HomeMy WebLinkAbout20231130Affidavit C. Thaden.pdfFrom: Brad Pfannmuller <BradP@avimor.com> Sent: Thursday, May 18, 2023 5:17 PM To: Curtis Thaden <Curtis.Thaden@puc.idaho.gov> Cc: Sarah Martz <SarahM@avimor.com>; Bill M. Hadlock <bhadlock@paradigmae.com>; Cole Coba <Cole@paradigm-ors.biz>; Paul Bierlein <paulbierlein@boumausa.com>; Catherine Cooper <catherine.cooper@veolia.com> Subject: Avimor - INCA Public Charter School Good Afternoon Curtis, Thanks for taking the time to talk with me yesterday afternoon about the water service to the Charter School here in Avimor. I have attached a couple of plans that show this lot was part of a 2015 - 2016 Phase 5 Avimor Village subdivision. This lot was designed to have a 12” water main stubbed to it for the future school. (see the approved plans) the approved plans was to also have a 16” Transmission main heading north to future phases of Avimor. After much negotiation between Suez and the City of Eagle the future development land north would be served by the City of Eagle so the 16” main would not be extended to the north. It would be ideal for the school to just run a loop from the 12” stubbed line to the site and loop it around the school and back to the 12” stubbed line since it has no other future service needed north of the school site. Veolia has stated that the school is required to install a main in McLeod Way because there is not one there currently, but our stance is that the 12” Veolia main exists on both sides of McLeod Way and it does not benefit anyone to run this line between the two intersections. Since we have been asked by Scott with Veolia to contact the PUC we are reaching out to see if we could have a zoom meeting with your department and Veolia to get this resolved quickly since the school is slated to open in the fall of 2024 to reduce the current overcrowding in the valley schools. Please let me know if you have any questions and if there is a time that works for you your team. Thank you for the time on this matter. Sincerely, Brad R. Pfannmuller General Manager 208.899.1061 Bradp@avimor.com EXHIBIT 1 Page 1 of 1 8LOQ24 l ltlSTALL 180 LF a• tf'ISTM.L. .. ,5 lF IT PVC BlOCK12 23 BlOCXll 2 (.� ... , � # I � H I � 5S lF 18" DIP SEE PRESSURE "'1£AS£V"""' DETAI.. SHEET 2 I --- -JL - ... _ _ -ff L_ ______ -. -----_-----------'---"= __ -·---�. -------------------------------_ -------- N. HORSESHOE BEND RD/ P&QE'i;c DAflR; STATE HIGltWAY 55 ... _ 92.D WEST STAlE STREET BOISE. ICWtO 83714 PH0I£, (208) 830-B9J9 CONTACT; KEVI\I UCCAFmlY .llfW.IHR: N,WDR�.uc 18454 WCl.£.00 WAY BOISE. I> a3714 PH0I£, (2011) Dl1Hl34aCONTACT: aJFr 'M:>RDAI..IWI RICHTER PROJECT t OF 1)11[ MMTER NIO HOH-POTABL£ IMIHS SHN.L. BC A . JIN'Rf" tr IS � FOR 11£ IIMTER AND � 0110 AND 11E #OIN-PtfTM/IIL MAM 1$ Lt:$$ TH4N ,a N:H£S '"'1VI --11£ --PUTAIII,.£ - S<OU IIC � •ml Pfll£ fOR A l/tRANC£ Of" 10 ra:T ON Bt11H 5aS OF n..L tlWiTH Qr ilt1TH ,i'4,0, MMI AND NON-POTABLE UN£ AT ff OIOSSN'i. Pl»ir SO 7H41 N.J. JOINTS WILL 8£ .AS FM AS POS$&L W U£U OF CONSTRUCr1HG OR RECONSr1lUC"T1NG H IIK41Di' 1141N �y � EMX5ElJ IN STm.. PIP£ (1/4• ) f'OR A CISTNCf" OF 10 HOIUONTM. FEET ON BOTH SWf5"" SCl>AAADOH �NICE OF 25 F£ET SHAU. 8C IJNHTiMLTJ mot.I �M:C QISPIOSW. Sl'STlM. ,� l.t11S l-f5 OF aoc:::k" 22'. LOJS f-1.f OF m..oarc 2.J. LOlS' 22-21 OF' a.J10t .24 ,tU. �� PRESStlRf" B£1'IElN llO - l¥/£SSIJRC /lfllCJC2HC ""-\6 "' ll£ Hll>I£ SC ICSTMJJJ) IIY ODE1iS. SCALE: 1 ·=100' km __ ,.....,....... -.a11-.-snmS11RT ----:::-�:: .. ..,..... OF 0CMIOM LD1S A1iOl«JfD BY A� R£CU.W.110N � lltA7E1l S'r5'1'EIL RES10EH1W. LaJS IRRIGA110H MU. '"'1DIS"'1lll. SING!£ SERVICE: --ltxrsnNG WAID? LJNE: ---l�IS7l,NG BLOW-OFF �s ! 2 APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION SUEZ 82.48 W. lACTORT RC»D BOIS£.1Wi0 &J701 SUBDIVISION No. 5 -""""' l ._ Ila: JIIUD 5aala-,·.,oo· I _._.lat:__....,.111,c.Cn.. O.--IMY21,at n..