HomeMy WebLinkAbout20221110Reply Comments.pdfPreston N. Carter, ISB No. 8462 Morgan D. Goodin, ISB No. I1184 Givens Pursley LLP 601 W. Bannock St. Boise, D 83702 Telephone: (208) 388-1200 Facsimile: (208) 388-l 300 prestoncarter(@ eivenspursley. com morsansoodinfa) givenspursl ey. com Attorneys for Veolia Water ldaho, Inc. BEFORE THE IDAHO PI]BLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION H[fl[IVED rii:i ii0'i l0 Pl{ 3: I I -' r' , .' ; "-.{frLlt: I i- rt ;i_:ii{F*{lSSlON IN THE MATTER OF VEOLIA WATER IDAHO, INC.'S APPLICATION TO AMEND BRIAN WATER SURCHARGE AND REFUND CUSTOMERS. CaseNo. VEO-W-22-03 Vrolra WereR Ioeuo [NC.'s Rrplv CouusNrs Veolia Water ldaho, Inc. ("Veolia" or "Company") submits these comments in response to the comments filed in this case by the Idaho Public Utility Commission Staff ("Staff Comments"). Veolia appreciates Staff s concerns and diligence in reviewing the Application in this case, as well as Staffs general support for approving the tariffrevisions. StaffComments at 2. Regarding administration of the credit, Veolia does not dispute that StafPs analysis is theoretically sound, but it is difficult to implement. See id. at24. Staffs recommendation- crediting individual customer principal balances on the date the payments were made-<reates complexity. Because this would need to be computed manually and tracked individually, StafPs method would increase overall costs as well as the likelihood of mistakes. [t may also be more difficult for customers to understand than a one-time credit. Finally, Veolia's proposal of the one-time credit benefits customers by returning the refund now rather than waiting. CoMpeNv's REPLY CoMMENTS PAGE 1 oF 3 In light of the Application, the supporting informatioq aod the oomments received in the casg Veolia respectfully requests that the Commission issue an order granting tho relief sought in the Applicatioo. DATED: November 10, 2022. a,A-b By: PrestonN. Carter Givens PursleyLLP Auorneysfor Yeolia Water ldaho, Inc. Coupauy's REpr,y CotrlueNrs P.lae 2 or3 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I IIEREBY CERTIFY THAT onNovember 10, 2022,I caused a tnre and correct copy of the foregoing to be s€rved upon the following parties as indicated below: JanNoripki Commission Seo*ary Idaho Public Utilities Commission P.O. Box 83720 Boise,Idaho 8372G0074 ian.noriyuki@Auc. idaho. gov secretarv(Dnuc.idaho. eov EI Etr Fmail U.S. Mail Fax Hand Delivery ,,AFb PrestonN. Carter CoupaNv'sRrplv@uurNm PeoB 3 or3