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Preston N. Carter, ISB No. 8462 Blake W. Ringer, ISB No. 11223 Givens Pursley LLP 601 W. Bannock St. Boise, Idaho 83702 Telephone: (208) 388-1200 Facsimile: (208) 388-1300 prestoncarter@givenspursley.com blakeringer@givenspursley.com Attorneys for Veolia Water Idaho, Inc. BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION VEOLIA WATER IDAHO, INC. FOR WATER SERVICE IN CASE NO. VEO-W-22-02 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION EXHIBIT NO. 19, EXHIBIT NO. 20 & EXHIBIT NO. 21 TO ACCOMPANY THE REBUTTAL TESTIMONY OF DAVID NJUGUNA RECEIVED 2023 March, 8 4:42PM IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION VEOLIA WATER IDAHOSTATEMENT OF OPERATING INCOME PER BOOKS AND PROFORMA UNDERPRESENT AND PROPOSED RATES FOR THE TEST YEAR ENDING MARCH 31, 2023 Column Column Column Column Column Column Line (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6) No. Under Proposed Rates Adjustment As Filed Rebuttal Rebuttal Description Reference Test Year Adjustment Test Year Adjustments Proforma 1 Operating Revenues Exh No.17, Sch 1 $51,717,859 ($352,454)$51,365,405 $12,410,640 $63,776,045 Operating Expenses Taxes Other Than Income Income Taxes Case No. VEO-W-22-0221Revenue Deficiency less Intervenor Funding $12,410,640 Exhibit No. 19 Order No. 35063)D.Njuguna A B Plant Account Gross Plant In Net Depreciable 301-10 Organization 103,738$ -$ (6,986)$ 96,752$ 0.00%- Organization-CIAC - (9,878) - (9,878) 0.00%- 302-10 Franchise Rights 41,182 - - 41,182 0.00%- 303-20 Land & Land Rights - Source of Supply 2,767,234 - (387,217) 2,380,017 0.00%- 303-2W Water Rights - Source of Supply 8,693,635 - - 8,693,635 0.00%- 303-30 Land & Land Rights - Water Treatment 889,034 - - 889,034 0.00%- 303-40 Land & Land Rights - Trans. & Distrib.1,083,954 - 3,644 1,087,598 0.00%- 303-50 Land & Land Rights - General Plant 213,383 - - 213,383 0.00%- Land and Land Rights-CIAC - (341,987) - (341,987) 0.00%- 304-20 Structures and Improvements - Source of Supply 8,322,813 - (566,333) 7,756,480 2.62%203,450 Str & Imprv.-Source of Supply-CIAC - (435,987) - (435,987) 2.62%(11,436) 304-30 Structures and Improvements - Water Treatment 15,979,326 - - 15,979,326 2.38%379,582 304-40 Structures and Improvements - Trans. & Distrib.3,297,361 - 8,485 3,305,846 2.89%95,545 304-50 Structures and Improvements - General Plant 6,493,553 - - 6,493,553 2.73%177,085 305-20 Collecting & Impounding Reservoirs - Source of Supply 44,944 - - 44,944 1.67%749 Coll. & Impound. Reservoirs-Source of Supply-CIAC - - - 1.67%- 306-20 Lake, River & Other Intakes 1,518,794 (72,696) - 1,446,098 1.68%24,347 307-20 Wells & Springs 9,765,315 - (132,638) 9,632,677 1.74%167,249 Wells & Springs-CIAC - (1,405,459) - (1,405,459) 1.74%(24,403) 308-20 Infiltration Galleries & Tunnels - - - - 0.00%- 309-20 Supply Mains 3,073,139 - (40,115) 3,033,024 1.30%39,474 Supply Mains-CIAC - (9,391) - (9,391) 1.30%(122) 310-20 Power Generation Equipment 3,694,428 - 1,761 3,696,189 4.25%157,259 311-20 Power Electric Pumping Equipment - Source of Supply 19,087,387 - (473,841) 18,613,546 4.65%865,634 Electric Pump. Equip.-Source of Supply-CIAC - (3,124,126) - (3,124,126) 4.65%(145,289) 311-20 Power Diesel Pumping Equipment - Source of Supply - - - - 4.65%- 311-30 Power Pumping Equipment - Water Treatment 4,713,448 - - 4,713,448 4.65%219,202 311-40 Power Pumping Equipment - Trans. & Distrib. 8,978,016 - 23,337 9,001,353 4.65%418,613 320-30 Water Treatment Equipment 36,067,469 - (12,775) 36,054,694 2.62%945,838 320-30 Water Treatment Equipment - Membranes 1,352,558 - - 1,352,558 0.26%3,484 Water Treatment Equipment-CIAC - (34,619) - (34,619) 2.62%(908) 330-40 Distribution Reservoirs & Standpipes 20,758,916 - (827,861) 19,931,055 2.13%424,443 Distribution Reservoirs & Standpipes-CIAC - (2,108,957) - (2,108,957) 2.13%(44,911) 331-10 Trans. & Distrib. Mains & Accessories - Intangible - - - - 0.00%- 331-20 Trans. & Distrib. Mains & Accessories - SOS - - - - 0.00%- 331-40 Trans. & Distrib. Mains & Accessories 264,772,389 - (2,135,602) 262,636,787 1.82%4,779,990 T&D Mains & Accessories-CIAC - (118,420,342) - (118,420,342) 1.82%(2,155,250) 333-40 Services 107,927,889 - (228,199) 107,699,690 2.19%2,358,623 Services-CIAC - (30,591,422) - (30,591,422) 2.19%(669,952) 334-40 Meters and Meter Installations 19,123,518 - - 19,123,518 5.36%1,025,559 Meters-CIAC - (116,799) - (116,799) 5.36%(6,264) 335-40 Hydrants 16,195,609 - (6,986) 16,188,623 2.47%399,264 Hydrants-CIAC - (5,401,073) - (5,401,073) 2.47%(133,208) 336-40 Backflow Prevention Devices - - - - 0.00%- 339-10 Other Plant & Misc. Equipment - Intangible - - - - 0.00%- 339-20 Other Plant & Misc. Equipment - Source of Supply - - - - 0.00%- 339-30 Other Plant & Misc. Equipment - Water Treatment - - - - 0.00%- 339-40 Other Plant & Misc. Equipment - Trans. & Distrib.