�.5K.Z.s.e. 1a -.IJt..ci C.D (I or V EXHIBIT 2 Page 1 of 3 ----- ASftKA.t.TORl"P-NAV TO LANDSCAPE ta i--n.a N. McLEOD WAY MONUMENT S!GN IIEASBAE'/l'FROJI P SIGN � AVNOR STOP BAR PROPOSED40' ..sE/Jl,"f FROM AVIMOR -------�-�---: -1- D -... GEBN31N ) �· , ��������� �� • ""'.. ",,fiJI' • • -• ·MG�,:;;;; ____ .. ____ •----------- �- � --=--- --------- -- �--·---. ---------�'f05Ci\2E�-_...; _- ....... -""1l:........�- ------�-- N HORSESHOE BEND RD I SITE PIAN DATA; SITE.DATA: �SF/ACR.ES15.D8 ZON'ING: � COMMERCIAL {?CN) USE. PUBLIC CHARTER SCHOO. PROPOSED BUILDING COVERAGE (PROPOSED� 17,488 SF" 2.7% PROPOSED BUILDING COVERAGE {FUT, PROPOSEDlt. 34,2911 SF ,. 5.2% IMPERVIOUSAREA:149,018SF=2Z'llo PROPOSED MAX BUILDING HEIGHT: 32'-6" BUILDING SETBACKS: 40' FRONT 10 SIDE: ICJ' REAR:-1CJ' PARKING DATA; =._1��=:::1����CODECALCULATIONSJ 1STAI..LPER2STAFFIENPLOYEE(4J):215STALLS TOTALREQUIREDSTAllS= S4STAL.LS PROVIDED PARKING: 65 SPACES PNCLUOES 4 ADMWIRIER FREE SPACES! =��s;,�11�[1 PER5PARKlNGSPACESj �2���::w:,,s:a��CODECAI.CULATIONSI 1 STAI..LPER2STM'FIENPLOYEE{T.3):J6,5STAl.lS TOTAL REQUIRED STALLS =S4STALLS PROVIDED PARKING: 120 SPACES PNCt.UDES4ADMWUIIERFREESPACES] :::, �:s:.,:P PERS PARKING SP1£ESJ PARKING STAl.1. DIMEffSJONS: 9' X21' [9' X 21' REC'D PER CODE. 90 DEGREES] PARKING AISLES: 2S 'MOE/26' FOR FIRE ROUTE [25' REC'D PER CODE] 'SEE �DSCAPING PI.ANFOR SHADING COf,11UANCE • ... , .... e-I uJ 0-\-Ch'° \-o 4250 N Drinkwater Blvd, Suile 120 Scottsdale, AZ B5251 (602) 374-4066 Grand Rapids I Phoenix r Traverse City www1)818digmaeCl:llT1 H■NIIIC:ll■ON ARCHrTEc:nJRE + PLANNINI. 2325 Belmont Center Dr, Suite 8 Belmont, Michigan 49306 I I ca� E C 0 .,'l i ::::s !l' " � t 0 _g g-"'m ,,, � g�� "'"'-' 5n�EW • tll012J DRAWN BY: CHECKED: DSH OVERALL SITE PLAN PROJECT No • 220728 ,-.. -inn EXHIBIT 2 Page 2 of 3 ----------------------------- ' ''-__ _ \ c::ii::N€CT TO £XISTNC t6 .. .0fl 2. -18"' <X>I.RMCS lll.00(24 l --�<C. --:..-=.-::..--:...,,,,,,. (,r t..e.V-lll.00(12 23 \ \ \..----- ff ;i Ii I # 55 LF 18" DtP RE -• ,,e. C.11" �e"'- L------------------------------------------------------------ N.HOaSESHOEBENDFID/ STATE -AY S5 fflQ81 OAflZt ... .......,,,... 9233 WEST STATE SIRED � IWfO 8.J714 -(21l8) .,._...,. CONrACT: l<EYN MCCARTlfY � N<IIY0R DE.\nOPIIENf, u.c 11454 WCI.BX) WAY BOISE. IJ 83714 l'MCIE,(200)030---034.3 cc»ffACT: aJFF WORIW... -- PROJECT t I NO SCALE ..V.. SEP�JJOH OF 1H£ MMml' AND HON•l"OTMII.E. � � SC A � ra F£ET. WfER£ ff lS HEaSSNW FOR THE. *'fflf NQ JOI.-POT'N!IU � £},CH arHER AHO 114: HOH-Pt1UIIU WM 8 Lf3S THIN IJI WOl£S NJO,£ IIIC '"'IVI - IIIC --.POTNILE - SHILL B£ � P51 Q.4S" lll10f Pl'! fOlf A 11/!ilANCC OF tO nrr ON (JJ(t1H sas or IMl'lt. O#C fW_ l..CNC1U OF 8(11H Jll,ATlll ¥4M MIO 191-l'O'TABtE UN£ CCJllFR£D Ar TIE 0IOS$N:" PCJHf .SO nk1' liU.. JCJNTS lllt.L B£ AS FAR CAa$Sl!ilC A.S PDSSK£ IN LEU OF COHSfRUC(H; DR � 1A8L£. � r>£ �m, � »-Y « o«::ASED M snn PIPE (rt•· �����·������ MAW TD AIIY $Ull5Ull1'Aa 01:SPQSAt. S'rSTDL ,,. or aoac JJ. WTS 1-15 OF si.ooc .u.. LDJS ,_,,. OF Sl.DCK 2.1. 2---<t � t01'S 22-2S OF 11..00t 2.f KL IM� PRESSUR£ BETIEEH 80 1'7- - - � 11£1)(.C>t; IMLl£S"' llfC JOE NID SKW. BC l'C5'1MJ.tl) fl'f OTHER$. SCALE: 1 "=100' I I --tlalll'laD� 1111..srmm� ---"::-�:: 7S PMMOED BY A� R£CLAMIDCW lER S')SJEJL R!SJDEH1Mt. LDrS lfRIGA710N MU rtR =nl< APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION No. 5 �-==::.,:i:::""��:I�lt::J=='=-�'-'--=-7icr.-?1-E;:· E•-��::::::::::::::::::j��11 .sa.: 1·-100· s..-� ........... k.,ca.. O..-IIIIT:t:7, r�.