HomeMy WebLinkAbout20231228Application.pdfAPPLICATION FOR CPCN AMENDMENT AND REQUEST FOR MODIFIED PROCEDURE 1 Norman M. Semanko, ISB No. 4761 PARSONS BEHLE & LATIMER 800 W. Main Street, Suite 1300 Boise, ID 83702 Telephone: (208) 562-4900 Facsimile: (208) 562-4901 NSemanko@parsonsbehle.com Attorneys for City of Eagle Preston N. Carter, ISB No. 8462 GIVENS PURSLEY LLP 601 W. Bannock Street Boise, ID 83702 Telephone: (208) 388-1200 Facsimile: (208) 388-1300 prestoncarter@givenspursley.com Attorneys for Veolia Water Idaho, Inc. BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION FOR AMENDMENT OF VEOLIA WATER IDAHO CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY Case No.: APPLICATION AND REQUEST FOR MODIFIED PROCEDURE The City of Eagle (“Eagle” or “the City”) through its attorneys Parsons Behle & Latimer, and Veolia Water Idaho, Inc.1 (“Veolia” or “Company”) through its attorneys Givens Pursley LLP, and pursuant to Idaho Code Section 61-526 and the Rules of Procedure of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (“Commission”), IDAPA and, and the existing Water Management Agreement between the City and Veolia2, jointly apply to the Commission to amend and revise Veolia Water Idaho’s Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity No. 143, as amended (“CPCN”) to remove an area located in the City of Eagle from Veolia’s certificated 1 Formerly known as SUEZ Water Idaho Inc. 2 The Water Management Agreement, previously approved by the Commission in Case Nos. SUEZ-W- 18-02/EAG-W-18-01, is discussed in further detail in the Background section below and is attached hereto as Attachment 1. RECEIVED 2023 DECEMBER 28, 2023 9:27AM IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. VEO-W-23-05 APPLICATION FOR CPCN AMENDMENT AND REQUEST FOR MODIFIED PROCEDURE 2 service area as described hereinafter, thereby allowing the area to be served by the City of Eagle through its municipal water system. In support of this Application, the City and Veolia respectfully submit as follows: 1.The City of Eagle is a municipality and exists under the laws of the State of Idaho. The City owns and operates a municipal water system. 2.Veolia is a public utility water corporation within the meaning of Idaho public utility statutes and is duly organized and existing under the laws of the State of Idaho with its principal office and place of business at 8248 West Victory Road, Boise, Idaho 83709. 3.Veolia currently provides water service to approximately 105,445 connections within its certificated service area in Boise, Eagle, Meridian, and unincorporated Ada County pursuant to CPCN No. 143, as amended. 4.By this Application, the City of Eagle and Veolia jointly request the Commission’s approval of the removal of certain agreed-upon area within the City of Eagle from Veolia’s certificated service area, as further described herein. BACKGROUND A. Veolia and City of Eagle Water Management Agreement. 1.On November 18, 2018, Veolia and Eagle Water Company (“EWC”) filed with the Commission a Joint Application requesting that the Commission approve the proposed acquisition of EWC by Veolia (Case Nos. SUEZ-W-18-02/EAG-W-18-01). Numerous parties were granted intervention in that proceeding, including the City of Eagle. 2.In its Amended Petition to Intervene, the City disclosed to the Commission and parties that it had recently become aware of, and was evaluating, documents that purported to require EWC to provide the City a right of first refusal to purchase EWC’s water system. APPLICATION FOR CPCN AMENDMENT AND REQUEST FOR MODIFIED PROCEDURE 3 3.On February 26, 2019, the City commenced an action in the District Court, Fourth Judicial District, for declaratory and other relief, asserting that it had a contractual, paramount right of first refusal to purchase EWC’s water system (CV01-19-03534; the “District Court Case”). In June of 2019, Veolia was granted intervenor status in that civil case. 4.Because of the pendency of the City’s District Court case, Veolia requested, and the Commission granted a stay of proceedings in Case Nos. SUEZ-W-18-02/EAG-W-18-01. 5.The City, EWC and Veolia entered into a settlement and a stipulation for dismissal of the District Court Case, and the Court’s Order of Dismissal was filed March 8, 2021. The stay of proceedings in Case Nos. SUEZ-W-18-02/EAG-W-18-01 was subsequently lifted. 6.As part of the settlement of the District Court Case, Veolia and the City entered into a Water Management Agreement (“WMA”). A primary purpose of the WMA is to provide a mechanism and process for the parties to cooperate in their future water planning and area of service decisions. The WMA contains terms addressing future service area adjustments, administrative filings with the Idaho Department of Water Resources and with the Commission, guiding principles for future intertie agreements, and maintenance of good faith communications concerning items of joint interest to Veolia and the City. 7.Of specific relevance to this Application, the WMA includes an agreement that within eighteen (18) months3 of the effective date of the WMA (December 30, 2021) the City would “prepare and prosecute an application with the Commission, which SUEZ will cooperate with and if necessary participate in as a joint applicant, concerning a request to remove Area 4 as depicted on Exhibit A from SUEZ’s Certificated Area,” and to “request the transfer of the 3 Under the terms of the WMA, this 18-month period to file the application, until June 30, 2023, is to be extended by an additional 6 months if the Application is being pursued in good faith. The parties have agreed that the Application is being pursued in good faith, thereby extending the filing deadline to December 30, 2023. APPLICATION FOR CPCN AMENDMENT AND REQUEST FOR MODIFIED PROCEDURE 4 obligation to serve SEUZ’ then existing customers in Area 4 from Suez to Eagle.” WMA ¶2.b.ii. The WMA was provided to the Commission during, and approved by the Commission as part of, SUEZ’s application to approve the acquisition of Eagle Water Company’s assets. See Case No. SUEZ-W-18-02, EAG-W-18-01, SUEZ’ Amendment to Joint Application for Approval of Acquisition of Eagle Water Company, Inc. Assets by SUEZ Water Idaho Inc. and Amendment of Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessary No. 143, Approval of Rates and Charge (June 8, 2021); Final Order No. 35247 at 3. This Application is in furtherance of that agreement. 8.In addition to Area 4, Veolia and the City have agreed to transfer ownership of piping in the Eagle Skate Park area so that the one Veolia service (that provides irrigation water at the Skate Park), located within the City-owned Eagle Sports Complex, becomes part of the City of Eagle water system. Due to the proximity of City-owned water infrastructure, the parties agree that it is in the public interest that all City-owned facilities within the Eagle Sports Complex be served by the City’s municipal water system. 9.The City and Veolia are also parties to a Franchise Agreement entered into in July 2022. Section 14 of the Franchise Agreement provides in part that “the City agrees not to engage in the business of providing water service during the life of this franchise or any extension thereof in [Veolia’s] certificated service area approved by the PUC.” DISCUSSION A. Requested Adjustment to Veolia’s Certificated Service Area. 1.Area 4. Area 4 of the WMA is an area that encompasses the Bighorn Subdivision, the LDS Church located at 2090 N. Eagle Road, and 2 connections from the 12” mainline along Eagle Road. This area was previously served by EWC prior to the acquisition by Veolia. This area currently includes 25 current Veolia customers based on a count of service connections. In APPLICATION FOR CPCN AMENDMENT AND REQUEST FOR MODIFIED PROCEDURE 5 addition, there are 4 Veolia fire hydrants (does not include the private hydrant at the LDS church). As part of the removal of this area from Veolia’s Certificated Service Area, the water system assets serving the current customers will be transferred to the City. A map representing the area to be removed is included in Attachment 2 and the area is described in Attachment 3 hereto. 2.Eagle Skate Park. The City owns the property and facilities located within the Eagle Sports Complex situated on the east side of Old Horseshoe Bend Road and north of Floating Feather Road. The Skate Park, owned by the City and located within the Eagle Sports Complex, is currently the only customer served by Veolia within this area. All other facilities within the Complex are served by the City’s water system. The City has a 1 (one) MG water storage facility and large distribution mains within the Complex property that can easily serve the Skate Park. As part of the water system change proposed in this Application, the water system assets currently serving the area will be transferred to the City. A map representing the area to be removed is included in Attachment 4 and the area is described in Attachment 5 hereto. B. Implementation of Adjustments. 1.Area 4. If approved by the Commission, to accomplish the removal of Area 4 from the certificated area of Veolia, the City will undertake, at its sole cost, risk, and expense, the construction of modifications to Veolia’s existing water system. The City’s work will include compliance with any applicable regulations, including preliminary engineering report(s) approved by the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (“DEQ”). The work will be completed by a Veolia approved Pipeline Contractor and the City will pay Veolia’s Inspector fees associated with watching over the work while the pipelines are still connected to the Veolia water system. The existing water main serving Area 4 is located within Eagle Road from Floating Feather Road north to Rush Drive. The City has a parallel line located near the Floating Feather Road intersection APPLICATION FOR CPCN AMENDMENT AND REQUEST FOR MODIFIED PROCEDURE 6 served by the City’s nearby well. The modifications would include disconnecting the Veolia water distribution system at Floating Feather Road and providing a connection in Eagle Road between the two existing water distribution mains. The City’s water system is approximately 14 psi higher than the existing Veolia system. To maintain the pressures currently experienced by the existing customers, a Pressure Reduction Valve (“PRV”) Station will be constructed at the intersection of Eagle Road and Rush Drive. Individual PRVs will be installed at the LDS Church and at an existing residence located at 1638 N. Eagle Road to maintain pressures. There is an additional existing service across from 1638 N. Eagle Road (70 W. Floating Feather) in which the City of Eagle is the customer, but the need for a PRV is not anticipated. The design plans for the proposed modifications have already been prepared and are ready to bid for construction. The plans have already been reviewed and accepted by Veolia, approved by DEQ and reviewed and accepted by Ada County Highway District. The approved plans are included in Attachment 6 hereto. The Parties propose that, if approved by the Commission, this area will be removed from Veolia’s CPCN when the last customer served by Veolia within Area 4 is transferred to the City’s water system. 2.Eagle Sports Park. The removal of the Skate Park within the Eagle Sports Complex will require even less modification to the water distribution system than the removal of Area 4. The two systems already have an intertie located at the intersection of Old Horseshoe Bend Road and Greenbrook Street (entrance to the Eagle Sports Complex). The intertie is currently isolated with closed valves. The modifications, which the City will undertake, at its sole cost, risk, and expense, would only include disconnecting the Veolia water distribution system at Floating Feather Road and opening the intertie valves when necessary, as depicted in Attachment 7 to this Application. APPLICATION FOR CPCN AMENDMENT AND REQUEST FOR MODIFIED PROCEDURE 7 3. Transfer of Assets. All Veolia assets north of Floating Feather Road identified in Attachment 8 to this Application, would be transferred to the City of Eagle. The assets highlighted on Attachment 8 will be retrieved by Veolia either before or after the transfer. Veolia would record an impairment for the specified assets that transfer to City of Eagle net of any assets which can be removed and repurposed or were installed after the acquisition of Eagle Water Company. The impairment will be recorded as an expense to General Ledger account 71225426 - Impairment Other. The specific assets impaired will be removed from plant in service. The assets that can be removed and repurposed will remain in plant in service. 4. System Capacity. Both areas covered by this Application will be served by the City’s eastern water system. The City’s eastern water system consists of two wells with the capacity to pump approximately 1,500 gallons per minute and a 1MG concrete storage tank. To determine the capacity of the existing system, the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality requires that the system be evaluated with the largest source out of service. When the largest well is out of service, the water system capacity is estimated at 2,167 equivalent dwelling units. Currently, the City serves 1,397 connections which allows for an additional 770 connections. The City has the capacity to serve the 25 connections in Area 4 and the City’s current facilities at the Skate Park. 5. Water Rates. The City’s current monthly water rates are as follows: "Base Monthly Fee: $25.17 "Consumption Rate per 100 cubic feet: $ 1.58 "Monthly Backflow Fee (if applicable): $ 0.50 "DEQ Water Safety Fee $ 0.34 Total Base Bill for a Residential Service: APPLICATION FOR CPCN AMENDMENT AND REQUEST FOR MODIFIED PROCEDURE 8 $27.09 (plus $0.50 Backflow Fee (if applicable)) A projected customer cost comparison for City of Eagle and Veolia service is attached as Attachment 9 to this Application.4 6. Customer Notices and Press Release. Concurrent with filing of this Application, the City and Veolia are providing written notice directly to the customers and property owners of record within the subject area in the form attached as Attachment 10 to this Application, advising them that this Application has been filed and how to obtain more information about the Application from the City and Veolia and on the Commission’s website. The City and Veolia will also issue a press release, containing the information in Attachment 10, pursuant to Commission Rule 125. ANALYSIS 1.Idaho Code does not address proposed changes in water service providers. However, the Commission has relied on the standards outlined in Idaho Code Section 61-328(3) related to electric utilities for its review. Those standards require: (a) the transaction is consistent with the public interest; (2) the cost of and rates for supplying service will not be increased by reason of such transaction; and (3) the applicant for such transfer has the bona fide intent and financial ability to operate and maintain said property in the public service. Case Nos. SUZ-W-18- 02; EAG-W-18-01, Order No. 35247 at 6 (Dec. 9, 2021). 2.As further substantiated by the Direct Testimony of Cathy Cooper, Veolia’s Director of Engineering, and the Direct Testimony of Ken Acuff, City of Eagle Water 4 This cost comparison was calculated using the City of Eagle rates that were in place during most of 2023. Effective December 19, 2023, the City’s rates have been revised, with a total base bill for a Residential Service of $27.09 (plus $0.50 Backflow Fee (if applicable)). For meter sizes other than ¾ inch, the current City of Eagle Fee Schedule is available at https://www.cityofeagle.org/417/City-of-Eagle-Water. APPLICATION FOR CPCN AMENDMENT AND REQUEST FOR MODIFIED PROCEDURE 9 Superintendent, which is being filed contemporaneously with this Application, Commission approval of this Application is in the public interest. 3.While there are differences in the Veolia and City of Eagle rate structures, the cost of and rates for supplying service will be comparable. 4. The City of Eagle has the bona fide intent and financial ability to operate and maintain the afore-mentioned property and provide public service in the subject area if it is removed from Veolia’s service area by amendment of the CPCN. Direct Testimony of Ken Acuff. 