HomeMy WebLinkAbout20220818Application.pdfPreston N. Carter, ISB No. 8462 Morgan D. Goodin, ISB No. I I184 Givens Pursley LLP 601 W. Bannock St. Boise, ID 83702 Telephone: (208) 388-1200 Facsimile: (208) 388- I 300 prestoncarter(@ givenspurslev. com morqan qoo d i n (a) g i v enspurs I ey. c om Attorneys for Veolia Water ldaho, Inc. BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION TO AMEND BRIAN WATER SURCHARGE AND REFUND CUSTOMERS.AppLrceroN ToAMEND BruaN Wernn SuncHence AND To REFLTND CustoueRs Veolia Water Idaho, [nc. ("Veolia" or "Company") respectfully files this Application to Amend Brian Water Surcharges and Refund Customers, pursuant to the Commission's Rule of Procedure 52.ln support of this Application, Veolia states as follows. 1. In Case No. UWI-W-14-01, the Commission authorized the Company to, among other things, collect from customers that live in the Brian Subdivision "a fixed surcharge to [the Company] every other month for l0 years once interconnection with [the Company's] system is complete and final costs are determined." See Order No. 33195 at 6, Case No. UWI-W-14-01 (Dec. 17, 2014). 2. To implement the surcharge, the Commission ordered the Company to file a conforming tariff that confirmed to Attachment 3 to Staff s comments in that case. Id. at ll. 3. Pursuant to that Order, the Company filed, and the Commission approved, a tariff identified as Schedule No. lC, Brian Subdivision Surcharge. The tariff reflects a bimonthly CaseNo. VEO-tt-2?.4) AppucettoN PAGE I oF4 surcharge in the amount of $141.35, or a monthly surcharge of $69.24 for Budget Billing customers. The tariff, in clean and redline form showing the amendments sought in this Proceeding, is attached to this Application as Exhibit l. 4. It recently came to the Company's attention that there was a computational error in the surcharge amount. This error flowed from a formula in the Excel spreadsheet that had been incorrectly used. The error resulted in a surcharge that was $2.87 too high for customers that paid a bimonthly surcharge. 5. To address this error, the Company requests that the Commission approve a revised tariff, in the form of the proposed revised tariffattached as Exhibit l,r that amends the surcharge amount to $138.48 for customers who pay bimonthly and to 969.24 for Budget Billing customers. 6. [n addition, upon approval of the revised tariff, the Company will provide credits on customer bills in the amount of the customer's surcharge overpayment, including interest at a rate of ZYq which is the amount of interest on customer deposits. 7. Customers who paid the surcharge, but who are not current customers, will receive a refund check in the amount of the surcharge overpayment plus interest mailed to the customers' last known address. Rnqursr FoR MoDTFTED PRocEDURE Veolia does not believe that a hearing is necessary to consider the matters presented in this Application, and requests that the Application be processed by modified procedure under the Commission's rules. I The proposed tariffs show an effective date of August 4,2022, but that will be amended to reflect the effective date of the Order approving the tariffs. AppLtcRttoN PecE 2 or4 PRl,vpn FoRRELIEF Based on the information presented in this Application, Veolia respectfully requests that the Commission enter an order: l. Processing this proceeding by modified procedure; 2. Approving the amended Schedule No. lC, Brian Subdivision Surcharge, in the form of Exhibit I to this Application, effective upon the Commissionos order in this proceeding; 3. Authorizing and directing Veolia to refirnd customers as proposed in paragraphs 6 and 7 of this Application; and 4. Any other relief that is just and reasonable. DATED: August 18,2022. By:,/ ____--. 4_Z::__ PrestonN. Carter Givens Pursley LLP Attornqsfor Veolia Water ldaho, Inc. ApptrcanoN P^ecn 3 or4 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT on August 18,2022,I caused a hre and eorrect copy of the forcgoing to be served upon the following parties as indicated below: JanNoriyuki Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission P.O. tsox 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-007 4 ian noriyuki@Auc. idaho. gov secretarv@puc.idaho. eov autrtr Email U.S. Mail Fa:r HandDelivery ."A/-> PreetonN. Carter Arpr,rcerroN PAGE4oF4 - El -tr -l+{r{X Frl EXHIBIT 1 Sheet No.13 Replacing all Previous Sheets SUEZ WATER IDAHO INC. SCHEDULE NO. lC To all metered customers, who were previously customers of Brian Subdivision Water Users Association Inc., Iocated in the Brian Subdivision, Ada County, Haho. Surcharqe Amount A bi-monthly surcharge in the amount of $138.48 will be billed every other month unless the customer is enrolled in Budget Billing. Budget Billing customers wil! be billed $69.24 monthly.The surcharge is in addition to charges for water service as specified in Schedule No. 1, General Metered Service and other applicable charges Conditions of Contract: The surcharge set forth above shall take effect in the first billing period following the customer's connection to the Company's distribution system, computation of final project costs, and approva! by the ldaho Public Utilities Commission. The surcharge shall continue for a period of ten (10) years until November 12,2028. The surcharge shall attach to the customer service address and payment thereof shall be the responsibility of subsequent customers taking service at that address. The Company shall not propose to change the surcharge amount, terms or conditions in subsequent general rate proceedings. ln lieu of the surcharge, a customer may elect to pay a single lump sum payment equal to the NPV of the surcharge amount owed at the time of election. The lump sum amount must be paid within thirty (30) days of the customer's election and shal! be irrevocable. Issued Per IPUC Order No. 35247 Effective - August 4,2022 lssued by SUEZ WATER IDAHO lNC. Marshall Thompson, Vice President 8248 West Victory Road, Boise, lD Sheet No.13 Replacing all Previous Sheets SUEZ WATER IDAHO INC. SCHEDULE NO. lC BRIAN SUBDIVISION SURCHARGE To all metered customers, who were previously customers of Brian Subdivision Water Users Association lnc., located in the Brian Subdivision, Ada County, Haho. Surcharqe Amount A bi-monthly surcharge in the amount of $1a#l_38.a8 will be billed every other month unless the customer is enrolled in Budget Billing. Budget Billing customers wil! bebilled$@monthly.Thesurchargeisinadditiontochargesforwater service as specified in Schedule No. 1, General Metered Service and other applicable charges. Conditions of Contract: The surcharge set forth above shall take effect in the first billing period following the customefs connection to the Company's distribution system, computation of final project costs, and approval by the ldaho Public Utilities Commission. The surcharge shall continue for a period of ten (10) years until November 12,2028. The surcharge shall attach to the customer service address and payment thereof shall be the responsibility of subsequent customers taking service at that address. The Company shall not propose to change the surcharge amount, terms or conditions in subsequent general rate proceedings. ln lieu of the surcharge, a customer may elect to pay a single lump sum payment equal to the NPV of the surcharge amount owed at the time of election. The lump sum amount must be paid within thirty (30) days of the customer's election and shall be irrevocable. lssued Per IPUC Order No. 35247 Effective - lssued by SUEZ WATER IDAHO lNC. Marshall Thompson, Vice President 8248 West Victory Road, Boise, lD