HomeMy WebLinkAbout20220930Michaelson Direct with Exhibits.pdfPreston N. Carter (ISB No. 8462) Morgan D. Goodin (ISB No. 11184) Givens Pursley LLP 601 W. Bannock St. Boise, ID 83702 Telephone: (208) 388-1200 Facsimile: (208) 388-1300 prestoncarter@givenspursley.com morgangoodin@givenspursley.com Attorneys for Veolia Water Idaho, Inc. BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OF VEOLIA WATER IDAHO, INC. FOR AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES AND CHARGES FOR WATER SERVICE IN THE STATE OF IDAHO ) ) ) ) ) ) DIRECT TESTIMONY OF TIMOTHY MICHAELSON FOR VEOLIA WATER IDAHO, INC. SEPTEMBER 2022 MICHAELSON, Di 2 Veolia Water Idaho, Inc. Q. Please state your name and business address. 1 A. My name is Timothy Michaelson, and my business address is 461 From Rd, Suite 2 400, Paramus, New Jersey 07652. 3 Q. By whom are you employed and in what capacity? 4 A. I am employed by Veolia Water M&S (Paramus), Inc. (formerly SUEZ Water 5 Management & Services) which I joined in November of 1994. During my 6 employment, I have worked in the Corporate Accounting and Corporate Planning 7 Departments as an Accountant, Planning Analyst, Planning Manager and Planning 8 Director. I also worked as the Director of Finance for SUEZ Water’s New Jersey 9 Division and as the Director of Finance for SUEZ Water’s Regulated Segment. In 10 May of 2009, I joined the Regulatory Business Department where I currently work 11 as Director. 12 Q. Please summarize your educational background and qualifications. 13 A. I graduated from St. Thomas Aquinas College with a Bachelor of Science degree 14 in Accounting in 1990 and Iona College with an MBA in Finance in 2000. I am 15 currently the Treasurer of the New York Chapter of the National Association of 16 Water Companies. 17 Q. Before what regulatory agencies have you previously presented testimony? 18 A. I have testified in several cases before the New York State Public Service 19 Commission, the Connecticut Public Utilities Regulatory Authority, the State of 20 Rhode Island and Providence Plantations Public Utilities Commission and before 21 the Idaho Public Utilities Commission in the Company’s last rate case, SUZ-W-20-22 02. 23 MICHAELSON, Di 3 Veolia Water Idaho, Inc. Q. What is the purpose of your testimony in this proceeding? 1 A. My testimony supports the proof of revenue under present and proposed rates and 2 the development of Test Year revenues. 3 Q. What Exhibits are you sponsoring? 4 A. I am sponsoring Exhibit No. 5, which presents the proof of revenue including the 5 application of present and proposed rates to consumption analysis for the 12 months 6 ended June 30, 2022 (“Historic Test Year”) plus nine months adjustment period 7 ending March 31, 2023 (“Test Year”), and Test Year revenue under present and 8 proposed rates, including adjustments to revenue. 9 Q. Have you prepared proof of revenue schedules under present and proposed 10 rates? 11 A. Yes. Schedules 1 through 9 in Exhibit 5 provide the proof of revenues from the 12 application of present and proposed rates to the customer consumption analysis as 13 well as support for normalizing adjustments. The Schedules include Veolia Water 14 Idaho, Inc. (“Company” or “VWID”) (formerly SUEZ Water Idaho, Inc.) 15 designated as “VWID System” as well as former Eagle Water Company customers 16 which became part of Veolia Water Idaho, Inc. in late December 2021. Separate 17 revenues and rates are provided for former Eagle Water Company customers 18 (designated as “Eagle – Exist” on the Schedules) and new Eagle Water Company 19 customers within Eagle Water Company’s former service territory (designated as 20 “Eagle – New” on the Schedules). Order No. 35247 in Case Nos. SUZ-W-18-02 21 and EAG-W-18-01 – IN THE MATTER OF THE JOINT PROPOSAL OF 22 SUEZ WATER IDAHO, INC. TO ACQUIRE EAGLE WATER COMPANY, 23 MICHAELSON, Di 4 Veolia Water Idaho, Inc. established phased-in rates for former Eagle Water customers. Any new customers 1 starting service or connecting in the present Eagle Water service territory will pay 2 VWID rates when beginning service. All Eagle customers are billed monthly, 3 while VWID customers are billed bi-monthly. 4 Q. Please describe Schedule 1. 5 A. Schedule 1 summarizes the application of proposed rates to the consumption 6 analysis for the Test Year and the Test Year revenues under proposed rates for that 7 same time period. Column 2 presents the Test Year revenues at present rates from 8 column 11 of Schedule 2. Column 3 presents the Test Year revenues at proposed 9 rates by applying the proposed rates to the detailed consumption analysis by 10 customer class provided in Schedule 3 – VWID System, Schedule 3 – Eagle Exist 11 and Schedule 3 – Eagle New. Columns 4, 5, 6 and 7 show the impact at proposed 12 rates of the VWID System, Eagle New and Eagle Existing adjustments presented 13 in Schedules 4A, 4B, 4C and 4D. Column 8 calculates the Test Year revenue at 14 proposed rates, column 9 shows the proposed increase by customer class and 15 column 10 provides the percentage increases by customer class. 16 Q. Please describe Schedule 2. 17 A. Schedule 2 summarizes the application of present rates to the consumption analysis 18 and the Test Year revenues under present rates for the Test Year ended March 31, 19 2023. Column 2 presents the Historic Test Year revenues per books by customer 20 class. Column 3 removes surcharge revenue, the balance of unbilled revenue 21 accrued at the end of the Historic Test Year and other miscellaneous adjustments. 22 Column 5 shows the revenues from the application of present rates to the detailed 23 MICHAELSON, Di 5 Veolia Water Idaho, Inc. consumption analysis for the Historic Test Year from Schedule 3 VWID, Schedule 1 3 Eagle Exist and Schedule 3 Eagle New. Columns 6, 7, 8 and 9 show the impact 2 at current rates of the adjustments presented in Schedules 4A, 4B, 4C and 4D. 3 Column 10 adjusts for the normalization of Phase I rates. Phase I of the Company’s 4 current rate plan began in May 2021 and Phase II of the Company’s current rate 5 plan began in May 2022. Since the Historic Test Year contains fixed and 6 volumetric amounts and rates from Phase I and II, an adjustment is needed to update 7 Phase I rates to Phase II rates and then apply Phase II rates (current rates) to the 8 overall Test Year billing determinants for the VWID System and new Eagle 9 customers. Existing Eagle customers are priced out at the rates that will be effective 10 in January 2023. The 4G Schedules calculate the Phase II rate adjustments found 11 in Column 10. Finally, Column 11 presents Test Year revenue at current rates. 12 Q. Please describe Schedule 3. 13 A. Schedule 3 VWID, Eagle Exist and Eagle New provides the application of present 14 and proposed rates to the detailed consumption analysis and billing determinants 15 by customer class for the Historic Test Year and Test Year. 16 Q. Please describe the Schedules 4 through 4D. 17 A. Schedule 4 summarizes the impact on billing determinants associated with the four 18 revenue adjustments shown on Schedules 4A, 4B, 4C and 4D. 19 Adjustment R1, detailed on the 4A Schedules, adjusts revenues at present and 20 proposed rates by annualizing for the gain or loss of customers during the Historic 21 Test Year. Adjustment R2, shown on the 4B Schedules, adjusts revenues at current 22 and proposed rates for the projected increase in the average number of customers 23 MICHAELSON, Di 6 Veolia Water Idaho, Inc. through the Test Year. Adjustment R3, shown on the 4C Schedules, adjusts 1 revenues at present and proposed rates due to the projected decline in customer 2 usage for residential and commercial customers. Adjustment R4, shown on 3 Schedule 4D Eagle Exist, normalizes the number of bills and volumes for existing 4 Eagle customers in the Historic Test Year. The Company acquired these customers 5 at the end of December 2021, so only 6 months of activity are included in the 6 Historic Test Year. 7 Q. How did you determine the projected decline in customer usage for residential 8 customers shown in Adjustment R3? 9 A. For the residential customer usage adjustment, I performed a 30-year regression 10 analysis of per-capita usage utilizing actual residential usage, calendar year and 11 Palmer Z index as inputs. The Palmer Z index is a measure of short-term drought 12 on a monthly scale. For the calculation of the customer usage projection, the 13 Palmer Z index amounts were taken from NOAA National Centers for 14 Environmental information, Climate at a glance: Divisional Time Series, published 15 August 2022 from https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/cag/. A “Predicted residential” 16 usage amount was calculated (96.88 thousand gallons per customer) and compared 17 to the actual (105.48 thousand gallons per customer) usage. The difference, (8.59 18 thousand gallons) was converted to CCFs to arrive at the (11.49) CCF adjustment 19 per residential customer. Exhibit 5 Schedule 4E provides the calculation. This 20 methodology is the same I utilized in the Company’s prior rate case and which the 21 Company believes was used by Staff in the case prior. 22 MICHAELSON, Di 7 Veolia Water Idaho, Inc. Q. How did you determine the projected decline in customer usage for 1 commercial customers shown in Adjustment R3? 