5.Removal of the area from Veolia’s certificated service area would not prevent Veolia from serving any of its remaining customers or extending service to its remaining certificated service area. REQUEST FOR MODIFIED PROCEDURE 1.The City and Veolia do not believe that the public interest requires a hearing on the issues presented by this Application and requests that the matter be processed by Modified Procedure under Commission Rule 201, IDAPA 2.Communications and service of notices, pleadings and orders in this matter should be sent to the following: The City of Eagle Mayor 660 E. Civic Lane P.O. Box 1520 Eagle, ID 83616 Norman M. Semanko PARSONS BEHLE & LATIMER 800 W. Main Street, Suite 1300 Boise, ID 83702 Nsemanko@parsonsbehle.com Mr. Marshall Thompson VEOLIA WATER IDAHO, INC. 8248 West Victory Rd. Boise, ID 83709 marshall.thompson@veolia.com Preston N. Carter GIVENS PURSLEY LLP 601 W. Bannock Street Boise, ID 83702 prestoncarter@givenspursley.com stephaniew@givenspursley.com APPLICATION FOR CPCN AMENDMENT AND REQUEST FOR MODIFIED PROCEDURE 10 PRAYER FOR RELIEF WHEREFORE, the joint Applicants City of Eagle and Veolia Water Idaho, Inc. respectfully request that the Commission: 1. Determine that a hearing is not required and process this matter by Modified Procedure; 2. Approve the amendment of Veolia’s CPCN by removal of Area 4 as depicted and described in Attachments 2, 3, 4 and 5 hereto, from Veolia’s Certificated Service Area and approval of the transfer of certain piping to allow the City of Eagle to serve the irrigation connection within the Eagle Skate Park, upon transfer of service to customers within the area to the City of Eagle; 3. Relieve Veolia of its obligation to serve customers located within Area 4, effective upon removal of the areas from Veolia’s CPCN; 4. Authorize the preparation and filing of an Amended CPCN No. 143 to exclude the area described herein; 5. Authorize the accounting treatment of assets subject to this Application, as set forth herein; and 6. Grant such other and further relief as the Commission may determine proper herein. DATED this 28th day of December, 2023. The City of Eagle By: Norman M. Semanko Parsons Behle & Latimer Attorneys for City of Eagle Veolia Water Idaho, Inc. By:____________________________ Preston N. Carter Givens Pursley LLP Attorneys for Veolia Water Idaho, Inc. ATTACHMENT 1 Michael C. Creamer (SB No. 4030) hestonN. Carter (ISB No. 8462) Givens Pursley LLP 601 W. Bannook St. Boise,ID 83702 Telephone: (208) 388-1200 Facsimile: (208) 388- I 300 mcc(@civensourslev.com IN THE }VIATTER OF TIIE JOINT APPLICATION OF SUEZ WATER IDAHO AI{D EAGLE WATER COMPA}.IY FOR TrrE ACQT ISITION OF EAGLE WATER COMPAI{Y '. ,.': :; *i FH ?: 2u l\.;_-r;\rtt prestoncarter@ civenspursley. com l56tt9l2_3.doq BCl?4l Attorneysfor SWZWater ldaho Inc. BEFORE THE IDAHO PT'BLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Cesc Nos. SUZW-18{2 EAG-}V-lE-01 AIVIENDMENT TO JOINT APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL ox' AcQrnsrrroN otr' EAGLE WATER COMPAI\IY, INC. ASSETS BY SI'EZ WAIER IDAHO INC. AITD AIVIENDMENT OF CERTINCATE OX' PI.IBLIC CONVENIENCE ANI) NECESSITY NO. 143, APPROVAL OX'RATES AND CIIARGES COME NOW Eagle Warsr Compauy, Inc. ('Eagle Water') and SUEZ Water Idaho Inc. C'SLJEZ') collectively the "Applicants' and in support of this Amen&nent to Joifi Application for Approval ofAcqaisition of Eagle Water Compary, brc. Assets, etc. ('AmendedJoint Application') inthe above-captioned Cases filed with and pendingbefore the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ('Commission'), respectfully show as follows: BACKGROT'I\ID On November I 5, 2018, the Applicants filed their Jo int Applicatioa with the Commission seeking approval of SUEZ' acquisition of certain Eagle S/ater assets, amendment of SUEZ' AMTNoMSNT To JoINT APPLICATION . I CPCN, and approval of new rates and charges that would become applicable to former and future customers within Eagle Water's certificated service,uea once transferred to SUEZ' certificated service area as amended. The Joint Application was supported by the Direct Testimony of Marshall Thompson, Cathy Cooper and Jarmila Cary of SUEZ andby Direct Testimony of Robert V. DeShazo, Jr. of Eagle Water. Among other things,theJoint Application requested Commission approval to include in SUEZ' rate base and future rate proceedings an acquisition adjustment in the amount of the purchase price plus reasonable acquisition costs, and provide for a three-year phase in of SUEZ' rates to former Eagle Water customers. A copy of the Asset Purchase Agreement ("APA') as executed between H2O Eagle Acquistion, LLC C'H2O Eagle') and SUEZ (*112o- Eagle-SUEZ APA") is included as Attachment I to the Joint Application. The Asset Purchase Agreement as exeiuted between Eagle Water and H2O Eagle) is included as Exhibit G to the H2O Eagle-SUEZ APA. Following the Commission's public notice, numerous parties sought and were granted intervention, including the City of Eagle (the "City"). On January 4,2019,the City filed an Amended Petttion to Intervene, in which it asserted that the City held a contactual right of first refusal (*ROFR") to purchase the Eagle Water assets that were the subject of the Joint Application. On February 27,2019,the City filed its Notice of Filing tn Related Judicial Proceeding identiffing the City's civil action against Eagle Water in Fourth Judicial Distict Case No. CV0l-19-03534. On March 21,201,9, SUEZ filed its Unopposed Motionfor Stay of the Joint Arraervoueur ro JorNr AppLICATIoN - 2 Applicatior pending disposition of the Distict Court Case. SUEZ' Motion for Stay was granted by the Commission on March 27,2019. On June 4,2019, the District Court granted SUEZ' intervention in the District Court case. The City, Eagle Water and SUEZ proceeded with litigation of the issues pursuant to the District Court's scheduling order. The parties also entered into an extended mediation, which ultimately resulted inaSettlement Agreement and Mutual Release atdaStipulation of Dismissal filed with the District Court on February 24,2021. On March 8,2021, the District Court ordered that all claims and counterclaims were dismissed with prejudice with the caveat that the dismissal was without prejudice to the ability of the City of Eagle to refile its claims in the event that the sale of the assets of Eagle Water to SUEZ is not completed. Therefore, as a result of the settlement and the Order of Dismissal, there are no current impediments to the Commission deciding the Joint Application. SUEZ and Eagle Water notified the Commission and other parties to the Joint Application proceeding of the settlement via their Etghth Quarterly Status Report filed on March 23,2021. Of relevance to the Joint Application, the Settlement Agreemenr included the following terms: I . The previously filed joint asset purchase price of $ 10,000,000 was increased to $ I 0,500,000 post-settlement. 2. The parties agreed to support a five-year phase-in of any approved SUEZ rate increase for current Eagle Water customers instead of the three-year phase-in proposed in the Jotnt Application; AUTNoUBNT To JOINTAPPLICATION - 3 3. SUEZ and the City entered into a Water Management Agreement ("WMA'), a true and correct copy of which is attached hereto as Supplemental Attachment 5. To the extent that any terms of the WMA are subject to Commission approval, SUEZ and the City agreed to use best efforts to diligently pursue such approval. 4. SUEZ agreed to use its best efforts to make improvements to the acquired Eagle Water assets (defined in the Settlement Agreement as "System') "in accordance with the schedule of improvements as [may be] approved by the Commission;" 5. The parties agreed that the Joint Application may need to be amended to reflect the above sefflement terms and to facilitate approval of the Eagle Water asset sale to SUEZ. THE WATER MANAGEMENT AGREEMENT The WMA entered into between SUEZ and the City serves sevsral important purposes. The parties desired to work in good faith to address current and potential future areas of service conflicts. They also wished to minimize the potential for future conflicts concerning water right appropriations and transfers before the Idaho Department of Water Resources (*IDWR") and to establish protocols for regular and improved communications concerning their ongoing and planned water service and water use. The parties agreed that SUEZ would pursue Commission approval of certain adjustments to its certificated service area boundaries. If the Joint Application is approved, the Eagle Water senrice area is to be incorporated into SUEZ' CPCN as requested in the Joint Application. SUEZ agreed to apply to the Commission within sixty days of the WMA's execution to amend its CPCN to remove an area known as the "Trailhead Community Area." That application was AUENOVTNTTO JOINTAPPLICATION - 4 filed on April2, 2021, as Case No. SUZ-W-21-01. SUEZ agreed that within 18 months of the effective date of a final Commission order approving the Eagle Water asset sale to SUEZ and SUEZ' actual asset acquisition, the City could apply to the Commission seeking removal of a small area with approximately 28 current SUEZ customers from SUEZ' certificated service area so that the City could provide service within that area and to those customers. If the City makes this filing, then SUEZ will cooperate, and if necessary, participate as ajoint applicant. Also, unless SUEZ has received a request to serve and is serving or committed to serve a request in the area of its current CPCN lying west of State Highway 55, SUEZ will seek Commission approval to remove the entire area west of the highway from its CPCN if the City annexes all or part of the area west of the highway. The WMA includes agreements concerning SUEZ' "Planning Area Boundar5/," which is a boundary used for water right planning and administration purposes before the Idaho Deparfrnent of Water Resources ("IDWR'). The WMA includes agreements concerning: mutual non-opposition and support of certain frlings by the other party with the IDWR and the Commission; the locations of future ground water points of diversion in relation to the parties' existing wells and service areas; conditions that IDWR may include in certain ground water right transfers; and the collection and exchange of information, including ground water levels and monthly withdrawal volumes. The WMA also includes agreements providing for ongoing cooperation and communications and key terms to be included in any future intertie agreements. ANaSNDMENTTo JOINTAPPLICATION - 5 The details of the agreed upon terms and the rationale for them are discussed in the Supplemental Direct Testimony of Marshall Thompson filed contemporaneously with this Amended Application. AMENDMENTS TO TIIE ASSET PURCHASE AGREEMENTS As a result of the Settlement Agreement and the intervening time since the original APAs were executed and the Joint Application proceeding was stayed, SUEZ, Eagle Water and H2O Eagle have determined that certain amendments to these agreements are necessary. The H2O Eagle-SUEZ APA has been amended increase the purchase price to $10,500,000. True and conect copies of the Amendment to the H2O Eagle-SUEZ APA and the Amendment to the Eagle Water-H2O APA are attached hereto as Supplemental Attachment 6. AMENDMENTS TO TIIE JOINT APPLICATION 1. Paragraph III of the Joint Application is amended as follows: Eagle Water currently provides water service to approximately a5200 4.400 customers within its certificated service area in the vicinity of Eagle, Idaho pursuant to Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity No. 278 as amended. A map of the Eagle Water service area and key facilities to be acquired is attached hereto as Attachment l. SUEZ provides water service to approximately 96$00 99.000 customers within its cenificated senrice area in the greater Boise metropolitan area pursuant to Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity No. 143 as amended. AMENDMENT TO JoINT APpITcanoN - 6 2. Paragraph VI of the Joint Application is amended as follows: H2O Eagle and SUEZ have similarly entered into an Asset Purchase Agreement (the H2O Eagle - SUEZ APA") whereby H2O Eagle has agreed to sell and SUEZ has agreed to purchase, the Eagle Water assets to be acquired by H2O Eagle together with all of H2O Eagle's right to purchase the Eagle Water assets under the Eagle Water - H2O Eagle APA for a total purchase price of $J$ Millien $10.500.000. Subject to Commission approval Eagle Water, H2O Eagle and SUEZ contemplate a simultaneous closing of the respective purchases and sales such that SUEZ will become the ultimate purchaser and owner of the Eagle Water assets immediately upon closing. A true and correct copy of the H2O Eagle - SUEZ APA is attached hereto as AttachmentZ. 3. Paragraph YIII of the Joint Application is amended as follows: SUEZ is proposing that rates for Eagle Water customers be adjusted over a {hree+ear five-vear phase-in period to bring Eagle Water rates to parity with SUEZ' rates, as shown in Amended Exhibit l, Schedule 2 to the Supplemental Direct Testimony of Ms. Jarmila Cary submitted contemporaneously with this Application. Upon approval of this Application by the Commission, SUEZ will file conforming tariffs pursuant to Commission RP 133. 4. Paragraph IX of the Joint Application is amended as follows: SUEZ' obligation to close the asset purchase is conditioned, among other things, upon Commission approval with conditions acceptable to SUEZ, AvpupurNr ro JorNt Appltcertox - 7 including: 1) approval of the asset purchase and sale; 2) approval of an acquisition adjustnrent to rate base for the full amount of the prrchase price and acquisition costs to be amortized over forty years; 3) app,roval of SUEZ'proposed*ree*ear five-yeq:phased-in rate increase for Eagle Water customers to bring thern into rate parity with SLJEZ' existing customers; and 4) transfer of Eagle Water's serrrice area and customers to SUEZ and amendnrent of SUEZ' CPCN to incorporate same. 5. Section 4 of the Joint Applicant's Prayer for Relief is amendod as follows: 4. Approving SUEZ' proposed threeaer five-year ptuse-in of Eagle Water customer rates to match SUEZ' oustomer rates as requested herein and directing SUEZ to file conforming tariffs. This Amended Joint Application is supported by the Supplemental Direct Testimony of Marshall Thompson, Cathy Cooper and Jarmila Cary of SUEZ, and the Supplemental Direct Testimony of Robert V. DeShazo, Jr. of Eagle Water filed contemporaneously herewith. "rLDATED :frirrfAa^yof Juue, 2021. GIVENS PI.'RSLEY LLP C. Creamer Givens Pursley LLP Attorneys for SUEZ Water ldaho AurIOurNr To JoTNT APPLIcATIoN . 8 CERTIFICAIE OF SERVICE of the foregoing document was served on the following in the manner indicated: I IIEREBY CERTIFYthaton ,n"fta^yof -Tclr,t*-, 2E2l,atnre and corrcctcopy Jan Noriyuki Commission Sccretary Idalro Public Utilities Commission P.O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-007 4 IPUC Matt Hunter Dayn Hardie Deputy Atorneys General Idatro Public Utilities Commission P.O. Box 83720 Boise, Idatro 83?20-007 4 Attorruysfor IPUC Marshall Thompson SLJEZ WaterIdaho Inc. 824E W. Victory Road Boise,Idaho 83709 SUEZWater ldalo Inc. Molly O'Leary BizCounselor@Law, PLLC 1775W. State St. #150 Boise,ID 83702 Counselfor fugle Water Company Robert V. DeShazo, Jr. Eagle Water Company, Inc. 188 W. State Sfioet Eagle,Idatro 83616 N.L. Bangle tDO Eagle Acquisition, LLC I88 W. State Sheet Eagle,ID 83616 Jason Pierce, Mayor City of Eagle 660 E. CMI Lane Eagle,ID 83616 Intentenor Ctty of Eagle [ ] by U.S. Mail [] by Personal Delivery (Original & 3 copies) t ] bV Facsimile [X] bV E-Mail secrctar.v@puc.idaho.gov ian.noriyuki@puc. idaho.gov [ ] bv U.S. Mail [ ] by Personal Delivery [ ] by Facsimile [X] bV E-Mail matt.hunter@puc. idaho.eov dayn.hardie@nuc. idaho. gov [ ] by U.S. Mail [ ] bV Personal Delivery [ ] bV Facsimile [X] bV E-Mail marshall.thompson@suez.com [ ] by U.S. Mail [ ] bV Personal Delivery t I by Facsimile [X] by E-Mail molly@bizcounseloratlaw.com t I bv U.S. Mail t ] by Personal Delivcry [ ] bV Facsimile [X] bV E-Mail eaqlewaterco@gmail.com t I by U.S. Mail [ ] bV Personal Delivery t I bV Facsimile [X] bV EMail nbangle@i2o-solutionsl lc.net [ ] bv U.S. Mail t ] bV Personal Delivery [ ] bV Facsimile [X] bV E-Mail jpierce@cityofeagle.org to s born@c i tyofeae I e.org AMENDMENT TO JOINT APPLICATION . 9 B. Ncwal Squyes Murtay D. Feldman Holland & Hart LLP 800 W. Main Stneet, Suite 1750 P.O.Box2527 Boisc, lD 83702-2527 Attorneysfor Interterur Ctty of Eagle Norman M. Semanko Parsons Behle & Latimer 800 West Main Street, Suite 1300 Boise,Idaho 83702 Attoruqsfor Intenternr fugle Water Customer Group Mary Grant Scott B. Muir Deputy City Attorney Boise City Attorney's Office 150 N. Capitol Blvd. P.O. Box 500 Boise, Idaho 83701-0500 Attonuysfor Interttenor, City of Boise James M. Piotrowski PIOTROWSKI DI.'RA}.ID, PLLC P.O. Box 2854 1020 W. Main Street, Suirc 440 Boise,ID 83701 AttoruEts for Interttenor Citizens Allte d for Inte grity and Accountability Brad M. Purdy Attorney at Iaw 2019 N. 176 Street Boise,ID 83702 Attorney for Community Action Pttrcrship Associotton of ldolto t I by U.S. Mail [ ] bVPenonal Delivery [ ] bV Facsimile [Xl bv E-Mail nsouvres(2hol landhart.com m fe ld man@ho I land hart.com [ ] bv U.S. Mail [ ] by Personal Delivery [ ] bV Facsimile [X] bV E-Mail NSemanko@Frsonsbehle.com ecf@parsonsbehle.com t I bv U.S. Mail [ ] bV Personal Delivery [ ] bV Facsimile IXJ bV E-Mail boisecityattomey@cityofuoise.org t I bV U.S.Ivlail [ ] by Personal Delivery t ] bV Facsimile [X]bV E Mail James@idunionlaw.com t I by U.S. Mail t ] bV Personal Delivery [ ] bV Facsimile [X] by E-Mail bmpurdy@hotmail.com Creamer AIVGNDLM'NT TO JOINT APruICANON . IO ATTACHMENT 5 SUEZ WATER IDATIO INC. Water Mmage,ment Agreement (28 PAGES) 2021 CITY OF EAGLE - SUEZ WATER IDAHO INC.. WATER MANAGEMENT AGREEM ENT THIS 2021WATER MANAGEMENT AGREEMENT ('Agreemenf) ls entered lnto by and between the Clty of Eagle, a municlpal corporation of the Stats of ldaho (herelnafier 'Eagle'), and SUEZ Wabr ldaho !nc., an ldaho oorporation (heralnafrer ISUEZ). Eagle and SUEZ arc sometimes refuned to herelnafter as the 'Partf or'Partes,'as fire case may be. REC]TALS: A" Eagle has a munldpalwater department prcvidlng unter utlllty seMce to customars both wlthln and beyond the boundarles of lts Clty Llmits, within Eagle's ctrnent gervlce area. B. Pursuantto ldaho Code 542-202Br(9), Eagle has the rlghtto extend munlclpa! water seMce to cusbmers withln lts Area of Clty lmpact establlshed urder the LocalLand Use Plannlng Act at ldaho Code S 67{526 so lmg as the delhnry slatem oublde of the Corporate Llmlts ls physlcally connected to the dellvery system within lts Corporate Llmits. C. Eagle's City Limits are shown on Exhibit A wlttr a solld red llne. ln additlon, Eagle's planned future water seMce araa, wtrlch includes wihln lt Eagle's Area of Clty lmpad, is shown on the E)ftibltwih a shaded plnk area. D. SUEZ cunently ls authorlzed to provide munldpalwaterto customers wlthln the 'Certlflcated Area" as apprcved by the ldaho Publlc Ufllltles Commlsslon ('Commlsslon') and shown on Exhlblt A wlth a solld blue line and shaded blue areas. E. Purcuant to Orc ldaho MuniclpalWater Rlghb Act of 1996, SUEZ establlshd a 'Planning Arsa'extendlng beyond lts Certlflcated Area to whlch lt anticipates extendlng seMce ln the comlng years, subied to approval bythe ldaho Publlc UUlitles Commlssion. F. The boundary of SUEZ cunent Plannlng Area ls shown on Exhlbit A with a blue dashed llne. G. The Partles have uorked in good hith to address cunent and potentlalfuture erBas of seMcs confllc'ts and now wish to enter lnto thls Agreement to more dearly deflne helr rcspectlve water seMce araas; to establlsh protocols, procsdures, and crlteria appllcable to any cl.range in thelr respectlve servlce aroas; and to address certaln other matters set out herein. 