- - - - 0.00%- 339-50 Other Plant & Misc. Equipment - General Plant - - - - 0.00%- 340-500 Office Furniture and Equipment 1,444,144 - - 1,444,144 6.67%96,276 340-5A0 New CIS System - - - - 0.00%- 340-5A0 AM / FM System - - - - 0.00%- 340-5H0 Computer Equipment - Hardware 54,642 - - 54,642 20.00%10,928 340-5I0 IT Initiatives - - - - 20.00%- 340-5S0 Computer Equipment - Software 67,491 - - 67,491 20.00%13,498 Office Furniture & Equipment-CIAC - (393) - (393) 6.67%(26) 341-50 Transportation Equipment 1,129,070 - - 1,129,070 9.49%107,185 342-50 Stores Equipment 216,491 - - 216,491 4.76%10,309 343-50 Tools, Shop and Garage Equipment 1,670,174 - - 1,670,174 5.88%98,246 343-50 Confined Space Monitor, Generator, Trench Shield - - - - 5.88%- 344-50 Laboratory Equipment 49,478 - - 49,478 10.00%4,948 Laboratory Equipment-CIAC - (16,847) - (16,847) 10.00%(1,685) 345-50 Power Operated Equipment 201,101 - - 201,101 8.78%17,656 345-50 Power Operated Equipment - - - - 8.78%- 346-50 Communications Equipment 5,291,101 (148,955) 212,539 5,354,686 5.53%295,917 347-50 Miscellaneous Equipment 176,171 - - 176,171 6.67%11,745 347-50 Miscellaneous Equipment - - - - 6.67%- 348-50 Other Tangible Property 1,093,701 - - 1,093,701 2.00%21,874 348-50 Master Plan 2,117,888 - - 2,117,888 10.00%211,789 Amortization of Reserve Balance Difference 90,983 (10 Year Period)-See Depreciation Study (SUZ-W-20-02) TOTAL 578,470,486$ (162,238,932)$ (4,568,788)$ 411,662,766$ 10,483,290$ Total Test Year Depreciation Expense 10,483,290$ Test Year Depr booked to Transportation Expense (107,185)$ Net Test Year Depreciation Expense (Rebuttal)10,376,105$ Net Test Year Depreciation Expense per Company Filing 10,647,090 Rebuttal Adjustment (270,985)$ Case No. VEO-W-22-02Exhibit No. 20 Schedule 2 D.Njuguna Line PRESENT PROPOSEDNo.RATES RATES(1)(2) 1.OPERATING INCOME BEFORE INCOME TAXES 15,007,864$ 27,320,540$ 2 Interest Expense (A)4,975,486 4,975,486 3 Excess Tax Over Book Depreciation (C)3,133,391 3,133,391 4 TOTAL TAX DEDUCTIONS 8,108,877 8,108,877 5 Taxable Income-State 6,898,987 19,211,663 6 State Income Tax at 5.8%400,141$ 1,114,276$ 7 Federal Taxable Income (L.1-L.2-L.6)9,632,236$ 21,230,777$ 8 Federal Income Tax at 21%2,022,770$ 4,458,463$ 9 Less: Amortization of ITC (48,240)$ (48,240)$ 10 NET FEDERAL INCOME TAX EXPENSE 1,974,530$ 4,410,223$ (A) CALCULATION OF INTEREST EXPENSE DEDUCTION:11 Pro Forma Rate Base 280,685,480$ 12 Debt Percentage of Capitalization 44.427% 13 Debt Portion of Rate Base 124,698,907 14 Debt Rate 3.99% 15 INTEREST EXPENSE 4,975,486$ (B) CALCULATION OF ADJUSTMENT TO INTEREST EXPENSE: 16 Interest Expense for the 12 months ended June 30, 2022 4,326,018$ 17 Allocation of Amortization of additional debt costs 115,052 18 Interest expense net of the amortization of additional debt costs 4,210,965 19 Direct Amortization of additional debt costs 122,942 20 Adjusted per books interest expense 4,333,907 21 Pro-forma interest expense based upon rate base and capital structure 4,975,486$ 22 Adjustment to Interest Expense 641,579$ 23 (C) EXCESS TAX OVER BOOK DEPRECIATION: 24 Pro Forma Tax Depreciation 10,766,376$ 26 EXCESS TAX OVER BOOK DEPRECIATION (C)3,133,391$ Case No. VEO-W-22-02 Exhibit No. 20 Schedule 4 D.Njuguna Line No.Rate Base 280,685,480$ 1 Required Rate of Return 7.77% 2 Required Net Operating Income 21,809,262 3 Adjusted Net Operating Income Realized 12,633,193 4 Net Operating Income Deficiency 9,176,069 5 Net To Gross Multiplier 1.3545 6 Gross Revenue Increase less Intervenor Funding (Order 35603)12,410,640$ 7 Net Operating Income Requirement 1.0000000 8 IPUC Assessment Rate 0.0019950 9 Uncollectible Accounts Expense 0.0058986 10 Rate Applicable to O&M Expense & IPUC Assessment 0.0078936 11 State Tax Rate 0.0580000 12 Effective Net State Tax Rate 0.0575422 13 Federal Income Tax Residual 0.0654358 14 Incremental Federal Income Tax Rate 0.2100000 15 Effective Federal Tax Rate 