2 A. For the commercial customer usage adjustment, I performed the same regression 3 analysis I did for the residential customers using the same inputs. A “Predicted 4 commercial” usage amount was calculated (491.26 thousand gallons per customer) 5 and compared to the actual (520.41 thousand gallons per customer) usage. The 6 difference, (29.15 thousand gallons) was converted to CCFs to arrive at the (38.97) 7 CCF adjustment per commercial customer. Exhibit 5 Schedule 4F provides the 8 calculation. 9 Q. Please describe Schedules 5 and 6. 10 A. Schedule 5 provides the average actual annual usage by residential customer in 11 gallons as well as the predicted average annual usage. Schedule 6 plots the actual 12 annual usage, predicted annual usage and includes a linear trend line of actual usage 13 demonstrating the decline in average consumption. The table at the bottom of the 14 graph compares actual total gallons and CCFs at the Historic Test Year compared 15 to the Test Year ended March 31, 2023. 16 Q. Please describe Schedules 7 and 8. 17 A. Schedule 7 provides the average actual annual usage by commercial customer in 18 gallons as well as the predicted average annual usage. Schedule 8 plots the actual 19 annual usage, predicted annual usage and includes a linear trend line of actual usage 20 demonstrating the decline in average consumption. The table at the bottom of the 21 graph compares actual total gallons and CCFs at the Historic Test Year compared 22 to the Test Year ended March 31, 2023. 23 MICHAELSON, Di 8 Veolia Water Idaho, Inc. Q. How did you develop proposed volumetric and fixed rates? 1 A. The proposed volumetric and fixed rates shown on Schedule 9A, 9B and 9C were 2 developed by applying a uniform percentage increase across all customer classes, 3 except for private fire rates for which there is no increase. Please refer to the 4 testimony of Company witness Bui which describes the Cost of Service Study 5 results and rationale for revenue allocation to the different customer classes. 6 Q. Does this conclude your testimony? 7 A. Yes. 8 Preston N. Carter (ISB No. 8462) Morgan D. Goodin (ISB No. 11184) Givens Pursley LLP 601 W. Bannock St. Boise, ID 83702 Telephone: (208) 388-1200 Facsimile: (208) 388-1300 prestoncarter@givenspursley.com morgangoodin@givenspursley.com Attorneys for Veolia Water Idaho, Inc. BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF VEOLIA WATER IDAHO, INC. FOR AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES AND CHARGES FOR WATER SERVICE IN THE STATE OF IDAHO ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Case No. VEO-W-22-02 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION EXHIBIT 5 TO ACCOMPANY THE DIRECT TESTIMONY OF TIMOTHY MICHAELSON Customer Classification Test Year Revenues, Present Rates (Schedule 2) Bill Analysis Revenues, Proposed Rates (Schedule 3) Adjustment R1 - Annualization of Historic Test Year Growth Adjustment R2 - Customer Growth from 7/1/2022 - 3/31/2023 Adjustment R3 - Usage Adjustments Adjustment R4 Eagle Historic Test Year Normalization Total Test year Revenue Proposed Rates Proposed Increase % Increase (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7) (8) = (3) + (4) + (5) + (6) + (7)(9) = (8) - (2) (10) = (9) / (2) METERED SALES Residential 35,139,116 45,011,405 275,159 207,089 (2,420,146) 517,300 43,590,807 8,451,691 24.1% Commercial 15,042,723 19,140,963 48,571 102,022 (919,047) 288,303 18,660,812 3,618,089 24.1% Public Authority 155,696 194,160 (6,389) 1,414 - 3,959 193,144 37,448 24.1% Total Metered Sales 50,337,535 64,346,527 317,341 310,524 (3,339,193) 809,562 62,444,762 12,107,227 24.1% UNMETERED SALES Private Fire Protection 1,344,703 1,303,784 9,003 23,464 - 8,453 1,344,703 - 0.0% Public Fire Protection - - - - - - - - Total Unmetered Sales 1,344,703 1,303,784 9,003 23,464 - 8,453 1,344,703 - 0.0% Total Sales of Water 51,682,239 65,650,311 326,344 333,988 (3,339,193) 818,015 63,789,466 12,107,227 23.4% Other Operating Revenue 35,620 35,620 - - - - 35,620 - Total 51,717,859 65,685,931 326,344 333,988 (3,339,193) 818,015 63,825,086 12,107,227 23.4% FOR THE TEST YEAR ENDED MARCH 31, 2023 VEOLIA WATER IDAHO, INC. SUMMARY OF TEST YEAR REVENUES UNDER PRESENT AND PROPOSED RATES Case No.VEO-w-22-02 Exhibit No5 Schedule No. 1 Page 1 of 34 T. Michaelson Customer Classification Per Books Revenues Historic Test Year Rates 6/30/2022 Removal of Unbilled, Surcharges & Misc Adjusted Historic Test Year Book Revenue Bill Analysis Revenues Historic Test Year Rates (Schedule 3) Adjustment 1 Annualization of Historic Test Year Growth Adjustment 2 Customer Growth from 7/1/20 - 3/31/21 Adjustment R3 weather usage adjustment Adjustment R4 Eagle Historic Test Year Normalization Normalization of Phase 1 Rates Total Test Year Revenue Present Rates (1)(2)(3)(4) = (2) + (3)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10) (11) = (5) + (6) + (7) + (8) + (9) + (10) METERED SALES Residential 34,692,459 1,819 34,694,278 34,694,278 221,810 166,937 (1,950,911) 417,002 1,590,001 35,139,116 Commercial 14,739,716 2,951 14,742,668 14,742,668 39,154 82,241 (740,856) 232,405 687,111 15,042,723 Public Authority 145,964 3,469 149,433 149,433 (5,150) 1,141 - 3,191 7,081 155,696 Total Metered Sales 49,578,140 8,239 49,586,379 49,586,379 255,813 250,318 (2,691,767) 652,599 2,284,194 50,337,535 UNMETERED SALES Private Fire Protection 1,244,103 - 1,244,103 1,244,103 9,003 23,464 - 8,453 59,681 1,344,703 Public Fire Protection 3,465 (3,465)- - - - - - - - Total Unmetered Sales 1,247,567 (3,465) 1,244,103 1,244,103 9,003 23,464 - 8,453 59,681 1,344,703 Total Sales of Water 50,825,707 4,775 50,830,482 50,830,482 264,816 273,782 (2,691,767) 661,051 2,343,875 51,682,239 0 Other, Surcharge, Unbilled (1,366,141) 1,401,761 35,620 35,620 - - - - - 35,620 Total 49,459,567 1,406,535 50,866,102 50,866,102 264,816 273,782 (2,691,767) 661,051 2,343,875 51,717,859 FOR THE TEST YEAR ENDED MARCH 31, 2023 VEOLIA WATER IDAHO, INC. SUMMARY OF HISTORIC TEST YEAR REVENUES UNDER PRESENT RATES AND TEST YEAR REVENUES UNDER PRESENT RATES Case No.VEO-W-22-02 Exhibit No. 5 Schedule No. 2 Page 2 of 34 T. Michaelson Increase Historic TY Historic Historic Historic TY Historic TY 24.1%(0) Meter / Revenue Revenue Rate Block Number Total Present Phase I Number Total Present Phase II # Bills Test Year Test Year Total Present Revenue Proposed Consump Proposed From Proposed CCF Of Bills Consumption Rate Revenue Of Bills Consumption Rate Revenue Volumes Revenues # Bills Consumption Rate Pres Rate Rate Revenue Adjustment Rate Adjustments Rates (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13)(14)(15)(16)(17)(18)(19)(20)(21) Customer Charge 5/8 118,808 21.88 2,599,518 22,472 22.96 515,956 141,280 3,115,474 141,280 22.96 3,243,787 28.48 4,023,985 1,421 28.48 40,485 4,064,470 3/4 275,653 21.88 6,031,296 53,510 22.96 1,228,580 329,163 7,259,876 329,163 22.96 7,557,581 28.48 9,375,337 3,312 28.48 94,325 9,469,663 1 45,769 27.97 1,280,167 8,885 29.35 260,761 54,654 1,540,929 54,654 29.35 1,604,090 36.41 1,989,907 550 36.41 20,020 2,009,928 1 1/2 1,256 47.84 60,066 243 50.21 12,214 1,499 72,281 1,499 50.21 75,256 62.29 93,357 - 62.29 - 93,357 2 575 74.23 42,707 113 77.92 8,844 689 51,551 689 77.92 53,674 96.66 66,584 - 96.66 - 66,584 Subtotal 442,062 10,013,755 85,223 2,026,355 527,284 12,040,110 527,284 12,534,388 15,549,170 5,283 154,831 15,704,001 Total Fixed 12,040,110 Winter Usage 4,296,655 1.5208 6,534,353 0 1.5959 0 4,296,655 6,534,353 4,296,655 1.5959 6,857,032 1.9797 8,506,291 (306,327) 1.9797 (606,451) 7,899,840 Summer Usage Up to 3 CCF 393,632 1.5208 598,636 97,923 1.5959 156,276 491,556 754,912 491,556 1.5959 784,474 1.9797 973,156 (35,045) 1.9797 (69,381) 903,775 Over 3 CCF 7,355,793 1.9254 14,162,845 481,687 2.0204 973,200 7,837,480 15,136,045 7,837,480 2.0204 15,834,845 2.5063 19,643,456 (558,768) 2.5063 (1,400,468) 18,242,988 Subtotal 0 12,046,081 21,295,834 579,610 1,129,476 12,625,691 22,425,310 12,625,691 23,476,351 29,122,903 (900,141) (2,076,300) 27,046,603 Total Class 31,309,589 3,155,831 34,465,420 36,010,739 44,672,073 (1,921,469) 42,750,604 Customer Charge 5/8 3,178 0 21.88 69,533 618 22.96 14,188 3,796 83,721 3,796 22.96 87,153 28.48 108,115 - 28.48 - 108,115 3/4 10,125 0 21.88 221,532 1,951 22.96 44,796 12,076 266,329 12,076 22.96 277,264 28.48 343,951 93 28.48 2,661 346,612 1 12,504 0 27.97 349,749 2,417 29.35 70,936 14,921 420,685 14,921 29.35 437,941 36.41 543,275 115 36.41 4,202 547,478 1 1/2 10,075 0 47.84 481,971 1,954 50.21 98,118 12,029 580,090 12,029 50.21 603,967 62.29 749,234 93 62.29 5,796 755,029 2 11,460 0 74.23 850,708 2,258 77.92 175,919 13,718 1,026,627 13,718 77.92 1,068,916 96.66 1,326,012 106 96.66 10,257 1,336,269 3 1,380 0 144.82 199,860 173 151.97 26,258 1,553 226,118 1,553 151.97 235,985 188.52 292,745 - 188.52 - 292,745 4 201 0 270.18 54,369 39 283.52 11,165 241 65,534 241 283.52 68,218 351.71 84,626 - 351.71 - 84,626 6 29 0 451.04 13,118 5 473.35 2,334 34 15,452 34 473.35 16,101 587.20 19,973 - 587.20 - 19,973 Subtotal 48,953 0 2,240,840 9,415 443,714 58,368 2,684,554 58,368 2,795,544 3,467,931 408 22,916 3,490,847 Temporary Meter Charge 703 25.00 17,582 0 25.00 0 703 17,582 703 25.00 17,582 31.01 21,811 - 31.01 - 21,811 Winter Usage 0 2,564,094 1.5208 3,899,475 0 1.5959 0 2,564,094 3,899,475 2,564,094 1.5959 4,092,038 1.9797 5,076,259 (129,722) 1.9797 (256,817) 4,819,442 Summer Usage Up to 3 CCF 0 82,944 1.5208 126,141 8,989 1.5959 14,346 91,933 140,487 91,933 1.5959 146,716 1.9797 182,005 (4,651) 1.9797 (9,208) 172,797 Over 3 CCF 0 3,742,028 1.9254 7,204,900 336,668 2.0204 680,204 4,078,696 7,885,104 4,078,696 2.0204 8,240,597 2.5063 10,222,632 (206,349) 2.5063 (517,181) 9,705,451 Subtotal 0 6,389,066 11,230,517 345,657 694,549 6,734,723 11,925,066 6,734,723 12,479,351 15,480,895 (340,722) (783,206) 14,697,689 Total Class 13,488,940 1,138,263 14,627,203 15,292,478 18,970,638 (760,290)18,210,347 Residential - Bi-Monthly Residential - Bi-Monthly Residential - Bi-Monthly Residential - Bi-Monthly Commercial - Bi-Monthly Commercial - Bi-Monthly Commercial - Bi-Monthly Commercial - Bi-Monthly VEOLIA WATER IDAHO, INC. APPLICATION OF PRESENT RATES AND PROPOSED RATES TO CONSUMPTION ANALYSIS - VWID SYSTEM HISTORIC TEST YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2022 AND TEST YEAR ENDED MARCH 31, 2023 MAY 2021 - APRIL 2022 MAY 2022 - JUNE 2022 Case No. VEO-W-22-02 Exhibit No. 5 Schedule No. 3 - VWID System Page 3 of 34 T. Michaelson Increase Historic TY Historic Historic Historic TY Historic TY 24.1%(0) Meter / Revenue Revenue Rate Block Number Total Present Phase I Number Total Present Phase II # Bills Test Year Test Year Total Present Revenue Proposed Consump Proposed From Proposed CCF Of Bills Consumption Rate Revenue Of Bills Consumption Rate Revenue Volumes Revenues # Bills Consumption Rate Pres Rate Rate Revenue Adjustment Rate Adjustments Rates (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13)(14)(15)(16)(17)(18)(19)(20)(21) VEOLIA WATER IDAHO, INC. APPLICATION OF PRESENT RATES AND PROPOSED RATES TO CONSUMPTION ANALYSIS - VWID SYSTEM HISTORIC TEST YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2022 AND TEST YEAR ENDED MARCH 31, 2023 MAY 2021 - APRIL 2022 MAY 2022 - JUNE 2022 Customer Charge 5/8 23 21.88 503 6 22.96 134 29 636 29 22.96 661 28.48 820 - 28.48 - 820 3/4 45 21.88 977 8 22.96 174 52 1,151 52 22.96 1,199 28.48 1,488 - 28.48 - 1,488 1 132 27.97 3,704 27 29.35 800 160 4,504 160 29.35 4,687 36.41 5,814 (5) 36.41 (168) 5,646 1 1/2 105 47.84 5,013 22 50.21 1,116 127 6,129 127 50.21 6,378 62.29 7,911 (4) 62.29 (228) 7,683 2 195 74.23 14,464 38 77.92 2,983 233 17,447 233 77.92 18,166 96.66 22,536 (7) 96.66 (650) 21,885 3 5 144.82 724 1 151.97 147 6 871 6 151.97 907 188.52 1,125 - 188.52 - 1,125 Street Sweeping 1 3,464.63 3,465 - 3,680.40 0 1 3,465 1 3,680.40 3,680 4,565.61 4,566 - 4,565.61 - 4,566 Subtotal 505 28,849 102 5,354 34,203 608 35,678 44,259 (15) (1,046) 43,213 Winter Usage 16,013 1.5208 24,352 0 1.5959 0 16,013 24,352 16,013 1.5959 25,555 1.9797 31,701 (268) 1.9797 (530) 31,172 Summer Usage Up to 3 CCF 708 1.5208 1,076 68 1.5959 109 776 1,185 776 1.5959 1,238 1.9797 1,536 (13) 1.9797 (26) 1,510 Over 3 CCF 44,519 1.9254 85,717 1,655 2.0204 3,344 46,174 89,061 46,174 2.0204 93,291 2.5063 115,729 (772) 2.5063 (1,934) 113,796 Subtotal 61,240 111,146 1,723 3,453 62,963 114,599 62,963 120,084 148,966 (1,052) (2,489) 146,477 Total Class 139,995 Total Revenues 8,807 148,802 155,762 193,226 (3,535) 189,690 Fire Line Size 3" and smaller 4,623 0 38.54 178,161 337 0 40.48 13,627 4,959 191,788 4,959 40.48 200,757 40.48 200,757 120 40.48 4,866 205,623 4"3,560 0 58.42 207,965 234 0 61.36 14,357 3,794 222,322 3,794 61.36 232,788 61.36 232,788 92 61.36 5,643 238,431 6"3,204 0 145.10 464,936 199 0 152.39 30,326 3,403 495,261 3,403 152.39 518,620 152.39 518,620 82 152.39 12,571 531,191 8"1,018 0 238.44 242,798 68 0 250.43 17,099 1,087 259,896 1,087 250.43 272,105 250.43 272,105 26 250.43 6,596 278,701 10"62 0 371.83 23,163 5 0 390.54 1,823 67 24,987 67 390.54 26,152 390.54 26,152 - 390.54 - 26,152 12"34 0 556.96 19,006 2 0 584.98 1,098 36 20,103 36 584.98 21,059 584.98 21,059 - 584.98 - 21,059 Hydrants 906 0 23.38 21,171 56 24.56 1,376 962 22,548 962 24.56 23,616 24.56 23,616 - 24.56 - 23,616 Total Private Fire 13,407 0 1,157,200 900 0 79,706 1,236,906 14,308 1,295,098 1,295,098 321 29,675 1,324,773 Total 18,496,387 46,095,723 926,991 4,382,607 50,478,330 19,423,377 52,754,077 65,131,034 (1,241,915)(2,655,619) 62,475,415 Public Authority - Bi-Monthly Public Authority - Bi-Monthly Pub Auth - Bi-Monthly Public Authority - Bi-Monthly Private Fire Lines - Bi-Monthly Private Fire Lines - Bi-Monthly Priv Fire Lines - Bi-Monthly Private Fire Lines - Bi-Monthly Case No. VEO-W-22-02 Exhibit No. 5 Schedule No. 3 - VWID System Page 4 of 34 T. Michaelson Increase Historic TY Historic Historic Historic TY Historic TY 24.1%Meter / Revenue Revenue Rate Block Number Total Present Phase I Number Total Present Phase II # Bills Test Year Test Year Total Present Revenue Proposed Proposed Consump Proposed From Proposed CCF Of Bills Consumption Rate Revenue Of Bills Consumption Rate Revenue Volumes Revenues # Bills Consumption Rate Pres Rate Rate Revenue Adjustment Rate Adjustments Rates (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13)(14)(15)(16)(17)(18)(19)(20)(21) Customer Charge 5/8 4,865 5.47 26,611 3,360 5.74 19,285 8,225 45,896 8,225 6.70 55,105 8.31 68,359 9,862 8.31 81,970 150,328 3/4 5,744 5.47 31,422 3,914 5.74 22,467 9,659 53,890 9,659 6.70 64,713 8.31 80,278 11,582 8.31 96,262 176,540 1 161 6.99 1,129 115 7.34 844 277 1,973 277 8.56 2,367 10.62 2,936 - 10.62 - 2,936 1 1/2 9 11.96 108 6 12.55 74 15 182 15 14.64 218 18.16 271 - 18.16 - 271 2 5 18.56 87 2 19.48 38 7 125 7 22.73 151 28.20 187 - 28.20 - 187 Subtotal 10,785 59,356 7,397 42,709 18,181 102,065 18,181 122,554 152,031 21,444 178,232 330,262 Winter Usage 91,453 0.7604 69,541 0 0.7980 0 91,453 69,541 91,453 0.9309 85,134 1.1548 105,610 71,781 1.1548 82,893 188,503 Summer Usage Up to 3 CCF 0.7604 0 5,861 0.7980 4,677 5,861 4,677 5,861 0.9309 5,456 1.1548 6,768 8,212 1.1548 9,483 16,251 Over 3 CCF 0.9627 0 45,752 1.0102 46,218 45,752 46,218 45,752 1.1786 53,923 1.4621 66,893 130,935 1.4621 191,437 258,330 Subtotal 0 91,453 69,541 51,612 50,895 143,065 120,436 143,065 144,512 179,270 210,928 283,813 463,084 Total Class 128,897 93,604 222,501 267,066 331,301 462,045 793,346 Customer Charge 5/8 45 0 5.47 248 32 5.74 184 77 432 77 6.70 518 8.31 643 - 8.31 - 643 3/4 286 0 5.47 1,566 192 5.74 1,103 478 2,668 478 6.70 3,205 8.31 3,975 608 8.31 5,052 9,027 1 210 0 6.99 1,467 151 7.34 1,106 361 2,573 361 8.56 3,086 10.62 3,828 458 10.62 4,865 8,693 1 1/2 497 0 11.96 5,944 338 12.55 4,240 835 10,184 835 14.64 12,222 18.16 15,162 1,061 18.16 19,267 34,429 2 396 0 18.56 7,358 300 19.48 5,846 697 13,204 697 22.73 15,832 28.20 19,640 885 28.20 24,959 44,599 3 9 0 36.21 326 6 37.99 223 15 549 15 44.32 659 54.98 818 - 54.98 - 818 4 33 0 67.55 2,218 24 70.88 1,669 56 3,887 56 82.69 4,662 102.58 5,784 - 102.58 - 5,784 6 3 0 112.76 338 2 118.34 232 5 570 5 138.06 684 171.27 849 - 171.27 - 849 Subtotal 1,480 0 19,465 1,044 14,601 2,524 34,066 2,524 40,869 50,699 3,012 54,143 104,842 Winter Usage 0 50,501 0.7604 38,401 0 0.7980 0 50,501 38,401 50,501 0.9309 47,011 1.1548 58,318 59,039 1.1548 68,178 126,496 Summer Usage Up to 3 CCF 0 0 0.7604 0 714 0.7980 570 714 570 714 0.9309 665 1.1548 824 2,117 1.1548 2,444 3,269 Over 3 CCF 0 0 0.9627 0 36,754 1.0102 37,128 36,754 37,128 36,754 1.1786 43,318 1.4621 53,737 93,913 1.4621 137,308 191,045 Subtotal 0 50,501 38,401 37,467 37,698 87,968 76,099 87,968 90,993 112,879 155,069 207,931 320,810 Total Class 57,866 52,299 110,165 131,862 163,578 262,074 425,652 Commercial - Monthly Commercial - Monthly Commercial - Monthly Commercial - Monthly Residential - Monthly Residential - Monthly Residential - Monthly Residential - Monthly VEOLIA WATER IDAHO, INC. APPLICATION OF PRESENT RATES AND PROPOSED RATES TO CONSUMPTION ANALYSIS - EAGLE EXIST HISTORIC TEST YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2022 AND TEST YEAR ENDED MARCH 31, 2023 MAY 2021 - APRIL 2022 MAY 2022 - JUNE 2022 Case No. VEO-W-22-02 Exhibit No. 5 Schedule No. 3 - Eagle Exist Page 5 of 34 T. Michaelson I ~ I I I I I I D Increase Historic TY Historic Historic Historic TY Historic TY 24.1%Meter / Revenue Revenue Rate Block Number Total Present Phase I Number Total Present Phase II # Bills Test Year Test Year Total Present Revenue Proposed Proposed Consump Proposed From Proposed CCF Of Bills Consumption Rate Revenue Of Bills Consumption Rate Revenue Volumes Revenues # Bills Consumption Rate Pres Rate Rate Revenue Adjustment Rate Adjustments Rates (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13)(14)(15)(16)(17)(18)(19)(20)(21) VEOLIA WATER IDAHO, INC. APPLICATION OF PRESENT RATES AND PROPOSED RATES TO CONSUMPTION ANALYSIS - EAGLE EXIST HISTORIC TEST YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2022 AND TEST YEAR ENDED MARCH 31, 2023 MAY 2021 - APRIL 2022 MAY 2022 - JUNE 2022 Customer Charge 5/8 3 5.47 19 7 5.74 38 10 57 10 6.70 68 8.31 84 9 8.31 78 162 3/4 16 5.47 90 8 5.74 45 24 135 24 6.70 162 8.31 201 22 8.31 187 388 1 1/2 3 11.96 36 4 12.55 49 7 85 7 14.64 102 18.16 126 6 18.16 117 243 2 0 18.56 1 4 19.48 77 4 78 4 22.73 91 28.20 113 4 28.20 105 218 Subtotal 23 146 22 209 45 355 45 423 525 42 487 1,011 Winter Usage 177 0.7604 135 0 0.7980 0 177 135 177 0.9309 165 1.1548 205 375 1.1548 433 637 Summer Usage Up to 3 CCF 0 0.7604 0 3 0.7980 3 3 3 3 0.9309 3 1.1548 4 18 1.1548 21 25 Over 3 CCF 0 0.9627 0 137 1.0102 139 137 139 137 1.1786 162 1.4621 201 1,080 1.4621 1,579 