HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210802Burbank Correspondence 7-28-21.pdfADDITIONAL INFORMATION ; :;i ;: li';i) : .r.; i , i;,1 - ? fi,lt $: l,1 li ''t --a : , ,''' :-. ,._ :-l ._{ , ,r,.ti ',rt'"'lU,1JrlJy 28,2021 Commissioner Kristin Raper Idaho Public Utilities Commission PO Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 Po e'd'a-t-o 1 Nicole Burbanl< 3890 East Ash Ln. Rigby,ID 83442 Ph.: (208) 604-4177 Email: nursenikki0S 1 8@gmail.com Complaint against: Rocky Mountain afiUU Company Inc Dear Commissioner Raper: I'm reaching out because I was informed that the Decision Meeting was continued to August 3,2021. An attorney by the name of John Hammond emailed me and notified me of this fact. In his email, he claimed that one of the commissioners could not attend the meeting and had some questions. To avoid healy legal fees, I have given authority to my boyfriend Blake C. Schaat to speak on my behalf. Mr. Schaat is a Paralegal for a top law firm in Eastern ldaho. My boyfriend has kept me well informed and passed on all written communications to me. Today, I speak on my own behalf. Information has been given to John Hammond and Jolene Bassard about Rocky Mountain Utility Company, Inc. that was not put in their report to you the commissioners and it is my understanding purposefully kept from you'll. [t goes as follows: Multiple harassing letters threating to shut off my water. This comes while a formal complaint is pending and supposedly RMUCI had been warned not to send out letters by Idaho Public Utilities. See Attachments. Multiple harassing letters threating to shut off my water if I don't pay an amount that changes constantly and no were near the amount in question. See Attachments. RMUCI has not changed their billing practices. See Attachments. I ask the Commissioners to take this information into consideration. If you wish for me to amend my Formal Complainf,I will. But this is not a Court of Law and after reading Mr. Hammonds emails to Mr. Schaat, I would be concerned of how your Attorney speaks to a law- abiding citizen of Idaho. It's my understanding Idahoan's can speak to their Utilities Commissioners and Idahoan's can give important documents to Commissioners without fear of repercussions. See attachment email. I'm under good authority and believe the Commissioners will go off what Mr. Hammond says and writes. But that record/written document needs to be correct. In Mr. Hammond's and Ms. Bossard Decision Memorandumthere are a lot of errors. They go as follows: Clerical errors: Blake Schatt - correct spelling Blake Schaat; Page one, Mr. Schaat and Ms. Bossard were in a Fact Finding Mode to determine if Ms. Burbank was on a private Well or "hooked-up" to RMUCI water. Page two, the address in questions was a brand-new built home and I was not well versed in this new home/ownership. This was explained to Ms. Bossard. Page two, a statement is made that "billing statement and found it meets the criteria in Rule 201.01 of the UCRR" this is a contradicting and changed statement made multiple times by both Mr. Hammond and Ms. Bossard throughout the investigation. Page two, a statement is made "combined Water and Sewer "hookup fee" ($850) for connection to company water" and it goes on "paid by builder" This is inaccurate and twisted for RMUCI benefit. The builder paid the water "hookup fee" of ($850) out of MY money held in escrow. The builder didn't pay this out of a courtesy to me. There is no septic system provided by RMUCI because I have a septic tank and system on my property. And no-where does it say in the billing statement provided by RMUCI this is a "septic hookup fee" of ($750) plus first month water bill. I have not signed a Terms of Agreement or Contract for'owater" or'oseptic" and to my knowledge I'm not'ohook-up" to a septic system from RMUCI, why would I be? Also brought to Ms. Bossard and Mr. Hammonds attention. Page two, a statement is made o'watsr portion of the combined hookup fee was $150, as allowed by the Company's Tariff'this is incorrect and an attempt to mislead the commissioners. The