1of28 lnltaled byV.P. & G.M. of SUEZ: ATTACHEMETTS SUEZ\IUabr ldalp lnc. rusl d28 2Ol Ea3!+SUEZ Wrtcr lttrmtsmcm efgpnt tntttaled by Mayor of Eaete:,F-- TERMS OF AGREEIIENT: NOW, THEREFORE, in constseration of the foregolng recltals and the mutual covenants, promises, and agreemenb between the Partles, and other good and valuable consideration, the recelpt and sufficiency of wtrlch are heraby acknowledged, the Partles agree as follows: 1. Continued Servlce: Thls Sedlon applles except as ohenrise e:pressly provlded In fils Agreement orany wriften amendment hereto. As betweEn the Partles, (i) SUEZ shall have the excluslve rlght to proMde water seMce to customers wlthln lts Certlflcated Area as approved from tlme to time bythe Commlsslon and within its Planning Area; (ll) Eagle shallhave the exclusive right to provide water seMce withln lts Corporate Limlts, lts cunent servlce atea,lts Pmposed Area of City lmpad, and lts future seMce arca as dellneated on EIh!!l!-A; and (iii) both Partles shall have the exduslve right to continue to provlde water seMce to suctr areas and customers as they already serue or wlll serue onslstent wlth the terms of thls Agreement indudlng Saru'ce Area Boundary Adjustrnents as well as SUEZ Planning Arca Boundary Adjudrrcnts contsmplated by this Agreement. 2. SeruicB Arca fuudarv Adlusttpnfs,, a. Gmv Areas: Areas deplcted as Area 1, Area 3, and Area 6 on Elh!h!!A are designated as "GrayAr€as' underthis Agreement. Wlftln any Gray ArEa, and on a request{y-request basls, the Party that has facilltles available ln the vldnlty or that is othenrise most easlly, efficlently, and rcllably able to servo a new customer request made as of or afterJanuary 22,2021shall provlde water seMce to that portion of the area as ls lnduded or addrcssed in the partlarlar new customer servioe request. Araa 5 or a portlon thereof may become a Gray Area pursuant to the provlslons of Section 2(bxlia). b. SUEZ Certlftcated Area Adludments. l. EaoleWaterComoanv Cedifrcated Area: Upon concluslon and approvalof SUEZ and Eagle Water Company's Joint Application bythe Commlsslon, and completlon of the sale to and acqulsltlon by SUEZ of Eagle Water Company's water system assets, Eagle Water Company's certiflcated seMce area shall become part of SUEZ certificated servlce araa and planning area for purposes of thls Agreement. ii. Area 4: Eagle shall have 18 months fom the efiectlve date of a ffnal order of the Gommisslon approvlng SUEZ' acquisldon of Eagle Water Compant's water system assets, and SUEZ' actua! acqulsltlon of same, to prepare and prcseante an application ulth the Commlsslon, rvhich SUEZ 2ot 28 STOAPPLICATION SUEZWaErldaho lnc. Page?of28 2021 Eagle-SUEZ tileter ManatGment AtrReg:$ lniuated by Mayor ot eaebtF lnltlaled byV.P. & G.M. of SUEZ: wlll ooperate wlth and lf neoessary pailicipate in as aJoint appllcant, concemlng a request to remove Area 4 as deploted on Exhlblt Afiom SUEZ Certlllcated Arca. The applicaUon wil! also request the hansfer of the obllgation to serve SUEZ then existing customers in Alea 4 from SUEZ to Eagle. Eagle shall at lts orn oost apply to the Commission and shall bear the cosE of swltching these customers over to Eagle's water system, lf Eagle does not flle this appllcation withln his 18 month perlod, Eagle shallbe deemed to have walved its right to serve cusbmers ln Area 4 underthis Agreement. Provlded, however, that if Eagle is proceedlng ln good falth with due dlllgence to effectthe ffansfer wlthln 18 monUrs' time, the tme perlod shal! be extended for another 6 months. iii. Arca 5: Unless SUEZ has alrsady (i) received a requestfor seMco within the area lylng west of State Hlghuny 55 in Ada County and deplcted as Araa 5 and (ll) ls seMng or has made a commltnent to serve that request ln Area 5, then at such tlme, lf any, that Eagle annexes all or part of Area 5 lnto the City llmits, SUEZ shall seek approvalfiom the Commission to rcmove such part or allof Area 5, as is annexed by Eagle, fuom SUEZ'Cerffficated Area. Upon Commlsslon approval, Eagle shall have tre exdusive right to provide water seMce ln such part or parts of Arca 5 as may be removed from SUEZ' Certllicabd Arca. lf SUEZ already has made a commltmentto serue ln some partof Area 5 at the tme of annexaton by Eagle, or lf an application made under this Section 2(bxlll) ls not approved by the Commlsslon, then that portlon of Area 5 where seMce ls belng provlded by SUEZ shall become a Gray Area. iv. Area 3, Wlthln slxty (60) days afterthe Efecrthrc Date of this Agreement, SUEZ wlll file an applicaUm with the Commlsslon requesting an amendment b its Cerflficate of Public Convenience and Necesslty ('CPCN') removing he area depic'ted as a blue polyryon wi'thin Arca 3 in Exhlblt A attached hereto, fiom SUEZ'Cerdficated Area. Dudng the pendency of such appllcation, SUEZ wlll advlse any potental orctomer, landowner or developer lnqulrlng concemlng extenslon of servlce to hem withln the blue po!1pon certlflcated seMce area hat SUEZ has applled to have thls arca r€movod ffom lts CPCN and lf the appllcation is approved, SUEZ may not be requlred to provlde the requested serulce and that the rcquesting party should evaluate other opportunlties, lncludlng obtalnlng seMce from I tJ-P,lee 3 of 28 lnltlaled byV.P.& G.M. of SUEZ /l/lI\ arracxsilHrf s lo eppurcnrorl SUEZWabrldaho lnc. Page 3 of28 201 EaSIG-SUEI Wrur Mrnetl ncm A&GGqH?t lnitiated by Mayor of E"er"ril.ts- Eagle. Regardless of whether such applicatlon ls approved by the Commlsslon, the entlre$ of Area 3, lncluding the blue polygon arsa ls designated a GmyArea. 3. SUEZ Plannino Area Boundaru Adiustments: a. Wlhln 60 days of Eagle's annexation of Area 5, and to he extent that SUEZ ls not servlng or committed to serve customere ln a porUon of Area 5, SUEZ shall notlfy IDWR that SUEZ wlll not thereafter lnclude any unserved portions of Area 5 ln lts Plannlng Area boundary and will not lnclude then unserved portlons of Arua 5 in ib Plannlng Arca boundary ln any tutura flllng wlth IDWR. b. Within 60 dap bllowing issuanoe of a llnal order by IDWR approving SUEZ' pendlng appllcaflon In the Matter of Integrated Munldpal Appllcatlon Package of SUEZ Water ldaho lnc. For Appllc-ations for Tnansfer of Water Rights (hereinaftel "l[[APr1, SUEZ shall notiff lDl /R that SUEZ wlll not thereafter Include Naa2 and the area commonly known as the'Ada/Eagle Sports Complex and Bike Parld (depicted as the "Eagle Sports Complef on Exlrlblt A) ln ltrs Plannlng Area boundary or indude hem in its Planning Arca boundary ln any f,rture flllng with IDWR. SUEZ and Eagle agree that upon such notiftcation(s) to IDWR by SUEZ, as between SUEZ and Eagle, Eagle shall have the sole rlght and obllgatlon to prcvlde water servlce to the enUraty of the Eagle Sports Complex. 4. Non-Oooosttion and Suooort of Administntiw Filinos: The Parties agree not to oppose or pmtest any filing by the other Party wlth IDWR or the Commlsslon ln connedlon wlth such seMce except on grounds unrelated to the allocation of seMce areas in thls Agreement. The Parfles each raserva the rlght to particlpate ln any proceeding beforc the IDWR or the Commission regarding the provislon of municipal water seMoes to exlstlng or future customers of SUEZ orthe Eagle Water Department orwlthln Eagle's cunent orfuture seMce arpa, and as sucfi areas may be amended or altered in he future. Furfier, ln llght of the Partles' sharcd goals described above, Eagle expresses lB good falth intent b play a supportive role with respect to SUEZ IMAP applicatlon and slmilar applications in he future. Likewlse, SUEZ expresses ib good falth intent b be supportve of slmllar long{erm water plannlng appllcatbns and submittals that may be filed by Eagle in the future. 5. Definition of 'Commttment to Seruei For purposes of this Agreement, "commifted to serue' or "Commltnent to Serve" (collectlvely'Commitment to Serve") shall mean that a PaO has made a commltment to serve a prospecdve customer, landowner or a developer that hae been contractually accepted ln wrltlng by the prospectlve customer, landowner or developersuch thatthere is a mutually blnding commltmentto serve and accept municipal water seMce. A mere offer or proposal to serye, or an unaccepted 4of28 STOAPPLICATION SUEZ Wabr ldaho lnc. Page 4 of28 2021 Ee3le-SUEZ llJrtcr Mena3cnrent Agrpeprlt Inittated by Mayor of eaehtF lnitialed by V.P. & G.M. of SU commltrnent to serve, does not constltute a 'Commitment to Serve' under thls Agreement. 6. Future Boundaru Adiustments: The Partles may, ln the fufure, agr€e to make adlusfrnents along thelr serulce arsa boundarles not addressed bythis Agreement where the Parties agroe that water service qan more easily, efficlenty, and rellably be served by the other Party because lnfiashrdure is already in place orfor other rEasons. Such adiustnents to servlcs boundades may be sffeded by wrltten agreement execuEd by both Partles. Amendment of thls Agreement ls not requlred. 7. Meetinos: The Parties shall meet, at a mlnlmum, one tlme per year to revleu, operatlons, dlsq.rss hbms of Jolnt lntsrest to the Partles, and maintialn open communicatlons. 8. lnterfre Aarcements: Elther Party may request an intertie polnt for emeryency or routlne water supplies, wtrlch ls contingent upon both Parties agreelng that they can provide the requested supply at ttre requested locaton. The interde agreement wil! be substantially ln the form of SUEZ and Eagle's existing lntertle Agraement (attached herato as E!hib[_E) and shallcontain, among others, the followlng provisions: a) The requestlng Party shall pay for deslgn and construdion of the intertle fadllU; b) Eadt lntertie shallbe mutually benaficlalto both Partles; c) There shall be no racuning charge to either PaO for tte intertie; d) The rate for servloe supplled under sucfi intertle agreement by elther Party shall be that Party's Volume Charge; e) No "base', "customef, "service', Tlxed', 'qfrianchise' or "lDEQo fees or charges of any $pe shall be appllcable for billing purposos by elther P"rty: f) Both Partles must apply for and recelve approprlate apploval(s) fiom ldaho Department of Envlronmental Quality for the lntertle faclllty, wtrlch wlll raquirc a separate wrltten agreement detailing the operatons plan and legalagreement and g) SUEZ also must apply for and recelve approval fiom the ldaho Publlc Utllitles Commisslon for each lntertie point before the agreement is efiecdve. 9. Fnnchlw Fee: Eagle's authorlty to change the fianchlse fee percentage charged to SUEZ in accordance wlth State Law ls not affec{ed by this Agreement. 10.Water Rlshts Matters: To avoid lengthy protests and costlywater right legal interventons, the Partles agroe to the followlng guidelines related to wells and water rlghts. a. Both Parties agr€e to malntrain ln perpetulty remrds of monthly wlthdrawal volumes and seml-annual (December and March) water levels fortheir respective wells wlthln Eagle Clty llmits and north of the Boise River, and to producu such records (lndudlng raw data) b the other Party upon request. Page 5 of28 STOAPPLICATION SIEZ Water ldaho lnc. Page 5 of28 2021 Eqlc-SUEZ Water Manegcment Aergi4eqt tntUaled by Mayor of Eaete,F lnlUaled by V.P. & G.M. of b. No new SUEZ polnts of diverslon or places of use will be sought outslde of SUEZ 2012 Plannlng Area Boundary (as amended over tme) ln: l) that portlon of T4N, R1E Mng north of the Boise Rlver; ii) that porfron of T4N, RIW lylng norfi of the Bolse Rtuer; iii) TSN, RIE; or lv) the cunent Eagle Water Company eeMce araa (as amended overUme). No new Eagle polnts of dlrersion or places of use wlll be sought wlthln SUEZ 2012 Plannlng Area Boundary orthe cunent Eagle WaEr Company seMce area (both as amended overtlme). The Pardes can agree differently in wrltlng ln the future on a case{y-case basls. Thls provlsion does not prohiblt reworking existing wells to maintraln productlon capacity or replaclng existing rvells with wells of he'same or slmilar capacity. No new SUEZ pmducUon wells will be constructed wlthln l/3-mile distance from Eagle production wells without Eagle's priorwrltten consent. No neur Eagle prcductlon wells willbe construded wlthln l/S+nlle distance from S U EZ productlon wells wlthout SUEZ' prlor wrltten consent. c. Any uvater dght tansfers to create APODs that lnclude henerdstng urclls wlll lndude an APOD oondltlon subEtantlally as ffilors: To the extent neoessary for admlnisfration between polnts of dlverclon for ground water, and between polnts of dlvension for ground water and hydraullcally connecfied suface sourrest ground water was first dhrerted under thls rlght fiom [name of utell located ln lquarter{uarter legal descrlptlont.' d. The Parties agr€e to advise each oher at least four weeks ln adrnnce prlor to flllng any water rlght appllcaton (as deflned belour) with IDWR wlfri resped to a ground water rlght with a point of dlverslon wlthln 1/3 of a mlle of the offirer Par[/s then existlng certficated seMce area (ln the case of SUEZ) or clty llmits and then eistng seMce area (in the case of Eagle). The purpose of thls advance notce is to provide the Partles an opportunity to elgrass any oonoems to the other Party prlorto the fillng and, lf those ooncems are not addressed, to pmtest or seak other approprlate relief beforc IDWR. Following notlflcatlon of lntent to flle an applicatlon and upon rcquest by the other Pafty, the appllcant shall meet wtth the requestng Party to dlscuss the appllcation. lf a Pafi falls to pmvlde advance notlce as required by hls paragraph, the approval of any appllcaUon made without the requlred notlflcaton shall be voldable, but only lf the obJectng Party serves a demand letter upon the applicant within 30 days of leamlng of the breach and no acoommodatlon is reached desplte good falth eftrts of the Parfles to address legltimate oonoems. This Agreement does not prohlblt he Party from llllng a slmllar appllcatlon ln the fuhrra, wtrich shall be sublect to the same notice raquiremenB. Thls remedy does not limlt any other legal or admlnlsFative remedy available to the other Party to address materlal Injury. A Party's right to protest or Page 6 of 28 STOAPPLrcETPN SUEZWabrldaho lnc. Page 6 of28 2@1 E.I!+SUEZ Wat:r Menlllmcnt Agcencrt lntttaled by Mayor of earre:dts-lnltialed by V.P. & G.M. of SUEZ: seek the voldanco of an approrral of an application made wlthout the notllication requlred by thls Sec{on shall be the sole remedles underthis Agreement for such fallure to notify. e. ?ppllcatlon'for purposes of this provlslon ls deflned to lnclude all appllcationsflled wlh IDWR inrolving water rlghts, permits, and relatpd matters except as provided ln thls paragraph. This includes any appllcatlon to approprlate watsr, to hansfer or dtange the elements of an exlstlng water rlght, to amend an exisUng permit, to effect an exchange of water right, to lmplement a mitlgation plan, to create a ground water district, to creato or modify a ground water management or crltlcal ground water area, to lmpose anytype of admlnlstraton of water rights to lnltiate rulemaking, orto lnlUate any other proceedlng or seek any other relief. However, the term "application' does not lndude a protest or slmllar obJection by a Party as to an appllcatlon of any sort filed by a thlrd party. Nor does the term include an appllcation by a Party for lease or rental of a water rlght. The term "appllcatlon'does not lndude communlcaUons with IDWR to conect clerlcal ero,r, to address other ministerlal mattett, or to seek guidanoo or clarificaffon on regulatory matters, Finally, the term "appllcaton" does not indude dlscr.rssions or actions on leglslative, regulatory or other public policy matters. t. The Parties agrse to adMse each other at leastfourweeks ln advance prior to work on ehher of the Parties' wells wlthln 1ts mile of the other Party's then exlstlng cefficated seMce area (ln the case of SUEZ) or clty llmlts and then e:dstng seMce arca (in the case of Eagle). WorK on a well requiring notice under this provision means the reconsfrudlon, deepenlng, expanslon, mdrilling, or exploratory drllllng of any munlclpal water supply or otherne[. nVork'does not lndude routine maintenance actlvities. lf emergency "VUorK has to be undertaken, reasonable notlce shall be glven underthe drcrmstances. ll.Oblioation to Serue; SUEZ and Eagle acknowledge thelr legalobligation distlnct from thls Agreement to provlde rellable water seMce to thelr respectlve customers under appllcable law, that thelr water supply may oome from various sources and water rights and, wlth respect to SUEZ, pursuant to its rules, regulatons and trariffs and the Commisslon's Customer Relations Rules. The quality of water disfibuted by SUEZ and Eagle shall be of sudr standard as to confurm to he ldaho Deparfrnent of Environmental Qualltynldaho Rules for Public Drlnklng Water Systems,n IDAPA 58.01.08, as subsequently amended, or any other Federalor State regulations govemlng the quallty of waterdlstslbuted by SUEZ and Eagle. Notwithstandlng any provision in thls sedlon, nothing contained herein shallobllgate SUEZ or PageT ot28 sTOAPPLICATION SUEZ Weter ldaho lnc. Pa*7 sl28 2ttrll ETIeSUEZ Wrtsr Mrnrpmant Atrrrmffit tnitiated by Mayor of raeb.p Inltlaled byV.P. & G.M. of SUEZ: Eagle to do anythlng otherthan to conform to what state regulatory agendes may legally requlre. 12.Entlra Aoreemant: Thls Agraement and all exhlblts hereb embody the entre Agreement of the Parties with respectto the subJects dlscussed hereln. There arc no promises, terms, condltons, or obligations other ftan those oontained herein, and thls Agreement supersedes'all preMous and ontemporaneous communicatlons, reprcsentatlons, and agreements, elther wrltten or vsrbal, between the Parties on these rnatters. 