HomeMy WebLinkAbout20220930Application.pdfGTvENS PunsLEY,," Attorneys and Counselors at Law 601 W. Bonnock Streel POBox2TN Boise, lD 83701 Telephone: 208-38&l2@ Focsimile: 208-388- I 300 www.givenspursley.com Preslon N. Corterm-w122. prestoncorter@givenspursley.com Gory G. Allen Chorlie S. Boser Chdstopher J. Beeson Jqson J. Blokley Clint R. Bolinder Jeff w. Bower Preston N. Corler Jeremy C. Chou Michoel C. Crsms Amber N. Dino Brodley J. Dhon Thomos E. Dvtrok Morgon D. Goodin Deboro Krislensen Groshom Donold Z. Groy Bdon J. Holleron Kersti H, Kennedy Ellzobeth A. Koeckerilz Neol A. Koskello Michoel P. Lowrence Fronklln G. Lee Dovid R. Lombordi Lors E. Lundberg Kimberly D. Moloney Kennelh R. McClure Alex P. McLoughlin Melodie A. McQuode Chrislopher H. Meyer L. Edword Miller Judson B. Monlgomery Deboroh E. Nelson W. Hugh O'Riordon. LL.M. Somuel F. Porry Rondoll A. Petermon Bloke W. Ringer Michoel O. Roe Donielle M. Slrollo Comeron D. wor Roberl B. While Michoel V. Woodhouse williom C. Cole (Of CounFl) Kenneth L. Pursley (194&2015) Jomes A. Mcclure (1924-201 I ) Roymond D. Glvens {1917-2m8) September 30,2022 VIA Hand Delivery and Email Jan Noriyuki Idaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. ChindenBlvd. Building 8, Suite 201-A Boise, lD 83714 (j an. n o r iy u k i@p uc. i d a h o. g ou) Re: Veolia Water Idaho, Inc. - General Rate Case Application Dear Ms. Noriyuki: Enclosed for filing, please find a thumb drive containing the General Rate Case Application and supporting witness testimony to be filed on behalf of Veolia Water Idaho, Inc. Copies have also been sent by e-mail. The thumb drive also contains word versions of the testimony for the convenience of the Commission and per the Commission's rule of procedure, Sincerely, Preston N. Carter PNC/sw Enclosurecc: Marshall Thompson, Veolia Water Idaho, Inc. Dayn Hardie, Deputy Attorney General -{ 7"*" *-1l . i litT .^ !(,,J Lm =FU,AIoz. III lrr m l\f U7rfl-o (,^) C:} -t, J I\) r.O Preston N. Carter, ISB No. 8462 Morgan D. Goodin, ISB No. 11184 Givens Pursley LLP 601 W. Bannock St. Boise, Idaho 83702 Telephone: (208) 388-1 200 Facsimile: (208) 388-1 300 preston cart erCd qiven spurs I ev. com morqan goodin@ sivenspursley. com .",1,:"{,ii}Vift ;u;: S[r' 130 Fffi Z: t+g it,",iii., j. _t l;1i_ j{"1 l;:1 : i'r[5 cili,4F'4is*qloi,{ Attorneys for Veolia Water ldaho, Inc BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION oF vEoLIA WATER IDAHO, INC. FOR AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES AI\D CHARGES FOR WATER SERVICE IN TIIE STATE OF IDAHO CASE NO. VEO-W-22-02 Arrr.rcatlox Veolia Water Idaho, Inc., ("Veolia," "Applicant," or'oCompany") hereby moves the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") requesting an Order approving revisions to Applicant's schedules of rates and charges for water service in the State of Idaho to become effective on or after October 31,2022. I. Applicant is a public utility water corporation within the meaning of the Idaho Public Utility Law, is duly organized and existing under the laws of the State of Idaho and is engaged in conducting a general water business in and about Boise City, Ada County, ldaho, having its principal office and place of business at8248 West Victory Road, Boise, Idaho. A certified copy of Applicant's Articles of Incorporation, together with all amendments to date, is on file with the Commission, along with Applicant's most recent annual report. Applicant's current Certificate is Amended Certificate No. 143. ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Appt-tcertoN oF vEoLIA wATER IDAHo, INC.Pecn 1 or 6 II. Veolia has been providing water service to the public in Boise City and surrounding areas for more than 100 years. Currently, Veolia provides service to approximately 105,000 customers within Ada County, Idaho. m. Veolia's operations, and rates and charges for service have been reviewed in several rate proceedings before the Commission, most recently, two years ago in Case No. SUZ-W-20-02. IV. Attached hereto as Attachment 1 are copies of Applicant's Schedule Number l, General Metered Service; Schedule Number 18, Flat Rate Service; Schedule Number 2, Public Hydrants and Street Sprinkling; Schedule Number 3, Private Fire Sprinkling and Service; and Schedule Number 4, Private Fire Hydrant Service, containing the rates under which water service is currently rendered and charged to Applicant's customers. V. Attached hereto as Attachment 2 are copies of Applicant's new proposed Schedule Numbers l, lB, 2,3 and 4 setting forth charges to be made to Applicant's customers rates on and after October 31,2022. VT. Applicant proposes to increase rates by $12,107,227. This represents an overall average increase of 23.4Yo over Veolia's rates as approved by the Commissionin202O. Veolia submits that the proposed changes in rates and charges set forth on Attachment 2 are just and reasonable. The expected rate of retum under the revised rates and charges will be 7.77o , which is a fair rate of return on Veolia's investment in property used and useful in rendering water service. ApplrcauoN oF vEoLIA wATER rDAHo, rNC. Pecs 2 or 6 vII. The revenuerealizedby Applicant under its presently authorized rates produces a rate of retum of 4.59% based on a historical year ending June 30, 2022. Applicant seeks additional revenues to recover increased operating expenses and costs associated with plant additions, and to produce a fair rate of return, thereby enabling it to continue to provide adequate and reliable service to its customers. VIII. Applicant is proposing a revision to its Rules and Regulations Governing the Rendering of Water Serrice to reflect the name change from Suez Water Idaho Inc. to Veolia Water Idaho, Inc., to eliminate I l/+-inch meters reference from the tariff, and to revise the service line connection from one-inch or smaller to two-inch or smaller according to NFPA 13D standards as discussed in the testimony of Marshall Thompson. The applicant is also proposing to implement a Distribution System Improvement Charge as discussed in the testimony of James Cagle. x. Applicant is filing concurrently herewith Direct Testimony of Marshall Thompson, Harold Walker III, Timothy Michaelson, Jarmila Cury, David Njuguna, Catherine Cooper, Matthew Kahn, James Cagle, Ann Bui, Mohammed Zerhouni and Michael Wilson, and Exhibit I through Exhibit 14. These Exhibits include financial statements, revenue analysis, analysis of cost of service, and supporting work papers that justifu and support the proposed increase. x. Applicant proposes to implernent the requested increase in revenue by a uniform percentage increase to all rate elements, except for private fire rates which would see no increase as outlined in the Testimony of Timothy Michaelson and supported by the results of the cost of service analysis further explained in the Testimony of Ann Bui. AppucattoN oF vEoLI.A wATER IDAHo, INC.PecE 3 or 6 xI. Notice to Veolia's customers is being accomplished by news media releases simultaneously with the filing of this Application and by an individual notice mailed to each customer. Copies of the press release and customer notice are attached to this Application as Attachment 3. In addition, a copy of the Application and Applicant's present and proposed rate schedules are available for public inspection at its ofEce at 8248 West Victory Road, Boise, Idaho at any time during office hours. The Application will be available on the Commission's website at www.puc.idaho.gov. Customers may also subscribe to the Commission's RSS feed to receive periodic updates. xII. Applicant stands ready for an immediate hearing on this Application and requests that a hearing be held as soon as possible. XIII. Communications in reference to this Application should be addressed to: Preston N. Carter (ISB No. 8462) Morgan D. Goodin (ISB No. 11184) Givens Pursley LLP 601 W. Bannock St. Boise,ID 83702 Telephone: (208) 388-1200 Facsimile: (208) 388-l 300 morgan goodin@ gi venspursley. com and David Njuguna Manager- Regulatory Business Veolia Water M&S (Paramus), Inc. 461 From Road, Suite 400 Paramus, NJ 07052 david.nj u guna@veolia. com .com ApprtcertoN oF vEoLIA wATER IDAHo, INC PacE 4 ov 6 I 2. Veolia respectfully requests : That this Application be heard and acted upon at the earliest possible date, That the Commissiel find that the Applicant's existing rates are unjust, unreasonable and insufficient to provide Applicant with a fair rate of retum and that the revised rates and charges proposed in Attachment 2 of this Application are just and reasonable and that Applicant be permitted to charge said rates to its customers, effective October 31, 2022. That the Commission grant such other and further relief as the Commission may determine proper in the circumstances. DATED: Septerrber 30, 2022. VBorre. Wernn loeuo, INc. ," 3 Preston N. Carter Attorney for Veolia Water Idatro, toc. AppuceuoN oF vEoLIA wATER rDAHo, rNC.Pecs 5 or 6 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I certiff that on Septenrber 30,2022, a true and correct copy of the foregoing was served upon all parties of record in this proceeding via electronic mail as indicated below: Commission Staff Jan Noriyuki, Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission I1331 W. Chinden Blvd., Bldg. 8, Suite 201-A Boise, lD 83714 Dayn Hardie Deputy Attorney General Idaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. ChindenBlvd., Bldg.8, Suite20l-A Boise,ID 83714 Via Electronic Mail j an.noriyuki@puc.idaho. gov dayn.hardie@puc. idaho. gov A-.--L-," Preston N. Carter Appt tceuoN oF vEoLIA wATER IDAHo, INC.Pacr 6 or 6 ATTACHMENT 1 Sheet No. 3 Replacing all Previous Sheets SUEZ WATER IDAHO INC. SCHEDULE NO.1 GENERAL METERED SERVICE Availabilitv: To all General Metered customers not served under a separate schedule Customer Charges:Bi-Monthly Per Meter CharoeEffective Effective05to112021 05t01t2022 Meter Size 518"-314 1" 1-114" and 1-112" 2" or multiple meters of equivalent capacity 3" or multiple meters of equivalent capacity 4" or multiple meters of equivalent capacity 6" or multiple meters of equivalent capacity 8" or multiple meters of equivalent capacity 10" or multiple meters of equivalent capacity Votume Charoe: For allwater used less than 3CCF (100 cubic Feet) (CCF) (1 CCF=748 gallons): For all water used greater than 3CCF Winter RatesEffective Effective051o1t2021 05t01t2022 $1.s208 $1.5959 $1.5208 $1.5959 $21.88 $27.97 $47.84 $74.23 $144.82 $270.18 $451.04 $589.58 $840.19 $22.96 $29.35 $50.21 $77.92 $151.97 $283.52 $473.35 $619.25 $882.48 Volume Charoe:Summer RatesEffective Effective0510112021 05t01t2022 For allwater used less than 3CCF (100 cubic Feet) (CCF) (1 CCF=748 gallons): For all water used greater than 3CCF $1.5208 $1.59s9 $1.9254 $2.0204 Conditions of Contract: The customer shall pay the total of the customer charge plus the volume charge. The volume charge is based on all metered water for the billing period. Consumption is expressed in hundred cubic foot units or thousand gallon units as determined by the meter installed by the Company. The customer charge will be prorated whenever the customer has not been a customer for the entire billing period. Summer Period: The summer rate will apply to water consumed between May 1 and September 30. Meter readings straddling these dates will be prorated. lssued Per IPUC Order No. 35030 Effective - May 1,2021 Issued by SUEZ WATER IDAHO lNL. Marshall Thompson, Vice President 8248 West Victory Road, Boise, lD Sheet No.4 Replacing all Previous Sheets SUEZ WATER IDAHO INC. SCHEDULE NO. 1 (Continued) GENERAL METERED SERVICE EAGLE WATER SERVICE AREA Availabilitv: To all existing General Metered customers residing in the area formerly serviced by Eagle Water Company as of January 