Tariff clearly state $150 "hookup fee" only. Page two, a statement is made "on March 20,2020. a new customer information sheet was mailed to Ms. Burbank" this is incorrect I never received anything. RMUCI doesn't have anything on file and it's my understanding that was just created for my complaint. This was explained to Ms. Bossard. Page three, a statement was taken out of context. I had made payment to RMUCI because I thought I was paying Rocky Mountain Power (a power bill) this information was given to Ms. Bossard but not put in the report to the commissioners. Page three, a statement was made "the company also expressed flexibility and would be willing to set up payment arrangements for Ms. Burbank" RMUCI has never returned my phone calls and or letters sent to them on my behalf. This company has extorted over a 100 hundred residents in our neighborhood for years. I have received documents from residents in the sub-division that were given to Mr. Hammond of line item increases on the Water bill to allegedly pay for a "new water Well" that never happened. Did this get approved by the Commissioners? See Attachments. Low water pressure that has never been investigated. And automatic withdraw payments that have went into a Horse Racing Business that is owned by the same person that owns RMUCI instead of paying the water bill. Mr. Hammond refused to give this information to you the Commissioners. There is a lot of people that are frustrated that the Utility's Commission won't investigate RMUCI and are prepared to speak to an investigator. Residents are ready to file formal complaints because after witnessing nothing being done when I filed an in-formal complaint they feel like there voice will be unheard as well. The owner of RMUCI is not a small business owner he has multiple business and is putting in a 100-home build next to this subdivision I live in. More people will be affected and extorted if you don't do something now. I ask that you take this information into consideration, and I pray you make RMUCI stop extorting people. RMUCI played the victim to your investigator and attorney, but we are the real victims. Sincerely Nicole Burbank Blake Schaat From: Sent To: John Hammond <John.Hammond@puc.idaho.gov> Monday, )uly 26,2021 11:21 AM Blake Schaat RE: Nicole Burbank Formal ComplaintSubJect: To be clear the Commission does not take ex parte contact. John R. Hammond Jr. I Office of the Attorney General Lead Deputy Attorney General ldaho Public Utllitles Cornmlsslon 11331W. Chinden Blvd., Bldg.8, Suite 201-A P.O. Box 83720 Boise, ldaho 8372O-OA7 4 Direct (208)334-0357 I Fax: (2081334-3762 iohn.hammond @puc.ldaho.gov NOTTCE: The e-mall may be confldential, privileged, and exempt from public disclosure, and the sender lntends that lt be used only by the indfuidual or entity named above. lf you are not the intended reclpient, then you may not use, disclose, copy, or distribute the e-mail or its contents. lf you believe you have received this e-mail in error, please immedlately notifiy the sender and delete the copy you received. From: Blake Schaat <blake@eastidaholaw.net> Sent Mondan July 26,202I 11:19 AM To:John Hammond <John.Hammond@puc.idaho.gow; Nlkkl Burbank <nursenikki0818@gmall.com> Ce Keri Hawker <Keri.Hawker@puc.idaho.gov> SubjecE RE: Nicole Burbank FormalComplaint Mr. Hammond, Thank you for your prompt response. I have forward your email to Ms. Burbank. I appreciate your communication with me as a courtesy to Ms. Burbank. I thlnk you're right about an attorney reaching out to Commissioner Paul Kjellander, Kristine Raper and Eric Anderson on behalf of Ms. Burbank and the over 100 residents in her sub-division. The information and documentation on RMUCI that I have received over the weekend from the residents in the neighborhood ls astonishlng. Sincerely, Bloke C, Schoot, Porolegol to t snamH lvool,FI anro nRSoN&TvILKINSoN 34SoMerlln Drlve ldoho Folls, lD 83404 Phone: 208-5253792 Fax: 208-525-5266 1 Rocky Mountain Utility Company, INC. 2 N. Iandmark Lane Suite # 4 Rieby,ID 834d;2 208-t+s-aul Bill To Nicote Lee Burbenk 3890 East Ash Ix RigbxID 83442 lnvoice Date lnvoice # 7nn02t 5124 4-+-r.