HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210322Motion for Leave to Withdrawal.pdfMarty Durand PIOTROWSKI DURAND PLLC P.O. Box 2864 1020 Main Street Suite 440 Boise,Idaho 83701 (208) 331-e200 (208) 863-8se1 marty@idunionlaw.com --.-- r:5'- !iI:r1-.ir. -:: jj'"_l i !;aJ ' : . r.:i-t ,.r.l Dh{ t. Qnr.;:-. '.i.: ar i ll u" wU Attorney for Intervenors Gannon, et al. BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF SUEZ WATER IDAHO INC'S APPPLICATION FOR AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES AND CHARGES FOR WATER SERVICE IN IDAHO CaseNo. SUZ-W-20-02 MOTION FOR LEAVE TO WTTHDRAW Intervenors Gatmon, Montero, Graziano and Philip ("Bench Intervenors"), by and through their attorney of record Marty Durand, hereby move the Commission for leave to withdraw as parties in the above-entitled action. This motion is made pursuant to Idaho PUC Rule 45. Bench Intervenors sought greater transparency from Suez and intervened to obtain a plan for resolution of brown water quality issues on the Boise Bench and to oppose the rate increase so long as water quality is substandard compared to other ratepayers. Their concerns regarding a water quality plan have been compromised by a Memorandum of Understanding (attached hereto as Exhibit 501) wherein Staff has agreed to investigate and evaluate several aspects of Bench water issues and work with intervenors to en$ue timely progress particularly with regard to the Taggart Street Well rehabilitation. Other transparency concems were addressed in the Stipulation and Settlement (p. 12, t.[ 9). With regard to the rate increase, Bench Intervenors have l. Motion for Leave to Withdraw ) ) ) ) ) ) elected to withdraw and to present public testimony at the public hearing in this case rather than enter into an agree,rneirt with other parties. Intervenors reserye the right to apply for intervenor funding pursuant to Idaho PUC Rule 161. Bench Intervenors therefore ask the Commission for leave to withdraw as parties. DATED this 22"d dayof March, 2021. /s/ Martv Durand MARTY DT]RAND 2. Motion for Leave to Withdraw CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that on the}Z"d day of March,2}zl,lserved the foregoing documents on all parties as follows: Jan Noriyuki, PUC Secretary secretary(a)puc.idaho.eov Michael C. Creamer, Afforney for Suez mcc(ZDqivenspurslev.com Preston Carter, Attorney for Suez prestoncarter@qivenspursley.com David Njuguna, Suez Regulatory Manager david.njuquna(Esuez.com Dayn Hardie, DAG dayn.hardie@puc.idaho.qov Matt Hunter, DAG matt.hunterf@puc.idaho.gov Lorna K Jorgenson, Attorney for Ada County civilpafiles(@adaweb.net John C Cortabitarte, Attorney for Ada County civilpafiles(@adaweb.net Scott Muir, Attorney for City of Boise boisecityattorney@cityofboise.org Mary Grant, City of Boise boisecityattorney(@cityofboise.ore Norman Semanko, Attorney for Customer Groups nsemanko (a)parsonsbehle. com Brady Purdy, Attorney for CAPAI bmpurdy(@hotmail.com KenNagy, Attorney for IFHC knagv(Dlewiston.com Zoe AwtOlson, Attorney for IHFC zolson(@,ihfcidaho.org Jim Swier, Attorney for Micron jswier(Emicron.com Greg Harwood, Aftorney for Micron gbharwood(@micron.com Austin RAustin Rueschhoff , Attorney for Micron darueschhoff(Dhollandhart.com Thorvald Nelson, Attorney for Micron tnelson(a),hollandhart.com /s/ Martv Durand MARTY DURAND 3. Motion for Leave to Withdraw By STAFF AND BENCH CUSTOMERS' MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING John Gannon, Stephanie Montero, and Karoline Philip ("Bench Customers') intervened in the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ('PUe) Case No. SUZ-W-20-02 filed by Suez Water Idaho Inc. ('Suez"). The Bench Customers elected to rvithdrarv their Petition to Intervene in exchange for this Memorandun of Understanding ("MOU") between Staffof the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Staff') and the Bench Customers. This MOU is not a contract, but rcpresents Stafls intent to work in good faith with the Bench Customers and Suez to address concems about water quality on the Boise Bench. BACKGROUND Settlement discussions were held with all paflies including the Bench Custonrers and Commission Stafff'Staff')-in Case No. SUZ-W-20-02 on February I1,25 and March 3 and 8, 2021. While settlement discussions and negotiations are confidential, the normal responsibilities of Cornmission Staff, and any agreements resulting f'rom those discussions are not. During discovery in Case No. SUZ-W-20-02- production requests and responses included numerous questions and answers regarding water quality on the Boise Bench. Staffhas authority to investigate water quality complaints, utility customer service, and investments in utility operations and maintenance. As a result of Suez town hall meetings, production requests and responses Terri Carlosk, Adrninistrator of the PUC Stafl set up a Stafftask force and directed StatTrnembers to