1,2022. Monthly Customer Charges: Per Meter CharoeEffective Effective Meter Size 0110112022 05101120225t8"-3t4 $5.47 $5.741" $6.99 $7.34 1-114" and 1-'112" $11.96 $12.55 2" or multiple meters of equivalent capacity $18.56 $19.48 3" or multiple meters of equivalent capacity $36.21 $37.99 4" or multiple meters of equivalent capacity $67.55 $70.88 6" or multiple meters of equivalent capacity $112.76 $118.34 8" or multiple meters of equivalent capacity $147.40 $154.81 10" or multiple meters of equivalent capacity $210.05 $220.62 Volume Charoe:Winter RatesEffective Effective01t01t2022 05t01t2022 For all water used less than 1.SCCF (100 cubic Feet) (CCF) (1 CCF=748 gallons): For all water used greater than 1.SCCF $0.7604 $0.7604 $0.7980 $0.7980 Volume Charoe: Summer RatesEffective Effective01t01t2022 05t01t2022 For allwater used less than 1.SCCF (100 cubic Feet) (CCF) (1CCF=748 gallons): $0.7604 $0.7980 For all water used greater than 1.5CCF $0.9627 $1.0102 Conditions of Contract: The customer shall pay the total of the customer charge plus the volume charge. The volume charge is based on all metered water for the billing period. Consumption is expressed in hundred cubic foot units or thousand gallon units as determined by the meter installed by the Company. The customer charge will be prorated whenever the customer has not been a customer for the entire billing period. Only existing customers at the time of acquisition of Eagle Water Company are covered by this schedule. The rates in this schedule expire on December 31 of the effective year. The Company, by tariff advice, wi!! file subsequent revisions to this schedule to implement the terms of Order Number 35247 dated December 9,2021. Future rates are subject to change based on base rate increases as approved by the IPUC. All new customers to the area formerly serviced by Eagle Water Company after January 1,2022, whether by new construction, sale or purchase shall pay the new customer current SUEZ General Metered Service - Eagle Water Service Area monthly rates as contained on Schedule No. 1 of this tariff. Summer Period: The summer rate will apply to water consumed between May 1 and September 30. Meter readings straddling these dates will be prorated. lssued Per IPUC Order No. 35247 Effective - December 9,2021 Issued by SUEZ WATER IDAHO lNL. Marshall Thompson, Vice President 8248 West Victory Road, Boise, lD Sheet No. 5 Replacing all Previous Sheets SUEZ WATER IDAHO INC. SCHEDULE NO. I (Continued) GENERAL METERED SERVICE EAGLE WATER SERVICE AREA Availabilitv: To al! existing genera! metered customers residing in the area formerly serviced by Eagle Water Company as of January 1,2022. Monthly Customer Charges: Per Meter CharqeEffective Effective Meter Size 0110112023 01101120245t8"-314 $6.70 $7.651', $8.56 $9.78 1-114" and 1-112" $14.64 $16.74 2" or multiple meters of equivalent capacity $22.73 $25.97 3" or multiple meters of equivalent capacity $44.32 $50.66 4" or multiple meters of equivalent capacity $82.69 $94.51 6" or multiple meters of equivalent capacity $138.06 $157.78 8" or multiple meters of equivalent capacity $180.61 $206.42 10" or multiple meters of equivalent capacity $257.39 $294.16 Volume Charoe:Winter RatesEffective Effectiveo1t01t2023 0110112024 For all water used less than 1.SCCF (100 cubic Feet) (CCF) (1 CCF=748 gallons): For all water used greater than 1.SCCF $0.9309 $0.9309 $1.0639 $1.0639 Volume Charoe: Summer RatesEffectiv-e ffiective01t01t2023 0'U01t2024 For all water used less than 1.SCCF (100 cubic Feet) (CCF) (1 CCF=748 gallons): $0.9309 $1.0639 Forallwaterusedgreaterthan 1.5CCF $1.1786 $1.3469 Conditions of Contract: The customer shall pay the total of the customer charge plus the volume charge. The volume charge is based on all metered water for the billing period. Consumption is expressed in hundred cubic foot units or thousand gallon units as determined by the meter installed by the Company. The customer charge will be prorated whenever the customer has not been a customer for the entire billing period. Only existing customers at the time of acquisition of Eagle Water Company are covered by this schedule. The rates in this schedule expire on December 31 of the effective year. The Company, by tariff advice, will file subsequent revisions to this schedule to implement the terms of Order Number 35247 dated December 9,2021. Future rates are subject to change based on base rate increases as approved by the IPUC. All new customers to the area formerly serviced by Eagle Water Company after January 1,2022, whether by new construction, sale or purchase shall pay the new customer current SUEZ General Metered Service - Eagle Water Service Area monthly rates as contained on Schedule No. 1 of this tariff. Summer Period: The summer rate will apply to water consumed between May 1 and September 30. Meter readings straddling these dates will be prorated. lssued Per IPUC Order No. 35247 Effective - December 9,2021 lssued by SUEZ WATER IDAHO lNC. Marshall Thompson, Vice President 8248 West Victory Road, Boise, lD Sheet No. 6 Replacing all Previous Sheets SUEZ WATER IDAHO INC. SCHEDULE NO. I (Continued) GENERAL METERED SERVICE EAGLE WATER SERVICE AREA Availabilitv: To all existing general metered customers residing in the area formerly serviced by Eagle Water Company as of January 1,2022. Monthly Customer Charges: Per Meter CharoeEffective Effective01t01t2025 01t01t2026 Meter Size5t8"-3t4 $8.61 $9.571" $11.01 $12.23 1-114" and 1-112" $18.83 $20.92 2" or multiple meters of equivalent capacity $29.22 $32.47 3" or multiple meters of equivalent capacity $56.99 $63.32 4" or multiple meters of equivalent capacity $106.32 $118.13 6" or multiple meters of equivalent capacity $177.51 $197.23 8" or multiple meters of equivalent capacity $232.22 $258.02 '10" or multiple meters of equivalent capacity $330.93 $367.70 Volume Charoe: Winter RatesEffective Effective01t01t2025 01t01t2026 For all water used less than 'l.SCCF (100 cubic Feet) (CCF) (1 CCF=748 gallons): $1.1969 $1.3299 Forallwater used greaterthan 1.5CCF $1.1969 $1.3299 Volume Charqe: Summer RatesEffective Effective 01t01t2025 01t0112026 For allwater used less than 1.SCCF (100 cubic Feet) (CCF) (1CCF=748 gallons): $1.1969 $1.3299 For all water used greater than 't .SCCF $1.5153 $1.6837 Conditions of Contract: The customer shall pay the total of the customer charge plus the volume charge. The volume charge is based on all metered water for the billing period. Consumption is expressed in hundred cubic foot units or thousand gallon units as detennined by the meter installed by the Company. The customer charge will be prorated whenever the customer has not been a customer for the entire billing period. Only existing customers at the time of acquisition of Eagle Water Company are covered by this schedule. The rates in this schedule expire on December 31 of the effective year. The Company, by tariff advice, will file subsequent revisions to this schedule to implement the terms of Order Number 35247 dated December 9,2021. Future rates are subject to change based on base rate increases as approved by the !PUC. All new customers to the area formerly serviced by Eagle Water after January 1,2022, whether by new construction, sale or purchase shall pay the cunent SUEZ General Metered - Eagle Water Service Area monthly rates as contained on Schedule No. 1 - General Metered Service of this tariff. Summer Period: The summer rate will apply to water consumed between May 1 and September 30. Meter readings straddling these dates will be prorated. lssued Per IPUC Order No. 35247 Effective - December 9,2021 lssued by SUEZ WATER IDAHO lNL. Marshall Thompson, Vice President 8248 West Victory Road, Boise, lD Sheet No. 7 Replacing all Previous Sheets SUEZ WATER IDAHO INC. SCHEDULE NO. 1 (Continued) GENERAL METERED SERVICE EAGLE WATER SERVICE AREA Availabilitv: To all existing general metered customers residing in the area serviced by as Eagle Water Company as of January 1,2022. Monthly Customer Charges: Per Meter CharoeEffective Effective01101t2027 01t01t2028 Meter Size5t8"-3t4 $10.52 $11.481" $13.45 $14.68 1-114" and 1-112" $23.01 $25.11 2" or multiple meters of equivalent capacity $35.71 $38.96 3" or multiple meters of equivalent capacity $69.65 $75.99 4" or multiple meters of equivalent capacity $129.95 $141.76 6" or multiple meters of equivalent capacity $216.95 $236.68 8" or multiple meters of equivalent capacity $283.82 $309.63 10" or multiple meters of equivalent capacity $404.47 $441.24 Volume Charoe:Winter RatesEffective Effective01t01t2027 01101t2028 For all water used less than 1.SCCF (100 cubic Feet) (CCF) (1 CCF=748 gallons): For all water used greater than 1.SCCF Issued Per IPUC Order No. 35247 Effective - Decembet 9,2021 $1.4629 $1.4629 $1.5959 $1.5959 Volume Charoe:Summer RatesEffective Effective 01t01t2027 01t01t2028 For all water used less than 1.SCCF (100 cubic Feet) (CCFl CCF=748 gallons): $1.4629 $1.5959 For all water used greater than 1.5CCF $1.8520 $2.0204 Conditions of Contract: The customer shall pay the total of the customer charge plus the volume charge. The volume charge is based on all metered water for the billing period. Consumption is expressed in hundred cubic foot units or thousand gallon units as determined by the meter installed by the Company. The customer charge will be prorated whenever the customer has not been a customer for the entire billing period. Only existing customers at the time of acquisition of Eagle Water Company are covered by this schedule. The rates in this schedule expire on December 31 of the effective year. The Company, by tariff advice, will file subsequent revisions to this schedule to implement the terms of Order Number 35247 dated December 9,2021. Future rates are subject to change based on base rate increases as approved by the IPUC. All new customers to the area formerly serviced by Eagle Water Company after January 1,2022, whether by new construction, sale or purchase shall pay the new customer current SUEZ General Metered Service - Eagle Water Service Area monthly rates as contained on Schedule No. 1 of this tariff. Summer Period: The summer rate will apply to water consumed between May 1 and September 30. Meter readings straddling these dates will be prorated. lssued by SUEZ WATER IDAHO INU. Marsha!! Thompson, Vice President 8248 West Victory Road, Boise, lD Sheet No. 8 Replacing all Previous Sheets SUEZ WATER IDAHO INC. SGHEDULE NO. 1 (Continuedl GENERAL METERED SERVICE EAGLE WATER SERVICE AREA Availabilitv: To all new general metered customers residing in the area formerly serviced by Eagle Water Company after January 1,2022. Monthly Customer Charges: Per Meter CharoeEffective Effective05t01t2021 0510112022 Meter Size5t8"-3t4 $10.94 $11.481" $13.99 $14.68 1-114" and 1-112" $23.92 $25.11 2" or multiple meters of equivalent capacity $37.12 $38.96 3" or multiple meters of equivalent capacity $72.41 $75.99 4" or multiple meters of equivalent capacity $135.09 $141.76 6" or multiple meters of equivalent capacity $225.52 $236.68 8" or multiple meters of equivalent capacity $294.79 $309.63 10" or multiple meters of equivalent capacity $420.10 $441.24 Volume Charoe:Winter RatesEffective Effective05t01t2021 05t01t2022 For allwater used less than 1.5CCF (100 cubic Feet) (CCF) (1CCF=748 gallons): For all water used greater than 1.SCCF $1.5208 $1.5208 $1.5959 $1.59s9 Volume Charoe: Summer RatesEffectiv-e Effective05t01t2021 05t01t2022 For all water used less than 1.SCCF ('100 cubic Feet) (CCF) (1 CCF=748 gallons): $1.5208 $1.5959 For all water used greater than 1.5CCF $1.9254 $2.0204 Conditions of Contract: The customer shall pay the total of the customer charge plus the volume charge. The volume charge is based on all metered water for the billing period. Consumption is expressed