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HomeMy WebLinkAboutYOUNG.docx May 30, 1996 Norm Young IDWR-Administrator Water Management Division 1301 N Orchard Boise, ID 83706-2237 Steven Rae Water Quality Science Officer DHW-DEQ 1445 N Orchard Boise, ID 83706-2239 Daniel Brown United Water Idaho PO Box 7488 Boise, ID 83707 RE: M&M Mountain View Subdivision Water System IPUC Case No. UWI-W-96-2 Dear Sirs: I am forwarding to you a copy of a letter filed with the Commission by R.C. Burnett.  The concerns raised by Mr. Burnett regarding the aquifer, ground water depletion and the rights of private well owners address issues that fall outside of this Commission’s jurisdiction and authority.  Your attention to his concerns will be appreciated. Sincerely, Scott D.  Woodbury Deputy Attorney General Idaho Public Utilities Commission SDW/vld:L:Young.sw cc:R.  C.  Burnett 6408 Wright Lane Nampa, ID 83686-9014