HomeMy WebLinkAbout20070514Reply comments.pdfP A I N E Ib, HAM B L E Nee" , \\: Zb\ I. , \ Janet D. Robnett . ' ' i ' !. (: ' ,. I J' i,' \iJ'llU\i ~ May 11 2007 SENT VIA FEDERAL EXPRESS Ms. Jean Jewell The Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington Street Boise, ill 83702-5983 Re:Application of Stoneridge Water Co. - Case No. SWS-06- Dear Ms. Jewell: Enclosed for filing are the original and seven (7) copies of the Reply of Stoneridge Recreational Club Condominium Owners Association, Inc. to the Staff Comments dated April , 2007, in connection with the above-referenced application. A copy of the Reply was also filed electronically with you, as of this date. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Sincerely, PAINE HAMB LEN LLP ~' /J b ftL Ene. cc:Donovan Walker Wayne Benner Joe M.Olmstead Cindy Thomas Bob Smith H:\CDADOCS\24194\OOOO2\ltr\CO146176.DOC 701 E. Front Avenue #101 Coeur d' Alene, Idaho 83814-4914 (208) 664-8115 www.painehamblen.com A Limited Liability Partnership with offices in Spokane, Coenr d' Alene and Kennewick. Janet D. Robnett Attorney at Law O. Box " 701 Front Avenue, Suite 101 Coeur d'Alene, Idaho 83814 Telephone: (208) 664-8115 ISBA # 3268 , ' j) Ii i " : / ;'" . ,-" :i,ii" U (;l,\! i i~i"\;3~:;:\ BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF STONERIDGE WATER COMPANY FOR AN INCREASE IN RATES AND CHARGES CASE NO. SWS-06- REPLY OF STONERIDGE RECREATIONAL CLUB CONDOMINIUM OWNERS ASSOCIATION, INe. TO STAFF COMMENTS This memorandum is submitted on behalf of the Stoneridge Recreational Club Condominium Owners Association, Inc., dba Stoneridge Resort, in reply to the Comments of the Commission Staff dated April 27 , 2007 , in connection with the application of CDS Stoneridge Associates - Land, LC, doing business as Stoneridge Water Company (the "Company ), for a general rate case establishing new rates and charges for customers in the Company s service area near Blanchard, Idaho. REVENUE REQUIREMENTS Stoneridge Resort generally concurs with the staff's analysis with respect to the Company s revenue requirements. Consideration should still be given to the fact that the system has excess capacity available to service new developments. Costs that are proposed to be REPLY OF STONERIDGE RECREATIONAL CLUB CONDOMINIUM OWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC. TO STAFF COMMENTS- included in the rate base for charges to existing customers were also incurred for the benefit of the excess capacity held by the Company for the benefit of new development and should, to some extent, be absorbed by the developer. RATE DESIGN Stoneridge Resort agrees with Staffs conclusion that the physical capacity of the system to deliver water, as measured by the different meter sizes for different customers, should be considered when setting varying customer charges. However, the Staff's analysis was limited to the mathematical comparison of meter sizes, without necessarily taking into consideration the diversity of customers on the system. Not all customers will be utilizing the full capacity available to them at the same time, nor is it likely that a customer would require its full available capacity except under extraordinary circumstances. In its earlier Objections, Stoneridge Resort had proposed the adoption of a rate structure based largely upon meter size, but also taking into consideration other factors identified in Grindstone Butte Mutual Canal Company v. Idaho Public Utilities Commission, 102 Idaho 175 179 , 627 P.2d 804 , 808 (1981) and other cases, including the quantity of water used, the time of use, the pattern of use, the differences in the conditions of service, the costs of service, and the actual difference in the situation of the consumers for the furnishing of the service. The end result was a proposal that mirrored that which had been approved in earlier rate cases particularly United Water The following is a side-by-side comparison of the Staff proposal with those other system rate designs: REPLY OF STONERIDGE RECREA TIONAL CLUB CONDOMINIUM OWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC. TO STAFF COMMENTS - 2 Comparative Table of Base Rate Price Escalation by Meter Size United Water Capitol Water Coeur d'Alene Staff Proposal Meter Size Rate Ratio % 3/4"$ 16.100.$ 7.100%$6.100%18.100% 400. 49.307.27.354.12.207.4%128.711.1 % 201.1111. 91.563.48.635.1 %19.320.289.1600. 