--z.s.c. ta cc.it, a..t: o.o , or 1J EXHIBIT 2 Page 3 of 3 From: Pierce, Scott <scott.pierce@veolia.com> Sent: Thursday, May 25, 2023 10:32 AM To: Curtis Thaden <Curtis.Thaden@puc.idaho.gov>; Rick Keller <Rick.Keller@puc.idaho.gov> Cc: Catherine Cooper <catherine.cooper@veolia.com> Subject: IPUC - Idaho Novus Classical Academy Curtis & Rick, Thanks for meeting with us today to discuss this Project. Attached is the PDF of Design Options we were referencing during the meeting today and the Avimor Subdivision #5 VEOLIA Plan. VEOLIA's review of this Project finds that this is not a Service Connection but is a Main Extension. o Rules and Regulations Governing The Rendering of Service. ▪Sheet No.28 ▪7. The Company will make all connections to its existing mains which front the property to be served and will furnish, install, and maintain all service lines from the main to and including the meter box or vault, meters and service setting. The meter box or vault shall be placed inside the curb line or Company right-of-way. All service lines shall be property of the Company and shall be accessible to and under its control. In instances where the existing mains do not front the property to be served, the Applicant shall enter into the appropriate main extension agreement as provided under Company's Rules and Regulations Governing Main Extensions. SInce no VEOLIA Main fronts this Property a Main Extension is required. o Rules and Regulations Governing Water Main Extensions ▪Sheet No. 37 ▪61. The normal routing for water main extensions shall be in dedicated streets. The Company may, but will not be required to, make extensions under this rule in easements or rights-of-way where final grades have not been established or where street grades have not been brought to those established by public authority. If extensions are made when grades have not been established and there is a reasonable probability that existing grade will be changed, the Company shall require the Applicant(s) to deposit the estimated cost for altering the facilities installed. ▪Sheet No. 38 ▪62. Company shall design and be the sole judge as to the adequacy of any water main extension and appurtenances. ▪Sheet No. 39 ▪69. A water main extension must extend to the extreme property lines of the building lot to be served. We feel that the proposed Main Extension below meets our Tariffs and is in the best interest of our existing Customers. EXHIBIT 3 Page 1 of 2 Thanks Scott Pierce Construction Supervisor Idaho Operations (Municipal) VEOLIA NORTH AMERICA UNITED STATES Office +1 (208) 362-7329 8248 W Victory Rd / Boise, ID 83709 scott.pierce@veolia.com www.veolianorthamerica.com EXHIBIT 3 Page 2 of 2 From: Curtis Thaden Sent: Thursday, May 25, 2023 2:38 PM To: Brad Pfannmuller <BradP@avimor.com>; Cole Coba <Cole@paradigm-ors.biz> Cc: Rick Keller <Rick.Keller@puc.idaho.gov> Subject: Update - Veolia - Line Extension (Avimor) Hi Brad and Cole, Based on Rick Keller’s review of Veolia’s tariff, his discussions with Brad, and our conversation this morning with both Cathy Cooper and Scott Pierce, we believe Veolia is following the requirements of the Company’s tariff. During our meeting with the Company we discussed your proposal. Veolia believes the cost of your proposed routing might be just as expensive as running the new 12” main line in N. Mcleod Way. Veolia suggested procuring two bids while working through the details with the Company for verification. However, Veolia will not deviate from its position. The Company’s tariff can be found at the following link: https://puc.idaho.gov/Fileroom/PublicFiles/WATER/VEO/General/0Tariff/Veolia%20Water%20Idaho%20 Inc.pdf Since no Veolia Main fronts the property, a Main Extension is required per the Company’s tariff. o Rules and Regulations Governing The Rendering of Service. ▪Sheet No.28 ▪7. The Company will make all connections to its existing mains which front the property to be served and will furnish, install, and maintain all service lines from the main to and including the meter box or vault, meters and service setting. The meter box or vault shall be placed inside the curb line or Company right-of-way. All service lines shall be property of the Company and shall be accessible to and under its control. In instances where the existing mains do not front the property to be served, the Applicant shall enter into the appropriate main extension agreement as provided under