1,780 Subtotal 177 135 141 141 318 276 318 330 409 1,473 2,033 2,442 Total Class 281 351 631 753 934 2,519 3,453 Fire Line Size 3" and smaller 193 0 9.64 1,859 61 0 10.12 622 254 2,481 254 11.81 3,003 11.81 3,003 340 11.81 4,019 7,023 4"138 0 14.61 2,013 47 0 15.34 725 185 2,738 185 17.90 3,313 17.90 3,313 248 17.90 4,433 7,746 6"31 0 36.28 1,120 8 0 38.10 287 38 1,407 38 44.45 1,707 44.45 1,707 - 44.45 - 1,707 8"5 0 59.60 281 2 0 62.61 143 7 424 7 73.04 511 73.04 511 - 73.04 - 511 Total Private Fire 366 0 5,272 119 0 1,778 485 7,050 485 8,534 8,534 588 8,453 16,987 Total 142,131 192,316 89,220 148,032 340,348 231,351 408,216 504,347 367,470 735,091 1,239,438 Private Fire Lines - Monthly Private Fire Lines - Monthly Priv Fire Lines - Monthly Private Fire Lines - Monthly Public Authority - Monthly Public Authority - Monthly Pub Auth - Monthly Public Authority - Monthly Case No. VEO-W-22-02 Exhibit No. 5 Schedule No. 3 - Eagle Exist Page 6 of 34 T. Michaelson -1 u- Increase Historic TY Historic Historic Historic TY Historic TY 24.1%Meter / Revenue Revenue Rate Block Number Total Present Phase I Number Total Present Phase II # Bills Test Year Test Year Total Present Revenue Proposed Proposed Consump Proposed From Proposed CCF Of Bills Consumption Rate Revenue Of Bills Consumption Rate Revenue Volumes Revenues # Bills Consumption Rate Pres Rate Rate Revenue Adjustment Rate Adjustments Rates (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13)(14)(15)(16)(17)(18)(19)(20)(21) Customer Charge 5/8 0 10.94 0 - 11.48 0 - - - 11.48 - 14.24 - 456 14.24 6,497 6,497 3/4 0 10.94 0 - 11.48 - - - - 11.48 - 14.24 - 536 14.24 7,630 7,630 1 0 13.99 0 - 14.68 - - - - 14.68 - 18.21 - - 18.21 - - 1 1/2 0 23.92 0 - 25.11 - - - - 25.11 - 31.15 - - 31.15 - - 2 0 37.12 0 - 38.96 - - - - 38.96 - 48.33 - - 48.33 - - Subtotal 0 0 0 0 0 0 - - 992 14,127 14,127 Winter Usage 1,551 1.5208 2,359 0 1.5959 0 1,551 2,359 1,551 1.5959 2,476 1.9797 3,072 3,644 1.9797 7,214 10,285 Summer Usage Up to 3 CCF 1.5208 0 294 1.5959 469 294 469 294 1.5959 469 1.9797 582 417 1.9797 825 1,408 Over 3 CCF 1.9254 0 1,746 2.0204 3,528 1,746 3,528 1,746 2.0204 3,528 2.5063 4,377 6,647 2.5063 16,659 21,036 Subtotal 0 1,551 2,359 2,041 3,998 3,592 6,357 3,592 6,474 8,031 10,707 24,698 32,729 Total Class 2,359 Total Revenue 3,998 6,357 6,474 8,031 38,826 46,857 Customer Charge 5/8 0 0 10.94 0 - 11.48 0 - - - 11.48 - 14.24 - - 14.24 - - 3/4 0 0 10.94 0 - 11.48 - - - - 11.48 - 14.24 - 23 14.24 331 331 1 0 0 13.99 0 - 14.68 - - - - 14.68 - 18.21 - 18 18.21 319 319 1 1/2 0 0 23.92 0 - 25.11 - - - - 25.11 - 31.15 - 41 31.15 1,265 1,265 2 0 0 37.12 0 - 38.96 - - - - 38.96 - 48.33 - 34 48.33 1,638 1,638 3 0 0 72.41 0 - 75.99 - - - - 75.99 - 94.27 - - 94.27 - - 4 0 0 135.09 0 - 141.76 - - - - 141.76 - 175.86 - - 175.86 - - 6 0 0 225.52 0 - 236.68 - - - - 236.68 - 293.61 - - 293.61 - - Subtotal 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - - - 115 3,555 3,555 Total Fixed 0 Winter Usage 0 1,852 1.5208 2,816 0 1.5959 0 1,852 2,816 1,852 1.5959 2,955 1.9797 3,666 2,403 1.9797 4,758 8,424 Summer Usage Up to 3 CCF 0 0 1.5208 0 47 1.5959 76 47 76 47 1.5959 76 1.9797 94 86 1.9797 171 265 Over 3 CCF 0 0 1.9254 0 1,192 2.0204 2,408 1,192 2,408 1,192 2.0204 2,408 2.5063 2,987 3,823 2.5063 9,582 12,569 Subtotal 0 1,852 2,816 1,239 2,484 3,091 5,300 3,091 5,439 6,747 6,313 14,511 21,258 Total Class 2,816 2,484 5,300 5,439 6,747 18,065 24,812 Commercial - Monthly Commercial - Monthly Commercial - Monthly Commercial - Monthly Residential - Monthly Residential - Monthly Residential - Monthly Residential - Monthly VEOLIA WATER IDAHO, INC. APPLICATION OF PRESENT RATES AND PROPOSED RATES TO CONSUMPTION ANALYSIS - EAGLE NEW HISTORIC TEST YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2022 AND TEST YEAR ENDED MARCH 31, 2023 MAY 2021 - APRIL 2022 MAY 2022 - JUNE 2022 Case No. VEO-W-22-02 Exhibit No. 5 Schedule No. 3 - Eagle New Page 7 of 34 T. Michaelson Increase Historic TY Historic Historic Historic TY Historic TY 24.1%Meter / Revenue Revenue Rate Block Number Total Present Phase I Number Total Present Phase II # Bills Test Year Test Year Total Present Revenue Proposed Proposed Consump Proposed From Proposed CCF Of Bills Consumption Rate Revenue Of Bills Consumption Rate Revenue Volumes Revenues # Bills Consumption Rate Pres Rate Rate Revenue Adjustment Rate Adjustments Rates (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13)(14)(15)(16)(17)(18)(19)(20)(21) VEOLIA WATER IDAHO, INC. APPLICATION OF PRESENT RATES AND PROPOSED RATES TO CONSUMPTION ANALYSIS - EAGLE NEW HISTORIC TEST YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2022 AND TEST YEAR ENDED MARCH 31, 2023 MAY 2021 - APRIL 2022 MAY 2022 - JUNE 2022 Customer Charge 5/8 0 10.94 0 - 11.48 0 - - - 11.48 - 14.24 - - 14.24 - - 3/4 0 10.94 0 - 11.48 0 - - - 11.48 - 14.24 - - 14.24 - - 1 1/2 0 23.92 0 - 25.11 0 - - - 25.11 - 31.15 - - 31.15 - - 2 0 37.12 0 - 38.96 0 - - - 38.96 - 48.33 - - 48.33 - - Subtotal 0 0 0 0 0 0 - - - - - - Total Fixed 0 Winter Usage 0 1.5208 0 0 1.5959 0 0 0 - 1.5959 - 1.9797 - - 1.9797 - - Summer Usage Up to 3 CCF 0 1.5208 0 0 1.5959 0 0 0 - 1.5959 - 1.9797 - - 1.9797 - - Over 3 CCF 0 1.9254 0 0 2.0204 0 0 0 - 2.0204 - 2.5063 - - 2.5063 - - Subtotal 0 0 0 0 0 0 - - - - - - Total Class - Total Revenues - - - - - - Fire Line Size 3" and smaller 5 0 19.27 95 2 0 20.24 49 7 144 7 20.24 149 20.24 149 66 20.24 1,327 1,476 4"0 0 29.21 0 - 0 30.68 0 - - - 30.68 - 30.68 - 48 30.68 1,464 1,464 6"0 0 72.55 2 - 0 76.20 0 0 2 0 76.20 3 76.20 3 - 76.20 - 3 8"0 0 119.20 0 - 0 125.22 0 - - - 125.22 - 125.22 - - 125.22 - - Total Private Fire 5 0 97 2 0 49 7 147 7 152 152 113 2,792 2,943 Total 3,403 5,273 3,280 6,531 11,804 6,683 12,064 14,930 17,020 59,683 74,612 Private Fire Lines - Monthly Private Fire Lines - Monthly Priv Fire Lines - Monthly Private Fire Lines - Monthly Public Authority - Monthly Public Authority - Monthly Pub Auth - Monthly Public Authority - Monthly Case No. VEO-W-22-02 Exhibit No. 5 Schedule No. 3 - Eagle New Page 8 of 34 T. Michaelson I I ~ ADJUSTMENT R1: ANNUALIZATION OF HISTORIC TEST YEAR GROWTH 1/2 of Average Usage per Bill Historic TY Annualization Adjustment 6/30/2021 6/30/2022 Gain/Loss Growth CCF CCF Residential 87,759 88,776 1,017 509 3,051 23.50 71,706 Commercial 9,870 9,910 40 20 120 115.96 13,915 Public Authority 136 129 -7 -4 (21) 70.13 (1,473) Private Fire 2,293 2,318 25 13 75 0.00 - ADJUSTMENT R2: WEIGHTED CUSTOMER GROWTH THROUGH 3/31/2023 Average Usage per Bill Test Year Growth Adjustment 6/30/2022 3/31/2023 Gain/Loss CCF CCF Residential 88,776 89,148 372 2,232 23.50 52,457 Commercial 9,910 9,958 48 288 115.96 33,395 Public Authority 129 130 1 6 70.13 421 Private Fire 2,318 2,359 41 246 0 - ADJUSTMENT R3: WEATHER USAGE ADJUSTMENT Test Year No. Customers Adjustment per Customer Test Year Weather Adjustment 3/31/2023 CCF CCF Residential 89,148 -11.49 (1,024,305) Commercial 9,958 -38.97 (388,032) TOTAL OF PRO-FORMA ADJUSTMENTS (R1 + R2 + R3) Test Year No. Customers Total Test Year Adjustment 3/31/2023 CCF Residential 89,148 (900,141) Commercial 9,958 (340,722) Public Authority 130 (1,052) Fire 2,359 - (1,241,915) Number of Customers Number of Bi- Monthly Bills VEOLIA WATER IDAHO, INC. SUMMARY OF BILLING DETERMINANTS FOR REVENUE ADJUSTMENTS - VWID SYSTEM Number of Customers Number of Bi- Monthly Bills Case No.VEO-W-22-02 Exhibit No. 5 Schedule No. 4 - VWID System Page 9 of 34 T. Michaelson ADJUSTMENT R1: ANNUALIZATION OF HISTORIC TEST YEAR GROWTH Growth (use Gain/Loss Average Usage per Bill Historic TY Annualization Adjustment 1/31/2022 7/31/2022 Gain/Loss Amount)CCF CCF Res - New 3,574 3,615 41 41 492 11.75 5,782 Comm - New 502 507 5 5 60 57.98 3,479 PA - Existing 11 9 -2 -2 (24) 35.07 (842) Pr Fire - New 98 105 7 7 84 0.00 - ADJUSTMENT R2: WEIGHTED CUSTOMER GROWTH THROUGH 3/31/2023 Average Usage per Bill Test Year Growth Adjustment 7/31/2022 3/31/2023 Gain/Loss CCF CCF Res - New 3,615 3,657 42 500 11.75 5,876 Comm - New 507 512 5 55 57.98 3,209 Public Authority 9 9 0 - 35.07 - Pr Fire - New 105 107 2 29 0 - ADJUSTMENT R3: WEATHER USAGE ADJUSTMENT Test Year No. Customers Adjustment per Customer Test Year Weather Adjustment 3/31/2023 CCF CCF Res - Existing 3,574 -11.49 (41,065) Res - New 83 -11.49 (950) Comm - Existing 502 -38.97 (19,561) Comm - New 10 -38.97 (375) ADJUSTMENT R4: ANNUALIZATION OF HISTORIC TEST YEAR EXISTING CUSTOMERS Number of Customers Average Usage per Bill Test Year Annualization Adjustment 1/31/2022 CCF CCF Res - Existing 3,574 21,444 11.75 251,993 Comm - Existing 502 3,012 57.98 174,630 PA - Existing 11 66 35.07 2,314 Priv Fire - Existing 98 588 - - TOTAL OF TEST YEAR ADJUSTMENTS (R1 + R2 + R3 + R4) Test Year No. Customers Total Test Year Adjustment 3/31/2023 CCF Residential 3,657 221,636 Commercial 512 161,381 Public Authority 9 1,473 Private Fire 107 384,490 Number of Monthly Bills (1/2 Year) Number of Customers Number of Monthly Bills VEOLIA WATER IDAHO, INC. SUMMARY OF BILLING DETERMINANTS FOR REVENUE ADJUSTMENTS - EAGLE Number of Customers Number of Monthly Bills Case No. VEO-W-22-02 Exhibit No. 5 Schedule No. 4 - Eagle Page 10 of 34 MichaelsonT. Rate Block Number Total Present Proposed Proposed CCF Of Bills Consumption Rate Revenue Rate Revenue (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7) Customer Charge 5/8 821 22.96$ 