0.1962585 16 Composite:IPUC Fees, Uncollectibles & Income Taxes 0.261694 17 Composite Residual 0.738306 18 Net to Gross Multiplier 1.3545 Case No. VEO-W-22-02 Exhibit No. 20 Schedule 4 D.Njuguna As filed Rebuttal Rebuttal Line No. Rate Base Element Exhibit 21 Schedule Reference Basis of Calculation Amount Adjustment Amount 1 Gross Utility Plant in Service Schedule 3 End of Test Year 578,861,098$ (390,612)$ 578,470,486$ 2 Schedule 4 End of Test Year (191,267,542) 2,662,538 (188,605,003) 5 Schedule 6 End of Test Year (112,913,720) (2,649,453) (115,563,173) Exhibit No. 21 Schedule 1 D. Njuguna Veolia Water IdahoSummary Rate Base Calculation Monthly Balance Worksheet Case VEO-W-22-02 1 Utility Plant in Service $ 543,931,773 $ 547,633,749 $ 548,809,064 $ 553,641,392 $ 557,343,325 $ 558,681,156 $ 555,824,411 $ 557,566,970 $ 560,869,749 571,591,827$ 571,950,206$ 575,098,483$ 578,470,486$ 2 Gross Plant In Service 543,931,773 547,633,749 548,809,064 553,641,392 557,343,325 558,681,156 555,824,411 557,566,970 560,869,749 571,591,827 571,950,206 575,098,483 578,470,486 3 Accumulated Depreciation-Utility Plant (144,938,973) (145,196,607) (145,803,220) (145,566,086) (146,144,473) (146,738,627) (142,146,489) (142,661,082) (142,406,744)(142,769,896) (143,373,989) (143,857,053) (138,186,441) 4 Retirement Work in Progress 6,357,438 7,346,577 1,020,192 1,761,044 565,589 346,969 787,038 2,640,608 572,563 554,262 979,421 874,285 5 Cost of Removal Regulatory Asset 4,351,173 4,300,631 4,416,198 4,297,636 4,397,170 4,589,360 4,760,310 4,826,900 4,784,765 4,789,714 4,625,730 4,837,247 6 Accumulated Amortization CIAC (47,903,375) (48,103,191) (48,304,172) (48,505,888) (48,708,077) (48,910,787) (49,114,208) (49,319,653) (49,525,651)(49,733,409) (49,942,708) (50,152,555) (50,418,562) 7 Total Accumulated Depreciation & Amortization (182,133,737) (181,652,589) (188,671,003) (188,013,295) (189,889,792) (190,713,084) (185,713,349) (184,513,228) (186,575,067) (187,159,329) (187,711,547) (188,298,076) (188,605,003) 8 Customer Advances for Construction (3,888,694) (3,841,414) (3,841,414) (3,841,414) (3,841,414) (3,835,654) (3,835,654) (3,835,654) (3,835,654) (3,835,654) (3,835,654) (3,835,654) (3,835,654) 9 Contributions in Aid of Construction-Net (110,955,784) (111,332,644) (111,735,398) (112,827,968) (113,190,520) (113,203,848) (114,629,524) (114,801,615) (115,024,825) (114,905,520) (115,489,797) (115,679,180) (115,563,173) 10 Utility Plant Acquisition Adjustment (Net) 10,813,622 10,811,896 10,810,170 10,808,444 10,806,718 10,804,992 10,803,266 10,801,540 10,799,814 10,798,088 10,796,362 10,794,636 10,771,088 11 Accumulated Deferred Income Taxes (4,019,937) (4,136,006) (4,253,724) (4,354,094) (4,456,731) (4,569,527) (4,856,295) (4,913,331) (5,048,510) (5,280,197) (5,439,865) (5,301,762) (5,735,862) 12 Deferred Charges 4,206,740 4,167,105 4,128,955 4,090,805 4,052,655 4,014,505 3,976,355 3,938,204 3,900,054 3,861,904 3,823,754 3,785,604 4,977,242 13 Working Capital 2,998,611 2,996,422 3,258,994 3,243,959 3,231,077 3,241,178 3,280,385 3,495,791 4,062,484 3,997,317 4,031,061 4,078,240 4,282,288 14 Regulatory Liability-New Federal Tax Law (TCJA)(4,436,578) (4,284,018) (4,265,101) (4,246,184) (4,227,267) (4,208,350) (4,189,433) (4,170,516) (4,151,599) (4,132,682) (4,113,765) (4,094,848) (4,075,931) 15 Total Rate Base 256,516,017 260,362,501 254,240,543 258,501,646 259,828,051 260,211,367 260,660,160 263,568,162 264,996,445 274,935,754 274,010,755 276,547,443 280,685,480 Case No. VEO-W-22-02 Exhibit No. 21 Schedule 2 D.Njuguna VeoliaWater IdahoUtility Plant In Service with Forecast Additions and RetirementsCase VEO-W-22-02 Plant In Service Plant In Service Plant In Service Plant In Service Plant In ServicePlant Account Organization 103,738 103,738 103,738 103,738 103,738 Franchise Rights 41,182 41,182 41,182 41,182 41,182 Land & Land Rights - Source of Supply 2,799,807 (152,426) 2,647,381 2,647,381 2,647,381 2,647,381 Water Rights - Source of Supply 8,541,209 152,426 8,693,635 8,693,635 8,693,635 8,693,635 Land & Land Rights - Water Treatment 889,034 889,034 889,034 889,034 889,034 Land & Land Rights - Trans. & Distrib.1,083,954 1,083,954 1,083,954 1,083,954 1,083,954 Land & Land Rights - General Plant 213,383 213,383 213,383 213,383 213,383 Structures and Improvements - Source of Supply 8,040,940 1,983 8,042,923 313 8,043,236 (2,840) 8,040,396 39,217 (4,350) 8,075,263 Structures and Improvements - Water Treatment 15,955,847 10,884 15,966,731 1,718 15,968,449 1,821 15,970,270 375 15,970,645 Structures and Improvements - Trans. & Distrib.3,299,161 3,299,161 3,299,161 3,299,161 3,299,161 Structures and Improvements - General Plant 6,406,267 5,178 6,411,445 5,692 6,417,137 35,966 6,453,103 64,686 6,517,790 Collecting & Impounding Reservoirs - Source of Supply 44,944 44,944 44,944 44,944 44,944 Lake, River & Other Intakes 1,518,794 1,518,794 1,518,794 1,518,794 1,518,794 Wells & Springs 9,705,834 9,705,834 9,705,834 9,705,834 (1) 9,705,833 Infiltration Galleries & Tunnels - - - - - Supply Mains 3,073,139 3,073,139 3,073,139 3,073,139 3,073,139 Power Generation Equipment 3,598,737 3,598,737 3,598,737 3,598,737 3,598,737 Power Electric Pumping Equipment - Source of Supply 17,900,668 17,017 17,917,685 (43,115) (3,860) 17,870,709 17,372 17,888,082 (214) 17,887,868 Power Diesel Pumping Equipment - Source of Supply - - - - - Power Pumping Equipment - Water Treatment 4,672,578 (83) 4,672,495 4,672,495 1,451 4,673,946 12,912 4,686,858 Power Pumping Equipment - Trans. & Distrib. 8,631,617 26,068 8,657,685 2,015 8,659,701 (31,219) 8,628,482 112 8,628,594 Water Treatment Equipment 35,312,079 65,355 35,377,434 92,520 (30,951) 35,439,002 12,395 35,451,398 7,372 35,458,770 Water Treatment Equipment - Membranes 1,349,394 1,349,394 1,349,394 1,349,394 1,349,394 Distribution Reservoirs & Standpipes 13,850,954 13,850,954 13,850,954 13,850,954 87,205 (5) 13,938,154 Trans. & Distrib. Mains & Accessories - Intangible - - - - - Trans. & Distrib. Mains & Accessories - SOS - - - - - Trans. & Distrib. Mains & Accessories 252,170,678 2,460,511 (342) 254,630,846 510,061 (30) 255,140,878 1,380,257 (205) 256,520,930 543,497 (5,876) 257,058,551 Services 103,135,747 637,777 (1,862) 103,771,661 415,329 104,186,990 748,677 (36) 104,935,631 706,333 (1,124) 105,640,840 Meters and Meter Installations 18,285,758 133,371 (33,344) 18,385,785 361,620 (19,464) 18,727,941 133,468 (38,013) 18,823,395 42,136 (67,912) 18,797,619 Hydrants 15,341,299 368,157 15,709,456 37,517 (80) 15,746,894 97,845 15,844,739 (1,467) 15,843,272 Backflow Prevention Devices - - - - - Other Plant & Misc. Equipment - Intangible - - - - - Other Plant & Misc. Equipment - Source of Supply - - - - - Other Plant & Misc. Equipment - Water Treatment - - - - - Other Plant & Misc. Equipment - Trans. & Distrib.- - - - - Other Plant & Misc. Equipment - General Plant - - - - - Office Furniture and Equipment 1,249,944 1,249,944 (5,651) 1,244,293 1,244,293 204,467 1,448,760 New CIS System 5,225,079 5,225,079 5,225,079 (5,225,079) - - AM / FM System - - - - - Computer Equipment - Hardware 106,544 106,544 (1,731) 104,813 104,813 (56,500) 48,313 IT Initiatives - - - - - Computer Equipment - Software 71,891 71,891 71,891 71,891 (4,400) 67,491 Transportation Equipment 752,697 752,697 752,697 752,697 752,697 Stores Equipment 216,241 139 216,380 751 217,130 5,271 222,401 9,649 (4,459) 227,590 Tools, Shop and Garage Equipment 1,709,325 56 (1) 1,709,380 22,751 (12,650) 1,719,481 2,111 1,721,592 3,865 (1) 1,725,456 Confined Space Monitor, Generator, Trench Shield - - - - - Laboratory Equipment 74,312 (11,896) 62,416 62,416 62,416 62,416 Power Operated Equipment 877,766 877,766 877,766 877,766 11,699 (8,000) 881,465 Power Operated Equipment - - - - - Communications Equipment 4,860,649 19,521 (38,308) 4,841,862 389 4,842,251 465 4,842,716 41,801 (5,170) 4,879,347 Miscellaneous Equipment 176,171 176,171 176,171 176,171 176,171 Miscellaneous Equipment - - - - - Other Tangible Property 1,127,408 41,756 1,169,163 (84,544) 1,084,619 876 1,085,496 91,159 1,176,655 Master Plan 1,226,621 1,226,621 89,231 1,315,853 2,670 1,318,523 35,551 1,354,074 Case No. VEO-W-22-02Exhibit No. 21 Schedule 3 D.Njuguna VeoliaWater IdahoUtility Plant In Service with Forecast Additions and RetirementsCase VEO-W-22-02 Plant Account OrganizationFranchise RightsLand & Land Rights - Source of SupplyWater Rights - Source of SupplyLand & Land Rights - Water TreatmentLand & Land Rights - Trans. & Distrib.Land & Land Rights - General PlantStructures and Improvements - Source of SupplyStructures and Improvements - Water TreatmentStructures and Improvements - Trans. & Distrib.Structures and Improvements - General PlantCollecting & Impounding Reservoirs - Source of SupplyLake, River & Other