13.Sevet*llttv: lf any of the provlslons of thls Agreement shall be hdd to be unenforceable, the remalnlng provlslons shall nevertheless be enforceable and canled lnto effac{, unless elimlnatlon of the unenbrceable provlsions shall mabrially frustraE the lntent of he Parties. 14.Sucoessors andAssions: Thls Agraernent sftall be blndlng upon lhe Parties hereb and thelr respectlve admlnisfrators, employeesr suooessorc, and asslgns. l5..Contolllno Law: Thls Agreement shall be consUued and lntdrpreted ln accordance wlth the laws of the State of ldaho. No term or omisslon of language ln his Agreement shall be construed to amend orwaive any provlslon of the regulations or odlnances of the Clty of Eagle. The venue for any claim, llt[ation, or causs of action betueen he Pailles pertinent to this Agreement shall be the Fourth Judlclal Dlstrict Court, Ada County, ldaho. 16.E:rhibrts; All exhlbits attached hereto, except E)6ibit B (eldstlng SUEZ and Eagle lntertie Agraement), wtrlch ls attached br llluehaUve and raftrance purposas only, are lnoorporated into and made a part of this Agreement as if oprassly and fully set forth ln the body of thls Agreement. lT.Itlofoe; Notlces and other communlcatlons requlred or contemdated under this Agreement shall be In wrltlng and shall be deemed rscelved when malled by certlfied mall, postage prepald, refum recelpt rcquested, or by a commerclal ovemlght dellvery seMcs, to he respecilve Parties at the bllowing addresses: Eagle: CIU of Eagle ATTN: Water Deparfnent Superintendent 660 E Glvic Lane Eagfe, lD 83616 Wlth copyto: Clty Attomey 660 E Clvlc Lane Eagle, lD 83616 I .f-. Page 8 of 28 lnitraled by v.p. & G.M. ot suEz:fflfl.f lrmcxefi eMG ro APPLIcATIoN SUEZWabrl&holrc. PagP 8 d28 2021 E4lc-SUEz Wttcr M.na3sment Alreqpsnt lnltlaled by Mayor of Eagh: EU SUEZ: SUEZ Water ldaho lnc. ATTN: GenenalManager 8248 W Vldory Rd, Boise, ldaho m70d Wth copy to: Christopher H. Meyer Gtuens Pursley LLP 601 W. Bannock St. Bolee, lD 83702 or P.O. Box 2720 Bolse, lD 83701 lE.Anpndnpnt: No amendment alteratlon, or modlflcatlon of thls Agreement shall be eftctve unless made ln writlng and duly execruted by the Paftles. 19.'Efrectlve Datel The Efiecflve Date shall be the date of the last slgnaUre to be affixed to thls document belor. 2o.Duoltate Orloinals Thls Agraement shall be executed ln dupllcate orlglnals, wlth each page! lndudlng eldrlblF, lnltaled by eacfi Party, and each ParU shallretaln one orlglnalof Ote executod Agraement. 21.Waiver Any waiver by any Paily of a breach of any provlslon of thls Agreement shal! not operaE or be cons0tred as a walver of any other breach and shall not be elTocttw at all unless ln wrltlng exeouted by the walving ParU. Z2.Dlsoute Raslution: Any and all dlsputes arlslng under, pertalning to, or touchlng upon thls Agreement or the statutory rights or obligatlons of eltfier P"tty, shall, lf not resolved by negotlaUon betrveen the Partes, be subJect to non-blndlng medidon bgfore an lndependent medlatorselected bythe Pardes, The Parffes shallendearorto muUally agrce on an lndependent, thirdaafi medlatorwlthin ffieen days of the other Partfs receipt of the demand for mediaUon, lf the Partlee are unable to agree upon a medlator, any Party may llle a declaratoryludgment acdon wlth the Fourh Judlclal Dbfict Couilforthe SEts of ldaho, Ada Coung, ldaho raquesfrng the Gqrrt to deslgnate and appolnt a quallfled medlatorftom the llst of Clvll Case Medlators malntained bythe ldaho Supreme Court to medlate the dlspute in accotdance with the Uniform Mediatlon Ac{, ldaho Code Sec{on 9-801, ef. Page 9 of 28 APPLICATION SUEZWabrldaho lna Pagc S of28 2021 E{|..SUA Wrtcr Msnrterncnt lnltlaled by Mayor of Eagle:-H lnltlaled byV.P.& c.M. of SUEZ: s€9, fuiy demand for medla$on shall be made in wrltlng and served upon the other Party pursuant to the Notice provlslons of thls Agreement. The demand shall set forth with reasonable speclflci$ the basis of he dispute and the rellef sought. The medlaton hearlng will occur at a tlme and place convenlent to the Parties in Bolse, ldaho, wlthln 30 days of the date of selec'tlon of the mediator. The Pailies shall beartheir otm cosb and expenses assodated wtth the mediation and shall sharc equally the cosE and expenses of the mediator. No flllng of a oourt motlon b enforce any provlslon of this Agreement or resohre any dlspute wlthln the scope of thls sec{ion may be @mmenced (other than an action fur dedaratory Judgment as referenced above to request the court to deslgnate and appolnt a qualifled mediator) or submitted by either ParU without first submlttlng the dlspute to this mandatory pre-lltgatlon medlatlon pursuant b thls section. ZS.Altomev Fees: ln the event elther Paily ls requlrcd to enforce the terms or provlslons of thls Agreement, the prevailing PaO In any lltlgatlon arlslng thercfrom shall be entlUed to recover lts reasonable atbmey fees for the prosecution thereof. 24.Tem: Thls Agreementshallbe in immedlats effect as of the Effec'tlve Date and shall thereafrer ontinue in fullbrce and effiect provlded, horever, that upon Sale Cancellatlon Notice by SUEZ in acoordance with Sec{lon 1 of that certain SetUement and Mutual Release Agreementr executed contemporaneously herewlth, elther SUEZ or Eagle may thereafter exerclse an option to canoel and termlnate this Agreement by glvlng written notlce to the other ('Optlon to Termlnate."). The Option to Tennlnate may be exercised by either SUEZ or Eagle only afterthose par0es have flrst utlllzed the Dlspute Resolutlon mediaton prcoess set brth in section 22ot this Agreement in a good falth efiort to reach an amendment to thls Agreement that will allow lt to continue ln fullforce and effect 2i.Countemart Sionatures: Thls Agreement may be executed in muntemarts and once so executed by all Pardes hereb, each suctr countsrpart shallbe deemed to be an orlginal instrument but all such countorparts together shall constitute but one agrcement. Further, a copy of a slgnature on thls document that is transmltted to the Party entiUed hereto by emall or otter elec{ronlc means shallfor all lntents and purposes hereunder be deemed an origlnal. (Srgnaftze Page Follows) l settlement and Mutual Release Agreement between and among Eagle, EAGLEWATER COMPAIfY, lNC., an ldaho orporatlon, Suez, and H2O EAGTE ACQUISITION LLC, a lilpmlng Ilmited llablllty colnpany. SUEZWabrldaho lnc. Pago 10d28 208l Er3b-SUEZlffierM.natcmGntA;recllcnt h . Page 10 of 28 Initialed by Mayor of Eagle: -\F lnitlated by v.P. & c.M. of suez /f,[,-\.,/ ATTACHEilEMS-TOAPPLICATION lN WIINESS WHEREOF, the Parties haw executed thls 2021Watef- Management Agraement and made lt effiectw ae of the Effectlvo Date, as deilIned in Sec*lon 19 heraof. CITY OF EAGLE SUEZ WATER IDAI-IO INC. By: Presldent and General Manager City Date Slgned ,2-2'?oz-t ll t e"er11of28 lnittaled byv.p. & G.M. of suEe llll errecxerGri Bte Fp1-1cA1ex SUEZWabrldaho lnc, Page 11 of28 2021 Erflc-SllEZ tlfler Mrnaamcnt Agreqtrlcnt lnlUaled by Mayor of Eagle: Fo_ Exhibit A. Map showing areas pertinent to the Agreement lnc. t.:.F : li. rocC)no- .a fa c l:l ,n =n rn 2- :J3) C)5r r;aH Fi Ii: I qc- € 6o { {6 tr o)3 : iD'z I @-I I >c a o:- f 3i a f-' €o Eoo I l? UNco rU UEZ Page 12 of 28 2021 Eagle-SUEZ Water Management Agreement - Page 12 of 28 lnitialed by lVlayor of Exhiblt B: Eldsting SUEZ - Eagle lntertie Agreement EMERGENCY INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made aB of h€ He Ay at Ncath blo . b by and beturecn fro CITY OF EAGLE fEagbl, e munifdcoporatlon otgnnEad under he laws of the Sbte d ldaho wllh ih prh$al omcc bcabd et 6S0 Eaat Civb Lane, Eagh ldaho 836t6, and UNITED WATER lDAl{Ct ltlG. ('United Wabt,). a coryoration oryanizsd under lhe tarus o, the Sffi of tdaho wlth lE phcipalotrG loffi slB?/,gtVastvlc.tory Road, Bobo, ldaho 8il70g, WTNESSETH: WHEREAS, Eagle ornc ard operatas a munldpal wabr utlty syslem fr.rnbhlry waiar serylce to the publb h parh o, thc Cly of Eedq and WIGREAS, Unlbd V\lhtar owne ad oparabs a pttlo ryftr uillty ey$m and fumhhar $raEr scrylo! b ftc publlo in Bolse and eunoundlng arEa!, lncMlng pab dthc CIV of Eagle; and WHEREAS, Eagle orns an edrdng p€ssure Egdatng vahrc (PRV) inErconnec{lon and veuh conigumd to cnablc vrabr erpply b b€ mad€ aydlable b @le'e eyatem ftom Unibd Wab/s sysbm rnder oartdn dmmobrua; and WHEREAS, Unbd Watsr and Eagle now deshe to hprow and u0ho $c e{stkrg hterconnec{hn behreon Unlbd Wfift and Eagbb vlabr ryrlame ('lnbronnecdon') b prpvlde an €mcrgpncy Boum of wabr aupfly fur eedr psty on the bnns and ondilone setforth hereh; VHEREAS. lhe partb wbh b slt brth lhclr agrcamsd fur he ,nodncdbn and finardng of the lnterconneodon and all aosodebd knpmvemente by whlch eadr Prgt I oft3clrlcqllrsr, rd gthanr&*dllrltoF.ilrtit3, ht.ril.3tloo rt|rrqril.dnl r! 0 doq , , Paeel3of 28 rnitialed byv.P.& G.M. of sug., frDATTACHEMENT'TO AFPLICATION SUEZWabrldaho lrrc. Page 13 of 28 2021 Eqlc€UEZ mdr Mmej:rnlm AtreGmcnt tntfiated by Mayor ot easbtF party will detlrrcr weEr to the olher at the cpcdtie mebrcd lnleronnection ard their agE€tnent s b delhrcry, nelpt ard payment fur ruabr d€lhrerEd [trowh tte lntcroonneaion; NOW. THEREFORE, ln oonriffim of these pmmlaae and d the mutpl promisas and undartaHqB heiahfrer sct btlh, the perllea haleb. inEtdhg b be legplly bound heleby, agne€ as blows: ARTICI.E I The lnblcomection 1.1 lntemnnedlon. Tha lnErconncc'tlon covnred by thb Agrcamant b gtrown on Bdilbl A. whlch is etffired to lhir Agmemant and expmssly medc a pail hercof. The lnterconnac{on cunanUy exlgts and shall sarw 6r fhe delhnry of mter Bupply both from Eagb to t nitud hl[Er. snd ,rorn t nibd WAbr b Eagh. The lnbrconnettion ounsnty has a PRIV controlling lha fbril of w&r aqose lhe inbrconmc0on ftom Unlted Wahrb Eaole. The lderconnecffon wU bc modified es dlrclmod h Sccibn 1.3 bcbw to cr$le uater florv to ocur in boti dlmc{ona 1.2 Aoo0cabilltv of Aorcement The bms of hie Agrcemrnt drell apfi onlyb tte frmmanUorcd uirfrng lnhrconneodon. Pmvlslon of rflcEthrcugh any ncw lntarconncdiortu H mry be construGd h ths futr.rle boil;cn thc padho' syclcms shall be aDlcri b a g€parlb agraonent 1.S Conatsuclion and Mainhmnce of the lnlerconnedbn. (a) Tha partbe agne that the axh0ng lnEronnecdon mqulrac ccrtaln modiftcalione, lncludkrg additional plphg, valy6. vault modiflcationr, m&ring, and -2- 2fll Eallr€UEzw.tcr Mar.sanantAgigqnt lleaeel4ot 2E tnlttated bv Mavor of earted* lnitialed bv v.P. n u.".^1ilff#kA,pLrcAiloN SUEZWabrldaho lnc. PqP t'f cf 28 @ntrob. in order b enebb the twomy for of nnbr, and aru wlling to ehare the cost of the saH rnodificatbna in accodance wlth h6 plana and egtlnatc atfrcltal aa Exftibit B. (b) United Whhr shall deslgn, conatnmt, bulld end lnstel the modfica0ons in acrodanoe with thc plans &cfred ag E$ribft B. Unibd Wabr shal srpply or arrenge fur the provhlon and/or pcrbnnanoe d all nquind 8orvlco8, goods, matedelg, engineerlrp and oonslructon (coledhtdy, ho 'lrl,Mfl neaded b complete lhe modillcatlona ln a cound and rrorlmardfte hchion. For pupca of thb Aillcle l, the 1l\lo# uhe!!bo durnd to lnclude and complec the omphtcd des:gn, engineering and oorsfrudion mquked by thlrAgrcament. (c) E:ach party shall mehteln thc valya end otharepprtenrncer on ltr sHe of the syaHn at the polnt of connecdm. All uahrcs on the lnblwupdlon ehall be aatto nonnafly remaln closed and shall be uaed qtyas sslforfit herEln. 1.4 DEshns and Soecifications. Unltad Wabr shall upply b Eqb all dca[m, epcclllcations. drawlngp, scfiedulae, blurpilrts, and enghecrftg fur tte Work br apprwal prlor to finalLa0on, wtrioh approraEl rhall not be unnaronably wilhhcld. 1.6 Suoervision of the Work. Except a! o&cflybB pmvldcd lntoln, Unllsd Watcr etnll hane the rlght and oblgfilon to superyhe and conbol ho Wod( lndurling, but not lrnnsd b, the ddctminatbn of conctruction ltlsans, mgthods. tcctrnhues, sequsnost and proceduraa; mmltorhg and enbrcament of compllance u,ith the proiec{ documenla; appmval and accepbnca of thc Wort and thc rcvlcw, -3- 2@lE4tc-SUEltilrter M.mpmentA3rggi"t /A Page 15 sf 28 tnitlaled by Mayor of Eaglci.\tf lnftlaled by v.P. & G.M. of sUEz: /I4l-IJ ATTACHENENTSTOAPPLICANON SUEZWabT ldaho lnc. Page 15 of28 approval and prooscting of appthatbnB for psymant b urtradors and maErialman engaged on thE Wort. l,leilhsr ffiy under thls Agraenent b h any lesped Ecilng under thc Agrccment aa agen( employee or rspraaenffirc of tlp othar party b hb Agmement and la, in all raspec*s, an hdependent oonta6r heranndar. 1.6 Accesg b Bnd Acoeptance of ths tthk. Each party ehall, d a[ [rneq be dbuuad raasonable aooeas b, and opporUnlty to hepec't fte V\rork, and, bGfora prottUlng crn€rgerEy utatu aupply undar thls Agna€ment, herc tho dght to frnaly accapt tha Wak aa eufhnt hr purpocca ol dcfivcry of ernqcnoy wabr supply h a maaonabh mailEr, consbbntwlth itr wabr ffi opardions. 1.7 Permits and Lir:enses" Unlted Watershal obbh arry pqmitsr llcaneee or oilrer authorizatlons rcqulrcd mdcr any federal, $ate or local bw, ahttb, rulo, ragnrhtion, odhance or otrer au0todty brthe Wo*. l.E Ouvnerehb ard Mahtcnancc of tha lnbrconnecilbn. EagNe Crall nhln outrrrrhlp of the lnErconncc{on vault and sha[ maintean mponslbillty for lhe elccilica! uullty servle coEb of tha lnbrconnc&n. Eacft party lhd ]rilro all rblil tl0e and Hareat tlorGto, and shal own the phhg, yalvcs, rnfrra and 4puilanancec on tE avn poillona dthe lnbrconncc0on as tdcnfficd on Erfihlt B, and EhaI be ncponsble 6r mthte[rfirg sarna. llhinbnsre ad tephcorrEnt costa of the lnbrconnccfion ibms 0tat elr b bs oowmd by fia p8rtq auch ac tha m€br, daie logger, and wult hatch, clc. shall be ahand cqrrafy by the partcs. -4- Pagc 16 of28 5 APPLICATIOT{ SIEZWabrEaho|rc. Page 16 of28 2021 Erdc€t EZ Wrter Mmrj:mcm ASrucBem lnltlaled by Mayor of eaen:a$5 lnltialed by V.P. & G.M. of SUEZ ARTICLE II Suoolies 2.1 Sab and PurdEeo of Emeroenor Water Suoolv (Suoo[eg). ln accordance wlth thiE ArUde ll, eadr party shall delver and eetl, and the dh€r p*ty shal recelve and purchase the Sryplhs 0trougfi ths lnbrconncctlon from tlmc b trte dudng the term of [tb Agnement The sale and prrdraea of Stpplleo sha[ only ocanr as the rasult of a adrsdubd or uppecilcd evcnt, Emporary In nafure. 2.2 Notloa. of lnbril b Rmhre and Puchace Suoo[ee thtouoh t]E lntercumccdon. Because the lnbrconnecton b cortolled by PRVs. a pressu! drop causd by a sdrcdulcd or une4ected annt wlll lnlllatc lrterconnoc'tlon ac{vatlon. As soon as elther party b aurare of the lnbrconnec{ion ac,livation, that paily b obligpl€d b notff tha o0rcr palU imrredffily. The receiving PaO aha[ then no@ the srppfing party urffhln hrr (4) hour as b tha naturc and 6:pGctsd duration of the cmcr0onGy, and u{th r€gad b UE antchatcd vdumec of ureEr rcqulrcd, Nodccs pursuant to thle paragraph may be vcrbal, but $all be conllrmcd withln two (2) business dayc ln wnling, whlch may be tranemltbd by facslmlle or emeil. 2.3 Suooly. Availabllfty of supdy by a cupplylng pafi b dependant ryon that party's abitlty to supply unlcr d end durlng fic timt of fto tcgued by ha requestlng pafiy. 2.4 Metsr Readfqs and Tesils. Eagle and Unltad Wiilcr shall each hane the rlghtto acoees thc mcbr at hc lnFrcorrrecdon and b conduct a tad d mcbr acouracy. Al cogls asodated wlth esdr psVs exercbs o, thls dght $al bo the -5- h lPaeetT st28 lnltialed by V.P. & G.M. of SUEZ: /f \ errecxerftnr s ro APPLTcATToN SUEZWabrldaho lna Page 17 ol 28 2Ul e4h-SuZ W.trr Management 4rgopcnt lnltlahd by Mayor ot ea;h:all raspomibility of such pady. The paillce agne to shan equally any and all mtr for rcpairing. rccallbratlng or replachg thc metcr lf lt h hund b raghbt inaccurately beyord tre Amsrlcan WsterWorks Aesociaton (AIVWA) Standads of bbrance. lf the metar is h.rnd to regisler hacorrdy bsfond a lango d btsrance ln aordane wih AU{WA Standads, an adlutncnt shall ba mads to the bllla rendercd brseMcc thrcugh the lnbrconnacfron forthc pedod of timc dapaed since the last previoua rnster tsot, hi no longor than one yaar ftom lhe ounant bsl. The a(fustment to lhe blfl u,lll bG ba$d upon tha pmduct of btel conurnp$m rccorded by the mebr slne the bst mebr tBst, or one yaar prioq ard one'half the percmtage varhnce h ho eccuracy of ttte meter as detcminad upor lb befrg btlcd. 2-5 Charaea and Bi[ino Procsdurcs. For bletg pu]poaso, th6 lnterconneclion meter ahall be lcad by the spptdng party h eccodanca yui0l its raguhr mebr raading schedule. Each paily chall bill lha ohor in anear for rclumos delrcred to the other hrough the lntcrconnecfion fur thc pcdod. The rate for sarube aupp[ed under this Agrcemcnt by Unfred Wabr shall be the Volume Charge ad Edt ln Unltod Web/a Schcdule 1, Ganesal }lebmd SeMoa, as the sama nou, exhits or mry herealler bc amcnded, Tha ratc for csryhe auppficd under thb Agrcement by Eegle shell bc thc Conar.rnpfron Rab s€t brth h Gig of Eagts Rcaolutlon 0E€3 as the same nry exbtg or rry lrereaflar be amended, No 'q,Eiomcf, !rrvbc', "mGd'. 'franctilsc' or'IDEQ'lbec or chalgoa of any typc ohell be applhable br bllllng purpoier by clthcr party. Upon rac{rt of s bilt br Sr4plies, the nceiving party chall make payrnent h tull to thc prot tdang party wtthh thlrty (30) dayr of the date of the blll. -6- I I Page18of28 lnitlaled by v.P. & G.M. of suEZ: ,{|(N ATTACHEX{ENT 5 TO APP!