HomeMy WebLinkAbout20230522Comments_2.pdf1 The following comment was submited via PUCWeb: Name: Brad Betencourt Submission Time: May 19 2023 2:49PM Email: bbgrizz@outlook.com Telephone: 208-559-0673 Address: 5051 South Hopi Circle Boise, ID 83709 Name of U�lity Company: Veolia Water Case ID: VEO-W-23-01 Comment: "As you may know there are several neighborhoods around the valley that the wells are drying up. My neighborhood is one of them, and there are several homes in my neighborhood that are facing this issue. My hope is that you the PUC body will do everything in your power to review this case and approve it as quickly as possible so Veolia and Ada County can move forward and install the water mains before even more wells dry up. There are some in the area that are out of water and several of us that are on bowered �me, just hope our wells will hold out un�l this water line project gets completed. So again please review and approve this case as quickly as possible. Thank you for your �me and you can contact me at any �me. Thanks Brad" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following comment was submited via PUCWeb: Name: Michael Nadeau Submission Time: May 20 2023 7:36AM Email: snadeau01@msn.com Telephone: 208-867-9855 Address: 9730 W Desert Ave Boise, ID 83709 Name of U�lity Company: Want to connect to veolia Case ID: VEO-W-23-01 Comment: "Dear PUC, Our 98 foot well went dry in April 2022. We found that drilling a new well was 6 months out and cost $35k. I checked into what connec�ng to Veolia would cost and es�mated $110k. Got the neighbors involved and started talking to county and others about financial assistance. Nothing was available for us as individuals and only group wells. By connec�ng w neighbors we got contracts drawn up last summer for installa�on and county found ARPA funds to help us out. Everything got delayed as lawyers got involved. Meanwhile, many new neighbors began to have failing wells. This project is an EMERGENCY! Please give the green light to move forward as quickly as possible bypassing the normal procedural �meline. By the �me bids and contracts and scheduling are lined out, more people will be 2 going dry and the winter will be approaching. Please help us by moving this along quickly. Water is a human need and right in the USA. Watching my 66 year old wife hauling buckets of water upstairs to flush the toilet when my back went out was pathe�c and dangerous. Everyone should be suppor�ve and many of us re�rees were unable to fund the changes without the county and ARPA assistance. Please hurry! Thank you for considera�on given my request. Sincerely, Michael Steven Nadeau 9730 W Desert Ave Boise, ID" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------