin to a petition for declaratory ruling or for clarification, and (B) although the Commission does not have jurisdiction to entertain a complaint by a utility against one of its customers; in the interests of economic use of the Commission's time and resources the HOA will address the actual issue at hand: to wit: May StoneRidge make up for its negligent failure to bill its customers, and if so, J'or how long o/'a period of time may it retroactively bill its customers. II. STONERIDGE HAS WAIVED ANY RIGHTS IT MAY HAVE HAD TO RETORACTIVELY BILL THE HOA TO MAKE UP FOR ITS NEGLIGENT BILLING PRACTICES StoneRidge specifrcally asks the Commission for authority to back bill for the time period November 201 8 through Novemb er 2021. In the alternative, StoneRidge suggests that, at MOTOR COACH VILLAGE'S ANSWER - 5 I 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 ll l2 l3 l4 l5 l6 ll l8 l9 20 2t 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 a minimum, it should be allowed to back bill for the six months ending November 2021.6 ln support of its claims, StoneRidge cites to IPUC Utility Customer Relations Rule No 203.01. That rule provides, in its entirety: Billing Errors - Failure to Bill. Whenever the billing for utility service was not accurately determined for reasons such as a meter malfunction or failure, incorrect installation or programming of metering equipment, or errors in preparation of bills, the utility will prepare a corrected billing. If the utility has failed to bill a customer for service provided, the utility will prepare a bill for the period during which service was provided and the customer was not billed. At its discretion, the utility may waive rebilling for undercharges. StoneRidge and the HOA were aware of the Utility's failure to bill for the monthly minimums contained in the Utility's Tariffls as far back as at least 2017 . On November 15, 2017, the Utility and the HOA entered into an agreement (the "Waiver Agreement") that addressed StoneRidge's underbilling's and its failure to bill for the monthly minimums on Meter Account #247 . A copy of the Waiver Agreement is attached hereto as HOA Exhibit No. l. In relevant part, the Wavier Agreement provides that for Meter 247 (the meter billing at issue herein): Meter 247 wlll have the Minimum Monthly Customer Charge (currently $1,536) imposei during the months that water usage IS detected, normally the irrigation months of May through September (a hve-month period). Meter 247 will not have the Minimum Monthly Customer Charge imposed during the months that water usate is NOT detected, normally October through April (a seven- month period). Meter 247 will have no seasonal re-connect fee (currently $4,160) imposed in April.T 6stoneRidge 'Complaint' at p. l.TUOR Exhibit l, at page l. Capitalization in original MOTOR COACH VILLAGE'S ANSWER - 6 I 2 J 4 5 6 1 8 9 l0 lt l2 l3 l4 l5 t6 l1 l8 l9 20 2t 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Here, of course, the Utility is waiving any rights it may have had to recover underbillings related to its otherwise mandatory Minimum Monthly Customer Charge or for its seasonal re-connect fee. The Commission's Customer Relations Rules specifically allow a utility to do just that: At its discretion, the utility may waive rebillingJ'or undercharges.s The Waiver Agreement has never been formally filed with, nor approved by, the Commission. However, Rule 201.01 does not require Commission supervision of a utility's decision to waive rebilling for undercharges. That decision is specifically "at [the utility'sJ discretion." Rule 203.01does not require the utility's waiver of its underbillings to be in writing or made via any speciflrc declaration or averrnent. In addition to the Waiver Agreement specifically waving underbillings related to Meter 247, this Utility has an established course of dealing over the past six years that is consistent with the terms of its Waiver Agreement. The HOA has reasonably relied on the Utility's Waiver Agreement - both as to its express waiver and as to its implied waiver through a consistent course of dealing. StoneRidge is not entitled to any back billing rights because it has expressly, as well as impliedly by course of dealing, waived any rights it may have otherwise had to do so as it is specifically allowed to do, at its discretion pursuant to IPUC Customer Relations Rule No. 203.01. s lPUC Utility Customer Relations Rules, Rule 201.01 MOTOR COACH VILLAGE'S ANSWER - 7 I 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 il t2 l3 t4 l5 t6 l1 t8 l9 20 2l 22 .L) 24 25 26 27 28 III. THE HOA'S RELIANCE ON THE WAVIER BY STONRIDGE WAS RBASONABLB AND SPECIFICALLY INVITED BY THE UTILITY ITSELF Of course, as discussed in the immediately preceding section, it is reasonable for the HOA to have relied on the Utility's contractual waiver of its purported right to rebill via the Waiver Agreement. However further underpinning the HOA's reliance upon the Utility's Waiver Agreement is a letter from the Utility dated