in hundred cubic foot units or thousand gallon units as determined by the meter installed by the Company. The customer charge will be prorated whenever the customer has not been a customer for the entire billing period. Only new customers after January 1,2022, whether by new construction, sale or purchase following the acquisition of Eagle Water Company are covered by this schedule. The Company by tariff advice will file subsequent revisions to this schedule to implement the terms of Order No. 35247 dated December 9,2021. All existing customers at time of acquisition in the area formerly serviced by Eagle Water Company as of January 1, 2022, shall pay the current SUEZ General Metered - Eagle Water Service Area existing customer monthly rates as contained on Schedule 1 of this tariff. Summer Period: The summer rate will apply to water consumed between May 1 and September 30. Meter readings straddling these dates will be prorated. lssued Per IPUC Order No. 35247 Effective - December 9,2021 Issued by SUEZ WATER IDAHO lNU. Marshall Thompson, Vice President 8248 West Victory Road, Boise, lD Sheet No. 9 Replacing all Previous Sheets SUEZ WATER IDAHO INC. SCHEDULE NO. 1A DEQ FEE Purpose: The ldaho Department of Environmental Quality (IDEO) assesses a fee to fund its drinking water program. Applicabilitv: All Customers Rate: State Drinking Water Program $.50 bi-monthly per customer or $.25 monthly per customer Since this fee is not recovered in tariffed water rates, the cost will be passed along to customers as a fixed charge appearing as a separate item on each bill. lssued Per IPUC Order No. 35247 Effective - December 9,2021 lssued by SUEZ WATER IDAHO INC. Marshall Thompson, Vice President 8248 WestVictory Road, Boise, lD Sheet No. 10 Replacing all Previous Sheets SUEZWATERIDM SCHEDULE NO. 1B FLAT RATE SERVICE Availabilitv: To non-metered residential customers pursuant to Residential or Multi-Family Housing Non-Contiguous Water Systems Agreement Paragraph 11(a) addressing Flat Rate systems, not served under a separate schedule. Customer Charqes: Based on SUEZ Water ldaho residential consumption for the year ending June 1998 of 208.75 ccf, the average residential bill, assuming a Tq" meter and 65% l35o/o summerlwinter split, is $503.20 effective 0510112021 and $528.50 effective 0510112022. Bi-Monthly Charge Effective 05t01t2021 $83.87 Effective 05t01t2022 $88.08 Conditions of Contract: a) The monthly charge will be prorated whenever the customer has not been a customer for the entire billing period. The Company or the customer may convert to metered service pursuant to Subparagraphs (b) or (c) of Paragraph 11 as fo!!ows: b) If Company should determine that a flat rate customer is using water in excess of the average residentia! customer, the Company will provide a meter setting and meter. Customer willthen pay Company's metered tariff rates as approved by the IPUC, which rates may be amended from time to time. c) lf a customer prefers to pay Company's approved metered tariff rates, the customer shall pay the installation and material costs associated with the installation of a meter setting. lssued Per IPUC Order No. 35030 Effective - May 1,2021 lssued by SUEZ WATER IDAHO lNC. Marshall Thompson, Vice President 8248 West Vic'tory Road, Boise, lD Sheet No.11 Replacing all Previous Sheets SUEZ WATER IDAHO INC. SGHEDULE I B (Continued) FLAT RATE SERVICE: EAGLE WATER SERVICE AREA Availabilitv: To allexisting flat rate service customers residing in the area formerly serviced by Eagle Water Company as of January 1,2022. Customer Charqes: Based on SUEZ Water ldaho residential consumption for the year ending June 1998 of 208.75 ccf, the average residential bill, assuming aTt" meter and 65% I 35o/o summer/winter split, is $503.20 effective 05101 12021 and $528.50 effective 05101 12022. Monthly Non-Metered Effective 01t01t2022 $20.97 Effective 05t01t2022 $22.02 Effective 01t0112026 $36,70 Effective 01t01t2023 $25.69 Effective 01t01t2027 $40.37 Effective 01101t2024 $29.36 Effective 01t01t2028 $44.04 Effective 01t0112025 Non-Metered $33.03 Conditions of Contract: a) The monthly charge will be prorated whenever the customer has not been a customer for the entire billing period. The Company or the customer may convert to metered service pursuant to Subparagraphs (b) or (c) of Paragraph 11 as follows: b) lf Company should determine that a flat rate customer is using water in excess of the average residential customer, the Company will provide a meter setting and meter. Customer willthen pay Company's metered tariff rates as approved by the IPUC, which rates may be amended from time to time. c) lf a customer prefers to pay Company's approved metered tariff rates, the customer shall pay the installation and material costs associated with the installation of a meter setting. d) Only existing customers at the time of acquisition of Eagle Water Company are covered by this schedule. Future rates are subject to change based on base rate increase as approved by the IPUC. The rates in this schedule expire on December 31 of the effective year. The Company by tariff advice will file subsequent revisions to this schedule to implement the terms of Order Number 35247 dated December 9,2021. All new customers to the area formerly serviced by Eagle Water Company after January 1,2022, whether by new construction, sale or purchase shall pay the new customer current SUEZ Flat Rate Service - Eagle Water Area monthly rates as contained on Schedule No. 1B of this tariff. lssued Per IPUC Order No. 35247 Effective - December 9,2021 Issued by SUEZ WATER IDAHO lNU. Marshall Thompson, Vice President 8248 West Victory Road, Boise, ID Sheet No.12 Replacing all Previous Sheets SUEZ WATER IDAHO INC. SCHEDULE I B (Gontinued) FLAT RATE SERVICE: EAGLE WATER SERVICE AREA Availabilitv: To all new flat rate service customers residing in the area formerly serviced by Eagle Water Company after January 1,2022. Customer Charoes: Based on SUEZ Water ldaho residential consumption for the year ending June 1998 of 208.75 ccf, the average residential bill, assuming aYt" meter and 65% I 35o/o summer/winter split, is $503.20 effective 0510112021and $528.50 effective 0510112022. Monthly Effective 05t01t2021 $41.94 Effective 05t01t2022 $44.04Non-Metered Conditions of Contract: a) The monthly charge will be prorated whenever the customer has not been a customer for the entire billing period. The Company or the customer may convert to metered service pursuant to Subparagraphs (b) or (c) of Paragraph 11 as follows: b) !f Company should determine that a flat rate customer is using water in excess of the average residentia! customer, the Company will provide a meter setting and meter. Customer willthen pay Company's metered tariff rates as approved by the IPUC, which rates may be amended from time to time. c) If a customer prefers to pay Company's approved metered tariff rates, the customer shall pay the installation and material costs associated with the installation of a meter setting. d) Only new customers after January 1,2022, whether by new construction, sale or purchase following the acquisition of Eagle Water Company are covered by this schedule. The Company by tariff advice will file subsequent revisions to this schedule to implement the terms of Order No. 35247 dated December 9,2021. All existing customers residing in the area formerly serviced by Eagle Water as of January 1,2022 sha!! pay the existing customer current SUEZ Flat Rate Service - Eagle Water Service Area monthly rates as contained on Schedule No. 1B of this tariff. lssued Per IPUC Order No. 35247 Effective - December 9,2021 lssued by SUEZ WATER IDAHO lNL. Marshall Thompson, Vice President 8248 West Victory Road, Boise, ID Sheet No.13 Replacing all Previous Sheets SUEZ WATER IDAHO INC. SCHEDULE NO. lC BRIAN SUBDIVISION SURCHARGE To all metered customers, who were previously customers of Brian Subdivision Water Users Association !nc., located in the Brian Subdivision, Ada County, Haho. Surcharoe Amount A bi-monthly surcharge in the amount of $141 .35 will be billed every other month unless the customer is enrolled in Budget Billing. Budget Billing customers will be billed $70.67 monthly.The surcharge is in addition to charges for water service as specified in Schedule No. 1, General Metered Service and other applicable charges Conditions of Contract: The surcharge set forth above shall take effect in the first billing period following the customer's connection to the Company's distribution system, computation of final project costs, and approval by the ldaho Public Utilities Commission. The surcharge shall continue for a period of ten (10) years until November 12,2028. The surcharge shall attach to the customer service address and payment thereof shal! be the responsibility of subsequent customers taking service at that address. The Company shall not propose to change the surcharge amount, terms or conditions in subsequent genera! rate proceedings. ln lieu of the surcharge, a customer may elect to pay a single lump sum payment equal to the NPV of the surcharge amount owed at the time of election. The lump sum amount must be paid within thirty (30) days of the customer's election and shall be irrevocable. lssued Per IPUC Order No. 35247 Effective - December 9,2021 lssued by SUEZ WATER IDAHO INC. Marshall Thompson, Vice President 8248 West Victory Road, Boise, lD Sheet No. 14 Replacing all Previous Sheets SUEZ WATER IDAHO INC. SCHEDULE NO. 2 PUBLIC HYDRANTS AND STREET SPRINKLING Availabilitv: To the Ada County Highway District. Rates: Street Sprinklino Service Monthlv Effective 05to1t2021 $292.01 Effective 05to1t2022 $306.70Flat Charge Miscellaneous: Bills will be rendered monthly, bi-monthly, or at other intervals upon mutual agreement of the Company and the customer. Hydrants and service pipes from the fitting on the Company main to the hydrants are to be installed and maintained by and at the expense of the Ada County Highway District. lssued Per IPUC Order No. 35030 Effective - May 1,2021 lssued by SUEZ WATER IDAHO lNL. Marshall Thompson, Vice President 8248 West Victory Road, Boise, lD Sheet No. 15 Replacing all Previous Sheets SUEZ WATER IDAHO INC. SCHEDULE NO.3 PRIVATE FIRE SPRINKLER AND SERVICE Availabilitv: To al! customers who have sprinkler systems and/or inside hose connections supplied by a dedicated service line for fire fighting purposes, not served under a separate schedule. Rate: For service through a separate line for fire fighting purposes. For 3" service or smaller For 4" service For 6" service For 8" service For 10" service For 12" service Bi-Monthlv Charqe Effective Effective05101t2021 05t01t2022$38.54 $40.48 $58.42 $61.36 $145.10 $152.39 $238.44 $250.43 $371.83 $390.54 $556.96 $584.98 Miscellaneous: Provided that if the installation of a private fire service shall require an extension of the existing mains of the company, the cost of such extension shall be borne by the customer. All private fire services sha!! be equipped with sealed gate valves or thermal automatic openings. Meters may be placed on fire services by the utility at any time; however, metered rates will not apply unless improper use of water is disclosed, and if such be the case, usage will be billed to the consumer under the current SUEZ General Metered Service Schedule No. 1 of this tariff. Issued Per IPUC Order No. 35030 Effective - May 1,2021 lssued by SUEZ WATER IDAHO lNC. Marshall Thompson, Vice President 8248 West Victory Road, Boise, lD Sheet No. 16 Replacing all Previous Sheets SUEZ WATER IDAHO INC. SCHEDULE NO. 3 (Gontinuedl PRIVATE FIRE SPRINKLER AND SERVICE EAGLE WATER SERVICE AREA Availabilitv: To all existing private fire sprinkler and service customers residing in the area formerly serviced by Eagle Water