further investigate water quality concems and actions taken by Suez to address lhose concems. The Bench Customers elected to withdraw from Case No. S[IZ-W-20-02 bccausc Staff s'ill continue to investigate the rvater quality issues on thc Boise Bench. This MOU sets tbrth the parties' understanding. MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDTNG I. Areas Covercd: Staffand Bench Customers met on March 12,2A2l to discuss Staffs intent to track, investigate. monitor. evaluate. and provide a monthly revierv of the progrcss and comments that Suez has made torvard irnproving the quality of drinking water on the Boise Bench, This includes the area between Vista Avenue and Roosevelt Street and the area West of the Monis Hill Cemetery including hut not lirnited to Albion Street South to the Rim Strcetl areas in the vicinity of Brrradrvay Avenue in which there are complaints; and such other BENCH CUSTOMERS AND S'I AFF'S MEMORANDUM OF IJNDERS] ANDING Exhibit 1 s01 areas in rvhich signiticant Boise Bench contplaints regarding the quality of drinking \f,'ater are brought to the attention of Commission Stat'f' 2. StaffTask Force: The Sraff'l'ask Force ("Task Force") plans to continue StafIs investigation on water quality issues for Suez customers. With the revcnue requirement settlement completed belween Suea Staff, and many Inlerveuors, it will allow this Task Force to remain a priority tbr future stafT involvement' 3. StaffTask Force Evaluation to Includc: A. An ongoing review of Suez's plans to address water qualiB", including chzurges to thesc plans, acceloration or delays in the timing of improrements, customer communications, and investments ntade- B. A revierv and consideration of remedies tbr service lines which abruptly end and result in the accumulation of rust and debris for custonrcrs served by those lincs. C. A review and consideratiorr of remedies tbr aging pipes. corrective actions. expected lifespan, and the tinreline for their replacement. D. A review of flushing plans, the effectiveness of fluslting events, and any chagges to the ongoing llushing plan. Request an analysis of the el'tect that flus[ing twice a year has on appliances. water hcalcrs, filter systems and other personal property in the home or business. 4. Taggart Street Well: Staff plans to monitor. track. and investigate progress on the 'l'aggert Sgeet Well ("Taggart Well") rehabilitation to ensure the proiect is implemented in accordance with the plans and designs approved b1' rhe ldaho Department of Environmental Quality ("DEQ"). Staffrecognizes that Boise City approv'cd the construction in September 2020 and DEQ approved the plans and designs on March 2.2021. Smflplans to monitor Suez's compliance with a timeline that provides lbr work lo cotnmence in rnid-September 2021I and be rThe Bench Cusrorncrs understand that rvell rehabilitatron cannot happcn norv because of the upcoming high-water usage demands which the Taggart Wcll must service, BENCH CUSTOMERS AND STAFF'S MEMORANDUM OII UNDFRSTANDINC 2 comp:eted by December 2021.1 Stall'acknorvledges the Bench Customers' conrention and evidence that repair of the Taggart Well has been ongoing and, to date, is unresolved. 5. Report to Bench Customerr: StatTplans to provide a Task Force summary report each month beginning April 15. 2021, on the tracking. investigation, and evaluations represented above in this MOU to the Bench Customers. Staffrvould providc this intbrmation b1'emailing to the following addresses: jslu"$i!t!:r!U2Q!l-l|g.!Trti-!. r, r,.r1 rlit ilU.r:UgUg1.111 gsg-rn ir i L c 1r n r Slqrhanicl\,1orltcrrI.rr 11!111!_Ilil]-1:iIrI Statf s sunrmary report and olher public inforrnation is available upon request to the Bench Customers and the public. unless the record is exccpted tiom disclosure under the ldaho Public Records Act or Rules of Procedure o[the ldaho Public Utilities Cornmissiort (IDAPA 3 through .356). 6. Customcr Complaints: Suez Cllstomers should conmct Suez (208) 362-7304 with any complaints. If the results are unsatisFactory. customers nla)i cornplain to tlte PUC by calling (208) 334-0369 or going to lttlp.:ripUq,!-dg}0,9g.1;j:lryln,l(A5SfU'11-qrlts'rlittNc. StatT intends to track those contacts and the data provided by Suez euslonle r complaints. and any information and data provided at the public hearing in the Suez rate case. ill This ltlOU and its contenls may be made public. Each signatory belov' acknowledges that they are authorized to sign this MOU on behalf oflthcmsch'cs individually or the StafTof the PTJC. Dated this l5'h dav of March. 2021 . I Unless Suez can shorv "good cause" for deviation frorn this timeline BENCH CUSTOJ\,IERS AND S]'AFF'S MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING ] { CANNON KAROLINE PHILP By J r,,,rl, [,*t"ch TERRI CARLOCK Utilities Division Administrator Idaho Public ljtilities Commission 4 BENCH CUSTOMERS AND STAFF'S MEMORANDUM OF I.JNDERSTANDING