March 26,2020. In that short letter, (the "All Accounts Are Current Letter") the Utility informs the HOA that: AII water and sewer accounts owed to StoneRidge utilities is [sicJ current as of January 30th 2020. If you have any questions, pleasefeel.free to call the o.fficee. The letter, upon which the HOA has reasonably relied, is signed by Ms. Becca Loughnan, Office Manager and Utilities Administrator. Commission Utility Customer Relations Rule No. 203.03(c) provides a'safe harbor' of just a six-month period for back billings unless a "reasonable person should have known of the inaccurate billing." Specifically, that Rule provides: If the time when the billing problem can be reasonably determined and the utility determines the customer was undercharged, the utility may rebill frtr a period of six (6) months unless a reasonable person should heve known of the inaccurate billing, in which case the rebilling may be extendedfor a period not to exceed three (3) yeors. Utilities must implement procedures designed to monitor and identify customers who have not been billed or who have been inaccurately billed. On its face, the All Accounts Are Current Letter is a document upon which any reasonable person would rely. The HOA is no exception. The reasonableness of the HOA's reliance is e StoneRidge 'Complaint' attached to Exhibit H, unpaginated. A copy of the MOTOR COACH VILLAGE'S ANSWER - 8 I 2 J 4 5 6 7 I 9 l0 ll t2 l3 t4 l5 t6 l7 l8 l9 20 2t 22 z) 24 25 26 21 28 reinforced by the Utility's execution, and adherence to, the Waiver Agreement back in November 2017. Combined, the Waiver Agreement and the All Accounts Are Current Letter, present irrefutable evidence of the reasonableness of the HOA's reliance on the Utility's billing practices up to and including the month of January 2020. In its 'Complaint' the Utility's attempts to impeach its own Ofhce Manager / Utility Administrator's competence by asserting that she was "very knew [sic] in her role as billing manager" and that she "had no prior experience nor education and had to 'learn on the fly."' The Utility's after-the-fact attempt to question Ms. Loughnan's fitness for the job it entrusted her with is, at worst transparent historic revisionism, or at best further indicia of the Utility's negligent management of its own internal affairs. Regardless, however, the HOA's reasonable reliance on the All Accounts Are Current Letter, is not defeated by whatever the Utility's owners secretly thought of its management's abilities. IV. SUMMARY The Utility makes several attempts to paint the HOA as the bad guy by claiming, falsely, that the HOA hasn't paid its "fair share" and that the HOA wants to "shuffle" costs off to less fortunate ratepayers. As noted above, in this instance the Utility's failure to bill only impacts its shareholders' pocketbooks. The other ratepayers on this water utility's system are indifferent to whether or not the HOA has been billed properly by the Utility because there have been no general rate cases during the time period in question. In between general rate cases, lost revenues (assuming there are lost revenues) only impact the owners of the utility and not the utility's other ratepayers. There is simply no equitable argument in favor of the Utility's request to back bill. To the contrary, the equitable arguments (if there are any) weigh against back MOTOR COACH VILLAGE'S ANSWER - 9 I 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 ll t2 l3 t4 l5 16 l7 l8 t9 20 2l 22 23 24 25 26 21 28 billing due to the fact that it is the Utility's negligence that resulted in its failure to properly bill in the first place. Denying the Utility's request to back bill will have no impact on the other ratepayers (either benefrcial or detrimental). Allowing the Utility's request to back bill, on the other hand, will unjustly reward the owners for their failure to follow this Commission's billing and customer accounting requirements. The Utility specifically waived its back billing 'rights' in the Waiver Agreement.t0 It also ratified that wavier in the January 30,2020, All Accounts Are Current Letter. v. RELIEF REQEUSTED The Utility's request for back billing authority should be denied in its entirety due to its discretionary waiver of its back billing rights as specifically provided for pursuant to IPUC Customer Relations Rule No. 203.01. In the alternative, the Commission should invoke the six-month safe harbor rule from IPUC Customer Relations Rule No. 203.03(c) due to the HOA's Utility-induced and justified reliance on the All Accounts Are Current Letter and the operation of the Waiver Agreement. Dated this 13th day of Ãpri|2023. Peter J n, ISB #3195 Counsel for Motor Coach Village HOA t/ il r0 See the discussion, supra, a utility may waive back billing rights at its discretion. MOTOR COACH VILLAGE'S ANSWER. IO I 2 J 4 5 6 7 I 9 l0 ll t2 l3 t4 l5 l6 l7 l8 l9 20 2t 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 il il CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on the 13th day of