Company as of January 1,2022. Rate: For service through a separate line for fire fighting purposes. Monthlv Charqe Effective Effective01t01t2022 05t0112022 For 3" service or smaller $9.64 $10.12 For 4" service $14.61 $15.34 For 6" service $36.28 $38.10 For 8" service $59.60 $62.61 For't0" service $92.95 $97.64 For 12" service $139.24 $146.25 Miscellaneous: a) Provided that if the installation of a private fire service shall require an extension of the existing mains of the company, the cost of such extension shal! be borne by the customer. b) All private fire services shal! be equipped with sealed gate valves or thermal automatic openings. c) Meters may be placed on fire services by the utility at any time; however, metered rates will not apply unless improper use of water is disclosed, and if such be the case, usage will be billed to the consumer under the current SUEZ General Metered Service on Schedule No. 1. d) Only existing customers at the time of acquisition of Eagle Water Company are covered by this schedule. Future rates are subject to change based on base rate increase as approved by the IPUC. The rates in this schedule expire on December 31 of the effective year. The Company by tariff advice will file subsequent revisions to this schedule to implement the terms of Order Number 35247 dated December 9, 2021. All new customers to the area formerly serviced by Eagle Water after January 1, 2022, whether by new construction, sale or purchase shall pay the new customer current SUEZ Private Fire and Sprinkler Service - Eagle Water Service Area monthly rates as contained on Schedule No. 3 of this tariff. lssued Per IPUC Order No. 35247 Effective - December 9,2021 lssued by SUEZ WATER IDAHO lNC. Marshall Thompson, Vice President 8248 West Victory Road, Boise, lD Sheet No. 17 Replacing a!! Previous Sheets SUEZ WATER IDAHO INC. SCHEDULE NO. 3 (CONTINUED) PRIVATE FIRE SPRINKLER AND SERVICE EAGLE WATER SERVICE AREA Availabilitv: To all existing private fire sprinkler and service customers residing in the area formerly serviced by Eagle Water Company as of January 1,2022. Rate: For service through a separate line for fire fighting purposes. Monthlv For 3" service or smaller For 4" service For 6" service For S" service For 10" service For 12" service Miscellaneous: Effective 01t01t2023 $11.81 $17.90 $44.45 $73.04 $113.91 $170.62 Effective 01t01t2024 $13.49 $20.45 $50.80 $83.48 $130.18 $194.99 a) Provided that if the installation of a private fire service shall require an extension of the existing mains of the company, the cost of such extension shall be borne by the customer. b) All private fire services shall be equipped with sealed gate valves or thermal automatic openings. c) Meters may be placed on fire services by the utility at any time; however, metered rates will not apply unless improper use of water is disclosed, and if such be the case, usage will be billed to the consumer under the current SUEZ General Metered Service on Schedule No. 1. d) Only existing customers at the time of acquisition of Eagle Water Company are covered by this schedule. Future rates are subject to change based on base rate increase as approved by the IPUC. The rates in this schedule expire on December 31 of the effective year. The Company by tariff advice will file subsequent revisions to this schedule to implement the terms of Order Number 35247 dated December 9,2021. All new customers to the area formerly serviced by Eagle Water after January 1,2022, whether by new construction, sale or purchase shall pay the new customer current SUEZ Private Fire Sprinkler Service - Eagle Water Service Area monthly rates as contained on Schedule No. 3 of this tariff. Issued Per IPUC Order No. 35247 Effective - December 9,2021 lssued by SUEZ WATER IDAHO INC. Marshall Thompson, Vice President 8248 West Victory Road, Boise, lD Sheet No. 18 Replacing all Previous Sheets SUEZ WATER IDAHO INC. SCHEDULE NO. 3 (CONTINUED) PRIVATE FIRE SPRINKLER AND SERVICE EAGLE WATER SERVICE AREA Availabilitv: To all existing private fire sprinkler and service customers residing in the area formerly serviced by Eagle Water Company as of January 1,2022. Rate: For service through a separate line for fire fighting purposes. Monthlv For 3" service or smaller For 4" service For 6' service For 8" service For 10" service For 12" service Miscellaneous: Effective 01t01t2025 $15.18 $23.01 $s7.15 $93.91 $146.45 $219.37 Effective 01t01t2026 $16.87 $25.57 $63.50 $104.35 $162.73 $243.74 a) Provided that if the installation of a private fire service shall require an extension of the existing mains of the company, the cost of such extension shall be borne by the customer. b) Al! private fire services shall be equipped with sealed gate valves or thermal automatic openings c) Meters may be placed on fire services by the utility at any time; however, metered rates will not apply unless improper use of water is disclosed, and if such be the case, usage will be billed to the consumer under the current SUEZ General Metered Service Schedule No. 1. d) Only existing customers at the time of acquisition of Eagle Water Gompany are covered by this schedule. Future rates are subject to change based on base rate increase as approved by the IPUC. The rates in this schedule expire on December 31 of the effective year. The Company by tariff advice will file subsequent revisions to this schedule to implement the terms of Order Number 35247 dated December 9,2021. All new customers to the area formerly serviced by Eagle Water after January 1,2022, whether by new construction, sale or purchase shall pay the new customer cunent SUEZ Private Fire Sprinkler Service - Eagle Water Service Area monthly rates as contained on Schedule No. 3 of this tariff. lssued Per IPUC Order No. 35247 Effective - December 9,2021 Issued by SUEZ WATER IDAHO lNL. Marshall Thompson, Vice President 8248 West Victory Road, Boise, lD Sheet No. 19 Replacing a!! Previous Sheets SUEZ WATER IDAHO INC. SCHEDULE NO. 3 (CONTINUEDI PRIVATE FIRE SPRINKLER AND SERVICE EAGLE WATER SERVICE AREA Availabilitv: To all existing private fire sprinkler and service customers residing in the area formerly serviced by Eagle Water Company as of January 1,2022. Rate: For service through a separate line for fire fighting purposes. Monthlv For 3" service or smaller For 4" service For 6" service For 8" service For 10" service For 12" service Miscellaneous: Effective 01t01t2027 $18.55 $28.12 $69.85 $114.78 $179.00 $268.12 Effective 0110112028 $20.24 $30.68 $76.20 $125.22 $195.27 $292.49 a) Provided that if the installation of a private fire service shall require an extension of the existing mains of the company, the cost of such extension shall be borne by the customer. b) All private fire services shall be equipped with sealed gate valves or thermal automatic openings. c) Meters may be placed on fire services by the utility at any time; however, metered rates will not apply unless improper use of water is disclosed, and if such be the case, usage will be billed to the consumer under the current SUEZ General Metered Service Schedule No. 1. d) Only existing customers at the time of acquisition of Eagle Water Company are covered by this schedule. Future rates are subject to change based on base rate increase as approved by the IPUC. The rates in this schedule expire on December 31 of the effective year. The Company by tariff advice will file subsequent revisions to this schedule to implement the terms of Order Number 35247 dated December 9,2021. All new customers to the area formerly serviced by Eagle Water after January 1,2022, whether by new construction, sale or purchase shall pay the new customer current SUEZ Private Fire Sprinkler Service - Eagle Water Service Area monthly rates as contained on Schedule No. 3 of this tariff. Issued Per IPUC Order No. 35247 Effective - December 9,2021 lssued by SUEZ WATER IDAHO INU. Marshall Thompson, Vice President 8248 West Victory Road, Boise, lD Sheet No.20 Replacing all Previous Sheets SUEZ WATER IDAHO INC. For 3" service or smaller For 4" service For 6" service For 8" service For 10' service For 12" service SCHEDULE NO. 3 (Continued) PRIVATE FIRE SPRINKLER AND SERVICE EAGLE WATER SERVICE AREA Availabilitv: To all new private fire sprinkler and service customers residing in the area formerly serviced by Eagle Water Company after January 1,2022. Rate: For service through a separate line for fire fighting purposes. Monthlv Charoe Effective Effective05to1t2021 05t01t2022 $19.27 $20.24 $29.21 $30.68 $72.5s $76.20 $119.20 $125.22 $185.90 $195.27 $278.48 $292.49 lssued Per IPUC Order No. 35247 Effective - December 9,2021 lssued by SUEZ WATER IDAHO lNC. Marshall Thompson, Vice President 8248 West Victory Road, Boise, lD Miscellaneous: a) Provided that if the installation of a private fire service shall require an extension of the existing mains of the company, the cost of such extension shall be borne by the customer. b) All private fire services shall be equipped with sealed gate valves or thermal automatic openings. c) Meters may be placed on fire services by the utility at any time; however, metered rates will not apply unless improper use of water is disclosed, and if such be the case, usage will be billed to the consumer under the current SUEZ General Metered Service Schedule No. 1. d) Only new customers after January 1,2022, whether by new construction, sale or purchase following the acquisition of Eagle Water Company are covered by this schedule. Future rates are subject to change based on base rate increase as approved by the IPUC. The Company by tariff advice will file subsequent revisions to this schedule to implement the terms of Order Number 35247 dated December 9,2021. Sheet No. 21 Replacing all Previous Sheets SUEZ WATER IDAHO INC. SCHEDULE NO.4 PRIVATE FIRE HYDRANTS Availability: To all customers having private fire hydrant installations, not served under a separate schedule Rate: For fire hydrants installed and maintained by the customer at customer's expense: Bi-Monthlv Charqe Effective 05t01t2021 $23.38 Effective 05t01t2022 $24.56Each fire hydrant Miscellaneous: Service pipe from the fitting on the company water main to the fire hydrant is to be installed and maintained by the customer. lssued Per IPUC Order No. 35030 Effective - May 1,2021 lssued by SUEZ WATER IDAHO lNL. Marshall Thompson, Vice President 8248 West Victory Road, Boise, lD Sheet No. 22 Replacing all Previous Sheets SUEZ WATER IDAHO INC. SCHEDULE NO. 4 (Continued) PRIVATE FIRE HYDRANTS EAGLE WATER SERVICE AREA Availabilitv: To all existing customers having private fire hydrant installations for former customers of Eagle Water Company as of January 1,2022. Rate: For fire hydrants installed and maintained by the customer at customer's expense: Monthlv Each fire hydrant Effective 01t01t2022 $5.85 Effective 01t01t2025 $9.21 Effective 05101t2022 $6.14 Effective 01t01t2026 $10.23 Effective 01t01t2023 $7.16 Effective 01101t2027 $11.26 Effective 01t01t2024 $8.19 Effective 01t01t2028 $12.28Each fire hydrant Miscellaneous: Service pipe from the fitting on the company water main to the fire hydrant is to be installed and maintained by the customer. Only existing customers at the time of acquisition of Eagle Water Company are covered by this schedule. Future rates are subject to change based on base rate increase as approved by the IPUC. The rates in this schedule expire on December 31 of the effective year. The Company by tariff advice will file subsequent revisions to this schedule to implement the terms of Order Number 35247 dated December 9,2021. All new customers to the area formerly serviced by Eagle Water after January 1,2022, whether by new construction, sale or purchase shall pay the new customer current SUEZ Private Fire Hydrants - Eagle Water