145.899.28.461.1 %514.2844.4% 280.1730.47.786.158.40 6400. The proportional allocation amongst the varying meter sizes as adopted in the United Water case, which Stoneridge Resort believes should be applied to this case, would result in the following rate design: 3 /4" Meter Base Rate1" Meter Base Rate 1 Vz" Meter Base Rate2" Meter Base Rate4" Meter Base Rate6" Meter Base Rate $ 28. $ 37. $ 60. $ 87. $ 256.22 $ 493. All Commodity $0.75/ 1000 Gallons In addition to more accurately reflecting the actual demands on the system from each customer class , the rate structure proposed by Stoneridge Resort would result in a lower overall monthly minimum charge, and a higher commodity charge. This would further serve the interests of conservation by allowing for a larger portion of the revenue requirement increase to be derived from the commodity rather than the minimum/customer charge. As Staff noted at page 12 of its Comments: There is significant concern for both water quality and conservation of the Rathdrum Prairie aquifer due to growth and increasing use of the aquifer. Recent Staff recommendations and Commission decisions have addressed these concerns by focusing on meeting a larger portion of revenue requirement increases from the REPLY OF STONERIDGE RECREA TIONAL CLUB CONDOMINIUM OWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC. TO STAFF COMMENTS - 3 commodity rather than the minimum/customer charge. (Citing Bitterroot Water Case No. BIT-05-, Order No. 29966). CONCLUSION Stoneridge Resort supports the Staff's findings as to the Company revenue requirements, and a rate design that differentiates among the customer classes based largely on meter sizes, with the modifications described herein. DATED this 11th day of May, 2007. PAINE HAMBLEN, LLP B y J). i?d /; ttdf- JANET D. ROBNETT Attorneys for Stoneridge Recreational Club Condominium Owners Association, Inc. REPLY OF STONERIDGE RECREA TIONAL CLUB CONDOMINIUM OWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC. TO STAFF COMMENTS - 4 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on the 11th day of May, 2007, I caused to be served a true and correct copy of the foregoing by the method indicated below, and addressed to the following: Ms. Jean Jewell The Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington Street Boise, ID 83702-5983 jean. jewell (g)puc.idaho.~ov Via Federal Express -----;T Via E-mail Via u.S. Mail Wayne Benner O. Box 280 Blanchard, ID 83804 wbenner(g) stoneridgeidaho.com Via Federal Express ---L- Via E-mail Via u.S. Mail Joe M.Olmstead James A. Sewel & Assoc. 600 4th St. West Newport, W A 99156 jolmstead (g) windwireless.net Via Federal Express ./' Via E-mail Via u.S. Mail &. ko flLtf- H:\CDADOCS\24194\OOOO2\plead\CO146137.DOC REPLY OF STONERIDGE RECREATIONAL CLUB CONDOMINIUM OWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC. TO STAFF COMMENTS - 5 St o n e r i d g e W a t e r C o m p a n y Su m m a r y o f R a t e D e s i g n Wi t h S t a f f R e v e n u e R e q u i r e m e n t (A ) (B ) (C ) (D ) (E ) (F ) (G ) An n u a l An n u a l An n u a l Re v e n u e Re v e n u e To t a l Fr o m An n u a l Av e r a g e Av e r a g e Nu m b e r o f Fr o m Co n s u m p t i o n C o m m o d i t y To t a l An n u a l Mo n t h l y Cu s t o m e r s Ba s e R a t e (O O O ' s o f G a l ) C h a r g e s Re v e n u e Bi l l / c u s t o m e r B i l l / c u s t o m e r 10 1 $ 3 4 54 2 . 09 2 81 8 . 36 0 . 40 9 . 34 , 1 H a p p y Va l l e y R a n c h o s R e s i d e n t i a l C u s t o m e r s St o n e r i d g e R e s i d e n t i a l C u s t o m e r s 3 F a i r w a y Me a d o w s C o n d o s 4 C o m m e r c i a l ( T i m e s h a r e Re s o r t C o n d o s ) 5 C o m m e r c i a l ( T i m e s h a r e Re s o r t R e c C e n t e r ) 6 C o m m e r c i a l ( T i m e s h a r e Re s o r t P a r k ) 7 C o m m e r c i a l ( P O A R e c ce n t e r ) 8 C o m m e r c i a l ( C D S P r o Sh o p , G r i l l & R e s t a u r a n t ) 9 C o m m e r c i a l ( C D S Ma i n t e n a n c e ) 10 C o m m e r c i a l ( C D S R e c Ce n t e r ) 11 C o m m e r c i a l (S a l e s O f f i c e ) 12 C o m m e r c i a l ( C D S E v e n t s Ce n t e r ) 13 C o m m e r c i a l ( M o t o r Co a c h V i l l a g e ) 14 C o m m e r c i a l (G o l f C o u r s e I r r i g a t i o n ) To t a l 10 0 $ 3 4 20 0 . 17 9 38 4 , 27 $ 39 , 58 4 , 27 $ 39 5 . 84 $ 32 . $ 2 18 5 , 26 $ 19 . 5 5 20 4 , 73 4 , 61 . $ 4 21 3 , 77 2 $ 82 8 , 04 2 , $ 1 76 0 . 14 6 , $ 1 05 3 , 86 5 $ 64 8 . 70 2 . $ 1 70 2 , 14 1 . $ 1 05 3 . 48 5 36 3 , 41 7 . $ 1 , 4 1 7 , 11 8 . 72 8 . 4 6 46 . 77 5 . 4 3 $ 77 5 . 4 3 $ 64 . 44 8 . 50 0 37 5 , 00 $ 82 3 . 02 $ 82 3 , 68 , 34 2 , 10 0 75 . 00 $ 41 7 , 00 $ 41 7 . 00 $ 34 , $ 1 05 3 , 10 0 $ 75 , 12 8 . $ 1 12 8 . 36 $ 94 . 34 2 . 24 4 $ 18 2 , 52 4 , 96 $ 52 4 . 43 , 34 2 . 97 $ 72 . 57 $ 41 4 . 57 $ 41 4 , 57 $ 34 . $ 1 05 3 . 11 5 86 . 03 $ 13 9 . $ 1 13 9 , 94 , 43 8 , 00 0 $ 3 3 , 75 0 , 18 8 , 90 $ 3 4 18 8 . 90 $ 2 84 9 . $ 8 1 99 5 , 63 7 $ 5 0 72 7 . 4 7 $ 13 2 72 3 , 62 % 38 % 10 0 % 21 8