April2023,I served a true and correct copy of The Motor Coach Village HOA's Answer to the Commission's Summons upon the following by the method indicted below and addressed to the following: Jan Noriyuki Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission Jan.noriuki@puc. idaho. gov CDS StoneRidge Utilities, Attn : Teres a Zamora, Utilities Administrator P. O. Box 298 Blanchard,ID 83804 utilities@stoneridseidaho.com ¡-- 0 MOTOR COACH VILLAGE'S ANSWER - I I CDS STONERIDGE UTILITIES, LLC COMPLAINANT, vs. THE MOTOR COACH VILLAGE HOA, RESPONDENT. BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLTC UTILITIES COMMISSION Case No.: SWS-W-23-01 HOA EXHIBIT NO. I ì. SroruERrDcE í'.o. e.r, zeo 364 5rC'NËRTDGE RoÀD Ar ÀNCrr^Rû. IDATJO 838()rl PHoNL 2OE-437'3148 trÁx 2o8"43'7-3O48 STON ERIDGEIDAHO,COM November 3.5,20L7 Mr. Lloyd Holloway President: Motor Coach Village at Stoneridge Blanchard, lD 83804 RE: Agreement and Understanding on Water Meter 357 and lnland Power Refund Request It is agreed that, by entering into this Agreement, neither Stoneridge Land, LC, Stoneridge Utilities, LC, Bridge lnvestment Group or any of its Employees nor Motor Coach Village at Stoneridge or its Board of Directors make any admission of any failing or wrongdoing' The parties merely have agreed to resolve amicably all disputes regarding Water Meter 357 and the lnland Power Refund Request. This document will serve as an agreement to recti{y any inequality and as an agreerïent of procedure from this date forward. Stoneridge Utilities agrees to credit Motor Coach Village at Stoneridge $3,363.38 (Three Thousand Three þlundred Sixty Three Dollars and Thirty Ëight Cents) for water usage billed to Motor Coach Village over the past five years. Stoneridge Utilities also agrees to credit Motor Coach Village at Stoneridge 53,¿t3.q0 (Three Thousand Four Hundred Thirteen Dollars and Forty Cents) for Meter Fees associated with meter 357 over the past five years. It is agreecl upon that beginning with the September 2017 water bill which will not be subject to late fees if paicl on or before December 1.,2A!7, charges associated with Meler 357 will be split in the following manner: Monthly Minimum Customer Charge willbe 1/3 Motor Coach Village at Stoneridge, 1/3 Stoneridgg Utilities, l./3 Stoneridge Storage Condominiums' Water usage charges of Meter 357 will be split 55% Motor Coach Village at Stoneridge,40Yo Stoneridge Utilities, 5% Stonericlge Storage Condominiums. Rates will be current IPUC rates {subject to change in accordance with the ldaho Public Utility Commission) of $170.67 for the Minimum Monthly Customer Charge, and the Commodity (or water usage) Charge will be $0.79 per 1]OOO gallons used. It is also agreed upon that Motor Coae h Village at Stoneridge will continue to be billed for two additional water meters, as follows: Meter 247 (a six-inch meter used for lots and ir-ligAtion) Meter 247 will have the Minimum Monthly Customer Charge {currently S1,536) imposed during the months that water usage l5 detected, normally the irrigation months of May through September (a five-month period). Meter 247 will not have the Minimum Monthly Customer Charge imposed during the months that water usage is NOT detected, normally October through April (a seven-r'nonth period). Meter 247 will have no seasonalre-connect fee (currently $4,160)imposed in April. Meter 338 (a two-inch meter used for l-ots.and irrisation) Meter 338 will NOT have the Minimum Monthly Customer Charge imposed during the months that the Minimum Monthly Customer Charge is imposed on Meter 247. Meter 338 WILL have the Minimum Monthly Customer Charge irnposed only during those months when water flow is detected on Meter 338 but NOT on Meter 247, typically the months of Apriland October. The following chart outlines this understanding concerning the Minimum Monthly Customer Charges: No MeterCharge No Meter Charge No Meter Charge Meter Charge if there is usage on 338 only No Meter Charge No Meter Charge No Meter Charge No Meter Charge No Meter Charge Meter Charge if there is usage on 338 ortlY No Meter Charge No Meter Charge No Meter Charge No Meter Charge Meter Charge if there is Meter Charge if there is usage No Meter ChargeNo Meter Charge No Meter No Meter Charge No Meter ln additíon, it is agreed upon that Stoneridge Land will credat Motor Coach Village at Stoneridge 52,5L5.22 (Two Thousand Five Hundred Fifteen Dollars and Twenty lwo Cents) for lnland Meter 357 Spllt Three inch meter Meter 247Mete¡ 338 inch No.Meter Charge No Meter €harge No Meter Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug sep Oct Nov Dec power Refund Request dated May 5th, 2017. This agreement will end all further claims by the 'Motor boacn Village. As part of the agreement Stoneridge Land, LC agrees to ass¡st the Motor Coach Village at Stoneridge in collecting lnland Power charges from both the JMBCA and any índividual listed on the Refund Reqgest Document. Brad G,M. Stoneri Golf &onalCommunity Lloyd President Motor Village at Stoneri ()-/