Service Area monthly rates as contained on Schedule No. 4 of this tariff. Issued Per IPUC Order No. 35247 Effective - December 9,2021 lssued by SUEZ WATER IDAHO lNC. Marshal! Thompson, Vice President 8248 West Victory Road, Boise, lD Sheet No. 23 Replacing all Previous Sheets SUEZ WATER IDAHO INC. SCHEDULE NO. 4 (Continued) PRIVATE FIRE HYDRANTS EAGLE WATER SERVICE AREA Availability: To all new customers having private fire hydrant installations in service area formerly serviced by Eagle Water Company after January 1,2022. Rate: For fire hydrants installed and maintained by the customer at customer's expense: Monthlv Effective 0110112022 $11.69 Effective 05t01t2022 12.28 Miscellaneous: Service pipe from the fitting on the company water main to the fire hydrant is to be installed and maintained by the customer. Only new customers after January 1,2022, whether by new construction, sale or purchase following the acquisition of Eagle Water Company are covered by this schedule. The Company by tariff advice will file subsequent revisions to this schedule to implement the terms of Order No 35247 dated December 9,2021. All existing customers residing in the area formerly serviced by Eagle Water as of January 1,2022 sha!! pay the existing customer cunent SUEZ Private Fire Hydrants - Eagle Water Service Area monthly rates as contained on Schedule No. 4 of this tariff. lssued Per IPUC Order No. 35247 Effective - December 9,2021 lssued by SUEZ WATER IDAHO lNC. Marshal! Thompson, Vice President 8248 West Victory Road, Boise, Idaho Sheet No.24 Replacing all Previous Sheets SUEZ WATER IDAHO INC. SCHEDULE NO.5 MISGELLANEOUS FEES AND CHARGES 1. Return Check Charoe Apolication: This charge is applicable to al! customers where the customer's check or bank draft is returned by the bank for insufficient funds, closed account, or some other appropriate reason. Rate: Returned check charge Each Occurrence $20.00 2. Reconnection Charoe for Nonpavment Terminations or Cross Connection Control Application: This charge is applicable to all customers where water has been physically turned off for nonpayment of a delinquent bill or the Company has determined that a dangerous condition exists due to failure to provide or maintain appropriate cross connection control. Reconnections requested outside of regularly staffed hours will take place the following day, beginning at 8:00 a.m., Reconnections wi!! not take place Monday through Friday, between the hours of 6:31 p.m. and 7:59 a.m., or weekends/observed holidays between 4:31 p.m. and 7:59 a.m. Rates Each Occurrence Reconnection Charge (during normal business hours) Monday - Friday, not observed holidays 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Reconnection Charge (other than normal business hours) Monday - Friday, not observed holidays 4:31 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. $20.00 $10.00 $30.00 $15.00 Weekends or observed holidays 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Remotely Disconnected/ Reconnected lssued Per IPUC Order No. 35030 Effective - May 1,2021 lssued by SUEZ WATER IDAHO lNC. Marshall Thompson, Vice President 8248 West Victory Road, Boise, ldaho Sheet No.25 Replacing all Previous Sheets SUEZ WATER IDAHO INC. 3. SCHEDULE NO.5 MISCELLANEOUS FEES AND GHARGES (continued) Observed holidays: New Year's Day, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Memorial Day, lndependence Day, Labor Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving Day, day after Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day (or the day observed for any holiday). Service Connection Charqe for Other Than Normal Business Hours Application: New service connections will take place at no charge during normal business hours 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday (not observed holidays). New service connections requested outside of regularly staffed hours willtake place the following day, beginning at 8:00 a.m. New service connections will not take place on observed holidays, Monday through Friday, between the hours of 6:31 p.m. and 7:59 ?.ffi., or weekends between 4:31 p.m. and 7:59 a.m. This charge is applicable to all customers who request service outside of normal business hours or weekends. Rate: Each Occurrence $25.00 4:31 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Service Charge Afterhours (Monday - Friday) Weekends Issued Per IPUC Order No. 35030 Effective - May 1,2021 lssued by SUEZ WATER IDAHO !NC. Marshall Thompson, Vice President 8248 West Victory Road, Boise, ldaho Sheet No.26 Replacing all Previous Sheets SUEZ WATER IDAHO INC. 4. SCHEDULE NO.5 MISCELLANEOUS FEES AND CHARGES (cont'd) Temporary Disconnection at Customer Request Charqe: Aoplication: This charge is applicable when the Company is requested by customer to shut off the water at the meter for repairs to customer's plumbing. Rates: Each Occurrence Water Disconnection at Customer Request (during normal business hours) Monday - Friday, not observed holidays 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. $15.00 Water Disconnection at Customer Request (other than normal business hours) $25.00 5. Meter Test at Customer Request Charoe Application: This charge is applicable when the customer requests the Company to test the accuracy of a meter in the case of a disputed bill. Rate: Error in registration of 1-112o/o or less 6. Meter Rental Charse for Construction Application: Rate: Temporary Meter Charge This charge is applicable when contractors, builders, or others request temporary service from a fire hydrant. Each Occurrence $10.00 Each Occurrence $25.00 lssued Per IPUC Order No. 35030 Effective - May 1,2021 lssued by SUEZ WATER IDAHO lNC. Marshall Thompson, Vice President 8248 West Victory Road, Boise, ldaho ATTACHMENT 2 Sheet No. 3 Replacing al! Previous Sheets SIJEZVEOLIA WATER IDAHO. INC. SCHEDULE NO.1 GENERAL METERED SERVICE Availabilitv: To all General Metered customers not served under a separate schedule Customer Charges:Bi-Monthly Per Meter CharoeffiW Meter Size 518"-314 1" 1-112" 2' or multiple meters of equivalent capacity 3" or multiple meters of equivalent capacity 4" or multiple meters of equivalent capacity 6" or multiple meters of equivalent capacity 8" or multiple meters of equivalent capacity 10" or multiple meters of equivalent capacity Volume Charqe: For allwater used less than 3CCF (100 cubic Feet) (CCF) (1 CCF=748 gallons): For all water used greater than 3CCF Volume Charqe: For allwater used less than 3CCF (100 cubic Feet) (CCF) (1 CCF=748 gallons): For all water used greater than 3CCF Winter RatesEffeetive Etre€tiveggaqzaz+ 05lo{/?J0z2 $1#08 $1.9797${# ${#08 $1.9797$1Se Summer RatesEffeetive Effeetives ail?oz+ g5$11?i022 $ffi $1.9797$1#59 $1S254 $2.5063$23204 $?+€8 $27,97 $4114 s1423 $144,82 $270=18 $151,04 $58958 $84+18 $28.48 $22J6$36.41ffi $62.29$5e++ $96.66$77a92 $188.52$151-97 $351.71$28352 $s87.20$473€5 $768.19$Ct€J5 $1.094.73$882i48 Conditions of Contract: The customer shall pay the total of the customer charge plus the volume charge. The volume charge is based on all metered water for the billing period. Consumption is expressed in hundred cubic foot units or thousand gallon units as determined by the meter installed by the Company. The customer charge will be prorated whenever the customer has not been a customer for the entire billing period. Summer Period: The summer rate will apply to water consumed between May 1 and September 30. Meter readings straddling these dates will be prorated. Issued Per IPUC Order No.€5e30 lssued by SIJEZVEOLIAWATER IDAHO, lNC. Marshall Thompson, Vice President 8248 West Victory Road, Boise, ldahoEffectiver 31,2022 Sheet No.4 Replacing all Previous Sheets SUEZVEOLIA WATER IDAHO. !NC. SCHEDULE NO. I (eentinuedContinuedl GENERAL METERED SERVICE EAGLE WATER SERVICE AREA Availabilitv: To all existing General Metered customers residing in the area formerly serviced by Eagle Water Company as of January 1,2022. Monthly Customer Charges: Per Meter Charoe Meter Size C,*eetive€1+g#egaa Effe€tiYe 05lOllZ0Zz518"-314 $5J17 $g-31-$5J41" $6€9 $10.62 $7:€4 1 1l'1" and 1-112" $1{-96 g1-8.'1q $42Sg 2" or multiple meters of equivalent capacity ${S56 $28.20 $4€Jg 3" or multiple meters of equivalent capacity $36*4 $54.98 $37€9 4" or multiple meters of equivalent capacity $6755 $102.58 $7O€8 6" or multiple meters of equivalent capacity $112,76 $171.27 $11834 8" or multiple meters of equivalent capacity $1414D $224.05 $1€4€4 10" or multiple meters of equivalent capacity $21+05 $319.30 $22952 Volume Charqe:Winter Rates Etre€tiv€4Hl0HJ20ea EffeetiveW For allwater used less than 1.SCCF (100 cubic Feet) (CCF)_(1 CCF=748 gallons): For all water used greater than 1.SCCF $0J604 $oJ604 $1.1548$W$1.154W Volume Charqe:Summer Rates C*eetive€1,t9#egaa E#e€tiYeW For all water used less than 1.SCCF (100 cubic Feet) (CCF)_(1 CCF=748 gallons): $0,760'1 $1.1548$ffi For all water used greater than 1.SCCF $os627 $1.4621${-0102 Conditions of Contract: The customer shall pay the total of the customer charge plus the volume charge. The volume charge is based on all metered water for the billing period. Consumption is expressed in hundred cubic foot units or thousand gallon units as determined by the meter installed by the Company. The customer charge will be prorated whenever the customer has not been a customer for the entire billing period. Only existing customers at the time of acquisition of Eagle Water Company are covered by this schedule. The rates in this schedule expire on December 31 of the effective year. The Company, by tariff advice, will file subsequent revisions to this schedule to implement the terms of Order Number 35247 dated December 9,2021. Future rates are subject to change based on base rate increases as approved by the IPUC. All new customers to the area formerly serviced by Eagle Water Company after January 1,2022, whether by new construction, sale or purchase shall pay the new customer current Sugveolia General Metered Service - Eagle Water Service Area monthly rates as contained on Schedule No. 1 of this tariff. Summer Period: The summer rate will apply to water consumed between May 1 and September 30. Meter readings straddling these dates will be prorated. lssued Per IPUC Order No.35030 Effective Issued by SUEZ!'EOLIAWATER IDAHO, lNC. Marshall Thompson, Vice President 8248 West Victory Road, Boise, ldaho Sheet No. 5 Replacing all Previous Sheets ST'E4VEOLIA WATER IDAHO. INC. SCHEDULE NO. I (eentinueCcontinuedl GENERAL METERED SERVICE EAGLE WATER SERVICE AREA Availabilitv: To all existing general metered customers residing in the area formerly serviced by Eagle Water Company as of January 1,2022. Monthly Customer Charges: Per Meter CharoeEffective Effective Meter Size 011011?fE32024 0'110112€P/.20255t8"-3t4 &19 $6JO $10.68 $7$51" $12.14 $856 $13.66 $sJ8 1 1l1" and 1-112" $20.77 $14s,4 $23.36 $16J4 2" or multiple meters of equivalent capacity $32.22 $zL73 $36.25 $25.97 3" or multiple meters of equivalent capacity $62.85 $4432 $70.70$59€6 4" or multiple meters of equivalent capacity $1 17.24 $e2$g $131.90 $gt$+ 6" or multiple meters of equivalent capacity $195.74 $22A.21$€836 $157,78 8" or multiple meters of equivalent capacity $256.07 $288.08$+8O€l $206"42 10" or multiple meters of equivalent capacity $364.91 $4'10.53$2#9 $2gt-16 Volume Charoe: For all water used less than 1.SCCF (100 cubic Feet) (CCF) (1CCF=748 gallons): For all water used greater than 1.SCCF Volume Charoe: For allwater used less than 1.SCCF (100 cubic Feet) (CCF) (1CCF=748 gallons): For all water used greater than 1.SCCF Winter RatesEffective Effective01t01/ 2024 01t01tw202s $1.3198 $1.4848$0€309 ${-0639$1.3198 $1.4848$0s309 ${"0639 Summer RatesEffective Effective01t01/ 32024 0',U01tM2025 $0-9309$1.3199 $1$639$1.4848 $1,9869!