-ICATION SUEZWabT ldaho lnc. Page 18 of28 zml E{IFSUEZ llJrtcr Mrnr3rmant A6reet1tcnt lnltlald by Mayor of EaBle:c\N- 2.8 WalerOualitv. Otnntllv. and Pressurc. (a) Eadt paily shell u8e fts best efiorts b ensunr Olat the Suppfos fum'nhed harcunder shall be poftabh and in complhnca wlth all applbable EdcrC and State of ldaho lauus and regutatbns ln efbot at tte tlme fie Supplho ara delivsrcd to the oher party (collrcfively, lhe .tl\Iatcr Quality LewE). l,rlefther party shall ba responslble for thc quality of wgbr beyord Ute polnt of delivery to the olher partfrsysHn. (b) The madmun lndanteneous ard the motimum dally Supptcr anllabh br use by a receMlg party thturgh tha lnterconnecllon are ae establlshcd bolow: (c) Unbss auillary purp ere anlhortscd by thc supplying party, elBtem pn8s8ur€a at/aihblc are sublcd to cxlsllng trydnutc condl0ons at tha tlne ol usg and arc au$sctb cfiange wlthout notlllcdon b or by elher perty'. ARTIGI.E III Mlsccllaneoue 3,1 Commetsnentand Tenn: EfMva Dab. (a) Thc Erm of thia Agrucrnent shall oomrpno, on the d& d executon hcpof and shall run ior a pcrlod d lttc (5) ycar. Thb Agrcement shall tclnlr -7- Pate 19of 2E 5Tatrppu6filgil SUEZWabT ldaho lrrc. Page 19d28 lfodmum lnrtantrneouc Smply trxlmum D.ily8upply Eafll? $tDDly b urmd w#r 8iI5 GPM 1.100 MOD Uriltcd W&r a.polvto Eaob 1.500 GPM t./t40 MGp 2m1 Elth-SlrEZ Wilor Managemart Alrcaqgrt lnttlaled by Mayor of eaeh:"$(-lnltlaled byV.P. & G.M. of SUEZ: automethalty fom year to ysar thersaficr. unhrs eltlrr party glrret rdlce to the other e[htaen (18) months in admnca of ltg intcnt to lormlnate. (b) Notwithstanding the foragokg, the obllgailons to pmddc Suppllcs under thla Agrs€ment shall not becoma oftdhrs unhes and un$l thb Agreement ls approved by th€ Stnb of ldaho Pubfic UfiffieB Commleslon f'Gornmlsrlon']. lmnudiatoly bllorving e,Gcutbn of thh Agrcement, the partbr shall prepare a Joint applicatim to the Commisslon fur apprwal of thh Agreement Each pany agrece to uee reasonablo best eftrh b obtain apprornl, and each party shalltaka no ao{lon inconshbnt wlth obtalnlng apprwal of thb Agruemont by the Commigsbn. 9.2 FoEp Maleurc. It the abihy of clthcr pa$ to delhnr hc Suppllce ls lnterupbd or inpalred, in urhole or ln part, duc b fallure of erypmcnt or firctl[as, lcake, requlred repaic to faclltlcs, stilrar, Ac{c of God, or othcr c*raordinary circumstrancee, ooanranoea or condlUons bayond the pailies' oontrcl, indudlng action by governmental bodhs ard authoritlee, then dunng the perlod of srch intemp0on or impalrment, the delhrcry and purctace obllgatone deeqibed hercln shall be suspended proportirnatCy. Erch pany speclfically aclmorlcdges, undectards and agrcce that the obfigations of the other perty to deffrcr the Suppllas rcquite only the cxcrclge d ordlnary and monabh carc undar thc circumrtanccs to malntrln tha Supplhs and harc suc*r arallabb br defrnry hereunder, and that the party dellvering Sryplbc hrough the lnterconnoction sha!! not be llable to the oher pady hr any interruptlon of. or curbtm€nt h Ule Suppllec cauced by circumstancEa beyond !h contol. -E- of suE& ,dto 20 of 28 ATTACHEilENT 5 TO APPLICATION SUEZWeierldaho |rc. POe20d28 2021 EIIFSUEZ urttc? Mmrt m.nt AtruCttt tnltlated by Mayorof eafh:F-lnltlaled byV.P. & G.M. 3.3 Condition Subseouent Each partfs rcapac{ive dgtrtr ald obliga$one hereunder are oondilioned rrpon and anbject to th€ recsFt of: (a) all necassary, final and appealable zoning, eubdivision and land developmcrrt approvah; ald (b) any and all permitr and lienses raquircd by federal, stats and looal gonmmenb or agencies thereof b permit the conshucillon and opcration of a particular lnterconneciion. The partleo sha[ usG thdr bast efforts to appty 6r and obtrain atl necessaly approvals, pcrmih end llcansee at the earllest tkne practicable under the drctrmstances. 3.4 lrdemnilv. (a) United Water agteEe to indemnfi, d€fend and hoE harmhss Eagle and lts rcepec{ito suooEssorc and aselgne, frorn and against any and all chlm, dernands, causas of ac'tiong, suits, Judgmenb, debte. llabltltles, loss€s, damager, and expensas (including reasonable ftea and dbbursements of legal counael) of any kind whatsoever ('Loeses) that may be $rsteined or sufured by Eagh and are caused by any matedal mlsrepresentatlon, breach or non-pcrbrmance by United Water with respect to any representathns, warrantiea, underlaklngs, agrcennnts, co{renants or obligations of Unfted Watier corilalned ln thle Agro€mcftt (b) Eagle agrces to indemnity, defiEnd and hold harmlcss Unibd Whter and ib rcspactive sucoessors ard assigns, from and against any and d claims, demands, causes of actions, suils, judgmentg, dabls, llablllties, losaa, darnegcs, and cxpenses (lncluding reasonable feeg and disbursements of legel counsel) of any klnd whatacver ("Losees) that may be eustalned or sr.rftrad by Unibd Water and ale carsed by any mabrialmlsrepresentation, breadr or non-perfrnnsnoe by Esgl6 -9- fi 1 Page2Lot28 lnitialed by v.P. & G.M. of SUEZ: /mF ATTACHEMENT 5 TO APPLEANON SUEZWatgrl&ho lrc. Pqa21d?3 Zl21 Eryle€UEZ Wrtcr Menrjrmcnt AgraGr!$t tnltiated by Mayor ot earh:(F. wth rospcct to any t€pr€safltatlons, warrantits, undertekin$, agttomsnts. covenante or obligntions of Eagle cmtalned in his Agreemeril. 3.5 Successors and Aesions: No Third-Partv Beneficiaries. Thb Agreemcnt shall be blndlrq upon and shall lnurc b the benefit of the parlles' raspectlve BuorosBsons and permitted aaslgns. Thls Agreement ls deemed b b€ lor the bencfft of the pailies hereto, and no endty not a paily to this AgrsemEnt, includirg wlthout limibtion industrles or parsons aupplled by elther party, shal acqulre any r[ht or clains by reason o6166 4greement 3.6 Authorilv and Bindlno Effecl Eagle rtd United Wabr eadr represcnt, wanant and affrm to the other: (a) thelr authorlty and potilBr to enier lnto thls Agreement and to mako, perform and cany into erftc,t thelr respecdve commltnente, obfudona and undartakinga as set fotth hercln; (b) their authorlty to enter into and porlbrm each of he hansacffons contamplabd haruby; (c) that all consents and authorizations reqdslte to theh exealion of thls Agrcement and pcrformanca hereunder haw been obtainad; (d) that thia Agreement, the transactlons conbrnplaEd hereby and the parties' perbmanca hcreunder will not violab any Edoral, etata or looal law, Btalut€, rag[rlslbn, ruh, oldinance, tariff term or o0rer slmilar aulhodty applirxtion b cihcr of them; and (e) nhan cxctubd, tre Agrearunt shdl cottstltuE a valid and bhdlng oblfiatlon, enfuiceable by each party agalnst the other in accordance with lb bnns. 3.7 Consent to Assionment. The partes' reepedhrc dglrts and obllgntbnr hersunder shall not be ass[nable or delegable trfielher by eah, aselgrmcnt, mcrgrd or o0telwlse without the prbr trurittsn consent of Ore othcr exoept lf anothat ent[y -10- 22of 28 sTOAPPLICATION SUEZWabT ldaho lnc. Pgoe2.d.28 2021 E4IaSUEZ Wrtcr ii.n{Emert Atrl[lRt.nt lniUaled by Mayor of Eartea\P-tnltialed by V.P. & G.M. of SUEZ: purchas* all or eubslan$ally dl of the asscts of either party, ln wtrlch casa assBnment shall be efrEctive upon notlce b 0re otharpafi. 3.8 Amendmcnt. Thls Agrcemcnt may be amended mry ry wdtten lnstrument, llgnGd by Ute party to bc bound. 3.9 Entlre Agreement Thto Agr€Ertcnt ambodicE the entirc agrecmat* belneen thetwo partles with rsfclcncc to the atbJed matbr hciaof, and $ere arl no qrcerncntr, undsatandings, condltlons, warantlee ol rrpros€ntafroru, otal or wrltten, exprecced or lmplied, with refiarcnca to ths subjad matbr hercof that are not merged in thls Agreernent or Bupcrseded hepby. 3.10 Tcrms Severabls. thonH any term of ttrh Agraement be heH frmralld or unenbrceabh, sudr dslarmlnaton ahall not rsnder tho lemalniry tems of thls Agrement lnvalil or unenforccable unless to do so wouH cause the Agoernant to fillof an eslental purpocc. 3.11 Noticcs. Any notlcca ruquimd or pernltbd b be ghnn hereundcr shall ba h ruidng, *rall be eftec&ta rpon r€cett (unleor oftcnnisc proyldcd hercln), and shall bc dcnvcrud by ftceimle tstrrmbrbn or by Unltcd mbr StataE ma[, firsl- dara po$agc plopald, addosBad b the padles m fofiowg: lf b Unltsd Wilr: GeneralManagBr 6i!lrl8 Wbet Mclory Road P.O. box 190420 Boice, lD 83719-0't20 Phone: 208r*2-7327 Fax 208.3d1-7069 Emall: gng.ulyatt@unibdwater.com - 1l - tt lPaaez3st28 rnrtraled byv.P.&c.M. of sUEZ: /fl\ - errecxeilext s ro APPLTcATToN SUEZWabrldaho lnc. Pagcad26 41 E{|c.SUEZ SlSrr Mrnrycment A3r€eOCnt tnitialed by Mryorof eagb:lF- with a copyto: Untcd Wabr Watr Managemeril & SeMoes 200 OH Hook Road Hardngilon Pail NJ 07640 AtbnUm: Logal llaprilncnttupv (20r) 7Sr-7018 lf b Eagle: Publh Works Dlrcctor 660 E. CMc Lanc P.O. Box 1520 Eagle, lD Ell6l6 3.12 I@. Ih6 ffiea appadng henln hevu bean hccrled br convcnlence of refqancc only end shal not bc deemcd e pail thcruof or conaffi h oonsfiulng the par$ec' dghls and oblfndma hcnunder. lN WTNESSI WHEREOF, the pailbr herdo have causcd thb Agrcsncntto ba emqfrad ard delfucrsd. and thelr ngpccdve corporatc aeab b bc hemunto afixed by thdr duly authoized offioerg, ar of thc day and year ffrat ui0en abow. OF EAGLE WATER IDA}IO !NC. BS d OF EAGLE,ID Y?* ht*o' (clw SEAL) - 12- Nrmr: TI0e: ,(Page 24 ot 28 lnltlaled by V.P. & G.M. ot SUA: 44.[.L ATTACHEMENT 5 TO APPLICATPN SUEZWabrHsho lnc. Pqe2ld28 2m1 EltlG.SlrEZ W.tcr Xllnrlutrcrr eqgpqnt tnlualed by Mayor of eatb: N- SrdBorldaho County of Ada and by s rnetrt .1.1 { aayof-Ngp*oL*-, 2010 Y)r."- X. 0'-*tl{ot!bP$(\ " MyCommlsllon Explrc.on;tu+eo { lD -13- Irr Page25of28 lnltiated byv.P.& G.M. of SUEZ: /WC\ ATTACHEIIENT 5 TO TPPLICITION SUEZWebrldaho |rc. Pqc25d% 2@1 Edc€lrEZ lirrtGr illrnq:mcnt Agrcomcm lnitialed by Mayor of eaefe.aF, I "-*.c>6[o1AtL rl cLr I.t,.3, f -fr SS Arl,lt{ III I & I )I a a a a a a 1-IIa Idt 1_ 5N<a ora!a otsaN aotIBt(GN €a6 Ioo os At H ltlvr8 aIa a.-.--.4-.-----. aI'ta aa a LabaII r.lt. I It I I to6 NiN..N' -T---; .ld,MYHH '-T- E'or U a'4 ) |a6a*-a a I I I t"t i a oaaaa aC € N a aa-- t; F:6rtirNr I' l I I I i t I I I I o .E F 56 ii E vi^vHot{33 ,i,l aoi : i .J,..1 { d I 6O Biaa I ao$tI iIt I , Fta?o :.------J.- , laad 0€ N.aracIt{ o I c., b I6N il Foi a N aNat N -------I II : 6od t oo Na6( 56d aE f Ig GulI 3G 2 E lr lr $fiE -F oo !a ta ,o G Ebo Page 25 of 28 5TOAPPL]CATION suEz webr ldaho lnc. Page 26 of28 2@t Eaglc'sUEZ Wrtcr MeneSsment A3t"sPq"t lnitialed by MaYorof EasleF aE lnttialed bY V.P. & G.M. of SUEZ: EA6I.E mICEflE PnEUmUAnYASStIUmOil Or ?nO8A8rE GOg? cosr ual$so $z,loos89, t8,54.srz $r.su sz,z00 s2,20t!,(m $3.0ms55 sE25 $2,sm $2,50 Ssoo SLmo $tz,loa s1.7{O $gsr $rgpss - Ex k&t f- 4 fR(J€ I CFA GortAMonlhE Edr s2r0o 3as? 94,$a 91,10 5r.sm 9rrg 91,250 $500 DESCBIPTIO{I PIPIT{G MODIFICANOfl5 IIBOR PIPI]IG TTIATERIAL 6'CIA-VAI PRt, Combo lMfE Of ROW] t. FIOW METEN BICO HATC'I rEu[rnYuton DATA TOGiEEN TRAilSI}UCER gJITOTAL f0t3 OmErbm & Conttf,cncy Oart ts trlon mrbrhb Iot l taltr t8 I I 1 I l5 1 z $trm 51.5D $rz sl250 sgm $rf^oe *lfi,,s1,26{ $*rC$5S s261 $u/le6 Ss/ree -!- [tr1 easez7 ot28 lnltlaled byV.P.& G.M. of SUFZ:r{Il\ errncxedenr 5 To APPLtcATtoN SIEZWabrldaho lnc. WezI dA 2@1 E dr€UEZ Wlcr Mmqsmgnt AtrelGnt lnltleled by Mayorof Eaete: Y)=T rtHl,Ot/'/3 Page 28 of 28 5TOAPPLICATION SUEZ Wabr ldaho lnc. fic28d'23 I $r tiI Et E E E E E 3 E E E E o d t g tr E acl. a gE iruii Hitb EEr! ef tI iE E E Ict- B cq 5( i a E t ;td ia g \t I $( il 6 Btt I€g( I! ! ? {i t Ir E;tirI IS tst E sITot t i Tc Itl a a E (n 5 a o a B$t3.HI Lrd6 III EIc I lnitialed by V.P. & G.M. of SUEZ: 2021 EagleSUEZ Wrtct Management Aertrlnqnt lnltlaled by Mayor of EaSle:F, ATTACHMENT6 SUEZ WATER IDAIIO INC. I12O Eagle- STJEZ Asset Purchase Agreement (20 PAGES) TIIIS AMENDMENT lQjlSSEf, PITRCEASE AGREEMENT ('Amendmcof) is nadc ad catorod into as of the ?fs &y of (I.UQ-zOZI amondingth* assa purcUase Agrc€m€rrt dE ed Sqtrmber 20, 2018 by md betutcco tDO Eaglc Aoquisitim LIf, a trIyming '.t lg"qr ttbiiny coopon:f as Seller and SUEZ Watcr ldaho Inc., an Idaho corporatim as Bqrcr (thc "Agrccmcd dso rcftrrcd b bcrcinafor as fre 'IIIO-SLTEZ AP^A'). RECITALS A" Seller bas herctoforc €otcrcd into e agrGemcnt wi6 Eaglc lVatcr Cqany (.'EWC' to pur6asc ccctainhrcheacdAsssts (thc "PurrchascdAEscb") as morcpartioilarlydcscribodin trat Agr@t as am€Ddcd cfrGstive S€ptemb€r lt, Z)18 (ttc EWC-IDO APA') Scller and Buyer have exocuted md dclivcred into escrow m assipncot aod Aromption egemcotUy ufrich Seller assigml aod SIJEZ assud, Scllcr's dghe to prrchrse lhe Purchascd Asscts pururantto the EWGIIIO APA. B. Bu'€r odScllcrcntcred inb mAssctPrrdesc Agrecmemeffuctive S@mbcr20, 2018 (the 'IIIIO-SUEZ APA ) by which Sellcr rgrcod to ccll md to assign o Brrlrcr $cllcr's dghts b purchasc thc hurnascd Asscts, whie,h also uo partioilarly dcacribd in trc I{2O-SLTEZ APA C. Bu5,cr d EIVC havc flcd a Joint Agplicdim (th 'Cmmiesion Proceediqg:1 with Idaho Public Utilities Cmissim ('Cmmisslm) as cmtcmplatedbyEWC-[I2O APA aDd frc IDGSLTEZ APA sce,kiqg qproval ofthe ultimdo purc,hase of &e Purchased Asseh by Buytr. D. the City of Eagle (ee 'City') itrEvcood iD tbc Cmission nocecaing od asacrcd it had a coffiacfrral right of first refrsel ('ROfRl to purchasc tbc hrc,hased Asscb pursuant to a prim qerccmd betwecn thc City and ESIC; F. Thc City filcd ndt ia Ss ldaho Distiot Court (the 'Corrt Prrooeodingf) to eoforce ib assefud ROFR md claim for drrnrges; F. Effcctive March 27 ,2019, tho Cmnissim Procccding was stal,utl pcoding thc ottcomc offre CourtPnoecainS G. Thc Corthooeedingwas dinnirscdbascdupotra Scfrl€m€otmdStiptladmfor Dismiseal anougthputics ttcrein byvticlu exng ofrErthiDgs, thc City is to bepaid a scfilemcot palmcot of $1,750,000 (thc 'Sctdcmcot Pslmcofl; H. Buyer, BWC ud Scllerfuthcragrccdltc IDO.SUEZ APAPurch$c Priccwsuldbe increascdto $10,500,000, andthatftc CitywiUltcobepoidfto ScfilcmcatPa5imsntoutofttc esocccds of tte Closing of thc EWGII2O APA and Hrlo.St EZ APA rvLich arc to occur sinultaneoruly wi6in trenty days following icsusoce of an ordcr by ee Commissim approving Bu5rcr's purchase of the Purchasod Assctr. ATTACHEMETIT 6 TO APPLICATION SUEZWater ldaho lnc. Paga'l of 21 ls5{1173-6.d03FCl?al t Sr$seqrEntto excortingthe H2O.SLTEZ APA Bryer and Scller obainedALTA surv€,ys depicting and legally describins certain easements contcmplated to be convryed to Buyer d ClosingoverandacossiheEWC'YardPumpStation'property. BrDrerandSellerwishto incorpcatc thooe surveys and legal dcscripions into Eilhibit B of the lllO'SLJEZ APA J. Tbe Court Procccding being dismissed on March 8, 2021, Buyer od Selter wish to ameodthe IIrIO-SUEZ AIA as aprpropriate to incorporate revised and additio,Dal terms necessaty to effect the palmelft of the full Settlement Palrment by EWC and Sellcr ofi of the proceeds at Closing of tre purchase ofthe hrchased Asc€*. K Bu)rer and Seller wish to firrther ame,nd the H2O-S[ EZ APA to give effoct to their settle,meot with the City and to update certain frcts to accormt for thc substantial delay in the contemplated Closing due to lhe stay of the Commission Prooeeding. AGREEMENT AMET{DMENTS Now thetefore, in consideration of the foregoing recitals aod oher good and vahnble considcretion aod Section 11.O4 the Agree,ment is amcnded as follows: l. The first uraumberd paragraph of Scction 2.O4 is hereby ameirded to read as follows: PURCUASE PRICE AND DEFOSIT. The purchase pnce (the'frrchase Price ) for fte Prrc,has€dAssets shall be TEN MILUON FM HLJI{DRED THOUSA}.ID A}.lD NO/100 US DOLI-ARS ($10,500,000), md is subjoct to pruations and adjusmeots set forth in this aeceulcnt. ThePurchasePriceshallbepayablebyBuyertoSollerinimmediarclyavailable fitnds at Closing by wire tansfer, pur$uil to wire instructions to be provided by Seller to Buyer and/or Escrow Agent at or pior to Ctosing. 2. Sections 2.04 (A), (B), (C) and (D) are not affected by this amendment. 3. Seotion 3.03 is amended to addthe following Section 3.03(H): (I{) Within teo days aftu the execution by both partiee of any amendment to thin Agre€meot, Buyer shall obtain fiom the Titlc Company, mrpdatedTitle Commitment for each fee parcel and for each ease,ment affecting tbe Yad hrmp bcing conveycd to Buyer. Any new exception or eosumbrance appeuing on the Title Conmitmelrt($ other then taxes for the crrrent year assossedbut not yet due adpayable shall antomatically constitrtc an additional Title Objection subject to tte provisions of Section 3.03(C) and (D) of this Agreement 4. Sections 6 and 7 are hereby supplementcd as follows: Buyer, Sell€r ard EWC shall Bxocute supple,mental joint escro,ur instnrctio,ns prior to Closiqg that include directions b fre Escrow Ag€d to effect the palment of the Settlement PEment to the City of Eagle out of Seller's and EWC's proceds at Closing. ATTACHEMENT 6 TO APPLICATION SUEZ Water ldaho lnc. PageZof 21 lSial l7l-6.door pGUat 5. E)fiIIBtt B (EASEI\{ENTS) is amcndod to incorporOc 6o surveys ard legal desclipions for fte hmp Station Exchuive gasc,mod, 20' Aocess 8nd Uti[ty Eascm€nt, 24' Access mdPipcline Eascmeot, Norft Wahl.ino Eascmeot and SouilhWaterline Easem€ot anached hereto as ATTACIIMENT I aod incorpoiatod by this rc&rmcs. 6. EXIIIBI F (CUSIIOMERDEBOSITS AI{D HOOKITP FEES) is amomdedto incorporaE the curreot summary of all existing Outoner Depoeie mde to and held by Eagfle and all exi*ing lloolof Fees collectcd Ed heldby Esglc fu custmers not yet comeoEd to tbe Udlity S)4stcm atached hcrcto as ATTACHMENT 2 md incorporred by frie refereace. 7. HIIIIBIT G (EAGLE APA) is aucndcdto includo the erccutcdameofucotto ihe EWC- IUO APA ffiaobcdhcrcto as ATTACHMENT 3 andincorpormodbythis roftrence. t. Exceptr ery,recslymcodedbyfrisrfmcndmcnt, alltcrms cmtainodinths Agrccment rcm8in in fullforcc aBdGftcL 9. Any capitrlircdtrrms usd in ftis Ameodmoot md not &fiood hercin shall have the nemiaga as set forth in the A8rccmcd. [signatres m fo[owing p8ge] ATTACHEMENT 6 TO APPLICATION SUEZ Water ldaho lnc. Page 3 of21 lsli'l t 173_6.doo. [3el7at IN Wffi{ESS WIIEREOF, 6c Sollcr md Bqrcr havo carsodtis Aocodocd to A$st Rrchasc Agrrcmcdf bc&lycxecubd.odfficdiffi cftotivc es ofSG ddc firttabovc uritcm. SEII,EN:E2lo E{lc ecqrfHo+t LA A BIIYEE SI'EIZ f,'AITR IDAEO INC., Ar r,t ATTACHEIIENT 6 TO APPLICATION SUEZ Wdor ldaho lnc. Page 4 of 21 r5xil7l_6.kt Dr?al srArEor }.&ho Counry of LoSq)-] Orttis rA 2021, befuc mc, a Noey Public in ad fu frcStrb personat$qlcsca S.IL Ross, kooummidmtifcdto mobbe a Directmof IJ,C, ud who subccriH ssid nr@ to tc fuegoiqg insfiumcut, mdactnovlcdgpdtoDe ftd [slhc cxcodcaltro smcin said[miedliability cqmtY'snrtna IN WmtlESSi WIIEREO4 I herrc hcreunto rct myhand and a&od my offcial rcat thc dsy and yerfrot abovcwrifrcn. s3. ) ) of -.