HomeMy WebLinkAbout20151119Third Notification of Name Change.pdf,** .,*$e€=tffisuee November 16,2015 Via Electronic Filing Jean Jewell, Secretary ldaho Public Utilities Commission P.O.Box 83720 472 W . Washington Street Boise, lD 83720-0074 Gary S. Prettyman Senior Director - Regulatory Business 461 From Road, Suite 400 Paramus, NJ 07652 tel201-784-7083 fax2O1-750-5728 email Gary. Prettyman@unitedwater.com uw l-111- / 637 Re: Corporate Name Chanqe of the United Water lnc. Companies Dear Secretary Jewell: SUEZ Group ('SUEZ') is the ultimate corporate parent of United Water lnc. and the public utility subsidiary providing service in ldaho is United Water ldaho lnc. SUEZ is a global enterprise with over 80,000 employees operating in 70 countries under 50 different brands. Earlier this year, SUEZ announced that it intended to operate its various businesses under a single brand: SUEZ. Consistent with that effort, United Water ldaho lnc. is undergoing a name change. The purpose of this letter is to advise the ldaho Public Utilities Commission (the "IPUC") that the name change set out below became effective on November 9, 2015 with the Secretary of State of ldaho: COMPANY NAME United Water ldaho lnc. NEW COMPANY NAME SUEZ Water ldaho lnc. Corresponding changes will be made to bills, signage, vehicles and uniforms during the remainder of this year and early next year. SUEZ Water ldaho lnc. will notify its customers of the name change through an outreach program beginning in November, which will employ digital and print advertising, bill inserts, website and social media postings, and outdoor advertising. The name changes will have no impact on the ldaho customers, who will continue to receive water service under the same rates, terms and conditions as are currently in effect. Unlted Water as changing ltE brand to SUEZ Head office - 461 From Road, SuitE 400, Paramus, NJ 07652 - Tel: (201) 767-9300 - www.uniledwater.com Jean Jewell, Secretary November 16,2015 Page 2 Finally, so that the IPUC's records accurately reflect the name changes of SUEZ Water ldaho lnc., enclosed are copies of various materials filed with, and received from, the ldaho Secretary of State effectuating the name change as well as a copy of the bill insert that will be sent to customers. Additionally, also attached is a complete copy of SUEZ Water ldaho tariff which indicates the name changes and the effective date. Based upon discussions with Staff, the attached Tariff also reflects the stipulated rates to become effective December 22,2015. Please feelfree to contact me if you have any questions regarding the name change or any of the attached materials. .,----...'1 Senior Director - Regulatory Business GSP:dmv cc: Donald L. Howell, Il DAG Randy Lobb, Administrator Terri Carlock Beverly Barker Greg Wyatt Joe Miller Unlted Water ls changlng lts brand to SUEZ Head otfce - 46.l From Road, Sulte 400, Paramus, NJ 07652 - Tel: (201 ) 787-9300 - www.unitedwater.com FTLEP EFFECT|VE ARTICTES .OF AMENDMENT (General B.usiness) Tir .tre Spor€thiy of SIatu <if the:Stete-.of tdaho Puft riFnllitTiue30;Qhaprer'!,tgdhd.q,..-dl..ttidrlrideFisng.d 'corDorallon ahende Jts ertic,lqs.qf ingotporarion as.follciws:; 201[tl0y,-9 pt{ E;t? "gTfftHffoi,'d,' t.The.nama.'of the corPoratlon ls: uNrrED wATER ionHe ne. lf tttd coDirratlon h6s beao rdmlnlrllatlvsly dliBoltdd'and lhs,CbmoraiE nlme lr;no ldnger avillirblo tor U!E, :tlie ainerrdmint(B) below rhu*l lnclude i 'charig. 6f cofpoiate name. 2, The texl of each amendment ls as follotrtrs: The Articles of lncorporalion of lhe Corporafon are hereby amended by slrlking out Article 1 lhereol and by substllrrting in lieu of said Arttole the htlowing new Arlicle as adopled; 1. The name ol lhe corponatlon shall be SUEZ Water ldaho lno, 3. The date of adoptlon ol 4. Mannerof:ad.optio0 (cheokone): fl The am€ndmoni aonsl$a oxdushrely of matters which do not roquire.sharehdder.action pursuant to - sectionS(Ft:1@2.3G1-10054nd30:1'l006,ldahoCodo,and,was,iheretore,adoptedb.yiheboardof dlrei{ors. fl Uone of the corporation's shares have been lssued and was, iherefore, adoptod by lhe I incorporator fl board of directors; EI Approvalbytheshareholdersisrequiredandlheshareholdersdulyapprovedtheamendment(s)as required byeitherTltleS0, ldaho Code.or bythe Articles of lncorpomtion. Dated:' Stsnedt Typed Capaclty: qr$lbaet&qt.#:, {it !{;rg p6p.q gcer-l'U ' - . IDAHO SECRETARY OE IITTTE L].loslzfrl5 05: Oo trlf:PEEPAID ET: 11S7 EE: 1"*99617 1g 3il.orr = 30.00 al{f,tlrD DBor #210 20.00 = 2D-00 EXFEDITE C *3 O/t"78{ 1lr2l15 a:aoPM i Thinking Ahead I Lea.n ntore at mysuezwater.com | **, ."ur. rsbrand-in*d indd 2 $ifr*} suez 1lr2ll5 a:IOPM I