Company's Rules and Regulations Governing Main Extensions. o Rules and Regulations Governing Water Main Extensions ▪Sheet No. 37 ▪61. The normal routing for water main extensions shall be in dedicated streets. The Company may, but will not be required to, make extensions under this rule in easements or rights-of-way where final grades have not been established or where street grades have not been brought to those established by public authority. If extensions are made when grades have not been established and there is a reasonable probability that existing grade will be changed, the Company shall require the Applicant(s) to deposit the estimated cost for altering the facilities installed. EXHIBIT 4 Page 1 of 2 ▪Sheet No. 38 ▪62. Company shall design and be the sole judge as to the adequacy of any water main extension and appurtenances. ▪Sheet No. 39 ▪69. A water main extension must extend to the extreme property lines of the building lot to be served. In summary, Veolia is unwilling to change its position and accept your proposal. Staff is unable to Order the Company to accept your proposal. You have the option to file a formal complaint to challenge Veolia’s position. A favorable outcome for your proposal is unknown. I will be out of the office for the rest of the day. If you have any questions please contact Rick (208-334- 0348). Thanks, Curtis Thaden Idaho Public Utilities Commission 208-334-0322 EXHIBIT 4 Page 2 of 2 -----Original Message----- From: Curtis Thaden Sent: Monday, October 2, 2023 3:46 PM To: Paul Bierlein <paulbierlein@boumausa.com> Subject: Idaho Public Utilities Commission Hi Paul, Thank you for contacting the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (Commission) regarding the line extension issue with Veolia North America. In May 2023, IPUC staff was contacted by Brad Pfannmuller of Avimor. As you are aware, the Commission staff was unable to resolve the issue through the informal complaint process. Is your intent to file an informal complaint or a formal complaint? When an individual is dissatisfied with the outcome of their informal complaint, they may file a formal complaint for review by the Commission under its Rules of Procedure, IDAPA et seq” - Rule 054. Formal Complaints – Defined – Contents and Process, available online at: https://adminrules.idaho.gov/rules/current/31/310101.pdf. The formal complaint must be in writing, state the facts and specify how you they would like the problem to be resolved. Unlike an informal complaint, which is handled by the commission’s staff, the commissioners must consider a formal complaint. The commissioners will decide whether it is appropriate to accept the formal complaint. If it is accepted, a formal legal proceeding will be started. If the Commission does not accept the formal complaint, then nothing further will be done by the Commission. In summary, a formal complaint should state: • The name of the utility or person the complaint is against. • A full statement of the facts constituting the acts or omissions of the utility or person against whom the complaint is filed, and the dates when the acts or omissions occurred. • The specific provision of statute, rule, order, notice, tariff or other controlling law that the utility or person has violated. • What action or outcome should be taken to resolve the complaint. The address to send the formal complaint to the Commission is: Idaho Public Utilities Commission PO Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 In lieu of mailing the complaint, the complaint may be electronically submitted to the Commission Secretary by emailing it to jan.noriyuki@puc.idaho.gov. Please know that a formal complaint becomes part of the Commission’s public records for anyone to view. If you have any questions, please let me know. My contact information is listed below. EXHIBIT 5 Page 1 of 2 Curtis Thaden Idaho Public Utilities Commission 208-334-0322 EXHIBIT 5 Page 2 of 2