18,848$ 28.48 23,381 3/4 1,913 22.96 43,912 28.48 54,474 1 318 29.35 9,320 36.41 11,562 Subtotal 3,051 72,080 89,417 Winter Usage 0 24,402 1.5959 38,944 1.9797 48,310 Summer Usage Up to 3 CCF 0 2,792 1.5959 4,455 1.9797 5,527 Over 3 CCF 0 44,512 2.0204 89,932 2.5063 111,562 Subtotal 0 71,706 133,331 165,400 Total Class 3,051 71,706 205,411$ 254,817$ Customer Charge 3/4 27 22.96$ 631$ 28.48 783 1 34 29.35 996 36.41 1,236 1 1/2 27 50.21 1,374 62.29 1,705 2 31 77.92 2,432 96.66 3,017 Subtotal 120 5,433 6,740 Winter Usage 0 5,298 1.5959 8,455 1.9797 10,488 Summer Usage Up to 3 CCF 0 190 1.5959 303 1.9797 376 Over 3 CCF 0 8,427 2.0204 17,026 2.5063 21,121 Subtotal 0 13,915 25,784 31,985 Total Class 120 13,915 31,217$ 38,725$ Customer Charge 1 (6)29.35$ (189)$ 36.41 (235) 1 1/2 (5)50.21 (258) 62.29 (320) 2 (9)77.92 (734) 96.66 (910) Subtotal (21)(1,181)(1,465) Winter Usage 0 (375)1.5959 (598)1.9797 (742) Summer Usage Up to 3 CCF 0 (18)1.5959 (29)1.9797 (36) Over 3 CCF 0 (1,080)2.0204 (2,182)2.5063 (2,707) Subtotal 0 (1,473)(2,809)(3,485) Total Class (21)(1,473)(3,990)$ (4,949)$ Fire Line Size 3" and smaller 28 0 40.48$ 1,137$ 40.48 1,137 4"21 0 61.36 1,318 61.36 1,318 6"19 0 152.39 2,937 152.39 2,937 8"6 0 250.43 1,541 250.43 1,541 Total Class 75 0 6,933$ 6,933$ Total Adjustment 3,225 84,148 239,572 295,526 Private Fire Lines - Bi-Monthly VEOLIA WATER IDAHO, INC. R-1 APPLICATION OF PRESENT AND PROPOSED RATES TO NUMBER OF CUSTOMERS ADDED IN HISTORIC TEST YEAR - VWID SYSTEM Residential - Bi-Monthly Commercial - Bi-Monthly Other Public Authority - Bi-Monthly Case No. VEO-W-22-02 Exhibit No. 5 Schedule No. 4A - VWID System Page 11 of 34 MichaelsonT. Rate Block Number Total Present Proposed Proposed CCF Of Bills Consumption Rate Revenue Rate Revenue (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7) Customer Charge 5/8 0 6.70 - 8.31 - 3/4 0 6.70 0 8.31 Subtotal 0 0 0 Winter Usage 0 0 0.9309 0 1.1548 0 Summer Usage Up to 3 CCF 0 0 0.9309 0 1.1548 0 Over 3 CCF 0 0 1.1786 0 1.4621 0 Subtotal 0 0 0 0 Total Class 0 0 - - Customer Charge 3/4 0 6.70 - 8.31 - 1 0 8.56 0 10.62 0 1 1/2 0 14.64 0 18.16 0 2 0 22.73 0 28.20 0 Subtotal 0 0 0 Winter Usage 0 0 0.9309 0 1.1548 0 Summer Usage Up to 3 CCF 0 0 0.9309 0 1.1548 0 Over 3 CCF 0 0 1.1786 0 1.4621 0 Subtotal 0 0 0 0 Total Class 0 0 - - Customer Charge 5/8 (5)6.70 (36) 8.31 (44) 3/4 (13)6.70 (86) 8.31 (107) 1 1/2 (4)14.64 (54) 18.16 (67) 2 (2)22.73 (48) 28.20 (60) Subtotal (24)(224) (278) Winter Usage 0 (214)0.9309 (199)1.1548 (247) Summer Usage Up to 3 CCF 0 (10)0.9309 (10)1.1548 (12) Over 3 CCF 0 (617)1.1786 (727)1.4621 (902) Subtotal 0 (842)(936)(1,162) Total Class (24)(842)(1,160) (1,440) VEOLIA WATER IDAHO, INC. R-1 APPLICATION OF PRESENT AND PROPOSED RATES TO NUMBER OF CUSTOMERS ADDED IN HISTORIC TEST YEAR - EAGLE EXIST Residential - Monthly Commercial - Monthly Other Public Authority - Monthly Case No. VEO-W-22-02 Exhibit No. 5 Schedule No. 4A - Eagle Existing Page 12 of 34 MichaelsonT. Rate Block Number Total Present Proposed Proposed CCF Of Bills Consumption Rate Revenue Rate Revenue (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7) Customer Charge 5/8 226 11.48 2,598 14.24 3,222 3/4 266 11.48 3,051 14.24 3,784 Subtotal 492 5,648 7,007 Winter Usage 0 1,968 1.5959 3,140 1.9797 3,895 Summer Usage Up to 3 CCF 0 225 1.5959 359 1.9797 446 Over 3 CCF 0 3,589 2.0204 7,251 2.5063 8,995 Subtotal 0 5,782 10,750 13,336 Total Class 492 5,782 16,399 20,343 Customer Charge 3/4 12 11.48 139 14.24 172 1 9 14.68 134 18.21 166 1 1/2 21 25.11 531 31.15 658 2 18 38.96 687 48.33 852 Subtotal 60 1,491 1,849 Winter Usage 0 1,324 1.5959 2,114 1.9797 2,622 Summer Usage Up to 3 CCF 0 47 1.5959 76 1.9797 94 Over 3 CCF 0 2,107 2.0204 4,257 2.5063 5,280 Subtotal 0 3,479 6,446 7,996 Total Class 60 3,479 7,937 9,845 Customer Charge 5/8 0 6.70 - 14.24 - 3/4 0 6.70 - 14.24 - 1 1/2 0 14.64 - 31.15 - 2 0 22.73 - 48.33 - Subtotal 0 - 0 Winter Usage 0 0 1.5959 0 1.9797 0 Summer Usage Up to 3 CCF 0 0 1.5959 0 1.9797 0 Over 3 CCF 0 0 2.0204 0 2.5063 0 Subtotal 0 0 0 0 Total Class 0 0 - - Fire Line Size 3" and smaller 49 0 20.24 984 20.24 984 4"35 0 30.68 1,086 30.68 1,086 Total Class 84 0 2,070 2,070 Total Adjustment 636 9,260 26,405 32,258 Private Fire Lines - Monthly VEOLIA WATER IDAHO, INC. R-1 APPLICATION OF PRESENT AND PROPOSED RATES TO NUMBER OF CUSTOMERS ADDED IN HISTORIC TEST YEAR - EAGLE NEW Residential - Monthly Commercial - Monthly Other Public Authority - Monthly Case No. VEO-W-22-02 Exhibit No. 5 Schedule No. 4A - Eagle New Page 13 of 34 MichaelsonT. Rate Block Number Total Present Proposed Proposed CCF Of Bills Consumption Rate Revenue Rate Revenue (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7) Customer Charge 5/8 601 22.96$ 13,788$ 28.48 17,105 3/4 1,399 22.96 32,125 28.48 39,851 1 232 29.35 6,818 36.41 8,458 Subtotal 2,232 52,731 65,414 Winter Usage 0 17,852 1.5959 28,490 1.9797 35,342 Summer Usage Up to 3 CCF 0 2,042 1.5959 3,259 1.9797 4,043 Over 3 CCF 0 32,563 2.0204 65,791 2.5063 81,615 Subtotal 0 52,457 97,540 121,000 Total Class 2,232 52,457 150,271 186,415 Customer Charge 3/4 66 22.96$ 1,514$ 28.48 1,878 1 81 29.35 2,391 36.41 2,966 1 1/2 66 50.21 3,298 62.29 4,091 2 75 77.92 5,837 96.66 7,240 Subtotal 288 13,040 16,176 Winter Usage 0 12,715 1.5959 20,291 1.9797 25,172 Summer Usage Up to 3 CCF 0 456 1.5959 728 1.9797 903 Over 3 CCF 0 20,225 2.0204 40,863 2.5063 50,691 Subtotal 0 33,395 61,881 76,765 Total Class 288 33,395 74,921$ 92,941$ Customer Charge 1 2 29.35$ 54$ 36.41 67 1 1/2 1 50.21 74 62.29 91 2 3 77.92 210 96.66 260 Subtotal 6 338 419 Winter Usage 0 107 1.5959 171 1.9797 212 Summer Usage Up to 3 CCF 0 5 1.5959 8 1.9797 10 Over 3 CCF 0 309 2.0204 623 2.5063 773 Subtotal 0 421 803 996 Total Class 6 421 1,141$ 1,414$ Fire Line Size 3" and smaller 92 0 40.48$ 3,729$ 40.48 3,729 4"70 0 61.36 4,324 61.36 4,324 6"63 0 152.39 9,634 152.39 9,634 8"20 0 250.43 5,055 250.43 5,055 Total Class 246 0 22,742$ 22,742$ Total Adjustment 2,772 86,274 249,075 303,512 Private Fire Lines - Bi-Monthly VEOLIA WATER IDAHO, INC. R-2 APPLICATION OF PRESENT AND PROPOSED RATES TO NUMBER OF CUSTOMERS ADDED IN TEST YEAR - VWID SYSTEM Residential - Bi-Monthly Commercial - Bi-Monthly Other Public Authority - Bi-Monthly Case No. VEO-W-22-02 Exhibit No. 5 Schedule No. 4B - VWID System Page 14 of 34 MichaelsonT. Rate Block Number Total Present Proposed Proposed CCF Of Bills Consumption Rate Revenue Rate Revenue (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7) Customer Charge 5/8 230 11.48 2,640 14.24 3,275 3/4 270 11.48 3,100 14.24 3,846 Subtotal 500 5,740 7,121 Winter Usage 0 2,000 1.5959 3,191 1.9797 3,959 Summer Usage Up to 3 CCF 0 229 1.5959 365 1.9797 453 Over 3 CCF 0 3,647 2.0204 7,369 2.5063 9,142 Subtotal 0 5,876 10,925 13,553 Total Class 500 5,876 16,666 20,674 Customer Charge 3/4 11 11.48 128 14.24 159 1 8 14.68 124 18.21 153 1 1/2 19 25.11 489 31.15 607 2 16 38.96 634 48.33 786 Subtotal 55 1,375 1,705 Winter Usage 0 1,222 1.5959 1,949 1.9797 2,418 Summer Usage Up to 3 CCF 0 44 1.5959 70 1.9797 87 Over 3 CCF 0 1,943 2.0204 3,926 2.5063 4,870 Subtotal 0 3,209 5,945 7,375 Total Class 55 3,209 7,320 9,081 Customer Charge 5/8 0 6.70 - 14.24 - 3/4 0 6.70 - 14.24 - 1 1/2 0 14.64 - 31.15 - 2 0 22.73 - 48.33 - Subtotal 0 -$ 0 Winter Usage 0 0 1.5959 0 1.9797 0 Summer Usage Up to 3 CCF 0 0 1.5959 0 1.9797 0 Over 3 CCF 0 0 2.0204 0 2.5063 0 Subtotal 0 0 0 0 Total Class 0 0 - - Fire Line Size 3" and smaller 17 0 20.24 343 20.24 343 4"12 0 30.68 379 30.68 379 Total Class 29 0 722 722 Total Adjustment 585 9,084 24,708 30,477 Private Fire Lines - Monthly VEOLIA WATER IDAHO, INC. R-2 APPLICATION OF PRESENT AND PROPOSED RATES TO NUMBER OF CUSTOMERS ADDED IN TEST YEAR - EAGLE NEW Residential - Monthly Commercial - Monthly Other Public Authority - Monthly Case No. VEO-W-22-02 Exhibit No. 5 Schedule No. 4B - Eagle New Page 15 of 34 MichaelsonT. Rate Block Number Total Present Proposed Proposed CCF Of Bills Consumption Rate Revenue Rate Revenue (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7) Customer Charge 0 0 0 0 Winter Usage 0 (348,582)1.5959 (556,301)1.9797 (690,103) Summer Usage Up to 3 CCF 0 (39,879)1.5959 (63,643)1.9797 (78,951) Over 3 CCF 0 (635,844)2.0204 (1,284,659)2.5063 (1,593,646) Subtotal 0 (1,024,305)(1,904,603)(2,362,700) Subtotal 0 (1,024,305)(1,904,603)(2,362,700) Total Class 0 (1,024,305)(1,904,603)(2,362,700) Customer Charge 0 0 0 0 Winter Usage 0 (147,734)1.5959 (235,769)1.9797 (292,477) Summer Usage Up to 3 CCF 0 (5,297)1.5959 (8,453)1.9797 (10,486) Over 3 CCF 0 (235,001)2.0204 (474,795)2.5063 (588,993) Subtotal 0 (388,032)(719,018)(891,957) Total Class 0 (388,032)(719,018)$ (891,957)$ Total 0 (1,412,336)(2,623,621)(3,254,657) VEOLIA WATER IDAHO, INC. R-3 APPLICATION OF PRESENT AND PROPOSED RATES TO WEATHER NORMALIZATION - VWID SYSTEM Residential - Bi-Monthly Commercial - Bi-Monthly Case No. VEO-W-22-02 Exhibit No. 5 Schedule No. 4C - VWID System Page 16 of 34 MichaelsonT. Rate Block Number Total Present Proposed Proposed CCF Of Bills Consumption Rate Revenue Rate Revenue (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7) Customer Charge 5/8 0 6.70 - 8.31 - 3/4 0 6.70 0 8.31 Subtotal 0 0 0 Winter Usage 0 (13,975)0.9309 (13,009)1.1548 (16,138) Summer Usage Up to 3 CCF 0 (1,599)0.9309 (1,488)1.1548 (1,846) Over 3 CCF 0 (25,491)1.1786 (30,044)1.4621 (37,270) Subtotal 0 (41,065)(44,542)(55,255) Total Class 0 (41,065)(44,542) (55,255) Customer Charge 3/4 0 6.70 - 8.31 - 1 0 8.56 0 10.62 0 1 1/2 0 14.64 0 18.16 0 2 0 22.73 0 28.20 0 Subtotal 0 0 0 Winter Usage 0 (7,448)0.9309 (6,933)1.1548 (8,600) Summer Usage Up to 3 CCF 0 (267)0.9309 (249)1.1548 (308) Over 3 CCF 0 (11,847)1.1786 (13,963)1.4621 (17,321) Subtotal 0 (19,561)(21,144)(26,230) Total Class 0 (19,561)(21,144) (26,230) Customer Charge 5/8 0 6.70 - 8.31 - 3/4 0 6.70 - 8.31 1 1/2 0 14.64 - 18.16 0 2 0 22.73 - 28.20 0 Subtotal 0 -$ 0 Winter Usage 0 0 0.9309 0 1.1548 0 Summer Usage Up to 3 CCF 0 0 0.9309 0 1.1548 0 Over 3 CCF 0 0 1.1786 0 1.4621 0 Subtotal 0 0 0 0 Total Class 0 0 - - Fire Line Size 3" and smaller 0 0 11.81 - 11.81 - 4"0 0 17.90 0 17.90 0 Total Class 0 0 - - Total Adjustment 0 (60,626)(65,686)(81,485) Private Fire Lines - Monthly VEOLIA WATER IDAHO, INC. R-3 APPLICATION OF PRESENT AND PROPOSED RATES TO WEATHER NORMALIZATION - EAGLE EXIST Residential - Monthly Commercial - Monthly Other Public Authority - Monthly Case No. VEO-W-22-02 Exhibit No. 5 Schedule No. 4C - Eagle Exist Page 17 of 34 MichaelsonT. Rate Block Number Total Present Proposed Proposed CCF Of Bills Consumption Rate Revenue Rate Revenue (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7) Customer Charge 5/8 0 11.48 - 14.24 - 3/4 0 11.48 0 14.24 - Subtotal 0 0 0 Winter Usage 0 (323)1.5959 (516)1.9797 (640) Summer Usage Up to 3 CCF 0 (37)1.5959 (59)1.9797 (73) Over 3 CCF 0 (590)2.0204 (1,191)2.5063 (1,478) Subtotal 0 (950)(1,766)(2,191) Total Class 0 (950)(1,766) (2,191) Customer Charge 3/4 0 11.48 - 14.24 - 1 0 14.68 0 18.21 - 1 1/2 0 25.11 0 31.15 - 2 0 38.96 0 48.33 - Subtotal 0 0 0 Winter Usage 0 (143)1.5959 (228)1.9797 (282) Summer Usage Up to 3 CCF 0 (5)1.5959 (8)1.9797 (10) Over 3 CCF 0 (227)2.0204 (458)2.5063 (569) Subtotal 0 (375)(694)(861) Total Class 0 (375)(694) (861) Customer Charge 5/8 0 6.70 - 14.24 - 3/4 0 6.70 - 14.24 - 1 1/2 0 14.64 - 31.15 - 2 0 22.73 - 48.33 - Subtotal 0 -$ 0 Winter Usage 0 0 1.5959 0 1.9797 0 Summer Usage Up to 3 CCF 0 0 1.5959 0 1.9797 0 Over 3 CCF 0 0 2.0204 0 2.5063 0 Subtotal 0 0 0 0 Total Class 0 0 - - Fire Line Size 3" and smaller 0 0 20.24 - 20.24 - 4"0 0 30.68 0 30.68 - Total Class 0 0 - - Total Adjustment 0 (1,324)(2,460)(3,052) Private Fire Lines - Monthly VEOLIA WATER IDAHO, INC. R-3 APPLICATION OF PRESENT AND PROPOSED RATES TO WEATHER NORMALIZATION - EAGLE NEW Residential - Monthly Commercial - Monthly Other Public Authority - Monthly Case No. VEO-W-22-02 Exhibit No. 5 Schedule No. 4C - Eagle New Page 18 of 34 MichaelsonT. Rate Block Number Total Present Proposed Proposed CCF Of Bills Consumption Rate Revenue Rate Revenue (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7) Customer Charge 5/8 9,862 6.70 66,077 8.31 81,970 3/4 11,582 6.70 77,598 8.31 96,262 Subtotal 21,444 143,675 178,232 Winter Usage 0 85,756 0.9309 79,830 1.1548 99,031 Summer Usage Up to 3 CCF 0 9,811 0.9309 9,133 1.1548 11,330 Over 3 CCF 0 156,426 1.1786 184,364 1.4621 228,708 Subtotal 0 251,993 273,327 339,068 Total Class 21,444 251,993 417,002 517,300 Customer Charge 3/4 608 6.70 4,072 8.31 5,052 1 458 8.56 3,922 10.62 4,865 1 1/2 1,061 14.64 15,532 18.16 19,267 2 885 22.73 20,120 28.20 24,959 Subtotal 3,012 43,645 54,143 Winter Usage 0 66,487 0.9309 61,892 1.1548 76,779 Summer Usage Up to 3 CCF 0 2,384 0.9309 2,219 1.1548 2,753 Over 3 CCF 0 105,760 1.1786 124,649 1.4621 154,629 Subtotal 0 174,630 188,760 234,161 Total Class 3,012 174,630 232,405 288,303 Customer Charge 5/8 15 6.70 99 8.31 122 3/4 35 6.70 237 8.31 294 1 1/2 10 14.64 148 18.16 184 2 6 22.73 133 28.20 165 Subtotal 66 616$ 765 Winter Usage 0 589 0.9309 548 1.1548 680 Summer Usage Up to 3 CCF 0 29 0.9309 27 1.1548 33 Over 3 CCF 0 1,697 1.1786 2,000 1.4621 2,482 Subtotal 0 2,314 2,575 3,194 Total Class 66 2,314 3,191 3,959 Fire Line Size 3" and smaller 340 0 11.81 4,019 11.81 4,019 4"248 0 17.90 4,433 17.90 4,433 Total Class 588 0 8,453$ 8,453$ Total Adjustment 25,110 428,938 661,051 818,015 Private Fire Lines - Monthly Other Public Authority - Monthly VEOLIA WATER IDAHO, INC. R-4 ANNUALIZATION OF HISTORIC TEST YEAR CUSTOMERS - EAGLE EXIST Residential - Monthly Commercial - Monthly Case No. VEO-W-22-02 Exhibit No. 5 Schedule No. 4D - Eagle Exist Page 19 of 34 MichaelsonT. Veolia Water Idaho, Inc. Calculation of Predicted Residential Consumption (thousand gallons) Year (Yr-1990)^2 Yr-1990 Palmer Z Actual Residential Predicted Residential 1992 0 0 (2.14) 180.29 185.23 Regression Statistics 1993 1 1 1.44 156.37 164.55 Multiple R 0.98 1994 4 2 (1.68) 184.18 177.66 R Square 0.96 1995 9 3 1.72 155.00 157.89 Adjusted R Square 0.95 1996 16 4 1.07 163.26 158.54 Standard Error 5.16 1997 25 5 0.60 159.56 158.29 Observations 30 1998 36 6 2.28 153.51 147.19 1999 49 7 (0.60) 171.17 159.09 ANOVA 2000 64 8 (0.52) 162.30 156.07 df SS MS F Significance F 2001 81 9 (1.51) 157.13 158.44 Regression 2 15,348.58 7,674.29 287.85 0.00 2002 100 10 (1.60) 157.19 156.27 Residual 27 719.84 26.66 2003 121 11 (0.56) 151.75 148.40 Total 29 16,068.42 2004 144 12 (0.03) 144.39 143.10 2005 169 13 0.06 132.26 140.02 Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95%Upper 95%Lower 95.0%Upper 95.0% 2006 196 14 (0.24) 135.56 138.91 Intercept 174.44 1.84 94.83 0.00 170.66 178.21 170.66 178.21 2007 225 15 (1.48) 139.23 142.54 X Variable 1 (2.62) 0.11 (23.85) 0.00 (2.85) (2.40) (2.85) (2.40) 2008 256 16 (0.72) 130.28 136.08 X Variable 2 (5.04) 0.84 (6.03) 0.00 (6.76) (3.33) (6.76) (3.33) 2009 289 17 0.50 123.17 127.31 2010 324 18 1.35 116.70 120.39 Input Y Range = E6 - E35 (Actual Consumption) 2011 361 19 1.26 114.86 118.22 Input X Range = C6 - D35 (Year and Palmer Z) 2012 400 20 (0.85) 122.77 126.24 2013 441 21 (1.34) 122.63 126.09 2014 484 22 (0.67) 119.24 120.09 2015 529 23 (1.22) 116.75 120.24 2016 576 24 (0.74) 115.21 115.19 2017 625 25 0.18 108.04 107.93 2018 676 26 (1.25) 111.26 112.52 2019 729 27 1.14 103.46 97.84 2020 784 28 (0.37) 107.92 102.83 2021 841 29 (1.02) 111.20 103.49 2022 900 30 (0.23) 105.48 96.88 Twelve months ending June 2022 Difference b/w Predicted / Actual (8.59) Gallons (8,594) CCF (11.49) Case No. VEO-W-22-02 Exhibit No. 5 Schedule No. 4E Page 20 of 34 MichaelsonT. Veolia Water Idaho, Inc. Calculation of Predicted Commercial Consumption (thousand gallons) Year (Yr-1990)^2 Yr-1990 Palmer Z Actual Commercial Predicted Commercial 1992 0 0 (2.14) 692.80 746.94 Regression Statistics 1993 1 1 1.44 615.03 682.64 Multiple R 0.90 1994 4 2 (1.68) 692.93 724.62 R Square 0.82 1995 9 3 1.72 657.65 663.17 Adjusted R Square 0.80 1996 16 4 1.07 706.86 665.97 Standard Error 32.33 1997 25 5 0.60 700.32 665.91 Observations 30 1998 36 6 2.28 680.96 631.75 1999 49 7 (0.60) 705.63 669.92 ANOVA 2000 64 8 (0.52) 703.36 661.14 df SS MS F Significance F 2001 81 9 (1.51) 738.84 669.33 Regression 2 126,616.22 63,308.11 60.59 0.00 2002 100 10 (1.60) 650.06 663.24 Residual 27 28,212.71 1,044.92 2003 121 11 (0.56) 634.28 639.23 Total 29 154,828.93 2004 144 12 (0.03) 635.25 623.31 2005 169 13 0.06 596.61 614.37 Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95%Upper 95%Lower 95.0%Upper 95.0% 2006 196 14 (0.24) 623.67 611.62 Intercept 713.00 11.52 61.91 0.00 689.37 736.63 689.37 736.63 2007 225 15 (1.48) 634.36 623.77 X Variable 1 (7.51) 0.69 (10.91) 0.00 (8.93) (6.10) (8.93) (6.10) 2008 256 16 (0.72) 579.49 604.20 X Variable 2 (15.86) 5.24 (3.03) 0.01 (26.62) (5.11) (26.62) (5.11) 2009 289 17 0.50 541.89 577.34 2010 324 18 1.35 510.17 556.34 Input Y Range = E6 - E35 (Actual Consumption) 2011 361 19 1.26 520.94 550.26 Input X Range = C6 - D35 (Year and Palmer Z) 2012 400 20 (0.85) 573.02 576.21 2013 441 21 (1.34) 571.54 576.47 2014 484 22 (0.67) 570.41 558.33 2015 529 23 (1.22) 554.90 559.54 2016 576 24 (0.74) 551.35 544.41 2017 625 25 0.18 526.50 522.31 2018 676 26 (1.25) 540.53 537.48 2019 729 27 1.14 503.83 492.05 2020 784 28 (0.37) 495.24 508.49 2021 841 29 (1.02) 523.24 511.29 2022 900 30 (0.23) 520.41 491.26 Twelve months ending June 2022 Difference b/w Predicted / Actual (29.15) Gallons (29,147) CCF (38.97) Case No. VEO-W-22-02 Exhibit No. 5 Schedule No. 4F Page 21 of 34 MichaelsonT. Historic TY Historic Proj Revenue Phase I Rates Rate Block Number Total Present Phase I Number Total Present Phase II # Bills Test Year Present Current Rate to Phase II CCF Of Bills Consumption Rate Revenue Of Bills Consumption Rate Revenue Volumes Revenues Rate No Adjust Rates Adj (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13)(14) Customer Charge 5/8 118,808 21.88 2,599,518 22,472 22.96 515,956 141,280 3,115,474 22.96 3,243,787 128,313 3/4 275,653 21.88 6,031,296 53,510 22.96 1,228,580 329,163 7,259,876 22.96 7,557,581 297,706 1 45,769 27.97 1,280,167 8,885 29.35 260,761 54,654 1,540,929 29.35 1,604,090 63,162 1 1/2 1,256 47.84 60,066 243 50.21 12,214 1,499 72,281 50.21 75,256 2,976 2 575 74.23 42,707 113 77.92 8,844 689 51,551 77.92 53,674 2,123 Subtotal 442,062 10,013,755 85,223 2,026,355 527,284 12,040,110 12,534,388 494,279 Winter Usage 4,296,655 1.5208 6,534,353 - 1.5959 - 4,296,655 6,534,353 1.5959 6,857,032 322,679 Summer Usage Up to 3 CCF 393,632 1.5208 598,636 97,923 1.5959 156,276 491,556 754,912 1.5959 784,474 29,562 Over 3 CCF 7,355,793 1.9254 14,162,845 481,687 2.0204 973,200 7,837,480 15,136,045 2.0204 15,834,845 698,800 Subtotal - 12,046,081 21,295,834 