IntakesWells & SpringsInfiltration Galleries & TunnelsSupply MainsPower Generation EquipmentPower Electric Pumping Equipment - Source of SupplyPower Diesel Pumping Equipment - Source of SupplyPower Pumping Equipment - Water TreatmentPower Pumping Equipment - Trans. & Distrib. Water Treatment EquipmentWater Treatment Equipment - MembranesDistribution Reservoirs & StandpipesTrans. & Distrib. Mains & Accessories - IntangibleTrans. & Distrib. Mains & Accessories - SOSTrans. & Distrib. Mains & AccessoriesServicesMeters and Meter InstallationsHydrantsBackflow Prevention DevicesOther Plant & Misc. Equipment - IntangibleOther Plant & Misc. Equipment - Source of SupplyOther Plant & Misc. Equipment - Water TreatmentOther Plant & Misc. Equipment - Trans. & Distrib.Other Plant & Misc. Equipment - General PlantOffice Furniture and EquipmentNew CIS SystemAM / FM System Computer Equipment - Hardware IT Initiatives Computer Equipment - SoftwareTransportation EquipmentStores EquipmentTools, Shop and Garage EquipmentConfined Space Monitor, Generator, Trench ShieldLaboratory EquipmentPower Operated EquipmentPower Operated EquipmentCommunications EquipmentMiscellaneous EquipmentMiscellaneous EquipmentOther Tangible PropertyMaster Plan 578,470,486 Case No. VEO-W-22-02Exhibit No. 21 Schedule 3 D.Njuguna Forecasted 1 Accumulated Depreciation-Recorded (134,230,362)$ (133,549,398)$ (140,366,831)$ (139,507,406)$ (141,181,715) (141,802,297) (136,599,141) (135,193,574) (137,049,416) (137,425,920) (137,768,838) (138,145,521) 2 Incremental Depreciation (859,614)$ 3 Retirements 796,694 4 Cost of Removal 23,700 5 Salvage (1,700) 6 Total Accumulated Depreciation (134,230,362) (133,549,398) (140,366,831) (139,507,406) (141,181,715) (141,802,297) (136,599,141) (135,193,574) (137,049,416) (137,425,920) (137,768,838) (138,145,521) (138,186,441) 7 CIAC Amortization -Recorded (47,903,375) (48,103,191) (48,304,172) (48,505,888) (48,708,077) (48,910,787) (49,114,208) (49,319,653) (49,525,651) (49,733,409) (49,942,708) (50,152,555) 8 Incremental CIAC Amortization (266,007)9 Total CIAC Amortization (47,903,375)$ (48,103,191)$ (48,304,172)$ (48,505,888)$ (48,708,077)$ (48,910,787)$ (49,114,208)$ (49,319,653)$ (49,525,651)$ (49,733,409)$ (49,942,708)$ (50,152,555)$ (50,418,562)$ Case No. VEO-W-22-02 Exhibit No. 21 Schedule 4D. Njuguna Line No. Supply and Pumping Supply and Structures & Supply: Structures & Supply and Pumping Supply and Pumping Supply and Pumping: Power Generation Supply and Pumping Supply and Pumping Equipment Treatment Treatment Distribution Plant: Communication Monthly 1 2 Jul 22 Activity - 3 Jul 22 Balance 6,986 387,217 (3,644)566,333 (8,485)132,638 40,115 (1,761)473,841 (23,337)12,775 827,861 2,135,602 228,199 6,986 (206,779)(733,134)3,841,414 4 Aug 22 Activity - 5 Aug 22 Balance 6,986 387,217 (3,644)566,333 (8,485)132,638 40,115 (1,761)473,841 (23,337)12,775 827,861 2,135,602 228,199 6,986 (212,539)(733,134)3,835,654 6 7 Sept 22 Balance 6,986 387,217 (3,644) 566,333 (8,485) 132,638 40,115 (1,761) 473,841 (23,337) 12,775 827,861 2,135,602 228,199 6,986 (212,539) (733,134)3,835,654 8 9 Oct 22 Balance 6,986 387,217 (3,644) 566,333 (8,485) 132,638 40,115 (1,761) 473,841 (23,337) 12,775 827,861 2,135,602 228,199 6,986 (212,539) (733,134) 3,835,654 10 11 Nov 22 Balance 6,986 387,217 (3,644) 566,333 (8,485) 132,638 40,115 (1,761) 473,841 (23,337) 12,775 827,861 2,135,602 228,199 6,986 (212,539) (733,134) 3,835,654 12 13 Dec 22 Balance 6,986 387,217 (3,644) 566,333 (8,485) 132,638 40,115 (1,761) 473,841 (23,337) 12,775 827,861 2,135,602 228,199 6,986 (212,539) (733,134) 3,835,654 1415 Jan 23 Balance 6,986 387,217 (3,644) 566,333 (8,485) 132,638 40,115 (1,761) 473,841 (23,337) 12,775 827,861 2,135,602 228,199 6,986 (212,539) (733,134) 3,835,654 16 17 Feb 23 Balance 6,986 387,217 (3,644) 566,333 (8,485) 132,638 40,115 (1,761) 473,841 (23,337) 12,775 827,861 2,135,602 228,199 6,986 (212,539) (733,134) 3,835,654 18 19 Ending Balance-March 2023 $6,986 $387,217 ($3,644)$566,333 ($8,485)$132,638 $40,115 ($1,761)$473,841 ($23,337)$12,775 $827,861 $2,135,602 $228,199 $6,986 ($212,539)($733,134)3,835,654$ Case No. VEO-W-22-02Exhibit No. 21 Schedule 5 D. Njuguna Line No Supply and Land & Land Supply and Structures & Supply and Collecting & Impounding Supply and Pumping Supply and Pumping Supply and Pumping Plant: Pumping Treatment Plant: Water Treatment Distribution