+ P.O. No.Terms Project Duc,by25th Quantity Descripton Rate Amount Water Usqge for prior monfi Scptic Usago forprior month 3950 58.00 3950 58.00 Pleasc remit to above address.Total $97.50 RgtrKY MgUNTAIN UrtLtrY EEMPANY, !Ntr.2 N. Landmark Laue Ste 4 - Rigby, IL a344Z Office: 2OA.74:5-6443 trhr: 2O8-745.'7979 qnr,rv.xlockwl\dountainl;ttlttv.com. NOTTCE OF INTENT TO TERMTNATF SERVICES Today's Date_7fi412o21_ Name Nlcole Burbank SeMce Address 3890 EastAsh Ln Rrgby,IDS34I.? Account Balance S _LOZZ.SO You are hereby notifled that you are dellnquent ln the payment of charges for Waler o1 S-eye5.Sgqlce provlded to.yourby.fo*y Mountbln'lltlllty Co.,lnc. The balance of your :iccount, according to our records, Is indicated above In accordance with the rules and Regulatlons of the ldaho Public Utilitles commission, if this balance is not pald, or if payment anangements are not made by the Final Date shown abovg YOUR WATER'SERVICE Wltt BE DISCONNECIED after the FIna! Date. To avold termination you must comact Rocky Mountain Utlllty co. before the Final Date to make a payment arrangernent or pay in full. Please call on wbekdays between 9O0 AM and 5:00 PM atid ask for bllline/ cotlectldni Termination may be delayed by: 1. Providing a medlcalcertificate advising us of tJte exlstence of a Medlcal Emergency. 2. Filing a complaint regardlng the pioposed termination with the ldaho Publlc Utilitles Commission, P.O. Box8372Q Bolse, lD 83720 (1-80G432-0359). Terminatlon of servlce In no,woy relievei votl of your obllgotlon to.pay for oll seirticei prldi to termlngiAlrtr, . : , Should servlce be termlnated a charge for restoration of servlce (320.00. durlng offlce hours, $40.00 after hsurs) must be paid, plus the account balance prlor to restoratlon of service, onetlme, asslstyou by payment arrangements not requirlng lmmedlate sudr a paymcntptan. your "", ;:1., T-1..i-. '. Rocky us prlor to the Flnal :-.,1 lr RotrKY MSUNTAIN urlutzY EtrMPANY, lNE.2. N. Landmark Lane Ste 4 - R.igby, lD A3442 Offrce: 2o8-745.644J, trbr: 208.745.7979 rvwvrr.Roc.kwl\tfountalnTltitltv.corn NOTTCE OF TNTENT Tq TERmTNATE SEFVTCFS Today's Date -ULZ|AAZL- Flnal Date ,.r.i. ( i I - qrl.-.r' .tl;ll l;tj Name_Nicloe Burbank ServiceAddress 3890 EastAsh Ln Riebv,lOg3/,42 Account Balance $1170.00 .1. t -. .I i n 'r i ,i:i , You are hereby nodfled that you are dellnquent ln !hq,q3yq.el! gf ...f,1rye.fop.[3!.9r;qr. Sewef Serylce provlded to yoir'by hiitig nhoiiniwtn utw ib., nc.'The balancibtv.iuii.cduit, aicordlng to orr records, is lndicated above ln accordance with the rutes and Regulations of the ldiho Publlc Utllities commission, if thls.balance is not paid, or if payment arangements are not made by the Final Date shown above, YOUR WATER SERVICE Wltt BE DISGONNECIED after the Flnal Date. To avold termination you must contact Rocky Mountain Utllity co. before the Final Date to make a payment arrangement.or pay in full. Please call on weekdays betrr'een'9:00'AM and 5:0dpfU and askfor bllllng/ collections Termlnatlon may be dehytd by; 1. Provlding a medical certificate advistng us of the existence of a Medical Em.ergency. 2. Filing a complaint regardlng the proposgd termination wlth the ldaho.Public,Utllitles Com m lss ion, P.O. Box 837 20, Boise, I D 83720 (1-800-432-0359). hours)must f'. ..,.,'l +. ;"' rdrinthdttdn bisiivrti'ri'ia wgiigiieis!'rg.q"i!,yo1y,ooiogilett eboypr314eryJE4,'irior,Irir;;;;;;:,''. ' '.'"' ),,-,:t. r-,.'. '. gi'i ',1' :' ' !r; !'.'. I ' ''1r' Shoutd servlce be termlnated, a charge for restoration of servlce (320.00 - during offlce hours, @glafter ply,s,$" account balance,ptior to restoration of s'ervice. Rocky one tlme, asslst you by payment arangements not requlrlng us priorto'the Final such a payment plan. t1..rf, t ::.;r,:, .i-- immedlate RotrIry MoUNTAINUtlurY EIEMPANY, lNE.2 N. Landrnark Lane Ste 4 - R.igby, fD 83442 Oflic e : 2Oa.7 45 -6 443 Fbx: 2Oa. 7 45 -7 9 7 9 wwrr'-R o ckyMo untslntltlut5r. ao m NOTXCE qF INTEUT TO TERITIINATE SERVICES Today's Date_512U2O21. FlnalDate -64/2O21_ Name Nicole lee Burbank_ ':- -=--=- ++-5-.