579,610 1,129,476 22,425,310 23,476,351 1,051,041 Total Class 31,309,589 3,155,831 34,465,420 36,010,739 1,545,320 Customer Charge 5/8 3,178 0 21.88 69,533 618 22.96 14,188 3,796 83,721 22.96 87,153 3,432 3/4 10,125 0 21.88 221,532 1,951 22.96 44,796 12,076 266,329 22.96 277,264 10,935 1 12,504 0 27.97 349,749 2,417 29.35 70,936 14,921 420,685 29.35 437,941 17,256 1 1/2 10,075 0 47.84 481,971 1,954 50.21 98,118 12,029 580,090 50.21 603,967 23,877 2 11,460 0 74.23 850,708 2,258 77.92 175,919 13,718 1,026,627 77.92 1,068,916 42,289 3 1,380 0 144.82 199,860 173 151.97 26,258 1,553 226,118 151.97 235,985 9,867 4 201 0 270.18 54,369 39 283.52 11,165 241 65,534 283.52 68,218 2,684 6 29 0 451.04 13,118 5 473.35 2,334 34 15,452 473.35 16,101 649 Subtotal 48,953 0 2,240,840 9,415 443,714 2,684,554 2,795,544 110,990 Temporary Meter Charge 703 25.00 17,582 - 25.00 - 703 17,582 25.00 17,582 - Winter Usage - 2,564,094 1.5208 3,899,475 - 1.5959 - 2,564,094 3,899,475 1.5959 4,092,038 192,563 Summer Usage Up to 3 CCF - 82,944 1.5208 126,141 8,989 1.5959 14,346 91,933 140,487 1.5959 146,716 6,229 Over 3 CCF - 3,742,028 1.9254 7,204,900 336,668 2.0204 680,204 4,078,696 7,885,104 2.0204 8,240,597 355,493 Subtotal - 6,389,066 11,230,517 345,657 694,549 11,925,066 12,479,351 554,285 Total Class 13,488,940 1,138,263 14,627,203 15,292,478 665,275 Public Authority - Bi-Monthly Public Authority - Bi-Monthly Pub Auth - Bi-Monthly Public Authority - Bi-Monthly Residential - Bi-Monthly Residential - Bi-Monthly Residential - Bi-Monthly Residential - Bi-Monthly Commercial - Bi-Monthly Commercial - Bi-Monthly Commercial - Bi-Monthly Commercial - Bi-Monthly MAY 2021 - APRIL 2022 MAY 2022 - JUNE 2022 CALCULATION OF PHASE I TO PHASE II RATES ADJUSTMENT - VWID SYSTEM VEOLIA WATER IDAHO, INC. APPLICATION OF PHASE I RATES AND PHASE II RATES TO CONSUMPTION ANALYSIS Case No. VEO-W-22-02 Exhibit No. 5 Schedule No. 4G - VWID System Page 22 of 34 MichaelsonT. Historic TY Historic Proj Revenue Phase I Rates Rate Block Number Total Present Phase I Number Total Present Phase II # Bills Test Year Present Current Rate to Phase II CCF Of Bills Consumption Rate Revenue Of Bills Consumption Rate Revenue Volumes Revenues Rate No Adjust Rates Adj (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13)(14) MAY 2021 - APRIL 2022 MAY 2022 - JUNE 2022 CALCULATION OF PHASE I TO PHASE II RATES ADJUSTMENT - VWID SYSTEM VEOLIA WATER IDAHO, INC. APPLICATION OF PHASE I RATES AND PHASE II RATES TO CONSUMPTION ANALYSIS Customer Charge 5/8 23 21.88 503 6 22.96 134 29 636 22.96 661 25 3/4 45 21.88 977 8 22.96 174 52 1,151 22.96 1,199 48 1 132 27.97 3,704 27 29.35 800 160 4,504 29.35 4,687 183 1 1/2 105 47.84 5,013 22 50.21 1,116 127 6,129 50.21 6,378 248 2 195 74.23 14,464 38 77.92 2,983 233 17,447 77.92 18,166 719 3 5 144.82 724 1 151.97 147 6 871 151.97 907 36 Street Sweeping 1 3,464.63 3,465 - - - 1 3,465 3,680.40 3,680 216 Subtotal 505 28,849 102 5,354 34,203 35,678 1,475 Winter Usage 16,013 1.5208 24,352 - 1.5959 - 16,013 24,352 1.5959 25,555 1,203 Summer Usage Up to 3 CCF 708 1.5208 1,076 68 1.5959 109 776 1,185 1.5959 1,238 53 Over 3 CCF 44,519 1.9254 85,717 1,655 2.0204 3,344 46,174 89,061 2.0204 93,291 4,229 Subtotal 61,240 111,146 1,723 3,453 114,599 120,084 5,485 Total Class 139,995 8,807 148,802 155,762 6,960 Fire Line Size 3" and smaller 4,623 0 38.54 178,161 337 - 40.48 13,627 4,959 191,788 40.48$ 200,757 8,968 4"3,560 0 58.42 207,965 234 - 61.36 14,357 3,794 222,322 61.36 232,788 10,466 6"3,204 0 145.10 464,936 199 - 152.39 30,326 3,403 495,261 152.39 518,620 23,359 8"1,018 0 238.44 242,798 68 - 250.43 17,099 1,087 259,896 250.43 272,105 12,209 10"62 0 371.83 23,163 5 - 390.54 1,823 67 24,987 390.54 26,152 1,166 12"34 0 556.96 19,006 2 - 584.98 1,098 36 20,103 584.98 21,059 956 Hydrants 906 0 23.38 21,171 56 24.56 1,376 962 22,548 24.56 23,616 1,069 Total Private Fire 13,407 0 1,157,200 900 - 79,706 1,295,098 58,192 Total Revenues 46,095,723 4,382,607 49,241,424 52,754,077 2,275,747 Private Fire Lines - Bi-Monthly Private Fire Lines - Bi-Monthly Priv Fire Lines - Bi-Monthly Private Fire Lines - Bi-Monthly Case No. VEO-W-22-02 Exhibit No. 5 Schedule No. 4G - VWID System Page 23 of 34 Michaelson ---~,---------~~~!------ T. Historic TY Historic Proj Revenue Phase I Rates Rate Block Number Total Present Phase I Number Total Present Phase II # Bills Test Year Present Current Rate to Phase II CCF Of Bills Consumption Rate Revenue Of Bills Consumption Rate Revenue Volumes Revenues Rate No Adjust Rates Adj (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13)(14) Customer Charge 5/8 4,865 5.47 26,611 3,360 5.74 19,285 8,225 45,896 6.70 55,105$ 9,209 3/4 5,744 5.47 31,422 3,914 5.74 22,467 9,659 53,890 6.70 64,713 10,823 1 161 6.99 1,129 115 7.34 844 277 1,973 8.56 2,367 394 1 1/2 9 11.96 108 6 12.55 74 15 182 14.65 218 37 2 5 18.56 87 2 19.48 38 7 125 22.73 151 26 Subtotal 10,785 59,356 7,397 42,709 18,181 102,065 122,554 20,489 Winter Usage 91,453 0.7604 69,541 0 0.7980 - 91,453 69,541 0.9309 85,134 15,593 Summer Usage Up to 3 CCF 0.7604 - 5,861 0.7980 4,677 5,861 4,677 0.9309 5,456 779 Over 3 CCF 0.9627 - 45,752 1.0102 46,218 45,752 46,218 1.1786 53,923 7,705 Subtotal - 91,453 69,541 51,612 50,895 120,436 144,512 24,076 Total Class 128,897 93,604 222,501 267,066 44,565 Customer Charge 5/8 45 0 5.47 248 32 5.74 184 77 432 6.70 518 86 3/4 286 0 5.47 1,566 192 5.74 1,103 478 2,668 6.70 3,205 536 1 210 0 6.99 1,467 151 7.34 1,106 361 2,573 8.56 3,086 513 1 1/2 497 0 11.96 5,944 338 12.55 4,240 835 10,184 14.64 12,222 2,038 2 396 0 18.56 7,358 300 19.48 5,846 697 13,204 22.73 15,832 2,628 3 9 0 36.21 326 6 37.99 223 15 549 44.32 659 110 4 33 0 67.55 2,218 24 70.88 1,669 56 3,887 82.69 4,662 775 6 3 0 112.76 338 2 118.34 232 5 570 138.06 684 115 Subtotal 1,480 0 19,465 1,044 14,601 2,524 34,066 40,869 6,803 Winter Usage - 50,501 0.7604 38,401 0 0.7980 - 50,501 38,401 0.9309 47,011 8,610 Summer Usage Up to 3 CCF - 0 0.7604 - 714 0.7980 570 714 570 0.9309 665 95 Over 3 CCF - 0 0.9627 - 36,754 1.0102 37,128 36,754 37,128 1.1786 43,318 6,189 Subtotal - 50,501 38,401 37,467 37,698 87,968 76,099 90,993 14,895 Total Class 57,866 52,299 110,165 131,862 21,697 Commercial - Monthly Commercial - Monthly Commercial - Monthly Commercial - Monthly Residential - Monthly Residential - Monthly Residential - Monthly Residential - Monthly VEOLIA WATER IDAHO, INC. APPLICATION OF PHASE I RATES AND PHASE II RATES TO CONSUMPTION ANALYSIS CALCULATION OF PHASE I TO PHASE II RATES ADJUSTMENT - EAGLE EXIST MAY 2021 - APRIL 2022 MAY 2022 - JUNE 2022 Case No. VEO-W-22-02 Exhibit No. 5 Schedule No. 4G - Eagle Exist Page 24 of 34 MichaelsonT. Historic TY Historic Proj Revenue Phase I Rates Rate Block Number Total Present Phase I Number Total Present Phase II # Bills Test Year Present Current Rate to Phase II CCF Of Bills Consumption Rate Revenue Of Bills Consumption Rate Revenue Volumes Revenues Rate No Adjust Rates Adj (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13)(14) VEOLIA WATER IDAHO, INC. APPLICATION OF PHASE I RATES AND PHASE II RATES TO CONSUMPTION ANALYSIS CALCULATION OF PHASE I TO PHASE II RATES ADJUSTMENT - EAGLE EXIST MAY 2021 - APRIL 2022 MAY 2022 - JUNE 2022 Customer Charge 5/8 3 5.47 19 7 5.74 38 10 57 6.70 68 11 3/4 16 5.47 90 8 5.74 45 24 135 6.70 162 28 1 1/2 3 11.96 36 4 12.55 49 7 85 14.64 102 16 2 0 18.56 1 4 19.48 77 4 78 22.73 91 13 Subtotal 23 146 22 209 45 355 423 68 Winter Usage 177 0.7604 135 0 0.7980 - 177 135 0.9309 165 30 Summer Usage Up to 3 CCF 0 0.7604 - 3 0.7980 3 3 3 0.9309 3 0 Over 3 CCF 0 0.9627 - 137 1.0102 139 137 139 1.1786 162 23 Subtotal 177 135 141 141 318 276 330 54 Total Class 281 351 631 753 122 Fire Line Size 3" and smaller 193 0 9.64 1,859 61 0 10.12 622 254 2,481 11.81$ 3,003$ 522 4"138 0 14.61 2,013 47 0 15.34 725 185 2,738 17.90 3,313 574 6"31 0 36.28 1,120 8 0 38.10 287 38 1,407 44.45 1,707 300 8"5 0 59.60 281 2 0 62.61 143 7 424 73.04 511 87 Total Private Fire 366 0 5,272 119 0 1,778 485 7,050 8,534 1,484 Total Revenues 192,316 148,032 340,348 408,216 67,868 Private Fire Lines - Monthly Private Fire Lines - Monthly Priv Fire Lines - Monthly Private Fire Lines - Monthly Public Authority - Monthly Public Authority - Monthly Pub Auth - Monthly Public Authority - Monthly Case No. VEO-W-22-02 Exhibit No. 5 Schedule No. 4G - Eagle Exist Page 25 of 34 MichaelsonT. Historic TY Historic Proj Revenue Phase I Rates Rate Block Number Total Present Phase I Number Total Present Phase II # Bills Test Year Present Current Rate to Phase II CCF Of Bills Consumption Rate Revenue Of Bills Consumption Rate Revenue Volumes Revenues Rate No Adjust Rates Adj (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13)(14) Customer Charge 5/8 - 10.94 - - 11.48 - - - 11.48 - - 3/4 - 10.94 - - 11.48 - - - 11.48 - - 1 - 13.99 - - 14.68 - - - 14.68 - - 1 1/2 - 23.92 - - 25.11 - - - 25.11 - - 2 - 37.12 - - 38.96 - - - 38.96 - - Subtotal - - - - - - - - Winter Usage 1,551 1.5208 2,359 - 1.5959 - 1,551 2,359 1.5959 2,476 117 Summer Usage Up to 3 CCF 1.5208 - 294 1.5959 469 294 469 1.5959 469 - Over 3 CCF 1.9254 - 1,746 2.0204 3,528 1,746 3,528 2.0204 3,528 - Subtotal - 1,551 2,359 2,041 3,998 3,592 6,357 6,474 117 Total Class 2,359 3,998 6,357 6,474 117 Customer Charge 5/8 - - 10.94 - - 11.48 - - - 11.48 - - 3/4 - - 10.94 - - 11.48 - - - 11.48 - - 1 - - 13.99 - - 14.68 - - - 14.68 - - 1 1/2 - - 23.92 - - 25.11 - - - 25.11 - - 2 - - 37.12 - - 38.96 - - - 38.96 - - 3 - - 72.41 - - 75.99 - - - 75.99 - - 4 - - 135.09 - - 141.76 - - - 141.76 - - 6 - - 225.52 - - 236.68 - - - 236.68 - - Subtotal - - - - - - - - - Winter Usage - 1,852 1.5208 2,816 - 1.5959 - 1,852 2,816 1.5959 2,955 139 Summer Usage Up to 3 CCF - - 1.5208 - 47 1.5959 76 47 76 1.5959 76 - Over 3 CCF - - 1.9254 - 1,192 2.0204 2,408 1,192 2,408 2.0204 2,408 - Subtotal - 1,852 2,816 1,239 2,484 3,091 5,300 5,439 139 Total Class 2,816 2,484 5,300 5,439 139 Commercial - Monthly Commercial - Monthly Commercial - Monthly Commercial - Monthly Residential - Monthly Residential - Monthly Residential - Monthly Residential - Monthly VEOLIA WATER IDAHO, INC. APPLICATION OF PHASE I RATES AND PHASE II RATES TO CONSUMPTION ANALYSIS CALCULATION OF PHASE I TO PHASE II RATES ADJUSTMENT - EAGLE NEW MAY 2021 - APRIL 2022 MAY 2022 - JUNE 2022 Case No. VEO-W-22-02 Exhibit No. 5 Schedule No. 4G - Eagle New Page 26 of 34 MichaelsonT. Historic TY Historic Proj Revenue Phase I Rates Rate Block Number Total Present Phase I Number Total Present Phase II # Bills Test Year Present Current Rate to Phase II CCF Of Bills Consumption Rate Revenue Of Bills Consumption Rate Revenue Volumes Revenues Rate No Adjust Rates Adj (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13)(14) VEOLIA WATER IDAHO, INC. APPLICATION OF PHASE I RATES AND PHASE II RATES TO CONSUMPTION ANALYSIS CALCULATION OF PHASE I TO PHASE II RATES ADJUSTMENT - EAGLE NEW MAY 2021 - APRIL 2022 MAY 2022 - JUNE 2022 Customer Charge 5/8 - 10.94 - - 11.48 - - - 11.48 - - 3/4 - 10.94 - - 11.48 - - - 11.48 - - 1 1/2 - 23.92 - - 25.11 - - - 25.11 - - 2 - 37.12 - - 38.96 - - - 38.96 - - Subtotal - - - - - - - - Winter Usage - 1.5208 - - 1.5959 - - - 1.5959 - - Summer Usage Up to 3 CCF - 1.5208 - - 1.5959 - - - 1.5959 - - Over 3 CCF - 1.9254 - - 2.0204 - - - 2.0204 - - Subtotal - - - - - - - - Total Class - - - - - Fire Line Size 3" and smaller 5 - 19.27 95 2 - 20.24 49 7 144 20.24 149 5 4"- - 29.21 - - - 30.68 - - - 30.68 - - 6"0 - 72.55 2 - - 76.20 - 0 2 76.20 3 0 8"- - 119.20 - - - 125.22 - - - 125.22 - - Total Private Fire 5 - 97 2 - 49 7 147 152 5 Total Revenues 5,273 6,531 11,804 12,064 260 Private Fire Lines - Monthly Private Fire Lines - Monthly Priv Fire Lines - Monthly Private Fire Lines - Monthly Public Authority - Monthly Public Authority - Monthly Pub Auth - Monthly Public Authority - Monthly Case No. VEO-W-22-02 Exhibit No. 5 Schedule No. 4G - Eagle New Page 27 of 34 MichaelsonT. Year Actual Annual Usage Change from Previous Year Percent Predicted Residential 92 180,289 185,231 93 156,367 (23,922) -13.3%164,547 94 184,182 27,815 17.8%177,663 95 155,001 (29,181) -15.8%157,887 96 163,263 8,262 5.3%158,542 97 159,559 (3,704) -2.3%158,289 98 153,513 (6,046) -3.8%147,190 99 171,173 17,660 11.5%159,095 00 162,303 (8,870) -5.2%156,067 01 157,127 (5,175) -3.2%158,438 02 157,190 63 0.0%156,268 03 151,750 (5,440) -3.5%148,397 04 144,388 (7,362) -4.9%143,100 05 132,263 (12,125) -8.4%140,022 06 135,560 3,297 2.5%138,911 07 139,231 3,671 2.7%142,543 08 130,281 (8,949) -6.4%136,085 09 123,172 (7,109) -5.5%127,306 10 116,702 (6,471) -5.3%120,394 11 114,864 (1,837) -1.6%118,224 12 122,772 7,908 6.9%126,245 13 122,630 (142) -0.1%126,093 14 119,242 (3,388) -2.8%120,089 15 116,753 (2,489) -2.1%120,240 16 115,214 (1,540) -1.3%115,194 17 108,042 (7,171) -6.2%107,929 18 111,257 3,215 3.0%112,519 19 103,460 (7,798) -7.0%97,838 20 107,916 4,456 4.3%102,832 21 111,201 3,285 3.0%103,487 22 105,479 (5,722) -5.1%96,885 Veolia Water Idaho, Inc. Residential Consumption Trends 1992 -2022 (gallons per customer) Case No. VEO-W-22-02 Exhibit No. 5 Schedule No. 5 Page 28 of 34 MichaelsonT. Billed Historic Test Year Consumption per Customer Projected Test Year Consumption per customer 105,479 gallons per year 96,885 gallons per year 141.0 CCF per year 129.5 CCF per year 289 gallons per customer per day 265 gallons per customer per day - 20,000 40,000 60,000 80,000 100,000 120,000 140,000 160,000 180,000 200,000 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Ga l l o n s p e r C u s t o m e r p e r Y e a r Year Veolia Water Idaho, Inc. Residential Consumption trends 1992 -2022 Actual Annual Usage Predicted Residential Linear ( Predicted Residential ) Case No. VEO-W-22-02 Exhibit No. 5 Schedule No. 6 Page 29 of 34 MichaelsonT. Year Actual Annual Usage Change from Previous Year Percent Predicted Commercial 92 692,805 746,943 93 615,025 (77,779) -11.2%682,641 94 692,933 77,908 12.7%724,619 95 657,648 (35,285) -5.1%663,172 96 706,860 49,212 7.5%665,970 97 700,319 (6,541) -0.9%665,912 98 680,964 (19,354) -2.8%631,749 99 705,635 24,670 3.6%669,920 00 703,356 (2,278) -0.3%661,138 01 738,845 35,488 5.0%669,329 02 650,058 (88,787) -12.0%663,243 03 634,278 (15,780) -2.4%639,232 04 635,250 973 0.2%623,312 05 596,606 (38,645) -6.1%614,371 06 623,667 27,062 4.5%611,616 07 634,363 10,696 1.7%623,773 08 579,490 (54,873) -8.7%604,204 09 541,893 (37,597) -6.5%577,338 10 510,165 (31,728) -5.9%556,341 11 520,941 10,775 2.1%550,255 12 573,021 52,081 10.0%576,212 13 571,537 (1,484) -0.3%576,472 14 570,415 (1,122) -0.2%558,330 15 554,895 (15,519) -2.7%559,541 16 551,347 (3,548) -0.6%544,414 17 526,498 (24,849) -4.5%522,307 18 540,532 14,034 2.7%537,477 19 503,834 (36,698) -6.8%492,052 20 495,237 (8,597) -1.7%508,491 21 523,243 28,006 5.7%511,288 22 520,412 (2,831) -0.5%491,265 Veolia Water Idaho, Inc. Commercial Consumption Trends 1992 -2022 (gallons per customer) Case No. VEO-W-22-02 Exhibit No. 5 Schedule No. 7 Page 30 of 34 MichaelsonT. Billed Historic Test Year Consumption per Customer Projected Test Year Consumption per customer 520,412 gallons per year 491,265 gallons per year 695.7 CCF per year 656.8 CCF per year 1,426 gallons per customer per day 1,346 gallons per customer per day - 100,000 200,000 300,000 400,000 500,000 600,000 700,000 800,000 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Ga l l o n s p e r C u s t o m e r p e r Y e a r Veolia Water Idaho, Inc. Commercial Consumption Trends 1992 -2022 Actual Annual Usage Predicted Commercial Linear ( Predicted Commercial ) Case No. VEO-W-22-02 Exhibit No. 5 Schedule No. 8 Page 31 of 34 Michaelson ····· T. Bi-Monthly Customer Charge Present Rates Proposed Rates Percentage Increase 5/8"22.96 28.48 24.1% 3/4"22.96 28.48 24.1% 1"29.35 36.41 24.1% 1 1/2"50.21 62.29 24.1% 2"77.92 96.66 24.1% 3"151.97 188.52 24.1% 4"283.52 351.71 24.1% 6"473.35 587.20 24.1% 8"619.25 768.19 24.1% 10"882.48 1,094.73 24.1% Consumption Charge Present Rates Proposed Rates Percentage Increase Winter Rates Up to 3 CCF 1.5959 1.9797 24.1% Over 3 CCF 1.5959 1.9797 24.1% Summer Rates Up to 3 CCF 1.5959 1.9797 24.1% Over 3 CCF 2.0204 2.5063 24.1% Hydrant Rent Flat Rate 25.00 31.01 24.1% Street Sprinkling Service 306.70 380.47 24.1% Flat Rate Service 88.08 109.27 24.1% Private Fire Present Rates Proposed Rates Percentage Increase 3" and smaller 40.48 40.48 0.0% 4"61.36 61.36 0.0% 6"152.39 152.39 0.0% 8"250.43 250.43 0.0% 10"390.54 390.54 0.0% 12"584.98 584.98 0.0% Hydrants 24.56 24.56 0.0% VEOLIA WATER IDAHO, INC. COMPARISON OF PRESENT AND PROPOSED RATES VWID SYSTEM - BI-MONTHLY Case No. VEO-W-22-02 Exhibit No. 5 Schedule No. 9A Page 32 of 34 T. Michaelson Bi-Monthly Customer Charge Present Rates (1) Proposed Rates Percentage Increase 5/8"6.70 8.31 24.1% 3/4"6.70 8.31 24.1% 1"8.56 10.62 24.1% 1 1/2"14.64 18.16 24.1% 2"22.73 28.20 24.1% 3"44.32 54.98 24.1% 4"82.69 102.58 24.1% 6"138.06 171.27 24.1% 8"180.61 224.05 24.1% 10"257.39 319.30 24.1% Consumption Charge Present Rates Proposed Rates Percentage Increase Winter Rates Up to 3 CCF 0.9309 1.1548 24.1% Over 3 CCF 0.9309 1.1548 24.1% Summer Rates Up to 3 CCF 0.9309 1.1548 24.1% Over 3 CCF 1.1786 1.4621 24.1% Hydrant Rent Flat Rate 25.00 31.01 24.1% Flat Rate Service 25.69 31.87 24.1% Private Fire Present Rates Proposed Rates Percentage Increase 3" and smaller 11.81 11.81 0.0% 4"17.90 17.90 0.0% 6"44.45 44.45 0.0% 8"73.04 73.04 0.0% 10"113.91 113.91 0.0% 12"170.62 170.62 0.0% Hydrants 7.16 7.16 0.0% (1) Rates as of 01/01/2023 (Rates that will be in effect at the time new rates are implemented) VEOLIA WATER IDAHO, INC. COMPARISON OF PRESENT AND PROPOSED RATES EXISTING EAGLE CUSTOMERS - MONTHLY Case No. VEO-W-22-02 Exhibit No. 5 Schedule No. 9B Page 33 of 34 T. Michaelson Monthly Customer Charge Present Rates Proposed Rates Percentage Increase 5/8"11.48 14.24 24.1% 3/4"11.48 14.24 24.1% 1"14.68 18.21 24.1% 1 1/2"25.11 31.15 24.1% 2"38.96 48.33 24.1% 3"75.99 94.27 24.1% 4"141.76 175.86 24.1% 6"236.68 293.61 24.1% 8"309.63 384.10 24.1% 10"441.24 547.37 24.1% Consumption Charge Present Rates Proposed Rates Percentage Increase Winter Rates Up to 3 CCF 1.5959 1.9797 24.1% Over 3 CCF 1.5959 1.9797 24.1% Summer Rates Up to 3 CCF 1.5959 1.9797 24.1% Over 3 CCF 2.0204 2.5063 24.1% Hydrant Rent Flat Rate 25.00 31.01 24.1% Flat Rate Service 44.04 54.63 24.1% Private Fire Present Rates Proposed Rates Percentage Increase 3" and smaller 20.24 20.24 0.0% 4"30.68 30.68 0.0% 6"76.20 76.20 0.0% 8"125.22 125.22 0.0% 10"195.27 195.27 0.0% 12"292.49 292.49 0.0% Hydrants 12.28 12.28 0.0% VEOLIA WATER IDAHO, INC. COMPARISON OF PRESENT AND PROPOSED RATES NEW EAGLE CUSTOMERS - MONTHLY Case No. VEO-W-22-02 Exhibit No. 5 Schedule No. 9C Page 34 of 34 T. Michaelson