$Fh =;solmr\=-1 ''. PuBLto ,i -3 'b,Hii#$ L hrblicful&ho Rcsidilgt My crr.issim cxpinF: STATEOFTDATTO ) :88.CodyofAda ) Onthis Sfr dayof J,n€- .2021, bcfgtme, aNffiyh$licinandforthe Statr of ldaho, pcrsmrlty aeecarod filr.<lra-l I Thon..p3on .lnoum or iddifcd h mebbeftc vPr ar.ltlv ofSLIEZWamldahoInc., fr l&hoomporatim, u,to gnbssibod setrcorpmtiots namctottc forsgohgimuncot, aad acknowlcdgodb me ftst _ cxemd thc samc irr raid ouporatim'B trane. IN Wffi.IBSS WIIEREOF, I hsvo hcrqffio EGt my hrnd md atrxcd my ofEcid EGal tbc dry mdf,cr first abovo wribo" <lAa^r.,r- N-ur t *V NotryPnblic Rcsidingat My ommiseim erpircc: t ATTACHEMENT 6 TO APPLICATION SUEZWater ldaho lnc. Page 5 of21 155{f fa-6*.r(Sclrtq ATTACEMENT 1 (SUPPLEMENTAL EASEMENT IDESCNPTTONS) 24' ACCESS & P?BINE EASEiIENT DESCRMr)N An easemut locatcd ln the llatheast Om (UlrrGr d the Southa* Otc qnrtEr d Sectlon 1o, Towrhlp4tbilfi,Rarae l Eest,Boletrierldan,OtyotEE|E Ade Cdllty, ldrho, bdCmon parthl ady dcrcrS:d es foiours C.ormendry at th Sor,rEreest Comer of Sedon 10 of seld Tounrsl{p 4 l{odh, irCe 1 Eest, (lhom wHdt point the East One QuarGr Comr ol saH Seabn 1o bears ilcth 01'1730! E st 2536.6t0 lhet dlstsnfil; Thence lbrfi O1'175d Eart, a dtrtance of 1mt.?4 fcct on tlhe rast llm of said Secdon 10; TheneSouthEl'zl,olP ltbst adlstanceof{B.8?feetbrpolntmtherrct€rlyrfihtofweyllneof tlo(h Hs:eshor Bend Road / Old Hlghway5S, srld poht bCry cqnmon nlttttrc sq,rtteast corner d Parcel 'A1 as shqlrn on icord of $we, illmbr 8913 of Adr County Rccords, seld polnt rtso bCry the PONTOF EEcltrlllllG; fh:nca Suth Ot'lll'll!f, tflrst a dstarre of 2l0l frlt on tlrc lmstuly rlht of uny llre of seU ]&nt HcscshoeSend Roe4 Thcne Soudr 80'27af West e dsteme of 395.G tiet b . pom on ttc ertlrly boundery Ine of th Fmnrs thbn Ceml prcperty; Tlrence llorth 3f 35t3' West a dlstrme of 28O2 lbet on thc easterly budery lhc of the Farmer Udot canal b tl: southwrlt ccmrof Pare! 'B as shryn on sald Reord of Smrey i,lumbert9l5; Thence lSrtr 39'27'11' Ea$ a disble of 4O.28 ftetontl: sartherly bouldrry llncof Frrel '8" ard Prrcel 'S of ceid Record of Srnrey l{rmbcr 8915 to $e PCXNT OF EEcfrtlNlltlc. 20 AGCESSa rmutY EASmTOESCRTPflqT An easenEnt located in Parcd ?' as slpwn on Reord of Sunrcy Mmter 8915 of Ada Coulfi Reor&, loc3ted of the NortheastOne Quarterof theSouthertOne Quaterof Sedon lQTownshlp4 ilorth, Rarge 1 East, Bobe Merldla4 Oty of Eagle, Ada County, ldaho, belg more pardctilarly dcscrlbed as folbws: Canurench3 et the Souttrast Comer of Secdm 10 of sald Townshlp tl l{orth, Renge 1 E*t, (ftom whlch point the Eat One Quarter Corner of srld Sactbn lll bears North 01'175d East, 2636.fl het dlstant); Thence ilorth 0f175f EBt, a dlstarce of 160&74 het on crst llnc of sald Scctlon lQ Thsne south 8f270$ West, a dEilsrce of 43-87 ieet to a polnt m tlr urstedy rlght of urry llne of North ]Srseshoe Eend noad / OH Hlghway 55, sald poht bclng cormon whh the southcrt comer of Parcel 'f asslpwnonsald Recordof Sunry8915; Thene South g9p27ll, West, a dhilance of !l{&31 ftet on the south boundrry lhc of sald Parccl 'A' and'Bl, O ilrc PO!]{TOF BEGINNI}.IG, Therre South 8ft'z7'tl' Wesg a dBtane of 22.(E fuct on the soutfi llne of sald Parel "B'; Themc North 2f2919|, W€st, a dlstencc of 191.42fuct fheme North 9c0dfll' West, a dlstance of 23.59 feeg fherre North04'1f08West, adlstancc of 20.05 feeU Therce North 9(IOdOtr East, a dlstancc of 37.68 ftet Theme Sornh 2529'19' East, a dbtencc of 213.35 ftet to the polnt of bcainnlry ATTACHEMENT 6 TO APPLICATION SUEZ Water ldaho lnc. Page I of21 I Slt{l I 77-6.ddr [3Gl ?al SOUTH U'ATER UT{E EASENiEilT DESCRPnOT An eeserrnt located ln the NortheEst One QuarEr of Ure Southeast One Quarter of Sectlon 10, TownsHp 4 tlorth, Rangg 1 East, Bds Merldan, CIty of Eagle, Ada Coun$,, Hahq beltg more pafilcularly descrlbed as follows: Conrcnclng at the Southeast Crrncr of Sesdon 10 of sald Townshlp 4 North, Ran6e 1 East, (from whict polnt tln E6t One Quarter Gomer of sald Sectlon lO bears North 01'175d EasL 2635.64 ftct dlstantl, thene Nortlr 01'175O Ea6t, a dbtrme of 160&7f fieet on said Seedon lhei Thene Soutr 89270tr West, a dBtance of t13.87 feet to a polnt on the westerty rfht of vny lhe d North lbrseshoe Eend Road / Old Hlgfiway 55, saH pdnt beiry cormon wltlr the sor.rtheest comer of Parcel 'A" as sfnrn on Scord of Suruey rumber 891!i of Ada County Records, sald polnft bdry the POINTOF BEGINNI}I6; Ttrerce Sor.th 01'19'Zl' West, a distance of 20.01 het on thc urestcrly dtht of way llne of i,lorth Horseshoe Bend Road Thence South 8r?7'11" West, a dlnance of 39759 ftet to a point on the easterly boundary lhe of the Farmers Unlon Canal propertvl Therre ilofth 313603' West, a dlstrance of 23.35 feet on thc easterly bomdary llne of the Farm€B Unlon Canal to the southuest corner of Parcel '8" of said Rccord of Sunay 8!ll5; Therre North 8!ril711' Eet, a distance of 410.28 feet on the southerly boundary llne of Parcel "B' and Parcel "A" of sald Record of Srrnrey Number 8915 to the po&rt of beglnnlng. ilOMH WAIER UIE EASETT,IET{T DCSCRPfl q{ An easement locatcd ln Parcel .B" as slpmm on Record of SurrcV 8915 of Ada Carrty Reordq, losated ln thG [ortheast One Quarter of the Southeast O]E Quafter of Sectbn 1Il, TownsHp tl t{orth, iange I East Boise Meridan, Oty of Eagle, Ada County, ldahq balq moru padculady described as bllourr Cunmenchg at the Southeast &rner of Secdon 10 of sald Townshlp 4 tbrth, Range I East, lfronr whlch polot the E6t Onc Quartcr @mcr of said Sestlon 10 bears North O1'175d East, 2636.64 ftet dlstant) Thenca North 0f 175tr E6t, a dlstane of 1608.74 ftet on easterly line of sald Section 10; Thence South 8t270tr West a dbtance of 43.87 ftet to a polnt on the westedy rlght of uny llne of North ltcrseshoe Eend Road / Old Hlghnay 55, sald poffi belng common wlth thc souherst comer of Parcel 'f of sald Record of Srrvev Number 8915; Thence iSrth 0f 1923' Ert, a distance o1271.78 feet on thc wesEdy dght of way line of North Horseshoe Bend Roa4 saH polnt belngthe POINTOF BEGINN[,16; Therrc Sorlfi t5'4tr'oI, West a distance of 515.09 feet to an exisdrq Wel! House bulding Thence North 04'11'0d West, a dbtence of 2O-d) het to a pol* on tha nordrerly boundary line ofsald Parrcl 'B'; Therre Nor0r 85.4yqf East, a distance of 518.01 ftet on the mnherfi boudary llne of said Parrel '8" to $c nodl east corner of sald Parcel ?", sald polnt belng cqnmon with ttre westerly dght of uay llne of Nolth Horseshoe Bcrd Road; Theme Soufi Ol'I!r'Zl' West, a dlstance of 20ID ftet on thc unsterly dtht of wry llne of tlorth Horceshoe Bend Road to the POhlf OF BEGINNING. ATTACHEMENT 6 TO APPLICATION SUEZWater ldaho lnc. Page7 ot21 ltS4rt73_6JH[ilr-l?,0! ruuPsTmoI EXCUTSn E EtSEtEtT DCsCtPnOil An erenrnt loaEd ln Parel t' as dronrn on hcord of 9rnreV tlurrber89lli of Ada County RGcor&, ln the tlor$east Om qg.rter of the Sanheast OtE quarterof Scctbn O,Toudrh4 ilordr, Ralge 1Eat, Bolse McUla4 Clty of Eagh, Ada Coun$, ldaho, bllf, morc pardcdarly descdbed as fc{bws: Ccn menckg at thc Soutreest Conrer of Seeton l0 of sald Townshlp 4 ilorth, Rargc 1 Easg (from wlrlch polnt the East ortc Quarter Corner of sald Secthn 10 baars North 01'17'5f East, 2636.64 ft€t dlstantl; Thene lbrdr 01'175f Easg a dlstance of 1608.74 f!!t on thc ert lhc of nld Sodbn 10; Thene ibrth 89270tr Erq, a dlstance of 43.87 fcet to a polnt on tfic wrstedy rlght of wry llm of Nor$ llorseshoe Bend Rord / OH Hlgbway 55, sats poht bdn8 cornnon rrlth tte $uthctst corner of Parel "A' rs shonrn on sald Record of Suncy iltrnber 8915; Thene South 891171f West, a distance of 41028 ftet on the southerly boundary lLre of sald Parcel 'A' ltd Prrul'8' to tfu sotthwest comer of sald Prcel'd; Thene Nodr 3135'0!f [lcst, r dbtance of 18756 het on the wafrdy boundary llm of sCd Parel 'B', todE FOIIfIOF BEGINt{l},lG; Theme llortt 31?dO3' W€st a dlstance of 111L55 fiaet on tlre rrcsterly boundry Inc sf reH Percd tf bthe Norfinclt comer of rald ParoC'8r'; Themc !5tth8S4900'Eaf, a dlfinceof 85.0ftet on the northerty boundaryllm of said Parcel'E!; Therre Sorth 04'1t'0f Eas& a dbtance of lOOffl fta; ftsrre SoUh Ai'{t/d Wesf a dlstencc of 33.11tct b drc FOlf{T ()F EEGtNNlt'lO ATTACHEMENT 6 TO APPLICATION SUEZ Water ldaho lnc. Page8ot21 lt5al 173_61o.il, Felr4l AITACEMEIIT 2 (CURRENT CUSTOMER DEDOSmS AI{D EOOKITP [EES) Mct nPdd/I{otsct l5l3EAIhcCrcGk 3/4 Btdg 1 2tl BtilgT 2tt Eldg t 2n Bldg9 ztt Clubhmrc 2tt Irrlgrdon/CA 2n $245 - CredDolnt $dt0 - EoronrrEdge $550 - EcrontrEdge $650 - EeronrsEdgc $650 - Eeronft Edge $650 - Eenonrr Edge $650 - EcronrrEdge Pnoreo0r Undcr Agrocmont lll:386ShHdt Sfl"AX}- Eof, p.tdhfull 10190 Shlddr S22p00 pnia(mrruUr) bdrnoe $!1,700 (${+600) Rcnc Phcc 0Ua4m pdd (nah.rlrL) brhn.G S103r00 (0213@) Drtrdrvflhgp S136y'00 pdd(mrterl$) bolrncc S124t00 ([253100) IDoJeGt Wlt[ Agreemen8 Proposd Eertfreld $7q400 PrrHnron & Syrlryt gD2r500 lI40 Perldnron Sll1n600 Pnolccfi UnderlDedgn hcmlerStongc 312{600 ATTACHEMENT 6 TO APPLICATION SUEZWater ldaho lnc. Page 9 of 21 lr5.llUl_6'ilo('pGlTal ATTACHEMENT 3 (AMENDED EAGLEH2OAPA) TEIS AIIIEI{I)MENT T9^ASSpt PURCEASE AGREEMEITIT fAmcodncd) is made aod cotorcd into as of thefl &y of St4C. 2{Dl amcnding 6at Dcfinitive AsEst Pudasc furccmcd &bd S€ptanbcr 18, 2018 as mcndcd (6c'Agrecmsnf, dso rcftned m hccinrfrer as ftE "EWGII2O AP/qfl by and betwca Bagte Waier Cmpmy, Inc. an Idaho cospcafim (&e'Sellcd) ad I{2O Eagtc Aoquisidon Ltr C, a Wyming limibd li$ility cqaay(ho *Buycd) ad SuEZWdcrIdaho hc. ('St EU) as srcocsstr inimcsto Bu,,er 1nrsuailto thatccrtainAssigmeotandAssurynimAgreemeotdaedeftctiveScptembcr20, 2018 ('Arsigmcof). NECITALSI A. Sellcr md Buyur artered into the EWC-I{2O APA as aneoded effectivc Sqtcmba 18, 2018 by ufrich Scller agecd to scll to Buyer cartain of Seller'c asccm (hc Turcbrssd Asscts') as morc portianlarly dcscribcd in ltc BWGIlllO APA; B. Boyer, with Sc[cds prior oons€tr, has cxesubd md dclivcrod im esomr the Assigmcotbywhic,h Buyer assigncd and St EZ assumcd Buyer's rig$ topurchasc thc ftuchesodAssetspusuaottoftcEWC-tllOAPA. BuprhrEalcocotcrcdintoaaaseotpurchase agrocmcot with SLJEZ by which Buyer will scll to SLJEZ &c Pulchssd Asscts (6e IDO-SIJEZ APA',). C. SIrBZ ud Scllcrbavc fileda JointApplicatiou (the *Cmissim Procooding) with Idahohtblic Lftilitics Cmnissio(€omission') as oontcmplatdby6cEIVGII2OAPA Ird the IIIG'SIIEZAPA secking qryroval oflheultimarc putch.Ec ofthc hrchascdAssrtu by STJEZ. D. Thc CityofEaglc (6e *Ciy) iEervcrcdinthe ComissionnocoeAing udassc(dit had a cotaciral riglt of ftst rEfrrsd (AOfBf) b prut;hase thc Punhascd AEEctB putilmt to a prior agrcGo.otbctrvcen ftc Cigand Scllcr; E. Ttc City fild suit in thc Idaho Distict Corffi (thc'CoutPnoceedingl) to cofurcc its asscrtodRoFR ud claim fos damqgcs; F. Eftctivc Itrlarch Tl ,2019, thc Cmmiosim hoceeding was sayed pading 6e orilcome ofthe Courtnocccahe; G. The Courtkoocediqgms dismisscd basedupm o Scdcmcntand Stiprletion for Dismissal amongthe gties thcrcinbywhiclt aooqg otrEr&ings, frc Ctyis to bcpaida scttlcmcot prJlmcot of $1,7 50,0@ (ttc'Scdcmart Paymedl H. SUI% Scller and Buyer finthcr agrecdlhe IDO-SIJEZ APA Purc,hssc Price is to be iDsreasd to $10,500,000, and frd &c Crty wifl he- bc paid fte Setlcment Pa5mcot on of &c prooods oftte Closing of thc BWC-II2O APA and ttc II2GSLTEZ APA' which arp b occur AfiACHEMENT 6 TO APPLICATION SUEZ WEler ldaho lnc. Page 10 of21 15581t97-6rb.s [3Gl 7{l simultaneously within twenty (20) days foUowiqg issuance of an orderby the Commission approving Buyer's purchase of the Purchased Assets. L Subsequent to executing the EWC-IDO APA Buyer and Seller obtained ALTA surveys depicting and legally describing c€rtah easemeots over and asross the EWC'Yard hrmp Statiod'property contemplated to be conveyed to Buyu (and ultimately SUEZ) at Closing. Buyer and Seller wish to incorporate those surveys and legal descriptiolrs into Exhibit B of the II2O.SI.JEZAPA. J. The Court Proceeding being dismissed m Marsh 8,2021, Btryer and Seller wish to amend the EWC-II2O APA as appropriate to incorporate reviscd and additioral terms necessary to effect 6e palment of the full Setle,ment Paynent by EWC and Buyer out of the proceeds at Closing of the purchase of the hrchased Assets as contemplated in the Settlement. K Buyer and Seller and SLIEZ wish to fruther amend the EWC-IDO APA to give effect to the settlemrcnt wift &e City and to rydate certain frcts to account for thc substantial delay in the contemplated Closing due to the stay ofthe Commission Proceeding. AGREEMENT AMDI\DIUENTS Now therefore, in consideration of the foregoing recitals and other good aad valuable consideration and Section 11.04 the Agrecmcnt is amended as follows: l. Section 3.03 is amended to addthe followiag Section 3.03(II): (I{) Within ten (10) dap afferthc execution bybothparties of any amendmentto rhis Age€rnent, Buyer shall obtain fromthe Title Company, anupdatodTitle Commituentfor each fee parcel and for each easement affecting the Yard Pump being conveyed to Buyer. Any new exccption or encumhrance appearing on the Title Commitnen(s) other rhan hxes forthe curr€nt year assessed but not yet &re and payable shall automatically constitute an additional Title Objection subjectto the provisions of Section 3.03(C) and (D) of this Agreement. 2. Sections 6 and 7 are hereby supplemeoted as follows: Buye:r, Seller aad SUEZ Water Idaho Inc. shall executc supplemental joint escmw insfirctims prior to Closing that include directions to the Escrow Agent to effect the palment of the Settlemed Palment to the City of Eagle out of Seller's and Buyer's proceeds at Closing. 3. EXHIBIT B (EASEMENTS) is amended to incorporate the surveys aod legal descriptions for the Pump Station Exclusive Easement 20' Access and Utility Easemert, 24' Access and Pipeline Easement North Water Line Easement and South Waterline Easement attached hereto as ATTACHMENT I and incorporaled by this reference. 4. EXHIBIT F (CUSTOMER DEPOSITS AI.ID HOOKUP FEES) is amended to incoporate the current summary of all existing Customer Deposits made to and held by Eagle and all existing Hoolap Fees collected md held by Eagle for customers not ),Et connected to the Utility Sysbm attached hereto as ATTACHMENT 2 and incorporated by this reference. ATTACHEMENT 6 TO APPLICATION SUEZ Water ldaho lnc. Page 't 1 of 21 t 558439?_6.docx [30- 174] 5. eagarcrywtyauoadodRfft.satilffit,dl@rooffiinfroltiffi rurhinftnftrccndcfrct 6. .luycryfiUreAEosurodinihir;qAdmffi.tedrddcfuiltttGhthllhilvo&c .laFg4[l:tsidffiin&GAgrM. tdlrmrrn m ftIhring PagFI ATTAC}IETiENT E TO APPUCANON SUAZ VUttor ldaho lnc. PagCI 12d21 t$€e?-6laFer?{I IN WITNBSS WIIEREOR the Scllq and Buyer and SLIEZ have caued Sis Ameodm€ot to Assct Purchasc Agrecmeut to be duly exenrted and eirtcrcd into cftctivc as ofthe'date first abovc written SELI,ER:ErghWeter Compenyrlnc Anldaho corpontion BTIYER:H2O Erglc Acqulrt6on, I-tr-C,, A Wlorning limitcd liability cooryany Title: STIEZ:SIIEZWeteT Ideho Inc" an Idaho corporation ATTACHEME}.IT 6 TO APPLICATION SUEZ Waterldaho lnc, Page 14d21 l558t3r_6.docE F&tfl STATE OF Countyof ss. ) ) On this day of , 2021, beforc me, a Notary Public in and for thc State of personally ryeared S. K. Ross, knoum or idcntified to mc to be a Director of II2O Eagle Aoquisitioq L[,C, andwho subscribed said mmc to the foregoing instnrmeng and acluonledgcd to me that [s]hc cxcortcd the same iu said limit€d liability company's narne. IN WTINESS WIIEREOF, I have herermto set my hatrd and affi:red my official scal the day and ycar first above wdtteo. NotaryPublic forldaho Residing at: My cornmission orpires: STATB OF IDAHO ) Couutyof Ada Otr this ?day of ,)h ne ,2021, before mc, aNotary Public in and for the Sarc of ldaho, pcrsonally app€ar€d RoEt V. Deshazo, Jr., knovm or identified to me to be the President of Eagle Water Compann Ino., an Idaho corporation, who zubscribed said corporation'g nEnne to the foregoinginstrume,nt, and acknowledged to mothathe executed tho eame itr said corporation's Dame. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affxod my ofEcial seal the day and year first above writtea. Publiq Residiug at: Mycommission ATTACHEMENT 6 TO APPLICATION SUEZ Water ldaho |rc. Pago 16 of 21 ss. ) coltMtsstoN #38S30 NOTABYPUBUC STATEOF IDA}I* l r5t4397-6/oas [3G l1,q IN WUNBSS WIIEREOF, fu Sdlcs ud Brrlpr ed St EZ hrye cardftis Aocndmem toAsecthnchase ASrccmcdbbc drlycxco&daodGoturcdb cftctirro ar of &c&e fir* ebovcwrittso" SEI,LEE ErtloWdcr Coryrq',Inc Arldaho odpdrtirm Tftlc: kcidcd EIIYER.:926n glGecqdOfon,ttG A corym!' fitlc: ST]EZ:SI'EZ Idrholrc" m ATTACHEMENT 6 TO APPLICATION SUEZWaier ldaho lnc. PagP 13 of21 t,3taC0r-6lc.BEGlr! srArEoF I doJno I countyof Lo,}o.h ;* Oa eis ?rd Ory of Nt \Q ., . 2l2lljtrfrlremq e Notny Rftlio in and frr ftc St@ of I4eh a . pcmmatty rypcuce S. K" Ross, tnoum c idcoilifod to mc to be a Dircctor ofIDO Eagle Acquisition, LLC, aodwho subscdbcd saidtrmo to frG frrcgoing instsment andacJoovtodgedto mo lhat [s]ho cxcorEdtte s@c in said limitedliebnity ompul/s trms. IN WUI{ESS WHEREOF, I have hcrsunto rct my hand md affirod my ofEcial ecll ftc day andyer fttt above vri$co" LOt Publicfuldaho Rcsidhg rc \.A'OR.f d3 Myoomirsiorcrryin* bA- Og-ADgh STATB OFIDNTO ) : 88.ComtyofAda ) On &is _ day of . 2021, bGforc mc, aNo&y h$lic in Ed fu 6c Stab of ldaho, pcrsmlty epecaU Rtrcrt V. UeSnarc, Jr., knovn c ideotifisd to me to bc lhc Prcsidcd ofBagle Wae Cqouy, Inc., m Idaho oorpuatim, urto gubecribod said oorpoctim s namc b thc forcgoing insfinmcd, sd aclmowlcdgsd b re ththe cxccred tto eue in nid ouporcion'E Darrc. IN WIINESS WIIEREOB I have herermb sct uy hand aod affircd my offichl scal thcdaydyer frst above writ6. NoEyhtblic ftrr&ho Rosidngaf Mycmniseio crpircc .