Meters & Meter Furniture & Plant: Laboratory Monthly Monthly Balance CIAC 1 2 Jul 22 Activity - 3 Jul 22 Balance 9,878 341,987 406,800 72,696 1,405,459 9,391 2,598,395 34,619 2,108,957 115,108,152 29,540,600 116,799 5,024,556 393 16,847 120,295 4,982,772 161,898,597 (48,708,077)113,190,520 4 Aug 22 Activity - 5 Aug 22 Balance 9,878 341,987 406,800 72,696 1,405,459 9,391 2,598,395 34,619 2,108,957 115,486,870 29,676,957 116,799 5,093,148 393 16,847 120,295 4,615,144 162,114,635 (48,910,787)113,203,848 6 Sept 22 Activity - 7 Sept 22 Balance 9,878 341,987 406,800 72,696 1,405,459 9,391 2,598,395 34,619 2,108,957 116,757,326 29,889,148 116,799 5,227,125 393 16,847 120,295 4,627,617 163,743,733 (49,114,208)114,629,525 8 Oct 22 Activity - 9 Oct 22 Balance 9,878 341,987 406,800 72,696 1,405,459 9,391 2,598,395 34,619 2,108,957 117,084,185 30,013,078 116,799 5,240,291 393 16,847 120,295 4,541,197 164,121,268 (49,319,653)114,801,615 10 Nov 22 Activity - 11 Nov 22 Balance 9,878 341,987 438,400 72,696 1,405,459 9,391 2,991,980 34,619 2,108,957 117,289,113 30,169,273 116,799 5,247,170 393 16,847 151,324 4,146,190 164,550,476 (49,525,651)115,024,825 12 Dec 22 Activity - 13 Dec 22 Balance 9,878 341,987 438,400 72,696 1,405,459 9,391 3,154,174 34,619 2,108,957 117,902,671 30,382,280 116,799 5,304,666 393 16,847 151,324 3,188,387 164,638,929 (49,733,409)114,905,520 14 Jan 23 Activity - 15 Jan 23 Balance 9,878 341,987 438,400 72,696 1,405,459 9,391 3,154,174 34,619 2,108,957 118,197,762 30,470,507 116,799 5,352,264 393 16,847 151,324 3,551,047 165,432,505 (49,942,708)115,489,797 16 Feb 23 Activity - 17 Feb 23 Balance 9,878 341,987 435,987 72,696 1,405,459 9,391 3,124,126 34,619 2,108,957 118,270,342 30,591,422 116,799 5,401,073 393 16,847 148,955 3,742,803 165,831,735 (50,152,555)115,679,180 18 Mar 23 Activity 150,000 150,000 19 Ending Balance-March 31, 2023 $9,878 $341,987 $435,987 $72,696 $1,405,459 $9,391 $3,124,126 $34,619 $2,108,957 $118,420,342 $30,591,422 $116,799 $5,401,073 $393 $16,847 $148,955 $3,742,803 $165,981,735 ($50,418,562)$115,563,173 Case No. VEO-W-22-02 Exhibit No. 21 Schedule 6D. Njuguna Veolia Water IdahoCase VEO-W-22-02Accumulated Deferred Income Taxes as of March 31, 2023 Line No.Account & Description Balance at Mar 31, 2022 Balance at Apr 30, 2022 Balance at May 31, 2022 Balance at Jun 30, 2022 Balance at Jul. 31, 2022 Balance at Aug 31, 2022 Balance at Sept 30, 2022 Balance at Oct 31, 2022 Balance at Nov 30, 2022 Balance at Dec 31, 2022 Balance at Jan 31, 2023 Balance at Feb 28, 2023 Balance at Mar 31, 2023 Balance at March 31, 2023 Test Year Adjustments 1 Accumulated Deferred FIT-MACRS 2,618,914$ 2,689,857$ 2,772,323$ 2,799,649$ 2,862,969 2,926,035$ 3,099,715$ 3,193,093$ 3,267,540$ 3,396,768$ 3,482,287$ 3,402,958$ 3,356,039$ 3,356,039$ (46,919)$ 2 Accumulated Deferred FIT Cost of Removal 987,536 1,003,797 1,025,512 1,087,689 1,111,676 1,135,661 1,224,231 1,255,394 1,286,554 1,363,078 1,400,995 1,365,978 1,365,978 1,365,978 -$ 3 Accumulated Deferred FIT AFUDC Equity 469,744 471,625 479,013 486,719 493,940 502,350 512,462 523,890 536,747 549,909 563,359 551,079 551,079 551,079 -$ 4 Accumulated Deferred FIT AFUDC Equity Gross Up 156,520 156,670 158,610 160,762 162,744 165,136 168,117 78,138 82,279 86,523 90,606 86,707 492,695 492,695 405,989$ 5 Def. FIT-Tank Painting 467,462 465,155 465,206.47 462,817 460,429 458,040 455,651 453,443 456,824 459,396 473,386 460,373 536,221 536,221 75,848$ 6 Def FIT - New Federal Tax Rate (877,644) (847,465) (843,722) (839,980) (836,238) (832,496) (828,754) (825,012) (821,269) (817,527) (813,785) (810,043) (806,301) (806,301) 3,742$ 7 Def FIT - Deferred Power-(Approved)168,005 167,603 168,507 168,802 174,215 188,446 199,159 209,312 215,404 218,259 219,818 222,152 224,100 224,100 1,948$ 8 Def FIT- Deferred Convenience Fees 29,399 28,762 28,275 27,635 26,994 26,354 25,713 25,072 24,432 23,791 23,200 22,558 16,051 16,051 (6,507)$ 9 Accumulated Deferred Income Taxes 4,019,937$ 4,136,006$ 4,253,724$ 4,354,094$ 4,456,731$ 4,569,527$ 4,856,295$ 4,913,331$ 5,048,510$ 5,280,197$ 5,439,865$ 5,301,762$ 5,735,862$ 5,735,862$ 434,100$ 10 Pro Forma Tax Depreciation-State 10,766,376$ 11 Pro Forma Book Depreciation Per 09/30/2022 Filing 7,632,986 12 Excess Tax Over Book Depreciation 3,133,391$ 13 State Income Tax Rate 5.80%14 Incremental State Deferred Income Tax 181,737 15 Pro Forma