=6709 $1=34€9$1.8797 Conditions of Contract: The customer shall pay the total of the customer charge plus the volume charge. The volume charge is based on all metered water for the billing period. Consumption is expressed in hundred cubic foot units or thousand gallon units as determined by the meter installed by the Company. The customer charge will be prorated whenever the customer has not been a customer for the entire billing period. Only existing customers at the time of acquisition of Eagle Water Company are covered by this schedule. The rates in this schedule expire on December 31 of the effective year. The Company, by tariff advice, will file subsequent revisions to this schedule to implement the terms of Order Number 35247 dated December 9,2021. Future rates are subject to change based on base rate increases as approved by the IPUC. All new customers to the area formerly serviced by Eagle Water Company after January 1,2022, whether by new construction, sale or purchase shall pay the new customer cunent SlJEZVeolia lssued Per IPUC Order No.€5030 Effective lssued by SUE4VEQLIAWATER IDAHO lNC. Marshall Thompson, Vice President 8248 West Victory Road, Boise, Idaho Sheet No.6 Replacing all Previous Sheets SI'ESVEOLIA WATER IDAHO. INC. General Metered Service - Eagle Water Service Area monthly rates as contained on Schedule No. 1 of this tariff. Summer Period: The summer rate will apply to water consumed between May 1 and September 30. Meter readings straddling these dates will be prorated. lssued by SIJEZVEOLIAWATER IDAHO lNC. lssued Per IPUC Order No.€503e MarshallThompson, Vice PresidentEffective 8248 West Victory Road, Boise, ldaho Sheet No. 7 Replacing a!! Previous Sheets S{JE3VEOLIA WATER IDAHO. INC. SCHEDULE NO. I (Continuedl GENERAL NNETERED SERVICE EAGLE WATER SERVICE AREA Availabilitv: To all existing general metered customers residing in the area formerly serviced by Eagle Water Company as of January 1,2022. Monthly Customer Charges: Per Meter CharoeEffective Effective01101/ 2026 0110'U?4p€,2027 Meter Size5t8"-3t4 $11.87 $83t $13.05 $9#l', $15.18 $4{-g1 $16.69 $#3 1 1t4" and 1-112" $25.96 $13.83 $28.55 $2g$a 2" or multiple meters of equivalent capacity $40.28 $29:2 $44.S0 $32'4+ 3" or multiple meters of equivalent capacity $78.56 $5639 $86.41 $6332 4" or multiple meters of equivalent capacity $146.55 $161.21${€632 $118,13 6" or multiple meters of equivalent capacity $244.68 $269.14 $177,51 ${€e23 8" or multiple meters of equivalent capacity $320.08 $352.09w2 $25832 10" or multiple meters of equivalent capaci$ $456.14 $501.76$33993 $367,70 Volume Charoe: Winter RatesEffective Effective01/011 2026 011011?pps,2027 For all water used less than 1.SCCF (100 cubic Feet) (CCF) $1 .6498 $1 .8147 (1 CCF=748 gallons): $ffi $13299 For all water used greater than 1.5CCF $1 .6498 $1.8147$ffi $4#ee Volume Charoe: Summer RatesEffective Effective01t01t 2026 AlUtM2027_ For allwater used less than 1.SCCF (100 cubic Feet) (CCF) (1 CCF=748 gallons): $1-l€69$1.6498 $4329$L!=91_47 For all water used greater than 1.5CCF $4S453U_AggQ WglW Conditions of Contract: The customer shall pay the total of the customer charge plus the volume charge. The volume charge is based on all metered water for the billing period. Consumption is expressed in hundred cubic foot units or thousand gallon units as determined by the meter installed by the Company. The customer charge will be prorated whenever the customer has not been a customer for the entire billing period. Only existing customers at the time of acquisition of Eagle Water Company are covered by this schedule. The rates in this schedule expire on December 31 of the effective year. The Company, by tariff advice, will file subsequent revisions to this schedule to implement the terms of Order Number 35247 dated December 9,2021. Future rates are subject to change based on base rate increases as approved by the IPUC. lssued Per IPUC Order No.35O30 Effective Issued by S{JEAVEOLIAWATER IDAHO lNC. Marshall Thompson, Vice President 8248 West Victory Road, Boise, Idaho Sheet No. 8 Replacing all Previous Sheets S{JE3VEOLIA WATER IDAHO. INC. All new customers to the area formerly serviced by Eagle Water after January 1,2022, whether by new construction, sale or purchase shal! pay the current SlJEZVeolia General Metered - Eagle Water Service Area monthly rates as contained on Schedule No. 1 - General Metered Service of this tariff. Summer Period: The summer rate will apply to water consumed between May 1 and September 30. Meter readings straddling these dates will be prorated. lssued Per IPUC Order No.3503O Effective lssued by S{JE3!EO!!A WATER IDAHO lNC. Marshall Thompson, Vice President 8248 West Victory Road, Boise, ldaho Sheet No. I Replacing all Previous Sheets SIJE:LVEOLIA WATER IDAHO. INC. SCHEDULE NO. I (Continued) GENERAL METERED SERVICE EAGLE WATER SERVICE AREA Availabilitv: To all existing general metered customers residing in the area serviced by as Eagle Water Company as of January 1,2022. Monthly Customer Charges: Per Meter CharqeEtre€tive Effectiveaila42027 01t0112028 Meter Size518"-3t4 $10-52 $14.24 $#-4A1" ${3.45 $18.21 $14'69 1 1l/l" and 1-112" $23+t EL!_L$2#|-+ 2" or multiple meters of equivalent capacity $35+t $48.33 $38€6 3" or multiple meters of equivalent capacity $69€5 $94.27 $75s9 4" or multiple meters of equivalent capacity $175.86$€sss $141J6 6" or multiple meters of equivalent capacity $293.61$24+95 $23€Ss 8" or multiple meters of equivalent capacity $384.10$28332 $309$3 10" or multiple meters of equivalent capacity $547.37$4€441 $44-+24 Volume Charoe: Winter RatesE#e€tive Effective0ileil208t 0110112028 For all water used less than 1.5CCF (100 cubic Feet) (CCF) $1.9797 (1 CCF=748 gallons): $dJ629 ${-5959 For all water used greater than 1.5CCF $1.9797$1i4629 $l=5959 Volume Charoe: Summer RatesEffectiffiIFective 01t01t2027 01t01t2028 For all water used less than 1.SCCF (100 cubic Feet) (CCFl CCF=748 gallons): $1.4629 $+5959$1.9797 For all water used greater than 1.5CCF $1.8520 $2S204i02.5063 Conditions of Contract: The customer shall pay the total of the customer charge plus the volume charge. The volume charge is based on al! metered water for the billing period. Consumption is expressed in hundred cubic foot units or thousand gallon units as determined by the meter installed by the Company. The customer charge will be prorated whenever the customer has not been a customer for the entire billing period. Only existing customers at the time of acquisition of Eagle Water Company are covered by this schedule. The rates in this schedule expire on December 31 of the effective year. The Company, by tariff advice, will file subsequent revisions to this schedule to implement the terms of Order Number 35247 dated December 9,2021. Future rates are subject to change based on base rate increases as approved by the IPUC. All new customers to the area formerly serviced by Eagle Water Company after January 1,2022, whether by new construction, sale or purchase shall pay the new customer cunent S{JEZVegIa lssued by S{JEZVEQIIAWATER IDAHO !NC. Marshall Thompson, Vice President 8248 West Victory Road, Boise, ldaho Issued Per IPUC Order No.€503O Effective Sheet No. 10 Replacing all Previous Sheets SIJEZVEOLIA WATER IDAHO. INC. General Metered Service - Eagle Water Service Area monthly rates as contained on Schedule No. 1 of this tariff. Summer Period: The summer rate will apply to water consumed between May 1 and September 30. Meter readings straddling these dates will be prorated. lssued Per IPUC Order No.€503e Effective lssued by SIJEAVEOUA WATER IDAHO INC. Marshall Thompson, Vice President 8248 West Victory Road, Boise, Idaho Sheet No. 11 Replacing all Previous Sheets SUEEVEOLIA WATER IDAHO. INC. SCHEDULE NO. I (Continuedl GENERAL METERED SERVICE EAGLE WATER SERVICE AREA Availabilitv: To all new general metered customers residing in the area formerly serviced by Eagle Water Company after January 1,2022. Monthly Customer Charges: Per Meter Charqe- Effeetive-Effeetive05t01t2921 ggeil3ozz Meter Size 518"-314 1" 1 114" and 1-112" 2" or multiple meters of equivalent capacity 3" or multiple meters of equivalent capacity 4" or multiple meters of equivalent capacity 6" or multiple meters of equivalent capacity 8" or multiple meters of equivalent capacity 10" or multiple meters of equivalent capaci$ Volume Charoe:Winter RatesE#e€tive Etre€tA€0 eil2a2+ ggailz}zz For all water used less than 1.SCCF (100 cubic Feet) (ccF) (1 CCF=748 gallons): For all water used greater than 1.SCCF ${o€4 $lilss $23S2 $3#13 $72,41${3ffi $22#2 $294J9 $420,10 $14.24$+M8 $18.21${4S $31.15$2#1 $48.33$3eS6 $94.27$75S9 $175.86$444J6 $293.61$236€8 $384.10$309€3 $547 37$44124 $+=5959$1.9797 $+5e5sq!.9797 $1#08 ${-#08 Volume Charoe: Summer RatesEtre€tive Etre€tive0 e 202+ 05to112022 For all water used less than 1.SCCF (100 cubic Feet) (ccF) (1CCF=748 gallons): $1s2o8 $1=59591.9797 For all water used greater than 1.5CCF ${-9254 $2S2042.5063 Conditions of Contract: The customer shall pay the total of the customer charge plus the volume charge. The volume charge is based on all metered water for the billing period. Consumption is expressed in hundred cubic foot units or thousand gallon units as determined by the meter installed by the Company. The customer charge will be prorated whenever the customer has not been a customer for the entire billing period. Only new customers after January 1,2022, whether by new construction, sale or purchase following the acquisition of Eagle Water Company are covered by this schedule. The Company by tariff advice will file subsequent revisions to this schedule to implement the terms of Order No. 35247 dated December 9,2021. All existing customers at time of acquisition in the area formerly serviced by Eagle Water Company as of January 1,2022, shall pay the current S{JEZVeolia General Metered - Eagle Water Service Area existing customer monthly rates as contained on Schedule 1 of this tariff. lssued Per IPUC Order No.€5030 Effective lssued by S{JEZVEOLIAWATER IDAHO lNC. Marshal! Thompson, Vice President 8248 West Victory Road, Boise, Idaho Sheet No. 12 Replacing all Previous Sheets STIE4VEOLIA WATER IDAHO. INC. Summer Period: The summer rate will apply to water consumed between May 1 and September 30. Meter readings straddling these dates will be prorated. Issued Per IPUC Order No.€5030 Effective lssued by S{JEUVEOIIAWATER IDAHO lNC. Marshall Thompson, Vice President 8248 WestVictory Road, Boise, Idaho Sheet No. 14 Replacing all Previous Sheets ST'E4VEOLIA WATER IDAHO. INC. SCHEDULE NO. 18 FLAT RATE SERVICE Availabilitv: To non-metered residential customers pursuant to Residential or Multi-Family Housing Non-Contiguous Water Systems Agreement Paragraph 11(a) addressing Flat Rate systems, not served under a separate schedule. Customer Charoes: Based on SUEZ\l'eo[g Water ldaho residentia! consumption for the year ending June 1998 of 208.75 ccf, the average residential bi!!, assuming a 3/c" meter and 65% l35o/o summer/winter splihis is $528SQQ551Q! etre€tive 0il411022. Bi-Monthly Charge Effedive g5to1t?'102+ $83.87 Etre€tive 05nil?l022 $88J8$10e.27 Conditions of Contract: a) The monthly charge will be prorated whenever the customer has not been a customer for the entire billing period. The Company or the customer may convert to metered service pursuant to Subparagraphs (b) or (c) of Paragraph 11 as follows: b) lf Company should determine that a flat rate customer is using water in excess of the average residential customer, the Company will provide a meter setting and meter. Customer willthen pay Company's metered tariff rates as approved by the IPUC, which rates may be amended from time to time. c) lf a customer prefers to pay Company's approved metered tariff rates, the customer shall pay the installation and material costs associated with the installation of a meter setting. Issued Per IPUC Order No.