-i: !r-a-. .-+! - Servlce Address 3890 East Ash Ln_ Rlgby,lDg3r'.42- Account Balance S _975.00- :d'thatybu are itetlnquint ln the payment of charges for Water or Sewer Service provlded'You are hereby nodfle . to you by Rodcy Mountoln UttW Co., lac. The balance of your account, according to our records, is.indlcated above ln alcoidance with the ruies and Reiulatlons of the ldaho Public.utilitles'colirmissloh,,lf this balanie is.nbt pald, or if piyrnlnt arrangements are not made by the Flnal Date shown above, YOUR WATER SERVICE Wltt BE DTSCONNECIED after the Final Date. t To avold terminatlon you must contact Rocky Mountaln Utility co. before the Flnal Date to make a payment arrangement or pay ln full. Please el! on rreekdays between 9:00 AM and 3:00 PM and ask for blllingy' colleclons . Termlnatiog nngy-b-e delayed by: 1. Providlng a medlcal certific€te advislng us of the exlstence of a Medical Emergency. 2. Filing a complaint regarding the proposed terminatlon witli the ldaho Public Utillties Commlssioo P.O. Box 83720; Bolse, lD 83720 (1-800-432-0369). Termlnotlon of service ln no woy relieves you of your obllgotlon to pdy fot oll serulces prior to termination. Shoulil'service be terminated, a charge foi restoratlon of servlce (S20.0g--durlng office ho0rS; $@![after hoilrs) m'uitbe pilO, ilui ttr'e account balince prtor to restoratlon of servlce. .rtr,_.1.,..-" :li r Co. wllt, one tlmb, assistyou by maklng payment.arrangements not requlring immedlateRocky Mo payment us prtor to the Ftnal Date to brrangesuclr a payment ptan. f tl' l. ''-'j:' L'f;" I ",..I off after the act before the Final RoEKY MOUNTAIN Utlurv EEIMPANY, lNtr.2 N. Landrnark Lane StG 4 - R.lgby, ID 83442 Office : 2OA.7 45 -G 443 I, x: 2O8.7 45.7 97 9 lrrww.R ockwlvrou n ts lnt tirity.corn April, 27, ZOZL Dear Custorner: As a rerr,inder, Rocky I\zlountain utility requires every horneourraer to provide proof of inspection/purnping of their septic tarrk every 5 years per Pepper\ffood Protective and Restrictive Covenants. You can either bring in ttre required docurnentation or rrrail to: R.ocky \rlountain lJtility Corrrpany 2 N. Landrnark Ln Ste 4 R.igby, If) 83442 You can also ernail docrrrnentation to: rockyrnorrntainutil it-lr @ g rn ail - corn If you h.awe lost or camot find your copy of Pepperwood'sProtectiwe and Restrictiwe Covenants or if you hawe any qrrestions piease contact our office at (2O8) 745-6443- Thank you, Charlotte Lees Office IVlanager RgeKY MsuNTA.lN UTIU|TT EEMPANY, I.NE!. 2 N. Lundnirirk Lonc'Slc 4 - Rlgtif., lD83{.12 RI208.745.64d3 Jr.rly 31, 2019 Tq All Roclqf Mounhjri Utillty,Gust0rheB: 'We are noUfflng all customers oli that there wlll be a'$15.00. a msnth rate lncrease for Pepperwood sepUc Seruices. Thls lncrease wlll be set aslde to help with costs 'assoclated'f6r the lrisbllatlqn of aseeondary well system rreguhed by the.Departnent of Envlronrnental Quallty as dlscussed at the September tr 2th,meetlng, last y€ar. Thls rat6 InEreas.e wlll tdke affectAugust Ist and will be reflecteti on $e Septembefs bll[ng involce. Thd Eepartment of Envlronmenhl Quall$ Is requlrlng proof from,,ALL customers that all s6pUc hnks have been pumped to iemaln ln compllance bdsed on the communlty Sepfle System deslgn,and functlonallty, Thls letter serves as notlce that lt ls m?ndatory for all astomers to provlde prosf of pumplng wlthin 5 yEars or have the pumplng ,cornpleted wlthln.ffie,next 60 days (ne later than Spptember 30th) to avold'dlsrupUon of water servlces. Iflyo! are a',new customer wlth new @nstrucilon . proof,pf $e,date' .of sepEc lnstallation wlll be requlred as dotumentiUon. You can eitherdrop off the rqqulr€d doeumenEflon to the Roclqy Mountaln'UHllty offlce or emall to ro ckym'ou nta i n ufl lty@ g m-ai l.com, ff yqu,need b have your sepHc hnks pumped, we have listed a few of the local sepfic .tank pumptng companles below. nffordable gepHc 2pq.559.9219 Rgoter: Man 208.528;7386 Klng George's 208.528.2938T-rrlpleA 208.522.6557 Please note these lmp.Orfant changes and thank you for your CooperaHon. Slncerely, Rocky I 't I