Tax Depreciation-Federal 10,464,199$ 16 Pro Forma Book Depreciation 7,632,986 17 Excess Tax Over Book Depreciation 2,831,213 18 Less: State Deferred Income Tax 181,737 19 Federal Amount 2,649,47620Federal Income Tax Rate 21.00%21 Incremental Federal Deferred Income Tax 556,390$ Case No. VEO-W-22-02Exhibit No. 21Schedule 8D. Njuguna 2021 2022 2023MonthsMonthsMay-Dec Jan-Dec Jan-Feb4/30/2021 6/30/2022 14 2/28/2023 22 8 12 24/30/2021 5/31/2022 13 2/28/2023 22 8 12 24/30/2021 4/30/2022 12 2/28/2023 22 8 12 24/30/2021 3/31/2022 11 2/28/2023 22 8 12 2Line No.Amounts Approved In Case UWI-W-04-04: Description Approved Unamortized Balance at Period in Monthly Mar.23 Balance at Unamortized Balance at Balance at Balance at Balance at Balance at Balance at Balance at Balance at Balance at Balance at Balance at 1 Deferred Rents ( Lakewood Well Lease)19,090$ 9,660$ 600$ 46$ 46$ 9,614$ 10,166$ 10,120$ 10,074$ 10,028$ 9,982$ 9,936$ 9,890$ 9,844$ 9,798$ 9,752$ 9,706$ 9,660$ 9,614$ 2 Deferred Tank Painting-Gowen External 39,808 6,469 240 166 166 6,303 8,293 8,128 7,962 7,796 7,630 7,464 7,298 7,132 6,967 6,801 6,635 6,469 6,3033Deferred Tank Painting-Aeronica 21,100 3,429 240 88 88 3,341 4,396 4,308 4,220 4,132 4,044 3,956 3,869 3,781 3,693 3,605 3,517 3,429 3,3414Deferred AFUDC Equity Income 696,346 549,340 360 1,934 1,934 547,405 570,617 568,683 566,748 564,814 562,880 560,945 559,011 557,077 555,143 553,208 551,274 549,340 547,405 5 Sub Total $776,344 $568,898 $2,234 $2,234 $566,663 $593,472 $591,238 $589,004 $586,770 $584,536 $582,302 $580,068 $577,834 $575,600 $573,366 $571,132 $568,898 $566,663 6 Deferred Tank Painting-Federal Reservoir 162,895 34,615 240 679 679 33,937 42,081 41,403 40,724 40,045 39,366 38,688 38,009 37,330 36,651 35,973 35,294 34,615 33,9377Deferred AFUDC Equity Income 232,342 183,292 360 645 645 182,647 190,391 189,746 189,101 188,455 187,810 187,164 186,519 185,874 185,228 184,583 183,937 183,292 182,647 8 Sub Total $395,237 $217,907 $1,324 $1,324 $216,583 $232,473 $231,149 $229,824 $228,500 $227,176 $225,852 $224,528 $223,204 $221,880 $220,556 $219,231 $217,907 $216,583 9 Deferred Tank Painting-Ustick 74,183 29,044 240 309 309 28,735 32,444 32,135 31,826 31,517 31,208 30,899 30,589 30,280 29,971 29,662 29,353 29,044 28,73510Deferred Tank Painting-Steelhead 313,493 122,875 240 1,306 1,306 121,569 137,244 135,937 134,631 133,325 132,019 130,712 129,406 128,100 126,794 125,488 124,181 122,875 121,56911Deferred Tank Painting-Crestline 65,628 25,652 240 273 273 25,379 28,660 28,387 28,113 27,840 27,566 27,293 27,019 26,746 26,472 26,199 25,926 25,652 25,379 12 Sub Total $453,304 $177,571 $1,889 $1,889 $175,682 $198,348 $196,459 $194,570 $192,681 $190,793 $188,904 $187,015 $185,126 $183,237 $181,349 $179,460 $177,571 $175,682 13 Deferred Tank Painting-Hillcrest 230,134 112,205 240 959 959 111,247 122,753 121,794 120,835 119,877 118,918 117,959 117,000 116,041 115,082 114,123 113,164 112,205 111,247 14 Sub Total $230,134 $112,205 $959 $959 $111,247 $122,753 $121,794 $120,835 $119,877 $118,918 $117,959 $117,000 $116,041 $115,082 $114,123 $113,164 $112,205 $111,247 15 Deferred Tank Painting-Gowen Internal 208,050 142,167 240 867 867 141,300 151,702 150,835 149,968 149,102 148,235 147,368 146,501 145,634 144,767 143,900 143,033 142,167 141,30016Deferred AFUDC Equity Income 343,736 271,169 360 955 955 270,214 281,672 280,717 279,763 278,808 277,853 276,898 275,943 274,989 274,034 273,079 272,124 271,169 270,21417Sub Total 551,785$ 413,336$ 1,822$ 1,822$ 411,514$ 433,374$ 431,553$ 429,731$ 427,909$ 426,088$ 424,266$ 422,444$ 420,623$ 418,801$ 416,979$ 415,158$ 413,336$ 411,514$ 18 Deferred Tank Painting-Barber Tank-Internal 338,037 307,050 240 1,408 1,408 305,642 322,544 321,135 319,727 318,318 316,910 315,501 314,093 312,684 311,276 309,867 308,459 307,050 305,64219Deferred Tank Painting-Hulls Gulch Internal 1,135,161 1,031,104 240 4,730 4,730 1,026,374 1,087,862 1,078,403 1,073,673 1,068,943 1,064,213 1,059,483 1,054,753 1,050,023 1,045,294 1,040,564 1,035,834 1,031,104 1,026,37420Deferred Tank Painting-Hulls Gulch External 213,330 193,775 240 889 889 192,886 203,552 202,664 201,775 200,886 199,997 199,108 198,219 197,330 196,441 195,553 194,664 193,775 192,88621Deferred Tank Painting-Hidden Hollow (Exterior)102,317 92,938 240 426 426 92,512 97,627 97,201 96,775 96,349 95,922 95,496 95,070 94,643 94,217 93,791 93,364 