-i#-!,{or,: ..; ttOTADr, 'z-'- = l"rrT;,o i: tftm.5s ATTACHEf,'ENT 6 TO APPLICATION SUEZWater ldaho lnc. Page 15 of21 lttr43r7-6.kpr?q STATE OF IDNIO ) 8& CouryofAde furtrir 91L ) Strtr ofldaho, pcrr@slly 2011, bG&rc mg a Ndry hblic h ed frr 6c tnmncilcdificdto dayof mp to b fu t ?q Ciaaeu 4v subscribed said corpcaion'3 nrrire ofst EZ Idrho mIdtho corpontim, ufto b lte fuegpingiosEmd, ed ac,hrrlctedbnc rhd _ oxocmd 6o sme in srid corpudm I rt@. IN UIIINESII WIIEREOF, I have hcrcmfio tet my hrnrl ad affxcd my ofiEcid scat fro dcy aDd )tGa frst rbgtrrc vdtu Ndryh$lictu Idaho OoRcsidhg*IEg ID Mycmirnimopirce:4 zz.2-rE - or ATTACHEMENT 6 TO APPLICATION SUEZWater ldaho lnc. Pqe17 ot21 rill!97-C&qfrGlral e AITACEMENT 1 (SITPPLDMENTAL EASEMENT DESCRIPTTONS) 2lt' ACCESS & PIPEUII EAIFTIEIT D€SCNPTI]iI An eesemem bcaEd h $e l{q6eest &re Quert:r dthcSouttuet (he qDrterof SecUon lO, Towmhlp 4 !5rth, iarg 1 EarB Botle llerHlan, Clty of EsSh, Ad. Comty, ldaho, bdg morc pedculady desched r: foloue Conmendlg et $e SouUrgst Comer of Sedon 1Il of sr5 Towrrllp 4 ltordr, ierye 1 Eert, ltrom wHdt polnttheE$tOneQurrterComrofsaHSedonl0beanl{cdr0f1750'Erst 2636.6tlftetdnad; Thene ]{odr 6'175d East, r &trne of f08.71tcrt m thc ecrt Itp of srid Sectlott !O; llrence south 8'27t,t ttEst, r dE;tamc of {3^87 feet E r pdnt ar tte ctlrf dsht of u,ay lhc of ilorth Hq:eshoc Bmd load/Old HlfhwaVSs,sald potrtbd4cqrrnon utthtre sqrdeastomer of Parcd 'A' as shun on Record of Srnnry llunbrr E9l5 d Ad. Courty f,ecort, sald polnt abo bd tg thc POt$roF lEGliNtl{G; Tterre Sou$ 0['l92!l, West t dstilr of 2fO1 ftct onthc wrstrrly fittt of urey lhe of sald loldl Hc:eshoe lend fioe4 Ihcnsr $rdr &l'27'1t' Wert r dnrrc of 395.6 Eet to a polnt on U! erEly bomd.ry llne ottl: Farnnr tlnlon 6nal propcrty; Ihence ttlor$ 3156t!f West, a dlstara of 28.02 fret on tn eertcrfy budrry llnc of ttn Farmers Udcr Ond to tlt sordnrct cclrr dPartel'B as shiln on sald ircord of Suvry lftmber8915i lhence NordrSr'27'11'Ersba dbtsrce of 4l0.2tftatonthc sanduily bourduyllncof PrrcelT ard Parccl'A'dsrH Rccord of SunrU t{unbcr 8gt!t totlE FCINTOF BEGII{ilnG. 2' ACCESS A UflUIY EASEHf DEISdPII'il An easement located ln Parcel "B' as shosrn on Record of !furuey ifumber 8915 of Ada Coutty Rmords. located of thc Norilrast One qnrtcr of $e Southcnst One Qnrter of Sectlon 1O Towndrlp 4 ilorth, Rarge 1 East, Bobe Merldlan OW of E 8le, Ad. Countv, ldaho, beh6 moru partlcdarly dcscrlbed as follows: Cmrmcncirr3 at the Southeast Comer of Secdon 10 d sald Tmnshlp 4 North, Ran$ 1 East, (ftom whlch polnt the Ect One Quartcr Gorner of sald Scctlon 10 beers Norilr 01'175d East, 26:!6.6t[ ftct distantl; Thence North O1'175tr EGt, a dlstarce of 1608.74 feet on ccst llrr of sald Sectlon 1q Thene SoUh 892708' West, . dbtencc of tlil8T ftct to . polrt on thc rcstedy rlSht of vuay lhe d North tbrse$oe Bend nmd / Old Hl3hway 55, sald poht bdlg common with the southcrst comer of Parcel "f as slrorn on sald Recod of surwy 8915; Thence South 8y2711' West, a dEtrnce of !ltt&31 het on the souttr boundary llne d sald Parccl "A, and 'F, to the POINTOF BEGIt{trtlIG; Theme SoGh t9?/'11' WesB a dbbne of 22.6 feet on the south Ine of sald Parcel 'B'; Jterrc North 252919 West, a dlstance of 191.42 feeg Theme North 9(}tdOd West, a dlslance of 23.59 fcrt; Therce North 04'11'(Xl'West, a dktane of 20.6 fG.$ Therce North 90f0U0tr East, a dlstance of 37.68 fte$ Theme SoGh ?5.zI'L9" East, a dktance ol 21335 ftet to the polnt of bcgindrU; ATTACHEMENT 6 TO APPLICATION SUEZ Water ldaho lnc. Page 18 d21 l55l{19r-6.iloo. [jsr'r+l soulll mlEn ulc EtsErT oEnPllcr An ecermnt locilcd in the Northeast Ona Ctutttr of the Southeast Onc qrarur of Sccdon 1o, Townshlp 4 ltortlr, Ranf 1 Eest Bobe Merlden, Oty of Eaglg Ade County, ldaho, bCq mora prrtkdaty dcscdbed as 6llows: CannEnchl!t$eSqtdrcmtGornerdSesdon t0of seldTryttshlp4 ilortn Rengg1Es1,(fiornwhhh polnt the Ert One Onrter Corner of seld Sccilon l() bcrc t{or$ 0l'175d Elst, 2636.64 ftct dlmm); thcrp North 0f175d Est, e dlstanee of 1fl&74 ftct on sald Section lhc; Thne Sollth 8y27'8 Uftrt, a dEitance of €.g1 ftct to a pdrt on thr u,rstrdy rttt of unf lhc of Itlorth ibsrrtpc Bcnd noad / Old Hilhsry 55, seld polnt bCrE common wlth the sorilh:ert comar of Parccl -f as slpwn on Raord of Sulc.y number t915 of Adr County Recofilq i.ld polril bdrg the PONTOF IEGIIS{I}{G; Ttrele South 0f19'2!l' lilest, a dlstanca sf 20.01 het on the sstcrly tlght of ri/.y llne of ilorth HorrcslrocBcnd Rod; Ttrcmc Sordr 89?7'11'We*, rdstancs of 39.59ftctto e polnton thc ercrlybomdery lhc of tfu FanersUdon Cild propGrry; fhcre t{ordt3136'0f west adbtamc of 23.:t5fcst mthc esstldv bar&ry llna of tlr Farmers lfrion Gnal to tte routhwest corncr of Percd '8' of saE Rccod of Surucy 8915; Thcrce Ns$ tfi1711' East, a dlstance of 41O2t frrt on UrE souftc.lv boud.ry fine of Parcd T and Parccl 'A' of sald Reod of $rwy t{umbor 8915 to thc potrrt d bcCmff,. t{of,fl{ wtrEn utE EAtErrw DEsmct An eesenrnt bcated ln Parccl 'B' rs sluwn on Reord of Suvcy 8915 of Ada Coffy Re@d$ locrted ln the NodlpstqrG Qr.rErof thc Southeest Or: qnftcrorsccdon 1(l,TousHp4llorth Raqc l Eaa, Bolse Merldan, clty of E{c, Ada CounU, ldaho, bclrg rmre partruledy descrlbed ar ftflars: Cqrrtnnclt .t thc Southef,it Cdner d Sedon lll of sdd Town$lp 4 ilortr, RaUc 1 Eest, lfiom which pofint dE EGt On Qnrts 6mtr dsald Sectbn tO bes3 North 01'175d E.3t, 25n64 fret dlstttt} Them l{oll't o1'175(r Ert, a dlstame of lf,E"?tl ftet on €tlt dy lnr d sald Scctbn 1(l; Thncc South 8!1270f $Icrt a dbtance of t13.O het to r polil on fia wcstcdy rlht of mV lhc of llorth Hrscshoc BGnd Rod / OH Hlgfruray 55, seld polrt beln: comnm wttr thc sortheest oncr of Purcl'f of s.ld m6rd of 9,tvery !fumbs t915; Thnce I'lorth 01"19l!f Ert, a dlstarre of 271.7t fta on $e wesrrly ftht of my lnc of tlofth Hor:eshoc Bsnd M, saH polrt brlng the FOlItlT OF BEGII{NI}IG; ftcr: Souh 85'lp, Uhst, e dlstancc of 515.G lact to an crbdrg Wdl Hon hdding Iharc l{orth 0tl'1f0f Wed, a dEtencr of a).O ftct to a polnt on thc rtrthuly bordary llnc of sald Parel 'B'; Therm tlorth 8f49od Erst, r dEtrncc of 51&01 ftct on the mrthcily boundery lln: of seld Plcd !" to dte rprtt erst carer of saH Parcd '8', sdd polnt betA conmon ultt fic uliE ly dtht of ure, llne of Nuttr He!.dror 8cd Rod; Iterrc South Ol'1!123'ttle*,ad&rene of 2OO!lfretonthc restcrlV dfttof ulay line of Nortlr ]lor:eshoc BGnd Rod to tta PONT OF ffiGlNNlNG. ATTACHEMENT 6 TO APPUCATION SUEZWater ldaho lrrc. Page 19 of21 1551169r-5n EPSl?il PUitPSrAnOil m,usn E EtsElffif DESciPrpil An casement located ln Parcd "8" as Curn on Record of Surwy ttumber 8915 sf Ada County Recor&, ln the Nodreast ()lle Qnfterof the Southcast Otr Quarterof Sectlon 10, Toytrnshlp4 Norilr, heqe f Eas$ Eobe MarHlan Oty of Eagle Adr Gannty, tdaho, behS morc par0cdarly descrlbcd ar lollonYs: Ccnncndng at the Soutfieast Comcr of Sccton 1o of sald Tmnshlp 4 ilorth, iarUe I East (hom which point the EEt On€ quartrr Clmer of said Ses{on 1o bears North 0f 175d East 26!i6.64 ftet dlsbntl; Thence trlor$ 01'175d Erst, a dlstare of 160&74 ftEt on the sf lhe of sald Sccdon 10; Thcnce f{or$ 89:1709 Ert a dlstamc of 4387 EGt to a point on tln rmsterly rlgl'rt of way llnc of Nordr lbrseshoe Bend Road / Old Hlgftway 55, said polnt beirg commm wlth thr southcast comer d Partet 'f a3 slrsm on sald Rcod of Sunny l{unrber 8915; Thence South 892711' Wesg a dlst nce of 41O28 ftet on tfie sortltcrly boundrry lhc of sald Parccl 'A'and Parel '81to ilrc sordrwect corner of sald P*cel "f; Thene t{or$ 313d03: W6t, a dbt nce of 187.56 fret on $e wcfirdy bilndary llm of sCd Parcd "8", to dE FOlt{t OF BEGINNIIG; Thence trlor$ 31'3d0:f WcsL a dlsance of 112.65 feet on the ncstedy boundry Ine of said Parcel "8f tothc l{ort ilest corner of sald hlcd "B'; Tteme ltlorth 8!f490(), Ed, a dBtance of 85.(I) ftet on thc nodrcrly boundary lhe of said Parcel "B3; Ttele Solfi O{'U'ff E st, a dbtance of 1fiL00 fteg Thence Soutlr 8g'49'ff West, a dlstance of 33.1i1 fect b thc POINT OF BEGINNII{G. ATTACHEMENT 6 TO APPLICATION SUEZWater ldaho Inc. Page2Oof21 r58t!97-6rbcr[3cu{l ATTACEMENT 2 (cIrnnENT cIrsToMER. TTEFOSIIS AND EOOKLP ITES) Mcters PeiiUNot Set fsnEAlccCrcok 3/a EHg 1 2n BHg 7 2n Bldg 8 2n BIdg 9 ztt Clubhoure 2tt IrrlgadonlCA 2n S,t45 - CrerQdnt $650 - Horon'r Edge S630 - Eeronrr Edge $550 - Ecrun'sEdgF $650 - Ileronrr Edge 0530 - EerontrEdge CIGl0 - Eeronrr Edgc Prof ectr Undcr Agrecmcnt 103t6 Shbldr $4{,600 - nw prH h futr 101911 ShbHr l2?",9U petd (metcrtrb) belrnce S2fJ00 (0{4,600) Rone Ibcc 011ZIOO pdd (mabrldr) belance 01lBr00 (S21+600) Errede Vllhgc 0136,46r.16 (nrtearf) bolancc S126t00 (S263i200) Prolectx Wltt Agrccmqm koposed Erilfi€ld 376/400 PrrHnron&$/rhge Sr2500 3fl) Prrhnmn S01,600 Profccfr UndcrDedgn PrtmlerStorage $1241600 ATTACHEMENT 6 TO APPLICATION SUEZWater ldaho lnc. Page21of.21 ltStalr_6..ls,BGl7rI ATTACHMENT 2 Water Management Agreement Area4 D Right of Way 0.15 0.3 Miles I ATTACHMENT 3 Description of Area 4 in Water Management Agreement: The ACHD Eagle Road Right-of Way commencing at the intersection of E. Floating Feather Road and progressing north 4,000 ft, including all land within the following Ada County Tax Parcel Numbers: R0947360010 R0947360020 R0947360030 R0947360040 R0947360050 R0947360060 R0947360070 R0947360080 R0947360090 R0947360100 R0947360110 R0947360120 R0947360130 R0947360140 R0947360150 R0947360160 R0947370100 R0947370200 R0947370300 R0947370400 R0947370500 R0947370600 R0947370700 S0504233800 S0504336003 ATTACHMENT 4 Water Management Agreement €IJ Eagle Sports Complex D Right of Way ATTACHMENT 5 Description of Eagle Sports Park Water Management Area: The ACHD Horseshoe Bend Road Right-of Way commencing at the intersection of E. Floating Feather Road and progressing north 2,750 ft, including all land within Ada County Assessor Tax Parcel No. R3610110146 ATTACHMENT 6 EAGLE RD. RUS H FL O A T I N G F E A T H E R R D . RD. PLAN VIEW - OVERALL SITE PLAN SITE PLAN OVERALL SITE PLAN C2.0 EA G L E R O A D W A T E R L I N E VE O L I A C O N N E C T I O N CO N S T R U C T I O N D O C U M E N T S CI T Y O F E A G L E AD A C O U N T Y , I D A H O RUS H R D . EAGLE RD. EAGLE RD. FL O A T I N G F E A T H E R R D . E. O L D B A R N D R . PLAN VIEW - SITE PLAN - CONNECTION POINTS SITE PLAN SITE PLAN - CONNECTION POINTS C2.1 EA G L E R O A D W A T E R L I N E VE O L I A C O N N E C T I O N CO N S T R U C T I O N D O C U M E N T S CI T Y O F E A G L E AD A C O U N T Y , I D A H O 2 # 4 3 4 1 5 25 ' - 0 " ± 6 6 # 1 2 3 4 2 3 4'- 0 " 5'-0"5'-0" Fil e L o c a t i o n : g : \ c l i e n t s \ e g \ e g 2 2 - 0 0 5 8 b \ d e s i g n \ c i v i l \ e g 2 2 - 0 0 5 8 b _ d e t a i l . d w g Plo t t e d B y : s e t h m c g e h e e Dat e P l o t t e d : T h u r s d a y , N o v e m b e r 3 2 0 2 2 a t 1 1 : 3 4 A M STANDARD DETAILS WATER DETAILS C3.0 5 6 EA G L E R O A D W A T E R L I N E VE O L I A C O N N E C T I O N CO N S T R U C T I O N D O C U M E N T S CI T Y O F E A G L E AD A C O U N T Y , I D A H O 1 WATER CONNECTION DETAIL SCALE: NTS 2 PRV STATION TYPICAL LAYOUT DETAIL SCALE: NTS PLAN VIEW A B A B 10 8'- 0 " 14 10'-0" 2'- 6 " 1'- 6 " 15 28 11 3'- 6 " ± 3'- 6 " ± 7'- 0 " 1 1 15 12 2 8 14 16 13 9 17 10 7 FINISHED SURFACE SECTION A-A EL.: PER PLANS 3 4 5 11 16 13 35 4 3' - 6 " ± 3'- 6 " ± 7'- 0 " 1 1 29 15 12 FINISHED SURFACE EL.: PER PLANS 19 23 22 26 18 24 3 22 28 7 SECTION B-B 53 26 4 5 18 4 1. CONNECT TO MAINLINE PER TYPICAL DETAIL. 2. 8" DUCTILE IRON SPOOL, FLxPE. TRIM TO LENGTH AS REQUIRED. 3. 4”, LIQUID FILLED, 0-160 PSI, DIRECT READING, PRESSURE GAUGE. ±1% ACCURACY OVER MIDDLE ONE-HALF OF RANGE, WHITE DIAL WITH BLACK LETTERS, ADJUSTABLE POINTER, 270 PRESSURE RANGE ARC DIVIDED INTO 2 PSI INCREMENTS. 4. ADJUSTABLE SADDLE STAND PIPE SUPPORTS. SADDLE STANDS SHALL BE SHAPED TO FIT PIPE WITH WHICH THEY WILL BE USED AND CAPABLE OF SCREW ADJUSTMENT. PIPE SUPPORTS SHALL BE STANDON MODEL S92 OR EQUAL. (4 REQ'D) 5. NOSHOK 100 SERIES 4mA TO 20rnA CURRENT OUTPUT PRESSURE TRANSDUCER. 0-100 PSI PRESSURE RANGE. 6. LEFT INTENTIONALLY BLANK. 7. WATERTIGHT PRECAST CONCRETE VAULT. AASHTO HS-25 TRAFFIC LOADING REQUIRED. ALL EXTERIOR SURFACES SHALL BE SEALED WITH CONSEAL CS- 55 COATING OR APPROVED EQUAL. JOINTS SHALL BE SEALED WITH CONSEAL CS-102 OR APPROVED EQUAL. ALL CRACKS AND JOINTS SHALL BE SEALED WITH VULKEM 116 OR APPROVED EQUAL. PIPE PENETRATION HOLES SHALL BE SEALED WITH A LINK-SEAL MODEL C MODULAR SEAL OR APPROVED EQUAL AND NONSHRINK WATERPROOF GROUT. 8. 8" SERIES 2100 MEGAFLANGE RESTRAINED FLANGE ADAPTER, OR APPROVED EQUAL. 9. 8" CLA-VAL MODEL 90G-05BY PRESSURE REDUCING VALVE WITH OPTIONAL X101 VALVE POSITION INDICATOR. MOUNT VALVE CONTROL PIPING ON THE SIDE OF THE VALVE AWAY FROM VAULT WALL. CENTER VALVE IN VAULT. 10. 30" DIA. RING & LID MARKED "WATER". CENTERED ABOVE STEPS & BETWEEN PIPE RUNS. 11. 30" DIA. RING & LID MARKED "WATER". CENTERED ABOVE THE 8" CLA-VAL PRV. 12. LANE INTERNATIONAL POLYPROPYLENE VAULT LADDER WITH PULL-UP HAND RAIL OR APPROVED EQUAL CONFORMING TO ASTM D4101, ASTM C497 AND OSHA 1910.26 AND OSHA 1910.27 SPECIFICATIONS. TOP RUNG OF LADDER SHALL BE NO MORE THAN 12" BELOW FINISH GRADE. 13. INSTALL PRESSURE GAUGE AND PRESSURE TRANSDUCER. MOUNT THROUGH A SINGLE 3/4" TAP IN THE DUCTILE IRON SPOOL. CONNECTION SHALL INCLUDE A PIPE SADDLE, RED BRASS NIPPLE (3 EA), RED BRASS ISOLATION BALL VALVE, RED BRASS TEE, RED BRASS ELBOW (2 EA), AND RED BRASS FITTINGS AS NECESSARY TO ADAPT TO THE PRESSURE GAUGE AND TRANSDUCER. BALL VALVE SHALL BE INSTALLED BETWEEN TAP AND TEE. 14. PROVIDE 1” SCHEDULE 40 CONDUIT (2 EA) FOR CONNECTION OF FUTURE POWER AND RADIO ANTENNA TO TELEMETRY SYSTEM. ADJUST LOCATION AS REQUIRED TO MATCH SITE CONDITIONS. STUB CONDUIT 5' OUTSIDE VAULT & CAP. 15. INSTALL 12” x 3" SUMP AS SHOWN. INSTALL FLOOR DRAIN IN CENTER OF SUMP IF HIGH GROUND WATER DOES NOT EXIST. FLOOR DRAIN SHALL INCLUDE 4” PVC PIPE IN CONCRETE FLOOR AND 8” OF DRAIN ROCK BELOW VAULT. 16. 8”x18" DUCTILE IRON SPOOL, FLxFL. 17. 8” DUCTILE IRON SPOOL, FLxFL. LENGTH AS REQUIRED. 18. 2”x18" DUCTILE IRON SPOOL, FLxFL. 19. 4” DUCTILE IRON SPOOL, FLxPE. LENGTH AS REQUIRED. 20. LEFT INTENTIONALLY BLANK. 21. LEFT INTENTIONALLY BLANK. 22. 4”x2” DUCTILE IRON REDUCER, FLxFL. 23. 4” SERIES 2100 MEGAFLANGE RESTRAINED FLANGE ADAPTER, OR APPROVED EQUAL. 24. 2" CLA-VAL MODEL 90G-05BY PRESSURE REDUCING VALVE WITH OPTIONAL X101 VALVE POSITION INDICATOR. MOUNT VALVE CONTROL PIPING ON THE SIDE OF THE VALVE AWAY FROM VAULT WALL. CENTER VALVE IN VAULT. 25. LEFT INTENTIONALLY BLANK. 26. INSTALL PRESSURE GAUGE AND PRESSURE TRANSDUCER. MOUNT THROUGH A SINGLE 1/2" TAP IN THE DUCTILE IRON SPOOL CONNECTION SHALL INCLUDE A PIPE SADDLE, RED BRASS NIPPLE (3 EA), RED BRASS ISOLATION BALL VALVE, RED BRASS TEE, RED BRASS ELBOW (2 EA), AND RED BRASS FITTINGS AS NECESSARY TO ADAPT TO THE PRESSURE GAUGE AND TRANSDUCER. BALL VALVE SHALL BE INSTALLED BETWEEN TAP AND TEE. 27. LEFT INTENTIONALLY BLANK. 28. INSTALL 3/4" SAMPLE TAP ASSEMBLY. CONNECT TO 4" PIPING USING PIPE SADDLE, BRASS NIPPLE (2 EA), 90·BRASS ELBOW, WILKINS MODEL 950XLT DOUBLE CHECK VALVE BACKFLOW PREVENTER AND THREADED HOSE BIB. ALL FITIINGSSHALL BE COPPER OR BRASS. 29. 4” DUCTILE IRON SPOOL, FLxFL. NOTES: 1) ALL WORK SHALL BE DONE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LATEST EDITIONS OF THECITY OF EAGLE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS, THE IDAHO STANDARDS FOR PUBLIC WORKSCONSTRUCTION (ISPWC), ANO ALL APPLICABLE STATE AND LOCAL CODES. 2) ALL SENSORS SHALL BE COMPATIBLE WITH THE CITY OF EAGLE WATER SYSTEM SCADA. Fil e L o c a t i o n : g : \ c l i e n t s \ e g \ e g 2 2 - 0 0 5 8 b \ d e s i g n \ c i v i l \ e g 2 2 - 0 0 5 8 b _ d e t a i l . d w g Plo t t e d B y : s e t h m c g e h e e Dat e P l o t t e d : T h u r s d a y , N o v e m b e r 3 2 0 2 2 a t 1 1 : 3 4 A M STANDARD DETAILS WATER DETAIL-PRV C3.1 6 6 EA G L E R O A D W A T E R L I N E VE O L I A C O N N E C T I O N CO N S T R U C T I O N D O C U M E N T S CI T Y O F E A G L E AD A C O U N T Y , I D A H O 1 PRESSURE REDUCING VALVE VAULT STATION DETAIL SCALE: NTS EQUIPMENT KEYNOTES:# RUS H R D . EAGLE RD. EAGLE RD. FL O A T I N G F E A T H E R R D . E. O L D B A R N D R . PLAN VIEW - SITE PLAN - CONNECTION POINTS SITE PLAN SITE PLAN - CONNECTION POINTS C2.1 EA G L E R O A D W A T E R L I N E VE O L I A C O N N E C T I O N CO N S T R U C T I O N D O C U M E N T S CI T Y O F E A G L E AD A C O U N T Y , I D A H O 2 # 4 3 4 1 5 25 ' - 0 " ± 6 6 # 1 2 3 4 2 3 4'- 0 " 5'-0"5'-0" Fil e L o c a t i o n : g : \ c l i e n t s \ e g \ e g 2 2 - 0 0 5 8 b \ d e s i g n \ c i v i l \ e g 2 2 - 0 0 5 8 b _ d e t a i l . d w g Plo t t e d B y : s e t h m c g e h e e Dat e P l o t t e d : T h u r s d a y , N o v e m b e r 3 2 0 2 2 a t 1 1 : 3 4 A M STANDARD DETAILS WATER DETAILS C3.0 5 6 EA G L E R O A D W A T E R L I N E VE O L I A C O N N E C T I O N CO N S T R U C T I O N D O C U M E N T S CI T Y O F E A G L E AD A C O U N T Y , I D A H O 1 WATER CONNECTION DETAIL SCALE: NTS 2 PRV STATION TYPICAL LAYOUT DETAIL SCALE: NTS ATTACHMENT 7 Skate Park Open Intertie Valve Veolia Water Main Close North Valve; Disconnect North Water Main NHorseshoeBendRd EFloatingFeatherRd 11206 VEOLIA Water Idaho, INC SUEZ Idaho, Esri Community Maps Contributors, County of Ada, © OpenStreetMap, Microsoft, Esri, HERE, Garmin, SafeGraph, GeoTechnologies, Inc, METI/NASA, USGS, Bureau of Land Management, EPA, NPS, US Census Bureau, USDA, SUEZ, Ada County Ada County Address Points Abandonded Main Abandonded Service Abandonded Hydrant Branch Line Abandonded Valve Abandonded Hydrant Valve Abandonded Hydrant InactiveMainLines Unknown Abandon Inactive Removed Under Construction Inactive Valves InActive Hydrant FacilitySite Antenna Well Tanks <all other values> Storage Tank Clear Well Raw Water Tank Backwash Tank Pressure Tank Surge Tank Filter Pumps <all other values> Centrifugal Jet Reciprocating Rotary Turbine VerticalTurbine System Meters Sampling Station Electric Generator HVAC AirCompressor Exit Sign Fire Extinguisher Service PRV Main Lines Other AC (<4) AC (4-6) AC (8-10) AC (13-20) Cast Iron (<4) Cast Iron (4-6) Cast Iron (8-10) Cast Iron (12-30) 6/16/2023, 9:37:21 AM 0 30 6015ft 0 10 205m 1:350 ArcGIS Web AppBuilder Esri Community Maps Contributors, County of Ada, © OpenStreetMap, Microsoft, Esri, HERE, Garmin, SafeGraph, GeoTechnologies, Inc, METI/NASA, USGS, Bureau