€5030 Effective Issued by SIJEZVEOLIAWATER IDAHO lNC. Marshall Thompson, Vice President 8248 West Victory Road, Boise, ldaho Sheet No.15 Replacing all Previous Sheets SUEZVEOLIA WATER IDAHO. INC. SCHEDULE 1 B (Gontinued) FLAT RATE SERVICE: EAGLE WATER SERVICE AREA Availabilitv: To allexisting flat rate service customers residing in the area formerly serviced by Eagle Water Company as of January 1,2022. Customer Charoes: Based on SIJEZV@Ig Water ldaho residential consumption for the year ending June 1998 of 208.75 ccf, the average residential bill, assuming aYt" meter and 650/o I 35o/o summer/winter split, is $52ro[02 effeetive 05/01/2022, Monthlv Non-Metered Efbetive 01to1t2022 $2e.97 Effective 011011?pps,2026 Non-Metered $33"03$45.53 Effective 09eJU2022 $23"02$31.87 Effective 01t01t3pp€,2027 $36J0$50-08 Effective 01lulwe2024 w$3642 Effective 01t01tw72028 $/t0€7EL03 Effective 01t01t3€p/'2025 $2ffi$40.97 Etre€tiv,e oilQil?loaa w.o4 Conditions of Contract: a) The monthly charge will be prorated whenever the customer has not been a customer for the entire billing period. The Company or the customer may convert to metered service pursuant to Subparagraphs (b) or (c) of Paragraph 11 as follows: b) lf Company should determine that a flat rate customer is using water in excess of the average residential customer, the Company will provide a meter setting and meter. Customer willthen pay Company's metered tariff rates as approved by the IPUC, which rates may be amended from time to time. c) lf a customer prefers to pay Company's approved metered tariff rates, the customer shall pay the installation and material costs associated with the installation of a meter setting. d) Only existing customers at the time of acquisition of Eagle Water Company are covered by this schedule. Future rates are subject to change based on base rate increase as approved by the IPUC. The rates in this schedule expire on December 31 of the effective year. The Company by tariff advice will file subsequent revisions to this schedule to implement the terms of Order Number 35247 dated December 9,2021. All new customers to the area formerly serviced by Eagle Water Company after January 1,2022, whether by new construction, sale or purchase shall pay the new customer current Sugveolia Flat Rate Service -Eagle Water Area monthly rates as contained on Schedule No. 1B of this tariff. lssued Per IPUC Order No.35O3O Effective lssued by SUE4VEQIIAWATER IDAHO lNC. Marshall Thompson, Vice President 8248 West Victory Road, Boise, ldaho Sheet No.16 Replacing all Previous Sheets SIJEZVEOLIA WATER IDAHO. INC. SCHEDULE I B (Continued) FLAT RATE SERVICE: EAGLE WATER SERVICE AREA Availabilitv: To all new flat rate service customers residing in the area formerly serviced by Eagle Water Company after January 1,2022. Customer Charoes: Based on SIJEZ!@Ig Water ldaho residential consumption for the year ending June 1998 of 208.75 ccf, the average residential bill, assuming aYt" meter and 65% / 35% summer/winter split, is $503,20 effeetive 05/@$655.62 effeetive W#?€EP'n<ff\X12023. Monthlv Non-Metered Effee*ive 05tg1/?02+ $41,U E#e€tiveW $44s4$54.63 Conditions of Contract:I a) The monthly charge will be prorated whenever the customer has not been a customer for the entire billing period. The Company or the customer may convert to metered service pursuant to Subparagraphs (b) or (c) of Paragraph 11 as follows: b) lf Company should determine that a flat rate customer is using water in excess of the average residential customer, the Company will provide a meter setting and meter. Customer willthen pay Company's metered tariff rates as approved by the IPUC, which rates may be amended from time to time. c) lf a customer prefers to pay Company's approved metered tariff rates, the customer sha!! pay the installation and material costs associated with the installation of a meter setting. d) Only new customers after January 1,2022, whether by new construction, sale or purchase following the acquisition of Eagle Water Company are covered by this schedule. The Company by tariff advice will file subsequent revisions to this schedule to implement the terms of Order No. 35247 dated December 9,2021. All existing customers residing in the area formerly serviced by Eagle Water as of January 1, 2022 shall pay the existing customer current Sugveolia Flat Rate Service - Eagle Water Service Area monthly rates as contained on Schedule No. 1B of this tariff. lssued Per IPUC Order No.€503O Effective lssued by S{JEZVEOLIAWATER IDAHO INC. Marshall Thompson, Vice President 8248 West Victory Road, Boise, ldaho Sheet No.17 Replacing all Previous Sheets SUEEVEOLIA WATER IDAHO. INC. SCHEDULE NO. IC BRIAN SUBDIVISION SURCHARGE To all metered customers, who were previously customers of Brian Subdivision Water Users Association lnc., located in the Brian Subdivision, Ada County, Haho. Surcharoe Amount A bi-monthly surcharge in the amount of $44435l-3!!.z[g will be billed every other month unless the customer is enrolled in Budget Billing. Budget Billing customers will be billed W#W. monthly.The surcharge is in addition to charges for water service as specified in Schedule No. 1, Genera! Metered Service and other applicable charges. Conditions of Contract: The surcharge set forth above shall take effect in the first billing period following the customer's connection to the Company's distribution system, computation of final project costs, and approval by the ldaho Public Utilities Commission. The surcharge shall continue for a period of ten (10) years until November 12,2028. The surcharge shall attach to the customer service address and payment thereof shall be the responsibility of subsequent customers taking service at that address. The Company shall not propose to change the surcharge amount, terms or conditions in subsequent general rate proceedings. ln lieu of the surcharge, a customer may elect to pay a single lump sum payment equal to the NPV of the surcharge amount owed at the time of election. The lump sum amount must be paid within thirty (30) days of the customer's election and shall be irrevocable. Issued Per IPUC Order No.€503e Effective lssued by SUEAVEOLIAWATER IDAHO lNC. Marshall Thompson, Vice President 8248 West Victory Road, Boise, ldaho Sheet No. 18 Replacing all Previous Sheets SIIESVEOLIA WATER IDAHO. INC. SCHEDULE NO. 2 PUBLIC HYDRANTS AND STREET SPRINKLING Availabilitv: To the Ada County Highway District. Rates: Street Sprinklino Service Monthlv Flat Charge Efbdive 95nil,r921 $2929t Miscellaneous: Bills wi!! be rendered monthly, bi-monthly, or at other intervals upon mutual agreement of the Company and the customer. Hydrants and service pipes from the fitting on the Company main to the hydrants are to be installed and maintained by and at the expense of the Ada County Highway District. Etre'€tirre o5nilz}z} $306J+$380.47 lssued Per IPUC Order No.€5030 Effective lssued by SUEZVEOLIA WATER IDAHO lNC. Marshall Thompson, Vice President 8248 West Victory Road, Boise, ldaho Sheet No. 19 Replacing all Previous Sheets STIHLVEOLIA WATER IDAHO. INC. SCHEDULE NO.3 PRIVATE FIRE SPRINKLER AND SERVICE Availabilitv: To all customers who have sprinkler systems and/or inside hose connections supplied by a dedicated service line for fire fighting purposes, not served under a separate schedule. Rate: For service through a separate line for fire fighting purposes. Bi-Monthlv Charoe Effeetive EffeetAe0 e1 02+ 0se1g3./022 For 3" service or smaller $38-54 $40.48 Fot 4" service $5842 $61.36 For 6" service $1 15,10 $152.39 For 8" service $2a844 $250.43 For l0" service $371,83 $390.54 For 12" service $556^96 $584.98 Miscellaneous: Provided that if the installation of a private fire service shall require an extension of the existing mains of the company, the cost of such extension shall be borne by the customer. All private fire services shall be equipped with sealed gate valves or thermal automatic openings. Meters may be placed on fire services by the utility at any time; however, metered rates wil! not apply unless improper use of water is disclosed, and if such be the case, usage will be billed to the consumer under the current SlJEZVeolia General Metered Service Schedule No. 1 of this tariff. lssued Per IPUC Order No.3503e Effective lssued by SUEZVEOLIAWATER IDAHO lNC. Marshall Thompson, Vice President 8248 West Victory Road, Boise, ldaho Sheet No. 20 Replacing all Previous Sheets STIEUVEOLIA WATER IDAHO. INC. SCHEDULE NO. 3 (Continued) PRIVATE FIRE SPRINKLER AND SERVICE EAGLE WATER SERVICE AREA Availabilitv: To all existing private fire sprinkler and service customers residing in the area formerly serviced by Eagle Water Company as of January 1,2022. Rate: For service through a separate line for fire fighting purposes. Monthlv Charoe Efbetive Etre€tive0ileq2022 05nil2022 For 3" service or smaller $9.64 $11.81 $10-12 For 4" service $1'1,61 $17.90 ${+34 For 6" service $36*8 $44.45 $3,8.{€ For 8" service $59Se $73.04 $623l- For 10" service $9235 $113.91 $97S4 For 12" service $1€934 $170.62 ${4€#5 Miscellaneous: a) Provided that if the installation of a private fire service shall require an extension of the existing mains of the company, the cost of such extension shall be borne by the customer. b) All private fire services shall be equipped with sealed gate valves or thermal automatic openings. c) Meters may be placed on fire services by the utility at any time; however, metered rates will not apply unless improper use of water is disclosed, and if such be the case, usage will be billed to the consumer under the current SUEZVeolia General Metered Service on Schedule No.1. d) Only existing customers at the time of acquisition of Eagle Water Company are covered by this schedule. Future rates are subject to change based on base rate increase as approved by the IPUC. The rates in this schedule expire on December 31 of the effective year. The Company by tariff advice wil! file subsequent revisions to this schedule to implement the terms of Order Number 35247 dated December 9, 2021. Al! new customers to the area formerly serviced by Eagle Water after January 1,2022, whether by new construction, sale or purchase shall pay the new customer cunent SUEZVCoIia Private Fire and Sprinkler Service - Eagle Water Service Area monthly rates as contained on Schedule No. 3 of this tariff. Issued Per IPUC Order No.€503O Effective lssued by S{JEZVEOIIAWATER IDAHO INC. Marshall Thompson, Vice President 8248 West Victory Road, Boise, ldaho Sheet No.21 Replacing all Previous Sheets $IEEVEOLIA WATER IDAHO. INC. SCHEDULE NO. 3 (CONTINUED) PRIVATE FIRE SPRINKLER AND SERVICE EAGLE WATER SERVICE AREA Availabilitv: To all existing private fire sprinkler and service customers residing in the area formerly serviced by Eagle Water Company as of January 1,2022. Rate:For service through a separate line for fire fighting purposes. Monthlv For 3" service or smaller For 4" service For 6" service For 8" service For 10" service For l2" service Miscellaneous: Effective 011011?pp€,2024 $13.49 $4{-84 $20.45 ${+ige $50.80 $44J5 $83.48 $73€4 $130.18 $4{€*4 $194.99 $47eSe Effective 01t01t?