92,938 92,51222Deferred Rate Case Expense 119,464 64,710 48 2,489 2,489 62,221 92,087 89,598 87,109 84,620 82,132 79,643 77,154 74,665 72,176 69,687 67,199 64,710 62,221 23 155,784 84,383 48 3,246 3,246 81,138 116,838 116,838 113,593 110,347 107,102 103,856 100,611 97,365 94,120 90,874 87,629 84,383 81,138 Sub Total 2,953,984$ 2,295,687$ 29,923$ 29,923$ 2,265,764$ 2,626,319$ 2,594,913$ 2,564,990$ 2,535,067$ 2,505,145$ 2,475,222$ 2,445,300$ 2,415,377$ 2,385,455$ 2,355,532$ 2,325,609$ 2,295,687$ 2,265,764$ New Items Proposed in Period in Monthly Proposed Annual New Items Proposed in New Items Proposed in New Items Proposed in New Items Proposed in New Items Proposed in New Items New Items New Items Proposed in New Items Proposed in New Items New Items New Items Proposed in New Items Proposed in 27 Deferred Tank Painting-Broken Horn 65,239 240 272 3,262 65,239 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 65,23928Deferred Tank Painting-Columbia 126,088 240 525 6,304 126,088 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 126,08829Deferred Tank Painting-Ustick 430,100 240 1,792 21,505 430,100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 430,10030Deferred Rate Case Expense 343,620 24 16,910 202,920 343,620 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 343,62031Deferred AFUDC Equity Income (456,680)360 (1,269)(15,223)(456,680)0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (456,680)32 Deferred Power Costs 721,421 24 47,202 566,424 721,421 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 721,421 33 Sub Total $1,229,788 $65,433 $785,193 $1,229,788 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,229,788 34 Grand Total $5,015,392 $103,583 $823,343 $4,977,242 $4,206,740 $4,167,105 $4,128,955 $4,090,805 $4,052,655 $4,014,505 $3,976,355 $3,938,204 $3,900,054 $3,861,904 $3,823,754 $3,785,604 $4,977,242 Exhibit No. 21 Schedule 9D. Njuguna Veolia Water IdahoCase No. VEO-W-22-02Working Capital Calculation Working Capital Calculation Line No. Description Working Capital : Working Capital : Working Capital : Capital : Capital : Capital : Capital : Capital : Capital : Capital : Capital : Capital : Capital: 1 Total Operating & Maintenance Expense 15,617,772$ 15,483,789$ 17,611,086$ 17,656,607$ 17,898,361 18,352,273 18,747,942 19,142,976 19,449,460 19,219,294 19,944,927 20,482,927 22,656,880$ 22,656,880$ Adjustments:2 Amortization-Deferred Rate Case Expenses 49,471 51,960 51,960 51,960 41,961 38,628 35,295 31,962 29,868 29,868 29,868.00 29,868.00 202,923 202,923 3 Amortization-Deferred Relocation - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4 Amortization-Deferred Tank Painting 137,763 145,217 145,217 145,217 145,217 145,216.70 145,216.70 145,216.71 145,216.71 145,216.72 145,216.73 145,216.73 195,788 195,788 5 Amortization-Deferred Pension 437,602 477,384 477,384 477,384 477,384 477,384.00 477,384.00 477,384.00 477,384.00 477,384.00 477,384.00 477,384.00 23,218 23,218 6 Amortization-Deferred Power 181,027 197,484 197,484 197,484 197,484 197,484.00 197,484.00 197,484.00 197,484.00 197,484.00 197,484.00 197,484.00 553,269 553,269 7 41,551 40,792 39,758 39,758 38,320 37,645.40 37,004.26 37,541.42 38,084.19 36,570.42 36,885.01 37,235.15 30,523 30,523 89 Amortization-Deferred TCJA (2,386,285) (2,603,220) (2,405,202) (2,405,202) (2,009,166) (1,811,148) (1,613,130) (1,415,112) (1,217,094) (1,019,076) (821,058.00) (623,040.00) (200,000) (200,000) 10 Total Adjustments 1,503,176 1,651,444 1,454,459 1,454,459 1,069,860 875,850 681,806 486,584 290,117 93,613 (104,720) (303,088) (844,661) (844,661) 11 Total Expense for CWC Allowance 17,120,949 17,135,233 19,065,545 19,111,066 18,968,221 19,228,123 19,429,748 19,629,560 19,739,577 19,312,906 19,840,207 20,179,839 21,812,219 21,812,219 12 Cash Working Capital Allowance %12.50%12.50%12.50%12.50%12.50%12.50%12.50%12.50%12.50%12.50%12.50%12.50%12.50%12.50% 13 Cash Working Capital Allowance 2,140,119 2,141,904 2,383,193 2,388,883 2,371,028 2,403,515 2,428,719 2,453,695 2,467,447 2,414,113 2,480,026 2,522,480 2,726,527 2,726,527 14 Materials and Supplies 748,442 761,794 800,404 797,006 819,306 814,245 845,577 834,003 1,407,522 1,416,267 1,402,647 1,425,921 1,425,921 1,425,921 15 Prepayments 110,051 92,724 75,397 58,070 40,744 23,417 6,090 208,093 187,515 166,936 148,388 129,839 129,839 129,839 Case No. VEO-W-22-02 Exhibit No. 21 Schedule 10D. Njuguna