of Land Management, EPA, NPS, US Census Bureau, USDA | United Water Idaho, Ada County, City of Boise | SUEZ, Ada County | SUEZ Idaho | ATTACHMENT 8 Asset Description Unit of Measure ment Quantity Mains 12" Main 12" PVC, Floating Feather Road to LDS Church Connection at 2090 N. Eagle Road LF 2713 12" Main 12" PVC, Connection from main in Eagle Road to Property line at 2090 N. Eagle Road LF 48 12" Main 12" PVC, in N. Eagle Road, LDS Church Connection at 2090 N. Eagle Road to E. Rush Street LF 817 8" Main 8" PVC, E. Rush Drive LF 1130 8" Main 8" PVC, N. Ram Avenue, E. Rocky Drive, N. Big Summit Way LF 2008 8" Main 8" PVC, N. Pronghorn Lane LF 660 6" Main 6" PVC, N. Ram Avenue LF 378 Casing 16" Casing Under Dry Creek LF 50 Valves 12" Valve #3 EA 1 12" Valve #9 EA 1 12" Valve #12 EA 1 12" Valve #1 EA 1 8" Valve #2 EA 1 8" Valve #9 EA 1 8" Valve #10 EA 1 8" Valve #5 EA 1 8" Valve #6 EA 1 8" Valve #8 EA 1 8" Valve #14 EA 1 8" Valve #11 EA 1 8" Valve #1212 EA 1 6" Valve #7 EA 1 Blowoff Valve Assembly #13, N. Pronghorn Lane EA 1 Blowoff Valve Assembly #45, N. Ram Avenue EA 1 Service Connections 3/4" PE 1638 N. Eagle Road EA 1 1.5" CTS 70 W. Floating Feather Road EA 1 12" Private Hydrant Line 2090 N. Eagle Road EA 1 2" service connection 2090 N. Eagle Road EA 1 Veolia Area 4 (north on Eagle Road) Asset Summary 2" PE, Irrigation 85 E. Rush Drive, irrigation EA 1 1" service 85 E. Rush Drive, auxiliary building EA 1 1" service 85 E. Rush Drive, main house EA 1 1" service 125 E. Rush Drive EA 1 1" service 195 E. Rush Drive EA 1 1" service 275 E. Rush Drive EA 1 1" service 2112 N. Ram Avenue EA 1 1" service 2224 N. Ram Avenue EA 1 1" service 2308 N. Ram Avenue EA 1 1" service 262 E. Rocky Drive EA 1 1.5" PE service 2491 N. Pronghorn Lane EA 1 1.5" PE service 110 E. Rocky Drive EA 1 1" service 2357 N. Big Summit Way EA 1 1" service 2258 N. Big Summit Way EA 1 1" service 252 E. Rush Drive EA 1 1" service 2373 N. Ram Avenue EA 1 1" service 153 E. Rocky Drive EA 1 1" service 2328 N. Big Summit Way EA 1 3/4" service 2492 N. Pronghorn Lane EA 1 3/4" service 2536 N. Pronghorn Lane EA 1 1" service 2580 N. Pronghorn Lane EA 1 1" service 2624 N. Pronghorn Lane EA 1 Meters 3/4" PE 1638 N. Eagle Road EA 1 1.5" CTS 70 W. Floating Feather Road EA 1 2" service connection 2090 N. Eagle Road EA 1 2" PE, Irrigation 85 E. Rush Drive, irrigation EA 1 1" service 85 E. Rush Drive, auxiliary building EA 1 1" service 85 E. Rush Drive, main house EA 1 1" service 125 E. Rush Drive EA 1 1" service 195 E. Rush Drive EA 1 1" service 275 E. Rush Drive EA 1 1" service 2112 N. Ram Avenue EA 1 1" service 2224 N. Ram Avenue EA 1 1" service 2308 N. Ram Avenue EA 1 1" service 262 E. Rocky Drive EA 1 1.5" PE service 2491 N. Pronghorn Lane EA 1 1.5" PE service 110 E. Rocky Drive EA 1 1" service 2357 N. Big Summit Way EA 1 1" service 2258 N. Big Summit Way EA 1 1" service 252 E. Rush Drive EA 1 1" service 2373 N. Ram Avenue EA 1 1" service 153 E. Rocky Drive EA 1 1" service 2328 N. Big Summit Way EA 1 3/4" service 2492 N. Pronghorn Lane EA 1 3/4" service 2536 N. Pronghorn Lane EA 1 1" service 2580 N. Pronghorn Lane EA 1 1" service 2624 N. Pronghorn Lane EA 1 Hydrants Hydrant and connection line #58070, E. Rush Drive EA 1 Hydrant and connection line #58071, E. Rush Drive EA 1 Hydrant and connection line #58073, E. Rocky Drive EA 1 Hydrant and connection line #58072, N. Pronghorn Lane EA 1 Sample Station Sample Station E. Rush Drive EA 1 Overall Area 4 clip: Year Installed Unit Cost Current CPR Value of assets acquired in the acquisition (these are fully depreciated) Current CPR Value of assets that Veolia has installed since the acquisition 1993 3.75 10,182$ 1995 3.95 189$ 1994 3.67 2,998$ 1994 2.51 2,841$ 1994 2.51 5,048$ 2000 3.02 1,995$ 1994 1.70 644$ 1993 No value assigned 1993 231.40 231$ 1993 231.40 231$ 1993 231.40 231$ 1994 234.60 235$ 1994 182.40 182$ 1994 182.40 182$ 1994 182.40 182$ 1994 182.40 182$ 1994 182.40 182$ 1994 182.40 182$ 1994 182.40 182$ 2000 198.00 198$ 2000 198.00 198$ 1994 117.60 118$ 2000 73.60 74$ 2,529.90$ 1994 67.80 68$ 2,115.92$ 1993 246.27 246$ 2022 -$ 110.00$ 1995 N/A -$ 1995 497.12 497$ Veolia Area 4 (north on Eagle Road) Asset Summary 1994 493.25 493$ 1994 247.24 247$ 1994 247.24 247$ 1994 247.24 247$ 1994 247.24 247$ 1994 247.24 247$ 1994 247.24 247$ 1994 247.24 247$ 1994 247.24 247$ 2000 256.93 257$ 2000 264.86 265$ 2000 264.86 265$ 1994 247.24 247$ 1994 247.24 247$ 1994 247.24 247$ 1994 247.24 247$ 1994 247.24 247$ 1994 247.24 247$ 2000 271.48 271$ 2000 271.48 271$ 2000 256.93 257$ 2000 256.93 257$ 1993 11.02 11$ 2022 458.69$ 1995 42.49 42$ 1995 42.49 42$ 657.15$ 1994 15.21 15$ 1994 15.21 15$ 1994 15.21 15$ 1994 15.21 15$ 1994 15.21 15$ 1994 15.21 15$ 1994 15.21 15$ 1994 15.21 15$ 2000 17.81 18$ 2000 34.72 35$ 2000 34.72 35$ 1994 15.21 15$ 1994 15.21 15$ 1994 15.21 15$ 1994 15.21 15$ 1994 15.21 15$ 1994 15.21 15$ 2000 11.59 12$ 2000 11.59 12$ 2000 17.81 18$ 2000 17.81 18$ 1994 318.60 319$ 1994 318.60 319$ 1994 318.60 319$ 2000 433.43 433$ 2022 3,869.78$ Totals 35,143$ 9,741.44$ Blowoff Replaced in 2022 by Veolia, CW #116930 Blowoff Replaced in 2022 by Veolia, CW #116927 Service Installed 2022 by EWC (they also supplied materials). Only Veolia cost was inspection. CW #115723 New in 2022. Labor - $152.66, Material - $306.03 New 1.5" Neptune meter installed by Veolia, 1/6/2022. CW #115415. Labor = $152.66, Material = $306.03, Removal = $198.46 Veolia Installed a new meter (??) and fixed a leak, CW #135178 Material plus install cost from Granite (Invoice#113022-01) plus local and corp overheads Southern portion Area 4: Middle portion Area 4: North portion Area 4: Asset Description Unit of Measure ment Quantity Mains 12" PVC Floating Feather Road to E. Greebrook Street LF 2012 8" PVC E. Greenbrook Drive LF 521 Meters 2" Meter New 2" neptune meter, skatepark irrigation, 3151 E Greenbrook Dr.EA 1 2" Meter 3151 E. GreenBrook Dr.EA 1 Services 2" service 3151 E. Greenbrook Drive EA 1 Valves 12" Valve #81 EA 1 12" Valve #83 EA 1 12" Valve #511200226, Floating Feather/Old Horseshoe bend Road EA 1 8" Valve #82 EA 1 2" valve #88 EA 1 Hydrants Hydrant and Connection Piping #58199, 3151 E. Greenbrook Drive EA 1 Other System Interconnect Vault EA 1 SkatePark - Overall Veolia Eagle Skatepark Asset Summary Note: The sample station is IN Sage Acres Booster Pump Station, not off the pipeline Year Installed Unit Cost Current CPR Value (assets from the acquisition are fully depreciated) Current CPR Value of assets that Veolia has installed since the acquisition 1999 4.20$ 8,448.70$ 1999 2.88$ 1,498.80$ 2022 1,333.24$ 1,333.24$ 2013 80.95$ 80.95$ 2013 939.83$ 939.83$ 1999 249.20$ 249.20$ 1999 249.20$ 249.20$ 1998 246.00$ 246.00$ 1999 193.60$ 193.60$ 1998 71.00$ 71.00$ 1999 410.20$ 410.20$ 1999 -$ Totals 12,387.48$ 1,333.24$ Veolia Eagle Skatepark Asset Summary Veolia replaced the old meter at this location 1/6/2022. Labor = $567.06, Material = $397.60, cost of removal labor = $368.58, Total = No value assigned because it was not going to be used Current CPR Value of assets acquired in the acquisition (these are fully depreciated) Current CPR Value of assets that Veolia has installed since the acquisition Veolia Area 4 (north on Eagle Road) Asset Summary $ 35,142.68 $ 9,741.44 Veolia Eagle Skatepark Asset Summary $ 12,387.48 $ 1,333.24 ATTACHMENT 9 Months in Billing Period SUM of SUMMER_CON SUMPTION_CC F SUM of WINTER_CONS UMPTION_CCF Average Monthly Consumption (CCF) SUM of SUMMER_CONS UMPTION_CHAR GE SUM of WINTER_CONSU MPTION_CHARG E 18 6444 453 383 $7,067.03 $377.39 18 3810 378 233 $4,117.30 $312.71 18 2370 1078 192 $2,602.07 $883.28 18 1998 349 130 $2,170.24 $283.95 18 1680 250 107 $1,781.82 $208.05 18 1489 250 97 $1,606.39 $204.71 18 1414 272 94 $1,518.76 $221.68 18 1087 147 69 $1,173.54 $121.56 36 1353 219 44 $1,471.28 $183.69 18 460 69 29 $464.05 $57.07 18 384 108 27 $471.64 $85.24 18 159 189 19 $172.42 $160.87 18 214 117 18 $233.27 $96.70 18 215 105 18 $233.22 $86.47 18 179 136 18 $190.54 $113.67 7 23 26 7 $47.81 $41.67 18 52 62 6 $53.48 $51.57 18 48 50 5 $47.96 $41.45 18 35 46 5 $35.05 $37.87 17 27 39 4 $52.20 $62.23 7 16 11 4 $33.11 $17.56 18 27 35 3 $26.32 $29.20 11 17 14 3 $16.59 $11.57 Data from Veolia Billing System SUM of CUSTOMER_CHA RGE (Meter) SUM of SAFE_DRINKING _WTR_FEE SUM of EAGLE_FRANCHI SE_FEE (1% - Other) SUM of ADJUSTMENTS (Cancelled Bill Correction) SUM of Total Veolia Bills to date Service Size $377.47 $4.55 $78.22 $0.00 $7,904.66 2 $141.79 $4.55 $45.71 -$185.70 $4,436.36 1.5 $141.79 $4.55 $36.27 $0.00 $3,667.96 1 $140.27 $4.55 $25.96 $0.00 $2,624.97 1 $141.79 $4.55 $21.32 $0.00 $2,157.53 1.5 $141.79 $4.55 $19.53 $0.00 $1,976.97 0.75 $141.79 $4.55 $18.83 $0.00 $1,905.61 1 $141.79 $4.55 $14.37 $0.00 $1,455.81 1 $281.65 $9.05 $19.35 $0.00 $1,965.02 1 $376.48 $4.55 $8.97 $0.00 $911.12 2 $139.96 $4.50 $6.98 $0.00 $708.32 0.75 $141.79 $4.55 $4.76 $0.00 $484.39 1 $139.88 $4.50 $4.69 $0.00 $479.04 1 $110.94 $4.55 $4.31 $0.00 $439.49 0.75 $141.79 $4.55 $4.46 $0.00 $455.01 1 $103.86 $1.73 $1.94 $0.00 $197.01 1 $141.79 $4.55 $2.46 $0.00 $253.85 1 $141.79 $4.55 $2.31 $0.00 $238.06 1 $141.79 $4.55 $2.16 $0.00 $221.42 1 $244.34 $4.14 $3.58 $0.00 $366.49 1 $108.26 $1.80 $1.59 $0.00 $162.32 1 $141.79 $4.55 $1.97 $0.00 $203.83 1 $91.71 $2.80 $1.22 $0.00 $123.89 1 Data from Veolia Billing System Data calculated or entered from mapping Months of Summer Consumption Water Base Fee (based on meter size, backflow fee not included, includes DEQ Loan and DEQ Fee and 1CCF Consumption included in Base Fee) City of Eagle Base Monthly Fee (over the billing period) City of Eagle Consumption Cost (over the billing period) minus 1 CCF per billing period Calculated City of Eagle Bill Total 7 230.39$ 4,147.02$ $10,593.66 $14,740.68 7 130.44$ 2,347.92$ $6,421.80 $8,769.72 7 59.09$ 1,063.62$ $5,282.20 $6,345.82 7 59.09$ 1,063.62$ $3,586.66 $4,650.28 7 130.44$ 2,347.92$ $2,944.48 $5,292.40 7 34.02$ 612.36$ $2,650.34 $3,262.70 7 59.09$ 1,063.62$ $2,568.72 $3,632.34 7 59.09$ 1,063.62$ $1,872.64 $2,936.26 14 118.18$ 4,254.48$ $2,365.44 $6,619.92 7 230.39$ 4,147.02$ $786.94 $4,933.96 7 34.02$ 612.36$ $729.96 $1,342.32 7 59.09$ 1,063.62$ $508.20 $1,571.82 7 59.09$ 1,063.62$ $482.02 $1,545.64 7 34.02$ 612.36$ $465.08 $1,077.44 7 59.09$ 1,063.62$ $457.38 $1,521.00 2 59.09$ 413.63$ $64.68 $478.31 7 59.09$ 1,063.62$ $147.84 $1,211.46 7 59.09$ 1,063.62$ $123.20 $1,186.82 7 59.09$ 1,063.62$ $97.02 $1,160.64 7 59.09$ 1,004.53$ $75.46 $1,079.99 2 59.09$ 413.63$ $30.80 $444.43 7 59.09$ 1,063.62$ $67.76 $1,131.38 4 59.09$ 649.99$ $30.80 $680.79 Calculate City of Eagle Rate Data calculated or entered from mapping Average Monthly City of Eagle Bill (over the billing period) Veolia Base Fee at 100% Rates Veolia 100% Base Monthly Fee (over the billing period) plus DEQ Fee Total Veolia Consumption Charges over billing period (adjusting for 1.5CCF in Summer) Veolia Bill at 100% Rates (with Eagle Franchise) Average Monthly Veolia Bill at 100% Rates (effective 1/1/2028) $818.93 $41.71 $755.28 $14,707.69 $15,617.60 $867.64 $487.21 $26.88 $488.34 $8,882.18 $9,464.23 $525.79 $352.55 $15.71 $287.28 $6,963.29 $7,323.07 $406.84 $258.35 $15.71 $287.28 $4,913.34 $5,252.63 $291.81 $294.02 $26.88 $488.34 $4,056.17 $4,589.96 $255.00 $181.26 $12.29 $225.72 $3,643.18 $3,907.59 $217.09 $201.80 $15.71 $287.28 $3,518.28 $3,843.61 $213.53 $163.13 $15.71 $287.28 $2,597.37 $2,913.49 $161.86 $183.89 $15.71 $574.56 $3,291.16 $3,904.37 $108.45 $274.11 $41.71 $755.28 $1,108.02 $1,881.93 $104.55 $74.57 $12.29 $225.72 $1,010.48 $1,248.57 $69.36 $87.32 $15.71 $287.28 $662.17 $958.94 $53.27 $85.87 $15.71 $287.28 $657.82 $954.56 $53.03 $59.86 $12.29 $225.72 $639.53 $873.91 $48.55 $84.50 $15.71 $287.28 $614.67 $910.97 $50.61 $68.33 $15.71 $111.72 $92.76 $206.52 $29.50 $67.30 $15.71 $287.28 $213.71 $506.00 $28.11 $65.93 $15.71 $287.28 $184.33 $476.33 $26.46 $64.48 $15.71 $287.28 $149.66 $441.31 $24.52 $63.53 $15.71 $271.32 $120.25 $395.49 $23.26 $63.49 $15.71 $111.72 $52.04 $165.40 $23.63 $62.85 $15.71 $287.28 $113.38 $404.67 $22.48 $61.89 $15.71 $175.56 $57.90 $235.80 $21.44 Calculate City of Eagle Rate Calculate Veolia 100% Rates (effective 1/1/2028) 2023 Veolia Total of Bills (from actual billing data) Average monthly 2023 Veolia Bill (from actual billing data)Comments $7,904.66 $439.15 $4,436.36 $246.46 $3,667.96 $203.78 $2,624.97 $145.83 $2,157.53 $119.86 $1,976.97 $109.83 $1,905.61 $105.87 $1,455.81 $80.88 $1,965.02 $54.58 There are two meters and two accounts at 85 E Rush Dr. - both 1" $911.12 $50.62 $708.32 $39.35 $484.39 $26.91 $479.04 $26.61 $439.49 $24.42 $455.01 $25.28 $197.01 $28.14 $253.85 $14.10 $238.06 $13.23 $221.42 $12.30 $366.49 $21.56 $162.32 $23.19 $203.83 $11.32 $123.89 $11.26 Calculate Veolia 2023 Rates $0.00 $100.00 $200.00 $300.00 $400.00 $500.00 $600.00 $700.00 $800.00 $900.00 0 50 100 150 200 250 Av e r a g e M o n t h l y B i l l Average Monthly Consumption (CCF) Comparison of Average Monthly Bills versus Average Monthly Consumption Average Monthly City of Eagle Bill (over the billing period) Average Monthly Veolia Bill at 100% Rates (effective 1/1/2028) Average monthly 2023 Veolia Bill (from actual billing data) 250 300 350 400 Comparison of Average Monthly Bills versus Average Monthly Consumption City of Eagle Base Rates (includes base monthly fee, $1.54 for first 100 CF, DEQ loan $10.93, DEQ Water Safety Fee $0.34) Base Monthly Fee (meter size)Example Calc: 3/4"34.02 34.02 1"59.09 1.5"130.44 2"230.39 City of Eagle Rates Veolia 100% Rates at 1/1/2028 as of 5/1/2023 effective tariff 100% Rates - starts 1/1/2028 Rates 1/1/2027 Monthly Meter Fee 3/4"12.29$ 11.27$ 1"15.71$ 14.40$ 1.5"26.88$ 24.64$ 2"41.71$ 38.23$ SUmmer CCF (first 1.5 cccf)1.71$ 1.57$ Summer CCF 2.16$ 1.98$ Winter CCF 1.71$ 1.57$ Eagle Franchise Tax 1%1%1% City of Eagle Base Rates (includes base monthly fee, $1.54 for first 100 CF, DEQ loan $10.93, DEQ Water Safety Fee $0.34) Safe Drinking water fee (monthly)$0.25 $0.25 City of Eagle Rates Veolia Rates Veolia 100% Rates at 1/1/2028 as of 5/1/2023 effective tariff Rates 1/1/2026 Rates 1/1/2025 Rates 1/1/2024 Rates 1/1/2023 10.24$ 9.22$ 8.19$ 7.17$ 13.09$ 11.78$ 10.47$ 9.16$ 22.40$ 20.16$ 17.92$ 15.67$ 34.76$ 31.28$ 27.81$ 24.33$ 1.42$ 1.28$ 1.14$ 1.00$ 1.80$ 1.62$ 1.44$ 1.26$ 1.42$ 1.28$ 1.14$ 1.00$ 1%1%1%1% $0.25 $0.25 $0.25 $0.25 Veolia Rates ATTACHMENT 10 Jane Kreller Ken Acuff Capital Project and Consumer Engagement Manager Water Superintendent Veolia Water Idaho, Inc. City of Eagle 8428 W. Victory Road 660 E. Civic Lane Boise, Idaho 83709 Eagle, ID 83616 December 28, 2023 Dear Customer/Property Owner: The City of Eagle and Veolia have recently requested that the Idaho Public Utilities Commission remove Area 4, as depicted on the map to the right, from Veolia’s Certificated Area. Veolia currently serves customers in these areas. As a customer and/or property owner within this area, your future water service will be provided by the City of Eagle if this request is approved by the Commission. Currently, Veolia is obligated to provide water service to customers in this area upon request. This filing, if approved by the Commission, would remove that obligation and result in future water service in this area being provided by the City of Eagle. In addition, the Application proposes the transfer of ownership of certain piping such that the City of Eagle’s irrigation service connection within the Eagle Skate Park is served by the City rather than Veolia. How will this affect me? If your water service is currently provided by Veolia, and the Application is approved, your service will be switched over to the City of Eagle. If you are a property owner wanting to connect to a public water supply, you can explore connection options with the City of Eagle. Customers who obtain service from the City of Eagle will be billed by the City. The City’s current monthly water rates are as follows: • Base Monthly Fee for a ¾” meter: $25.17 • Consumption Rate per 100 cubic feet: $ 1.58 • Monthly Backflow Fee (if applicable): $ 0.50 • DEQ Water Safety Fee $ 0.34 Total Base Bill for a Residential Service: $27.09 (plus $0.50 Backflow Fee (if applicable)) For meter sizes other than ¾ inch, please see the current City of Eagle Fee Schedule, available at this link: https://www.cityofeagle.org/417/City-of-Eagle-Water How will I benefit? You will continue to receive affordable and reliable water service to your property or have the option of receiving such service in the future. Why are the City of Eagle and Veolia doing this? In 2021, Veolia and the City of Eagle agreed to request removal of Area 4 from Veolia’s certificated service area and have future water service in this area provided by the City of Eagle. The City of Eagle and Veolia have recently filed their request with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. The Commission will issue a public notice of the filing, describing procedures for public comment and Commission review of the Application. This information will be available for review on the Commission’s website at https://puc.idaho.gov/case?util=3&closed=0. Questions and available information If you have questions, please contact Kellie Rekow, City of Eagle, at krekow@cityofeagle.org or (208) 489- 8762, or Jane Kreller, Veolia, at jane.kreller@veolia.com or (208) 749-8189. The changes proposed in the Application are proposals, subject to public review and approval of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. A copy of the Application is available for public review at the office of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, as well as at the office of Veolia Water Idaho, and on the Commission’s homepage at www.puc.idaho.gov. Customers may file written comments about the Application with the Commission, and may subscribe to the Commission RSS feed for periodic updates on the Application via email. Thank you, Thank you, Jane Kreller Ken Acuff Capital Project and Consumer Engagement Manager Water Superintendent Veolia Water Idaho, Inc. City of Eagle