€p/.2025 $15.18 ${€.49 $23.01 $2e,45 $57.15 $50€O $93.92 $83.48 $146.45$ffi $219.37 $194€9 a) Provided that if the installation of a private fire service shall require an extension of the existing mains of the company, the cost of such extension shall be borne by the customer. b) All private fire services shall be equipped with sealed gate valves or thermal automatic openings. c) Meters may be placed on fire services by the utility at any time; however, metered rates will not apply unless improper use of water is disclosed, and if such be the case, usage will be billed to the consumer under the current SUEZVeolia General Metered Service on Schedule No. '1. d) Only existing customers at the time of acquisition of Eagle Water Company are covered by this schedule. Future rates are subject to change based on base rate increase as approved by the !PUC. The rates in this schedule expire on December 31 of the effective year. The Company by tariff advice will file subsequent revisions to this schedule to implement the terms of Order Number 35247 dated December 9,2021. AII new customers to the area formerly serviced by Eagle Water after January 1,2022, whether by new construction, sale or purchase shall pay the new customer cunent SIJEZVegIa Private Fire Sprinkler Service - Eagle Water Service Area monthly rates as contained on Schedule No. 3 of this tariff. lssued Per IPUC Order No.€5O30 Effective lssued by S{JEZVEOLIAWATER IDAHO !NC. Marshall Thompson, Vice President 8248 West Victory Road, Boise, ldaho Sheet No.22 Replacing all Previous Sheets STJEZVEOLIA WATER IDAHO. INC. SCHEDULE NO. 3 (CONTINUED} PRIVATE FIRE SPRINKLER AND SERVICE EAGLE WATER SERVICE AREA Availabilitv: To all existing private fire sprinkler and service customers residing in the area formerly serviced by Eagle Water Company as of January 1, 2022. Rate:For service through a separate line for fire fighting purposes. Monthlv For 3" service or smaller Fof 4" service For 6" service For 8" service For 10" service For 12" service Miscellaneous: Effective 01101t?€p5'2026 $16.87 $1# $25.57 $23+t. $63.50 $€;A15 $104.35 $93S+ $162.73 ${46145 $243.74 921€3+ Effective 01t01t?€E€.2027 $18.55 $d€i87 $28.12 $2W $6e.85 $ffi $114.79 ${€4=35 $179.00 ${€AJ3 $268.12 *?4+74 a) Provided that if the installation of a private fire service shall require an extension of the existing mains of the company, the cost of such extension shall be borne by the customer. b) All private fire services shall be equipped with sealed gate valves or thermal automatic openings c) Meters may be placed on fire services by the utility at any time; however, metered rates will not apply unless improper use of water is disclosed, and if such be the case, usage will be billed to the consumer under the current S{JEA/eolia General Metered Service Schedule No. 1. d) Only existing customers at the time of acquisition of Eagle Water Company are covered by this schedule. Future rates are subject to change based on base rate increase as approved by the IPUC. The rates in this schedule expire on December 31 of the effective year. The Company by tariff advice will file subsequent revisions to this schedule to implement the terms of Order Number 35247 dated December 9,2021. Al! new customers to the area formerly serviced by Eagle Water after January 1,2022, whether by new construction, sale or purchase shall pay the new customer cunent SUEZVeolia Private Fire Sprinkler Service - Eagle Water Service Area monthly rates as contained on Schedule No. 3 of this tariff. Issued by S{JEZVEOLIA WATER IDAHO lNC. lssued Per IPUC Order No.35O3O Marshall Thompson, Vice PresidentEffective 8248 WestVictory Road, Boise, ldaho Sheet No.23 Replacing all Previous Sheets SIJEZVEOLIA WATER IDAHO. INC. SCHEDULE NO. 3 (CONTINUEDI PRIVATE FIRE SPRINKLER AND SERVICE EAGLE WATER SERVICE AREA Availabilitv: To all existing private fire sprinkler and service customers residing in the area formerly serviced by Eagle Water Company as of January 1,2022. Rate:For service through a separate line for fire fighting purposes Monthlv I for 3" service or smaller For 4" service For 6" service For 8" service For 10" service For 12" service Miscellaneous: Etre€tive u$112gzl $1855 $3€rt2 $69.85 $114,78 $179,00 $26e+2 Effective 01t01t2028 $20.24 $30.68 $76.20 $125.22 $195.27 $292.49 a) Provided that if the installation of a private fire service shall require an extension of the existing mains of the company, the cost of such extension shall be borne by the customer. b) All private fire services shall be equipped with sealed gate valves or thermal automatic openings. c) Meters may be placed on fire services by the utility at any time; however, metered rates will not apply unless improper use of water is disclosed, and if such be the case, usage will be billed to the consumer under the current SUEZVeolia General Metered Service Schedule No. 1. d) Only existing customers at the time of acquisition of Eagle Water Company are covered by this schedule. Future rates are subject to change based on base rate increase as approved by the IPUC. The rates in this schedule expire on December 31 of the effective year. The Company by tariff advice will file subsequent revisions to this schedule to implement the terms of Order Number 35247 dated December 9, 2021. All new customers to the area formerly serviced by Eagle Water after January 1,2022, whether by new construction, sale or purchase shall pay the new customer current SUEZVeolia Private Fire Sprinkler Service - Eagle Water Service Area monthly rates as contained on Schedule No. 3 of this tariff. lssued Per IPUC Order No.35030 Effective lssued by SUEAVEOIIA WATER IDAHO lNC. Marshall Thompson, Vice President 8248 West Victory Road, Boise, ldaho Sheet No.24 Replacing all Previous Sheets SIJH+VEOLIA WATER IDAHO. INL. SCHEDULE NO. 3 (Gontinued) PRIVATE FIRE SPRINKLER AND SERVICE EAGLE WATER SERVICE AREA Availabilitv: To all new private fire sprinkler and service customers residing in the area formerly serviced by Eagle Water Company after January 1,2022. Rate: For service through a separate line for fire fighting purposes. Monthlv Charqe For 3" service or smaller Fol4" service For 6" service For 8" service For l0" service Fot 12" service Miscellaneous: Etre€tive 06n1/?l02+ $19,27 $2P+ $# fi{€+e ${€m $a78rl8 Effeetive 05nil,l022 $20.24 $30.68 $76.20 $125.22 $195.27 $292.49 a) Provided that if the installation of a private fire service shall require an extension of the existing mains of the company, the cost of such extension shall be borne by the customer. b) All private fire services shall be equipped with sealed gate valves or thermal automatic openings. c) Meters may be placed on fire services by the utility at any time; however, metered rates will not apply unless improper use of water is disclosed, and if such be the case, usage will be billed to the consumer under the current S{JEZVeolia General Metered Service Schedule No. 1. d) Only new customers after January 1,2022, whether by new construction, sale or purchase following the acquisition of Eagle Water Company are covered by this schedule. Future rates are subject to change based on base rate increase as approved by the IPUC. The Company by tariff advice willfile subsequent revisions to this schedule to implement the terms of Order Number 35247 dated December 9,2021. lssued Per IPUC Order No.€503O Effective lssued by SUEZVEQTIAWATER IDAHO lNC. Marshall Thompson, Vice President 8248 WestVictory Road, Boise, ldaho Sheet No.25 Replacing all Previous Sheets SIJEZVEOLIA WATER IDAHO- INC- SCHEDULE NO.4 PRIVATE FIRE HYDRANTS Availabilitv: To all customers having private fire hydrant installations, not served under a separate schedule Rate: For fire hydrants installed and maintained by the customer at customer's expense: Bi-Monthlv Charoe Effeetivo 05nil202+ $2338 Etre€tive agail?gz} $24.56Each fire hydrant Miscellaneous: Service pipe from the fitting on the company water main to the fire hydrant is to be installed and maintained by the customer. lssued Per IPUC Order No.35030 Effective lssued by SIJEZVEOTIAWATER IDAHO lNC. Marshall Thompson, Vice President 8248 West Victory Road, Boise, ldaho Sheet No.26 Replacing all Previous Sheets $JEAVEOLIA WATER IDAHO. INC. SCHEDULE NO. 4 (Continued) PRIVATE FIRE HYDRANTS EAGLE WATER SERVICE AREA Availabilitv: To al! existing customers having private fire hydrant installations for former customers of Eagle Water Company as of January 1,2022. Rate: For fire hydrants installed and maintained by the customer at customer's expense: Monthlv Each fire hydrant Etre€tive aile4Agzz $# Effective 011011?€psl2026 Eg+2410.23 Effective &D1tW2 $H47.16 Effective 01t01t?€p€,2027 ${#31 1.26 Effective 01t01t?oP3.2024 $+,lsg1B Effective 01t01t?€pg.2025 $8'1s921 Effective 01t01t?pe72028 $tt*tz.za Effeetirre 0{/e1/zgz8 $12*8Each fire hydrant I Misceltaneous: Service pipe from the fitting on the company water main to the fire hydrant is to be installed and maintained by the customer. Only existing customers at the time of acquisition of Eagle Water Company are covered by this schedule. Future rates are subject to change based on base rate increase as approved by the !PUC. The rates in this schedule expire on December 31 of the effective year. The Company by tariff advice will file subsequent revisions to this schedule to implement the terms of Order Number 35247 dated December 9,2021. All new customers to the area formerly serviced by Eagle Water after January 1,2022, whether by new construction, sale or purchase shall pay the new customer current S{JEZVeolia Private Fire Hydrants - Eagle Water Service Area monthly rates as contained on Schedule No. 4 of this tariff. lssued Per IPUC Order No.€503O Effective lssued by SUE4IEOIIA WATER IDAHO lNC. Marshall Thompson, Vice President 8248 West Victory Road, Boise, ldaho Sheet No.27 Replacing all Previous Sheets SUEEVEOLIA WATER IDAHO. INC. SCHEDULE NO. 4 (Continued) PRIVATE FIRE HYDRANTS EAGLE WATER SERVICE AREA Availabilitv: To all new customers having private fire hydrant installations in service area formerly serviced by Eagle Water Company after January 1,2022. Rate: For fire hydrants installed and maintained by the customer at customer's expense: Monthlv Efbetive 0ileil2022 $1{$9 Etre€tivew+lw $12.2812Jl8 Miscellaneous: Service pipe from the fitting on the company water main to the fire hydrant is to be installed and maintained by the customer. Only new customers after January 1,2022, whether by new construction, sale or purchase following the acquisition of Eagle Water Company are covered by this schedule. The Company by tariff advice will file subsequent revisions to this schedule to implement the terms of Order No 35247 dated December 9,2021. All existing customers residing in the area formerly serviced by Eagle Water as of January 1,2022 shall pay the existing customer current S{JEzyeolia Private Fire Hydrants - Eagle Water Service Area monthly rates as contained on Schedule No. 4 of this tariff. lssued Per IPUC Order No.€5030 Effective lssued by SIJEZVEOLIAWATER IDAHO lNC. Marshal! Thompson, Vice President 8248 West Victory Road, Boise, Idaho 4. Sheet No. 30 Replacing all Previous Sheets SIJEZVEOLIA WATER IDAHO. !NC- SCHEDULE NO.5 MISCELLANEOUS FEES AND CHARGES (cont'dl Temoorarv Disconnection at Customer Reouest Charqe: Application: This charge is applicable when the Company is requested by customer to shut off the water at the meter for repairs to customer's plumbing. Rates: Each Occurrence Water Disconnection at Customer Request $15.00 (during normal business hours) Monday - Friday, not observed holidays 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Water Disconnection at Customer Request (other than normal business hours) 5. Meter Test at Customer Request Charqe Aoplication: Rate: Error in registration of 1-112o/o or less 6. Meter Rental Charoe for Construction Application: This charge is applicable when the customer requests the Company to test the accuracy of a meter in the case of a disputed bill. $25.00 Each Occurrence $10.00 This charge is applicable when contractors, builders, or others request temporary service from a fire hydrant. Rate Each Occurrence $2#E!.01Temporary Meter Charge lssued Per IPUC Order No.€503e Effective lssued by S{JE3!EOL!A WATER IDAHO lNC. Marshall Thompson, Vice President 8248 WestVictory Road, Boise, ldaho